Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:XI Issue No:273 Price: Afs.20 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes SUNDAY . MAY 07. 2017 -Sawar 17, 1396 HS Ghani hails launch of South Asia Satellite KABUL : President Ashraf Ghani on Friday took part in celebrating the launch of the Indian gifted sat- ellite for South Asia though a vid- eo conference, his office said on Saturday. Ghani congratulated the Indi- an Space Department on the suc- uct,” he told Fox News in an ex- cannot be any other tool,” he went cessful launch of South Asian Sat- clusive interview Wednesday in on. “First, the Daesh comes to ellite, hailing it as a huge step to- Kabul, using the Arabic word for drive people away and then the ward regional cooperation, a state- the extremist Muslim group. “The U.S. comes and drops that big ment from the Presidential Palace Daesh — which is clearly foreign bomb ... come on.” In Karzai’s — emerged in 2015 during the U.S. view, the U.S. simply wants to use said. Indian Prime Minister Naren- presence.” Karzai, who was pres- Afghanistan terrain to “test” its dra Modi, who came to office ident from December 2004 to Sep- toys. “They [America] think this promising stronger relations with tember 2014, said he routinely re- is no man’s land for testing and neighbours such as Sri Lanka, Ne- ceives reports about unmarked he- abuse, but they are wrong about pal and even Pakistan, called the licopters dropping supplies to the that,” he said.