An All-Solid-State Broad-Band Frequency Multiplier Chain at 1500 Ghz Goutam Chattopadhyay, Senior Member, IEEE, Erich Schlecht, Member, IEEE, John S
1538 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, VOL. 52, NO. 5, MAY 2004 An All-Solid-State Broad-Band Frequency Multiplier Chain at 1500 GHz Goutam Chattopadhyay, Senior Member, IEEE, Erich Schlecht, Member, IEEE, John S. Ward, John J. Gill, Hamid H. S. Javadi, Frank Maiwald, Member, IEEE, and Imran Mehdi, Member, IEEE Abstract—We report the results of a high-performance all-solid- provide a high-power frequency-agile source beyond 100 GHz. state broad-band frequency multiplier chain at 1500 GHz, which Breakthroughs in device fabrication techniques, specifically uses four cascaded planar Schottky-barrier varactor doublers. The the usage of gallium–arsenide (GaAs)-based substrateless multipliers are driven by monolithic-microwave integrated-circuit- based high electron-mobility transistor power amplifiers around and membrane technologies [11] along with metal beamleads 95 GHz with 100–150 mW of pump power. The design incorporates for coupling probes and RF/dc ground contacts have made balanced doublers utilizing novel substrateless and membrane de- low-loss planar Schottky varactor diode design at terahertz vice fabrication technologies, achieving low-loss broad-band multi- frequencies feasible. Improvement of electromagnetic and pliers working in the terahertz range. For a drive power of approx- nonlinear computational tools such as Ansoft’s High Frequency imately 100 mW in the 88–99-GHz range, the doublers achieved 1 room-temperature peak efficiencies of approximately 30% at the Structure Simulator (HFSS) and Agilent Technologies’ Ad- 190-GHz stage, 20% at 375 GHz, 9% at 750 GHz, and 4% at the vanced Design System (ADS)2 , and advanced device modeling 1500-GHz stage.
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