Craft Fair, continued on p. 2 E-DOLA E-News from the Diocese of Louisiana Volume 2, Issue 7 February 13-19, 2008 ODR Seeks Lent Means Gumbo at St. James Communications By Phillip Wright Officer For over 55 years St. James, Baton Rouge, has hosted gumbo lunches on Fridays during Lent. There is both dine-in and take-out meals of chicken or The Office of Disaster Response is seeking to hire a Communications shrimp gumbo, salad, desert, and a drink. Officer to help share the good news The decorated tables of Bishops Hall, supported by a jazz band, create a of the Episcopal Church’s contribution true South Louisiana pass-a-good-time. to hurricane recovery efforts. We are There are about 40 ladies and men volunteers each week, some first timers, looking for an energetic, skilled writer some have participated for many years. Fr. Mark Holland says “gumbo is a who cares deeply about our rebuild- ing ministries, has contacts with local wonderful multi-generational program. It offers St. James an opportunity to and national media, and can help us show hospitality and is an important part of our downtown ministry in Baton to strengthen communication with Rouge.” our supporters across the country. Gumbo lunches is the primary fund raiser for St. James’ ECW outreach A job description may be requested programs in Baton Rouge and our diocese. Last year’s sales raised over from Betty Evans, 504-895-4304 or $15,000.
[email protected]. Interested can- didates may send a cover letter and resume to Nell Bolton, ODR Execu- tive Director, at
[email protected].