th International Workshop of European Vegetation Survey Book of Abstracts „Flora, vegetation, environment and land-use at large scale” April– May, University of Pécs, Hungary ABSTRACTS 19th EVS Workshop “Flora, vegetation, environment and land-use at large scale” Pécs, Hungary 29 April – 2 May 2010 Edited by Zoltán Botta-Dukát and Éva Salamon-Albert with collaboration of Róbert Pál, Judit Nyulasi, János Csiky and Attila Lengyel Revised by Members of the EVS 2010 Scientifi c Committee Pécs, EVS Scientific Committee Prof MHAS Attila BORHIDI, University of Pécs, Hungary Assoc prof Zoltán BOTTA-DUKÁT, Institute of Ecology & Botany, Hungary Assoc prof Milan CHYTRÝ, Masaryk University, Czech Republic Prof Jörg EWALD, Weihenstephan University of Applied Sciences, Germany Prof Sandro PIGNATTI, La Sapientia University, Italy Prof János PODANI, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary Canon Prof John Stanley RODWELL, Lancaster University, United Kingdom Prof Francesco SPADA, La Sapientia University, Italy EVS Local Organizing Committee Dr. Éva SALAMON-ALBERT, University of Pécs Dr. Zoltán BOTTA-DUKÁT, Institute of Ecology & Botany HAS, Vácrátót Prof. Attila BORHIDI, University of Pécs Sándor CSETE, University of Pécs Dr. János CSIKY, University of Pécs Ferenc HORVÁTH, Institute of Ecology & Botany HAS, Vácrátót Prof. Balázs KEVEY, University of Pécs Dr. Zsolt MOLNÁR, Institute of Ecology & Botany HAS, Vácrátót Dr. Tamás MORSCHHAUSER, University of Pécs Organized by Department of Plant Systematics and Geobotany, University of Pécs H-7624 Pécs, Ifj úság útja 6. Tel.: +36-72-503-600, fax: +36-72-501-520 E-mail:
[email protected] Secretary: Dr. Róbert Pál, Attila Lengyel Institute of Ecology & Botany, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) H-2163 Vácrátót, Alkotmány út 2-4 Tel.: +36-28-360-147, Fax: +36-28-360-110 Directorate of Duna-Dráva National Park, Pécs H-7602 Pécs, P.O.B.