References Cited in the Database (Asbestos Sites.Xls)
References Cited in the Database (asbestos_sites.xls) Adams, J.H., 1870, Notice of asbestus and corundum with other minerals at Pelham, Mass.: American Journal of Science and Arts, v. 49, no. 146, p. 271-272. Allen, R.M., Jr., 1963, Geology and mineral resources of Greene and Madison Counties: Virginia Division of Mineral Resources Bulletin 78, 102 p., 1 plate, scale 1:62,500. Allen, R.M., Jr., 1967, Geology and mineral resources of Page County: Virginia Division of Mineral Resources Bulletin 81, 78 p., 1 plate, scale 1:62,500. Anonymous, 1944, Mad River talc mine, Washington County, Vt.: U.S. Bureau of Mines War Minerals Report 222, 22 p. Anonymous, 1970, World asbestos industry—United States: Industrial Minerals, no. 28 (January 1970), p. 22-23. Bain, G.W., 1942, Vermont talc and asbestos deposits, in Newhouse, W.H., ed., Ore deposits as related to structural features: Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, p. 255-258. Bangs, Herbert, 1946, Asbestos in Maryland: Baltimore, Md., Natural History Society of Maryland, Maryland Journal of Natural History, v. 16, no. 4, p. 67-73. Baum, J.L., 1962, The Franklin ore body, in Northern Field Excursion Guidebook, International Mineralogical Association, Third General Congress, Washington, D.C.: International Mineralogical Association, p. 19-21. Beard, M.E., Crankshaw, O.S., Ennis, J.T., and Moore, C.E., 2001, Analysis of crayons for asbestos and other fibrous materials, and recommendations for improved analytical definitions—Executive summary: Research Triangle Park, N.C., Research Triangle Institute, Center for Environmental Measurements and Quality Assurance, Earth and Mineral Sciences Department, [informal report], 8 p.
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