THE Retirement Issue [IVING CHURCH. - . ~· cz;~ ~E EXTRAORDINAR Y VISION. ~ ision that was to become Vicar's Landing ~ ::.:Oated from a statement made in a sermon given by The Reverend Dr. James H. Cooper, then Rector of Christ Episcopal Church, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. On Pentecost Sunday, 1982, The Rev. Cooper suggested that retired residents of Ponte Vedra Beach had no community in the area where they could live in security, dignity and have the resort lifestyle to which they had become accustomed . That vision has now been realized as evidenced by the growth of Vicar'sLanding and more recently, Glenmoor in World Golf Village near St. Augustine, FL. Both Glenmoor and Vicar's Landing are setting new standards for what life care can be. The elegant residences, both apartments and homes, are nestled on spacious landscaped grounds in lovely resort settings. Each campus was designed with your comfort and convenience in mind. With all the amenities, activities and services, the pleasures and privileges of retirement at its very best are evident every day. Because of the vision of 1982, you can experience this lifestyle now. RETIREMENT--­ ---- REoEFINED® Glenmoor Vicar's Landing 235 Towerview Dr. 1000 Vicar's Landing Way Ponce St. Augustine, FL 32092 Vedra Beach, FL 32082 800-471-2335 • 904-940-4800 800-288-8810 • 904-285 -6000 www.glenmoor.com www.vicarslanding.com @ ~ T111 LIVING CHURCH THELIVING CHURCH magazine is published by the Living Church Foundation, An independentweekly serving Inc. The historic mission of the Living Church Foundation is to promote and Episcopalianssince 1878 support Catholic Anglicanism within the Episcopal Church. hone: 414-276-5420 )a\·irl A. Kalvelage ."un1tit"<·Erlilor(c.rt. 15) THIS WEEK ktty Glatzel ;,•111•nrl .\la11tf_(ff'1· (,·.rt 17) John Schuessler /<111,,_,111"/b'ditor (,·.rt / I) News :\m_\·Grau ;,-u1.'!,i,· Artist (ext. 18) 8 Archbishop Calls rom Parker !1/1,·,·ri,i,1_r1 J\.faua.qer {(>J·f J(j) Assurances 'Unpersuasive' fhais Jackson ·,,{J,llm,,1/ Jlcrnaycr (e.1t 21) lrn<'t' Wrber \lurl;di11y.P,n11111ti11u IJirertvr (cJ"l. /.')) Features .\lidtad O'Loughlin ~1,,,,.,,,,.11{..\.,s,•·i<1Jr•rl f~1i>licatio11s (er/ 14) 13 Retirement Communities llU ..\111) OF DIHECTORS l'ht>Rev. Thomas A. Fraser Adjust to Changing Economy Riverside, Ill. (President) BY JAMES HAMILTON .\liriam K. Stauff Wauwatosa,Wis. (Vice President) Dani,·! Muth St. LP01wrd,l\ld. (Secret<11y) Opinion Hu\\anl M. Tischler Albuquerque, N.l\l. (Treasurer) 15 Editor's Column Tht• Rt. Rev. Brrtram N. Herlong Franklin, Tenn. Lasting Words Thl· Re\·.. fay C. Jamrs Raleigh, N.C. The Rt. Rev. D. Brnce l\1acPherson 16 Editorials Alexandria, La. Evangelism Weakened Further Hichanl Mammana.Jr. Stamford, Conn. Tl1t111iasRiley 17 Reader's Viewpoint Viernia, Va. \liss Augusta D. Roddis (emeritus) Sustain Quality in the Summer Marshfirld, \\'is. BY GEORGEMARTIN 1-:,1it, 1t·ia/ and B11si11essoffices: Siti E. Juneau Avenue :1li]\\';l11kl'C'.\\'I 53202-279:3 18 Letters \!ailing address: P.O. Box 514036 An Apparent Conflict ~lihYaukeP. WI 532ll:3-34:J6 Fax: ·!14-276-748'.3 E-mail: [email protected] OtherDepartments www.lhin gchurch.or g \L\'\I s, ·1rn•rs .\'\I) Plll/TO(;Jl.-\PIIS: Tm: Lir­ :,1. {'111 "' !• cau11n1 a:-:--111111•n•sponsibili1y for tlw 4 Sunday's Readings n,111m or pilotos or manuscripts. T,!r. L!\J\:,; C11i 1,•,·!i is pubhslird ('\'Pry ,n-d::. d,1'.,·,I Sunday_ by the Lh·ing Chun:h Fomulmion. 5 Short & Sharp l!w. at ~Hi E .. lunt'<lll Ave, \lilwauke('. WI 6 Books l'ni",li,·:11, pos1~1~Ppaid at \lilwat1kt"('. WI. aud :.H add it iPnal maili..11~offin·:-. 21 People & Places Sl :BSCBIP'TIOX 1-t\TES: ~l~_')(I ror om.•Y<'aL :-::1;:_!_1111[ix t.S monlhs; $&1.UOfor 1wo yt~Jr.,; Canadian JM~t;ige ;111:1dditional $:.!9.181"-'I' .n>:u-: \Tt.•hl'l<Ulratr-$.->-~l ..e: all other foreign. S•H27 pt"(' ~v..rr. 1'1.t-,Tii.\.'''Ttit ::--.·r!d:1dtin~ d1,ut\!l":--!11TiiLl.1\N, ('!II ls\ 11. r.o_n~)X .-)l-tl):34.l.~Wwaukt'\', \\l ;--;r-~tYH~. Suli~1·nti.,rs. whrn suhmitling <H.ldrcss c.:hm1gt•s. pbL-;t• alhn,· :l---1we<'ks for d1a11P,l:"to lakt' dTetl. Tllf: LI\'\'\(; CIII :Ref! (ISS'\ ,xrn-52J()) is pub­ lished hy DIP. 1.1\l'<(i CIIUlCH FOL''\D.\TIU'l. INC-...i nnn-prnfit 0~111.i? ..arion 5C'nini.l Iht> Churd1 :\II gifts \ti !he Foumfation an.• l<LX--d<'ductiblt•. ~i:!OIL.'-iTix' lj\iJtg t]nm·l1 F1llU'kkUiol1. II•· -\Jl ri,rj1t:-; tl."'-'-'tY1~d No n:p1n!11etio11 i11 "holt· 11rlliU1 (";l!I tx, 111.:~k•,,ithnut pennis ..'>k,u of Tm: l.J\rv..;011 h'\"11 Volume:!'.l!l Number, AUGUST 16. 2009 · THE LIVING CHURCH 3 8c-Ud0~ SUNDAY'SREADINGS CHOIR CHAIR FromFear to Security '[T]he one who eats this bread will live forever' (John 6:58) 11th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 15B), Aug. 16, 2009 BCP: Prov. 9:1-6; Psalm 147 or 34:9-14; Eph. 5:15-20; John 6:53-59 RCL: 1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14 and Psalm 111; or Prov. 9:1-6 and Psalm 34:9- 14; Eph. 5:15-20; John 6:51-58 Most of us harbor a fair amount of will live forever ," he assures us, "and fear deep within us. It's almost as the bread that I will give for the life of though we're worriers by our very the world is my flesh" (John 6:51). nature. Life might be good right now, "Very truly, I tell you," the Lord con­ but what if all our friends suddenly tinues, "unless you eat the flesh of the with FIBRE RUSH SEAT wise up and take off? We work hard Son of Man and drink his blood , you Since 1877 and we save, but what if the Great have no life in you. Those who eat my Depression suddenly comes back flesh and drink my blood have eternal R.Geissleri Inc. with a vengeance? What if we lose life, and I will raise them up on the 2641 E. Greystone Ct. our jobs and we never find others? last day" (6:53-54). He concludes with Eagle, ID 83616 What if we're the victims of road rage this absol ute assurance: "(T]he one Phone: (800) 862-3159 or identity theft or swine flu? What if who eats this bread will live forever" www.rgeissler.com we're abdu cted by space aliens? (6:58). Many of us live with constant anxiety All who partake of Christ's body over all the bad things that might hap­ and blood in the Eucharist receive a DEDICATEDTOSTAINED pen to us. powerful antidote to the constant Psychologists tell us that regardless anxiety in which others are con­ GLASSEXCELLENCE of how it's immediately manifested, strained to live their lives. We who the real source of much of our anxi­ are nourished by the risen Savior FORMORE THAN A ety is uneasiness about our mortality. already share in his risen, eternal life. CENIURYROHLFS Our worries about bad things that For us, therefore , the "worst" that can might befall us, that is, are actually possibly happen in any situation is &. THEPAYNE fear of the worst that can possibly that we inherit eternal life in the king­ STIJDIOHAVE happen to us - we're going to die. dom. And that's not a bad prospect at 1 BEENCREATING And indeed, over and over again in all. In fact, it's rather compelling. the scriptures, fear is the result of The writer of the Letter to the &.CONSERVING people knowing that their time on Hebrews puts it like this: Christ rose STAINEDGLASS this earth is short. from the grave in order to "free those In today 's gospel , Jesus addresses who all their lives were held in slav­ WINDOWS our fear of dying head on - and he ery by the fear of death" (2:15). And WORLDWIDE. provides a solution to it. "I am the liv­ so he has. Nourished regularly by his ing bread that came down from resurrected body, we need only to FORMORE INFORMATION & UTERATURE heaven. Whoever eats of this bread live out that truth. PLEASEWRlfE, FAX, PHONE OR E-MAIL TO: LookIt Up RohlfsStudio Inc. Where can you find in the scriptures examp les of people's fear being related 783South. 3rd . Ave. to dying? MountVernon, NY l0550 1•ro 1R'."""t FAX- 914-699-7091 ThinkAbout It 800-969-41o6 What is the value of celebrating the Eucharist at a Christian funeral? ,os o. "OW ·.. BESURE TO ~ ' ; VJSITOUR ~BSITE NextSunday : ~ : www.Rohlfstudio.com12th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 16B), Aug. 23, 2009 ~ -:n..=:r...~ e-mail: [email protected] BCP: Josh. 24:1-2a,14-25; Psalm 16 or 34:15-22; Eph. 5:21-33; John 6:60-69 RCL: 1 Kings 8:(1, 6, 10-11), 22-30, 41-43 and Psalm 84; or Josh. 24:1-2a, Traditional•Contemporary • Restorations 14-18 and Psalm 34: 15-22; Eph. 6: 10-20; John 6:56-69 4 THE LIVING CHURCH • AUGUST 16. 2009 SHORT & SHARP Senior-Centered Now. By Malcolm Boyd. KenArnoldBooks. Pp. Pp. 138. $14.95. ISBN 978-0-9767164-0-2. 220. $15. ISBN 978-0981943541 . Photo-journalist Cheri Lomonte's NOT ALONE: Encouragement for Caregivers. The Rev. Malcolm Boyd, a priest and By Nell E. Noonan. Upper Room Books. Pp. 2005 book The Healing Touch of Mary 312. $20. ISBN 978-0835899826.
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