The London Gazette, February 21, 1899. 1113
THE LONDON GAZETTE, FEBRUARY 21, 1899. 1113 War Office, 21st February, 189'9. T. A. Smallwood. Dated 22nd February, MILITIA. 1899. J. E. N. Heseltine. Dated 22nd February, ROYAL ARTILLERY. 1899. The Antrim Artillery (Southern Division), Captain Cecil Fife Pryce Hamilton, Gent., to be Second and Honorary Major Walter Thomas Souihara, Lieutenant. Dated 22nd February, 1899. from the 1st Shropshire and Staffordshire 5th Battalion, the Royal Fusiliers (City of London), Volunteer Artillery, to be Captain. Dated The undermentioned Second Lieutenants to be 22nd February, 1899. Lieutenants:— The Dublin City Aitillery (Southern Division), F. W. U. Cpsens. Dated 22nd February, Captain F. W.. D. McClean is appointed In- 1899. structor of Artillery, vice Major W. L. Smythe, L, G. Hart. Dated 2?nd February, 1899. •who vacates the appointment on promotion. E. M. H. Raynsford. Dated 22nd February, Dated 22nd February, 1899. 1899. The Duke of'Edinburgh's Own, Edinburgh Artillery J. S, Ward. Dated 22nd February, 1899. (Southern Division), The transfer of Lieutenant Arthur Kenneth Puzey, Gent., to be Second R. G. Angus to this Corps is post-dated from Lieutenant. Dated 8th February, 1899. 26th October, 1898, to 2nd November, 1898. 6th Battalion, tlie Royal Fusiliers (City of London The Glamorgan Artillery (Western Division), Regiment), Arthur Invin Dawcs, Gent., to be Horace Arminc William Webber, Gent., to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 22nd February, Second Lieutenant. Dated 22nd February, 1899. 1899. 1th Battalion, the Royal Fusiliers ( City of London Regiment), George Henry Madeley, Gent., to be The Kent Artillery (Eastern Division), Henry Second Lieutenant. Dated 22nd February, Rainier Adams, Gent., to be Second Lieu- 1899.
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