Goa Upgs 2018

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Goa Upgs 2018 State People Group Name Language Religion Pop. Total % Christian Goa Adi Dravida Tamil Hinduism 80 0 Goa Adi Karnataka Kannada Hinduism 80 0 Goa Agamudaiyan Tamil Hinduism 20 0 Goa Agamudaiyan Nattaman Tamil Hinduism 20 0 Goa Ager (Hindu traditions) Kannada Hinduism 1310 0 Goa Agri Marathi Hinduism 5750 0 Goa Ajila Malayalam Hinduism 500 0 Goa Andh Marathi Hinduism 20 0 Goa Ansari Urdu Islam 560 0 Goa Aray Mala Telugu Hinduism 10 0 Goa Arayan Malayalam Hinduism 30 0 Goa Arora (Sikh traditions) Punjabi, Eastern Other 90 0 Goa Arunthathiyar Telugu Hinduism 20 0 Goa Arwa Mala Tamil Hinduism 10 0 Goa Badhai (Hindu traditions) Hindi Hinduism 15780 0 Goa Bagdi Hindi Hinduism 30 0 Goa Bagdi (Hindu traditions) Bengali Hinduism 50 0 Goa Bahrupi Marathi Hinduism 90 0 Goa Baira Kannada Hinduism 50 0 Goa Bairagi (Hindu traditions) Hindi Hinduism 1480 0 Goa Bakad Kannada Hinduism 550 0 Goa Bakuda Tulu Hinduism 20 0 Goa Balagai Kannada Hinduism 30 0 Goa Balai (Hindu traditions) Hindi Hinduism 20 0 Goa Balija (Hindu traditions) Kannada Hinduism 280 0 Goa Bandi (Hindu traditions) Kannada Hinduism 810 0 Goa Bania Agarwal Hindi Hinduism 2530 0 Goa Bania Chaturth Marathi Other 130 0 Goa Bania Chetti Tamil Hinduism 5090 0 Goa Bania Gujar Gujarati Hinduism 1860 0 Goa Bania Kasar Hindi Hinduism 1110 0 Goa Bania Khedayata Gujarati Hinduism 50 0 Goa Bania Komti Telugu Hinduism 2360 0 Goa Bania Mahur Hindi Hinduism 2280 0 Goa Bania unspecified Hindi Hinduism 50400 0 Goa Banijiga Kannada Hinduism 1380 0 Goa Banjara (Hindu traditions) Lambadi Hinduism 2050 0 Goa Barda Marathi Hinduism 40 0 Goa Baria (Hindu traditions) Gujarati Hinduism 30 0 Goa Basor Hindi Hinduism 640 0 Goa Battal Kannada Hinduism 130 0 Goa Bawtar Konkani, Goan Hinduism 40 0 Goa Bazigar (Hindu traditions) Telugu Hinduism 40 0 Goa Beda Jangam Kannada Other 1710 0 Goa Bedar (Hindu traditions) Kannada Hinduism 1260 0 Goa Beldar (Hindu traditions) Kannada Hinduism 1580 0 Goa Beldar Lonari Kannada Hinduism 50 0 Goa Beldar Mith Gauda Konkani, Goan Hinduism 40 0 Goa Bellara Kannada Hinduism 80 0 Goa Bhaina Chhattisgarhi Hinduism 20 0 Goa Bhandari Odia Hinduism 390 0 Goa Bhangi (Hindu traditions) Hindi Hinduism 610 0 Goa Bhansala Marathi Hinduism 21220 0 Goa Bhat (Hindu traditions) Hindi Hinduism 50 0 Goa Bhatia (Hindu traditions) Hindi Hinduism 550 0 Goa Bhavit Konkani, Goan Hinduism 3580 0 Goa Bhil unspecified Hindi Hinduism 110 0 Goa Bhoi (Hindu traditions) Hindi Hinduism 3560 0 Goa Bhottada Kuvi Hinduism 450 0 Goa Bidur Marathi Hinduism 1010 0 Goa Bind Bhojpuri Hinduism 20 0 Goa Binjhia Hindi Hinduism 20 0 Goa Bohra Gujarati Islam 120 0 Goa Boya Telugu Hinduism 2410 0 Goa Brahmin Bengali Bengali Hinduism 40 0 Goa Brahmin Chitpavan Marathi Hinduism 9140 0 Goa Brahmin Deshastha Marathi Hinduism 2640 0 Goa Brahmin Gaud Saraswat Konkani Hinduism 9460 0 Goa Brahmin Gaur Hindi Hinduism 4260 0 Goa Brahmin Gujar Gaur Hindi Hinduism 350 0 Goa Brahmin Joshi Hindi Hinduism 160 0 Goa Brahmin Kanaujia Hindi Hinduism 13560 0 Goa Brahmin Kannada Kannada Hinduism 960 0 Goa Brahmin Karhada Marathi Hinduism 7440 0 Goa Brahmin Mahratta Marathi Hinduism 1580 0 Goa Brahmin Marathi Marathi Hinduism 5800 0 Goa Brahmin Sanadhya Hindi Hinduism 380 0 Goa Brahmin Saraswat Hindi Hinduism 690 0 Goa Brahmin Tamil Tamil Hinduism 90 0 Goa Brahmin Telugu Telugu Hinduism 120 0 Goa Brahmin unspecified Hindi Hinduism 87700 0.8095781 Goa Byagara Telugu Hinduism 40 0 Goa Chakkiliyan Tamil Hinduism 30 0 Goa Chalvadi Kannada Hinduism 1610 0 Goa Chamar (Hindu traditions) Hindi Hinduism 9630 0.3115265 Goa Chandala Odia Hinduism 90 0 Goa Charodi Konkani, Goan Hinduism 100 0 Goa Chenna Dasar Kannada Hinduism 20 0 Goa Cheruman (Hindu traditions) Malayalam Hinduism 80 0 Goa Dabgar (Hindu traditions) Marathi Hinduism 50 0 Goa Dakkal Telugu Hinduism 20 0 Goa Darzi (Hindu traditions) Hindi Hinduism 6340 0 Goa Devadiga Tulu Hinduism 5220 0 Goa Devanga Kannada Hinduism 1520 0 Goa Dhangar Bharwad Gujarati Hinduism 770 0 Goa Dhodia Gujarati Hinduism 30 0 Goa Dhor Marathi Hinduism 230 0 Goa Dom Telugu Hinduism 70 0 Goa Dubla Dubli Hinduism 270 0 Goa Ellamalawar Kannada Hinduism 20 0 Goa Gamit Gamit Hinduism 2310 0 Goa Ganda Odia Hinduism 30 0 Goa Gangakula Kannada Hinduism 8630 0 Goa Gantichore Kannada Hinduism 30 0 Goa Garoda (Hindu traditions) Gujarati Hinduism 600 0 Goa Gawli Marathi Hinduism 250 0 Goa Ghadi Konkani, Goan Hinduism 940 0 Goa Ghisadi Marathi Hinduism 40 0 Goa Giddikki Konkani Hinduism 16760 0 Goa Gond unspecified Hindi Hinduism 30 0 Goa Gondaru Kannada Hinduism 15660 0 Goa Gondhali Marathi Hinduism 220 0 Goa Gopal Gujarati Hinduism 350 0 Goa Gosain Hindi Hinduism 2710 0 Goa Gosangi (Hindu traditions) Telugu Hinduism 30 0 Goa Gujar (Hindu traditions) Hindi Hinduism 100 0 Goa Hajam Urdu Islam 670 0 Goa Halba Marathi Hinduism 10 0 Goa Halleer Marathi Hinduism 700 0 Goa Halsar Konkani, Goan Hinduism 1370 0 Goa Halwakki Wakkal Kannada Hinduism 16030 0 Goa Han Chinese, Mandarin Chinese, MandarinBuddhism 20 0 Goa Hanabar Tulu Hinduism 660 0 Goa Hande Jogi Kannada Hinduism 30 0 Goa Hasla Tulu Hinduism 30 0 Goa Holar Marathi Hinduism 730 0 Goa Holaya Dasar Kannada Hinduism 70 0 Goa Jat unspecified (Hindu traditions) Hindi Hinduism 20 0 Goa Jat unspecified (Sikh traditions) Punjabi, Eastern Other 860 0 Goa Jew, South Asian Marathi Other 40 0 Goa Jogi (Hindu traditions) Bengali Hinduism 370 0 Goa Kadia (Hindu traditions) Kannada Hinduism 1300 0 Goa Kaikadi Kannada Hinduism 590 0 Goa Kaikolan Tamil Hinduism 70 0 Goa Kalal (Hindu traditions) Telugu Hinduism 1760 0 Goa Kalal Idiga Telugu Hinduism 1360 0 Goa Kalavant Kannada Other 70 0 Goa Kamathi Telugu Hinduism 30 0 Goa Kanjar (Hindu traditions) Hindi Hinduism 30 0 Goa Kapu Telugu Hinduism 210 0 Goa Kapu Reddi Telugu Hinduism 80 0 Goa Kasar (Hindu traditions) Marathi Hinduism 500 0 Goa Kashmiri (Muslim traditions) Kashmiri Islam 30 0 Goa Kathodi Marathi Hinduism 6670 0 Goa Katia Hindi Hinduism 40 0 Goa Kawar Hindi Hinduism 60 0 Goa Kayastha (Hindu traditions) Bengali Hinduism 30 0 Goa Kharia Kharia Hinduism 30 0 Goa Khatik (Hindu traditions) Hindi Hinduism 80 0 Goa Khatri (Hindu traditions) Hindi Hinduism 100 0 Goa Khatri (Sikh traditions) Punjabi, Eastern Other 70 0 Goa Khoja Gujarati Islam 170 0 Goa Kokna Kukna Hinduism 30 0 Goa Kol Hindi Hinduism 30 0 Goa Kolhati Marathi Hinduism 140 0 Goa Koli (Hindu traditions) Gujarati Hinduism 2610 0 Goa Koli Dhor Marathi Hinduism 30 0 Goa Koli Mahadev Marathi Hinduism 4020 0 Goa Koli Malhar Marathi Hinduism 50 0 Goa Kolowar Kolami, NW Hinduism 50 0 Goa Kolupulvandlu Telugu Hinduism 30 0 Goa Komarpaik Konkani Hinduism 5160 0 Goa Koracha, tribal Tulu Hinduism 590 0 Goa Korama Kannada Hinduism 330 0 Goa Korwa Telugu Hinduism 850 0 Goa Kotegar Kannada Hinduism 2700 0 Goa Kumhar (Hindu traditions) Hindi Hinduism 9510 1.3669821 Goa Kunbi (Hindu traditions) Gujarati Hinduism 195800 0 Goa Kunbi Konkani Konkani, Goan Hinduism 62600 0 Goa Kunchatiga Kannada Hinduism 330 0 Goa Kuravan Malayalam Hinduism 40 0 Goa Kurmi (Hindu traditions) Hindi Hinduism 80 0 Goa Kuruba Kannada Hinduism 1420 0 Goa Lingader Marathi Other 30 0 Goa Lingayat Kannada Other 210 0 Goa Lohana Gujarati Hinduism 20 0 Goa Lohar (Hindu traditions) Hindi Hinduism 1760 0 Goa Machala Kannada Hinduism 30 0 Goa Madari Urdu Islam 20 0 Goa Madiga (Hindu traditions) Telugu Hinduism 410 0 Goa Mahar (Hindu traditions) Marathi Buddhism 16650 3.003003 Goa Mahishya Bengali Hinduism 70 0 Goa Mahratta Marathi Hinduism 205600 0 Goa Mahratta Gomatang Marathi Hinduism 14400 0 Goa Mahratta Konkani Marathi Hinduism 4800 0 Goa Mahratta Kshatriya Marathi Hinduism 14520 0 Goa Mahratta Kunbi Gujarati Hinduism 10050 0 Goa Mahratta Shinde Marathi Hinduism 8960 0 Goa Mahyavanshi Gujarati Hinduism 90 0 Goa Mala (Hindu traditions) Telugu Hinduism 130 0 Goa Mala Dasari Telugu Hinduism 40 0 Goa Mala Jangam Telugu Hinduism 40 0 Goa Malava Tulu Hinduism 1400 0 Goa Mali (Hindu traditions) Hindi Hinduism 2350 0 Goa Mallik (Muslim traditions) Gujarati Islam 880 0 Goa Mang Garudi Marathi Hinduism 40 0 Goa Mangala Telugu Hinduism 40 0 Goa Mappila Malayalam Islam 2340 0 Goa Maravan Tamil Hinduism 50 0 Goa Masan Jogi Kannada Hinduism 60 0 Goa Mashti Telugu Hinduism 20 0 Goa Matang (Hindu traditions) Marathi Hinduism 760 0 Goa Mavilan Tulu Hinduism 40 0 Goa Memon Gujarati Islam 1050 0 Goa Moger Tulu Hinduism 4660 0 Goa Moghal Urdu Islam 5500 0 Goa Mukkuvan (Hindu traditions) Malayalam Hinduism 70 0 Goa Mukri Kannada Hinduism 2880 0 Goa Mundala Tulu Hinduism 30 0 Goa Nadia Gujarati Hinduism 20 0 Goa Nai (Hindu traditions) Hindi Hinduism 11150 0 Goa Nai Mhalo Nhavi Konkani, Goan Hinduism 1260 0 Goa Naikda Kannada Hinduism 190 0 Goa Nair Malayalam Hinduism 22600 0 Goa Namassej Bengali Hinduism 30 0 Goa Navithan Tamil Hinduism 20 0 Goa Nayadi Gujarati Hinduism 40 0 Goa Padiar Konkani, Goan Hinduism 290 0 Goa Pagi Konkani, Goan Hinduism 130 0 Goa Pale Kodava Hinduism 30 0 Goa Pallan Tamil Hinduism 230 4.3478261 Goa Panchama Telugu Hinduism 30 0 Goa Panniandi Telugu Hinduism 20 0 Goa Pardhan Pardhan Hinduism 30 0 Goa Pardhi Pardhi Hinduism 40 0 Goa Parsee Gujarati Other 70 0 Goa Pashtun Northern Urdu Islam 8410 0 Goa Patharwat Marathi Hinduism 70 0 Goa Patvekari (Hindu traditions) Kannada Hinduism 50 0 Goa Pinjara Urdu Islam 280 0 Goa Pod Bengali Hinduism 30 0 Goa Prabhu Kayastha Marathi Hinduism 460 0 Goa Pulayan Malayalam Hinduism 360 0 Goa Qassab Urdu Islam 40 0 Goa Raddi Kannada Other 140 0 Goa Rajbansi (Hindu traditions) Rajbanshi Hinduism 40 0 Goa Rajpur Konkani, Goan Hinduism 210 0 Goa Rajput unspecified (Hindu traditions)
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