March 2020 Official Publication of Alamitos Bay Yacht Club Volume 93 • Number 3 club abyc ping pong Dana Bell photos

ing Pong Tournament is a Slam First, buy a ping pong table, a good one! Second, let the kids play! Third, let P the adults play! Fourth, have Dana Bell see you. And fifth, we are having our first Ping Pong Tournament! I really don’t think it was our first, but there sure hasn’t been one in a very long time! Well, why not! The idea was to set up the table in the second deck on happy hours when there was no other event going on. Gabe Ferramola brought his music, the bar was busy, and the idea began to take shape! It just had to happen, but how? I began to advertise the event not really knowing exactly what to do. So I asked some members. The most important point was to have everyone play a minimum number of games and not be eliminated after just one or two games. So, starting with 25 players, it was a round robin format with a minimum of four games to play with the top players qualifying for a single elimination round of sixteen. Since there were no eligibility requirements (and no entry fee!) there was a wide range of ages, abilities, members and guests! On the age scale, we had Gage Christopher (quarter finalist) on one end and John Ellis (round of 16) on the other! The other round of sixteen players were Tate Christopher, Dan Elder, Lynn Drury, Greg Naiman, Brendan Barth, Ari Naiman, Kathleen Melvin, Giancarlo Guevara, Jorge Suarez, Nicholas Mueller, Jennifer Kuritz, and Michael Oliver, plus a couple of no shows! Tables and couches were moved on the second deck, the bar was open, then the games began! With 50 games completed in the first round, spanning over two Friday evenings, and 15 for the finals, it took some time to complete. Nevertheless, the waiting players joined the spectators and guests for cocktails, board games, happy hour dishes from Teak Catering ( yumm!) and even a three piece band one night! The crowd was so good that I had encourage spectators to move a bit to not interfere with play. I didn’t realize how infectious Ping Pong can be! As it turned out, the top four seeds all made it to the semifinals, Tate v. Brendan and Ari v. Michael. After some long rallies, unforced errors, and some slams, the top two seeds, Tate Christopher (1) and Michael Oliver (2) advanced to the final. Go figure! Tate took the first set as his youth and his left hand made it tough for Michael, but he figured something out in the second set to win forcing a third set. I have known Tate for a few years and I have known Michael for decades. What they have in common is that they are both fierce competitors (don’t let their friendly smiles fool you!) As the tension of the final set built and with friends and loved ones looking, they kept their poker face on. Still, I could ...continued page 8 inside Manager’s Corner ...... 2 sav e the date Commodore’s Comments...... 2 Club ABYC/Member Mixer ...... March 6 Vice Verses ...... 2 Tuscan Wine Tasting ...... March 7 Rear View ...... 3 Happy Hour ...... March 13 & 27 Fleet Captains Log ...... 4 Junior Fundraiser ...... March 14 Membership Report ...... 4 Ukulele Lessons ...... March 17 Rules Quiz #64...... 5 & 11 Membership Meeting...... March 20 Juniors...... 6-7 Midwinters West ...... March 20-22 Super Bowl ...... 10 CISA Clinic ...... April 2-5 Patience Replacement ...... 11 Ukulele Lessons ...... April 7 & 21 Awards ...... 10-11 & 420 Midwinter West ...... April 9-11 Hails From the Fleets ...... 13-15 Full ABYC Calendar sou’wester • march 2020 • page 1 manager’scorner

would like to take this opportunity to join our many ABYC members in congratulating Riley Gibbs, in his amazing Olympic journey with crew Anna Weis, in securing a place to compete I in the 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo. To put this accomplishment in perspective, I did a bit of research. “There are about 10,000 athletes in the Summer Olympics. With the world population at about 7 billion, the chances of making it that far are about 1 in 562,400,” says Bill Mallon, past president and co-founder of the International Society of Olympic Historians. One in half a million people get to the Summer Olympics. Well done Riley and Anna. Back at home-base, our ABYC Tuscan Wine Tasting event, on March 7, is sold out! To those attending, you will be lavished with a delightful assortment of signature wines from the 300 year-old Tenuta Torciano Winery in San Gimignano, Italy. Complimented by delicious appetizers and dinner through Teak Catering. March events will include the USODA Opti Practice Session, March 7-8; ABYC Laser Clinic, March 14 and the SCYYRA Laser Midwinters West, March 20-22. As you can see, we are a busy club where our members enjoy both sailing and social events. Which makes ABYC absolutely, The Place to BE! Rick commodore’scompass ebruary was a busy month and March looks to be the same. I spent most of my weekends last month with the Jr. Sailors in San Diego where we had several kids participating in the FOlympic Development Program the first weekend of the month. It was an outstanding event for the kids with top coaches coming in from around the country to work with them. The following weekend was the Dave Perry Match Racing Clinic. If you’ve never met Dave, I’d make it a priority. He’s passionate about match racing, and the kids love his clinic. This was the second year in a row for the team of Jeff Ingham, Summer Drake, and William Mueller. We also had several new faces. I think it would be great for ABYC to have a team in the Governor’s Cup in the near future. Thanks to a generous donation from the fleet, we now have two boats to practice match racing. Finally, it was great to see so many ABYC members at Mission Bay Yacht Club for the SCYA Midwinters. We have some big events lined up in March, including the wine tasting class during the first weekend of March, and the Cal20 bring a Jr. Regatta. Great job keeping the juniors involved! Later in the month, ABYC will be host the Laser Midwinters West. It looks to be a great event with close to 100 boats. Volunteers are always welcome. Hope to see you at the club soon! Stephen Mueller


ey all! Hope your month has been going well. We have some things to consider in the coming months: H First on my agenda is the Spring Spruce Up. There will be plenty to do whether you like gardening, painting or handiwork. Speaking of handiwork, there is a plan to install a new solid surface countertop in the serving area. I think the counter we have has lived its life. If you are unfamiliar with the term, solid surface is what a Corian surface is called. I have asked Rich Ferdon to head and teach us how to do it. For those interested, a week before we will learn how to handle it, how to cut and glue as well as reinforce for a strong top. Then we will make the three of them so they are ready to be installed during Spring Spruce Up. If you may be interested in this, especially the previous weekend of a free class for knowledge, contact me. It will be fun to learn. I would also like to announce that we have been chosen as the venue next year for the NACRA 15 Worlds in August 2021. Though not an Olympic Boat, it will be what the young’uns will sail to get used to it. Love to hear from you, Dan DeLave

sou’wester • march 2020 • page 2 rearview

ur spring program is coming up with a start date of March 8th. These classes are designed to cover all ranges of skill levels. There are several boat classes to choose from: O Optis, Sabots, Lasers and FJs. While the minimum requirement is one previous summer sailing experience, there are both morning and afternoon classes available, depending upon your sailor’s comfort level, with the afternoons being perhaps a windier option. There is no need to commit to the entire group of dates or even the morning vs afternoon classes as the program has been structured to allow flexibility. For more information and to sign up please go to the ABYC website, under Sailing Programs and select the 2020 Spring Sailing Program. In addition to the formal program, there are several sailing opportunities for our juniors. The next big one, hosted by ABYC, will be the Laser Mid-Winters West happening March 20-22. We already have four of our sailors entered. On March 14th please plan to come down and support our local Alamitos Bay Sailing Foundation in their efforts to raise funds for our own Junior Sailors at ABYC as well as for the Riley Gibbs-Anna Weis Olympic Campaign as they prepare to represent the US in Tokyo! See you at the club. Brooke

The donation of your old sails to the Alamitos Bay Sailing Foundation is tax deduct- ible. If you would like a letter acknowledging your donation, please leave your name and contact information taped to your donated sails or with the front office or contact Jennifer Golison at [email protected].

Sou’Wester DEADLINE Help us to Help you! Please keep your e-mail address current March 23, 2020 is the deadline with [email protected] to receive all of for the March Sou’Wester. the weekly news and events. Thank you.


Commodore Steve Mueller Treasurer Nicole Peoples [email protected] Vice Commodore Dan DeLave Junior Commodore Julia Carpenter [email protected] Rear Commodore Brooke Jolly Fleet Surgeon Dr. Richard Bell [email protected] Judge Advocate Alan Cunningham Fleet Captain Mike Van Dyke [email protected] Fleet Chaplain Don Reiman/Jorge Suarez Secretary Nigel Brownett [email protected] Port Captain Dave Myers/Rich Ferdon Jr. Staff Commodore Dave Schack [email protected] Sou’wester Editor/Layout Sharon Pearson [email protected] Directors SAC Director Gabe Ferramola Weekly Reader Stacy Massey [email protected] [email protected] Membership Mike Shea [email protected] ABYC Phone (562) 434-9955 Volunteers Rob Stropky Homepage Email [email protected] [email protected]

sou’wester • march 2020 • page 3 fleet captain’slog Brooke Jolly photos

love sailing. The next best thing to sailing is being involved in running a regatta. This past weekend I had the pleasure of being the Race Chair for the midwinters. What a I great day on the water with people that enjoy it as much as I do. I want to thank those that lent a hand, Martyn, Michiyo, Kathleen, Brooke, Trish, Helen, Sue, S/C Dave, John, Steve, Rick and Staff, and of course the participants. The weather was perfect and racing was tight and undecided until the last race. As most of you know, our Club will begin hosting the Olympic Class Regatta this year in the run up to the 2028 Games. Being 8 years out it seems like plenty of time, but time goes by fast and a regatta of that magnitude takes organization, coordination, volunteers and commitment. Did you know we will run test events for two years prior to 2028 to simulate the actual event? Drop me an email if you want to get involved. The games themselves will literally take 100’s of qualified volunteers. In closing, I cannot understate how excited I am to have Riley Gibbs and Anna Weis represent the United States (and ABYC!) in Tokyo in the . There is a fundraiser March 14th and I would encourage you to attend and show your support. They worked extremely hard to get to where they are and I could not be prouder of their accomplishments. Mike VanDyke membershipreport ith spring just around the corner we have had a nice bump in membership interest with several new members/ applicants/postings. Currently posted for 30 day review are regular members Chris Killian sponsored by Stephen W Mueller, Antonio Beltran sponsored by Kathy Reed, Jason Moore sponsored by Dan DeLave, and Mathew Kellenberg sponsored by yours truly. Also posted is junior member applicant Preston Woodworth sponsored by Sheryl Pearl. The ABYC website calendar, Sou’wester, and Weekly Reader email distributions are loaded with upcoming activities. There is no shortage of on and off the water fun this year. Also coming up but not on the calendar is the New Member Orientation on March 14th at noon. This is an opportunity for new members to learn more about how the club operates and the obligations and expectations of ABYC membership. As always, please feel free to contact me for club tours and any questions you may have. In February we welcomed new junior member Jack Hanson. Welcome aboard Jack! Mike Shea, Membership Director [email protected] (562) 900-0234 upcomingvolunteer opportunity olunteering at ABYC is a great way to meet new people, hang-out with friends, learn new skills, and help run top- notch events for which ABYC is famous – all while having fun! Many of our volunteer opportunities revolve around Vregattas and social activities. Here are some great opportunities to get involved at ABYC in the next couple months: Date Event Contact

3/7 Cal 20 Bring a Junior Regatta Jeff Ives ([email protected]) 3/20-3/22 Laser Midwinters West Ed Spotskey ([email protected]) 4/9-4/11 Mid-Winters West Pete Melvin ([email protected]) 4/11-4/12 Easter Set-Up and Brunch Dana Bell ([email protected]) 4/18-4/19 Spring Spruce Up Dan DeLave ([email protected])

Please feel free to reach out to the individuals above if you are interested in helping on any of these events. If you have any questions about volunteering at ABYC, please contact our Director of Volunteers, Rob Stropky, at [email protected] or (562)252-5321. sou’wester • march 2020 • page 4 ’s racing rules quiz #64 Answer on page 11 ownwind Rule 1. On the run, Blue, Green and Yellow are on port gybe D and overlapped. Blue is the leeward boat, Green to windward of Blue, and Yellow to windward of Green. 2. Yellow gybed onto starboard and was now on a converging course with Green. 3. Blue was overlapped with Green and clear ahead of Yellow. 4. Yellow hailed starboard. 5. Green hailed Blue for room to keep clear of Yellow. 6. Green received no response from Blue. 7. Yellow altered course to avoid contact with Green and protested. 8. No boats took a penalty.

Yellow protests Green for port starboard. Blue argues that Green, as the windward boat was required by rule 11 to keep clear. Additionally Blue could have ducked her transom. She would then have passed safely ahead of Yellow. How should the protest committee rule? See if you can figure out the relevant facts, conclusions and decision. a busy year ahead

BYC has a busy year ahead with plenty of opportunity to get on the water and be part ABYC’s race management team or help ashore. The commodore assured us that this year was going to be a slower year for race management. Let’s Asee…we have three or possibly four North American Championships, a couple of National championships, three class Midwinter’s Championship as well as a Youth World qualifier and a Junior Pan American Games qualifier. Sounds like another great year of racing at Alamitos Bay Yacht Club. If you are able to help with any of the following regattas, either afloat or ashore, please contact the people listed by the regatta or just send me a note. Please forward to others who I missed who might be interested!

Mar 20-22 ...... Laser Midwinters West (John McCaleb & Mark Townsend) Apr 9-10 ...... Nacra 15 Midwinters West (Pete and Kathy Melvin & Mark Townsend) Apr 9-10 ...... I420 Midwinters West (Pete and Kathy Melvin & Mark Townsend) Jun 6-7 ...... INSA Naples Sr Championship (Cindy Heavrin & Steve Kuritz) Jun 26-28 ...... Long Beach Race Week (Jennifer Kuritz & Mark Townsend) Jul 17/18-19 .... Olympic Classes Regatta including the and 49erFX North American Championship (Mike Van Dyke & Robin Townsend) Jul 26-28 ...... CFJ National Championship (David Schack) Sep 24-27 ...... 505 North American Championship (Kevin Taugher & Mark Townsend)

May 23-24 ...... Memorial Day Regatta (Jeff Ives) Jul 5 ...... Fourth of July Regatta (Steve Mueller) Aug 22 ...... Latham Bell Dinghy Challenge ( ) Sep 5-6 ...... Labor Day Regatta (Kevin Brown) Oct 24 ...... Halloween Regatta (Dominic Meo) Nov 21-22 ...... Turkey Day Regatta (Mike Van Dyke and Gabe Ferramola) Dec 26 ...... Boxing Day Pursuit Race (Mark Townsend)

Mark Townsend

sou’wester • march 2020 • page 5 the bay clogger

ow, what a month February turned out to be! We began with the PCISA SoCal which was hosted by the high school parents here at ABYC. Big Wcongratulations to Pearl twins, Scott & Chloe as they took home 2nd place in their first ever high school regatta. Speaking of sibling accomplishments, a lot of you know by now my brother Riley Gibbs and crew Anna Weis

have qualified for the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo. Since Riley has graduated from 2017 ABYC’s Junior Program, he has served as a role model and inspiration to every young sailor at ABYC. I can tell you firsthand he wouldn’t be where he is today without the overwhelming support from his ABYC family. Riley truly appreciates all of you that have been following his journey, from his days of crashing his sabot into the launch ramp to qualifying for the Olympics. We will be hosting a fundraiser for Junior Sailing in Alamitos Bay & The Gibbs-Weis Olympic Campaign at the club on Saturday, March 14th at 5:30. Riley and Anna are really looking forward to seeing all of you again for what should be a great night with great people. Sawyer Gibbs juniorperspective ebruary 7th-9th I attended the U.S.O.D.A match racing clinic at SDYC, with a wonderful team from ABYC. Over the weekend I had the opportunity to sail with many junior sailors in a fleet of J22’s. The clinic was led by Dave Perry, and Fwe all benefited from his expertise. During this three-day clinic we focused on boat handling in the J22, and match racing tactics. The weekend consisted of morning clinics, afternoon sailing sessions, and evening dinner/debrief clinics. Overall this was a wonderful experience, and my team and I are looking forward to next years’ clinic! Summer Drake membership meeting ello all! I hope you will join us on March 20th for the annual junior hosted General Meeting. We have an amazing speaker, Katie Allen, who is the executive director of Algalita. This Long Beach based organization is internationally Hknown for starting the movement to end plastic pollution nearly 20 years ago. In fact, they were the first to discover and bring attention to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Their programs take people beyond short-term solutions, inspiring them to think about what lies beyond ocean plastic pollution, such as how plastics pollute communities, health risks, and how to solve this issue. We will have a great night of Sea Bags and 50/50 raffles, so we hope to see you there! Thank you! Julia Carpenter Jen Christopher photo optis palamosin italy

Alfred Faire photo

Opti Regatta in Palamos, Italy. Some great trading of USA team gear with other countries. Serious business! Tate (Christopher) scored a Swedish Baltic lifejacket. He was so happy!

sou’wester • march 2020 • page 6 alamitos baysailing foundation

e’ve been working hard to put on a great annual fundraiser, which will be held on Saturday March 14 in the evening at ABYC. We are helping the juniors raise money to purchase W club 420 dinghies to help strengthen the junior program and offer more kids the chance to continue their sailing after prams. The Junior Advisory Board went through an extensive boat evaluation and strategic planning process to arrive at the goal of obtaining 420s to help the program. The fundraiser is also intended to raise needed funds for Riley Gibbs and Anna Weis for the Tokyo Olympics. Surprisingly, even though they qualified for the Olympics they don’t get much in the way of financial assistance from US Sailing or the USOC. They still need to cover coaching, coach boats and all travel costs. A big undertaking. I know a lot of ABYC members are eager to come out and congratulate Riley and Anna (and yes they will be in attendance). We have a great list of live and silent auction items this year and a wonderful committee working on the fundraiser including: Lori Van Skyhock, Jorge Suarez, Kathy Melvin, Elise McCaleb, Jen Golison, Stacy Gibbs, Susan Fournier, Mark Williams, Jen Christopher and Brooke Jolly. Thanks to all these folks for stepping up big time. Kevin

ongratulations to Gibbs, Weis & Buckingham on their Olympic Qualifications! Tokyo...Here They Come!! ABYC Membership wishes to send our heartfelt accolades to our ABYC MembersC who have qualified for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. Riley Gibbs and Anna Weis in the Nacra 17 class and Charlie Buckingham in Lasers! Take a few minutes to read how Riley and Anna were the first US Team to qualify: Riley & Anna. Charlie first qualified to compete in Rio and is back representing the USA in Tokyo. We highly suggest you follow our USA Team and our ABYC Olympians. More information can be found on the US Sailing Team Facebook page here. Or on their website: US Sailing Team

Pat McCormick photo

The new ABYC committee boat fresh in from Maine waiting to be unloaded. An impromptu “bring your instrument for Friday night fun” With aerospace precision stability and a great view of the race course. drew an enthusiastic group of participants. Hope she fits in the basin!

sou’wester • march 2020 • page 7 ...from page 1 moreping pong Dana Bell photos see Michael’s grasp of championship slipping and see Tate wanting to fist pump his way to victory. Michael’s return was long for match point! Tate Christopher became the first ABYC Ping Pong Champion! But like true Gentlemen, they met at half table and a congratulatory hand shake was made. Well done! I want to thank Rick Roberts and his staff for making this event easy! I want to thank Dana Bell for making the event a party! A special thanks to Michael Oliver who made the trophy and for Greg Naiman for his Excel skills. Finally, I want to especially thank all the participants and Happy Hour attendees for their suggestions and recommendations! When you start from scratch, it’s these ideas that really work! Jorge Suarez

sou’wester • march 2020 • page 8 burgeeexchange

BYC member Hideki Tsuda sent this photo of the ABYC/Tokyo Yacht Club burgee exchange. We enjoy knowing about AHideki's outreach on behalf of our club.The Tokyo Yacht Club burgee was presented at our February membership meeting.


Alamitos Bay Sailing Foundation is registered on AmazonSmile. If you want Amazon to donate to Alamitos Bay Sailing Foundation, start each shopping session at the URL, and Amazon will June 21, 22, 23 donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases. You do not need to set up a new account or login. Please see for program details Volunteers Needed and how to always start with a smile. Contact Jennifer Kuritz: [email protected]

sou’wester • march 2020 • page 9 abycsuper bowl party uper Bowl LIV at ABYC and Fifth Annual Hors d ‘Oeuvres Contest In 1990, Super Bowl Sunday was a very impromptu affair: someone brought a TV console (a real piece of furniture), S there was a touch football game on the harbor side beach which were mostly sailors, pizza was ordered and beer brought in coolers. We were lucky that someone had the keys to the club! I guess that is how traditions start at ABYC and I am so glad that it continues after all these years! This is the fifth year that Patty Williams and I have teamed up to host the event, well, Dana Bell and the SAC are hosts too! Patty grew up at ABYC but moved away. She came back six years ago and wanted to reconnect with the club and its members. She easily volunteered to use her Super Bowl Squares skills and media center presentations! She cheerleads as well! She said she is not an every Sunday football fan per se, but she loves the two weeks leading up to her Super Bowl Sunday! The bar opened early, at 2:00. This was a good idea as people began to save spots on the couch for the best viewing. The Hors d ’Oeuvres began arriving as well, and this is how it starts! By game time, there was hardly any room on the tables for all of the dishes! It was hard to pace myself in tasting all the dishes! (Yes, I am the sole judge!) But things really happen on their own! There were four chili dishes that competed for their own prize. They were so good that they couldn’t decide on a winner! This year’s Hors d ‘Oeuvres contest was the hardest to judge so far! All of the dishes where very well prepared (Sriracha , Three Potatoes Sliced, and Chicken Wings come to mind) and a high level of creativity (I don’t particularly like olives, but a seven layer Nacho made me like them!) So what helped me judge this year? It was the buzz around the tables! I clandestinely heard people say, “you’ve got to try this!” or “have you tried this?” My favorite was “wow, I not going to win with my deviled eggs!” So here are the winners: 3. Gary’s Guacamole – Gary Metsker You may recognize Gary’s name from the Grunion Gazette, The Belmont, and Cal-State Long Beach. His first time at ABYC, he brought a simple crowd pleasing dish that really was something more than the sum of its parts. His Guacamole was gone in a matter of minutes! 2. Not your Mother’s Eggs – Elaine Bloemeke Here is where the quote about the deviled eggs above comes in as Jerry Donahoe conceded his entry (his eggs were very good too!). Not Your Mother’s Eggs seemed perfectly layered with a variety of ingredients that I would not think to put in an egg (I don’t cook that much either!) In any case, there was a certain ingredient (not to be named) that collected between the devil and the egg that sparked the dish! When asked about it, Elaine said “I didn’t know it would do that!” The Winner: Shrimp Cocktail – Michelle Eto Initially served with shelled shrimp or tortilla chips (to dip), I told Michelle I wish I could have a bowl just as she was setting small cocktail glasses and spoons! That is when the dish exploded! I know the basic ingredients of a Mexican shrimp cocktail, jalapeno, avocado, onions cucumber tomatoes, even the Clamato, and these are no secrets. But the buzz around her dish was palpable! Michelle said that she wanted to make her vegetarian chili, but decided on the Shrimp Cocktail because she didn’t want to deal with a hot crock pot on her bike. I was very happy with her decision! There were other winners that Sunday too as Patty’s squares had prizes for the first ten scoring changes, quarter ends, and the final score. The big Save the Date winners were the Junior program with $170 either won or donated, and the final score prize of $250 was won by our very own Sheila Mattox! Thanks to Rick Roberts and his staff, Michael and Crystal behind the bar, Patty Williams, Dana Bell, and SAC. Oh, by the way, the Kansas City Chiefs defeated the San Francisco 49er’s 31-20! Jorge Suarez Spring Spruce Up April 18 & 19

sou’wester • march 2020 • page 10 patiencereplacement atience’ Replacement Coming Soon Contrary to rumor we are buying a new committee boat, and it will be here before the 2028 Olympics! Hopefully P several years before. ABYC has a deposit on a 2001 Flowers 33’. The boat is currently having modifications done by the builder in Maine. The builder was already in the process of replacing the main cabin windows, and repainting the cabin and interior when we made an offer on the boat. We are also having the builder reinforce the cabin top and create a double railed starting area on the roof of the cabin, complete with stainless steel stairs. By the time you read this article the modifications should be mostly complete. Starting in March things start to get more exciting. We are planning to compete a survey around mid-March. If the results are acceptable, we will launch the boat in Maine for a sea trial/diesel test. Then pull it out of the water and ship it via boat trailer to Long Beach. Then into the boat yard for a quick bottom job, install the upper railing, interior spritz, then . Our goal is to have the new Patience in her slip for Opening Day. There a lot that could go wrong between now and then so please keep us in Flowers 33’ – sistership to current replacement candidate your prayers? Kevin Brown

Main cabin interior view. She should clean up like new! New windows and paint mark’s rulesanswer #64 ...from page 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RULES THAT APPLY: Rule 10, On Opposite Tacks Rule 11, On The Same Tack, Overlapped Rule 15, Acquiring Right of Way Rule 19.2(b), Giving Room at an Obstruction Rule 64.1(a), Penalties and Exoneration Case 125 1. When Yellow gybed onto starboard, Yellow became right-of-way boat and an obstruction to Green and Blue, who were overlapped to windward of her. 2. Yellow was required by rule 15 to initially give Green and Blue room to keep clear, which she did. 3. Blue, outside boat at an obstruction, failed to give Green room to pass the obstruction, and broke RRS 19.2. 4. Green on port, failed to keep clear of Yellow, on starboard, and broke RRS 10.

DECISION: Blue is DSQ. Green was compelled to break a rule and is exonerated under RRS 64.1(a). See you on the Water Mark Townsend

sou’wester • march 2020 • page 11 valentine’s dayparty Lori Va Skyhock , Dana Bell & Terry Bishop photos

alentines & Victories Friday, February 14, was definitely a night full of celebrating Valentines and V victories. Not only were couples celebrating St. Valentine’s Day dancing to the romantic tunes of an eclectic trio of saxophone, piano and bass, but just a few hours earlier, news of ABYC’s own Riley Gibbs and his teammate Anna Weiss qualifying for the 2020 Olympic games in Tokyo had corks popping. Teak Catering served an exquisite dinner to an intimate, limited seating, sold out crowd. The musicians quickly changed their romantic tunes to the Olympic theme song as everyone welcomed proud parents Stan and Stacey Gibbs in a toast to congratulate their son Riley’s Olympic accomplishment. Thank you to the club Cupid’s, Dana Bell, Carol Senske and Lori Van SkyHock, who helped transform ABYC into a seductive speakeasy. The evening concluded with fabulous desserts, dancing and dreaming of the Olympics! Lori VanSkyhock

Stacey Gibbs photo

sou’wester • march 2020 • page 12 hails fromthe fleets Lido Love

idwinter’s or spring break? Countdown to Lido Twilights Lidos were the only class for SCYA Midwinter’s at ABYC. Thirteen Lidos braved the frigid waters M and rain squalls on Alamitos Bay to compete for the title. Oh no, wait... that was last years headline. This year brought spring sailing. To give you an idea, it was warm enough for Bruce Gollison to come out and play, but not quite warm enough for Mark Ryan to take his shirt off. Sorry ladies. The A fleet continues to be competitive. I know, you’ve heard that before. But how often do you have a 10 boat fleet where every competitor scores a 7 or higher in at least one race? Well, just get the competitive fleet 6 sailors and add in a few of Mark’s former teammates from the Cal State Long Beach sailing team. The shifty breeze and talent pool kept everything close but mixed up, with lots of port starboard situations and crowded mark roundings. In the end Mark Ryan claimed victory. John Gresham and Chris May had another strong showing. Bruce Gollison, still reviewing video footage of the race three start, rounded out the top three. Bruce, I think you need to study Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity to understand how you can be a boat length over, while next to everyone else, yet be the only boat OCS. The B fleet also had some close racing with a tie for first. Will Vrooman and Joseph Barbeito won the tie breaker against Dale and Scott Gronewold. Special thanks to Martyn Bookwalter and the race committee volunteers for six great races. Opening day for Lido Twilights is just around the corner, April 9th. We expect another good turn out. For those that can’t wait for the post sailing diner, Alan Cunningham is hosting a Thursday night lasagna dinner on the quarterdeck, Feb 27. At the time of this writing it hasn’t happened. By the time you read this, it will be over. But don’t worry, there has been enough interest in this one for a possible repeat in March. Keep checking your email for the latest edition of Lido Love. Until then, smooth sailing. Kevin Thomas

IDO FLEET FUN Dana Bell photos The Lido Fleet loves to sail and loves to party. With still a month and a half to go before the summer series starts L Alan Cunningham with his wife Catherine, dreamed up and produced a dinner get-together, and threw in just for fun a surprise birthday party for Cindy Heavrin. Helen Burdett, co-Fleet Captain, tried to control the group but just gave up in the end. Fun was had by all and dishes were licked clean. A good question is just what mischief the Fleet will get into between now and April 9th? Dana Bell

sou’wester • march 2020 • page 13 hails fromthe fleets f you happen to be at the club on a Saturday or Sunday, you will notice many boats going out to sail and to practice. You will notice Lasers going out as well. This is because we have a I points event coming at the end of March, the Laser Midwinters West Regatta. In addition, International Laser Class Association Grand Prix points are at stake as well as the third SCYYRA Ullman/Frost regatta. If this is not enough, this even is a Youth World’s Team Qualifier for both girls and boys in the class! As a Laser Sailors, we are fortunate to have ABYC as the host. So, if you see Lasers going out before then, Standard, Radials, and 4.7’s, please send good, positive, and safe thoughts our way! Better yet, send FAST thoughts our way too! Jorge Suarez

lamitos Bay YC will be hosting the 2020 Laser Midwinters West Regatta March 20-22. This event is a USA team qualifier for the Youth World Championship in the Laser Radial Girls’ One Person Dinghy and the Laser Radial Boys’ AOne Person Dinghy. Many racers will be competing in the Southern California Youth Yacht Racing Association (SCYYRA) Ullman/Frost Series, which is open to junior sailors younger than 19 and who have not yet entered college. The Ullman series is contested in Lasers, the Frost Series in Radials. Regatta chairman Ed Spotsky said, “We expect 70 entries and a large number of sailors from the East Coast has been impressive.” ABYC member and competitor Jorge Suarez said, “The regatta is a sailing graded event that contributes to world rankings. That is exciting stuff to me. In addition, this event is the starting ground for Olympic hopefuls, those in the 4.7 and Radials starting their Olympic journey at a young age. “We will see competitors from Canada, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. I’m a 55-year-old grand master and this regatta helps give me an idea of where I am. It keeps me young. There is lots of energy out on the water, at the club and the dinner. I’m older than the parents of most of the competitors and it’s good to be around all that energy.” Jo Murray (Gazette Newspapers)

hat a fantastic regatta this year’s Mid Winter program turned out to be. WConditions in Hurricane Gulch were idyllic both days with west winds ranging from 8 to 12 knots. The competition was extremely tight and there was no dominating boat, save perhaps for the last two races. On the first day, Steve George’s Magic Bus (363) was out in front displaying good, consistent performance but there were several contenders right on her tail— needless to say, there was some tremendous talent in the field. Sunday saw slightly less wind and Bill Schopp’s Sluggo (294) came from a ~ 5th place standing and managed double bullets putting him as the overall regatta winner — nicely done! Mike Corzine/Chuck Clay (Shifty) and Matt Rustigan/Fraser McCellan The Race Committee did a fantastic job of laying out a square (Horton) race track & start line with standard downwind gates & the post race activity at the club saw great taco meals & appetizers with a lot of smiling faces. Links to videos can be found at Facebook by searching CBYC Members + Friends. With 17 final entries it looks like the Cal 20 class was the largest one-design keel boat class in the SCYA program. What a great boat! Richard Welsh, Class President

Click on the link below or go to Regatta Network for full results as ABYC boats fared well.

March 7th is the Bring a Junior Regatta. Please let me know if you are planning to sail. We may need to cancel or postpone this regatta. Besides March 7th, the next Cal 20 racing is Wet Wednesdays beginning May 13th. Time to work on the boat and perhaps get a project done. Finally, plan on the Midwinter Regatta next year at CBYC. Great competiton, fair breeze, warm weather, smooth water, excellent venue. Jeff Ives, Fleet 1 ...continued next page sou’wester • march 2020 • page 14 hails fromthe fleets ...from page 14

Damon Kunkl’s Chris Craft providing tow to CBYC

Bravura close hauled at Hurricane Gulch

Midwinters champ Bill Schopp hanging ten after closing the regatta with 2 bullets! Todd Smith towing Steve George & Jeff Johnson (Magic Bus)

eb 23 ABYC Sabot Sunday Recap Perfect weather made for spectacular sailing for our Sabot Sunday in February. Steady wind of F around 8 to 10K and an outgoing tide set the stage for 4 races. Close competition with strong performances by Kathy Weishampel, Lee Berlinger and Jennifer Kuritz, but Scott Finkboner from MBYC won the day with 4 points. Lee Berlinger had an excuse for hitting the windward mark on the 2nd race due to losing his glasses in the 1st race when during an aggressive tack he lost his hat, which knocked his glasses overboard. Cindy Heavrin finished in 2nd place with 11 points and Lee finished in 3rd. Helen Burdett was 1st in the B fleet, and was mixing it up with the A fleet with a great start on the last race. Keep it up Helen! Thank you race committee Steve Kuritz, Lynn and Jim Drury, Will Vrooman, and Tom Newton. The next ABYC Sabot Sunday is March 29th. Also remember to mark your calendars for Senior Sabot Nationals to be held at ABYC June 6th & 7th. This will be the first weekend in June and it would be nice to have a big turnout of senior sabot sailors! Cindy Heavrin Helen, Scott and Cindy

he ABYC RC Sailing Fleet has added the Flite 95 class to our RC fleet of Nirvana II’s. TEric Conn and Keith Ives successfully represented ABYC at the SCYA Midwinters Regatta for the Dragon Flite 95 class at El Dorado Park on February 23rd. Good racing! Friday Night “Racin in the Basin” twilight fun racing is set to start after daylight savings begins. All RC sailboats are invited. As before, BYOB and batteries! Fleet Dues are due! Once again it is $0.00 a year. Email [email protected] to be added to the email list for further news on starting times and dates. Don Shirley

sou’wester • march 2020 • page 15 Let’s support Deby St. John Johnson

sou’wester • march 2020 • page 16 lub ABY C MEMBER MIXER C Friday, March 6 Bar Opens 5:00 pm • $5 Fridays Bar Menu

Gamewith Mixer Prizes???

Special Rule Twist

*2019*for Members? NEW

No Reservations Needed

ABSF 3rd Annual Fundraiser Supporting Junior Sailing in Alamitos Bay & The Gibbs-Weis Olympic Campaign. When: Saturday March 14. 5:30pm-8:30pm Where: Alamitos Bay Yacht Club – 7201 E Ocean Blvd.

RSVP by email to: [email protected] or call 562-434-9955

$30 Entry Appetizers provided. No host bar.

Live Auction, Silent Auction, Paddle Raise Win luxury getaways, helicopter ride, sail with Riley Gibbs and more (see a full list at

Come celebrate with Long Beach’s newest Olympians!

Alamitos Bay Sailing Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) Traditional Charity. Tax ID Number 82-0994409

Live Auction Items:

Pacific Grove Monterey Condo Gourmet Dinner prepared by Commodore Mueller Helicopter Excursion through Los Angeles Pro Sail Day with Riley Gibbs Big Bear Cabin Mammoth Condo Hollywood Bowl – Box Seats (4) summer concert series

Silent Auction Items: Nacra 15 Ride w/ Luke Melvin Legends gift certificates. Pro Sail Day with Pete Melvin Gift Card Tree Laser Coaching Day with Paul Didham Sea Bags- JG Mike Shea Boat Photography Day Yard House gift certificate Musical Theatre West Tickets Olive Oil Tasting Party Kelly Marine Rigging Service LAFC Soccer Game Tix – 4 pack ABYC Board Member Parking Spot Duffy ride through Naples for 6 people with hors d’oeuvres Gondola Getaway gift certificate Aquarium of Pacific tickets (2) George’s Greek Restaurant gift cert. Half Day Fishing Trip with Captain Ed Spotsky and fishing guides Mike Shea and Kevin Brown. Gresham Sabot Rudder

ABSF 3rd Annual Fundraiser Supporting Junior Sailing in Alamitos Bay & The Gibbs-Weis Olympic Campaign.

When: Saturday March 14. 5:30pm-8:30pm Where: Alamitos Bay Yacht Club – 7201 E Ocean Blvd.

RSVP by email to: [email protected] or call 562-434-9955

Alamitos Bay Sailing Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) Traditional Charity. Tax ID Number 82-0994409

Easter Family Brunch April 12

Events SAVE THE DATE ~ Photos with Easter Bunny ~ 10:00 am – 11:30 am ~ Easter Egg Hunt ~ 11:00 am Reserve by April 8 Adults $25 ~ Kids (5 - 10) $10 (4 & under eat free!) After April 8 Adults $30 ~ Kids (5 - 10) $10 Brunch ~ 1st Seating~ 10:00 am – 11:30 am ~ 2nd Seating~ 12:00 – 1:30 pm Tel: (562) 434-9955 Email: [email protected] Online: When Reserving, Tell Sheila: • Which Seating You Prefer • 10:00 am or 12:00 am • Number in Your Party