4640 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 13 MAY, 1915. Durham (Fortress) Engineers; Corporal 7th (Cyclist) .Battalion, The Devonshire Regi- Robert Story, from the Tyne Electrical ment; Captain John L. Veitcb is seconded Engineers, , to be Quarter- for service with the Army Cyclist Corps. master, with the honorary rank of Lieu- Dated 23rd December, 1914. tenant. Dated 14th May, 1915. 5th Battalion, The ; Second Glamorgan (Fortress) Engineers. Lieutenant Ronald S. Ruston is seconded for No. 1 Works Company. service with the Cyclist Company, D'vis^oual . Mounted Troops, East Anglian Division. Hubert Heywood Ramsdale to be Second Dated 28th April, 1915. Lieutenant. Dated 16th April, 1915. Edwin Brierley Newton to be Second 5th Battalion, The Bedfordshire Regiment; Lieutenant. Dated 22nd April, 1915. Second Lieutenant Oliver S. Chandler is- Bertram Oliver Bush to be Second Lieu- seconded for service with the Cyclist Com- tenant. Dated 24th April, 1915. pany, Divisional Mounted Troops, East " Anglian Division. Dated 28th April, 1915. Glamorgan (Fortress) Engineers. No. 3 Electric Lights Company; Robert Davies Itli Battalion, The Lancashire Fusiliers. Parry to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 15th Arthur Podeus Leigh to be Second Lieu- April, 1915. tenant. Dated 20th April, 1915.. Private John Elliott Mottram, from 7th London Electrical Engineers; Captain Harold Battalion, Manchester Regiment, to be W. S. Outram is seconded. Dated 3rd May, Second Lieutenant. Dated 14th May, 1915. 1915. Sth Battalion, The Lancashire Fusiliers; INFANTRY. Alfred Stanley Thompson to be Second Lieu' tenant. Dated 10th May, 1915. 4tth Battalion (Queen's Edinburgh Sifles), The Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment); Second kth Battalion, The Royal Scots Lieutenant George M. Byres to be temporary Second Lieutenant Henry E. G. Sutherland Lieutenant. Dated 7th April, 1915. is absorbed into the establishment. Dated 14th May, 1915. 5th Battalion, The King's Own (Royal Lan- caster Regiment). Sth Battalion, The Royal Scots Fusiliers; the Aidan Harnett Taylor to be Second Lieu- undermentioned Second Lieutenants are ab- tenant. Dated 12th May, 1915. sorbed into the establishment. Dafed 14th Quartermaster-Serjeant Noah Burton to May, 1915: — be Quartermaster, with the honorary rank Patrick J. A. Lavelle. of Lieutenant. Dated 14th May, 1915. Gordon B. Murray. 5th Battalion, The King's (Liverpool Regi- The Ardeer Company, The Royal Scots Fusi- ment); Serjeant Louis Learoyd Stott to be liers; the undermentioned Second Lieu- Second Lieutenant. Dated 14th May, 1915. tenants are absorbed into the establishment. Dated 14th May, 1915 : — 6th (Rifle) Battalion, The King's (Liverpool Regiment). Henry O. Smaldon. Lieutenant Ralph E. R. Brocklebank to Alan F. C. Pollard. be temporary Captain. Dated 13th March, 4tth Battalion, The Cheshire Regiment; Cap- 1915. tain (temporary) Geoffrey M. Frost to be Serjeant diaries Thomas Armstrong temporary Major. Dated 17th February, Wyatt to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 1915. 14th May, 1-915. Private Kenrick Hamond Burton, from 6t'7i Battalion, The Cheshire Regiment; the 5th Battalion, The King's (Shropshire Light u-udermentoned to be temporary Captains. Infantry), to be Second Lieutenant. Dated Dated 14th April, 1915 : — 14th May, 1915. Lieutenant Louis L. H. Thompson. 1th Battalion, The King's (Liverpool Regi- 'Second Lieutenant Alexander B. Moyes. ment); the undermentioned to be Second Lieutenants. Dated 14th May, 1915 : — The undermentioned Second Lieutenants Anthony Neil Shelmerdine. to be temporary Lieutenants. Dated 14th Charles Arthur Bean. April, 1915: — Second Lieutenant George McKay, from Charles L. Pickering. the Unattached List, . , Sidney Astle. Dated 14th May, 1915. ; Ralph E. Huff am. Stanley L. Sutton. 5th Battalion, The Norfolk Regiment; Lieu- Philip M. George. tenant William F. Norris is seconded for ser- vice with the Cyclist Company, Divisional Second Lieutenant Harold B. Burgess is Mounted Troops, East Anglian Division. absorbed into the establishment. Dated Dated 28th April, 1915. 14th May, 1915. 5th (Prince of Wales) Battalion, The Devon- 7th Battalion, The Cheshire Regiment; the- . shire Regiment; Private Douglas William undermentioned to be Second Lieutenants. Allison, from the Hampshire (Carabiniers) Dated 14th May, 1915 : — , to be Second Lieutenant. Dated Private Raymond Thomas Norman, from 14th May, 1915. Inns of Court Officers Training Corps.