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 Vol No: XXII Issue No. 174  22.07.2017 (Saturday) Daily  Jammu Tawi  Price 3/-  Pages-12 Regd. No. JK|306|2017-19 FM acknowledges problems Pak troops violate For the US, Jammu Kashmir is no longer faced in migration to GST ceasefire along LoC Indian administered but India's integral part NL CORRESPONDENT This is the third ceasefire 'Commercial Tax Department will act as Tax advisory department' SRINAGAR, JULY 21 violation in Naugam sector JAMMU TAWI, JULY 21 Kashmir. Reports said that militancy in south occasional Internet ban, etc. within 24 hours. (KIP) after Modi's intervention Kashmir by the end of the He said that such policies Pakistani troops today An Army jawan was killed Washington changed the year. require some working time violated ceasefire along the in the ceasefire violation by As a result of detailed statement and described This is the reason for and in that transition the Line of Control in Naugam Pakistan in Naugam sector discussion with Donal Jammu and Kashmir as an security forces carrying officials, businesses and sector for the third on Wednesday. Trump, when Modi integral part of India. out day to day operations people will become familiar consecutive day and in Pakistan has violated recently visit the US, the Already Washington has against militants in south with the system. Keran sector but there were ceasefire in north Kashmir United States has done a stopped major share of Kashmir. And loss of life "Already 70 percent no casualties in the six times in the last nine great service to India by military and non-military of militants in these businesses have registered unprovoked firing from days. referring Jammu and aid to Pakistan because of operations has incited with the new tax system and across the LoC. On July 12, two soldiers - Kashmir not as Indian the fact that Pakistan Pakistan to target school the registration of the rest An army official said the Lance Naik Ranjit Singh administered Jammu and continued to act as a buildings, border outposts NL CORRESPONDENT businessmen in migration to will speed up," he told KNS. Indian Army is retaliating to and Rifleman Satish Bhagat Kashmir. spectator while dealing of Indian forces to raise SRINAGAR, JULY 21 the new tax regime and set Zubair Ahmad Rather, a the Pakistani aggression in - were killed when they In fact the latest change is with Lashkar-i-Toiba and the level of infiltration. operational targets for wholesale garment trader, equal measure. were targeted by Pakistani the result of Modi's Hizbul Mujahideen though And it is in this context Though the political and remedying these and achieve seems frustrated as he can't "Pakistani troops violated troops while manning argument and even when it had acted against Tehrik the India's DGMO had constitutional issues of GST cent percent GST buy the garments from Delhi ceasefire again in Naugam forward posts in Keran the US listed Syed Taliban Pakistan. another round of talks have been settled as of now, implementation. for his shop as under GST he sector today by unprovoked sector of district. Salahuddin as Chief of This indicates that with Pak DGMO the operational issues have Finance Minister told that has to migrate his business firing towards our posts," he Another jawan was injured Hizbul Mujahideen as a Pakistan wants to utilize cautioning him of rendered the businessmen the policies like GST are to the new tax system. said. when Pakistani troops global terrorist in that LeT and HM activists for targeting schools and angry. disturbing and businesses As he approached the local The official said the resorted to unprovoked statement Washington had derailing peace in civilian huts which may Finance Minister, Dr Haseeb are facing multiple problems traders for understanding Pakistani troops also firing in Kamalkote area of referred to Jammu and Kashmir. However, the force the Indian troops to Drabu, acknowledged the like lack of awareness, lack GST, they did not know. violated ceasefire in Keran Uri sector in Kashmir as Indian security forces and the retaliate with fury problems faced by of training of tax officials, When he P2 sector of Kupwara. district. (AGENCIES) administered Jammu and Army have pledged to end and firmness. Governor unhappy over condition of Dal Lake '5 soldiers killed this year Damning Excerpts of Jammu Govt spends Rs 500 Cr in 10 years in 251 ceasefire violations' University’s Inquiry Report – I NL CORRESPONDENT weeding process is three centre and state of India over the years. Prof. Mattoo appointed ineligible Controller of Exams SRINAGAR, JULY 21 proceeding almost at a sponsored major projects "Even though such a huge question, Subhash negligible pace, an official designed to lease fresh life to amount has been spent under Bhamre, Minister of S. K. BHALLA Governor N N Vohra statement has said after the Dal Lake. Instead the this project, there has been State in the Defence recently reprimanded the Vohra conducted the tour. condition of the famed water no improvement in the Ministry, said five There are officials over deteriorating He also took on the officials body should have been condition of the Lake," the military personnel were several condition of the Dal Lake over the poor condition of improved, it has degraded official said. killed and 21 injured in complaints that despite the government the lake. Surprisingly, the despite spending huge The second conservation and the cross border firing have been having spent Rs 500 crore on government has spent Rs amount of money since management programme this year. received at Raj in toto meet the the lake in the last one 500 crores on three inception of these schemes 'Prime Minister's NL CORRESPONDENT In 2014, the Army and the Bhawan and the Chief requirements of decade. conservation and due to mismanagement of Reconstruction Programme' NEW DELHI, JULY 21 Border Security Force Minister’s office regarding administrative experience. After his extensive tour management projects on Dal the authorities. (PMRP) of 2010 costing Rs (BSF) reported 153 and 430 administrative impropriety, When the matter went Governor recently said that Lake since 2005, the A major project 'National 356 crore under which 83.18 Five security personnel cases of ceasefire violation favouritism, financial before the University more than half of the water condition of the famed lake Lake Conservation crores have been released so have been killed and 21 under their areas of irregularities against the Council on 21.04.2006, it surface of the lake is no continue to be deteriorated. Programme' was started in far. It was for acquisition of injured in 251 cases of operational control Vice Chancellors and other was decided that the longer visible to the visitors The Dal Lake is famous 2005 costing Rs 298.76 land and structures in Dal ceasefire violations by respectively. officers of the University recommendation be put up because of the rapidly across the world and most of crore. Official sources and Nigeen lake. Pakistan this year, the The number dipped to 152 of Jammu. with facts/details to the growing Lotus plant and a the tourists visit Srinagar to revealed that an amount of The third project was for the Government informed the and 253 in 2015 in areas After examining these Hon’ble Chancellor for variety of weeds particularly see the famed lake. The Rs 273.85 crore has been rehabilitation of the families Lok Sabha today. under the control of the complaints, Department of final decision on behalf of because the ongoing de- government had framed released by the Government dislocated P2 In a written response to a Army and BSF P2 Higher Education put up a the University Council….” note to the then Chief P. S. Pathania was Govt rejects EC’s demand Minister who ordered an appointed Controller of Four people feared dead in Doda- road mishap enquiry by a team of Examination, a key and for contempt of court senior officers led by the coveted position in the NL CORRESPONDENT Chief Secretary with University on 15th power DODA, JULY 21 Principal Secretary January, 2006. The then Planning, Commissioner Vice Chancellor, Prof NEW DELHI, JULY 21 Four people feared drowned in Secretary Finance and Amitab Mattoo smartly two separate road accidents in Higher Education blunted the objections with A demand by the Election Commission to twin districts of Doda and Department to go regards to Pathania’s get power to initiate contempt Kishtwar on Friday evening. specifically into serious deficient experience and proceedings against political parties However rescue teams has charges. qualifications and re- which make allegations against it without launched operations to trace As promised in my column submitted his case by published on Wednesday, credible evidence has been rejected by the them, but so far nothing has been misrepresenting some Public Civil Vigilance Cell UGC clarifications of 8th Government; the Rajya Sabha was found. J&K (CVC) is reproducing June, 2006 to the informed today. First incident took place at the article of charges and Chancellor and got the Minister of State for Law P P Chaudhury around 5:30 pm when a vehicle report of the enquiry approval on 3.7.2006 to said in a written reply that the EC (Sumo) JK06-5074 carrying three people on its way from committee for public his illegal action by proposal was examined from legal and into Chenab in Garsoo area district headquarters. said, "Three people feared Chiralla to Pul-Doda plunged information manipulation. The self around 10 kilometers away from A senior police officer at Doda drowned who P2 Charge 1.1 reads serving interpretation of BPL, AAY to get sugar @ Rs “Registrar P. S. Pathania the UGC rules were used Farooq Abdullah now wants third Govt mulls changing who was a school teacher nearly six months after 25 from this month till 1996 and does not have Pathania was already got party intervention in Kashmir financial year to Jan-Dec either the required appointed. SRINAGAR, JULY 21 (KNS) eligibility-55% marks in Pathania’s experiences as NL CORRESPONDENT Jaitley said a committee NL CORRESPONDENT M. Sc. Zoology or the Research Associate and his constituted by the The sugar supplied by the government to NEW DELHI, JULY 21 NEW DELHI, JULY 21 requisite 15-year of being Special Assistant to the consumers will get costlier from this government under the Administrative experience VC were clubbed together month as the government has stopped National Conference Finance Minister Arun chairmanship of Shankar to hold the post and has and taken as subsidy to the Above Poverty Line leader Farooq Abdullah Jaitley today informed Acharya (former Chief managed his selection as Administrative Experience consumers and kept only Rs 12 for BPL today suggested third Parliament that the Economic Adviser) has Controller of Examination to justify his eligibility to and other priority rations card holders. party mediation to Government is considering examined the issue. through Prof. Amitab the post. Before this month, the consumers would resolve the Kashmir changing financial year to "The report of the Mattoo on the basis of M. On this point the sugar at lower costs as its subsidy was issue, saying India January-December from the committee has been Ed. Degree which being a committee observed, “It is born by the government out of the state should take the help of April- March. received," he added. one year course is not a the moot question that exchequer. "friends" and that told reporters outside Parliament. "The matter of changing Jaitley was also asked post-graduate degree is not whether the University For Priority Households, that is dialogue was the only solution. Asked if he meant that a "third financial year is under whether the government at all worth the post”. could have gone in for consumers falling in the category of The former chief minister of Jammu party" should be involved, Abdullah consideration of the proposes to present the Observation and fresh advertisement to seek Below Poverty Line and AAY, each kilo of and Kashmir also asked, "Till what said, "(US President) Donald Trump Government," he said in a Union Budget during recommendation of a candidate who fulfilled sugar would cost Rs 13.50. And for Non- time should we wait?" and wondered has said he wants to settle the written reply in Lok Sabha. November-December. "It enquiry committee the eligibility criteria Priority category, Above Poverty Line how many more wars will India and Kashmir problem. We did not ask He was asked whether the does not arise at this stage," “….While recommending unambiguously.” consumers, it would cost Rs 20 per kg. Pakistan fight. him for it (help). China has also said Government proposes to he replied. the appointment of Mr. More information will be However, the government has abolished "The way out is through dialogue. it wants to mediate in Kashmir … synchronise the financial A change in the financial Pathania, the selection shared with the readers on the subsidy for APL category and hiked Use your friends… Use them for We are not saying (that we) hand year with the calendar year year will require committee had, however other charges in the cost for BPL and AAY P2 dialogue to resolve the issue," he over things to them." P2 from January. amendments P2 observed that he does not forthcoming write-ups. the northlines 2 CITY Jammu | Saturday | July | 22 | 2017 Youth killed in Beerwah, stone Surprise Check by SVO pelters attempted to snatch weapon at GGM Sc. College JAMMU TAWI, JULY 21 of late. The caretaker also people in hush-hush SRINAGAR, JULY 21 (KNS) injuries to two youth. "One rest amid pro-freedom and cracker towards the army Army's 53 RR over the killing Principal of the College tones are talking of the raid. among the youth who had anti-India slogans. men. Because of bang the of Tanveer Ahmad Wani. Sleuths of State Vigilance Prof. Ranjeet Singh Jamwal It shall be apt to inform that A protesting youth was received bullet injuries in his Following the burial of a slain army men thought a grenade Meanwhile, PRO Defence, Organization Jammu led by of the Dept. of Chemistry one such raid in the College Friday killed after forces head succumbed to his youth, clashes erupted was hurled and they Colonial Rajesh Kalia said Dy. SP Mr. Girdhari Lal rendered full cooperation to was conducted during the opened fire during the clashes injuries," sources said. between youth and forces in retaliated. Two persons that "an Army patrol was conducted a joint surprise the Vigilance team that Principal ship of retd. Prof. in Beerwah area of Kashmir's The slain youth was the area, during which forces identified as Tanveer Ahmed subjected to heavy stone check (JSC) at GGM Sc. raided the College on R. L.Sharma in the year district. identified as Tanveer Ahmed used tear gas canisters to Pala and Mohammed Ibrahim pelting by a mob in Kondur College Jammu on specific inputs. 2006. Mr. Sharma came As soon as the Friday Wani, a resident of Arwah disperse them. Wani were injured," he said, village near Beerwah town at 18.07.2017. Dy. SP had confirmed unscathed because he was congregational prayers ended village in Beerwah. Clashes were ongoing when adding that among them 13:15 hours today. In no time The team landed at the having scrutiny of some not responsible for the in the local Masjids in Locals said that no clashes the report was last filed. Tanveer succumbed to his the numbers swelled and the College as per authoritative important records and SVO purchases ordered by one Beerwah, the youth staged were ongoing when Tanveer, Meanwhile, a police injuries while Ibrahim is intensity of stone pelting sources at 10.15 a.m. and will take action under law tainted retd. Director protest against Army for a tailor by profession was spokesman in a statement stable. increased." departed from the precincts against the accused. Sources Colleges N. D. Wani. allegedly harassing the street killed. Meanwhile, thousands issued to KNS said that as per According to the reports, "Some stone pelters tried to of the College at 7.15 p.m. on anonymity said that Despite this Mr. Sharma vendors on the area. of people participated in the initial information received police has said that a First close in with the patrol and More than 12 official files of majority of purchases of the who was on the verge of Witnesses said that the youth funeral prayers of the slain today, a Foot Patrol of army Information Report (FIR) has snatch weapons from the the College record were got sanctioned amount were retirement had to procure also hurled some stones to youth. was returning to its camp and been lodged against army soldiers. Two persons were Photostat regarding the made by earlier Principal NOC from SVO which was them. Witnesses said that multiple near Beerwah some over the killing of a youth in reportedly injured when expenditure incurred out of Mr. Ajeet Angral during his readily issued. Locals said that Army opened funeral prayers of slain youth miscreants pelted stones on Beerwah town. troops opened fired. One of the special grants released stint at Science College. Civil society of Jammu fire when they were heading were held at the main Chowk them. Reports quoting a senior the injured, however, later for heritage related matters Angral has recently been comprising of vigilant towards their camp in the Beerwah. "Someone among these police official said that an FIR succumbed to his injuries," he since this College was transferred to Govt. MAM citizens is keeping its area, which resulted in severe The slain youth was laid to miscreants also hurled a fire has been registered against said. (KNS) declared a heritage College College Jammu and there at fingers crossed regarding the outcome of the raid. Girdhari Lal Dy. SP is the Fake Chinese spares for Jammu battles acute water scarcity person who had investigated double drawl scam of POL indigenised Bofors guns: CBI FIR PHE dept’s contingency plans go haywire, taps run dry in temples involving Tara Chand former Dy CM, M. Raju the NEW DELHI, JULY 21 registered a case against Bofors artillery guns which JAMMU, JULY 21 then OSD to Dy CM and Ors unidentified officials of the performed exceedingly well and the matter is being heard China-made parts Guns Carriage Factory during the Kargil conflict in The Public Health at Hon’ble High Court at camouflaged as 'Made in (GCF), Jabalpur, under 1999. Engineering (PHE) Jammu. Germany' found their way to criminal conspiracy, The CBI alleged that the Department’s much-talked the production line of cheating and forgery for supplier entered into about contingency plans to 66-kg narcotics seized indigenised Bofors guns supplying fake and cheap criminal conspiracy with the tide over drinking water used by the army, prompting China-made spares passing unidentified GCF officials shortage have miserably from LoC truck the CBI to file a case against off as Made in Germany for to supply duplicate spare failed in the winter capital of a Delhi-based company. Dhanush guns, the FIR parts (bearings) used in the the state with many parts of SRINAGAR, JULY 21 Besides Sidh Sales alleged. Dhanush is the manufacture of Dhanush Jammu city getting water Syndicate, the CBI also indigenised version of the guns. (AGENCIES) supply after a gap of three to The J&K Police today four days and that too, for seized 66.5 kg of narcotic just 45-50 minutes. drugs in north Kashmir gets bridge at Chumathang Consequently, there is a from a truck arriving from simmering discontent and government. We had never complete collapse of all for people.” Pakistan-occupied Kashmir work for upgrade of the Leh- resentment among the seen such a water crisis in governance as the When contacted, Rajesh (PoK) as part of the cross- Loma axis from the existing residents as the grim the past. While the PHE government has failed to fix Gupta, MLA, Jammu east, LoC trade between India single lane to double lane, situation has emerged in officials have nothing to say the responsibility for faulty admitted that residents were and Pakistan. including replacement of ‘Shravan Maas’ which is except for giving lame planning on the part of the facing acute shortage of The seizure was made this existing temporary bridges. considered as one of the excuses, the ruling authorities.” water. He attributed the afternoon at the Salamabad The Chumathang bridge was holiest months in the year as politicians have turned a Former minister and senior problem to the slowdown of Trade Centre at Uri in inaugurated by Lt Gen SK per the Hindu calendar. The blind to the situation,” a Congress leader Raman operations in pumping on the Shrivastava, Director ‘Sawan’ month, as per the furious Shashi Pal, a resident Bhalla said, “The first stations and filtration plants Muzaffarabad-Srinagar General Border Roads, on Hindu mythology, is of Mubarak Mandi, said. monsoon showers have due to accumulation of silt in highway, over 100 km Thursday during a solemn dedicated to Lord Shiva. Vivek Sharma, a resident of negated the PHE the machinery. north of Srinagar. JAMMU, JULY 21 The 111 Road Construction inauguration ceremony. He Leave aside the domestic Pacci Dhaki area, said, department’s claim of “The previous regimes did “We had specific Company (RCC ) of the 16 complimented the team of water needs of people, “There was no water in the providing safe and pure not show any seriousness in information that a large The Border Roads Border Road Task Force the 111 RCC for having sometimes the devotees of temple of Lord Shiva on the drinking water. Many parts chalking out long-term plans quantity of narcotic drugs Organisation (BRO) in (BRTF) under Project completed the bridge despite Lord Shiva do not even get first Monday of the ‘Sawan’ of the city have gone dry to deal with such crisis. I is to be carried by some eastern Ladakh has created Himank led by Brigadier the extreme working water to offer at most of the month which caused great while many others are being have managed to get PoK truck and delivered at yet another landmark by DM Purvimath, Chief conditions in the region. temples in the city. Much to resentment among the supplied muddy water. The sanctioned two tube wells this side by means of cross- constructing the Engineer, has launched this Speaking on the occasion, he the people’s annoyance, the devotees. Not just the PHE Sitlee filtration plant at near Dhounthly which will LoC trade. We intercepted Chumathang bridge in the 50-metre class 70 ton steel asked all ranks of Project PHE officials are authorities, the ruling Nagrota and Boria and help us in dealing with the the truck from PoK on region. structure across the Himank to make efforts to inaccessible to them. leadership has also been Dhounthly water-lifting problem in the future,” he Friday at Salamabad and on The bridge will connect Leh Chumatang nullah, which expedite the double-laning “The unavailability of hurting the religious stations, which supply water added. thorough search of the with important towns like will facilitate smooth work of the Leh–Loma road drinking water to people has sentiments of people. Where to nearly 75 per cent of the Senior PHE officers truck 66.5 kg of narcotic Hanle and Loma in addition movement of various as well as efficient punctured the balloon of are their action plans for the households of Jammu city, remained inaccessible as drugs were seized,” Senior to the upcoming tourist military and civilian vehicles maintenance and upgrade of good governance being summer and monsoon are either supplying muddy they did not respond to Superintendent of Police, destination of the Tso Morari on this important axis. other roads in the eastern claimed by the BJP-PDP seasons? There seems to be a water or there is no water at repeated phone calls. Baramulla, Imtiyaz lake. The BRO is executing the Ladakh region. Hussain said.

Even though crores of rupees have been spent so far, the Kishtwar-Machail road in Bhoot Nallah. Incident took place FROM PAGE 1 authorities have failed to restore the beauty of the famed at around 6:15 pm on Machail road when driver lost control consumers. Dal. It has been seen that Lakes and Water Development over the vehicle and plunged into Bhoot Nallah. Ajay For APL, each kg of sugar at government store will be FM acknowledges problems Authority is only carrying out de-weeding around the Kumar, Vishal Kumar and Mulkh Raj were travelling in the priced at Rs 37 per kg and for BPL and AAY, Rs 25 will be SKICC as the centre has a distinction of hosting important ill fated vehicle, however the two injured were rescued and charged for each kg. faced in migration to GST functions both government as well as private. Government shifted to local's hospital for treatment, but Mulkh Raj has The state has 1.19 crore registered consumers which get has also failed to complete the rehabilitation process within yet not been traced from the nallah. ration from Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs a time frame work and all these projects have missed the Senior Superintendent of Police, Kishtwar Sundeep Wazir went to the tax officials at the commercial tax department, department. Of these, 74.13 lakh are registered in BPL and deadlines. said, "We have rescued two injured, but third person has yet they grinned and replied they themselves don't know new AAY category and remaining 45 lakh in the APL or Non- "Almost all the funds released over the years have been not been traced. The rescue operation is on." tax system. priority category. spenton Dal Lake but there is no positive change. The Zubair claimed that some tax official asked for Rs. 5000 for Admitting the cut in subsidy for consumers, the minister for LAWDA alone can't take steps for preservation of the Dal immediate registration, contradicting the government which FCS&CA Choudhary Zulfikar Ali told KNS the subsidy Lake. It is the responsibility of each individual and there '5 soldiers killed this year in said that GST is going to enhance productivity and end was abolished by the Government of India for all the states should be close coordination of all government departments corruption. Moreover, the GST portal is not working in the country after the implementation of National Food for preservation of the Lake and funds are utilized 251 ceasefire violations' properly and Internet is more often in curfew mode. Safety Act. properly," a senior official said wishing not to be quoted by Drabu said: "We are completely liberal on this front. We can Ali said that the subsidy for APL category has been name. "Political intervention is also one of the reasons respectively. In 2016, the figure rose to 228 and 221. see the problems that people and businesses face. I have which create hurdles in taking of preservation measures of (AGENCIES) abolished by the state government too and for the BPL and directed the Divisional Commissioners for starting the Lake. Authorities need to relook where there has been AAY consumers, the sugar will be sold at a cost of Rs 25 awareness camps in every district and rolling out training mismanagement for implementation of preservation with the state bearing the Rs 12 per kilogram. programmes of the tax officials." projects despite spending crores of rupees," the official said. Govt mulls changing He said the each kg of sugar for APL will cost Rs 37 and for The Finance minister said the Commercial Tax department Dal Lake is the second largest lake in the state and is the BPL and AAY, it will cost Rs 25. He said that the state will be converted into tax advisory department that will help divided into four basins Small Dal, Big Dal, Gagribal and financial year to Jan-Dec is purchasing sugar at Rs 37 per kg. the businesses and public in resolving their queries and will Nigeen besides small and big Dal have each an island in the "No state is giving subsidized ration to consumers, but our further ease the GST implementation. (KNS) center known as Rup or Charchinari. to various statues including tax laws during the transitional government continued it after the NFSA was implemented period. (AGENCIES) across the country. We are bearing Rs 211 crore loss Governor unhappy over annually from the state exchequer for providing subsidized Four people feared dead in Farooq Abdullah now wants third ration to consumers," the minister told KNS. (KNS) condition of Dal Lake Doda-Kishtwar road mishap party intervention in Kashmir Govt rejects EC’s demand from Dal and Nigeen lake. The project at a cost of Rs 416 were travelling in the vehicle plunged into Chenab after He stressed that taking help does not mean "we should hand crore for development of site at Rakh-I-Arth for preparation driver lost control. We have launched the rescue operation over" the affairs to "friends". for contempt of court power of site and provision for infrastructure like road, water with help of Chenab rescuers, police and army but we have Abdullah referred to the wars that India and Pakistan had fought and said it was time to take "the bull by the horns". supply, electricity, drainage, and sewerage and other not found anything so far." The feared dead were identified account judicial pronouncements in this regard. as Ravi Kumar (driver) son of Roshan Lal and Ishtaq "You haven't spoken for 70 years… Four wars have community facilities and providing house units to the "It has been opined that the conferment of power of dwellers under State plan and Central assistance 315.90 Ahmed (teacher) son of Manzoor Ahmed both from happened," he said when reminded by a reporter about Ind contempt on the Election Commission may be inconsistent crore and 90.92 crore respectively. "Under state plan an Cheiralla; however the third person drowned in Chenab has with the law laid down by the Supreme Court," he said. amount of Rs 84.56 crore has been utilized and under BSUP yet not been identified. In a letter written in April, the Commission had urged the component an amount of Rs 20.43 crore has been released Meanwhile in another incident two people were injured and BPL, AAY to get sugar @ by the Government of India," the official said. one went missing after a tempo skidded off the road on law ministry to amend the election laws so that it could use Rs 25 from this month 'Contempt of Court' Act against such parties. (AGENCIES)

Printed, Published & Owned by Neelam Singh Gill and Printed at Northlines Publishers, 18-B, Phase-II, Industrial Estate, Gangyal, Jammu and Published from Gurudwara Sunder Singh Road, Jammu- 180001. Editor: Neelam Singh Gill; Phone Editorial : 2574109 Telefax : 2548103. Advertisements: 9858183354 ([email protected]) ; RNI No. 69574/98 e-mail (for press releases/content) : [email protected]; [email protected] > Visit us at www.thenorthlines.com, www.northlines.in; e-paper: www.epaper.thenorthlines.com the northlines 3 STATE Jammu | Saturday | July 22 | 2017 Press Council team calls on CM Include Gojri and Pahari languages in school

NL Correspondent Government for the curriculum or face agitation: Shahnawaz Srinagar, Jul 21 betterment and welfare of NL Correspondent only confined to media fraternity in the State. Jammu Tawi, Jul 21 Interacting with the visiting Jammu and Kashmir She said she has ordered the team of Press Council of but the tribal setting up of an Aiwann e Enraged over the casual India which met her here language has Sahafat at Srinagar for which approach of the PDP-BJP today, the Chief Minister constituents spread a building has already been coalition Govt. and their said a section of country's in 12 other states of identified. apathy towards Gojri and media has been indulging in the country like The Chief Minister told the , debates, discussions and , PCI delegation that the Shahnawaz Choudhary reportage about the State and Gujarat, Rajasthan media fraternity in the State General secretary Pradesh its people, most of which is and Uttarakhand. has performed in very Congress committee today far from reality. She said this Even in difficult and extreme addressed a press section needs to be reminded neighbouring situations in the past and its conference at PCC that by resorting to this C.K. Nayak, and Dr. Suman people here. She invited the over non inclusion of Gojri speaking people i.e 20 lakh Pakistan and Afghanistan professional competence can Headquarter, Jammu. Senior diatribe about the State, they Gupta. The team has been on Press Council of India to and pahari Language in Gujjars who speak Gojri in there is a huge population of Congress leader Advocate are not doing any service to a weeklong tour of the State. hold part of its Golden be matched with the best in school curriculum. While Jammu and Kashmir and Gojri Speaking population. Masood Choudhary and the country but alienating She said positive reporting jubilee celebrations in the the country. "Many of them Addressing to media nearly four lakh non-Gujjars Likewise, Pahari language youth congress leader Ajaz further people of the State. about the State and its people State. lost their lives but did not Shahnawaz Choudhary said also speak this oldest tribal is also mother tounge of Choudhary also joined the Headed by Mr. S. N. Sinha, by the media outlets would CM informed the visiting compromise on the that Gujjars and Bakerwals language are deprived of lakhs of people across the press conference. They the Press Council of India not only create a soothing delegation of many steps professional integrity," she community is third largest their right to be informed, state and deserve to lambasted the state Govt. (PCI) team comprised Mr. impact on the minds of being taken by her said. population and Gojri the Gojri Language is not promote. He welcomes the initiative Dr Rohit selects as editorial of the State government for Contractual Lecturers' hunger steps taken for the welfare of Regional languages but board member of Jora Pain strike enters 158th day said that Gojri and Pahari languages deprived from NL Correspondent their genuine right. The pharmacology, NL Correspondent Contractual Lecturers Jammu Tawi, Jul 21 Jammu Tawi, Jul 21 nomads demanded anatomy, palliative as per the Civil care, etc. but not respectful treatment to their Dr Rohit Lahori Pain Services Special limited to these The ongoing hunger strike language as well, he added. specialist incharge Pain Provision Act 2010. by Contractual Lecturers Shahnawaz Choudhary Clinic Government disciplines only. A policy framed for (10+2) entered into 158th while expressing his Hospital Gandhi Nagar has Journal on Recent the regularization of day today as there has been concern told that the been selected as Editorial Advances in Pain also all Ad-hoc/ no response by the State nomads are spread across Board member of Jora Pain invites articles on care Contractual/ Government on their the state right from International journal of of patients suffering consolidated demand of regularization. Lakhanpur to , and recent advances in Pain. from pain, healthcare employees after The chain hunger strike was Uri to Ladakh, therefore the Journal on Recent policies on pain rendering seven years continued today by demand of inclusion of Advances in Pain management and of services. awareness on pain Mangeshwar Sharma, Gojri and pahari in school (JORAPAIN) is an Bakhshi also said that management. Journal Ashwani kumar, Balvinder curriculum upto secondary international journal which they will continue the on Recent Advances Kour and Reva Rani, who level is absolutely sensible, focuses on recent advances chain hunger strike in Pain accept original began their 24-hour fast regularization as per the While addressing the protest justifiable. and developments in invited from all related till their case for articles (clinical, dharna this morning. Civil Services Special demonstration, Arun Bakshi, He appealed to Chief epidemiology, disciplines like experimental, Shouting slogans, the Provision Act 2010, a president of the All J&K regularization is settled. He Minister to amend the pathophysiology, diagnosis anesthesiology, orthopedics, epidemiological or basic protesting Contractual Legislature passed for the Contractual Lecturers (10 + also said that govt. Should earlier order and include or management of acute, neurology, and science researches), review Lecturers held protest regularization of all the ad- 2) Association said that all avoid it's apathetic attitude Gojri and Pahari languages subacute or chronic pain. neurosurgery, physical articles, meta-analysis and demonstration at the dharna hoc/the Ministers are towards the Contractual in School curriculum, Journal on Recent Advances medicine and rehabilitation, systematic reviews, case site near Exhibition Ground. Contractual/Consolidated deliberately ignoring the Lecturers (10+2) and also otherwise we will launch in Pain promotes psychiatry and psychology, reports, letter-to-editors and These Contractual Lecturers employees on completion of genuine demand for showing disregard to the state wide Agitation against multidisciplinary pain radiology, rheumatology, management and articles are commentaries. are demanding their seven years of their service. regularization of 10+2 teaching community. the state Govt. DIPR mulls a Media Advisory Committee The Town in a mess We invite the citizens to raise the issues of public interest, civic welfare and NL Correspondent Committee (SMAC) to look raised by media-persons of Committee will meet on m. common cause by blowing a trumpet with the hope that all the concerned awake Srinagar, Jul 21 into the operational issues Kashmir valley during their quarterly basis or as and In addition if there is any and act on the issue raised. It would be a readers column and we hope that it faced by the journalists while meetings with the Press when necessitated to dwell other media association in would facilitate those who want to express their grievances pertaining to public The Department of performing their professional Council of India team. on the issues confronting the the State, which has been left affair.- Editor Information and Public duties in J&K. The PCI team headed by Mr media. out, they can send their Relations (DIPR), in a press The decision was apparently S N Sinha, during their The government will details to DIPR release said it is mooting a A letter to the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir taken after the issue meetings with the Chief constitute an Advisory [email protected] proposal before the Sh. N. N. Vohra Raj Bhawan. regarding day-to-day Minister, Mehbooba Mufti Committee recommended by m so that these can be Government for constituting Worthy Governor, J&K Respect others and you will be respected is operational hassles faced by and Minister for Information, the Director Information. included for being given a State Media Advisory Raj Bhawan, Srinagar an adage which is not honored by Mr. Chief journalists in Kashmir was Chowdhary Zulfkar Ali Accordingly, all these representation in the Engineer. No one can violate human rights suggested, as an immediate Associations should mail the proposed Advisory Subject: Erratic water supply in Rehari of citizens. A communication yesterday had measure, constitution of the list of their office-bearers Committee. Colony area (Ward No. 24) Jammu since been sent via e-mail to Mr. Aima but he is SBBMC organizes langar State Media Advisory and members with contact The DIPR has also sought many days amounting to deficiency in lost in his own world of make belief. Committee which will take details to the Directorate of suggestions from the media- service warranting fixing of Kindly also confirm whether the staff of care of the issues faced by Information & Public persons on how to make the accountability and initiating departmental Raj Bhawan at Srinagar, CE and top for Amarnath pilgrims the media-persons while Relations for updation and State Media Advisory action against the delinquent Chief ranking Officers of PHE at Jammu are also discharging their maintenance of records. The Committee an effective body Engineer Mr. Sushil Aima and Ors. thirsting for water like the aggrieved Jammu, Jul 21 residents of this mediocre locality. Aima Shri Banke Bihari professional duties. details can be mailed on to deal with the issues The State Media Advisory [email protected] confronting the media. Sir, did not bother to respond to our e-mail. Mandir Committee Public Civil Vigilance Cell J&K (CVC) is This is in consonance with the attitude in members today organised constrained to bring to your kind notice the general of the servants of the people. a free langar for the Power shutdown aforesaid grievance of the consumers of Rehari Colony people also deserve a glass Amarnath pilgrims at ailing PHE Dept. depriving citizens of of cold water from Chashm-e-Shahi. Temple premises in potable water which cannot be condoned in Yours sincerely, NL Correspondent Nagar and adjoining areas Sidhra-II Networks feeder Nanak Nagar. The langar Jammu Tawi, Jul 21 a civilized set-up. Prof. S. K. Bhalla (Founder CVC) was held under the supervision of Shri Banke Bihari fed from C-22 LT Networks shall remain affected from Numerous telephonic calls and one-to-one Mohit Sawhney (I/C Youth Wing) feeder shall remain affected July 20 to August 10, 2017 Mandir Committee president Ram Langar. While offering To carried out development interaction with the law abiding citizens of Dr. R. P. Singh (Member CVC) from July 20 to August 10, from 8 am to 4 pm (Max eatable among pilgrims, during the langar, Committee works by M/s IRCON Rehari Colony regarding deficiency in Ms. Shashi Thakur (Aggrieved citizen) president said that his father Sat Pal Langer (former 2017 from 8 am to 4 pm Power block of 4 hrs on service by Aima's Department is Kapil Khanna International Ltd. under R- president Shri Banke Bihari Mandir) had started the langer (Max Power block of 4 hrs each Dt). constraining us to send this communication (-----do-----) APDRP Scheme, the power nine years ago, till that date to today, the committee on each Dt). Similarly, the However, the power supply which may be honorably disposed of by H.O: 386-Rehari Colony, Jammu supply to Trikuta Nagar and members maintain this routine and this year also power supply to Denis Gate to Bhagwati Nagar, Ashok Gangyal Industrial areas fed committee members has organised a langar for pilgrims. and adjoining areas fed from Nagar, Puran Nagar, Vikas A letter to Dr. Romesh Singh, Principal, from 33 KV GG-1 and GG- He said in the premises of Temple, there is a provision of DG-04 LT Networks feeder Nagar Lane, Rama Lane, staying of pilgrims and also provide free food to them. On 2 lines shall remain affected shall remain affected from Nitco Lane and its adjacent IG Dental College, Jammu onJuly 22 from 7 am to 11 areas fed from C-7 LT the occasion, Sham Langer was also present. July 20 to August 10, 2017 Subject: Complete mess at IG Dental teaching fraternity it is impressed upon that am. Similarly, the power Network feeder shall from 8 am to 4 pm (Max College Jammu viz non-observance of proper treatment should be given to the remain affected from July 22 J&K Bank organizes excursion supply to Kehli Mandi, Power block of 4 hrs on official timings by the Staff and patients at the hospital than compelling Badwani, Novidya Hospital, each Dt). Likewise, the to August 10, 2017 from 8 am to 4 pm. Similarly, the exploitation of the poor at the hands of them in one way or the other to visit private for Balgran children PHE, Mansar, Samba-I & II, power supply to Denis Gate, faculty repeatedly reported at Public Civil clinics in the evening hours thereby Industry-I, Industry-II, DC Prem Nagar, Christian power supply to Upper Roop Nagar and its adjacent areas Vigilance Cell J&K (CVC) charging exorbitant rates. Jammu, Jul 21 Office, Vijaypur, PHE Colony, Early Times, and fed from RN-1 LT Network Recently Dr. Ashutosh has been in the news As a part of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Rakh, Sherpur, Nachilla, adjoining areas fed from feeder shall remain affected Sir, for all the wrong reasons the details of J&K Bank organized one day excursion for the children at Rajpura and adjoining areas DG-02 LT Networks feeder Balgran - A charitable, non-profit NGO established in 1975 from July 22 to August 10, which you must have definitely read. We fed from 66 KV IGC line shall remain affected from for the care of orphan children. Keeping the promise that 2017 from 8 am to 4 pm. Our recently floated Cell comprising are planning to visit one such Clinic at and 66 KV Samba line July 20 to August 10, 2017 J&K Bank Chairman & CEO Parvez Ahmed made during Likewise, the power supply likeminded folk has been appraised of the Gandhi Nagar to see for ourselves the fees emanating from Grid from 8 am to 4 pm (Max his last visit to Balgran, the bank arranged the picnic for its to Durga Nagar, Dogra aforesaid matter of huge public importance. being charged from the patient as also to Station Samba shall remain Power block of 4 hrs on inmates to Children Park near Canal Road, being Nagar, Roop Nagar Enclave As per authoritative inputs your College ensure whether the amount realized is affected on July 23 from 6 each Dt). Similarly, the developed and maintained by the Bank. Around 89 and its adjacent areas fed has not installed bio-metric attendance entered somewhere. Why not send an power supply to Sidhra-1, from RN-2 LT Network children took part in the excursion along with their teachers am to 11 am. component for the staff there by independent complaint both to State Likewise, the power supply Mubarak Gul, Athrabad, feeder shall remain affected encouraging absenteeism. The employees and caretakers, wherein they had a pleasant time away Vigilance Organization and Income Tax to Sohajana, Mandal, Flian, Malik Manzil and adjoining from July 22 to August 10, in the absence of the scientific attendance from the usual daily activities of school and home. It was a Dept.? Kandwal, Surya Chak, areas fed from Sidhra-1 2017 from 8 am to 4 pm. regulatory mechanism observe official delightful experience for the kids as they were seen riding Hopefully the message is loud and clear. Ganeshpur and adjoining Networks feeder shall Similarly, the power supply timing as per their whim which is against swings and enjoying other outdoor games in the park. areas fed from 33KV Canal remain affected from July to Lower Roop Nagar, Buta Come and join us. During this excursion the children also learned about the the law of the land. Some employees are to Chatha Line shall remain 20 to August 10, 2017 from Nagar, Sharika Vihar and its not seen on their respective tables and even Yours sincerely importance of nature and conservation of the environment. affected on July 22 and 24 8 am to 4 pm (Max Power adjacent areas fed from RN- Prof. S. K. Bhalla, Mohit Sawhney. Er. The bank also provided the children and teachers with those who leave the station are marked from 7 am to 12 noon. block of 4 hrs on each Dt). 3 LT Network feeder shall attendance by their proxies. Do you want Shiv Shanker, Dr. R. P. Singh, Ms. refreshments and snacks. The management of Balgran Meanwhile, the power Likewise, the power supply remain affected from July 22 Shashi Thakur, H.O 386 Rehari Colony, thanked the Bank for organizing the excursion and us to name? supply to Patel Nagar, to Tawi Vihar, Sidhra and to August 10, 2017 from 8 Without quoting any guy among the Jammu bringing smiles and laughter to their innocent faces. Shanti Nagar, Mohinder adjoining areas fed from am to 4 pm. the northlines 4 HILL DISTRICT Jammu | Saturday | July 22 | 2017 Minister visits Thatri PMSSS: 3193 seats filled to oversee rescue, relief ops after second round of counselling NL Correspondent NL Correspondent under un-reserved quota, said he will take up the youth facilitating them to Srinagar, Jul 21 Srinagar, Jul 21 237 seats have remained issue of converting go for higher studies in unfilled in reserved unfilled reserved category the institutions of repute After the second round of categories. The unfilled seats into un-reserved outside the State. Minister for PHE, Irrigation and Flood counseling which seats include 224 in seats with AICTE so that Under PMSSS scholarship Control Sham Lal Choudhary on the concluded here on Tuesday, technical courses no seat under PMSSS goes to J&K students upto Rs directions of Chief Minister Ms 3193 seats have been filled including engineering, unfilled this year as well 30000 per annum per Mehbooba Mufti visited Thathri town in in various technical and Doda district to oversee the rescue and general courses under the hotel management, and maximum number of student is available for relief operations launched after the Prime Minister's Special pharmacy, nursing and students are able to benefit general courses, upto Rs cloudburst hit Thathri town early Scholarship Scheme architecture and 13 seats from the flagship scheme. 1.25 lakh per annum per morning on July 20. (PMSSS) for J&K students. in general courses. He hailed the AICTE student for engineering The Minister was accompanied by The counseling was The filled seats include authorities for ensuring courses and upto Rs 3 lakh Deputy Commissioner Doda Bhupinder simultaneously held at the 2606 in engineering, 487 effective and hassle-free per annum per student for restoration of the damaged properties The Minister expressed his sympathy Singh who apprised the Minister about designated Centres in general courses and 100 implementation of the medical/dental courses. and provision of relief for the victims. He with the family of deceased and prayed the joint rescue operation involving local including Amar Singh in medical and dental pioneering scholarship Besides, every student is administration, police, SDRF and army also asked for ensuring best medical for eternal peace to the departed souls. College, Srinagar, courses. scheme for J&K students entitled upto Rs 1 lakh per launched immediately after the treatment to the injured and make He also met the affected families and Government College for Education Minister, Syed which has already annum as maintenance cloudburst incident. arrangements of shelter, food and other assured that every possible help will be Women, Gandhi Nagar, Mohammad Altaf Bukhari benefitted thousands of charges. DC said that the water level and silt facilities for the people affected by the provided to the them by the government. Jammu and Government suddenly rose in a drain after the cloudburst and consequent flashfloods. All necessary instructions have been Eliezer Joldan Memorial cloudburst, washing away several Sham Lal Choudhary directed the PHE, already issued to the district College, Leh. DRSC meeting held structures along its path leading to the I&FC department to immediately start administration in this regard, he added. According to a main market. Few residential and the work on restoration of water supply Chief Engineer PHE Jammu Sushil NL Correspondent commercial properties and a school was pipes damaged due to flashfloods Aima, Chief Engineer I&FC Jammu notification issued by the Poonch, Jul 21 also damaged by the flash floods, DC followed by the cloudburst in the area. Rajeev Gandotra, senior officers of All India Council for informed. Flood Control department was also asked district administration and PHE, I&FC Technical Education Deputy Commissioner, Tariq The Minister directed the Deputy to take up the related works at the department also accompanied the (AICTE), while all the Ahmad Zargar convened a Commissioner to start of the work for the earliest. Minister during his visit to Thathri. seats have been filled meeting to review the implementation & enforcement of road safety 'Govt committed to provide Army organizes measures here at Poonch today. all facilities to students' The meeting was attended wrestling competition by Additional Deputy SRINAGAR, JUL 21 Commissioner The Minister for Education, Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari NL Correspondent Gurvinderjeet Singh, today said that government is committed to provide all the RAMBAN, Jul 21 Additional Superintendent necessary facilities to the students and to improve the survey has been conducted road where as ambulance of police Masroor Ahmad to mark accident prone areas equipped with first aid existing infrastructure to make the education sector more More than 1000 spectators Mir, OC GREF/ BRO vibrant. as black spots. DC asked the equipments is kept at the enjoyed enthralling matches Gutam Prasad Bania, The Minister said this while addressing the officers during a OC GREF to take corrective disposal of quick reaction of Dangal at Government ARTO ,Chief medical meeting he chaired regarding the finalization of furniture for measures in accidental prone team to deal with any Higher Secondary School officer , Chief education various schools throughout the State. areas by fixing sign boards eventuality . Ramban which was officer Poonch, , Executive The meeting was attended by Secretary School Education, organised by Indian Army. and necessary DC called for conduct of engineer R&B, beside Farooq Ahmad Shah, Director School Education (Kashmir), To encourage sports concretizations at sites as road safety audits and representatives of NGOs Dr G N Itoo, MD SICOP, R L Tickoo, Project Director amongst local youths, Army precautionary measures. constitution of vibrant - RMSA, Tufail Matoo and other concerned officers. organised Dangal in which were also present in the CMO & ARTO were quick reaction committees The meeting was informed that 1,60,000 double seated more than 100 wrestlers meeting directed to chalk out plans so that fatal accidents can be desks will be made available to the government schools from various part of the Each bout was highly for making the event a Detailed discussion were for regular medical checkup controlled & precious throughout the State and it was said that various steps are state were participated with competitive and witnessed success. held on the role and of drivers & also provisions human lives can be saved . afoot to improve academic scenario. full vigour and enthusiasm. nail biting finish. Local people expressed responsibility of each of trauma centers at DC stressed for launch of On the occasion, Bukhari said that all the furniture will Many officials from civil Army in their unique way their deep gratitude and DRSC's members/ identified places on awareness campaign in be acquired from J&K Small Scale Industries administration and Army continuing efforts to applauded the effort of departments in ensuring highways. CMO informed school and colleges to Development Corporation Limited (SICOP). were present during the promote sports and fitness Army in providing full enforcements of safety the meeting that provision sensitize all stake holders The meeting also discussed various issues regarding the event. in the region. support and assistance in norms to reduce accidents . for trauma center has specially school children upgradation of infrastructure in schools and other People in thousands They complimented the organizing such mega The meeting was informed already been purposed at who are the change agent in related matters. witnessed the event. organizers and participants event. by R&B department that a Chandimarah on Mughal society. Farmers seek compensation Arrangements for annual Urs reviewed

NL Correspondent Committee of Astan e Aalia FCS&CA Department was The ARTO officials were for damaged crops Srinagar, Jul 21 also attended the meeting. directed to ensure sufficient asked to provide hassle free Sanctorum supply of ration including transport facility to the Minister for Agriculture, MOHD MAJID MALIK During the meeting, the gas, kerosene, and Sugar, devotees. Ghulam Nabi Lone Hanjura, BHADERWAH, JUL 21 Minister was briefed about particularly during Urs The Minister directed the today chaired a meeting to the arrangements taken for days. concerned to keep sufficient review the arrangements for The farmers of Katyara Sherakhi ensuring smooth conduct of Simultaneously, the PDD passenger transport vehicles annual Urs of Hazrat Syed ,Bhaderwah constituency are Hazrat Syed Ali Aali Balkhi was asked to provide round including SRTC buses Ali Aali Balkhi (RA) demanding compensation from the (RA) Urs. It was said that the clock power supply to available from the prime Pakherpora to be observed Government of Jammu and Kashmir main function shall be held the area during Urs days and spots/Addas where a huge from July 25 to August 11. for the loss of their crops due to heavy on August 5 with Pashak in case of any urgency, the gathering of devotees is The Minister also reviewed rains and nature calamity .PDP block Bandi (offering Chadar) at electric gensets be kept expected to assemble for arrangements of Urs of Syed President and Sarpanch Katyara the sanctum sanctorum. The available at the Shrine. boarding during Urs days. Sherakhi Panchayat Sartaj Ahmed Naik Soliah Khan (RA) along with other farmer leaders in a Khansahib being observed press conference held at Bhaderwah our livelihood. Continuous rain in the Bhaderwah to be forwarded to the from July 21 to July 23. Functioning of ICDS reviewed said due to heavy rains in Bhaderwah past two week will further affect the Chief Minister and have urged the Deputy Commissioner area destroyed crops, assets of the Budgam, Mohammad Harun production of vegetables, pulses, maize government to give relief to distraught NL Correspondent the ICDS officers to create MGNREGA. The DDC farmers and damaged the agriculture Malik, SSP Budgam , Jul 21 and fruits," said Sartaj Ahmed Naik farmers and horticulturists. They also massive awareness among asked the ICDS officials to land. He said rainfall in many parts of Tejinder Sigh, ADC .The PDP farmer leaders said the rain demanded compensation according to the people about the value of get involved in Public the mountainous Bhaderwah included Budgam, besides senior District Development has led to water-logging in the fields per 'nali of crop destroyed as hectare health and nutrition. Service delivery. in Ahlam , Dhanwa , Bheni , Draman , and strong winds have led to flattening measurement was not suitable for hill officers of PDD, PHE, Commissioner Ganderbal, The meeting was informed In the meeting, DDC Sherakhi and Katyara has damaged of the standing crop and also demanded farmers.Gulam Nabi Batt , Mohd Health, Transport, Dr. Piyush Singla, today that out of 658 Anganwadi directed the officers of the about 50 per cent of pulses, vegetables, construction of link road from Sherakhi Ayoub Sheikh ,Shabir Ahmed Batt , Municipality and other chaired a meeting to review Centers in district PHE department to provide apple trees and maize in the region in area to Chamba road . They also Mehboob Ali and other also spoke on concerned Departments the functioning and Ganderbal, about 29 zonal portable safe drinking water the past two week ."We are small informed that they have given a the occasion and demanded assessment attended the meeting. The implementation of Integrated centers are being developed to every Anganwadi Center farmers with a few kanals to manage memorandum to the Tehsildar of damage and adequate compensation. members of local Auqaf Child Development Services Scheme (ICDS) in the as model ones where every of the District. district. facility would be provided to The meeting was SLSA constitutes Core Group to Fine imposed on power defaulters To make Village Health and the beneficiaries. In addition attended by District Nutrition Day (VHNDs) to that 20 Anganwadi centers Programme Officer ICDS more effective and public are constructed in Dr. Abdul Aziz, CDPOs and NL Correspondent 21 connections involving a Nowshera, Rs 2,67,826 in reach out to cloudburst victims , Jul 21 friendly, the DDC directed convergence with other concerned officers. load of 17.50 KW were and Rs 60,500 DODA, JUL 21 regularised and brought in Koteranka. A maximum In the ongoing drive against Under the directions of Executive Chairman State Legal under the ambit of power number of 89 connections power defaulters in Rajouri I-Day arrangements finalized Services Authority (SLSA), Justice Mohammad Yaqoob tariff. have been regularized in district, as many as Rs 10 Mir, Chairman District Legal Services Authority So far, 555 inspections have Rajouri-II while lowest 11 lakh were imposed on Rajouri, Jul 21 will be held at District Police Lines. A Bhaderwah (Principal District and Sessions Judge), today been conducted during number of connections in violators in less than a Deputy Commissioner Rajouri, today number of committees have been directed for constituting a Core Group to help Thathri cloud which 251 connections Sunderbani. week. convened a meeting with senior officers of constituted for arrangements related to burst victims. It was said that the Core Group will be headed involving a total load of The District Administration The drive has been the district administration and finalized march past, cultural programmes, by Judicial Officer in terms of "Scheme for Legal Services 212.25 KW have been has stressed upon power launched by the District consumers to get their arrangements for Independence Day reception, seating arrangements and issues to Disaster Victims through Legal Services Authorities" to regularized. The drive Administration through illegal power connections celebrations in the district. A series of related to security, traffic management, coordinate with the district administration for timely against illegal connections Power Development regularized to avoid activities were outlined which would be parking, sanitation, potable drinking evacuation of the Cloud Burst victims to the temporary has been started in view of Department (Electric power theft leading to disconnection and fine apart held to mark the Day. It was said that the water, refreshment, invitation, shelter camp (relief camp) opened in the Doda district. The Maintenance and Rural drainage of state resources from penal action. district administration is constructing a transportation, fire safety, participation of Group will also ensure smooth distribution of relief Electrification) and assisted and also causing The District Development 5000 Square Feet shelter pavilion which schools etc. The DC Rajouri asked the materials to the victims and assess the damages caused to by Police and Executive unscheduled power cuts due Commissioner Rajouri will accommodate more than 1000 persons Rural Development and Education the life and property of the victims so that the cases for Magistrates. It was said that to unauthorized load. today reviewed the progress in case of precipitation. A team of Departments to organize the Independence disbursement of relief are processed expeditiously by the the Department conducted It was given out that Rs and directed the SDM to engineers has been entrusted with the task Day celebrations at every Gram Panchayat district administration. It will also open Temporary Legal 37 inspections at various 1,91,817 fine has been ensure complete assistance of completing the project by end of the headquarters and display the works and Aid Clinics in the Relief Camp manned by Para Legal locations in the district imposed in Rajouri-I Sub- to Power Department and first week of August. achievements of Departments in the Volunteers to hear the grievances of the victims and forward today in which Rs 1.51 Division, Rs 4,53,481 in also work for greater public It was decided that the main preceding year as well as the current year the same to the district administration for their redressal. Lakh fine were imposed and Rajouri-II, Rs 52,000 in coordination. Independence Day function in the district development plan. the northlines 5 Jammu | Saturday | July 22 | 2017 2 PCPG meetings held 'Massive plantation taken up to

NL Correspondent public grievances and improve forest cover in Samba' Kathua, Jul 21 assured them timely redressal of their genuine NL Correspondent Principal Chief Conservator of Forests Mohd Suleman Choudhary, Samba, Jul 21 demands and shall take-up Ravi Kumar Kesar, District SSP Kathua held PCPG issues with the authorities Development Commissioner, Samba meetings at Police Post concerned. The public at Minister for Forests, Ecology and Sheetal Nanda, SSP Samba Anil Ramkote and large welcomed and express Environment Choudhary Lal Singh Magotra, Chief Wildlife Warden Manoj area.The meetings were held today directed the Forest Department to Panth, Additional Principal Chief to strengthen the Police deep gratitude to SSP intensify the plantation drive to Conservator of Forests Roshan Jaggi, Public relation for better Kathua and Police team. achieve set targets across the Samba Director Ecology and Environment O P policing. Inspector Susheel Besides, SSP Kathua also district. He said that a massive drive Sharma, Director Social Forestry A K Sharma, SHO Billawar and discussed crime to review has been launched this monsoon to Gupta, Chief Conservator of Forests Sub Inspector Narinder laid stress that Ramkote had demanded one Gymnasium crime situation of Billawar restore and replenish degraded forest Farooq Gillani, Director Forest Singh, Incharge Police Post acquired tehsil status since at Deval village of Billawar area. SSP Kathua during his cover across the Jammu region and Protection Force Asif Sagar, Managing Ramkote were also present in long but the long pending in the meeting. In addition day long schedule also efforts are being made for restoration Director SFC Suresh Gupta, Director the meetings. The meeting in demand for upgradation of inhabitants of Billawar conducted tour of the Mata of the wild life habitat. SFRI B M Sharma besides other senior both the areas was attended Police Post Ramkote to putforth the requirements of Sukrala Shrine and it's The Minister was addressing a officers of Forests and its allied wings by local inhabitants Police Station is still women cell at Billawar, adjoining area to review the gathering during the ongoing 68th Van including Conservators and Divisional including Sarpanches pending. Besides demanded Police Post at Bhaddu , security arrangements to Mahotsava celebrations here today. A Forest Officers accompanied the ,Panches , prominent citizens Gymnasium at Lakhiri and Parking slot at Phinter area, meet any eventuality keeping plantation drive was also launched Minister. and local leaders of the Gura Kalyal area of Ramkote Traffic Police at Phinter area in view the ongoing SANJY. from Chichi Mata Temple to DC office The Minister said that Forest respective areas. During for the betterment of youths and lastly CCTV cameras at Also issued on spot Samba in which Minister for Industries Development of the OBC, Rashpaul Department has chalked out a the meeting at Ramkote and Keep them away from strategic locations of directions to territorial and Commerce , Chander Parkash Verma , MLA Samba Dr Devinder comprehensive plan to rejuvenate the general issues were raised drug and other social abuse . Billawar. SSP Kathua gave officers to strengthen Ganga , Vice Chairman J&K State Manyal , students and locals forest cover across the state. He said but the people unanimously Billawar people also patience hearing to the security of the area. Advisory Board for welfare and participated in large number . that the department is also all set to launch a massive plantation drive MLZS celebrates Toy-Joy activity under Public Private Partnership mode Kailash Kund Yatra arrangements reviewed in Kashmir Valley. He informed that the Forest department has succeeded in NL Correspondent favourite toy. In the morning, the kindergarten teachers. Samba, Jul 21 removing encroachment from 125000 kids were welcomed by all The activities were Kanals forest land in recent drives and the kindergarten teachers performed under the Mount Litera Zee School, efforts are being made to make wearing masks and puppets guidance of Ms Neha, Ms. Tarore Bridge, Jammu- National Highway a 'Green Corridor'. in their hands. All the Mamta, Ms. Sonam, Ms. Samba Highway today Sunita, Ms. Jyoti, Ms. Ekta and Ms. Shabnam. The 11 employees motive behind the conduct of NL Correspondent available well-equipped ambulance for better coordination during Yatra. Kathua, Jul 21 suspended for the day is to understand the en-route yatra along with medicines District Police was entrusted with importance of the day and and medical staff to meet any health the task of providing full proof school need to focus on such District Development emergency. security through the Yatra track unauthorized absence activities to boost up their Commissioner Kathua, Ramesh The meeting also discussed the along with 24X7 control room and SAMBA, JUL 21 moral and to encourage them Kumar today convened a meeting provision of water connections at traffic authorities were directed to Sub Divisional Magistrate , for brainstorming activities. to discuss the arrangements for identified Langar sites. The DDC ensure smooth conduct of traffic Narayan Dutt Sharma taking cogninze Also, children must be given annual Kailash Yatra commencing directed Exen PDD for making during yatra days. of public complaints inspected various a platform to excel in every from August 6. proper arrangement of illumination The meeting was attended by ADC schools in Ghagwal sub division. He activity which will help them The DDC stressed on making on these sites with alternate Dr. Bharat Bhushan, ASP Khalil inspected Govt High School Nichla building up their confidence. elaborate arrangements for pilgrims arrangements during curtailments. Poswal, ACD, SE PDD, District and found 10 staff members absent kindergarten teachers were For that matter teachers are celebrated Toy Joy Activity and directed Rural Development Similarly, he asked the officials to Information Officer, CMO, BDOs, whereas one Master was found absent involved in the fun activity playing a major role in for the Toddler's Kingdom Department to take up the make provision of Solar Lights Tehsildars, Engineers from various in Govt High School Ratanpur Sarara. where no. of activities were shaping up their talent. The section where in all the necessary repair of bridle path from along the Yatra route. departments, Chairman Tourism The erring employees have been performed like Ramp walk function closed with the Kindergarten students Chatter Gala to Chattri- en-route to It was given out that SDM Bani has Promotion Council, Members of suspended and attached with office of with toy, Puppet show on distribution of handmade participated in the activity. Kailash Kund. He directed the been designated as the Yatra Nodal Tourism Council & Tourism Board, SDM Ghagwal till enquiry is Jungle Safari, Art and Craft puppets and refreshment The Kids of the toddler's officials to install temporary toilets Officer to coordinate necessary representatives of NGOs and completed in this regard. SDM has Activity on Puppet Making. amongst the participants. wing were properly dressed on the yatra route, while Health Yatra arrangements. He was Members of Langar committees directed the concerned officials to The whole show was Department was asked to keep directed to establish Control Room were also present in the meeting. up and come along with their ensure punctuality in offices. beautifully managed by all Record Verification Camp I-Day arrangements 1400 kgs lahan, illicit In the Court of Ld. JMIC for DPs organized discussed (Munsiff), Katra liquor destroyed Present:- Dinesh Gupta NL Correspondent Items on the patriotic theme State Kathua, Jul 21 Kathua, Jul 21 would be presented on the through Police Station Excise Department booked two person under Sec 48 (a) of occasion. The ADC Basohli V/s the J&K Excise Act, beside destroying 1400 kgs of Lahan, To discuss the arrangements exhorted upon the officers Nemo, Katra two working stills & 40 bottles of illicit liquor during for Independence Day to make befitting Proclamation u/s-550 Cr PC different raids carried out against illicit liquor in Excise celebrations, a meeting was arrangements for the Whereas, the police of P/S, Katra on 16-6-2017 recovered a Range Kathua. Under the direction of Excise held under the celebration of the Bus at Karmaal Katra bearing Registration No. Commissioner, Mohd. Javed Khan and the active chairmanship of Additional PB01A16060. supervision of the Deputy Excise Commissioner Deputy Commissioner Independence Day. The (Executive), Jammu, Syed Muried Hussain Shah, the Sanjay Gupta here Health Department was directed to arrange Whereas a petition u/s 523 Cr PC has been filed in this Court Excise team Kathua led by E.T.O, Excise Range Kathua, today. by P/S Katra regarding this Bus. Mr Sandeep Gupta, Inspectors Excise Arun Kumar & It was decided that the main ambulance and medical team on the venue. The Shadi Lal along with Excise staff raided the Banyari, Independence Day function Therefore by virtue of this proclamation the public in genral Birsochak, Sunjwan, Bakral colony, Chartyala & in the district will be held at arrangements for security, SAMBA, JUL 21 is informed that if any person has any right or claim on the Chhibachak areas of to arrest the menace Jawahar Navodaya drinking water, power The District Administration Samba today organized a camp said vehicle he/she may appear in person or through counsel of illicit distillation of liquor. During the course of raids Vidyalaya Basohli. The supply, sanitation, at border village Channi Fatwal, Tehsil Ramgarh for in this Court, prove his/her claim regarding the said Bus or two person namely Baby w/o Vijay Kumar, caste perney contingents drawn from barricading were also Displaced persons of 1965-1971 war. The interactive before 28-08-2017 from the date of publication of this R/o Birsochak, , Kathua & Nazma D/o Government as well as discussed in detail. Tehsil programme was organised to assist DPs in completing notice/proclamation, failing which the same shall be Mahinder Pal caste perney R/o Birsochak, Hiranagar, private educational level officers, Principals of documentation required for claiming benefits under Central disposed of under law. Kathua were booked under sec 48(a) of J&K Excise Act institutions will participate Educational institutions Govt Package. Sd/- for possession of illicit liquor. In the process more than in the march past. Cultural were present at the meeting. A team of revenue officials led by Deputy Commissioner , No: 1403/M Munsif 1400 kilograms of Lahan, two working stills & 40 bottles Dt: 21-07-2017 Judical Magistrate Ist Class Sheetal Nanda , ADC Tilak Raj Sharma,ACR Waseem Raja of illicit liquor were recovered from state land and later Katra Khan and Tehsildar Raman Chalotra assisted the claimants destroyed by the team on spot. and provided necessary clarifications. They were also Notice ULB workshop highlights objectives informed about supplementary documents required for I, Pentecostal Mission Kathua R/o Ward no. 14, near Shakti fulfilling their eligibility. The Deputy Commissioner Modern School Kathua, Tehsil & Distt Kathua, have In the court of Munsiff, Samba under clean India campaign directed officials to prepare Family wise register of DPs purchased an Eeco bearing regd. no. JK08F-4070 from Present: Shabnam Sheikh with their past and present details. On the occasion, DC Sansar Chand S/o Sh. Nand Lal R/o Bani, Tehsil Hirannagar, JAMMU, JUL 21 asked claimants to approach revenue authorities in case any Distt Kathua. Now, the Pentecostal Mission is applying for Charanjeet Kour W/o Late Sh.Jatinder Singh The Directorate of Urban Local Bodies in collaboration clarification is required and assured that their cases are the transfer of the same. Objection, if any, may be conveyed R/o Ward No.2, Ramgarh Tehsil Ramgarh Distt. Samba with Jammu Municipal Corporation today organized a to concerned authorities within 7 days from the publication being followed on regular basis.A similar camp was also V/s workshop to intimate the Civic body officials and other of this notice. NEMO stakeholders about the objectives under Swacch Bharat organised at village Chajwal of Tehsil Ramgarh. Prabhu Civil original suit for declaration including the target of making cities and towns Open Defecation Free. Director Urban Local Bodies, Arun One held with illicit liquor Kumar Sharma inaugurated the workshop organized by SAMBA, Jul 21 Notice NOTICE TO GENERAL PUBLIC. Directorate of Urban Local Bodies, here today. The In the continuation drive against the illicit Liquor Launched I, Nazir Hussain S/o Isrial Din R/o Bagla Morha Dhamore, Whereas, plaintiff has filed the above suit on 21-07-2017 workshop was attended by Chief Executive Officers of that the plaintiff is legal heir of her deceased husband Municipal bodies, officials of Jammu Municipal by the SSP Samba Anil Magotra, Vijaypur Police arrested Tehsil Vijaypur, Distt. Samba declare that the son of Iqbal one person along with 36 pouches of illicit Liquor and one Malik is quarrelling with the executants every now and then Jatinder Singh S/o Late. Bachan Singh R/o Ward No.2, Corporation (JMC), Pollution Control Board, Ramgarh Tehsil Ramgarh Distt. Samba, and is entitled to representatives of NGOs and people from diverse walks of bottle of xxx Rum at Viajypur chowk here today. He has is abusing and threatening the executants of his life. He has been identified as Daleep Singh Son of Magar Singh also fallen in bad society and he is out of control of apply for the registration certificate & also to get the life. Addressing the participants, Director ULB said that the Registration Certificate of vehicle (Tractor Swaraj 735) resident of Dabdi Samba. According to the report, a Police executant. The executant hereby denounce the Iqbal Malik Union Government has come up with comprehensive bearing Ch. No. WRTM30405028537, Eng. schemes for scientific disposal of solid waste, Urban team of Vijaypur police station headed by Inspector Suraj as his son and permanently serve his ties and relationship with said Iqbal Malik. Executant hereby divest and debar No.39.1354/SSM16311A in her favour/name as such as Transport Management and effective and efficient drainage Pathania intercepted a one person at Vijaypur chowk during deceased Jatinder Singh was owner of above said vehicle. system within specific time frame for their implementation. said Iqbal Malik of all moveable and immoveable property his frisking Police recovered thirty six pouches of Illicit Who was unfortunately expired on 17-05-2017 with He said that prime objective of the Swachh Bharat Mission of executant. If anybody dealing with said Iqbal Malik shall Liquor and one bottle of XXX Rum recovered from his consequential relief of injunction. is to ensure Open Defecation Free Cities and Towns by do so at his own risk and responsibility. possession and accused arrested on spot. In this regard a Through this notice, public at large is informed establishing individual household toilets, community based case FIR No 101/2017 U/s 48 A Excise Act registered Parbhakar that anyone having any objection to the claim put forth by toilets and public toilets so that the target of clean India against him in police station Vijaypur. the plaintiff for legal heir claim in her favour as aforesaid, could be achieved by October 2, 2019. Joint Commissioner, JMC, R.S. Jamwal, said that ODF involves work on various Notice shall appear before this court either personally or through components like Individual Household Toilets, Community Advocate/pleader or any recognized agent and file I, Nb Sub no. JC-283291L Shaji Parayil S/o Late Sh. Toilets, Solid Waste Management, IEC & Public Awareness objections and contest the claim, if any on or before 08-08- Notice Krishna Kutty R/o Village Alanallur, Post Kacheriparambu, and Capacity building. Scientist PCB, Anuradha Gupta, said 2017 in the suit, failing which an appropriate order shall be Tehsil Mannarkkad, District Palakkad Karala, going for the Installation of waste-to-compost and bio-methanation I, Raman Kumar S/o Sh. Om Parkash R/o Janglote,Tehsil passed in accordance with law. correction of my wife's name which has been wrongly plants would reduce the load of landfill sites. Two analyst and District Kathua, have lost my driving license. Now, I am Issued today the 21st day July 2017 under my seal and of QCI, Kovidh Dhyani and Jasleen Singh Malhi made the applying for the duplicate of the same. Objection, if any, written in my Army record as Ramya P instead of Ramya K. signature. participants aware about different schemes and may be conveyed to RTO Lakhanpur (Kathua) within 7 days Objection, if any, may be conveyed to concerned authorities Munsiff, programmes regarding the ODF certification. from the date of publication of this notice. within 7 days from the publication of this notice. Samba Prabhu Prabhu Parbhakar the northlines 6 OPINION Jammu | Saturday | July | 22 | 2017 Harmanpreet Kaur has changed the Assault on Dogriyat With the cooperation of Eighth Schedule. Nehru, Sheikh succeeded in The next assault on way India will look at women's cricket becoming the Prime Dogriyat came in form of Minister of the State and denial of Dogra Certificate, FURQAN FARIDI have even known or seen these BRIG ANIL GUPTA undermine the Royal a certificate that allowed remarkable innings. Authority to the extent that certain concessions to the verybody loves But on Thursday, everyone's eyes - a ammu is once again on led to unceremonious exit of while seeking an underdog, packed house in Derby, social the verge of explosion the from the State. enrolment in Indian Army Eespecially in media, TV, and so on - were fixed on Jdue to the recent Accession Day, a major and Central Armed Police sports. However, the Indian women's the game. And the swashbuckling attempt of imposing historical event of Forces. The Kashmiri cricket team, regardless of whether Harmanpreet, who believes in her in integration of the princely Muslim leaders did not want they face an Australia or a cricketing idol Virender Sehwag's Jammu region. Some state with independent to give a common Dogra Bangladesh, has always been some ideology of "see the ball, hit the eminent thinkers and India, was not given due identity to the people of sort of perpetual underdogs. ball", rose to the occasion. Despite members of the civil society recognition but made an Jammu. Fighting an indifferent, apathetic her glorious stroke play, it wasn't all have labelled it as "Cultural issue of dispute. The first The final nail in the coffin system where the women's game has bang-bang, as was evident from the Invasion". To my mind it is major attack on the Dogras has been struck with the always been given step-fatherly way she built her innings - patiently much more than that. It is thereafter came in the form announcement of creation treatment, compared to the men's, it accumulating runs by rotating the continuation of the politico- of so called Agrarian of 49 posts in the 46 is surely no mean feat for Indian strike. communal strategy adopted Reforms that were aimed at colleges of Jammu region women to reach and indeed shine at Joining captain Mithali Raj with by the Kashmiri Muslim depriving the Dogras of for teaching Kashmiri the big stage. India in a spot of bother at 35 for 2 leadership to supress the their large land holdings. language, an alien language On Thursday, July 20, at one of the in only the 10th over, Kaur and Raj Dogras and anything to do The Dogras took it to the people of this region. biggest stages - the semi-final of the made sure India didn't lose any more with the rich Dogra sportingly in the larger Having succeeded in using World Cup - 28-year-old Indian wickets. In fact, Harmanpreet's 50 heritage. It all began in the interest of the State. religion as a glue fanning batswoman Harmanpreet Kaur came off 64 balls. With skipper Raj third decade of the twentieth The people of Jammu region both sides of the Pir Panjal, sparkled, and how. Facing the back in the pavilion in the 25th over, century when a few spoke Dogri language it has now resorted to mighty Australians, after losing to Kaur shifted gears and started Kashmiri Muslims under which had its own script language activism by trying them in the group stages earlier, blasting the Australian bowlers all Sheikh Mohammed called Takri while Kashmiri to promote Kashmiri as a India rode on the back of over the park. Her second 50 came Abdullah joined to form was popular with Kashmiris language of the state. Harmanpreet's scintillating unbeaten in 26 balls, the third in just 17. Such Reading Room Party of the Valley and had Sharda The anger amongst the 171 of 115 bowls, to reach the final was the cluelessness in the followed by Muslim as the script. was not people is genuine and they of the ICC Women's World Cup Australian ranks that they made a Conference that later split the mother tongue of any are going to oppose this act against England. total of 19 bowling changes! With a into National Conference. It ethnic group of the state. tooth and nail. Kashmiri is Even though this has to be her most 137-run stand between the two, was on June 21, 1931 that However, Sheikh decided to not even the official special innings, the hard-hitting Kaur's partner for much of the day the YMMA (Young Man's continue with Urdu as the language of the State, then Harmanpreet, from 's Moga, was Deepti Sharma, the only Indian Muslim Association), led by official language of the why is it being imposed on has always been a breakout player. woman with a higher score in ODIs. Sheikh Mohammed State on the plea that even non-Kashmiri speaking In 2016, she became the first India There was a brief moment of panic Abdullah, planned a public during the Dogra rule it was region? In fact, Kashmiri is woman cricketer to be signed by an and drama, when on 98, Kaur lost meeting at Khanqah-i- the official language. It not even the language of the overseas Twenty20 franchise after her temper against Sharma, due to a moulla. It was a unique surprised many because majority community. It is inking a deal with Australia's Big near run-out. meeting because all Muslim Sheikh was keen to only patronised in Kashmir Bash League champions Sydney However, this didn't derail the leaders of all hue and cry demolish all symbols of the Valley. In the frontier Thunder. After a splendid debut Harmanpreet train, as she completed and irrespective of their Dogra rule. The real districts of Kashmir Pahari, season down under, she also became her century and went on to score her schools of thought intention of Sheikh, Punjabi, Gojri and Shina are the first Indian woman cricketer to next 50 runs in 26 balls. Her last 21 assembled there. The however, was different. He the preferred languages. play for Surrey Stars in Kia Super runs came in mere eight deliveries. meeting was addressed by wanted to kill the Dogri Punjabi/ Pothwari are the League in England. With 20 fours and seven sixes, Abdullah himself. He asked language and Dogriyat. languages spoken in POK. Kaur was India's find in the ICC Harmanpreet remained unconquered all Muslims to unite against Urdu had a script which was In Jammu region 67% of the World Cup 2009 in Australia. for two hours and 23 minutes, rightly so. Harmanpreet Kaur's heroics will go the Dogra rulers. All the same as and population patronises Dogri However, she stamped her class in making more than 60 per cent of But this goes beyond any numbers a long way: she's not just taken leaders swore in the name of Persian, with which the while others speak Pahari, the World Cup in 2013 - scoring a India's 281 for 4 - its highest-ever and stats and figures. India, the "perpetual underdog", into the Holy book that they Muslims identified Gojri and Punjabi (none of century against England, albeit in a total against the defending champion For a sport like women's cricket, the World Cup Final, she's changed would remain faithful to the themselves with a view these languages have any losing cause. On February 21, 2017, - in 42 overs (reduced due to rain). which till quite recently, wasn't even the way how we'll look at women's cause of Islam. Khawaja point of religion. Sheikh affinity to Kashmiri.) with India needing eight of the last In the process, Harmanpreet Kaur broadcast on live TV, where media cricket in India. Saad-ud-din Shawl, wanted to use Urdu as a Kashmiri is spoken only by two balls against South Africa in the became the first Indian player - male coverage borders on indifference Perhaps, her mother, Satinder Kaur, Mirwaiz Moulvi Yousuf symbol of Muslim identity a small minority in the final of the ICC World Cup Qualifier or female - to score over 150 runs in and sexism (precisely why the media sums it up best: "I just want to tell Shah, Mirwaiz Moulvi and for furtherance of . There in Sri Lanka, Harmanpreet hit a six an ODI knockout contest. And many still couldn't come up with a term to other women that the way my Hamdani, Chowdhury "ummah" ideology that had also in the GDC only one and then took two off the last ball to more records. More numbers. Many describe Kaur other than calling her daughter has made us proud, they Ghulam Abbas, Agha Syed its roots in Aligarh Muslim student is enrolled for secure the title for India and record have compared Harmanpreet's a batsman), where women have to should also give their daughters a Hussain Shah Jalali, University, alma mater of Kashmiri. Therefore, India's highest successful run-chase heroics to Kapil Dev's iconic 175 not face societal pressures before chance to live their dream and Khawaja Ghulam Ahmad Sheikh. Gradually, Urdu decision to impose in ODIs. However, not many would out in the 1983 World Cup, and picking up a bat, a ball, or a racket - shouldn't kill them in the womb." Ashai, Munshi Shahab-ud- emerged as the preferred Kashmiri in Jammu region din, Sheikh Mohammad language of the Muslims in defies all logic. In contrast, Abdullah, and Sardar Gohar the state and there are only 19 posts for Kurt Cobain to Chester Bennington: How Rahman were elected as preferred . The Dogri and that too nine of representatives of the Kashmiri leadership has them as ad-hoc. It only Muslims, majority of them succeeded in using religion indicates the mind-set of the many artists will we lose to depression? Kashmiri Muslims. as a binding force instead of Kashmiri leadership to The seditious speech language which usually impose their will on the The question is: if we delivered in this gathering binds people together in an Dogras and humiliate them saw this coming, if we by an outsider named Abdul ethno-diverse society as it not realising that Dogras are read and understood all Qadeer Khan instigating the exists in our state. The a proud race and they cannot of Chester's lyrical hints gathering to rise against the Dogras slowly began to lose be subjugated like this. As it in government jobs since is the people of Jammu SOMYA ABROL through the years, and Dogra Hindu Maharaja we know that he even sounded the first bugle of they did not know Urdu region are seething with language and neither Dogri anger due to blatant nough has been had the courage to come revolt against the ruler of nor Hindi, preferred discrimination against them written and said out in the open and talk the state of Jammu & languages of the Dogras, in the matter of selection for about depression. about it, why did he still Kashmir that included E Jammu, Kashmir, Ladakh were recognised as official various gazetted posts in the More than enough. But have to succumb to languages. different departments of the no matter how much you depression and end his and the remote areas of The palaces and forts built government. In order to read or talk about it, no life? Gilgit, Baltistan, Hunza , The truth is, Chester Nagar and Chilas. Sheikh by the Dogra rulers all supress the Dogras, religion one can make you want across the state were either is being preferred over merit. Bennington was not in it Abdullah thereafter took the to identify that quiet occupied as government Imposition of Kashmiri is alone. We've come across reins of revolt in his hands abyss of darkness within buildings or allowed to part of a larger design and numerous celebrities in and launched the Quit you, and reach out for decay rather than being continuation of the politico- help. the past who've taken the Kashmir movement. This movement itself was preserved as part of State's communal mind-set of Chester Bennington, the ultimate step - Kurt communal because the rich heritage. Had they been Kashmiri Muslim leadership 41-year-old vocalist of Cobain, Robin Williams, Kashmiri Muslims wanted preserved, heritage tourism pioneered by Sheikh American rock band Alexander McQueen; or globally," says Dr Samir changing as a person, that the people who're the Dogra Hindu Maharaja would have contributed Abdullah. The authorities Linkin Park, reportedly those who have tried to Parikh, Fortis Healthcare, and not some friend telling you only nice to quit the Muslim majority handsomely towards the should not lose sight of commited suicide by drown their lonely New Delhi. Dr Parikh is from the entertainment things about you, and Kashmir and were not State's exchequer Another history and forget that hanging himself at his thoughts in drugs and of the view that it's not industry," says you have a recipe for demanding the abdication fraud was played with the imposition of a particular California home crossed over to the other just artists who go psychologist Seema disaster," adds Seema from the entire State. Dogras in the form of language has been the cause yesterday. He had side - Amy Winehouse, through the clamour of Taneja, a consultant Taneja. Through their venomous Article 35A, that gave the of major public revolt in the admitted to having Michael Jackson, Prince, emotions; they're just counsellor with schools It's this lethal speeches the Kashmiri powers to the State past and even now in another intentionally or surrounded by more and corporate houses in combination of a rose- thought of committing Muslim leaders created anti- Assembly to define part of the country Gurkhas unintentionally. We people, and thus end up Delhi NCR. tinted world and the suicide during an Dogra Hindu sentiments in "Permanent Residents" and of Darjeeling are fighting know what this bottling up feelings When one rises to fame, mattress of drugs that interview a few years the mind of local Kashmiris. to give them special rights against imposition of omnipresent devil is much longer than a baggage of pushes most of them to a ago - "throwing in the It was ingrained in their and privileges. Bengali. It is said that if you capable of. And we know commoners, without presumption is also point where they can't towel" - in his words. psyche to perceive Dogras Consequently, a large want to kill a nation the commoners like us have realising it. attached to their recognise the face in the "There were a few times as representative of their section of Dogri speaking easiest way to do it is to kill an easier way out. But Distance from reality persona. This mirror, and hence the in the last couple of years alleged oppression by the Hindu population that had its language. The Dogras will what when you're a It goes without saying presumption, when final step. What we where I was ready to Dogra rulers. As the migrated to the state at the never accept this onslaught celebrity, and the whole throw in the towel, ready that most successful coming from loved ones, cannot forget, however, subsequent events unfolded time of partition were on their language, culture and world is watching your to kind of give up on celebrities live on a fame- is what hurts their self is that depression - much and Sheikh Abdullah denied the permanent identity. This needs to be every move, judging everything, but I found and-money high. Their image in the long run. like putting on weight - wrested absolute power in citizenship of the state and understood clearly and your every move, that for me, most of my chance encounters with "While most celebs is a very slow, gradual the State, anti-Dogra mind- they continue to suffer till unambiguously before the suffering is self-inflicted; looking up to you? reality are few and far forget to keep in touch process. You do not set began to manifest. Many date. Dogri language was issue festers into a bigger it's not like it's coming Depression a reality between. "Celebrities with their old friends wake up feeling subsequent decisions taken not included in the Eighth problem. from some external across all professions choose to surround once they taste fame, depressed one fine by Sheikh were a reflection Schedule of the Constitution (The author is a Jammu source that's making me "Depression affects 300 themselves with people this phenomena also morning. of this manifestation. In of India due to the callous based political commentator, feel that way. No one can million people globally. who say exactly the works the other way The key lies in the many decisions he enjoyed attitude of the Kashmiri columnist, security and make you feel anything. Every one in four women things that these celebs around. It's when friends identification of that the support of his trusted leadership. The Dogras had strategic analyst. He can be It's what you think about experiences it during one want to hear- that's what mistake the celeb's darkness that's growing friend and political mentor, to launch an agitation for contacted at internally that makes you or the other phase in her takes them away from constant unavailability inside you, whether it's Pandit Jawaharlal Lal inclusion of the same in [email protected].) feel things. You are the life. As many as 15 per the truth. Even in for snobbishness that the by you or by a loved one. Nehru. (Disclaimer: The views expressed here are personal only person that makes cent depression cases Deepika Padukone's friends take a step back, The first step is the Sheikh and his team had opinions of the writers. The information, facts or opinions you feel things," says lead to suicides. And yet, case, it was ultimately which again, leads to the hardest; sometimes even made up their minds to appearing in the articles do not reflect the views of The Chester in an old 75 per cent cases of her mother and sister said celebrity's isolation harder than reaching out destroy all symbols of Northlines and it does not assume any responsibility or interview: depression go untreated who told her she's in the long run - add to for help. Dogra Rule in the State. liability for the same) the northlines 7 KASHMIR Jammu | Saturday | July 22 | 2017 Recruitment of SIs: First phase of tests for Leh, Army conducts Awam Milan Mela 2 held with demonetized Kargil districts completed NL Correspondent currency notes Leh, Jul 21 Srinagar, Jul 21 Process for Jammu province to start from August 22 In the true spirit of Police has arrested two persons with over three lakhs demonetized currency notes in Maharaj Gunj area here NL Correspondent 22, 2017 to August 25,2017 Operation Sadbhavana in Srinagar, Jul 21 today. and candidates belonging to Ladakh region of J&K, A police party of police Station Maharaj Gunj during Udhampur- Range Awam Milan Mela is being Physical tests for the post of Naka checking apprehended two suspects identified as will undergo the said tests at conducted at Colonel Sub Inspector in Jammu and Javaid Ahmad Shah a resident of Pampore and Suhail DPL Udhampur from Sonam Wangchuk Stadium Kashmir Police of Ahmad Bhat a resident of Sangrama . On their August 28 to 30, 2017.. at Leh on 21 and 22 July combat vehicles and state of of civil administration, DIG jumps, obstacle crossing, candidates belonging to checking police recovered three lakhs and three thousand Rajouri-Poonch Range 2017. Lt Gen PJS Pannu, the art communication ITBP and Chef Engineer jumping through fire ring demonetized currency notes. district Leh and Kargil were candidates will be put to General Officer systems. If machines HIMANK. The age-old and crossing a Burma In this regard police filed a complaint under section 5/7 completed yesterday. tests from September 7 to Commanding, Fire and Fury tempted the crowd, no less Sikh art of Self-defence Bridge. The mela was also of the Specified Bank Notes (cessation of Liabilities) Act During three days 1409 10,2017 at DPL Rajouri and Corps was the Chief guest. exhilarating was the skill of 'GATKA' with 18 different aimed to introducing the 2017 and produced the accused in the Court of CJM, candidates from different the tests for candidates of Lt Gen Pannu inaugurated the men. The one and a half weapons and KHUKRI achievements of the Indian Srinagar. tehsils of two districts JKS Range will be held at the Mela in presence of hour function got off to a dance was overwhelmingly Army in an effort to attract turned for PET and PST, Gulshan Ground Jammu senior civilian and police glittering start with band cheered by the crowed. The local youth to the defence among whom 441 were from September 13 to dignitaries who attended the display by soldiers of the other captivating event was forces. This activity Ethics Committee meeting held declared qualified. This 20,2017. Eligible candidates function. Fire and Fury Corps. The the performances of a Dog showcased the Army's includes 299 female can download their admit This Army Mela gave the seven silvery tunes played Show of Remount Might with a humane touch, candidates as well. Tests for cards from J&K Police rare opportunity to youth of by the band captivated Veterinary Corps (RVC), especially for the people of will begin WebsiteLadakh to have a close look everyone at the packed Leh, which mesmerised the Ladakh and also inspired at Sports Stadium Doda for (www.jkpolice.gov.in) from at the Army equipment to Stadium. Guests on the audience by performing the awam to join the Armed DKR Range from August July 25, 2017. include tanks, Infantry occasion included members several feats including high Forces. Functioning of Rev Deptt reviewed DG BRO visits Frontier Distt Kargil SRINAGAR, JUL 21 A meeting of the Committee on Ethics of Legislative NL Correspondent district Kargil and inspected Long Term Roll on Works Assembly was held here today under the Chairmanship of Shotopa/Kargil, Jul 21 ongoing projects of Project Plan (LTROWP), Up- Legislator Abdul Rahim Rather. Keeping in view the Threadbare discussions were held on various issues importance of the NH 1D the pertaining to the working of the Ethics Committee. lifeline of Ladakh and Legislators, Abdul Majid Larmi and Raja Manzoor importance of Zojjila Pass Ahmed attended the meeting and gave their suggestions and the difficulties arising regarding the working of the Committee and for making during Snow Clearance it more vibrant in its functioning. The Chairman of the NL Correspondent officers of Revenue sought detailed report the Committee sought suggestions and point of views from Srinagar, Jul 21 every year on this stretch, Department. progress of construction of Kacho Ahmd Ali Khan the members of the Committee. Among others, Secretary Veeri said that the aim of the SDM office Bijbhehra, Legislative Assembly, M R Singh besides other officials To give major flip to the demanded that works related infrastructural buildup of Patwara Khana Dalama of Assembly Secretariat were also present in the meeting. Revenue department, to road networking and its Revenue Department is Minister for Revenue, , Revenue maintenance on the stretch aimed to provide all Complex R.S Pura, from Captain Morgh to Zero Minister takes stock Relief, Rehabilitation and VIJAYAK of BRO including gradation & solutions of Revenue related Construction of Naibat office Point should be handed over Reconstruction, Abdul the ongoing works on Nimo Macadamization of Kargil matters at one place to the Rajpora and others. The to Project VIJAYAK. It will Rehman Veeri today stressed Padum Darcha Road in Batalik Road and of hospital facilities public. Minister impressed on the help in smooth up-gradation, on infrastructure build up of Zanskar. During the meeting Construction of a bypass The Revenue offices which officers to set up to maintenance and snow Revenue assets across state. the pace of work on various road at Drass Town etc. were discussed include formulate the Detailed clearance work on the The Minister was speaking road connectivity projects Assuring Kacho Ahmad Ali Awantipura Tehsil office, Project Report(DPR) of all Zojjila Pass which is the at a high level review taken up by BRO in the Khan for redressing and Tehsil office Sunoor Nubra proposed Revenue main demand of the people meeting of Revenue frontier distict also raising the issues raised by Leh, Tehsil office Arnas, establishments at the earliest of Kargil. This was stated by Department here. The discussed, Kacho Ahmad Ali Hill Council on proper Tehsil Office Reasi, Goal and get it vetted within ten the CEC during his meeting meeting was attended by Khan impressed on to platform, DG BR Lt Gen S Ramban tehsil complex, days. with the DG BR at Financial Commissioner expedite work on the K Shirivastava informed that Revenue Complex , The Minister also asked the Headquarters Project Revenue Lokesh Jha, connectivity projects so that to expedite the snow Revenue Complex Ramban, officers to deploy required VIJAYAK at Kargil. The SRINAGAR, JUL 21 Commissioner Secretary the people of this frontier clearance work during Compund walling of manpower at Revenue Director General Border Minister for Public Works Naeem Akhtar and Minister for Revenue Muhammad Ashraf district can be relived of winter month's latest quality Revenue Training Institute Roads, Lt Gen S K Education Altaf Bukhari today visited LD Hospital and Mir, JKPCC MD Daleep offices so that succor is difficulties of terrain and snow clearance machines Thusoo and other senior Jammu. The Minister also provided to the public. Shrivastava visited frontier took stock of pace of construction of various facilities at extreme weather conditions. will be procured by the hospital. The Ministers were given detailed brief of the CEC also presented a November this year. steps taken for providing relief to patients. On the Memorandum which Calling upon the need of construction of new block, Naeem Akhtar directed the DLSA organizes training prog includes the transfer of road proactive support to the officials to ensure that all modern facilities are included in stretch from Captain Mordh organization from LAHDC the building. The Ministers also took stock of steps taken NL Correspondent to Zero Point (Zojila) Kargil, Lt Gen S.K for providing better facilities for patients and attendants, Baramulla, Jul 21 National High Way 1-D Shirivastava urged upon the proper disposal of hospital waste and other issues. The from Project Beacon to CEC to Expedite the Ministers also discussed the planning and future vision of A 2-Day training programme Project VIJAYAK for up- Settlement of Land the hospital with the hospital administration. They assured for Retainer Panel lawyers gradations, maintenance and Acquisition cases for the hospital administration that government will provide of Kashmir was organized snow Clearance, Inclusion of construction of Drass every help in turning the hospital into one of the best by District legal Services road Barchey Choo to Bypass road so that the health institutions. The Ministers also interacted with authority Baramulla today Lalung from KM 00 to 4.30 project could be started at patients and attendants who apprised them of various at Dak Bungalow Baramulla in BRDB Programme and the earliest. problems faced by them at the hospital. The Ministers under the supervision of gave on the spot direction to resolve all of their issues and Chairman District Legal Govt assures legal action gave directions to further streamline the functioning of Services Authority hospital so that minimum inconvenience is suffered by the (Principal District & Session people. The Ministers were accompanied Commissioner Judge Baramulla) Syed against violators Secretary Health and Medical Education, Dr Pawan Tawqeer Ahmad. Services Authority to Secretary , Qurashi Pertinent to mention here, Kotwal, MD JKPPC, Dilip Thusso and other officials of NL Correspondent transporters are charging on The programme was provide free legal aid to the reiterated the need to J&K Legal Services Srinagar, Jul 21 Health and Medical Education, R&B and JKPCC. their own whims and resort presided by, Secretary people, the training strength the overall Authority has established a to abusing when they are District Legal Services programme aims to sensitize functioning of District Legal network of District Legal The government Friday said informed about the DLSCC meeting held Authority (Munsif lawyers about their Services Authority to make Services Authority to that it will take legal action government order. Baramulla) Fayaz Ahmad responsibilities to plead it more effective, relevant provide free and competent against the drivers and "The transporters have hiked BANDIPORA, JUL 21 Quraishi. cases with empathy and and thereby legal aid legal aid to the poor and to transporters who are the fare as per their own will. A meeting of District Level Screening cum Coordination Highlighting the mandate of regard. accessible to all needy and organize Lok Adalats for violating the order of Sumos vehicles have Committee (DLSCC) was today held here under the the J&K State Legal Speaking on the occasion, deserving. promoting equal justice. passenger fare hike. increased the fare by Rs 10, chairmanship of District Magistrate, Bandipora, Sajad Divisional Commissioner buses, minibuses and autos Hussain. The meeting held threadbare discussion on Kashmir, Baseer Khan, said various cases and sanctioned compensation of Rs1.02 'Supply of safe drinking water by Rs 5. This is violation of PCI Panel calls on Omar action as per law will be crore in lieu of Government job for 28 cases under SRO the order. The government taken against the transporters 43, while as three departmental case were recommend to SRINAGAR, JUL 21 should immediately address to people Govt's priority' violating the government the Concerned Departments. Of the total 30 cases taken The 3-Member Sub-Committee of the Press Council the issue," Imtiyaz Ahmad, a order on passenger fare hike. up for discussion, as many as 28 cases were cleared NL Correspondent of India (PCI) headed by Mr S N Sinha called on the passenger who travels in their working. "I have directed the RTO during the meeting. Among others, SSP Bandipora, Srinagar, Jul 21 public transport daily from The Minister directed the former Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah here today to Kashmir to form squads to Additional Deputy Commissioner Bandipora, Assistant concerned officials for discuss the issues of J&K media. Former Ministers Srinagar to Baramulla. Minister for PHE, Irrigation check violation of the order. Commissioner Revenue Bandipora, and other senior regular cleaning of reservoirs Ali Mohammad Sagar, Aga Ruhullah and Nasir Even the deputy and Flood Control Sham Lal Action as per law will be police and Army officers attended the meeting. and ensuring effective water Aslam Wani were also present during the meeting. commissioners are also Choudhary today inspected taken against the drivers and treatment process especially The other members of the PCI Sub-Committee receiving complaints from DDC takes stock of the Water Filtration Plants in transporters who are found during monsoon season. He included Mr C K Nayak, Dr Suman Gupta and Mr the public about the arbitrary Doda and asked the field staff violating the order," Khan also asked for conducting Naveen Joshi. The PCI team, which arrived here on hike. ongoing works to regular monitor the quality told KNS. water tests on regular basis to July 16, held extensive deliberations with the media Regional Transport Officer, of water being supplied to the Recently, the cabinet headed POONCH, JUL 21 ensure supply of safe drinking owners, editors and working journalist over the past Kashmir, Farooq Ahmad told people of the areas after its by the Chief Minister District Development Commissioner Tariq Ahmed water to the people. four days to know about the issues confronting the KNS that he is receiving treatment at these plants. Mehbooba Mufti took the complaints from the people Zargar who is also the chairman of district sports Addressing the officers and media in Kashmir. The Minister was decision of hiking passenger about the arbitrary hike in council visited sports stadium and took stock of the field staff on the occasion, the The panel also called on CPI(M) state secretary, Mr accompanied by Chief fare. As per the decision, the fare by the transporters ongoing works and facilities being provided to sports Minister reiterated the M Y Tarigami to discuss the issues of the J&K media Engineer PHE Jammu Sushil fare for big busses has been against the government persons. He also visited indoor stadium to inspect the commitment of the with them. Aima, Chief Engineer I&FC hiked by 13.7 5, medium and order. status of infrastructure there. Zargar interacted with government towards Earlier today a delegation of J&K Joint Forum of Jammu Rajeev Gandotra, mini-busses 13.7 %, cabs "The rates fixed as per the sports instructors, sport persons and listened to their providing safe drinking water Newspaper Editors led by Ghulam Hassan Kaloo and taxis 8.25 %, autos 2.85 Superintending Engineers and order have been published in issues for improving sports facilities at indoor sports to the people. He said that it called on the PCI team at the state guest house here %, and others 13.7 %. other senior officers of the the media and the stadium. DDC assured that requisite steps will be taken our duty to put in sincere to apprise them of the issues facing the newspapers in However, the passenger department. transporters must not to provide congenial sports environment and facilities efforts in providing clean Kashmir. They sought the intervention of PCI in vehicles including buses, Sham Lal Choudhary visited disobey the government to the players. He asked the coaches to put in concerted water supply to the people facilitating added financial support from the Central minibuses, cabs, taxis, and WFP Manchan and Deoli order. I have already directed efforts in grooming hidden talents as the region has lot having capacity of 30000 especially living in such and the State Governments to the newspapers in J&K autos are charging arbitrary the ARTOs to inspect and of potential. He said that sports and games plays an GPH and 15000 GPH remote areas for which through advertisements. high fare in contravention to check the violations. We will important role in nurturing the personality of individual respectively. He inspected the regular maintenance of The PCI team will be visiting Jammu and Ladakh the order. launch inspection drives and & providing basic sports facilities and sports culture is water filtration plants and was departmental infrastructure is separately before finalizing their report on media Passengers across Kashmir violators will face the law," the priority of government. briefed by the field staff about must. scenario in Jammu and Kashmir. complain that the the RTO told KNS. (KNS) 8 the northlines HOME & GARDEN Jammu | Saturday | July | 22 | 2017

natural ones and can literally transform your home — be it the kitchen, bedroom or the living area. Using brass finishes for light fixtures, furniture and gadgets, is another trend that is popular. Cork, an eco-friendly material has shown up in home ware and in home decor accessories. Concrete and cork are being used in unusual ways. Following are a few more trends that you could incorporate in DecorDecor your home... greens Very few Mumbaiites can actually boast of a garden at home. Well one of the biggest trends this year is about bringing the outside, inside, by creating your tiny garden trends you in a glass container. Terrariums are a cool easy way to green up your homes. Classical elegance This is about classical themes and sophistication, with baroque design elements incorporated in home decor, could try thereby enriching the interiors. Unpainted, untreated walls Following decor trends can help you create a stylish, chic and This look is surely not for traditionalists and the faint- welcoming vibe in your home. There are some styles that are easy to hearted. The industrial look of plastered walls looks chic. follow and can be quickly adapted to suit the decor needs of your house. Exposed brick walls are a big trend. Some of these can be modified to reflect the quirky elements of Cluster lights your personality in a seamless manner. Use a cluster of naked lights to get a contemporary look to One of the major surface trends this year is your home decor. the reclaimed, rustic wood. These Nature prints are cheaper than Add some prints like the palm and Swiss cheese plant to your cushion covers, framed wall hanging to usher in this trend at home. Tropical calm Injecting a warm touch of the tropics to your home with large leaf prints on cushion covers, wallpapers, wall decoration, upholstery and other objects will lend a relaxed, fresh feel to your decor. Bringing nature in any form, even digital prints helps in stress reduction and contributes to emotional well- being. Ethnic yet cool decor elements Ethnic designs are in focus once again as a global trend. This decor trend plays a key role with textured wallpapers, pattern mixing and wooden furniture. The ambience can be complemented beautifully with valued objects. The vintage look The ever popular vintage look takes a delicate, sophisticated turn with much softer colours and a lot of extremely exhaustive patterns. Distressed furniture with an old-worldly look can nail the look. Going Monochrome Playful, fun and full of passion —the contemporary decor trend is about using a monochrome palette. Geometric designs rock the interior scene and are being used across objects — be it the carpet, cushion cover, upholstery, wallpaper, wall clock faces and more. Statement headboard Upholstered statement headboards are a hot trend in the design world right now. Your bedroom can get the wow factor and this will also add a majestic charm to the decor.

Ethnic Treasure - a highly convenient ethnic chic Ethnic designs are in focus all around the Be an urban farmer Home and world as a unifying global trend. So India as a country with strong creative traditions is In the urban concrete jungle, people are need gallons of water," she says. actually on stage with its vast array of going vertical to get their spot of green GO VERTICAL handicrafts from dyeing, weaving, quilting, by repurposing their terraces as kitchen Opt for a raised bed, which will help you printing to wood carvings, basketry craft and gardens. Food entrepreneur and baker grow more vegetables. But waterproof metal works. In a well created, warm Kishi Arora has been growing spinach on the terrace before starting. You can start Bohemian ambience these Indian creations her terrace along with other herbs. with a pre-made farming kit for terraces, are in good company. Organic food and kitchen garden expert as offered by a Hyderabad-based startup LifestyleLifestyle The decor plays a key role with textured Sangeeta Khanna grows lauki, karela Homecrop. The kit helps you grow four wallpapers, pattern mix and wooden furniture. and okra on her terrace. Khanna says that types of vegetables. To optimise space The interior ambience is complemented with going organic and growing your own use hanging planters. Khanna says, "You cherished objects. vegetables is what the 'green conscious' can grow beans and gourds on walls and Classical Trail - a refined elegance trends to look out movement is all about. "Many railings." The classic interior is an expression of the companies and online groups offer help One of the simplest things is to grow human desire for balance and harmony. In in setting up a terrace garden to facilitate microgreens by planting them in small today's modern lifestyle the interpretation of for this season the pot-to-plate trend," she adds. wooden sandboxes. Herbs like basil, the classical as we know it has become rosemary, thyme, and veggies like somewhat subtle. A hint of nature is fused into lettuce, spinach, The HGH India 2017, a trade-show for home these trends. through textures that reinvent the beauty of ginger grow well in textiles, home decor, house ware and gifts - Tropical Joy - an opulent nature classical themes with sophistication. sandboxes. Also you designed exclusively for the professional visitor The beauty of diversity is best expressed in Geology is the source of inspiration here. can join a gardening - presented the latest trends in home fashion and nature. The traditional floral design approach Beautiful landscapes, curves on sand, rocks group for support, says lifestyle. Conceptualised and implemented by opens up and merges with opulent tropical and mineral formations inspire the patterns of Priyanka Amar Shah, the internationally renowned design office pattern in supernatural colourations and as carpets, wallpapers and upholstery fabrics. of iKheti - another Sahm, Permantier, the trends under the title giant digital flower prints. In nature, New tangible sensations enrich the interiors. gardening startup that 'across times' reflects our roots in the past, our surrounded by plants and flowers, we take rest Digital Medley - a futuristic satellite runs its own current life and traces to the future. and relax from the omnipresent stress and The aesthetics of the digital technologies open interactive groups and The predicted trends are derived through intense noisy life. up a new cosmos for designers. Spending societies to encourage research on changing consumer values, Research shows that experiences nature, even hours in front of a screen, we get used to all terrace gardening. lifestyle, evolving technology and attitudes. The in the form of nature prints, reduces stress and kinds of effects of the virtual world. Playfully, Care for your garden trend book thus helps manufacturers, brands, contributes to emotional and physical with fun and passion, new realities are 1. Water regularly. retailers and professionals in home business to wellbeing. Our senses are constantly discovered through virtual head sets and the Overwatering and connect their products and innovations to the stimulated by the presence of plants. computerized so- called 'Smart Living'. under-watering can be aspirational Indian Recognising the great potential of nature, all Digital Medley reflects the emotional fatal. Do your research consumers natur al products are a part experience of the union of visual and auditory on how much water through of this senses which we experience in our everyday SOIL CURRY each plant really trend. life. It's essential urban appeal goes beyond If you want a thriving terrace garden, requires. the youth market into designs for all age picking the right soil is the first step. 2. Check plants for pests. group. The trends forecasted in 'across time' Don't use normal garden soil. Use good 3. Cut and prune plants. also available as a trends book, had a physical quality potting mix for the healthy 4. Make sure the plants get enough sun. manifestation at a generously dimensioned growth of plants. You can also prepare it In the hot summer months, provide an special area in HGH India 2017 named the yourself by composting everyday afternoon shade to the plants. Trends Pavilion. organic garbage from your home. What to grow The Trends Pavilion is not an abstract concept Gardening entrepreneur Shabnum Cucumbers, Radishes, Beans, Potatoes, of future trends but applicable designs and Kapur, who runs Khetify - a startup that Onions, Carrots, Beetroot, Lettuce, colours which can be replicated. The helps convert your balcony or terrace Garlic, Chillies, Peppers, Gourds, innovative and fashionable styles, textures into a farm - says that picking the right Eggplant (brinjal) and products used in the trend pavilion are vegetables is important. "Grow You can plant almost any vegetable in sourced from exhibitors who are showcasing vegetables that need less water. In pots. Use large earthen pots. Avoid their products at the trade show, emphasizing summer, tori, brinjals and microgreens plastic pots, as they heat up and drain the utilitarian objective of the showcased grow well. Avoid cherry tomatoes that poorly. trends. the northlines 9 NATION/WORLD Jammu | Saturday | July | 22 | 2017 Punjab kids can forget books to school Mamata Banerjee gives ‘Oust BJP but not bowls and spoons: Mann from India’ call at Kolkata rally KOLKATA, JULY 21 NEW DELHI, JULY 21 Demanding a ‘Student of the take lift to reach school. Month’ scheme in all Parents are forced to pull Trinamool Congress Lok Sabha MP from Punjab government schools during a them out of education supremo Mamata Banerjee Bhagwant Mann on Friday discussion on the Right to because to them honour is on Friday gave ‘Oust BJP flagged serious quality Education Amendment 2017 more important than from India’ call and said concerns plaguing Bill in Lok Sabha today, education. The government Bengal would stand by all government schools in the Mann argued that such a must ensure safe education,” political parties which state saying parents have scheme would encourage said Mann while supporting would fight the saffron one. told him that their wards can merit. the Bill that was later passed. Asserting that the BJP has forget books and pencils to The Sangrur MP also made a The Bill relaxes the time “failed on all fronts”, school but not bowls and case for immediate period for aspiring teachers including on having good spoons. recruitment of those who to acquire minimum relations with foreign candidate Meira Kumar in will oppose the BJP.” “A parent told me that his have cleared the Teachers prescribed qualifications to countries, Banerjee the just-concluded “India’s relations with child was allowed to forget Eligibility Test in Punjab. teach at elementary level. announced that her party Presidential election. foreign countries have to bring books and pencil to Taking a swipe at the TET, who have cleared the test Mann also demanded shuttle Relaxation involves will launch the ‘Oust BJP’ “This platform will expand deteriorated under the BJP- school but not bowl and the Sangrur MP said, “The have not been given jobs and services in villages for girls extension until March 31, programme from August 9. in future to defeat the BJP led government at the spoon in which he is served level of Teachers Eligibility are demonstrating on streets. who often drop out in Class 2019, of the previous “We will oust the BJP from which thinks that it will have Centre,” she alleged, adding, midday meals. Quality of Test in Punjab is as difficult This is ironical because there 5 or 8 due to lack of safe deadline for training India. It is our challenge. a cakewalk in the 2019 Lok “Why can’t it improve education needs to as that of an IAS paper. are 14,000 teacher vacancies commuting facilities. teachers which was March The Centre is trying to Sabha poll. Things will not relations with Nepal, addressed,” Mann said. Despite that several people in Punjab.” “Girls hang behind buses or 31, 2015. browbeat us with Sarada, be that easy (for the BJP),” Bhutan, Bangladesh which Narada cases but we are not she said. have borders with Bengal?” CAG raps govt for poor crop cover Modi's policies burning afraid of it. None of us is Expressing her party’s She also accused the Centre guilty. We will not bow our support to those who will of unleashing central schemes rollout in 2011-16 Kashmir: Rahul Gandhi heads,” she told a massive fight the BJP, she said, agencies like the CBI and rally here. “Bengal will stand beside the ED against those who NEW DELHI, JULY 21 NEW DELHI, JULY 21 burning Jammu and Banerjee said 18 Opposition Sonia Gandhi, Lalu Prasad, had opposed demonetisation Kashmir," he told reporters parties had come together Nitish Kumar, Arvind and GST roll-out in haste. The Comptroller and Congress vice-president outside Parliament. and supported joint Kejriwal and all those who PTI Auditor General of India Rahul Gandhi on Friday "It is being said there should (CAG) on Friday slammed charged that the Narendra be discussion on Kashmir 13-yr-old boy allegedly attempts suicide the central government for Modi government's policies with China and Pakistan but following ‘sexual assault’ poor implementation of crop are "burning" Jammu and my opinion is that Kashmir Kashmir and flayed any is India and India is insurance schemes in 2011- MUMBAI, JULY 21 hospital, the official said. Offences (POCSO) Act. 16, saying funds to the tune attempt for third party Kashmir and this is our His father told the police The police are also of Rs 3,622.79 crore were intervention to resolve the internal matter...our internal A 13-year-old boy that the boy was sexually investigating the death of a released to private insurers issue, saying "Kashmir is business and no one should attempted to commit assaulted by an unknown 10-year-old boy, the without verification. It added that the AIC failed litigations, verification of India". interfere in it," he said. suicide after he was man on July 12. The man victim’s friend, who died Both the central and state to exercise due diligence by claims by states, Kashmir has been facing Reacting to China's offer of “sexually assaulted” by an warned him not to reveal two days ago. government had incurred an verification of claims by reconciliation and booking unrest ever since Hizbul playing a "constructive role" unknown person in the incident to anyone. Though his father said that expenditure of Rs 32,606.65 private insurance companies errors, among others. Mujahideen commander in resolving the Kashmir suburban Powai, a senior Traumatised by the ordeal, he died of ‘dehydration’, crore towards payment of before releasing the funds to The other finding was that Burhan Wani was killed in issue, India had earlier said police official said on the boy allegedly tried to police were probing if he premium subsidy and claim them. It also failed to take during 2011-16, five out of an encounter with security its stand of resolving all Friday. end his life, the official too had become a victim of liabilities in the said period. re- insurance cover on the nine selected states took forces last year. matters bilaterally with The boy, who tried to end said. sexual assault and ended This amount was behalf of both central and more than prescribed 45 "I have been saying this for Pakistan, including Jammu his life by consuming The police have registered his life. channelised via state-owned state governments. days with delays of up to a long time that Modi's and and Kashmir, has not poison yesterday, was a case under the Protection Further probe is underway. Agriculture Insurance The government auditor also 1,069 days in processing the NDA's policies are changed. —PTI battling for life at a city of Children from Sexual — PTI Company (AIC) to private found out that though the claims, it said. companies, it said in its central government released The auditor also found out Three dead as clashes erupt over Jerusalem holy site Gunmen kill 3 policemen, latest report. its share on time, there were that there were delays in The CAG report examined instances of delay by state issue of notifications, receipt JERUSALEM, JULY 21 detectors erected at the entrance most heavily boy in Pakistan the crop insurance schemes governments. of declarations from banks entrances to the Haram al- used by Palestinians— — NAIS, MNAIS and "Such delays impacted the within cut-off dates, receipt Three Palestinians were Sharif compound, known to blocked. KARACHI, JULY 21 Weather Based Crop release of insurance of yield data from states and killed and dozens wounded Jews as the Temple Mount, A group of several hundred Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) compensation to affected processing of claims and on Friday as clashes erupted following an attack nearby a people, including Muslim At least three policemen — implemented during farmers, defeating the irregularities in between protesters and week ago that killed two leaders, marched towards and a 12-year-old boy 2011-12 through 2015-16. fundamental purpose of the disbursement of claims by Israeli forces over new policemen. the Lions Gate entrance to were killed when These schemes, however, schemes to provide timely banks to farmers' accounts. security measures at an In anticipation of protests on the mosque compound, but unidentified gunmen now have been replaced financial assistance to the Even monitoring of the ultra- sensitive Jerusalem Friday, Israeli police barred police informed them that opened fire on a police with new Pradhan Mantri farming community," it schemes was "very poor" as holy site where police men under 50 from entering only men aged 50 or over van in Pakistan’s southern Fasal Bima Yojan (PMFBY) observed. implementing agencies did restricted access for Muslim Jerusalem’s Old City for would be allowed in. port city of Karachi, prayers. prayers, while all women Police later fired stun from 2016 kharif season. According to the CAG not do it effectively, the officials said on Friday. attack in Karachi. One Palestinian was shot were allowed in. grenades and tear gas "During 2011-16, AIC had report, claims amounting Rs CAG noted. The police van was parked Last month, gunmen killed dead by Israeli gunfire in the Police said later in the day towards protesters outside released Rs 3,622.79 crore 7,010 crore (under NAIS), "Even though huge funds near the Darum Uloom four policemen in Site Town A-Tur neighbourhood of that discretion could be the Old City, while as premium subsidy to 10 Rs 332.45 crore (MNAIS) under the schemes were religious seminary in area of the city when they east Jerusalem, according to applied in the use of the Palestinians threw stones private insurance companies and Rs 999.28 crore provided to private Korangi. were having Iftar at a the Palestinian health metal detectors instead of and other objects at security without compliance with (WBCIS) were pending as companies, there was no roadside restaurant. ministry. forcing everyone to go forces in some areas. “Two policemen died on the any of the guidelines," the on August 2016 due to non- provision for audit by the On May, two policemen A second Palestinian was through them. The Palestinian Red spot while another one died auditor said in the report receipt of premium share of CAG to ensure proper were gunned down by killed by gunfire in east But Palestinian and religious Crescent reported that 109 in a hospital. A 12-year-old placed before Parliament. state governments, utilisation of funds," it said. unidentified men in the posh Jerusalem’s Ras al-Amud leaders were still calling on people were wounded in boy was also killed as he There was also lack of neighbourhood, while a worshippers not to enter Jerusalem, of whom 38 was caught in the firing Bahadurabad area. awareness as 67 per cent Vaghela quits Congress, third was shot dead in Abu until they were removed. were taken to hospital. No when he was passing by Senior Superintendent of farmers surveyed during the Dis in the occupied West Hundreds held midday injury toll was given for the near the seminary,” senior Police (SSP) of the counter audit were not aware of the rules out joining BJP Bank, the ministry said, prayers near the gates of the West Bank. police official Arif Aslam terrorism department in schemes. There was no without providing details on Old City in protest. “They turned back everyone said. Raja Umar Khatab GANDHINAGAR, JULY 21 in north Gujarat proper grievance redressal the circumstances. According to police, dozens who came here to pray but A large number of police said that 9 mm shells were The Congress would, system and monitoring Israel’s army confirmed it of people entered the then I told them I was going and paramilitary troops found from the spot which In a body blow to the however, draw some comfort mechanism for speedy was involved in clashes in compound. to the doctor, but they did rushed to the area after the indicated same group was Congress in Gujarat, one of its from the fact that only two of settlement of farmers' Abu Dis. Crowds gathered outside not let me in,” said Ulfat incident and cordoned off involved which had earlier tallest leaders Shankarsinh its MLAs, including complaints at the central or The unrest came after Israeli Jerusalem’s Old City found Hamad, 42, who was the crime scene. carried out the attacks on the Vaghela on Friday announced Vaghela’s son, state government level, it ministers decided not to shops closed and streets visiting from the United This is not the first-time policemen in Site area and he was quitting the party, but Mahendrasinh, attended the added. PTI order the removal of metal around Damascus Gate— States. policemen have come under Bahadurabad. — PTI ruled out joining the BJP. event. The dramatic announcement Vaghela is reported to be by Vaghela, a former RSS and upset with the party high BJP member, was made at a command for not being public event organised to declared the chief ministerial celebrate his 77th birthday. It candidate for the Assembly came a day after the disunity election. in the state Congress came out He had stopped attending in the open, when it transpired state Congress meetings for that at least eight of its 57 some time, and had even MLAs had not voted for the unfollowed Congress vice- joint Opposition’s presidential president Rahul Gandhi on Meira Kumar. Twitter to register his protest. Vaghela, the Kshatriya Vaghela said he was left with strongman whom his no option, claiming that state supporters fondly address as Congress leaders “got ‘Bapu’, said: “I am not going together to push me out of the to join the BJP. I will not join party” after he told them to any political party”. do their homework to take on He, however, said he was not the BJP in the upcoming poll. going to retire from politics, He also accused the party of triggering speculation he may taking “supari”, a common float his own party and then term in some states for cobble together an anti- contract killing, from the BJP Congress, anti-BJP front to let it win Gujarat, once ahead of the Assembly dubbed the BJP’s laboratory election likely in November for testing its Hindutva or December. politics. “You don’t fight the “Today, I free myself from the BJP and won’t allow those Congress and I set the who do to fight them,” said Congress free,” he said. Vaghela, who had a long Vaghela’s decision to quit the association with Prime Congress is a cause of concern Minister Narendra Modi for the party, which has been during his RSS days. The out of power in the state for election will also be seen as a close to two decades. He prestige fight for Modi and enjoys considerable support BJP president Amit Shah. the northlines 10 SPORTS Jammu | Saturday | July 22 | 2017 Kashyap, Sameer, Prannoy reach US Open quarters Harmanpreet bats like Sehwag,

Anaheim: 13 21-17 before staving off while Sri Krishna lost 11-21 Indian shuttlers P Kashyap, a challenge from 10-21 to fifth seed Jang Mi aggressive like Kohli: Sister Sameer Verma and H S Netherlands' Mark Caljouw, Lee of Korea and Rituparna Prannoy advanced to the seeded 12th, 21-8 14-21 21- suffered a 15-21 20-22 loss Chandigarh: been playing sister, their father -- the 52- quarterfinals of the men's 16 in 48 minutes. to seventh seed Natalia "She bats like Virender cricket with year-old Harmandar Singh -- singles' competition at the Prannoy will face eighth Koch Rohde of Denmark. Sehwag and is aggressive boys. Her has been a role model. US$ 120,000 US Open seed Kanta Tsuneyama of Men's doubles pair of like Virat Kohli," said hunger for runs "Her first coach has been our Grand Prix Gold here. Japan next. Francis Alwin and Tarun Harmampreet Kaur's sister never dies and father. He was a good Kashyap crossed the second Among other Indians in Kona fought hard before Hemjit, summing up the this is reflected cricketer, but due to some round after his opponent fray, third seeds Manu Attri losing 19-21 21-9 14-21 to family's elation at the in her strike circumstances he could not Hungary's Gergely Krausz and B Sumeeth Reddy seventh seed Hiroki batter's hurricane knock that rate," her sister reach where he wanted to in retired midway in the Sameer Verma, who notched defeated Indonesian combo Okamura and Masayuki took India to the ICC said. the sport. But today he is second game with the up victories over Croatia's of Hendra Tandjaya and Onodera of Japan. women's World Cup final. "Harman is able to realise his dream scoreline reading 21-18 17- Zvonimir Durkinjak and Androw Yunanto 21-16 21-9 Women's doubles pair of Celebrations were on at always positive. through his daughter," she 6 in favour of the Indian. Brazil's Ygor Coelho. to set up a clash with Meghana Jakkampudi and Harmanpreet's home in On field she said. (Follow The Tribune on Sameer, who is making a seventh seeded Japanese Poorvisha S Ram also Moga in Punjab after her always behaves Harmandar Singh said that Facebook; and Twitter comeback after recovering Hiroki Okamura and bowed out with a 18-21 9-21 171-run knock against like Virat Kohli Harmanpreet has promised @thetribunechd) from a shoulder injury, had Masayuki Onodera. loss to seventh seeds Mayu Australia -- one of the and is him that India will lift the The Commonwealth Games to fight hard to get the better It was, however, curtains for Matsumoto and Wakana greatest ODI knocks in aggressive like Cup. "We are all very proud champion then defeated Sri off Zvonimir 21-19 25-27 Harsheel Dani, Sri Krishna Nagahara of Japan. women's cricket -- steered Youngsters from the him. However, off- field, she of her feat. The nation is Lanka's Niluka Karunaratne, 21-15 in the first match. He Priya Kudaravalli, Mixed doubles pair of Manu India into the World Cup neighbourhood have been is quite calm and composed. proud of her," he said. seeded 16th, 21-19 21-10 in then saw off ninth seed Ygor Rituparna Das in singles and Maneesha also suffered final with a 36-run victory. dancing to the beats of Right from her early days, The cricketer's mother the prequarterfinals match 18-21 21-14 21-18 . event. a 16-21 12-21 loss to fourth Back home in Moga, friends Punjabi 'dhol' while the she treated Virender Sehwag Satwinder Kaur said her family has been busy on the same day. Second seed H S Prannoy, Vietnam's Tien Minh seeded Malaysian combo of and well-wishers have been as her batting idol and even daughter has worked hard to Kashyap will next face distributing sweets. "Right meanwhile, brushed aside Nguyen ended Harsheel's Goh Soon Huat and Shevon dropping in since last night bats like him," she said. achieve what she has done compatriot and fifth seed from her childhood, she has Ireland's Joshua Magee 21- stay with a 27-25 21-9 win, Jemie Lai. to congratulate the family. About her scintillating today. knock, Hemjit said, "had it "When girls of her age would Another test returns positive, not been a rain-shortened be carefree, she would sweat Indian women lose again, to play for 7th place match, she would have it out practicing for hours scored a double ton and together. Even at home, she Manpreet to miss Worlds inflicted more misery on the used to practice outside. We ball into the circle and get a opposition." are proud of her," Kaur said. New Delhi: China result — in shot on goal but goalkeeper Harmanpreet's innings Hemjit, who is an English Shot putter Manpreet Kaur continuation with the Savita made an exceptional yesterday even drew teacher, said that their will not participate in next Federation Cup’s dope failure save. comparisons with Kapil parents always supported month’s World or a separate case. If the Savita saved another shot on Dev's historic 175 against and encouraged both the Championships in London NADA disciplinary panel goal, from Yuri Nagai after Zimbabwe during the 1983 girls to achieve their goals in after she tested positive for a decides to look at it in she cut inside to beat World Cup campaign. life. banned substance for the continuation as a single dope defender Gurjit Kaur. "If Harman's innings is being "The mindset in the society second time, prompting the offence, her ineligibility However, India couldn’t compared with the legendary towards girls is changing and Athletics Federation of India period could range between deny Japan for long. Naho Kapil Dev, then it is a great more and more parents are (AFI) to provisionally suspend two and four years. Ichitani scored in the 29th honour for her," her sister fully backing their daughters her. If the panel decides to treat it minute after Japan came up said. to achieve their goals," This time, Manpreet’s ‘A’ as cases of two dope failures, with a brilliant penalty For Harmanpreet and her Hemjit said. sample (urine), collected then Manpreet could be corner variation to trick the during the Asian Grand Prix in handed a lengthier ban of Indian defenders. Sri Lanka skipper Chandimal to Xinhua, China, on April 24, eight years, or possibly for In the first minute of the has been found positive for life. Manpreet would now third quarter, Japan won Dimethylbutylamine. The have to go for her another penalty corner but miss first Test against India stimulant was also found in the confirmatory ‘B’ sample Namita Toppo did well as the Colombo: Haryana athlete’s failed dope testing. If the sample also first runner to block away Sri Lanka skipper Dinesh Chandimal will miss the first Test test during the Federation Cup returns positive, the Ambala- Johannesburg: Monika getting a shot on the seventh minute, which the attempt. in Patiala in June. based shot-putter would lose Japan blanked India 2-0 in a goal in the opening minute. was converted by Kana Soon after, Rani saw her shot against India next week after being admitted to a hospital Manpreet, a former world No. her gold medal won at the 5-8 placing match of the But Japan’s goalkeeper Nomura. go just wide after a with pneumonia and has been replaced by Rangana Herath 1, has now run the risk of Asian Championships meet in Women’s Hockey World Megumi Kageyama made a Japan won two more penalty counterattack. In the 34th as captain of the team. Sri Lanka chief selector Sanath getting banned for life, if the Bhubaneswar. League Semifinal here today. good save. corners in the eighth and minute, Savita produced yet Jayasuriya said that Chandimal’s health would be monitored National Anti-Doping Agency She also faces the prospect of India will play for the In the following minutes, 10th minutes but Monika another great save to deny and a call on his availability for the second Test will be taken (NADA) considers the latest losing all the four gold seventh place against Japan’s attackers broke the and Savita came up with Ichitani. accordingly. “He is down with pneumonia and will not be finding as her second dope medals, won at the Asian GP, Ireland, who were beaten 3-0 Indian defence. good saves. The final 15 minutes saw able to play the first Test starting on Wednesday,” said offence. Federation Cup, Asian by hosts South Africa, on The aggressive approach In the second quarter, Akiko India create a few good Jayasuriya. Chandimal was named the skipper of the Test A lot would depend on how Championships and Inter- Saturday. resulted in Japan winning Kato showed excellent chances but failed to convert squad after Angelo Mathews quit captaincy following a 2-3 the NADA is looking at her State championship. India made a quick start with their first penalty corner in dribbling skills to take the any of them. ODI series defeat against Zimbabwe. Once play starts, it’s up to the boys, says Shastri Shaky start at windy Birkdale

Colombo: kindly overlooking Sri remember we came here England: Asian Tour title earlier this buffeted the early starters. Soon after arriving in Sri Lanka’s recent struggles. two years back after tour of Anirban Lahiri and Shiv year, got off to a steady start “That was one of my top five Lanka for the Test series, “We would look to improve Australia, we were six or Kapur shot identical three- before hitting a rounds at a Major,” the 23- Ravi Shastri, the Indian in the series. Else there is no seven in the rankings,” he over 73s in the opening disappointing triple bogey year-old said. “I’d give team coach, had the point playing. You have to said. “That particular series round of the British Open opportunity to do what he try and raise the bar in Sri Lanka gave us belief. here today. does best — he provided a whenever you play.” It taught us to come Lahiri struggled with the public pep talk to the Indian Shastri also fondly together as a team. putter, while Kapur was team, for the second day remembered his first trip to Everyone in the team knows disappointed to drop two running. Sri Lanka as an 18-year-old, this is where it all started shots in his closing three “They know their job, they which was also his first visit after losing the first Test in holes at Royal Birkdale. The are professional cricketers,” to a foreign country. “The Galle. It was a dent for us.” duo was tied 96th, with a few he said, playing down the first stamp on my passport “The way we came together players yet to complete their role of the coach, at the pre- was that of Sri Lanka. I in the last tour is iconic for rounds. tour press briefing here. Matthew Hayden, the own team, Shastri took care came for the first time as an us,” added Kohli, referring Lahiri birdied the fifth hole “Once they step on the field former Australian opener, to do a bit of building up of 18-year-old,” he said. to the 2-1 win in the 2015 but dropped six shots in eight they take over. That is how had praised Shastri’s the Sri Lankan team, too. “Then first stint as a series, his first as full-time holes in the middle of his it should be.” communication skills. “I Sri Lanka recently lost an broadcaster in Sri Lanka in captain. round. He recovered with a “My role will be to get the have done commentary with ODI series to Zimbabwe 1994. Now first stint as “We know we have to work birdie on the 14th and holed guys in a frame of mind that him and I know that he is a and won the one-off Test coach happens to here. I very hard. You have to a 25-footer for eagle on the on the par-three seventh myself a nine (out of 10).” they get out and express strong communicator, against them after a have lot of fond memories.” respect the game. You have 17th hole before dropping hole. Koepka, who won the US themselves and play which is critical for the struggle. ‘Not taking them lightly’ to be professional,” said another shot on the last. “It was going well but I Open last month, hit three fearless brand of cricket,” coach’s role,” Hayden had “Their track record playing Kohli also insisted that Sri Kohli when asked what it “I wasn’t hitting fairways triple-bogeyed the seventh successive birdies from the he added. said, among other things. at home is as good as any Lanka cannot be taken takes to be the No. 1 Test and greens, and when you and that derailed my round. 11th hole before making his don’t do that, you will Out here, you obviously A couple of days ago, Today, while building up his other team,” Shastri said, lightly. “Not at all. I side. only bogey at the 16th. He struggle to put up a good need to avoid the big chipped in from a pot bunker score. I should have only numbers. Holding the round to eagle the par-five 17th and dropped two shots instead of together is a challenge here Our chance of going beyond the group stage return to the top of the six but I didn’t have the and I didn’t do that,” said leaderboard. touch I needed on and off the Kapur. England’s Ian Poulter, greens,” said Lahiri, who is “The margins are really is small, says India U-17 coach runner-up in the 2008 Open making his fifth appearance small when you play in on this course, managed four at the British Open. Major championships, New Delhi: in India and build a strong team for concentrate hard. We are trying out a birdies and one bogey in a “My putting really let me especially the British Open. I India Under-17 football team’s head the future. Excerpts: lot of formations, combinations and solid round of 67. down. I left myself in good felt like I played pretty well coach, Luis Norton de Matos, has no About India’s chances working out on how to react to The Ryder Cup specialist, hesitation in admitting that it would Our possibilities are small but we different situations. For me, the most positions to get up-and-down but I would have liked to be but I wasn’t sharp. I think I who has never won a Major, be a “real challenge” for the hosts to have a winning mentality. It’s a huge important aspect is when you lose a couple of shots better. I had six misses from inside endured a frustrating 2016 go beyond the group stage of the 24- challenge and a difficult task. After the ball while attacking, you should played a lot of good golf. six feet. Happy I fought back due to injury problems and nation FIFA U-17 World Cup, to be be able to recover quickly to defend That’s the positive I will take all, India has no history in world a little bit but disappointed to had to come through played in October. India have been the counterattack. To keep the ball in and hopefully avoid the big football. One needs to understand bogey the last from a good qualifying to earn his place numbers,” he added. drawn alongside the USA, Colombia that if you play an Italian, Spanish, play by looking to create passes is position. I have to eliminate in the tournament. Spieth, Koepka set the pace and Ghana in Group A. Matos, Portuguese or Brazilian U-17 side, Brazil. And the USA will be equally important. We have prepared those bogeys.” “I’ve definitely had some Americans Jordan Spieth and however, sounded optimistic about all those players have 10 years of extremely prepared. When the draw very well in the last four-five “When you have a bad low spots in the last 18 his wards playing a “competitive and competition experience. But we will was announced, two players months. We went to Europe for an stretch like that, you have to Brooks Koepka tamed a months and I was getting fearless” brand of football during the give our cent percent. We are not (Sanjeev Stalin and Dheeraj Singh) exposure tour, played 25 friendly put your head down and fiendish links course to fire very down,” the 41-year-old tournament. going to play against extra- in my team came and told me “don’t matches. We would be flying to focus on the next hole. It is impressive 65s and lead the said. “I’m proud of the way Addressing a press conference here, terrestrials; we are going to play worry sir, we will win”. I was very Mexico to play in a tournament easier said than done but that field by two shots. I’ve been able to get things the 63-year-old from Portugal against humans. happy because that’s the way I featuring Mexico, Chile, and is something I knew coming Spieth, world No. 3 and back on the straight and get emphasised on the need for the About India’s rivals always wanted to play the game. Colombia in August. We would also in today. I’ll come back twice Major champion, back to really focusing hard country’s sporting administrators to Ghana are the two-time champions. About the preparations be playing friendlies against Mali, tomorrow and fight,” he putted smoothly to pick up on what I need to do to get use the U-17 World Cup as a Columbia are one of the finest teams The coming months will be tough Australia, and other countries added. five birdies and did not drop the level of golf back that I platform to develop a football culture from South America, along with because the players will have to leading up to the World Cup. Kapur, who won his second a shot after fierce crosswinds think I can play.” the northlines 11 BUSINESS Jammu | Saturday | July 22 | 2017 India needs competition, not a Jubilant Food reports strong monopoly in telecom: Airtel financial results

Jammu: where MTC is zero, the 15,000 - 20,000 crores per year pricing and ultimately throttle Noida: Bhartia, Co-Chairman, Jubilant for driving profitable growth. In 2003, India adopted a very customer pays for incoming for the industry and will only all competition. This is the Jubilant Food Works Limited FoodWorks Limited said,"We are Today I am pleased to share progressive Calling Party Pays calls. However, nowhere in the increase going forward. Such sinister design of Jio. The (JFL), one of India's largest Food happy to report a strong, all-round encouraging progress in the (CPP) regime in which, only world do we have a situation cost transfer will allow question to ask is does India Service Company, today reported Q1 FY18 performance. We took a execution of the strategy as outgoing calls are charged and where incoming calls are free Reliance Jio to use its muscle want a monopoly situation in strong financial results for the first number of actions in the quarter reflected in our strong Q1FY18 incoming calls are free. and MTC is also zero. power and price its services in a telecom?" quarter ended 30June, 2017. towards driving innovation, performance. In a CPP regime, the tariff Since the spread of networks predatory manner to kill the rest The allegations made by Operating revenues for Q1 FY18 delivering value and controlling Our focus on delivering better charged to the calling customer and the extent of incoming calls of the industry and create a Reliance Jio regarding Airtel came in at Rs.6,788 million, up costs, and we are pleased to see Value for money and driving includes the cost of terminating varies across operators, it is monopoly. earning excess revenue from 11.5% over Q1FY17. This was that our disciplined focus on innovation has helped bring back the call on the receiving vital that MTC covers the full Ravi Gandhi, Chief Regulatory MTC are not only false but driven by a robust Same Store driving profitable growth has strong growth in Domino's Pizza. Sales growth of 6.5% in Domino's begun having the desired impact. We have also made significant network. Therefore, the CPP cost of terminating a call. If this Officer, Bharti Airtel said: "In laughable. The TRAI mandated Pizza, the highest since Q1FY16. The performance strengthens our progress towards reducing losses regime has what is called does not happen then, in effect, effect, Reliance Jio aims to MTC of 14 paisa is well below Overall Profitability also saw confidence in the underlying and building a sustainable business Mobile Termination Charge one operator is subsidising the build its business by getting a the cost of producing a minute, significant improvement with growth potential of our brands and in Dunkin' Donuts. Additionally, (MTC). Think of MTC as a other. free ride on the highways built which is currently at 35 paisa. EBITDA for Q1 FY18increasing the ability of our business model to our discipline of controlling costs clearing house where one By proposing a transition to the by Airtel and other operators. In fact, with the tsunami of calls by 38% to Rs.796 million. The Q1 unleash it." and driving efficiencies has helped operator pays another for using 'Bill and Keep' regime with Their proposal to move to Bill originating from Reliance Jio's FY18 EBITDA margin at 11.7% Commenting on the performance improve overall operating margins. its network to carry incoming zero MTC, Reliance Jio wants and Keep will further burden network, Airtel loses 21 paisa was the highest in the last 8 for Q1 FY18, Mr. Pratik Pota, Going forward, we will continue to calls. to simply transfer its cost to other operators and make them for every minute that is carried quarters. CEO and Whole time Director, drive the strategic pillars of Barring four countries, the CPP Airtel and other operators. As weak. At the same time, it on its network. This has resulted Commenting on the performance Jubilant FoodWorks Limited said, Product and Innovation, Value, regime is the globally accepted per current estimates, this cost allows Reliance Jio to continue in a loss of Rs 550 crore per for Q1 FY18, Mr. Shyam S. "At the beginning of the quarter, Customer Experience, Technology norm. In these four countries would be to the tune of Rs with its strategy of predatory quarter for Airtel alone. Bhartia, Chairman and Mr. Hari S. we had unveiled our new strategy and Cost Efficiencies." Sensex climbs 124 pts, Nifty above Audi voluntarily recalls up 9,900 as RIL leads rally

Mumbai: Reliance Communications to 850,000 diesel vehicles Benchmark Sensex ran up slumped up to 3.32 %. 124 points today, spurred by According to traders, a string Frankfurt: The recall affects cars Volkswagen’s admission in pollution from diesel Reliance Industries reporting of strong quarterly earnings, German luxury carmaker fitted with six- and eight- 2015 that it installed vehicles, with some even its highest quarterly earnings including from index Audi, a Volkswagen cylinder diesel motors and its announcement of a heavyweight RIL, and subsidiary, issued a meeting the Euro 5 and bonus issue. progress of monsoon made voluntary recall of up to Euro 6 emissions criteria, Strong earnings from Wipro the pitch conducive to more 850,000 diesel vehicles Audi said, including some and Indian Bank enthused gains. Friday, saying it would from parent Volkswagen investors. Asian shares ended lower help reduce engine and sister firm Porsche that The BSE 30-share Sensex Nifty rose 28.90 points, or expectations. Its board also after the European Central emissions. are fitted with Audi started settled up 124.49 0.29 %. announced a share buyback Bank announced no changes “Audi aims to maintain the engines. points, or 0.39 %, at “Market was enthused today proposal of Rs 11,000 crore. to its stimulus policies, but future viability of diesel It had developed the offer 32,028.89. The gauge had by Jio’s rapid expansion and Coal India (up 2.66 %), European shares traded engines for its customers “in close cooperation” with lost 50.95 points yesterday. innovative plan... Kotak Bank (1.90 %), TCS higher. and to make a contribution Germany’s Federal Motor The stock of Reliance Additionally, continued (1.87 %) and Infosys (1.11 Foreign portfolio investors towards improving air Transport Authority or Industries, a market buying interest in IT and %) had a field day. (FPIs) and domestic quality,” the Bavaria-based KBA, it added. heavyweight, logged a rise of private banks lifted the Shares of telecom companies institutional investors (DIIs) manufacturer said in a Audi’s recall comes days 3.76 %. market from the volatile zone struggled after Reliance kept faith in stocks and net statement. after Mercedes-Benz and The 50-share Nifty after and settled in positive Industries today announced bought shares, provisional Vehicles with affected Smart maker Daimler systems in 11 million mulling bans for the shuttling between 9,924.70 terrain,” said Vinod Nair, the launch of the much- data showed. engines would receive a issued a voluntary recall diesel-fuelled cars highest-emitting vehicles and 9,838, settled higher Head of Research, Geojit awaited 4G feature phone at On the BSE sectoral front, IT free software upgrade that for more than three million worldwide to defeat from inner-city areas. 41.95 points, 0.42 %, at Financial Services. the company’s 40th annual rose 1.66 % and so did “will further improve their diesel vehicles in Europe. regulatory emissions tests. In its statement, Audi said 9,915.25. Wipro, India’s third-largest general meeting. consumer durables, oil and emissions in real driving Pressure on car Politicians in Berlin and it hoped to “counteract During the week, the Sensex IT firm, surged most by 6.47 Bharti Airtel was among the gas and banking. conditions beyond the manufacturers in Germany German regional capitals possible bans on vehicles registered a rise of 8.14 % as the company’s earnings worst hit by plunging 2.05 Broader markets were in a current legal and elsewhere has been have been looking at with diesel engines” with points, or 0.02 %, while the yesterday beat Street %. Idea Cellular and mixed form. requirements,” Audi added. growing steadily since measures to reduce air its recall. TaMo unveils SUV Nexon Yakult Danone to expand footprint Jet asks junior pilots to take 30% pay cut Chandigarh: consumed every day in 38 countries In order to cater to the growing demand and regions. However, India is a New Delhi: Gulf region. from domestic market, Probiotic drink challenging market for us because of Jet Airways has asked its “Certain developments in maker Yakult Danone India (P) Ltd limited awareness about the benefits of junior or trainee pilots to the market, including that plans to increase manufacturing probiotics. Our focus has therefore take a cut of 30% in their of the Gulf region, as well capacity at Sonepat facility from 2 lakh been on education and we are pleased salaries, as per sources. as our continued efforts to bottles of 65 ml per day to 3 lakh to see that more and more Indian “In a letter, the enhance internal bottles per day by December this year. consumers are making Yakult a part of management has asked efficiencies, has resulted Also, with increased capacity, the their daily diet for its health benefits.” first officers (junior in the review of our company has plans to expand its “Since the brand needs expansion, we New Delhi: the 1.5-litre diesel engine pilots) to take a pay cut of network, fleet and crew footprint beyond the leading metro are going for phase to phase Tata Motors today rolled out from the Revotorq family, is 30%. We will take up this utilisation. markets and is targeting to strengthen expansion,” Shimada said. the first batch of its set to debut in the festive matter in our next “Consequently, as a its presence in tier-II and tier-III cities The company, a 50:50 JV between upcoming compact sports season this year. meeting with the proactive measure, the across the country. Japan-based Yakult Honsha and utility vehicle (SUV) Nexon The company will soon start Shimada, Managing Director, Yakult management,” one of the company has made from Ranjangaon plant in dispatching the cars to the “To meet the growing demand from Danone India Pvt. Ltd. Groupe Danone of France, has recently Indian consumers and also to However, he did not share the amount roped in Bollywood actress Shilpa sources said. interim alignments to its Maharashtra. dealerships across the The airline in a statement crew work patterns, Nexon, which is powered by country in a phased manner strengthen our presence in new and which the company would invest to Shetty as its brand ambassador as it attributed the decision to which will be reviewed in a pair of brand new and customers will soon be existing cities in a phased manner, we increase the capacity. plans to promote health benefits about powertrains — 1.2-litre able to get up, close and need to expand our capacity. So, we are On being asked about the Indian the product and to increase awareness. slash salaries to future, in line with turbocharged petrol engine personal with this all new infusing fresh capital to expand our market, he said, “Currently, more than In India, the company operates through developments in the network growth,” the from the Revotron series and SUV, Tata Motors said. only facility at Sonepat,” said Minoru 3.5 crore bottles of Yakult are being retail route and home delivery system. market, including the statement said. Legrand India announces Lodha Group sells properties worth Reliance Jio to raise Rs 20,000 crore via experiential centre- Innoval Rs 2,300 crore in Apr-June quarter rights issue to meet funding needs New Delhi: Mumbai: constantly changing business. Director- Marketing, Legrand Realty major Lodha Developers sold properties worth Rs regulatory filing. Legrand India, a global leader The purpose of Innoval, the India said, "Legrand has a 2,300 crore during April-June period, its highest quarterly An aggressive newcomer, in electrical and digital Legrand Group's training vast offering of electrical and sales, beating demand slowdown in the real estate market, the Mukesh Ambani-led building infrastructure provider for the residential digital infrastructure products inaugurated their state of the and commercial markets, is to across several business according to a top company official. firm launched 4G services art experience centre support all of these partners verticals; many of which The Mumbai-based firm invested Rs 1,100 crore on commercially on September Innovalin Mumbai today. (investors, system integrator, highly technical to construction of ongoing projects and achieved a record 5, 2016 with free data and Innoval will host its India architects, panel builder, end understand. The idea behind quarterly collection of Rs 2,600 crore during April-June offerings, and signed group company products - customer etc) by helping Innoval was to break this period of 2017-18 fiscal, Lodha Group MD Abhishek Lodha up the first 50 million Legrand, Numeric &Valrack. them to acquire new skills in down for the customer, by said. subscribers in just 83 days. Globally Innoval's are present order to better understand the curating the products within a "For our India business, this has been a very strong quarter The company started at France, Greece, Chile, market. framework of an experiential for us. We achieved a net sales of Rs 2,300 crore and a charging for mobile services Brazil, Colombia, Dubai, and Mr. Jean Charles Thuard, and interactive narrative that collection of Rs 2,600 crore. We delivered about 2,000 units from April 1, but continues now for the first time it is CEO &Managing Director, is simpler to comprehend. It during the quarter," Lodha told PTI. to offer disruptive data rates making its entry in the Asia Legrand India said, 'The is another orbit in our eco The sales have grown by about 70 per cent from the same and free voice calls. Pacific region with India. The breadth of Legrand's offer has system to provide modern quarter of last fiscal, when the company did business of Earlier this month, Jio rolled Mumbai launch is expected to diversified over the last 20 tools and means to promote about Rs 1,300 crore. out new plans after its Dhan be followed by openings in years in India. It has our products." He further Lodha said the company has been able to achieve healthy Dhana Dhan offer -- Ahmadabad and Chennai. developed product solution added, "It may be first time in New Delhi: rights issue of four billion - sales bookings because of strong focus on project execution. launched on April 11 -- Innoval is also built from the for various industries and its India that any B2B brand is "Our construction spend for the June quarter was Rs 1,100 Reliance Jio, the latest nine per cent non- perspective of providing user (investors, system taking step towards B2B reached the maximum crore. The focus on execution of projects is helping in huge entrant in the telecom cumulative optionally training for all players in the integrator, architects, panel experience zone for their allowed 90-day period. employment generation. At present, we have about 26,000 sector, will raise Rs 20,000 convertible preference It has lowered validity and electrical trade, from builder, end customer etc.) To customer (in highly technical crore through a rights issue shares (OCPS) of Rs 10 investors to installers. speak to these new aged segment). The same could workforce at our various project sites," Lodha said. data on a revamped Rs 309 to meet funding each for cash, at a premium Legrand has been known customers and to consolidate have been possible due to "We are strongly focused on delivery, which is a critical plan, but is dishing out a industry wise for its its credibility with regards to innovative and creative reason why customers are happy and investing in our requirements. of Rs 40 per OCPS, bumper 84GB for Rs 399. innovation, value adds to the new offers and expertise, thought process of worlds and projects," he said, adding that the overall investment on “The Board of Directors at aggregating Rs 20,000 Jio had over 112 million solutions, and in helping Legrand has updated its countries leading electrical construction would be in the range of Rs 4,000-4,500 its meeting held on July 20, crore,” Reliance Jio users at the end of April these professionals adapt to a approach." Sameer Saxena, giant - Legrand." crore this fiscal. 2017 has decided to make a Infocomm said in a 2017. 12 JAMMU || SATURDAY | JULY | 22 || 2017 The NORTHLINES Right to privacy: Centre contradicts itself before Supreme Court US blocks $350 mn aid to Pak for not

NEW DELHI, JULY 21 statement before the with Facebook impinged on referred to a Constitution doing enough against Haqqani network nine-judge privacy of 160 million Bench. Having taken a stand before Constitution Bench Indian users. Launched as an application WASHINGTON, JULY 21 US policy with regard to a nine-judge Constitution headed by Chief The Delhi High Court had in 2010, WhatsApp has Afghanistan and Pakistan. Bench that right to privacy is Justice of India JS ruled last year that Whatsapp millions of users, including The US has decided against As a result of the notification not a fundamental right, the Khehar. should delete all data in its over 160 million in India. Its disbursement of $350 by Defence Secretary James Centre on Friday told The Bench posted possession till September 25, privacy policy at the time of million in coalition support Mattis to Congress, the another Constitution Bench the matter for further 2016, but said the company launch did not allow sharing fund to Pakistan after the Department of Defence has hearing a case on protection hearing on was free to share the data of users’ data with any other Defence Secretary informed reprogrammed remaining of data on instant messaging September 6 after with Facebook post company. Congress that he was not Coalition Support Funds, service Whatsapp that examining issues arising out senior counsel Kapil Sibal, September 25, 2016, thus WhatApp’s new privacy able to certify that Islamabad which is $350 million, to personal data was an of the 2016 privacy policy of representing WhatsApp, enabling subscribers to policy has come under has taken “sufficient other accounts, Defence Pakistan has taken sufficient extension of one’s WhatsApp. pointed out that the verdict voluntarily withdraw from challenge as it allows it to actions” against the dreaded Department Spokesman actions against the Haqqani personality and hence a part “If any contractual of the nine-judge Bench on the service if they were not collect and share Haqqani network, a top Adam Stump said. Network to permit full of fundamental right to life. obligation impinges upon right to privacy will have a keen on sharing their data information about its users official said on Friday. “Secretary Mattis has reimbursement of Fiscal "Data of a user is connected that, it will have bearing on the case and it with Facebook. with Facebook and all its The Pentagon’s decision informed congressional Year (FY) 2016 Coalition to his personality and it is an ramifications. We will come matter should be heard only The high court had asked the group companies for the came ahead of the Trump defence committees that he Support Funds (CSF),” integral part of Article 21 out with regulations (on data after the judgment was Centre and TRAI to examine purpose of commercial administration’s review of was not able to certify that Stump said. PTI (Fundamental Right to Life protection)," Narasimha pronounced by the larger the feasibility of bringing the advertising and marketing and Liberty),” Additional said. Bench. Petitioners messaging services under a on its platform. Petitioners CAG raps Railways for serving foodstuff Solicitor-General PS On the face of it, the central Karmanya Singh Sareen and regulatory regime in India. contended it violated their Narasimha told a five-judge government’s stand in the Shreya Sethi have claimed The petitioners appealed the right to privacy. 'unsuitable' for consumption Bench headed by Justice WhatsApp case appears to WhatsApp’s decision to high court’s verdict in the Facebook bought Whatsapp Dipak Misra, which is be contrary to its categorical share all its subscribers’ data top court where the issue got in February 2014. NEW DELHI, JULY 21 trains. gap to provide necessary The CAG also pointed out that infrastructure in terms of base AIDS killed 10 lakh in 2016 Will decide on early hearing in Babri The Comptroller and Auditor bills were not given for the kitchens, static catering units, General of India on Friday food items served in mobile trains side vending Half the toll during peak of deadly epidemic in 2005, says UN report Masjid dispute case: SC came down heavily on the units in trains. arrangements and automatic PARIS, JULY 20 authors, adding that “for the Railways saying cleanliness "Printed menu cards with tariff vending machines". The CAG first time the scales have NEW DELHI, JULY 21 temple, too, was pending. objected to Swamy and hygiene were not being for the rate list of food items slammed the Railways over AIDS claimed 10 lakh lives tipped”. The year 2016 saw He demanded expeditious mentioning the matter for maintained in catering units at sold in the mobile units were the use of gas burners in the in 2016, almost half the 18 lakh new infections, The vexed Ram disposal of all these cases. urgent hearing without stations and in trains and it was not available with waiters and pantry vans of trains instead of 2005 toll that marked the almost half the record Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid The Supreme Court had on informing the parties to the serving foodstuff unsuitable catering managers in trains." using electric power peak of the deadly epidemic, number of some 35 lakh in issue appears to be heading March 31 declined Swamy’s title suit. for human consumption. The report also highlighted that equipment. said a UN report today, 1997, said the report. for a judicial adjudication as plea to urgently hear the Following mentioning of "During the inspection at select the food served was less than "The policy of progressive proclaiming “the scales have In total, 7.61 crore people the Supreme Court on Ayodhya land dispute and the matter by Swamy for 74 stations and 80 trains, audit the prescribed quantity, switchover from gas burners to tipped”. have been infected with Friday agreed to list for had questioned his locus urgent hearing on March 21, noticed that cleanliness and unapproved packaged drinking electric power equipment in Not only are new HIV HIV, the virus that causes hearing appeals against the standi in the matter. the CJI had offered to play a hygiene are not being water was sold, proprietary pantry cars to avoid the infections and deaths AIDS, since the epidemic Allahabad High Court’s “See the media which mediator to solve the maintained at catering units at article depot items were sold at occurrence of fire accidents in declining, but more people started in the 1980s. Some 2010 verdict dividing the falsely spread the news till contentious issue if parties stations and in trains," the railway stations at maximum train was not followed while than ever are on life-saving 3.5 crore have died. 2.7-acre disputed land now that I was not a party in agreed to it, saying a Comptroller and Auditor retail price, with weight and manufacturing the pantry cars treatment, according to data “Communities and families equally between Ram Lalla, the Ram Temple petition in negotiated settlement of the General of India said in a prices different from the open in Integral Coach Factory published ahead of an AIDS are thriving as AIDS is Nirmohi Akhara and Sunni SC are chasing me now for Ayodhya dispute was a report tabled in Parliament. market. Perambur. science conference opening being pushed back,” said Wakf Board. byte,” Swamy tweeted after better option. "Articles unsuitable for human The CAG said that deficiencies "A total of 103 pantry cars in Paris on Sunday. “In UNAIDS executive director “We are going to list the the hearing. “Any person of your consumption, contaminated in respect of quality of food were manufactured by ICF 2016, 1.95 crore of the 3.67 Michel Sidibe. main matter soon. We will He also tweeted that the choice...You want me to foodstuff, recycled foodstuff, served were also noticed. during April 2011 to March crore people living with As yet, there is no HIV take a decision on it,” a Additional Advovate mediate...but I will not hear shelf life expired packaged and It said that frequent changes in 2016 with provision for HIV had access to vaccine or cure, and infected bench headed by Chief General of UP was present it (on the judicial side). You bottled items, unauthorised the catering policy and centralised LPG cylinders and treatment,” said the people rely on lifelong anti- Justice JS Khehar told BJP in the court and supported want my brother judges brands of water bottles are consequent transfer of distributed to zonal railways," UNAIDS global roundup. retroviral therapy to stop the leader Subramanian Swamy him on instruction from (Justice DY Chandrachud offered for sale on stations," responsibility to manage the report said. This marked the first time virus replicating. who mentioned the matter Chief Minister Yogi and Justice SK the CAG said. The report said catering units had created a The CAG highlighted that only that more than half of Without treatment, HIV- for urgent listing. Adityanath but the Union of Kaul)...There are no unpurified water straight from state of uncertainty in 16 base kitchens were located infected people were infected people go on to Swamy--an intervenor in the India was nowhere to be issues...You all sit together the tap was used in preparation management of catering inside the railway premises to receiving anti-retroviral develop AIDS, a syndrome case--said the appeals were seen. Uttar Pradesh Sunni across the table and decide,: of beverages, waste bins were services provided to the control and monitor the food treatment, which subdues that weakens the immune pending for the last seven Wakf Board and Iqbal the CJI had told Swamy on not found covered, not emptied passengers over the years. quality. the AIDS virus but does not system and leaves the body years and they needed to be Ansari–son of late Hashim March 21. The CJI had, regularly and not washed, Pulling up the Railways, the "Over 115 base kitchens were kill it. exposed to opportunistic heard urgently. He said his Ansari who had been however, said if he foodstuff were not covered to CAG said: "Due to frequent located outside the railway “AIDS-related deaths have infections such as petition for enforcement of litigating on the Ram mediated in the dispute, he protect them from flies, insects policy changes, Indian stations and were not subjected fallen from 19 lakh in 2005 tuberculosis, and some types his right to worship without Janmbhoomi-Babri Masjid would not hear the case on and dust, and rats and Railways could not take to quality check," the CAG to 10 lakh in 2016,” said the of cancer. much hassle at the makeshift issue for long–had then the judicial side. cockroaches were found in effective steps to bridge the added. — IANS Govt to bring Bill to end 'no-detention' Will amend election law to allow NRIs to vote from abroad, govt tells SC

NEW DELHI, JULY 21 the country. government and the EC to come to India to policy for Classes 5 to 8 The Centre and the Election allow NRIs to vote through exercise their The Narendra Modi Commission had already postal ballot. franchise because NEW DELHI, JULY 21 Government on Friday told agreed to the idea in Terming it a “major step of the time and the Supreme Court that it principle and the only issue forward”, Chindam, who is money involved in Government will soon has decided to amend the was the manner in which it Chairman of Pravasi Bharat, the process. introduce a Bill in Representation of People’s has to be implemented, the London, said NRIs voting in The Narendra Modi Parliament to do away with Act to allow Non Resident Supreme Court was Indian elections will help government had the 'no-detention' policy for informed last week. the country as a whole. “We told the Supreme the Classes 5 to 8, HRD Indians (NRIs) to vote in The top court had on July appeal to Parliament and the Court in October Minister Prakash Javadekar Indian polls from abroad. 14 asked the Centre to Prime Minister to expedite 2015 that the Union said on Friday in the Lok Attorney-General KK inform it within a week if it the process, so that all NRIs Cabinet would soon Sabha. Venugopal told a Bench was going to amend the put in their effort to make consider a draft Bill He said the students of headed by Chief Justice JS election law or rules to India the world leader.” to allow e-voting Classes 5 to 8 who do not Education (Amendment) because of the 'no- Khehar that a decision had enable NRIs to cast vote in NRIs could be allowed to by NRIs. pass the examination in the Bill, 2017'. detention' policy. been taken to amend the RP India. vote through postal ballot A Bench headed by month of March would be The 'no-detention' or 'no-fail' Meanwhile, as many as 28 Act and not just amend the “This is a petition of 2014. by either changing the then CJI HL Dattu given a chance in May. provision, laid down under private members Bills, rules framed under it. Every year you keep saying election law, i.e., the had asked the But if they failed the test in Section 16 of the Right To including Paternity Benefit SC asks Centre to apprise it ‘we will amend’. You said Representation of the government to May, they will be detained, Education (RTE) Act, Bill, were introduced in the on issue of NRI voting in this in 2014, 15, 16 and People Act, 1951, or by enable e-voting by NRIs the EC. It had told the top the minister said, explaining prohibits schools from Lok Sabha on Friday. polls again ... this is not the way amending the rules framed within three months after court that a proper process the provisions of the Bill that detaining or expelling any Rajeev Satav (Congress) The Bench granted two your government runs,” an under the Act, the Bench making necessary would be put in place after the government intended to student up to class 8. introduced the bill to weeks to the Attorney- angry CJI Khehar had told was told. After the proposal amendments to the amending the relevant laws. bring to change the current The policy had been brought regulate the employment of General to seek instructions the Centre’s counsel on the takes concrete shape, NRIs Representation of Peoples The EC had said the e- policy. as it was felt that compelling men in certain on how the government last date of hearing. will not have to fly down to Act, 1951. The government postal ballot system was Currently, all students are children to repeat a class was establishments for certain wanted to implement the The top court is seized of their hometown in India told the court that it had foolproof and as it had promoted to the next grade demotivating, often forcing periods before and after decision that would benefit petitions filed by Nagender during polls to cast their approved e-ballot voting for almost no risk of up to Class 8. them to abandon school. becoming father and to around two million NRIs, Chindam and Shamseer VP, ballots. At present, only a Indian passport holders manipulation and violation Javadekar was replying on However, several states had provide a paternity benefit who would be able to vote seeking directions to the negligible number of them abroad, as recommended by of secrecy of voters. 'The Right of Children to raised concerns related to and certain other benefits. in Indian elections without Free and Compulsory quality of education PTI being physically present in