Homecoming Churches in Turlock & Ridgecrest Return
HOMECOMING Churches in Turlock & Ridgecrest return The Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin In communion with one another, humbly thankful as God’s beloved creation summer 2013 • Volume 2, Number 3 The diocese of san Joaquin Governance StandinG committee depuTies To General convenTion Clergy: Clergy Deputies: 2016 The Rev. Glenn Kanestrom Christ the King, Riverbank C1 The Rev. Canon Mark Hall St. Anne’s, Stockton 2015 The Rev. Suzy Ward, C2 The Rev. Luis Rodriguez Church of the Saviour, Hanford (Secretary) St. Paul’s, Visalia C3 The Rev. Glenn Kanestrom Christ the King, Riverbank 2014 The Rev. Michele Racusin, C4 The Rev. Kathryn Galacia St. Francis, Turlock (President) Holy Family, Fresno CA1 The Rev. Michele Racusin Holy Family, Fresno 2013 The Rev. John Shumaker St. Matthew’s, San Andreas CA2 The Rev. Paul Colbert St. Raphael’s, Oakhurst and Holy Trinity, Madera Lay: CA3 The Rev. Kathleen West St. Paul’s, Modesto 2016 Juanita Weber St. Anne’s, Stockton 2015 Stan Boone Holy Family, Fresno Lay Deputies: 2014 Richard Cress St. John’s, Lodi L1 Nancy Key Holy Family, Fresno 2013 Richard Jennings Holy Family, Fresno L2 Cindy Smith St. Brigid’s Bakersfield L3 Bill Latham Christ the King, Riverbank L4 Jan Dunlap St. Brigid’s Bakersfield diocesan council LA1 Judith Wood St.Paul’s, Visalia LA2 Marilyn Metzgar Grace, Bakersfield NOTHERN DEANERY Clergy: 2014 The Rev. Basil Mattews, St. Clare, Priest In Charge Lay: 2015 Louise McCoskey, Christ the King, Riverbank depuTies To province viii synod CENTRAL DEANERY The Rev. Paul Colbert St. Raphael’s, Oakhurst and Clergy: 2013 The Rev.
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