Supplement to the London Gazette, 23 June, 1915. 6131
SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 23 JUNE, 1915. 6131 7912 Private J. Carr, 2nd Battalion, Lanca- 70185 Bombardier E. G. Cooper, 32nd Brigade, shire Fusiliers. Royal Field Artillery. 1370 Serjeant R. H. Carr (now Second Lieu- 8497 Private A. Copeland, 1st Battalion, tenant in Special Reserve of Officers), Royal Royal Irish Rifles. Flying Corps. 26370 Serjeant R. H. Cornall, 51st Battery, 6735 Acting Serjeant F. Carrington, 2nd Bat- Royal Field Artillery. talion, West Riding Regiment. 2(384 Company-Serjeant-Major T. Corry, 1st 12751 Serjeant T. B. Carter (19th Field Ambu- Battalion, Irish Guards. lance), Royal Army Medical Corps. 6330 Lance-Corporal H. Cotterill, 2nd Batta- lion, South Staffordshire Regiment. 7685 Private J. Cartwright, 14th Field Ambu- 9183 Acting Lance-Serjeant W. Coulson, 1st lance), Royal Army Medical Corps. Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment. 5077 Lance-Corporal R. J. Casement, 1st Field 9437 Bandsman J. Counter, 1st Battalion, Company, Canadian Engineers. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. 61370 Corporal S. Cassell, 21st Battery, Royal 7423 Corporal J. Cowan, 2nd Battalion, Argyll Field Artillery. and Sutherland Highlanders. 5646 Corporal E. Casstles, Canadian Signal 13357 Private J. D. Cowell, 5th Canadian Company. Battalion. 11929 Sapper H. G. Catlin, 15th Field Com- 6427 Serjeant J. Coyle, 1st Battalion, Royal pany, Royal Engineers. Irish Rifles. 1517 Private G. O. Chadderton, 4th Battalion, 1489 Private J. Coyne, 9th (The Dumbarton- Northumberland Fusiliers (Territorial shire) Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Force). Highlanders, Territorial Force. 14988 Sapper S. M. Chapman, 1st General 11122 Private W. Craig, 1st Battalion, Cold- Headquarters. Signal Company, Royal stream Guards. Engineers. 9152 Serjeant J. Crane, 2nd Battalion, Royal 15657 Corporal A.
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