Parlament Ewropew 2019-2024

Kumitat għall-Impjiegi u l-Affarijiet Soċjali



Laqgħa tas-16 ta' Lulju 2020, 10.00 – 12.00 u 14.30 – 16.30


Sala: József Antall (6Q2)

Il-laqgħa remota bdiet fl-10.00 nhar il-Ħamis, 16 ta' Lulju 2020, u kienet ippreseduta minn Tomáš Zdechovský (Viċi President).

1. Adozzjoni tal-aġenda EMPL_OJ/PE654086v02-00

L-aġenda ġiet adottata mingħajr modifiki.

2. Avviżi tal-President

Din il-laqgħa saret in situ u permezz tal-għodda tal-laqgħat remoti "Interactio", b'interpretazzjoni bl-Ingliż , bil-Franċiż, bil-Ġermaniż, bit-Taljan, bir-Rumen, bid-Daniż, bl- Ispanjol, bil-Portugiż, bl-Ungeriż u bil-Pollakk.

3. Rappurtar dwar l-ewwel trilogu dwar Kooperazzjoni mtejba bejn is-Servizzi Pubbliċi tal-Impjiegi (PES)

Rapporteur: Manuel PIZARRO

L-ewwel trilogu sar fl-14 ta' Lulju. Il-pożizzjonijiet taż-żewġ koleġiżlaturi huma perċepiti bħala pjuttost qrib. Laqgħa teknika interistituzzjonali u t-tieni trilogu huma skedati għal Settembru.

4. Approvazzjoni tal-minuti tal-laqgħat ta':  20 ta' Mejju 2020 PV – PE654.030v01-00

PV\1211179MT.docx PE655870v01-00

MT Magħquda fid-diversitàMT  26 ta' Mejju 2020 PV – PE652.502v01-00  11 ta' Ġunju 2020 PV – PE653.815v01-00  15 ta' Ġunju 2020 PV – PE653.819v01-00

Tnejn mill-minuti ta' hawn fuq (jiġifieri s-26 ta' Mejju u l-11 ta' Ġunju) fihom ir-riżultati tal- votazzjonijiet imwettqa permezz tal-proċedura ta' votazzjoni remota tal-Kumitat EMPL bit- tabelli Excel mibgħuta bl-email.

*** Ħin għall-votazzjoni ***

Ħin għall-votazzjoni remota mill-10.00 sal-11.00

5. L-Istrateġija tal-UE għall-Ugwaljanza bejn il-Ġeneri EMPL/9/01983 2019/2169(INI) Rapporteur għal opinjoni: Eugenia Rodríguez Palop (GUE/NGL) PA – PE646.871v01-00 AM – PE650.655v02-00 Responsabbli: FEMM* – Maria Noichl (S&D) PR – PE650.408v01-00 AM – PE652.643v01-00 AM – PE652.642v01-00  Adozzjoni tal-abbozz ta' opinjoni  Skadenza għat-tressiq tal-emendi: 4 ta' Mejju 2020, 18.00  Deċiżjoni: L-abbozz ta' opinjoni ġie adottat b'41 vot favur, 11 kontra u astensjoni waħda (ara r-riżultati tal-votazzjoni fl-Anness I).

6. Strateġija Industrijali Ġdida għall-Ewropa EMPL/9/02945 2020/2076(INI) Rapporteur għal opinjoni: Jordi Cañas (Renew) PA – PE652.607v01-00 AM – PE653.758v01-00 Responsabbli: ITRE* – Carlo Calenda (S&D) PR – PE650.700v01-00 AM – PE653.874v02-00 AM – PE653.982v02-00 AM – PE653.877v02-00  Adozzjoni tal-abbozz ta' opinjoni  Skadenza għat-tressiq tal-emendi: 17 ta' Ġunju 2020, 12.00  Deċiżjoni: L-abbozz ta' opinjoni ġie adottat b'41 vot favur, 6 kontra u 6 astensjonijiet (ara r-riżultati tal-votazzjoni fl-Anness I).

Il-Membri kollha li ħadu sehem fil-votazzjoni, kemm dawk preżenti fiżikament fis-sala tal-laqgħat tal-kumitat jew permezz ta' parteċipazzjoni remota, ivvutaw esklużivament b'votazzjoni remota.

PE655870v01-00 2/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT 7. Skambju ta' fehmiet ma' Hubertus Heil (Ministru tax-Xogħol u l-Affarijiet Soċjali tal-Ġermanja)


Is-Sur Hubertus Heil ippreżenta l-programm tal-Presidenza Ġermaniża tal-Kunsill u l- prinċipji gwida. Taħt il-motto "Flimkien għall-irkupru tal-Ewropa", il-Presidenza Ġermaniża tqiegħed l-enfasi fuq li tingħeleb il-pandemija tal-COVID-19 u għandha l- għan li tfittex tweġibiet għall-isfidi tal-futur sabiex l-UE ssir aktar b'saħħitha, aktar ekwitabbli u aktar sostenibbli.

Kelliema: Hubertus Heil (Ministru tax-Xogħol u l-Affarijiet Soċjali tal-Ġermanja), , Agnes Jongerius, Dragoş Pîslaru, Elena Lizzi, Katrin Langensiepen, Elzbieta Rafalska, Özlem Demirel, Daniella Rondinelli, Gabriele Bischoff, Sylvie Brunet, , Guido Reil, Petra De Sutter, Margarita de la Pisa Carrión, Leila Chaibi, Stelios Kympouropoulos, Hélène Fritzon, Antonius Manders

8. Emenda tar-Regolament (UE) Nru 1303/2013 fir-rigward ta' riżorsi addizzjonali eċċezzjonali u arranġamenti implimentattivi taħt il-mira tal-Investiment għat-tkabbir u l-impjiegi biex jipprovdi assistenza għat-trawwim ta' miżuri li jsewwu d-dannu kkawżat mill-kriżi fil-kuntest tal-pandemija tal-COVID-19 u t-tħejjija ta' rkupru ekoloġiku, diġitali u reżiljenti tal-ekonomija (REACT-EU) EMPL/9/03180 ***I 2020/0101(COD) COM(2020)0451 – C9-0149/2020 Rapporteur għal opinjoni: Agnes Jongerius (S&D) PA – PE654.046v01-00 AM – PE654.059v01-00 Responsabbli: REGI PR – PE654.026v01-00 Kelliema: Agnes Jongerius, Gheorghe Falca, Monica Semedo, Elena Lizzi, Katrin Langensiepen, Beata Szydlo  Eżami tal-emendi  Skadenza għat-tressiq ta' emendi: 8 ta' Lulju 2020, 12.00


Il-laqgħa ġiet aġġornata fis-12.54 u tkompliet fis-14.31, bi Dragoş Pîslaru jippresiedi.

9. Tħabbir tar-riżultati tal-ewwel ċiklu ta' votazzjonijiet u l-ftuħ tas-sessjoni ta' votazzjoni għall-votazzjonijiet finali

Ir-riżultati tal-ewwel ċiklu ta' votazzjonijiet u l-ftuħ tas-sessjoni ta' votazzjoni għall- votazzjonijiet finali tħabbru permezz ta' email. Ara r-riżultati tal-votazzjoni fl-Anness I.

10. L-impjiegi u l-politiki soċjali taż-żona tal-euro fl-2020 EMPL/9/02957 2020/2079(INI) Rapporteur: Klára Dobrev (S&D) PR – PE653.836v01-00

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Kelliema: Klára Dobrev, Cindy Franssen, Marie-Pierre Vedrenne, France Jamet, Kira Marie Peter-Hansen, Helmut Geuking, Jose Gusmão, Ádám Kósa  Skadenza għat-tressiq ta' emendi: 22 ta' Lulju 2020, 12.00  Votazzjoni fil-Kumitat EMPL: 1 ta' Ottubru 2020

11. Strateġija ġdida għall-SMEs Ewropej EMPL/9/03349 Rapporteur: Atidzhe Alieva-Veli (Renew) PA – PE653.907v01-00  Eżami tal-abbozz ta' opinjoni

Kelliema: Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, , Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Stefania Zambelli, Petra De Sutter, Beata Szydlo, Leila Chaibi, Birgit Weidel (KE DĠ GROW)

Skadenza għat-tressiq ta' emendi: 3 ta' Settembru 2020 (indikattiva, sakemm jiġi awtorizzat ir-rapport tal-Kumitat ITRE mill-Konferenza tal-Presidenti)

12. It-tnaqqis tal-inugwaljanzi, b'enfasi partikolari fuq il-faqar fost dawk li jaħdmu EMPL/9/01677 2019/2188(INI) Rapporteur: Özlem Demirel (GUE/NGL) PR – PE647.047v01-00 Responsabbli: EMPL Opinjonijiet: FEMM Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D) AM – PE650.656v01-00 PETI Cristina Maestre Martín De Almagro PA – PE650.659v01-00 (S&D) AM – PE650.660v01-00  Eżami tal-abbozz ta' rapport

Kelliema: Özlem Demirel, Anne Sander, Marianne Vind, Dominique Bilde, Katrin Langensiepen, Elzbieta Rafalska

 Skadenza ġdida għat-tressiq ta' emendi: 31 ta' Awwissu 2020, 12.00  Eżami tal-emendi: 21 ta' Settembru 2020 (konferma pendenti)  Votazzjoni fil-Kumitat EMPL: 1 ta' Ottubru 2020

13. Tħabbir tar-riżultati tal-votazzjonijiet finali Ir-riżultati tħabbru permezz ta' email. Ara r-riżultati tal-votazzjoni fl-Anness I.

14. Laqgħat li jmiss  31 ta' Awwissu 2020, 13.45 – 15.45 (Brussell)  1 ta' Settembru 2020, 10.00 – 12.00 (Brussell)

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Il-laqgħa ntemmet fl-15.58.

PV\1211179MT.docx 5/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Results of roll-call votes


ANNEX I...... 7 1. Opinion “The EU Strategy for Gender Equality” – Eugenia Rodriguez Palop...... 7 1.1. Final vote ...... 7 1.2. Final voting results Eugenia Rodriguez Palop...... 8 2. Opinion: “A new Industrial Strategy for Europe” Jordi Cañas ...... 44 2.1. Final vote ...... 44 2.2. Final voting results Jordi Cañas...... 45 ANNEX II

3. EMPL Coordinators – Meeting of 13 July 2020…………………………………...... 66

Key to symbols: + : in favour - : against 0 : abstention

PE655870v01-00 6/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT ANNEX I

1. Opinion “The EU Strategy for Gender Equality” – Eugenia Rodriguez Palop

1.1. Final vote


41 +

EPP , Jarosław Duda, Rosa Estaràs Ferragut, Loucas Fourlas, Cindy Franssen, Stelios Kympouropoulos, Ádám Kósa, Lukas Mandl, Dennis Radtke, , , Maria Walsh

S&D Marc Angel, Gabriele Bischoff, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Klára Dobrev, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Heléne Fritzon, Elisabetta Gualmini, Alicia Homs Ginel, Agnes Jongerius, Manuel Pizarro, Marianne Vind

RENEW Abir Al-Sahlani, Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Sylvie Brunet, Jordi Cañas, Radka Maxová, Samira Rafaela, Monica Semedo, Yana Toom

VERTS/ALE Katrin Langensiepen, Kira Marie Peter-Hansen, Mounir Satouri, Tatjana Ždanoka

GUE/NGL Marc Botenga, Leila Chaibi, Özlem Demirel, Nikolaj Villumsen

NI Daniela Rondinelli

11 -

EPP Miriam Lexmann

ID Dominique Bilde, Nicolaus Fest, France Jamet, Elena Lizzi, Guido Reil, Stefania Zambelli

ECR Elżbieta Rafalska, Beata Szydło, Anna Zalewska, Margarita de la Pisa Carrión

1 0

ECR Helmut Geuking

Key to symbols: + : in favour - : against 0 : abstention

PV\1211179MT.docx 7/96 PE655870v01-00 MT 1.2. Final voting results Eugenia Rodriguez Palop

Concerned AM Tabled by Remarks Vote text Paragraph COMP 3 Rapporteur If adopted, AM 45, 84 and 109 fall. + 1 c (new) Paragraph - Kira Marie Peter- 45 Falls if COMP 3 is adopted. F 1 a (new) Hansen Abir Al-Sahlani, Atidzhe Alieva- Paragraph - 46 Veli, Dragoș + 1 a (new) Pîslaru, Radka Maxová Paragraph - Kira Marie Peter- 47 + 1 b (new) Hansen Paragraph If adopted, AM 48, 49, 198 and 199 COMP 15 Rapporteur + 6 d (new) fall. Paragraph - Kira Marie Peter- 48 Falls if COMP 15 is adopted. F 1 a (new) Hansen Atidzhe Alieva- Veli, Jordi Cañas, Abir Al-Sahlani, Monica Semedo, Sylvie Brunet, Paragraph - 49 Marie-Pierre Falls if COMP 15 is adopted. F 1 e (new) Vedrenne, Stéphane Bijoux, Dragoș Pîslaru, Radka Maxová, Samira Rafaela Paragraph - Eugenia Rodríguez 50 + 1 e (new) Palop Atidzhe Alieva- Veli, Jordi Cañas, Abir Al-Sahlani, Monica Semedo, Sylvie Brunet, Paragraph - 51 Marie-Pierre + 1 f (new) Vedrenne, Stéphane Bijoux, Dragoș Pîslaru, Radka Maxová, Samira Rafaela If adopted, AM 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, Paragraph COMP 1 Rapporteur 59, 58, 60, 61 fall. If rejected, Addition + 1 to COMP 1 falls. Addition Falls if COMP 1 is rejected. If to COMP Rapporteur adopted, AM 61 falls."including the - 1 obligation for companies to draw up

PE655870v01-00 8/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT initiatives or plans on gender equality" to be added at the end of COMP 1.

Falls if COMP 1 is adopted. Seeks to 52 Anne Sander F delete. Rosa Estaràs 53 Falls if COMP A or AM 52 is adopted. F Ferragut Paragraph 1 Falls if COMP 1 or AM 52 or 53 is 54 F adopted. Margarita de la Falls if COMP 1 or AM 52, 53 or 54 is 55 F Pisa Carrión adopted. Atidzhe Alieva- Veli, Jordi Cañas, Abir Al-Sahlani, Monica Semedo, Sylvie Brunet, Falls if COMP 1 or AM 52, 53, 54 or 55 56 Marie-Pierre F is adopted. Vedrenne, Stéphane Bijoux, Dragoș Pîslaru, Radka Maxová, Samira Rafaela Heléne Fritzon, Falls if COMP 1 or AM 52, 53, 54, 55 or 57 Johan Danielsson, F 56 is adopted. Paragraph 1 Marianne Vind Falls if COMP 1 or AM 52, 53, 54, 55, 59 Elena Lizzi F 56 or 57 is adopted. Falls if COMP 1 or AM 52, 53, 54, 55, 58 Jessica Polfjärd F 56, 57 or 59 is adopted. Kira Marie Peter- Falls if COMP 1 or AM 52, 53, 54, 55, 60 F Hansen 56, 57, 59 or 58 is adopted. Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Alicia Homs Ginel, Falls if COMP 1 or AM 52, 53, 54, 55, 61 F Estrella Durá 56, 57, 59 or 58 is adopted. Ferrandis, Elisabetta Gualmini Paragraph 1 Eugenia Rodríguez 62 - a (new) Palop Paragraph 1 Margarita de la 63 + a (new) Pisa Carrión Paragraph If adopted, AM 64, 88, 93, 162 and 181 COMP 2 Rapporteur + 1 b (new) fall. Paragraph 1 Eugenia Rodríguez 64 Falls if COMP 2 is adopted. F b (new) Palop Paragraph 1 Eugenia Rodríguez 66 - c (new) Palop

PV\1211179MT.docx 9/96 PE655870v01-00 MT If adopted, AM 67, 73, 72, 74, 69, 70, Paragraph COMP 4 Rapporteur 68, 71, 77, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83 fall. + 2 If rejected, Addition to COMP 4 falls. RCV REQUESTED BY S&D. Falls if COMP 4 is rejected. If adopted, AM Addition 81 falls. "such as penalties and to COMP Rapporteur - sanctions for employers that violate the 4 right to pay equality" to be added at the end of COMP 4. Margarita de la 67 Falls if COMP 4 is adopted. F Pisa Carrión 73 Sara Skyttedal Falls if COMP 4 or AM 67 is adopted. F Falls if COMP 4 or AM 67 or 73 is 72 Jessica Polfjärd F adopted. Abir Al-Sahlani, Falls if COMP 4 or AM 67 or 73 is 74 Atidzhe Alieva- F adopted. Paragraph 2 Veli Elżbieta Rafalska, Falls if COMP 4 or AM 67 or 73 is 69 Beata Szydło, Anna F adopted. Zalewska Falls if COMP 4 or AM 67 or 73 is 70 Anne Sander F adopted. Rosa Estaràs Falls if COMP 4 or AM 67 or 73 is 68 F Ferragut adopted. Jordi Cañas, Monica Semedo, Sylvie Brunet, Marie-Pierre Falls if COMP 4 or AM 67 or 73 is 71 Vedrenne, F adopted. Stéphane Bijoux, Dragoș Pîslaru, Radka Maxová, Samira Rafaela Elisabetta Gualmini, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Falls if COMP 4 or AM 67 or 73 is 77 Blinkevičiūtė, F adopted. Paragraph 2 Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, , Pierfrancesco Majorino Kira Marie Peter- Falls if COMP 4 or AM 67 or 73 is 75 F Hansen adopted.

PE655870v01-00 10/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Falls if COMP 4 or AM 67 or 73 is 76 Loucas Fourlas F adopted. Stelios Falls if COMP 4 or AM 67 or 73 is 78 F Kympouropoulos adopted. Falls if COMP 4 or AM 67 or 73 is 79 Loucas Fourlas F adopted. Eugenia Rodríguez Falls if COMP 4 or AM 67 or 73 is 80 F Palop adopted. Elisabetta Gualmini, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Paragraph 2 Jongerius, Vilija 81 Falls if COMP 4 is adopted. F a (new) Blinkevičiūtė, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Pierfrancesco Majorino Heléne Fritzon, Paragraph 2 Falls if AM 72, 73, 74, 69 or 70 is 82 Johan Danielsson, - a (new) adopted. Marianne Vind Elisabetta Gualmini, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Gabriele Bischoff, Paragraph 2 Estrella Durá 83 Falls if COMP 4 is adopted. F c (new) Ferrandis, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson

PV\1211179MT.docx 11/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Elisabetta Gualmini, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Paragraph 2 Gabriele Bischoff, 84 Falls if COMP 3 is adopted. F d (new) Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Marianne Vind, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson If adopted, AM 85, 111, 116, 182, 213, Paragraph COMP 5 Rapporteur 214 fall. If rejected, Addition to + 2 a (new) COMP 5 falls. Falls if COMP 5 is rejected. If adopted, AM 182 falls. To be added to COMP 5 as follows: ...decision making Addition at the highest level; "calls also on the to COMP Rapporteur Commission to ensure that EU + 5 institutions lead by example and ensure a minimum of 50% of women in senior management positions;" calls further on Member States ... Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Alicia Paragraph 2 Homs Ginel, 85 Falls if COMP 5 is adopted. F a (new) Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Elisabetta Gualmini Abir Al-Sahlani, Paragraph 2 Atidzhe Alieva- 86 - a (new) Veli, Radka Maxová Paragraph 2 87 Sara Skyttedal Falls if AM 86 is adopted. - a (new) Paragraph COMP 13 Rapporteur If adopted, AM 88, 196, 205, 212 fall. + 6 b (new) Heléne Fritzon, Paragraph 2 Falls if COMP 2 or COMP 13 is 88 Johan Danielsson, F b (new) adopted. Marianne Vind

PE655870v01-00 12/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Elisabetta Gualmini, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Paragraph 2 Blinkevičiūtė, 89 + b (new) Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson If adopted, AM 91, 93, 90, 94, 92, 98, Paragraph COMP 6 Rapporteur 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, + 3 160, 185, 186 fall. If adopted, AM 101, 118, 119, 120, Paragraph COMP 7 Rapporteur 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, + 4 129, 130, 131 will fall. Margarita de la 91 Falls if COMP 6 is adopted. F Pisa Carrión Rosa Estaràs Falls if COMP 2 or COMP 6 or AM 91 93 F Ferragut is adopted. Abir Al-Sahlani, Falls if COMP 6 or AM 91 or 93 is 90 Atidzhe Alieva- F adopted. Veli Stelios Falls if COMP 6 or AM 91, 93 or 90 is 94 F Kympouropoulos adopted. Elżbieta Rafalska, Falls if COMP 6 or AM 91, 93, 90 or 94 92 Beata Szydło, Anna F is adopted. Zalewska Jordi Cañas, Paragraph 3 Monica Semedo, Sylvie Brunet, Marie-Pierre Falls if COMP 6 or AM 91, 93, 90, 94 or 98 Vedrenne, F 92 is adopted. Stéphane Bijoux, Dragoș Pîslaru, Radka Maxová, Samira Rafaela Sylvie Brunet, Marie-Pierre Vedrenne, Falls if COMP 6 or AM 91, 93, 90, 94, 95 Stéphane Bijoux, F 92 or 98 is adopted. Dragoș Pîslaru, Jordi Cañas, Monica Semedo

PV\1211179MT.docx 13/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Loucas Fourlas, Falls if COMP 6 or AM 91, 93, 90, 94, 96 Stelios F 92 or 98 is adopted. Kympouropoulos Kira Marie Peter- Falls if COMP 6 or AM 91, 93, 90, 94, 97 F Hansen 92 or 98 is adopted. Ádám Kósa, Falls if COMP 6 or AM 91, 93, 90, 94, 99 F 92 or 98 is adopted. Falls if COMP 6 or AM 91, 93, 90, 94, 100 Elena Lizzi F 92 or 98 is adopted. Elisabetta Gualmini, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Falls if COMP 6 or COMP 7 or AM 91, 101 Gabriele Bischoff, F 93, 90, 94, 92 or 98 is adopted. Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Alicia Paragraph 3 Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino Jordi Cañas, Marie- Pierre Vedrenne, Falls if COMP 6 or AM 91, 93, 90, 94, 102 Dragoș Pîslaru, F 92 or 98 is adopted. Samira Rafaela, Sylvie Brunet Loucas Fourlas, Falls if COMP 6 or AM 91, 93, 90, 94, 103 Stelios F 92 or 98 is adopted. Kympouropoulos Eugenia Rodríguez Falls if COMP 6 or AM 91, 93, 90, 94, 104 F Palop 92 or 98 is adopted. Paragraph 3 Eugenia Rodríguez 105 + a (new) Palop Paragraph 3 Eugenia Rodríguez 106 - b (new) Palop Paragraph COMP 18 Rapporteur If adopted, AM 107, 108, 187, 216 fall. + 6 g (new) Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Alicia Paragraph 3 Homs Ginel, 107 Falls if COMP 18 is adopted. F a (new) Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Elisabetta Gualmini

PE655870v01-00 14/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Elisabetta Gualmini, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Paragraph 3 Gabriele Bischoff, 108 Falls if COMP 18 is adopted. F a (new) Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Marianne Vind, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson Atidzhe Alieva- Veli, Jordi Cañas, Abir Al-Sahlani, Monica Semedo, Sylvie Brunet, Paragraph 3 109 Marie-Pierre Falls if COMP 3 is adopted. F a (new) Vedrenne, Stéphane Bijoux, Dragoș Pîslaru, Radka Maxová, Samira Rafaela Heléne Fritzon, Paragraph 3 SPLIT VOTE requested by Renew: AM 110 part 1 Johan Danielsson, + a (new) 110 1st part: "Underlines ... Europe"; Marianne Vind Heléne Fritzon, Paragraph 3 SPLIT VOTE requested by Renew: AM 110 part 2 Johan Danielsson, + a (new) 110 2nd part: "calls on .... market" Marianne Vind Heléne Fritzon, Paragraph 3 SPLIT VOTE requested by Renew: AM 110 part 3 Johan Danielsson, + a (new) 110 3rd part: "stresses that .... norm" Marianne Vind Paragraph 3 111 Elena Lizzi Falls if COMP 5 is adopted. F a (new) Paragraph COMP 17 Rapporteur If adopted, AM 112, 210, 211 fall. + 6 f (new) Jordi Cañas, Marie- Pierre Vedrenne, Dragoș Pîslaru, Paragraph 3 112 Atidzhe Alieva- Falls if COMP 17 is adopted. F a (new) Veli, Samira Rafaela, Sylvie Brunet Paragraph COMP 12 Rapporteur If adopted, AM 113, 183, 191 fall. + 6 a (new)

PV\1211179MT.docx 15/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Paragraph 3 Kira Marie Peter- 113 Falls if COMP 12 is adopted. F a (new) Hansen Abir Al-Sahlani, Atidzhe Alieva- Paragraph 3 Veli, Dragoș 114 + a (new) Pîslaru, Radka Maxová, Jordi Cañas Paragraph COMP 19 Rapporteur If adopted, AM 115, 220 fall. + 6 h (new) Elisabetta Gualmini, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Paragraph 3 Blinkevičiūtė, 115 Falls if COMP 19 is adopted. F b (new) Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Marianne Vind, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino Paragraph 3 116 Elena Lizzi Falls if COMP 5 is adopted. F b (new) Paragraph COMP 8 Rapporteur If adopted, AM 117 and 139 fall. + 4 a (new) Elisabetta Gualmini, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Paragraph 3 117 Ferrandis, Falls if COMP 8 is adopted. F c (new) Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson Margarita de la Falls if COMP 7 is adopted. Seeks to Paragraph 4 118 F Pisa Carrión delete.

PE655870v01-00 16/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Abir Al-Sahlani, 119 Atidzhe Alieva- Falls if COMP 7 or AM 118 is adopted. F Veli Falls if COMP 7 or AM 118 or 119 is 120 Sara Skyttedal F adopted. Elżbieta Rafalska, Falls if COMP 7 or AM 118, 119 or 120 121 Beata Szydło, Anna F is adopted. Zalewska Rosa Estaràs Falls if COMP 7 or AM 118, 119, 120 or 122 F Ferragut 121 is adopted. Jordi Cañas, Monica Semedo, Sylvie Brunet, Marie-Pierre Falls if COMP 7 or AM 118, 119, 120, 123 Vedrenne, F 121 or 122 is adopted. Stéphane Bijoux, Dragoș Pîslaru, Radka Maxová, Samira Rafaela Ádám Kósa, Falls if COMP 7 or AM 118, 119, 120, 124 F Andrea Bocskor 121, 122 or 123 is adopted. Paragraph 4 Kira Marie Peter- Falls if COMP 7 or AM 118, 119, 120, 125 Hansen, Katrin F 121, 122 or 123 is adopted. Langensiepen Eugenia Rodríguez Falls if COMP 7 or AM 118, 119, 120, 126 F Palop 121, 122 or 123 is adopted. Loucas Fourlas, Falls if COMP 7 or AM 118, 119, 120, 127 Stelios F 121, 122 or 123 is adopted. Kympouropoulos Loucas Fourlas, Falls if COMP 7 or AM 118, 119, 120, 128 Stelios F 121, 122 or 123 is adopted. Kympouropoulos Paragraph 4 Eugenia Rodríguez 129 Falls if COMP 7 is adopted. F a (new) Palop Paragraph 4 Eugenia Rodríguez 130 Falls if COMP 7 is adopted. F b (new) Palop Elisabetta Gualmini, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Paragraph 4 131 Blinkevičiūtė, Falls if COMP 7 is adopted. F a (new) Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez

PV\1211179MT.docx 17/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson

Elżbieta Rafalska, Paragraph 4 132 Beata Szydło, Anna + a (new) Zalewska Paragraph COMP 16 Rapporteur If adopted, AM 133, 188, 202 fall. + 6 e (new) Paragraph 4 Katrin 133 Falls if COMP 16 is adopted. F a (new) Langensiepen Paragraph 4 134 Sara Skyttedal + a (new) Paragraph 4 Eugenia Rodríguez 135 + c (new) Palop Paragraph 4 Eugenia Rodríguez SPLIT VOTE requested by Renew: AM 136 part 1 + d (new) Palop 136 1st part: "Calls on ... breastfeeding", SPLIT VOTE requested by Renew; Paragraph 4 Eugenia Rodríguez 136 part 2 FALLS if 1st part rejected: AM 136 2nd + d (new) Palop part: "to ensure that .... workers(1c)"; Paragraph COMP 9 Rapporteur If adopted, AM 137 and 138 fall. + 4 b (new) Heléne Fritzon, Paragraph 4 137 Johan Danielsson, Falls if COMP 9 is adopted. F a (new) Marianne Vind Paragraph 4 Eugenia Rodríguez 138 Falls if COMP 9 is adopted. F e (new) Palop Paragraph 4 Eugenia Rodríguez 139 Falls if COMP 8 is adopted. F f (new) Palop If adopted, AM 141, 147, 140, 142, Paragraph COMP 10 Rapporteur 143, 144, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 151, + 5 152, 153, 154, 156 fall. 141 Helmut Geuking Falls if COMP 10 is adopted. F Margarita de la 147 Falls if COMP 10 or AM 141 is adopted. F Pisa Carrión Elżbieta Rafalska, Paragraph 5 Falls if COMP 10 or AM 141 or 147 is 140 Beata Szydło, Anna F adopted. Zalewska Ádám Kósa, Falls if COMP 10 or AM 141, 147 or 142 F Andrea Bocskor 140 is adopted.

PE655870v01-00 18/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Rosa Estaràs Falls if COMP 10 or AM 141, 147, 140 143 F Ferragut or 142 is adopted. Kira Marie Peter- Falls if COMP 10 or AM 141, 147, 140, 144 F Hansen 142 or 143 is adopted. Eugenia Rodríguez Falls if COMP 10 or AM 141, 147, 140, 145 F Palop 142, 143 or 144 is adopted. Atidzhe Alieva- Veli, Jordi Cañas, Abir Al-Sahlani, Monica Semedo, Sylvie Brunet, Falls if COMP 10 or AM 141, 147, 140, 146 Marie-Pierre F 142, 143, 144 or 145 is adopted. Vedrenne, Stéphane Bijoux, Dragoș Pîslaru, Radka Maxová, Samira Rafaela Falls if COMP 10 or AM 141, 147, 140, 148 Sara Skyttedal F 142, 143, 144, 145 or 146 is adopted. Stéphane Bijoux, Marie-Pierre Falls if COMP 10 or AM 141, 147, 140, 149 Vedrenne, Sylvie 142, 143, 144, 145,146 or 148 is F Brunet, Samira adopted. Rafaela Loucas Fourlas, Falls if COMP 10 or AM 141, 147, 140, 150 Stelios 142, 143, 144, 145, 146 or 148 is F Kympouropoulos adopted. Heléne Fritzon, Falls if COMP 10 or AM 141, 147, 140, 151 Johan Danielsson, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146 or 148 is F Marianne Vind adopted. Falls if COMP 10 or AM 141, 147, 140, 152 Elena Lizzi 142, 143, 144, 145, 146 or 148 is F adopted. Loucas Fourlas, Falls if COMP 10 or AM 141, 147, 140, 153 Stelios 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, or 148 is F Kympouropoulos adopted. Sylvie Brunet, Marie-Pierre Vedrenne, Falls if COMP 10 or AM 141, 147, 140, 154 Stéphane Bijoux, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146 or 148 is F Dragoș Pîslaru, adopted. Monica Semedo, Jordi Cañas Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Alicia Paragraph 5 Homs Ginel, 155 + a (new) Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Elisabetta Gualmini

PV\1211179MT.docx 19/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Elisabetta Gualmini, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Paragraph 5 Gabriele Bischoff, 156 Falls if COMP 10 is adopted. F a (new) Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Marianne Vind, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson SPLIT VOTE requested by Renew: 1st part: entire paragraph without "specific Paragraph 5 Eugenia Rodríguez 157 part 1 employment rights and social security + a (new) Palop benefits such as the" and "temporary protection against dismissal"; SPLIT VOTE requested by Renew: 2nd Paragraph 5 Eugenia Rodríguez part: addition of "specific employment 157 part 2 - a (new) Palop rights and social security benefits such as the"; FALLS if 1st part is rejected. SPLIT VOTE requested by Renew: 3rd Paragraph 5 Eugenia Rodríguez part: addition of "temporary protection 157 part 3 - a (new) Palop against dismissal"; FALLS if 1st part is rejected. Abir Al-Sahlani, Atidzhe Alieva- Paragraph 5 158 Veli, Dragoș + a (new) Pîslaru, Radka Maxová Paragraph 5 Katrin 159 + a (new) Langensiepen Elisabetta Gualmini, Milan Brglez, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Paragraph 5 160 Gabriele Bischoff, Falls if COMP 6 is adopted. F b (new) Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn

PE655870v01-00 20/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson

Paragraph 5 Eugenia Rodríguez 161 + b (new) Palop Elisabetta Gualmini, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Paragraph 5 Gabriele Bischoff, 162 Falls if COMP 2 is adopted. F c (new) Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Marianne Vind, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson Paragraph 5 Eugenia Rodríguez 163 - c (new) Palop Paragraph 5 Eugenia Rodríguez 164 + d (new) Palop Paragraph 5 Eugenia Rodríguez 165 - e (new) Palop Paragraph 5 Eugenia Rodríguez 166 + f (new) Palop If adopted, AM 65, 171, 170, 167, 168, Paragraph COMP 11 Rapporteur 169, 172, 174, 173, 184 fall. If rejected, + 6 Addition to COMP 11 falls. Falls if COMP 11 is rejected. If adopted, AM 173 falls. To be added to COMP 11 as follows: ...calls on the Addition Commission to "include the EIGE's to COMP Rapporteur - Gender Equality Index in the Social 11 Scoreboard and CsRs in order to feed into the European Semester process and" monitor the gender effects of ...

PV\1211179MT.docx 21/96 PE655870v01-00 MT 171 Elena Lizzi Falls if COMP 11 is adopted. F Margarita de la 170 Falls if COMP 11 or AM 171 is adopted. F Pisa Carrión Falls if COMP 11 or AM 171 or 170 is 167 Jessica Polfjärd F adopted. Falls if COMP 11 or AM 171, 170 or 168 Sara Skyttedal F 167 is adopted. Elżbieta Rafalska, Falls if COMP 11 or AM 171, 170, 167 169 Beata Szydło, Anna F or 168 is adopted. Zalewska Rosa Estaràs Falls if COMP 11 or AM 171, 170, 167, 172 F Paragraph 6 Ferragut 168 or 169 is adopted. Abir Al-Sahlani, Falls if COMP 11 or AM 171, 170, 167, 174 Atidzhe Alieva- F 168, 169 or 172 is adopted. Veli Jordi Cañas, Abir Al-Sahlani, Monica Semedo, Sylvie Brunet, Marie- Falls if COMP 11 or AM 171, 170, 167, 173 Pierre Vedrenne, F 168, 169, 172 or 174 is adopted. Stéphane Bijoux, Dragoș Pîslaru, Radka Maxová, Samira Rafaela Paragraph 1 Margarita de la 65 Falls if COMP 11 or AM 49 is adopted. F b (new) Pisa Carrión Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Alicia Paragraph 6 Homs Ginel, 175 + a (new) Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Elisabetta Gualmini If adopted, AM 176, 177, 178, 189 fall. Paragraph COMP 14 Rapporteur If rejected, Addition to COMP 14 + 6 c (new) falls. Falls if COMP 14 is rejected. If adopted, AM 189 falls. To be added to Addition COMP 14 as follows: ...gender impact to COMP Rapporteur + assessment "and gender budgeting by 14 mainstreaming gender equality" in the Just Transition Fund.... Paragraph 6 Eugenia Rodríguez 176 Falls if COMP 14 is adopted. F a (new) Palop Heléne Fritzon, Paragraph 6 177 Johan Danielsson, Falls if COMP 14 is adopted. F a (new) Marianne Vind Paragraph 6 Kira Marie Peter- 178 Falls f COMP 14 is adopted. F a (new) Hansen

PE655870v01-00 22/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Paragraph 6 179 Anne Sander + a (new) Paragraph 6 180 Jessica Polfjärd + a (new) Elisabetta Gualmini, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Paragraph 6 181 Ferrandis, Falls if COMP 2 is adopted. F a (new) Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson Monica Semedo, Sylvie Brunet, Marie-Pierre Paragraph 6 Vedrenne, 182 Falls if COMP 5 is adopted. F a (new) Stéphane Bijoux, Dragoș Pîslaru, Radka Maxová, Samira Rafaela Sylvie Brunet, Marie-Pierre Vedrenne, Paragraph 6 183 Stéphane Bijoux, Falls if COMP 12 is adopted. F a (new) Dragoș Pîslaru, Monica Semedo, Jordi Cañas Paragraph 6 Kira Marie Peter- 184 Falls if COMP 11 is adopted. F a (new) Hansen Loucas Fourlas, Paragraph 6 185 Stelios Falls if COMP 6 is adopted. F a (new) Kympouropoulos Abir Al-Sahlani, Paragraph 6 Atidzhe Alieva- 186 Falls if COMP 6 is adopted. F a (new) Veli, Dragoș Pîslaru Paragraph 6 Rosa Estaràs 187 Falls if COMP 18 is adopted. F a (new) Ferragut

PV\1211179MT.docx 23/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Paragraph 6 Rosa Estaràs 188 Falls if COMP 16 is adopted. F b (new) Ferragut Paragraph 6 Eugenia Rodríguez 189 Falls if COMP 14 is adopted. F b (new) Palop Paragraph 6 190 Elena Lizzi - b (new) Paragraph 6 Kira Marie Peter- 191 Falls if COMP 12 is adopted. F b (new) Hansen Paragraph 6 192 Jessica Polfjärd + c (new) Paragraph 6 193 Anne Sander + b (new) Paragraph 6 194 Jessica Polfjärd + b (new) Abir Al-Sahlani, Atidzhe Alieva- Paragraph 6 195 Veli, Dragoș + b (new) Pîslaru, Radka Maxová Atidzhe Alieva- Veli, Jordi Cañas, Abir Al-Sahlani, Monica Semedo, Sylvie Brunet, Paragraph 6 196 Marie-Pierre Falls if COMP 13 is adopted. F b (new) Vedrenne, Stéphane Bijoux, Dragoș Pîslaru, Radka Maxová, Samira Rafaela Atidzhe Alieva- Veli, Abir Al- Sahlani, Monica Semedo, Sylvie Paragraph 6 197 Brunet, Marie- + c (new) Pierre Vedrenne, Stéphane Bijoux, Dragoș Pîslaru, Samira Rafaela Kira Marie Peter- Paragraph 6 198 Hansen, Katrin Falls if COMP 15 is adopted. F c (new) Langensiepen Paragraph 6 Eugenia Rodríguez 199 Falls if COMP 15 is adopted. F c (new) Palop Paragraph 6 Eugenia Rodríguez 200 + d (new) Palop Paragraph 6 Eugenia Rodríguez 201 + e (new) Palop

PE655870v01-00 24/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Paragraph 6 Eugenia Rodríguez 202 Falls if COMP 16 is adopted. F f (new) Palop Paragraph 6 Kira Marie Peter- 203 + g (new) Hansen Jordi Cañas, Monica Semedo, Sylvie Brunet, Marie-Pierre Paragraph 6 204 Vedrenne, + h (new) Stéphane Bijoux, Dragoș Pîslaru, Radka Maxová, Samira Rafaela Paragraph 6 Kira Marie Peter- 205 Falls if COMP 13 is adopted. F i (new) Hansen Paragraph 6 206 Elena Lizzi - i (new) Jordi Cañas, Abir Al-Sahlani, Monica Semedo, Radka Maxová, Dragoș Paragraph 6 207 Pîslaru, Stéphane + j (new) Bijoux, Marie- Pierre Vedrenne, Sylvie Brunet, Samira Rafaela Paragraph 6 Eugenia Rodríguez 208 + k (new) Palop Paragraph 6 209 Anne Sander + l (new) Paragraph 6 210 Anne Sander Falls if COMP 17 is adopted. F m (new) Paragraph 6 Eugenia Rodríguez 211 Falls if COMP 17 is adopted. F n (new) Palop Paragraph 6 Eugenia Rodríguez 212 Falls if COMP 13 is adopted. F o (new) Palop Paragraph 6 213 Anne Sander Falls if COMP 5 is adopted. F p (new) Paragraph 6 Eugenia Rodríguez 214 Falls if COMP 5 is adopted. F r (new) Palop Paragraph 6 215 Elena Lizzi - s (new) Paragraph 6 Eugenia Rodríguez 216 Falls if COMP 18 is adopted. F t (new) Palop SPLIT VOTE requested by Renew: 1st Paragraph 6 Eugenia Rodríguez part: first two sentences ("Welcomes ... 217 part 1 + u (new) Palop conditions;") without "social protection and pension entitlements" and "as a

PV\1211179MT.docx 25/96 PE655870v01-00 MT result of the care burden and unequal employment and working conditions"

SPLIT VOTE requested by Renew: 2nd part, FALLS if first part is rejected: Paragraph 6 Eugenia Rodríguez addition of "social protection and 217 part 2 - u (new) Palop pension entitlements" and "as a result of the care burden and unequal employment and working conditions" SPLIT VOTE requested by Renew: 3rd Paragraph 6 Eugenia Rodríguez 217 part 3 part: last sentence: "calls for .... at - u (new) Palop home"; Paragraph 6 Eugenia Rodríguez 218 - v (new) Palop SPLIT VOTE requested by Renew: 1st Paragraph 6 Eugenia Rodríguez part: first sentence ("Welcomes...crisis") 219 part 1 + w (new) Palop without "free" and "create new quality jobs and to" SPLIT VOTE requested by Renew: 2nd Paragraph 6 Eugenia Rodríguez part, FALLS if fist part is rejected: 219 part 2 + w (new) Palop addition of "free" and "create new quality jobs and to" to the first sentence Paragraph 6 Eugenia Rodríguez SPLIT VOTE requested by Renew: 3rd 219 part 3 + w (new) Palop part: last sentence: "considers ... crisis" Paragraph 6 Eugenia Rodríguez 220 Falls if COMP 19 is adopted. F x (new) Palop Paragraph 6 Eugenia Rodríguez 221 - y (new) Palop Elisabetta Gualmini, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Citation 1 a 1 Lina Gálvez + Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei

PE655870v01-00 26/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Elisabetta Gualmini, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Citation 1 b 2 Fritzon, Johan + (new) Danielsson, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis Elisabetta Gualmini, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Citation 1 c 3 Jongerius, Vilija + (new) Blinkevičiūtė, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner

PV\1211179MT.docx 27/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Elisabetta Gualmini, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Citation 1 d Ferrandis, 4 + (new) Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson, Milan Brglez Elisabetta Gualmini, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Citation 1 e Regner, 5 + (new) Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė

PE655870v01-00 28/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Elisabetta Gualmini, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson, Milan Citation 1 f Brglez, Alex Agius 6 + (new) Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis Elisabetta Gualmini, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Citation 1 g 7 Majorino, Heléne + (new) Fritzon, Johan Danielsson, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius Elisabetta Gualmini, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Citation 1 h Fritzon, Johan 8 + (new) Danielsson, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando

PV\1211179MT.docx 29/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz

Elisabetta Gualmini, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Citation 1 i 9 Blinkevičiūtė, + (new) Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson Elisabetta Gualmini, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Citation 1 j 10 Muñoz, Evelyn + (new) Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson, Alex Agius Saliba, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá

PE655870v01-00 30/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Ferrandis, Milan Brglez

Elisabetta Gualmini, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Citation 1 k 11 Ferrandis, + (new) Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson Elisabetta Gualmini, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Citation 1 l Muñoz, Evelyn 12 + (new) Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis

PV\1211179MT.docx 31/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Elisabetta Gualmini, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Citation 1 m Danielsson, Alex 13 + (new) Agius Saliba, Milan Brglez, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Marianne Vind Elisabetta Gualmini, Johan Danielsson, Alex Agius Saliba, Milan Brglez, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Citation 1 n 14 Gabriele Bischoff, + (new) Marianne Vind, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon

PE655870v01-00 32/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Elisabetta Gualmini, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Alicia Homs Ginel, Marianne Vind, Citation 1 o 15 Lina Gálvez + (new) Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Gabriele Bischoff Elisabetta Gualmini, Alicia Homs Ginel, Marianne Vind, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Citation 1 p 16 Fritzon, Johan + (new) Danielsson, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Gabriele Bischoff, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Estrella Durá Ferrandis

PV\1211179MT.docx 33/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Elisabetta Gualmini, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Gabriele Bischoff, Brando Citation 1 r 17 Benifei, Agnes + (new) Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner Elisabetta Gualmini, Alex Agius Saliba, Gabriele Bischoff, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Estrella Durá Citation 1 s Ferrandis, 18 + (new) Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson, Milan Brglez

PE655870v01-00 34/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Elisabetta Gualmini, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Citation 1 t 19 Regner, + (new) Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Gabriele Bischoff Recital A a Eugenia Rodríguez 20 - (new) Palop Recital A b COMP A Rapporteur If adopted, AM 21, 22 and 23 fall. + (new) Atidzhe Alieva- Veli, Jordi Cañas, Monica Semedo, Sylvie Brunet, Marie-Pierre Vedrenne, Stéphane Bijoux, Dragoș Pîslaru, Radka Maxová, Samira Rafaela ______Recital A b Elisabetta (new) 21 Gualmini, Brando Falls if COMP A is adopted. AM 21 and F Recital A c 22 Benifei, Agnes 22 are identical. Vote as one. (new) Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne

PV\1211179MT.docx 35/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Fritzon, Johan Danielsson, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba

Recital A d Falls if COMP 1 or AM 21/22 is 23 Anne Sander F (new) adopted. Recital A h If adopted, AM 24, 29, 31, 32 and 41 COMP G Rapporteur + (new) fall. Elisabetta Gualmini, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Recital A e 24 Fritzon, Johan Falls if COMP G is adopted. F (new) Danielsson, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis Recital A c COMP B Rapporteur If adopted, AM 25, 26 and 30 fall. + (new)

PE655870v01-00 36/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Elisabetta Gualmini, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Recital A f 25 Gabriele Bischoff, Falls if COMP B is adopted. F (new) Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino Recital A e COMP D Rapporteur If adopted, AM 27, 28 and 44 fall. + (new) Recital A h 27 Anne Sander Falls if COMP D is adopted. F (new) Jordi Cañas, Monica Semedo, Marie-Pierre Vedrenne, Sylvie Brunet, Stéphane Recital A G Falls if COMP B or AM 25 or 27 is 26 Bijoux, Abir Al- F (new) adopted. Sahlani, Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Dragoș Pîslaru, Radka Maxová, Samira Rafaela Elisabetta Gualmini, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Recital A i 28 Saliba, Brando Falls if COMP D or AM 27 is adopted. F (new) Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Marianne Vind,

PV\1211179MT.docx 37/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner

Elisabetta Gualmini, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Recital A j Ferrandis, 29 Falls if COMP G is adopted. F (new) Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson, Milan Brglez Elisabetta Gualmini, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson, Milan Recital A k Brglez, Alex Agius 30 Falls if COMP B is adopted. F (new) Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel

PE655870v01-00 38/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Elisabetta Gualmini, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Recital A l 31 Lina Gálvez Falls if COMP G is adopted. F (new) Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei Abir Al-Sahlani, Stéphane Bijoux, Monica Semedo, Marie-Pierre Vedrenne, Sylvie Recital A m 32 Brunet, Jordi Falls if COMP G is adopted. F (new) Cañas, Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Dragoș Pîslaru, Radka Maxová, Samira Rafaela Recital A d COMP C Rapporteur If adopted, AM 33 falls. + (new) Elisabetta Gualmini, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Recital A n 33 Majorino, Heléne Falls if COMP C is adopted. F (new) Fritzon, Johan Danielsson, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Gabriele Bischoff,

PV\1211179MT.docx 39/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Estrella Durá Ferrandis

Recital A o Eugenia Rodríguez 34 + (new) Palop Recital A f If adopted, AM 35, 39 and 40 fall. If COMP E Rapporteur + (new) rejected, Addition to COMP E falls. Falls if COMP E is rejected. If adopted, AM 40 falls. "putting their Addition health at risk" to be added to COMP to COMP Rapporteur - E as follows: ... under stressful E conditions putting their health at risk, cases of overwork .... Recital A p Eugenia Rodríguez 35 Falls if COMP E is adopted. F (new) Palop Recital A g COMP F Rapporteur If adopted, AM 36 and 38 fall. + (new) Recital A q Eugenia Rodríguez 36 Falls if COMP F is adopted. F (new) Palop Recital A r Eugenia Rodríguez 37 + (new) Palop Elisabetta Gualmini, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Recital A s Regner, 38 Falls if COMP F is adopted. F (new) Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė

PE655870v01-00 40/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Elisabetta Gualmini, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson, Milan Recital A t Brglez, Alex Agius 39 Falls if COMP E is adopted. F (new) Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel Elisabetta Gualmini, Johan Danielsson, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Gabriele Bischoff, Recital A u 40 Estrella Durá Falls if COMP E is adopted. F (new) Ferrandis, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon Elisabetta Gualmini, Johan Danielsson, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Recital A v Benifei, Agnes 41 Falls if COMP G is adopted. F (new) Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Marianne Vind,

PV\1211179MT.docx 41/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon

Elisabetta Gualmini, Gabriele Bischoff, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Marianne Vind, Alicia Homs Ginel, Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Recital A w Regner, 42 + (new) Pierfrancesco Majorino, Heléne Fritzon, Johan Danielsson, Milan Brglez, Alex Agius Saliba, Brando Benifei, Agnes Jongerius, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė Atidzhe Alieva- Veli, Jordi Cañas, Abir Al-Sahlani, Monica Semedo, Sylvie Brunet, Recital A x 43 Marie-Pierre + (new) Vedrenne, Stéphane Bijoux, Dragoș Pîslaru, Radka Maxová, Samira Rafaela Atidzhe Alieva- Veli, Jordi Cañas, Monica Semedo, Recital A y Sylvie Brunet, 44 Falls if COMP D is adopted. F (new) Marie-Pierre Vedrenne, Stéphane Bijoux, Dragoș Pîslaru,

PE655870v01-00 42/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Radka Maxová, Abir Al-Sahlani, Samira Rafaela

VOTE on the DRAFT for against Abstentions OPINION as amended 41 11 1

PV\1211179MT.docx 43/96 PE655870v01-00 MT 2. Opinion: “A new Industrial Strategy for Europe” Jordi Cañas

2.1. Final vote


41 +

ECR Helmut Geuking, Elżbieta Rafalska, Beata Szydło, Anna Zalewska, Margarita de la Pisa Carrión

NI Daniela Rondinelli

PPE David Casa, Jarosław Duda, Rosa Estaràs Ferragut, Loucas Fourlas, Cindy Franssen, Ádám Kósa, Stelios Kympouropoulos, Lukas Mandl, Dennis Radtke, Eugen Tomac, Romana Tomc, Maria Walsh

Renew Abir Al-Sahlani, Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Sylvie Brunet, Jordi Cañas, Samira Rafaela, Monica Semedo, Yana Toom

S&D Marc Angel, Gabriele Bischoff, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Milan Brglez, Klára Dobrev, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Heléne Fritzon, Elisabetta Gualmini, Alicia Homs Ginel, Agnes Jongerius, Manuel Pizarro, Marianne Vind

Verts/ALE Katrin Langensiepen, Kira Marie Peter-Hansen, Mounir Satouri, Tatjana Ždanoka

6 -

ID Dominique Bilde, Nicolaus Fest, France Jamet, Elena Lizzi, Guido Reil, Stefania Zambelli

6 0

GUE/NGL Marc Botenga, Leila Chaibi, Özlem Demirel, Nikolaj Villumsen

PPE Miriam Lexmann

Renew Radka Maxová

Key to symbols: + : in favour - : against 0 : abstention

PE655870v01-00 44/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT 2.2. Final voting results Jordi Cañas

Concerned text AM Tabled by Remarks Results Covers AM 48, 50 Paragraph 1 COMP 8 Rapporteur 48/7/0 ,52, 54, 55, 56, 125 Elena Lizzi, France Jamet, Guido Reil, Falls if COMP 8 is Paragraph 1 53 Dominique Bilde, F adopted Stefania Zambelli, Nicolaus Fest Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Brando Benifei, Alicia Homs Ginel, Marc Angel, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Estrella Falls if COMP 8, Paragraph 1 48 Durá Ferrandis, F AM 53 is adopted Agnes Jongerius, Gabriele Bischoff, Elisabetta Gualmini, Manuel Pizarro, Milan Brglez, Evelyn Regner Falls if COMP 8, Paragraph 1 56 Sara Skyttedal F AM 53, 48 is adopted Marc Botenga, Leila Chaibi, Nikolaj Falls if COMP 8, Paragraph 1 52 Villumsen, AM 53, 48, 56 is F Konstantinos adopted Arvanitis Falls if COMP 8, Paragraph 1 50 Kim Van Sparrentak AM 53, 48, 56, 52 is F adopted Falls if COMP 8, Margarita de la Pisa Paragraph 1 55 AM 53, 48, 56, 52, F Carrión 50 is adopted Falls if COMP 8, Paragraph 1 54 Miriam Lexmann AM 53, 48, 56, 52, F 50, 55 is adopted Covers AM 49, 165, Paragraph 7 COMP 20 Rapporteur 166, 167, 168, 169, 55/0/0 37

PV\1211179MT.docx 45/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Falls if COMP 8, COMP 20, AM 53, Paragraph 1 49 Ádám Kósa F 48, 56, 52, 50, 55, 54 is adopted Covers AM 51, 86, Paragraph 3 COMP 11 Rapporteur 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 53/2/0 94, 96, 97, 138, 142 Falls if COMP 8, Cindy Franssen, COMP 11, AM 53, Paragraph 1 51 F Dennis Radtke 48, 56, 52, 50, 55, 54, 49 is adopted Paragraph 4c Covers AM 57, 65, COMP 17 Rapporteur 50/4/1 (new) 67, 130 Falls if COMP 17 is rejected; if adopted, 1st sentence of AM 57 to be added at the beginning of COMP 17, with the wording as follows: "Calls on the Union and the Member States to strengthen social partners, extend Addition Paragraph 4c collective bargaining 1 to Rapporteur 40/2/12 (new) coverage, and take COMP 17 measures to promote a high density of trade unions and employers’ associations, in order to ensure a democratic and inclusive industrial sector;" ROLL CALL VOTE, requested by S&D

PE655870v01-00 46/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Falls if COMP 17 is rejected; if adopted, text of AM 61 to be added at the end of COMP 17, with the wording as follows: "Highlights any industrial strategy Addition should place Paragraph 4c 2 to Rapporteur workers, their 45/0/02 (new) COMP 17 representatives and trade unions at its core to ensure a democratic functioning; calls on the Commission to include them throughout the procedure;" Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Alicia Homs Ginel, Marc Angel, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Estrella Paragraph 1 – Durá Ferrandis, Falls if COMP 17, subparagraph 1 57 Agnes Jongerius, Addition 1 to COMP F (new) Gabriele Bischoff, 17 is adopted Elisabetta Gualmini, Manuel Pizarro, Milan Brglez, Evelyn Regner, Brando Benifei Paragraph 1 a 58 Lukas Mandl 39/11/5 (new) Elena Lizzi, France Jamet, Guido Reil, Paragraph 1 a 59 Dominique Bilde, 7/43/5 (new) Stefania Zambelli, Nicolaus Fest Paragraph 1 a Margarita de la Pisa 60 25/30/0 (new) Carrión Marc Botenga, Leila Chaibi, Nikolaj Falls if COMP 17, Paragraph 1 a 61 Villumsen, Sandra Addition 2 to COMP F (new) Pereira, Konstantinos 17 is adopted Arvanitis

PV\1211179MT.docx 47/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Abir Al-Sahlani, Paragraph 1 a Monica Semedo, 62 40/4/11 (new) Dragoș Pîslaru, Samira Rafaela, Radka Maxová Dragoș Pîslaru, Paragraph 1 a 63 Cristian Ghinea, 47/4/4 (new) Radka Maxová Paragraph 3 a Covers AM 64, 103, COMP 12 Rapporteur 51/4/0 (new) 107, 108, 109, 110 Paragraph 1 a José Manuel Falls if COMP 12 is 64 F (new) Fernandes adopted Paragraph 1 a Falls if COMP 17 is 65 Sara Skyttedal F (new) adopted Paragraph 1 b Dragoș Pîslaru, 66 33/6/16 (new) Cristian Ghinea Paragraph 1 b Falls if COMP 17 is 67 Lukas Mandl F (new) adopted Covers AM 71, 72, Paragraph 2 COMP 9 Rapporteur 29/16/9 73, 77, 79 Falls if COMP 9 is Paragraph 2 68 Lukas Mandl adopted, seeks to F delete, vote as one Elżbieta Rafalska, Falls if COMP 9 is Paragraph 2 69 Beata Szydło, Anna adopted, seeks to F Zalewska delete, vote as one Elena Lizzi, France Jamet, Guido Reil, Falls if COMP 9 is Paragraph 2 70 Dominique Bilde, adopted, seeks to F Stefania Zambelli, delete, vote as one Nicolaus Fest Falls if COMP 9, Paragraph 2 76 Ádám Kósa AM 68, 69, 70 is F adopted Marc Botenga, Leila Falls if COMP 9, Paragraph 2 73 Chaibi, Konstantinos AM 68, 69, 70, 76 is F Arvanitis adopted Falls if COMP 9, Paragraph 2 74 Anne Sander AM 68, 69, 70, 76, F 73 is adopted

PE655870v01-00 48/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Falls if COMP 2, Paragraph 2 75 Sara Skyttedal AM 68, 69, 70, 76, F 73, 74 is adopted Falls if COMP 9, Paragraph 2 71 Kim Van Sparrentak AM 68, 69, 70, 76, F 73, 74, 75 is adopted Falls if COMP 9, Heléne Fritzon, AM 68, 69, 70, 76, Paragraph 2 72 F Johan Danielsson 73, 74, 75, 71 is adopted Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Marc Angel, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Paragraph 2 – Agnes Jongerius, Falls if COMP 9 is subparagraph 1 77 Gabriele Bischoff, F adopted (new) Elisabetta Gualmini, Manuel Pizarro, Milan Brglez, Evelyn Regner, Brando Benifei, Alicia Homs Ginel Paragraph 2b COMP Rapporteur Covers AM 78, 81 48/2/5 (new) 10a Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Agnes Jongerius, Paragraph 2 a Gabriele Bischoff, Falls if COMP 10a is 78 F (new) Elisabetta Gualmini, adopted Manuel Pizarro, Milan Brglez, Evelyn Regner, Brando Benifei, Alicia Homs Ginel, Marc Angel Paragraph 2 a Dragoș Pîslaru, 79 48/6/1 (new) Cristian Ghinea Paragraph 2a Covers AM 80, 83, COMP 10 Rapporteur 45/2/8 (new) 84, 85, 88, 140 Paragraph 2 a Falls if COMP 10 is 80 Jordi Cañas F (new) adopted Paragraph 2 a Falls if COMP 10a is 81 Sara Skyttedal F (new) adopted

PV\1211179MT.docx 49/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Marc Botenga, Nikolaj Villumsen, Paragraph 2 a 82 Sandra Pereira, Leila 26/29/0 (new) Chaibi, Konstantinos Arvanitis Dragoș Pîslaru, Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Paragraph 2 b Falls if COMP 10 is 83 Cristian Ghinea, F (new) adopted Sylvie Brunet, Marie- Pierre Vedrenne Paragraph 2 b Falls if COMP 10 is 84 Jordi Cañas F (new) adopted Dragoș Pîslaru, Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Paragraph 2 c Cristian Ghinea, Falls if COMP 10 is 85 F (new) Sylvie Brunet, Marie- adopted Pierre Vedrenne, Radka Maxová Marc Botenga, Leila Chaibi, Nikolaj Falls if COMP 11 is Paragraph 3 92 Villumsen, Sandra F adopted Pereira, Konstantinos Arvanitis Falls if COMP 11, Paragraph 3 97 Sara Skyttedal F AM 92 is adopted Falls if COMP 11, Paragraph 3 86 Lukas Mandl F AM 92, 97 is adopted Falls if COMP 11, Paragraph 3 93 Marc Angel AM 92, 97, 86 is F adopted Elena Lizzi, France Jamet, Guido Reil, Falls if COMP 11, Paragraph 3 89 Dominique Bilde, AM 92, 97, 86, 93 is F Stefania Zambelli, adopted Nicolaus Fest Falls if COMP 11, Paragraph 3 87 Ádám Kósa AM 92, 97, 86, 93, F 89 is adopted Falls if COMP 10, COMP 11, AM 92, Paragraph 3 88 Kim Van Sparrentak F 97, 86, 93, 89, 87 is adopted Falls if COMP 11, Paragraph 3 91 Jordi Cañas AM 92, 97, 86, 93, F 89, 87, 88 is adopted

PE655870v01-00 50/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Falls if COMP 11, Elżbieta Rafalska, AM 92, 97, 86, 93, Paragraph 3 94 Beata Szydło, Anna F 89, 87, 88, 91 is Zalewska adopted Falls if COMP 11, Stelios AM 92, 97, 86, 93, Paragraph 3 95 F Kympouropoulos 89, 87, 88, 91, 94 is adopted Falls if COMP 11, José Manuel AM 92, 97, 86, 93, Paragraph 3 96 F Fernandes 89, 87, 88, 91, 94, 95 is adopted Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Agnes Jongerius, Gabriele Falls if COMP 11, Bischoff, Elisabetta AM 92, 97, 86, 93, Paragraph 3 90 Gualmini, Manuel F 89, 87, 88, 91, 94, Pizarro, Evelyn 95, 96 is adopted Regner, Brando Benifei, Alicia Homs Ginel, Pierfrancesco Majorino Covers AM 98, 115, Paragraph 4a COMP 15 Rapporteur 119, 120, 126, 133, 40/12/3 (new) 135, 137, 139 Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Brando Benifei, Milan Brglez, Alicia Homs Ginel, Marc Paragraph 3 – Angel, Pierfrancesco Falls if COMP 15 is subparagraph 1 98 F Majorino, Estrella adopted (new) Durá Ferrandis, Agnes Jongerius, Gabriele Bischoff, Elisabetta Gualmini, Manuel Pizarro Paragraph 3 a Heléne Fritzon, identical with AM 99 45/4/6 (new) Johan Danielsson 151, vote as one Elena Lizzi, France Jamet, Guido Reil, Paragraph 3 a 100 Dominique Bilde, 11/44/0 (new) Stefania Zambelli, Nicolaus Fest

PV\1211179MT.docx 51/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Paragraph 3 a 101 Jordi Cañas 49/0/06 (new) Covers AM 102, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, Paragraph 4 COMP 14 Rapporteur 45/6/4 121, 122, 124, 127, 137

Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Abir Al-Sahlani, Paragraph 3 a Monica Semedo, Falls if COMP 14 is 102 F (new) Dragoș Pîslaru, adopted Samira Rafaela, Radka Maxová Paragraph 3 a Falls if COMP 12 is 103 Anne Sander F (new) adopted Paragraph 3 a 104 Sara Skyttedal 47/0/8 (new) Paragraph 3 a Margarita de la Pisa 105 26/25/4 (new) Carrión Paragraph 3 a 106 Lukas Mandl 27/21/7 (new) Paragraph 3 b Falls if COMP 12 is 107 Jordi Cañas F (new) adopted Paragraph 3 b Falls if COMP 12 is 108 Anne Sander F (new) adopted Paragraph 3 b Margarita de la Pisa Falls if COMP 12 is 109 F (new) Carrión adopted Paragraph 3 b Falls if COMP 12 is 110 Sara Skyttedal F (new) adopted Paragraph 3 b 111 Lukas Mandl 19/36/0 (new) Elena Lizzi, France Jamet, Guido Reil, Paragraph 3 b 112 Dominique Bilde, 11/44/0 (new) Stefania Zambelli, Nicolaus Fest

Elena Lizzi, France Jamet, Guido Reil, Paragraph 3 c 113 Dominique Bilde, 11/44/0 (new) Stefania Zambelli, Nicolaus Fest Paragraph 3b Covers AM 114, 141, COMP 13 Rapporteur 50/0/5 (new) 173

PE655870v01-00 52/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Paragraph 3 c Margarita de la Pisa Falls if COMP 13 is 114 F (new) Carrión adopted Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Brando Benifei, Milan Brglez, Alicia Homs Ginel, Marc Angel, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Estrella Falls if COMP 14, Paragraph 4 115 F Durá Ferrandis, COMP 15 is adopted Agnes Jongerius, Gabriele Bischoff, Elisabetta Gualmini, Manuel Pizarro, Evelyn Regner Falls if COMP 14, Paragraph 4 116 Kim Van Sparrentak F AM 115 is adopted Falls if COMP 14, Paragraph 4 117 Ádám Kósa AM 115, 116 is F adopted Falls if COMP 14, Dragoș Pîslaru, Paragraph 4 118 AM 115, 116, 117 is F Cristian Ghinea adopted Falls if COMP 14, Margarita de la Pisa COMP 15, AM 115, Paragraph 4 119 F Carrión 116, 117, 118 is adopted Falls if COMP 14, COMP 15, AM 115, Paragraph 4 120 Anne Sander F 116, 117, 118, 119 is adopted Elisabetta Gualmini, Falls if COMP 14, Brando Benifei, AM 115, 116, 117, Paragraph 4 121 F Pierfrancesco 118, 119, 120 is Majorino adopted Marc Botenga, Leila Falls if COMP 14, Chaibi, Nikolaj AM 115, 116, 117, Paragraph 4 122 Villumsen, Sandra F 118, 119, 120, 121 is Pereira, Konstantinos adopted Arvanitis

Falls if COMP 14, Elżbieta Rafalska, AM 115, 116, 117, Paragraph 4 124 Beata Szydło, Anna F 118, 119, 120, 121, Zalewska 122 is adopted

PV\1211179MT.docx 53/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Falls if COMP 14, AM 115, 116, 117, Paragraph 4 123 Loucas Fourlas F 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124 is adopted Paragraph 4 a Falls if COMP 8 is 125 Kim Van Sparrentak F (new) adopted Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Abir Al-Sahlani, Paragraph 4 a Monica Semedo, Falls if COMP 15 is 126 F (new) Dragoș Pîslaru, adopted Samira Rafaela, Radka Maxová Paragraph 4 a Falls if COMP 14 is 127 Jordi Cañas F (new) adopted Paragraph 4 b Covers AM 128, 131, COMP 16 Rapporteur 55/0/0 (new) 134 Falls if COMP 16 is rejected; if adopted, 2nd half of AM 128 to be added at the Addition Paragraph 4 b end of COMP 16: to COMP Rapporteur 31/20/4 (new) "Stresses, in order to 16 strenghten the Single Market, the robotics." Falls if COMP 16, Paragraph 4 a 128 Marc Angel Addition to COMP F (new) 16 is adopted Dragoș Pîslaru, Cristian Ghinea, Paragraph 4 a 129 Sylvie Brunet, Marie- 41/12/2 (new) Pierre Vedrenne, Radka Maxová Paragraph 4 a Heléne Fritzon, Falls if COMP 17 is 130 F (new) Johan Danielsson adopted Elżbieta Rafalska, Paragraph 4 a Falls if COMP 16 is 131 Beata Szydło, Anna F (new) adopted Zalewska Paragraph 4 b Dragoș Pîslaru, 132 49/0/6 (new) Cristian Ghinea

PE655870v01-00 54/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Abir Al-Sahlani, Paragraph 4 b Monica Semedo, Falls if COMP 15 is 133 F (new) Dragoș Pîslaru, adopted Samira Rafaela, Radka Maxová Elżbieta Rafalska, Paragraph 4 b Falls if COMP 16 is 134 Beata Szydło, Anna F (new) adopted Zalewska Paragraph 4 b Falls if COMP 15 is 135 Jordi Cañas F (new) adopted Dragoș Pîslaru, Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Paragraph 4 c 136 Cristian Ghinea, 49/0/6 (new) Sylvie Brunet, Marie- Pierre Vedrenne Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Paragraph 4 c Abir Al-Sahlani, Falls if COMP 14, 137 F (new) Monica Semedo, COMP 15 is adopted Dragoș Pîslaru Elżbieta Rafalska, Paragraph 4 c Falls if COMP 11 is 138 Beata Szydło, Anna F (new) adopted Zalewska Dragoș Pîslaru, Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Paragraph 4 d Cristian Ghinea, Falls if COMP 15 is 139 F (new) Sylvie Brunet, Marie- adopted Pierre Vedrenne, Radka Maxová Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Abir Al-Sahlani, Paragraph 4 d Falls if COMP 10 is 140 Monica Semedo, F (new) adopted Dragoș Pîslaru, Samira Rafaela Paragraph 3c COMP Rapporteur Covers AM 141, 171 F (new) 13a Elżbieta Rafalska, Paragraph 4 d Falls if COMP 13, 141 Beata Szydło, Anna F (new) 13a is adopted Zalewska Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Abir Al-Sahlani, Paragraph 4 e Monica Semedo, Falls if COMP 11 is 142 F (new) Dragoș Pîslaru, adopted Samira Rafaela, Radka Maxová

PV\1211179MT.docx 55/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Covers AM 143, 144, Paragraph 5 COMP 18 Rapporteur 43/6/6 145, 146, 147, 148 Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Milan Brglez, Alicia Homs Ginel, Marc Angel, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Falls if COMP 18 is Paragraph 5 144 F Agnes Jongerius, adopted Gabriele Bischoff, Elisabetta Gualmini, Manuel Pizarro, Evelyn Regner, Brando Benifei Falls if COMP 18, Margarita de la Pisa Paragraph 5 147 AM 144 is adopted, F Carrión Identical, vote as one Falls if COMP 18, Paragraph 5 148 Sara Skyttedal AM 144 is adopted, F Identical, vote as one Elena Lizzi, France Jamet, Guido Reil, Falls if COMP 18, Paragraph 5 149 Dominique Bilde, AM 144, 147, 148 is F Stefania Zambelli, adopted Nicolaus Fest Marc Botenga, Leila Falls if COMP 18, Chaibi, Sandra Paragraph 5 145 AM 144, 147, 148, F Pereira, Konstantinos 149 is adopted Arvanitis Falls if COMP 18, Stelios Paragraph 5 150 AM 144, 147, 148, F Kympouropoulos 149, 145 is adopted Falls if COMP 18, AM 144, 147, 148, Paragraph 5 143 Miriam Lexmann F 149, 145, 150 is adopted Falls if COMP 18, AM 144, 147, 148, Paragraph 5 146 Kim Van Sparrentak F 149, 145, 150, 143 is adopted

PE655870v01-00 56/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Brando Benifei, Milan Brglez, Alicia Homs Ginel, Marc Paragraph 5 – Angel, Pierfrancesco identical with AM subparagraph 1 151 55/0/0 Majorino, Estrella 99, vote as one (new) Durá Ferrandis, Agnes Jongerius, Gabriele Bischoff, Elisabetta Gualmini, Manuel Pizarro Dragoș Pîslaru, Paragraph 5 a Cristian Ghinea, 152 48/6/1 (new) Sylvie Brunet, Marie- Pierre Vedrenne Paragraph 5 a 153 Lukas Mandl 36/9/10 (new) Paragraph 5 a Margarita de la Pisa 154 30/24/1 (new) Carrión Covers AM 156, 161, Paragraph 6 COMP 19 Rapporteur 38/9/7 162, 163, 164 Falls if COMP 19 is rejected; if adopted, Addition last sentence of AM Paragraph 6 to COMP Rapporteur 156 to be added at 32/14/7 19 the end of COMP 19: "Calls on...positions." Margarita de la Pisa Falls if COMP 19 is Paragraph 6 155 F Carrión adopted Elena Lizzi, France Jamet, Guido Reil, Falls if COMP 19, Paragraph 6 157 Dominique Bilde, F AM 155 is adopted Stefania Zambelli, Nicolaus Fest Falls if COMP 19, Paragraph 6 160 Ádám Kósa AM 155, 157 is F adopted Falls if COMP 19, Paragraph 6 159 Sara Skyttedal AM 155, 157, 160 is F adopted

PV\1211179MT.docx 57/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Marc Botenga, Leila Chaibi, Nikolaj Falls if COMP 19, Paragraph 6 161 Villumsen, Sandra AM 155, 157, 160, F Pereira, Konstantinos 159 is adopted Arvanitis Elżbieta Rafalska, Falls if COMP 19, Paragraph 6 163 Beata Szydło, Anna AM 155, 157, 160, F Zalewska 159, 161 is adopted Falls if COMP 19, AM 155, 157, 160, Paragraph 6 162 Lukas Mandl F 159, 161, 163 is adopted Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Brando Benifei, Milan Brglez, Alicia Homs Ginel, Marc Falls if COMP 19, Angel, Pierfrancesco Addition to COMP Majorino, Estrella Paragraph 6 156 19, AM 155, 157, F Durá Ferrandis, 160, 159, 161, 163, Agnes Jongerius, 162 is adopted Gabriele Bischoff, Elisabetta Gualmini, Manuel Pizarro, Evelyn Regner Falls if COMP 19, AM 155, 157, 160, Paragraph 6 158 Kim Van Sparrentak F 159, 161, 163, 162, 156 is adopted Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Milan Brglez, Alicia Homs Ginel, Marc Angel, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Estrella Paragraph 6 – Durá Ferrandis, Falls if COMP 19 is subparagraph 1 164 F Agnes Jongerius, adopted (new) Gabriele Bischoff, Elisabetta Gualmini, Manuel Pizarro, Evelyn Regner, Brando Benifei Stelios Falls if COMP 20 is Paragraph 7 169 F Kympouropoulos adopted Falls if COMP 20, Paragraph 7 166 Kim Van Sparrentak F AM 169 is adopted

PE655870v01-00 58/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Falls if COMP 20, José Manuel Paragraph 7 167 AM 169, 166 is F Fernandes adopted Falls if COMP 20, Paragraph 7 165 Ádám Kósa AM 169, 166, 167 is F adopted Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Alicia Homs Ginel, Marc Angel, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Estrella Falls if COMP 20 is Durá Ferrandis, adopted, compatible Paragraph 7 168 Agnes Jongerius, F with AMs AM 169, Gabriele Bischoff, 166, 167, 165 Elisabetta Gualmini, Manuel Pizarro, Evelyn Regner, Brando Benifei, Milan Brglez Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Marc Angel, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Paragraph 7 – Agnes Jongerius, subparagraph 1 170 Gabriele Bischoff, 40/7/8 (new) Elisabetta Gualmini, Manuel Pizarro, Evelyn Regner, Brando Benifei, Milan Brglez, Alicia Homs Ginel Paragraph 7 a Dragoș Pîslaru, Falls if COMP 13a is 171 F (new) Cristian Ghinea adopted Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, SPLIT VOTE Agnes Jongerius, requested by EPP: Gabriele Bischoff, Paragraph 7 a 1st part: Without the 172 Elisabetta Gualmini, 44/11/0 (new) words "and that are Manuel Pizarro, not registered in tax Evelyn Regner, heavens". Brando Benifei, Milan Brglez, Alicia Homs Ginel, Marc Angel

PV\1211179MT.docx 59/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, SPLIT VOTE Agnes Jongerius, requested by EPP: Gabriele Bischoff, Paragraph 7 a 2nd part: With the 172 Elisabetta Gualmini, 46/8/1 (new) words "and that are Manuel Pizarro, not registered in tax Evelyn Regner, heavens" Brando Benifei, Milan Brglez, Alicia Homs Ginel, Marc Angel Paragraph 7 a Cindy Franssen, Falls if COMP 13 is 173 F (new) Dennis Radtke adopted Elena Lizzi, France Jamet, Guido Reil, Paragraph 7 a 174 Dominique Bilde, 12/43/0 (new) Stefania Zambelli, Nicolaus Fest Recital A COMP 1 Rapporteur Covers AM 3, 44, 46 55/0/0 Margarita de la Pisa Falls if COMP 1 is Recital A 7 F Carrión adopted Elżbieta Rafalska, Falls if COMP 1a, Recital A 3 Beata Szydło, Anna F AM 1 is adopted Zalewska Recital A a COMP 1a Rapporteur Covers AM 1, 4, 5, 8 55/0/0 (new) Falls if COMP 1a, Recital A 1 Ádám Kósa F AM 7, 3 is adopted Covers AM 2, 12, 13, Recital B COMP 2 Rapporteur 49/2/4 14, 15, 16 Marc Botenga, Leila Chaibi, Nikolaj Falls if COMP 1, Recital A 2 Villumsen, Sandra COMP 2, AM 7, 3, 1 F Pereira, Konstantinos is adopted Arvanitis

PE655870v01-00 60/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Milan Brglez, Evelyn Regner, Brando Benifei, Alicia Homs Ginel, Marc Angel, Falls if COMP 1, Pierfrancesco Recital A 4 AM 7, 3, 1, 2 is F Majorino, Estrella adopted Durá Ferrandis, Agnes Jongerius, Gabriele Bischoff, Elisabetta Gualmini, Manuel Pizarro Falls if COMP 1, Recital A 6 Kim Van Sparrentak AM 7, 3, 1, 2, 4 is F adopted Falls if COMP 1, Recital A 5 Loucas Fourlas AM 7, 3, 1, 2, 4, 6 is F adopted Falls if COMP 1, Stelios Recital A 8 AM 7, 3, 1, 2, 4, 6, 5 F Kympouropoulos is adopted Recital A a 9 Sara Skyttedal 15/37/1 (new) Recital A a Margarita de la Pisa 10 50/5/0 (new) Carrión Elżbieta Rafalska, Recital A a 11 Beata Szydło, Anna 45/6/0 (new) Zalewska Falls if COMP 2 is Recital B 12 Kim Van Sparrentak F adopted Marc Botenga, Leila Chaibi, Nikolaj Falls if COMP 2, Recital B 14 Villumsen, Sandra F AM 12 is adopted Pereira, Konstantinos Arvanitis Falls if COMP 2, Recital B 13 Jordi Cañas F AM 12, 14 is adopted Falls if COMP 2, Margarita de la Pisa Recital B 17 AM 12, 14, 13 is F Carrión adopted Falls if COMP 2, Recital B 16 Ádám Kósa AM 12, 14, 13, 17 is F adopted

PV\1211179MT.docx 61/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Falls if COMP 2, José Manuel Recital B 15 AM 12, 14, 13, 17, F Fernandes 16 is adopted Marc Botenga, Leila Chaibi, Nikolaj Recital B a 18 Villumsen, Sandra 17/38/0 (new) Pereira, Konstantinos Arvanitis Covers AM 19, 20, Recital C COMP 3 Rapporteur 51/0/4 21, 25, 26, 27, 29 Falls if COMP 3 is Recital C 19 Kim Van Sparrentak F adopted Marc Botenga, Leila Chaibi, Nikolaj Falls if COMP 3, Recital C 23 Villumsen, Sandra F AM 19 is adopted Pereira, Konstantinos Arvanitis Falls if COMP 3, Recital C 20 Miriam Lexmann F AM 19, 23 is adopted Falls if COMP 3, Recital C 21 Jordi Cañas AM 19, 23, 20 is F adopted Falls if COMP 3, Cindy Franssen, Recital C 22 AM 19, 23, 20, 21 is F Dennis Radtke adopted Falls if COMP 3, Recital C 24 Ádám Kósa AM 19, 23, 20, 21, F 22 is adopted Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Brando Benifei, Milan Brglez, Alicia Homs Ginel, Marc Falls if COMP 2, Angel, Pierfrancesco COMP 3, AM 19, 23, Recital C 25 F Majorino, Estrella 20, 21, 22, 24 is Durá Ferrandis, adopted Agnes Jongerius, Gabriele Bischoff, Elisabetta Gualmini, Manuel Pizarro Elżbieta Rafalska, Recital C a Falls if COMP 3 is 26 Beata Szydło, Anna F (new) adopted Zalewska

PE655870v01-00 62/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Recital C a Margarita de la Pisa Falls if COMP 3 is 27 F (new) Carrión adopted Elżbieta Rafalska, Recital C b 28 Beata Szydło, Anna 49/0/6 (new) Zalewska Elżbieta Rafalska, Recital C c Falls if COMP 3 is 29 Beata Szydło, Anna F (new) adopted Zalewska Covers AM 31, 33, Recital D COMP 4 Rapporteur 55/0/0 35, 36, 43 Recital D a Covers AM 30, 34, COMP 5 Rapporteur 55/0/0 (new) 40 Falls if COMP 4, Recital D 30 Ádám Kósa F COMP 5 is adopted Falls if COMP 4, Recital D 33 Kim Van Sparrentak F AM 30 is adopted Falls if COMP 4, Recital D 31 Loucas Fourlas F AM 30, 33 is adopted Elena Lizzi, France Jamet, Guido Reil, Falls if COMP 4, Recital D 32 Dominique Bilde, AM 30, 33, 31 is F Stefania Zambelli, adopted Nicolaus Fest Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Brando Benifei, Alicia Homs Ginel, Marc Angel, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Estrella Recital D a Falls if COMP 5 is 34 Durá Ferrandis, F (new) adopted Agnes Jongerius, Gabriele Bischoff, Elisabetta Gualmini, Manuel Pizarro, Milan Brglez, Evelyn Regner Marc Botenga, Leila Chaibi, Nikolaj Recital D a Falls if COMP 4 is 35 Villumsen, Sandra F (new) adopted Pereira, Konstantinos Arvanitis Recital D a Dragoș Pîslaru, Falls if COMP 4 is 36 F (new) Cristian Ghinea adopted Recital E COMP 6 Rapporteur Covers AM 38, 39 54/0/0

PV\1211179MT.docx 63/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Brando Benifei, Milan Brglez, Alicia Homs Ginel, Marc Angel, Pierfrancesco Falls if COMP 6 is Recital E 38 F Majorino, Estrella adopted Durá Ferrandis, Agnes Jongerius, Gabriele Bischoff, Elisabetta Gualmini, Manuel Pizarro Falls if COMP 6, Recital E 37 Ádám Kósa COMP 20, AM 38 is F adopted Falls if COMP 6, Recital E 39 Kim Van Sparrentak F AM 38, 37 is adopted Dragoș Pîslaru, Recital E a Falls if COMP 5 is 40 Cristian Ghinea, F (new) adopted Radka Maxová Marc Botenga, Leila Chaibi, Nikolaj Recital E a 41 Villumsen, Sandra 22/33/0 (new) Pereira, Konstantinos Arvanitis Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Evelyn Regner, Brando Benifei, Alicia Homs Ginel, Marc Angel, Pierfrancesco Recital E a 42 Majorino, Estrella 50/0/5 (new) Durá Ferrandis, Agnes Jongerius, Gabriele Bischoff, Elisabetta Gualmini, Manuel Pizarro, Milan Brglez Recital E a Cindy Franssen, Falls if COMP 4 is 43 F (new) Dennis Radtke adopted Recital E a Falls if COMP 1 is 44 Anne Sander F (new) adopted Recital E a 45 Sara Skyttedal 39/16/0 (new) Recital E b Falls if COMP 1 is 46 Anne Sander F (new) adopted

PE655870v01-00 64/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Recital E c 47 Anne Sander 53/0/2 (new)

VOTE on the DRAFT Abstent for against OPINION as amended ions 41 6 6

PV\1211179MT.docx 65/96 PE655870v01-00 MT ANNEX II

3. EMPL COORDINATORS – Meeting of 13 July 2020

2019 - 2024 Committee on Employment and Social Affair

EMPL COORDINATORS Meeting of 13 July 2020 11:30 - 12:30 hrs

Held remotely and in Antall 6Q2


02/09/2020 Version 4

The meeting was chaired remotely by Ms Lucia ĎURIŠ NICHOLSONOVÁ, Chair. Several technical problems made the conduct of the meeting difficult.


EPP Mr Denis RADTKE, Coordinator (remotely) S&D Ms Agnes JONGERIUS, Coordinator (remotely) RE Mr Dragoş PÎSLARU, Coordinator (in the room) ID Ms France JAMET, Coordinator (remotely) Greens/EFA Ms Kira Marie PETER HANSEN, Coordinator (in the room) ECR Ms Elżbieta RAFALSKA, Coordinator (remotely) GUE/NGL Mr Nikolaj VILLUMSEN; Coordinator (remotely)

Also connected

Ms Katrin LANGENSIEPEN, 4th Vice-Chair, Greens/EFA Deputy Coordinator Ms Sylvie BRUNET, Renew Deputy Coordinator.

PE655870v01-00 66/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT 1. Chair's announcements

1.1. Interpretation languages (JK) Interpretation was available for the following languages: EN, DE, FR, PL, IT.

1.1a. Interpretation into RO for Mr Falcă and into DA for Ms Vind at the next EMPL meeting (16 July) (JK)


Current arrangements (Interactio meetings) allow for interpretation into a maximum of 9 languages. According to the linguistic profile of the committee, those languages are: FR DE IT EN DA ES PT HU PL

Based on number of MEPs (priority to full members) the order is

1) DE 2) FR 3) IT 4) ES 5) PL 6) HU (special request from Mr Kosa so as to enable HU sign language interpretation) 7) DA 8) EN 9) NL (not currently in our 9) 10) SV (not currently in our 9) 11) RO (not currently in our 9) 12) PT (special request from Ms Pereira) 13) EL (not currently in our 9) 14) SL (not currently in our 9) 15) BG (not currently in our 9) 16) CS (not currently in our 9) 17) SK (not currently in our 9) 18) MT (not currently in our 9) 19) ET (not currently in our 9) 20) LT (not currently in our 9)

Mr Falcă requested RO in his capacity as shadow rapporteur for the following file: React-EU (revision of the 2014-2020 CPR), rapporteur for opinion: Ms Jongerius. That item is taken right after the debate with the German Minster, Hubertus Heil. Ms Vind requested DA for the afternoon session. It is not possible to change languages just for a part of an interpretation slot. Interpretation languages usually need to booked 2 weeks ahead of a meeting. (Wednesday of the week preceding the meeting at the very latest).


The Coordinators

PV\1211179MT.docx 67/96 PE655870v01-00 MT  noted and endorsed that the secretariat always books EN interpretation although the number of MEPs having EN as their mother tongue has dropped after Brexit.

 decide Portuguese should be replaced by RO for the entire morning session.

noted that since the deadline for requests had passed, there was no certainty whether the request could be accommodated.

1.2. List of EMPL Coordinators (For information) (New numbers as of 1st February 2020.)

EMPL Coordinators/Deputies EPP (15) Dennis Radtke Sara Skyttedal S&D (12) Agnes Jongerius RE (8) Dragoş Pîslaru Sylvie Brunet ID (6) France Jamet Elena Lizzi Greens/EFA Kira Marie Katrin Langensiepen (4) Peter-Hansen ECR (5) Elżbieta Rafalska Helmut Geuking GUE/NGL (4) Nikolaj Villumsen

Please note that the above order of political groups reflects their strength in the Chamber, not in the committee.1

2. Points for information/follow-up of previous decisions


3. Cooperation pursuant to Rules 56+/57/58 - state of play (As appropriate, to be followed up by information emails to all the groups, coordinators, rapporteurs & shadows)

3.1. Recovery Plan package proposals - EMPL involvement The papers for the meeting include  a table from the CCC secretariat dated 18 June 2020  a letter from the Chair to the CCC dated 22 June 2020  the request was followed up by a letter from the Chair dated 10 July 2020,

1 Plenary (29.6.2020): EPP 187, S&D 147, RE 98, ID 76, Greens/EFA 67, ECR 62, GUE/NGL 39, ID 29

PE655870v01-00 68/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT To summarise, the EMPL requests to be involved in the package wereas follows:

 FEAD - 2nd revision - 2020/0105(COD):  Lead EMPL  Just Transition Fund - 2020/006(COD):  EMPL Rule 57 shared (agreed)  Recovery and resilience facility - 2020/0104(COD)  EMPL Rule 57 requested  Technical support instrument - 2020/0104(COD)  EMPL Rule 56  ESF+, revised proposal - 2018/0206(COD)  EMPL lead, EU4Health Programme split off and allocated to ENVI; Rule 56+ for CULT, LIBE; FEMM and REGI  ReactEU (revision of the CPR 2014-2020) - 2020/0101(COD)  EMPL Rule 57 (like for CPR 2014-2020)  CPR 2021-2027, revised proposal - 2018/0196(COD)  EMPL Rule 56+ (like for CPR 2021-2027)  EU4Health Programme - 2020/0102(COD)  EMPL Rule 57 opinion initially requested; however, Coordinators decided in the follow-up written procedure NOT to draw up an opinion

Further developments

At the CCC on 9 July 2020, Mr Zdechovský vigorously defended EMPL’s claims, in particular the request for Rule 57 with shared powers for the following provisions of the Recovery and Resilience Facility:

 Article 4(1)  Article 16(3)(d)  Recital 1  Recital 2  Recital 3  Recital 4  Recital 5  Recital 14  Recital 21  Recital 22  Article 15(3)(c)  Article 15(3)(f)  Article 16(3)(e)  Recital 6  Recital 12  Recital 16  Point 2.2. and Point 2.4 of Annex II

Latest (post Coordinators’ meeting):

PV\1211179MT.docx 69/96 PE655870v01-00 MT It would appear that EMPL might get Rule 57 (shared powers on art 4(1), Annex II point 2.4. and, possibly on Article 16(3) (d) or (e) (revised CCC recommendation). As the CoP plans to adopt the attribution of competence between committees on the Commission’s recovery package and MFF-related proposals before the summer recess, Committees are invited not to challenge this revised CCC proposal.

PE655870v01-00 70/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Decision

The Coordinators took note of the state of play.

4. Future EMPL meetings dates

The modified EP calendar of meetings is included in the papers for the meeting.

The concrete EMPL meeting dates will be subject to availability of resources (the logistical capacities are limited to twelve two hour Interactio meeting slots parallel). The following meeting slots were requested:

 31 August p.m./1 September a.m. (31/08/2020 (Mon) 13:45 - 15:45; 01/09/2020 (Tue) 10:00 - 12:00); voting session to be held on 1 September - announcement of results and final votes subsequently outside formal committee meeting.  7 September p.m. (07/09/2020 (Mon) 13:45 - 15:45)  21 or 22 September (TBC)


The Coordinators took note of the above and noted that they would be consulted again in advance of the next meetings as and when timing and agendas would become clearer.

PV\1211179MT.docx 71/96 PE655870v01-00 MT 5. Allocation of reports and opinions

Overview of pending INIs A) INIs

Procedure Title Rapporteur(s) Opinions Coordinators CCC CoP Vote decision decision decision 2019/2186(INI) Fair working Brunet, Sylvie TRAN - 17.10.2019 26.11.2019 11.12.2019 conditions, (Renew) rule 56 rights and social protection for platform workers - New forms of employment linked to digital development - JB 2019/2187(INI) Access to Van Sparrentak, 17.10.2019 26.11.2019 11.12.2019 01 decent and Kim(Greens/EFA) December affordable housing for all - LS/TV 2019/2188(INI) Reducing Demirel, Ӧzlem FEMM- 17.10.2019 26.11.2019 11.12.2019 October inequalities (GUE/NGL) PETI rule with a 56 special focus on in-work poverty - EC 2019/2212(INI) European Dobrev, Klara 04.12.2019 26.11.2019 11.12.2019 20.2 Hors quota Semester for (S&D) Adopted economic Awaiting policy plenary coordination: slot Employment and Social Aspects in the Annual Growth Survey 2020 - MM 2020/2007(INI) Impacts of IMCO - 17.10.2019 17.12.2019 09.01.2020 February EU rules on (EPP) rule 57 2021 the free movement of workers and services: intra-EU labour mobility as a

PE655870v01-00 72/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT tool to match labour market needs and skills - BM 2020/2008(INI) Old (ECR) ECON - 17.10.2019 17.12.2019 09.01.2020 Timetable continent rule 56 to be growing AGRI - rule decided at older - 56 a later possibilities stage and challenges related to ageing policy post 2020 - MM A strong Co-Rapporteurs (CCC of 23.1.2020 CCC Co- Secretariat social Europe Radtke/Jongeriu 11.2.2020) recommen rapporteur submitted for Just s CULT - dation on -ship a proposal Transition Rule 57 6 April for authorised for MP FEMM- CULT by the CoP timetable Rule 56 opinion on on 2 of to RoP 57 July Rapporteu rs on 1 July Employment S&D 27.4.2020 CCC and social 23.4.2020 policies of (TBC) the euro area 2020 - MM

Reserve rolling list 1. 2019/2185(INI)- Gabriele Bischoff (S&D)-Democracy at work: A European framework for employees' participation rights and the revision of the European Works Council Directive - MiP - not the report, but only the authorisation has been withdrawn in order to free a place for another file.- 05.03.2020 - request for authorisation withdrawn 2. Mental Health policies in the EU in the Digital Era 3. A new EU strategic framework on health and safety at work post 2020(including a better protection of workers from exposure to harmful substances, stress at work and repetitive motion injuries) 4. European Action Plan for the Social Economy 5. Job creation: just transition and impact investment 6. Fostering and adapting vocational training as a tool for employees' success and a building block for the EU economy in the new industry 4.0 7. Access to child care - a way to enhance labour market participation

B) Legislative own-initiative reports (INLs)

Note: The INLs shall be taken in the order shown below, i.e. only one INL at any given time, meaning that the following draft report should only be tabled after the preceding report has

PV\1211179MT.docx 73/96 PE655870v01-00 MT been adopted. Preparatory work may start as and when the rapporteurs so decide.

Procedure Title Rapporteur( Opinion Coordinator CCC CoP Vote s) s s decision decision decision 2019(2181)IN The right Alex Saliba 17.10.2019 26.11.201 11.12.201 01 L to (S&D) 9 9 Decembe disconnect r -LS/TV 2019(2182)IN Protecting Nikolaj 17.10.2019 26.11.201 11.12.201 Timetabl L workers Villumsen 9 9 e to be from (GUE/NGL) decided asbestos- at a later EC stage. PR can not be presente d before 01 Decembe r 2019(2183)IN Revision Dennis 17.10.2019 26.11.201 11.12.201 Timetabl L of Radtke 9 9 e to be European decided Works (EPP) at a later Councils stage Directive - MiP 2020(2005)IN Quality Monika CULT- 17.10.2019 17.12.201 09.01.202 Timetabl L traineeshi Semedo (RE) rule 56+ 9 0 e to be p in the decided EU-SR at a later stage

C) Implementation reports

Procedure Title Rapporteur(s) Coordinators CCC CoP Vote decision decision decision 2019/2203(INI) Mid-term 17.10.2019 26.11.2019 26.11.2019 withdrawn Withdrawn on evaluation of 20.2.2020 the EaSi Programme -EC On hold Situation of the 17.10.2019-to (decision of youth: start in 20.2.2020) employment December and EU 2019 programme’s efficiency Implementation 17.10.2019- 27.4.2020 07.05.2020 January of Council requested in 2021 Directive March 2020 2000/78/EC establishing a general framework for equal treatment

PE655870v01-00 74/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT in employment and occupation in light of the UNCRPD - MM Postponed Implementation 17.10.2019- report on the awaiting note job creation from DG EPRS, effects of the report to start European Fund no later than for Strategic April 2020 Investment (Reg. 2017/2396)

Workload indicator (JK)

Before the Coordinators’ meeting, the Committee was working on:

17 Reports (including dormant INIs/INLs)  4 COD  1 NLE  8 INI  4 INL

23 Opinions  8 COD  2 BUD  1 APP  6 INI  2 INL  4 INI subject to authorisation of lead committee report

1 Oral Question/Resolution  1 RSP

Amendments processed in June 2020:  1088 - includes AMs in reports and compromises

PV\1211179MT.docx 75/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Decisions on new reports and opinions




5.1. Draft amending budget no 6 to the general budget 2020 reflecting in the budget 2020 the launch of the recovery plan for Europe (EC) A: Opinion (Lead Committee: BUDG) EMPL/9/03292 - 2020/2093(BUD)


No opinion

Documents for information

5.2. Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament: Summary of the annual implementation reports for the operational programmes co- financed by the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived in 2018 (EC) COM(2020)0226

Decision The Coordinators took note of the report which is particularly relevant for  the ESF+ team  the FEAD team

5.3. Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the impact of demographic change (MM) COM(2020)0241 Decision: The Coordinators took note that VP Suica had offered to present the report to the EMPL Committee and that the presentation would be accommodated on 1 September.

5.4. Proposal for a Council Recommendation on vocational education and training (VET) for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience (JB)

PE655870v01-00 76/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT COM(2020)0275 Background:


The Coordinators decided that an Oral Question with a resolution should be drawn up.

Chair to act as rapporteur, each group shall appoint one co-sponsor.

5.5. Proposal for a Council Recommendation on A Bridge to Jobs - Reinforcing the Youth Guarantee and replacing Council Recommendation of 22 April 2013 on establishing a Youth Guarantee (SR) COM(2020)0277

The draft Council Recommendation is scheduled for “political agreement” in the October EPSCO (13 October 2020). Therefore, the resolution should be adopted in plenary in October I (5-8 October) and be dealt with in the EMPL Committee in September. A more precise - and probably very tight - calendar can be proposed once the meeting dates for these months are confirmed.


The Coordinators decided that an Oral Question with a resolution should be drawn up.

Chair to act as rapporteur, each group shall appoint one co-sponsor.

5.6. COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT ADDITIONAL FIGURES, MAPS AND TABLES ON THE KEY ASPECTS OF DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE AND ITS IMPACT Accompanying the document Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the impact of demographic change SWD(2020)0109 This Staff Working Document complements the report under point 5.3 with additional figures, maps and tables. Decision The Coordinators took note of the document.


PV\1211179MT.docx 77/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Decision

The Coordinators decided that an Oral Question with a resolution should be drawn up.

Chair to act as rapporteur, each group shall appoint one co-sponsor.


PE655870v01-00 78/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT 6. Voting in EMPL

The papers for the meeting included  a letter to the CCC on 5 new committees and the staffing situation in the EMPL Secretariat as well as  a letter from the CCC Chair to the Chair of the Committee on Budgets on 33 temporary posts for contracual agents.


The Coordinators  held an exchange of views during which it was confirmed that there was no majority for the use of iVote  took note of the organisational difficulties inherent in voting with MS Excel, as well as of the current staffing situation of the EMPL secretariat.2  took note that crucial members of the secretariat, viz. the (sole) Committee Assistant, the responsible administrators and their assistants are blocked for around ten days for each voting session, i.e. around one week before a vote and 2- 3 days afterwards  decided to write the President in order to seek a horizontal decision of the Conference of Presidents on remote voting tools3  agreed to organise a voluntary test vote with iVote  too note that the following votes would be held in the near future:

 16 July: 2 opinions RODRÍGUEZ PALOP: The EU Strategy for Gender Equality [BURG] - AD PA CANAS: A New Industrial Strategy for Europe [SEIB] - AD PA 1 September (date tbc): 1 votes 1 opinion JONGERIUS: REACT-EU [MAKA] - AD PA (TBC)

2 Initial staffing at the beginning of 2020: 20 persons. The following changes occurred since then:

 1 AST moved to another committee, not yet replaced  1 AST first on long-term sick-leave (5 months) followed by medical part-time 50% (2 months)  1 CA-AST was moved with her post to another committee  1 AST (2nd committee assistant) on long-term sick-leave (min. 5 months)  1 AST on sick-leave (min 2 weeks - new)

 1 AD-SNE returned to his home country  1 AD on sick-leave (ca 2 months, fit again after summer recess)  1 AD on sick-leave, followed by maternity leave (total min. 5 months)  1 AD moved to temporary committee  1 AD due to move to another committee in autumn

3 Letter signed and sent on 16 July 2020

PV\1211179MT.docx 79/96 PE655870v01-00 MT  7 September (date tbc): 1 opinion GÁLVEZ MUÑOZ: Framework of ethical aspects of artificial intelligence, robotics and related technologies [SEIB] - AD PA (AM 24.6.)

 21 September (date TBC): 1 vote; AD BUDG AMs

 1 October (date tbc) 6 (!) votes: 3 reports, 3 opinions DOBREV: Employment and social policies of the euro area 2020 [MAKA] - AD PR (AM 22.6. - PLE XXX) DEMIREL: Reducing inequalities with a special focus on in-work poverty [CARM] - AD PR (AM. 21.7) BOTENGA: Strengthening the Single Market: the future of free movement of services [SEIB] - AD PA ALIEVA-VELI: A new strategy for European SMEs [RADE] - AD PA BUDGET 2021 [CARM] - AD BUDG-PA FEAD [CARM] - AD PR

 Dates TBC: 6 additional votes on 3 Oral Questions and 3 resolutions (items 5.4., 5.5., 5.7.)

PE655870v01-00 80/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT 7. Use of the expertise budget in the second half of 2020 (PolDepA)

The papers for the meeting included  Table A (revised on 9.7.2020, with indications from S&D; it is an updated version of the document “EMPL Expertise Planning II/2020 - Top Ten Topics”)  Table B (alternative ranking, one point per group)  Table C (alternative ranking, by number of seats)


The Coordinators

1. Took note of  the revised shortlist (revised Table A, with S&D indications) and  alternative methods, viz. o Table B (supported by the S&D and GUE/NGL groups) o Table C (supported by EPP, Renew and Greens)

2. Invited the Policy Department to make proposals in writing, based on the exchange of views

3. Agreed to take a final decision in a written procedure.4

4 The following order and wording of topics was approved:

1. The impact of digital work and teleworking on society, with a special focus on surveillance and monitoring as well as the mental health of workers 2. Fighting poverty and social exclusion (incl. through minimum income schemes) 3. Ageing policies: Access to services in different Member States 4. Policies for carers (both recent and longer-term issues) 5. Revaluation of working conditions and wages for essential workers 6. Occupational health and safety: Adjusting provisions in the light of Covid-19 (Study format) 7. The digitalisation of social services (presentation by Eurofound, possibly followed by wider literature review) 8. Youth in Europe: Effects of Covid-19 on their economic and social situation

Note: The S&D group requested to take a decision on the method for ranking proposals well in advance of the next round of decisions on the use of the EMPL expertise budget.

PV\1211179MT.docx 81/96 PE655870v01-00 MT 8. Organisation of debates in EMPL The papers for the meeting include a detailed options paper.


The Coordinators  decided to apply the ping-pong principle based on the committee’s d’Hondt table to the exchange of views with Minister Hubertus Heil on 16 July and  agreed to draw the appropriate lessons after that experience.

 Regarding the linguistic implications, see item 1.1a

9. Update on budgetary procedure (EC/SR)

The papers for the meeting included:  the result of the Assessment of Pilot projects and preparatory actions (already circulated to all EMPL MEPs by email of 2 July 2020  presentations given by the BUDG Committee

9.1. Update on budgetary amendments

On 7 July, the EMPL Secretariat provided groupd with the following information

“The Council has informed BUDG that, irrespective of a possible agreement on the MFF/OR in the European Council in July, it will not be in position to adopt its position on budget 2021 in Coreper before 9 September.

This implies that the whole calendar of the budgetary procedure needs to be postponed to allow Parliament to adopt its reading.

BUDG coordinators discussed the matter today and agreed on a revised pragmatic calendar, in agreement with the other institutions. According to this new calendar, under on the assumption of an agreement on the MFF/OR in the European Council in July, BUDG would vote in week 42 on the amendments and the plenary vote would be in November I.

For the work of opinion-giving committees, this concretely entails that:

 For the budgetary amendments: as announced earlier, Committee should proceed with your deadline for amendments and vote them in committee. Committee secretariats will not be able use CIBA [the dedicated IT tool for budgetary AMs] to process amendments, or to prepare voting lists or meeting documents needed for the vote. Committee Secretariats will need to work outside CIBA for the time being, and BUDG recommended Committees work in EN only, to avoid any hurdles in case of further postponements.

PE655870v01-00 82/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT (For this you have already received a link to the budgetary AM forms, and a specific macro to combine all the forms in one document for your vote is being developed.);

 Once CIBA is available with the Council's position (by end of week 38), Committee Secretariats will encode only adopted amendments into CIBA, and table those to Plenary – the deadline is now set at 22 September at 12.00; (please note that this deadline could be postponed further if the Council postpones the adoption of its position in Coreper after 9 September.)

 For opinions to the resolution for the general budget: these should be sent to BUDG by 15 October at 12.00 at the latest;

 BUDG would vote on the budgetary amendments during the week 42 (12-16 October) and on the accompanying resolution during the week 44 (26-30 October);

 The plenary votes would take place at the November mini-plenary in Brussels (11-12 November) (i.e. within the 42 days enshrined in the Treaty);

 The conciliation period would run from 17 November to 7 December, in view of the adoption of the agreement at December plenary.

In light of the above, two options are possible:

 Option 1: keep the deadline for budgetary AMs on 16 July noon (EN only), and give the Chair mandate to table ‘restore DB’ amendments for all EMPL lines that would be cut by the Council on 9 September. Vote would take place on 21 or 22 September;  Option 2A: postpone the deadline for budgetary AMs to 10 September, noon (EN only), except for PPs/PAs (keep 16 July noon).  Option 2B: postpone the deadline for budgetary AMs to 10 September, noon (EN only), except for PPs/PAs (3 September noon5, EN only).  Option 3 (recommended by EMPL Secretariat6): postpone the deadline for ALL budgetary AMs to 10 September noon (EN only), and recommend Members to table PPS/PAs earlier whenever possible


The Coordinators

5 This option would allow MEPs whose PPs got a B, C or D grade to contact the Commission and improve their PPs immediately after the summer recess (in normal years, this has to be done in July and August, which makes this difficult). It would probably make the processing of AMS by the EMPL Secretariat easier (2 batches of budgetary AMs)

6 This option would allow MEPs whose PPs got a B, C or D grade to contact the Commission and improve their PPs immediately after the summer recess (in normal years, this has to be done in July and August, which makes this difficult)

PV\1211179MT.docx 83/96 PE655870v01-00 MT  note that the timing of the budget for 2021 had been and would remain subject to frequent changes.  selected option 3 above and postponed the deadline for ALL budgetary AMs to 10 September noon (EN only), and recommended that Members table PPS/PAs earlier whenever possible. Budgetary AMs have to be adopted by 22 September morning (tentative date of EMPL vote: 21 September, tbc)  Coordinators are noted that the timetable might be further adapted after the European Council.

9.2. Pilot projects and preparatory actions - Outcome of the Commission assessment and next steps

The outcome of the Commission assessment of the pilot projects that were submitted for assessment by EMPL Members in April was circulated on 2 July:  2 PPs got a A grade (1 ongoing, 1 new)  1 PP (new) got a B  16 PPs got a C  2 PPs got a D

Next steps and procedure

The assessment by the Commission remains an informal step.

To be voted upon, PPs/PAs must be formally tabled as a budgetary AM within the deadline set for budgetary amendments (see point 9.1 above) - EN only

Note 1: Members who would miss EMPL deadline would have 2 options:  22 September, noon (tbc) if Members table their PP/PA directly in BUDG (but in that case the budgetary AM must be co-signed by a full or substitute Member of BUDG) or  22 September September, noon (tbc) for a tabling directly in plenary (by 38+ Members)

Note 2: PP that got a "A" grade can be submitted unaltered (no change in figures, remarks, justification). It is recommended to amend the other ones according to the comments/advice of the Commission, wherever possible.

Action proposed

The Coordinators

PE655870v01-00 84/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT  took note of the above  decided to return to the quality and methods of PP/PA evaluation by the Commission at their next meeting

PV\1211179MT.docx 85/96 PE655870v01-00 MT 9.3 EMPL opinion to the budgetary resolution

In view of the of the uncertainties surrounding the budgetary calendar this year (with forthcoming developments expected in the course of July), the Chair has decided to change the timetable of EMPL opinion to the October budgetary resolution as follows:  Presentation in EMPL: 1 September  Deadline AMs: 3 September noon  (Possible negotiations COMP: weeks 38 and 40)  Vote: 1 October* * depending on revision of EP calendar and if a meeting slot can be found


The Coordinators  took note of the new timetable,  noted that the timetable might be further adapted if the timetable of the lead committee changes  took note that consistency between the adopted budgetary amendments and the opinion ought to be ensured.

PE655870v01-00 86/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT 10. Motions for Resolutions7 - decision on procedure [SR] None

11. Petitions [SR]

11.1. Petitions received for information (see the annexes):

 None

11.2. Petitions received for decision (see the annexes):

 None

7 Rule 143 - Motions for resolutions 1. Any Member may table a motion for a resolution on a matter falling within the spheres of activity of the European Union. That motion may not be more than 200 words long. 2. Such a motion may not: - contain any decision on matters for which other specific procedures and competences are laid down in these Rules of Procedure, in particular Rule 47, or - deal with the subject of ongoing proceedings in Parliament. 3. Each Member may table no more than one such motion per month. 4. The motion for a resolution shall be submitted to the President, who shall verify whether it fulfils the applicable criteria. If the President declares the motion to be admissible, he or she shall announce it in plenary and refer it to the committee responsible. 5. The committee responsible shall decide what procedure is to be followed, which may include the combination of the motion for a resolution with other motions for a resolution or with reports; the adoption of an opinion, which may take the form of a letter; or the drawing up of a report under Rule 54. The committee responsible may also decide not to follow up the motion for a resolution. 6. The authors of a motion for a resolution shall be informed of the decisions of the President, of the committee and of the Conference of Presidents. 7. The report referred to in paragraph 5 shall contain the text of the motion for a resolution. 8. Opinions in the form of a letter referred to in paragraph 5 that are addressed to other institutions of the European Union shall be forwarded to them by the President. 9. A motion for a resolution tabled in accordance with paragraph 1 may be withdrawn by its author or authors or by its first signatory before the committee responsible has decided, in accordance with paragraph 5, to draw up a report on it. Once that motion for a resolution has been thus taken over by the committee responsible, only that committee shall have the power to withdraw it. The committee responsible shall retain that power of withdrawal until the opening of the final vote in plenary.

PV\1211179MT.docx 87/96 PE655870v01-00 MT 12. Points for information [ADs concerned] (Take note)

Timetables of reports:

Implementation of Council Directive 2000/78/EC establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation in light of the UNCRPD - rapp: Langensiepen

Send draft report to translation 23 September Consideration of draft report 15 October tbc* Deadline for amendments 22 October Availability of AMs in all languages 9 November tbc Consideration of AMs 16 November* Shadows meetings Weeks 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 Vote in EMPL January 2021 tbc* Plenary February 2021 tbc

*Meeting dates after the summer are currently purely indicative and need to be reconfirmed depending on the overall situation

Amending Regulation (EU) No 223/2014 as regards the introduction of specific measures for addressing the COVID-19 crisis (EMPL/9/03108 - 2020/0105(COD)) - Rapp.: Chair

Send draft report to translation Around 20 July Consideration of draft report 31 August Deadline for amendments 3 September noon Consideration of AMs 21 or 22 September* Shadows meetings Weeks 38, 39 Vote in EMPL 1 October* Plenary October I

*Meeting dates after the summer are currently purely indicative and need to be reconfirmed depending on the overall situation

INI "reducing inequalities with a special focus on in-work poverty" (rapporteur: Özlem Demirel) - amended timetable

Draft report ready 26 June (TBC by rapporteur!) EoV in EMPL 16 July Deadline for AMs 31 August noon EoV on AMs 21 or 22 September* Shadows meetings Weeks 38, 39 Vote 1 October*

* EMPL meeting dates after the summer are currently purely indicative and need to be reconfirmed depending on the overall situation

PE655870v01-00 88/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Timetables of opinions:

Reversing demographic trends in EU regions using cohesion policy instruments - rapp: Rafalska

Sending draft opinion to translation 16 July 2020

Consideration of draft opinion 1 September 2020 tbc*

Deadline for tabling amendments 16 September 2020, noon

Availability of AMs in all languages 1 October 2020 tbc

Shadows meetings Weeks 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48

Vote in EMPL 30 November – 1 December 2020*

Adoption in REGI December 2020 / January 2021

*Meeting dates after the summer are currently purely indicative and need to be reconfirmed depending on the overall situation

Amending Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 as regards exceptional additional resources and implementing arrangements under the Investment for growth and jobs goal to provide assistance for fostering crisis repair in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and preparing a green, digital and resilient recovery of the economy (REACT-EU) - rapp: Jongerius

Sending draft opinion to translation 1 July Consideration of draft opinion - Deadline for tabling amendments 8 July, noon Shadows meetings Weeks 29 and 35 EMPL vote 1 September REGI vote 7-10 September

'New Avenues for Legal Labour Migration - 2020/2010(INI). – Rapporteur: Ms Rafalska

Send draft opinion to translation 18 August 2020 Consideration of draft opinion 7 September 2020* Deadline for AMs 15 September 2020, noon Availability of AMs in all languages 28 September 2020 tbc Shadows meetings - compromises Weeks 40, 41, 42, 43

PV\1211179MT.docx 89/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Vote in EMPL 16 November 2020* Adoption in LIBE November/December 2020

*Meeting dates after the summer are currently purely indicative and need to be reconfirmed depending on the overall situation

12a. Use of the annual page reserve

Doc. Deadline Part Pages Rapporteur AD Subject Type 23/03/2020 PA Suggestions 0,17 Rodríguez Palop Bürger The EU Strategy for Gender Equality 26/05/2020 PA Suggestions 1,00 Zdechovský Petrucci Report on the implementation of National Roma Integration Strategies 24/06/2020 PA Suggestions 1,19 Cañas Vujatovic A New Industrial Strategy for Europe 29/06/2020 PR Suggestions8 1,02 Demirel Carmona Reducing inequalities with a special focus on in-work poverty 09/07/2020 PA Suggestions 0,49 Alieva-Veli Radeva A new strategy for European SMEs 0,00 0,00 Total:

The total annual page reserve amounts to 45 pages à 1500 characters.

Ms Van Sparrentak, rapporteur for the INI report “Access to decent and affordable housing for all” would like to make use of one additional page from the annual page reserve. The maximum length for the draft report is set to 4 pages, including recitals but excluding citations, according to Article 15 of the Code of conduct on multilingualism.


8 In German (English translation would fit the limit)

PE655870v01-00 90/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT The Coordinators took note of the use of the page reserve, bearing in mind that the number of amendments might increase proportionally.

Dates of next Coordinators' meetings [JK] (Take note)

Coordinators’ meeting dates in 2020  Please note that owing to the Coronavirus crisis, Coordinators’ meetings will only be convened when this is necessary and technically feasible (availability of Interactio).  early September (e.g. 3 [preferred by Mr Radtke] or 10 September) – standalone (TBC)  around 15 OCT – as part of very short EMPL meeting (TBC)  around 12 NOV – standalone (TBC)  around 30 NOV/1 DEC – as part of EMPL meeting or around 10 DEC – standalone (TBC)


Бюро/Mesa/Předsednictvo/Formandskabet/Vorstand/Juhatus/Προεδρείο/Bureau/Predsjedništvo/Ufficio di presidenza/Prezidijs/ Biuras/Elnökség/Prezydium/Birou/Predsedníctvo/Predsedstvo/Puheenjohtajisto/Presidiet (*)

Tomáš Zdechovský, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Katrin Langensiepen

Членове/Diputados/Poslanci/Medlemmer/Mitglieder/Parlamendiliikmed/Βουλευτές/Members/Députés/Zastupnici/Deputati/Deputāti/ Nariai/Képviselõk/Membri/Leden/Posłowie/Deputados/Deputaţi/Jäsenet/Ledamöter

Abir Al-Sahlani, Marc Angel, Atidzhe Alieva-Veli, Dominique Bilde, Gabriele Bischoff, Sylvie Brunet, Leila Chaibi, Margarita de la Pisa Carrión, Özlem Demirel, Klára Dobrev, Gheorghe Falcă, Estrella Durá Ferrandis, Cindy Franssen, Heléne Fritzon, Helmut Geuking, France Jamet, Agnes Jongerius, Ádám Kósa, Stelios Kympouropoulos, Elena Lizzi, Radka Maxová, Kira Marie Peter-Hansen, Lukas Mandl, Manuel Pizarro, Dragoș Pîslaru, Dennis Radtke, Samira Rafaela, Elżbieta Rafalska, Guido Reil, Daniela Rondinelli, Anne Sander, Monica Semedo, Beata Szydło, Eugen Tomac, Romana Tomc, Marie-Pierre Vedrenne, Marianne Vind, Maria Walsh, Stefania Zambelli, Tomáš Zdechovský

Заместници/Suplentes/Náhradníci/Stedfortrædere/Stellvertreter/Asendusliikmed/Αναπληρωτές/Substitutes/Suppléants/Zamjenici/ Supplenti/Aizstājēji/Pavaduojantysnariai/Póttagok/Sostituti/Plaatsvervangers/Zastępcy/Membros suplentes/Supleanţi/Náhradníci/ Namestniki/Varajäsenet/Suppleanter

Jordi Cañas, Petra De Sutter, Jose Gusmão, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Manders Antonius, Eugenia Rodríguez Palop, Véronique Trillet-Lenoir

209 (7)

MEP Assistants: connected via interactio Alessandra Buffa, Juan Suarez Corujo, Anne-Michèle Deprez, Carlo Didone, Joost De Meulder, Rita Fober, Cristina Garcia Carrera, Mette Jensen, Alba Huertas, Alexandra Mehdi, Linea Olivia Magro, Silvia Righi, Dominika Rihova, Alexandrina Robu, Alina Seghedi, Maria Sophia Traeholt, Cristian Villar Prieto

216 (3)

56 (8) (Точка от дневния ред/Punto del orden del día/Bod pořadu jednání (OJ)/Punkt på dagsordenen/Tagesordnungspunkt/ Päevakorra punkt/Σημείο της ημερήσιας διάταξης/Agenda item/Point OJ/Točka dnevnog reda/Punto all'ordine del giorno/Darba kārtības punkts/Darbotvarkės punktas/Napirendi pont/Punt Aġenda/Agendapunt/Punkt porządku dziennego/Ponto OD/Punct de pe ordinea de zi/Bod programu schôdze/Točka UL/Esityslistan kohta/Punkt på föredragningslistan)

(P) = Председател/Presidente/Předseda/Formand/Vorsitzender/Esimees/Πρόεδρος/Chair/Président/Predsjednik/Priekšsēdētājs/ Pirmininkas/Elnök/'Chairman'/Voorzitter/Przewodniczący/Preşedinte/Predseda/Predsednik/Puheenjohtaja/Ordförande

PE655870v01-00 92/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT (VP) = Заместник-председател/Vicepresidente/Místopředseda/Næstformand/Stellvertretender Vorsitzender/Aseesimees/Αντιπρόεδρος/ Vice-Chair/Potpredsjednik/Vice-Président/Potpredsjednik/Priekšsēdētāja vietnieks/Pirmininko pavaduotojas/Alelnök/ Viċi 'Chairman'/Ondervoorzitter/Wiceprzewodniczący/Vice-Presidente/Vicepreşedinte/Podpredseda/Podpredsednik/ Varapuheenjohtaja/Vice ordförande (M) = Член/Miembro/Člen/Medlem./Mitglied/Parlamendiliige/Βουλευτής/Member/Membre/Član/Membro/Deputāts/Narys/Képviselő/ Membru/Lid/Członek/Membro/Membru/Člen/Poslanec/Jäsen/Ledamot (F) = Длъжностно лице/Funcionario/Úředník/Tjenestemand/Beamter/Ametnik/Υπάλληλος/Official/Fonctionnaire/Dužnosnik/ Funzionario/Ierēdnis/Pareigūnas/Tisztviselő/Uffiċjal/Ambtenaar/Urzędnik/Funcionário/Funcţionar/Úradník/Uradnik/Virkamies/ Tjänsteman

PV\1211179MT.docx 93/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Наблюдатели/Observadores/Pozorovatelé/Observatører/Beobachter/Vaatlejad/Παρατηρητές/Observers/Observateurs/Promatrači/ Osservatori/Novērotāji/Stebėtojai/Megfigyelők/Osservaturi/Waarnemers/Obserwatorzy/Observadores/Observatori/Pozorovatelia/ Opazovalci/Tarkkailijat/Observatörer

По покана на председателя/Por invitación del presidente/Na pozvání předsedy/Efter indbydelse fra formanden/Auf Einladung des Vorsitzenden/Esimehe kutsel/Με πρόσκληση του Προέδρου/At the invitation of the Chair/Sur l’invitation du président/ Na poziv predsjednika/Su invito del presidente/Pēc priekšsēdētāja uzaicinājuma/Pirmininkui pakvietus/Az elnök meghívására/ Fuq stedina taċ-'Chairman'/Op uitnodiging van de voorzitter/Na zaproszenie Przewodniczącego/A convite do Presidente/La invitaţia preşedintelui/ Na pozvanie predsedu/Na povabilo predsednika/Puheenjohtajan kutsusta/På ordförandens inbjudan

Съвет/Consejo/Rada/Rådet/Rat/Nõukogu/Συμβούλιο/Council/Conseil/Vijeće/Consiglio/Padome/Taryba/Tanács/Kunsill/Raad/ Conselho/Consiliu/Svet/Neuvosto/Rådet (*)

Hubertus Heil (German Minister of Labour and Social Affairs)

Комисия/Comisión/Komise/Kommissionen/Kommission/Komisjon/Επιτροπή/Commission/Komisija/Commissione/Bizottság/ Kummissjoni/Commissie/Komisja/Comissão/Comisie/Komisia/Komissio/Kommissionen (*)

Brigit Weidel (EC DG GROW.H.1)

Други институции и органи/Otras instituciones y organismos/Ostatní orgány a instituce/Andre institutioner og organer/Andere Organe und Einrichtungen/Muud institutsioonid ja organid/Λοιπά θεσμικά όργανα και οργανισμοί/Other institutions and bodies/Autres institutions et organes/Druge institucije i tijela/Altre istituzioni e altri organi/Citas iestādes un struktūras/Kitos institucijos ir įstaigos/ Más intézmények és szervek/Istituzzjonijiet u korpi oħra/Andere instellingen en organen/Inne instytucje i organy/Outras instituições e outros órgãos/Alte instituții și organe/Iné inštitúcie a orgány/Muut toimielimet ja elimet/Andra institutioner och organ

Други участници/Otros participantes/Ostatní účastníci/Endvidere deltog/Andere Teilnehmer/Muud osalejad/Επίσης παρόντες/Other participants/Autres participants/Drugi sudionici/Altri partecipanti/Citi klātesošie/Kiti dalyviai/Más résztvevők/Parteċipanti ohra/Andere aanwezigen/Inni uczestnicy/Outros participantes/Alţi participanţi/Iní účastníci/Drugi udeleženci/Muut osallistujat/Övriga deltagare

PE655870v01-00 94/96 PV\1211179MT.docx MT Секретариат на политическите групи/Secretaría de los Grupos políticos/Sekretariát politických skupin/Gruppernes sekretariat/ Sekretariat der Fraktionen/Fraktsioonide sekretariaat/Γραμματεία των Πολιτικών Ομάδων/Secretariats of political groups/Secrétariat des groupes politiques/Tajništva klubova zastupnika/Segreteria gruppi politici/Politisko grupu sekretariāts/Frakcijų sekretoriai/ Képviselőcsoportok titkársága/Segretarjat gruppi politiċi/Fractiesecretariaten/Sekretariat Grup Politycznych/Secretariado dos grupos políticos/Secretariate grupuri politice/Sekretariát politických skupín/Sekretariat političnih skupin/Poliittisten ryhmien sihteeristöt/ De politiska gruppernas sekretariat

ALDE Sevim Musak PPE Irina de Sancho Alonso, Elina Natcheva-Skarby S&D Renew Anu Ahopelto ID Fabio Pasinelli Verts/ALE ECR Simon Neyhouser GUE/NGL Karola Boger NI

Кабинет на председателя/Gabinete del Presidente/Kancelář předsedy/Formandens Kabinet/Kabinett des Präsidenten/Presidendi kantselei/Γραφείο του Προέδρου/President's Office/Cabinet du Président/Ured predsjednika/Gabinetto del Presidente/Priekšsēdētāja kabinets/Pirmininko kabinetas/Elnöki hivatal/Kabinett tal-President/Kabinet van de Voorzitter/Gabinet Przewodniczącego/Gabinete do Presidente/Cabinet Preşedinte/Kancelária predsedu/Urad predsednika/Puhemiehen kabinetti/Talmannens kansli

Кабинет на генералния секретар/Gabinete del Secretario General/Kancelář generálního tajemníka/Generalsekretærens Kabinet/ Kabinett des Generalsekretärs/Peasekretäri büroo/Γραφείο του Γενικού Γραμματέα/Secretary-General's Office/Cabinet du Secrétaire général/Ured glavnog tajnika/Gabinetto del Segretario generale/Ģenerālsekretāra kabinets/Generalinio sekretoriaus kabinetas/ Főtitkári hivatal/Kabinett tas-Segretarju Ġenerali/Kabinet van de secretaris-generaal/Gabinet Sekretarza Generalnego/Gabinete do Secretário-Geral/Cabinet Secretar General/Kancelária generálneho tajomníka/Urad generalnega sekretarja/Pääsihteerin kabinetti/ Generalsekreterarens kansli

Генерална дирекция/Dirección General/Generální ředitelství/Generaldirektorat/Generaldirektion/Peadirektoraat/Γενική Διεύθυνση/ Directorate-General/Direction générale/Glavna uprava/Direzione generale/Ģenerāldirektorāts/Generalinis direktoratas/Főigazgatóság/ Direttorat Ġenerali/Directoraten-generaal/Dyrekcja Generalna/Direcção-Geral/Direcţii Generale/Generálne riaditeľstvo/Generalni direktorat/Pääosasto/Generaldirektorat


PV\1211179MT.docx 95/96 PE655870v01-00 MT Правна служба/Servicio Jurídico/Právní služba/Juridisk Tjeneste/Juristischer Dienst/Õigusteenistus/Νομική Υπηρεσία/Legal Service/ Service juridique/Pravna služba/Servizio giuridico/Juridiskais dienests/Teisės tarnyba/Jogi szolgálat/Servizz legali/Juridische Dienst/ Wydział prawny/Serviço Jurídico/Serviciu Juridic/Právny servis/Oikeudellinen yksikkö/Rättstjänsten

Секретариат на комисията/Secretaría de la comisión/Sekretariát výboru/Udvalgssekretariatet/Ausschusssekretariat/Komisjoni sekretariaat/Γραμματεία της επιτροπής/Committee secretariat/Secrétariat de la commission/Tajništvo odbora/Segreteria della commissione/Komitejas sekretariāts/Komiteto sekretoriatas/A bizottság titkársága/Segretarjat tal-kumitat/Commissiesecretariaat/ Sekretariat komisji/Secretariado da comissão/Secretariat comisie/Sekretariat odbora/Valiokunnan sihteeristö/Utskottssekretariatet

Andreas Huber, Svetla Radeva, Monika Makay, Elodie Carmona

Сътрудник/Asistente/Asistent/Assistent/Assistenz/Βοηθός/Assistant/Assistente/Palīgs/Padėjėjas/Asszisztens/Asystent/Pomočnik/ Avustaja/Assistenter

Valérie Heyvaert

* (P) = Председател/Presidente/Předseda/Formand/Vorsitzender/Esimees/Πρόεδρος/Chair/Président/Predsjednik/Priekšsēdētājs/ Pirmininkas/Elnök/'Chairman'/Voorzitter/Przewodniczący/Preşedinte/Predseda/Predsednik/Puheenjohtaja/Ordförande (VP) = Заместник-председател/Vicepresidente/Místopředseda/Næstformand/Stellvertretender Vorsitzender/Aseesimees/Αντιπρόεδρος/ Vice-Chair/Potpredsjednik/Vice-Président/Potpredsjednik/Priekšsēdētāja vietnieks/Pirmininko pavaduotojas/Alelnök/ Viċi 'Chairman'/Ondervoorzitter/Wiceprzewodniczący/Vice-Presidente/Vicepreşedinte/Podpredseda/Podpredsednik/ Varapuheenjohtaja/Vice ordförande (M) = Член/Miembro/Člen/Medlem./Mitglied/Parlamendiliige/Βουλευτής/Member/Membre/Član/Membro/Deputāts/Narys/Képviselő/ Membru/Lid/Członek/Membro/Membru/Člen/Poslanec/Jäsen/Ledamot (F) = Длъжностно лице/Funcionario/Úředník/Tjenestemand/Beamter/Ametnik/Υπάλληλος/Official/Fonctionnaire/Dužnosnik/ Funzionario/Ierēdnis/Pareigūnas/Tisztviselő/Uffiċjal/Ambtenaar/Urzędnik/Funcionário/Funcţionar/Úradník/Uradnik/Virkamies/ Tjänsteman

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