Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10626-0 — Minerals 2nd Edition Index More Information Index Bold entries are mineral names. Page numbers in bold refer to minerals with detailed descriptions. Page numbers in italics refer to pictures. Abbe refractometer, 170, 191 American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database, 143 aberrations in lenses, 172 amethyst, 50, 308, Plate 2c absorption, 217 amosite, 529 absorption of light, 186 optical micrograph, 532 absorption spectra, supernovae, 537 TEM image, 532 abundance of elements, 16 amphibole, 445 acetic acid, structure, 474 extinction angle, 212 acetone, structure, 474 minerals and composition, 439 acid mine drainage, 533 optical orientation, 211 actinolite, 449, 529 optical properties, 209 acute bisectrix, 199 quadrilateral, 444 adularia, 309 structure, 438 from Alps, Plate 21a amphibolite facies, 415 African Copper Belt, 374 analcime, 469 agate, 308 from Italy, SEM image, 465 aggregate, 518 analyzer, 173, 176 aggregation, 127 anatase, 392 of crystals, 127 from Swiss Alps, Plate 28d Agricola, 5, 481 structure and symmetry, 104 Airy’s spiral, 202 andalusite, 408 Al2SiO5, phase diagram, 276 optical orientation, 214 alabandite, 539 optical properties, 215 albite, 301, 310 porphyroblast, Plate 5c from New Mexico, Plate 21d andesine, 301 Albite twin law, 112, 311 anglesite, 355 Algoma-type iron deposits, 491 anhedral shape, 49 alite, 519 anhydrite, 355 alkali feldspars, 301, 309 animal nutrition, zeolites, 471 optical indicatrix, 205 aniom, 19 phase diagram, 306, 314 anisotropy, 149 alkali–silica reaction, 523 annabergite, 352 allanite, 407 annite, 429 aluminosilicates, 301 anomalous dispersion, 186 structures, 405 anorthite, 301, 310 aluminum avoidance principle, 464 APBs, TEM image, 306 aluminum deposits, 496 in lunar basalt, Plate 21f aluminum ore, 393 anorthoclase, 306 aluminum, dislocation loops, 255 anorthosites, lunar, 548 alumosilicates, 301, 462 anthophyllite, 449, 529 alunite, 355 anthracene, structure, 473 amalgamation, 534 antigorite, 426 amazonite, 310 structure, 420 from Colorado, Plate 21b antiphase boundary (APB), 115 603 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10626-0 — Minerals 2nd Edition Index More Information Index 604 apatite, 350, 526 bcc (body-centered cubic), 19 from Mexico, Plate 25b Becke line, 191 aphthitalite, 332 belite, 519 applied mineralogy, 481 belt apparatus for diamonds, 515 aquamarine, 410 bentonite, 471 blue color, 220 structure, 409 gem, 510 benzene, bonding, 474 aqueous solutions, 261 Berezovsk, Russia, 334 aragonite, 342 Bergkristall, 4 composing nacre of abalone, 358 Bergmann, Torbern, 4 from Spain, Plate 24c cleavage of calcite, 61 structure, 337 berlinite-quartz structure, 350 aridisols, 435 Bertrand lens, 173 armalcolite, 547 beryl, 410 arsenic deposits, 497 absorption spectrum, 219 arsenopyrite, 365 colors, 50 arteriosclerosis, Plate 32f from Pakistan, Plate 30b arvedsonite, 529 structure, 409 asbestos, 529 with different colors, Plate 18a–c in human lung, SEM image, 530 beryllium deposits, 496 asbestosis, 529–30 betafite, 392 associations of minerals, 54 biaxial negative, 200 asteroid belt, 538 biaxial positive, 200 atmosphere, 558 Big Bang, 536 atom, 12 biochemical processes, 356 atomic coordinates x, y, z,79 biogenic carbonates, 347 atomic force microscopy (AFM), 162, 232 biogenic minerals, 356–7 schematic view, 232 biopyriboles, 45 atomic number, 12 TEM image, 444 atomic positions, 79 biotite, 429 atomic structure, 12 pleochroism, Plate 11 atomic vibrations, 272 thin section, Plate 16 augite, 441, 448 Birch, F., 558 auricupride, 317 birefringence, 173–4 austenite, 322 birnessite, 394 autoclave, 514 bischofite, 332, 528 autunite, 352 structure, 326 aventurine, 308 Black Hills pegmatites, 510 awaruite, 317 black smoker, 374 axial angle 2Vγ, 184 chimney, Plate 27c azurite, 342 massive sulfide deposits, 488 from Arizona, Plate 24d Bloch walls, 162 blödite, 332 baddeleyite, 343 blueschist facies, 415, 450 structure, 382 body-centered cubic (bcc), 19 BaFe12O19 with magnetic domains, 163 boehmite, 377 banded iron formations, 489 structure, 385 barite, 352 Bøggild gap, 307 from Germany, 355 Bohr model, 12 indicatrix orientation, 195 bonding, 15 basalts, lunar, 548 properties, 23 base metals, 496 bone, 357, 526 bastnäsite, 342, 343 borates, 336 bauxite, 393, 431 structure, 337 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10626-0 — Minerals 2nd Edition Index More Information Index 605 borax, 333 Callisto, ice, 545 bornite, 365 Canada balsam, 169 Bowen, N. L., 454 Cappeller, M. A., law of interfacial angles, 61 Bowen’s reaction series, 456 Cappeller, quartz and calcite morphology, 1723, 61 Bragg equation, 140 carat, 501 Bragg fringes, TEM, 228 carbohydride minerals, 474 Bragg, W. H., 135 carbon Bragg, W. L., 135 bonding, 473 Bragg’s law, two conditions, 141 PT phase diagram, 320 Bravais lattices (14), 69 carbonates, 336 3D, unit cells, 71 composition, tetrahedron, 41 Bridgman, P. W., 514 diagnostic properties, 338 bridgmanite, 555 dissolution in oceans, 345 stability, 286 isomorphism, 31 brightfield image, TEM, 230 phase diagram, 341 brilliance of diamond, 504 silts in Kasakhstan, 347 brilliant-cut diamond, 503 carbonatites, 341, 343 brookite, anomalous dispersion, Plate 12j–l carborundum, growth spirals, 122 brucite, 393 Carlsbad Caverns, 343 structure, 384 Carlsbad twin law in orthoclase, 112 Buerger, M. J., 33 carnallite, 327 Burgers vector b, 109 carnotite, 350, 352 burkeite, 333 carrier pigeons, magnetite, 359 Bushveld layered intrusion, 490 cassiterite, 391 Bushveld, South Africa, 323, 489 habits, Siberia, 269 bytownite, 301 catalytic processes, zeolites, 471 cation, 19 cabochon cut, 503 cation exchange capacity, 432 CaCO3, phase diagram, 276 clay minerals, 433, 471 calcified tissue in artery, Plate 32f cation packing, 382 calcite, 340 caves, 343 birefringence, 174 celestite, 352 cleavage, 53 two generations, 267 crystal forms, 119 cement, 341, 518 deformation twins, Plate 2d microstructures, 521 dislocations, 255 minerals and abbreviations, 520 from Fontainebleau, 126 plant, schematic, 520 giant crystals from Alps, 341 centering of lattices, 72 habits, 341 ceramics industry, 310 in oceans, 345 cerussite, 342 IR and Raman spectroscopy, 243, 243 chabazite, 469 mechanical twinning, 257 structural cages, 464 optical properties, 213 chain silicates, 397, 437 prismatic-scalenohedral, from Cumbria, Plate 23e diagnostic properties, 446, 448 structure, 337 stacking, 440, 445 tabular, from China, Plate 23f chalcedony, 308, Plate 8b thermal expansion, 156 with growth zones, Plate 8c thin section with twins, Plate 16c chalcocite, 365 tufa, 344 chalcopyrite, 366 twinning, 112, 213 formula, 262 vibrational modes, 244 from Germany, Plate 26c calcite–aragonite transformation, 275 with oxidation, Plate 26d calcite-wollastonite-quartz phase diagram, 278 chamosite, 430 calculation of chemical formulas, 37 charge-transfer transitions, 220 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10626-0 — Minerals 2nd Edition Index More Information Index 606 charoite, 398 clinoenstatite, 448 chemical analysis, 238 clinohumite, 406 chemical contamination, 532 clinoptilolite, 464 chemical elements, 12 from Colorado, SEM image, 465 chemical formulas, 37 structure, 470 calculation, 37 clinopyroxene with sector zoning, Plate 14e,f chemical reactions, 271 clinopyroxene, lunar basalt, TEM image, 442 chemical vapor deposition, 517 clinozoisite, 415 chemical varieties of minerals, 46 close-packing, 17 chemistry, fundamentals, 12 close-packed structures, interstices, 28 chesterite, 444 CO2, structure, 382 chiastolite, 408 cobaltite, 366 Chivor, 508 structure, 365 chlorites, 430 coesite, structure, 299 composition, 422 cohenite, in meteorites, 541 structure, 421 colemanite, 333 thin section, Plate 15e,f colloidal solutions, Yellowstone, 264 chloritoid, 408 color, 217 chondrites, 539 hand specimens, 50 chemical composition, 546 in important minerals, 218 thin section, 539 color centers, 220 chondrodite, 411 commercial halide deposits, 334 Christoffel equations, 158 compensators, 173, 192 chromatic aberration, 171 principle, 193 chromite, 391 Comstock, 497 chromium deposits, 487, 491 concrete, 518 chromophore elements, 218 microstructure, schematic, 522 chrysoberyl, gem, 510 polished section, 518 chrysoprase, 308 problems, 522 chrysotile, 426, 529 concretions, 127 asbestos, Italian Alps, Plate 31a condenser lens, 172 structure, 420 congruent repetition, 63 TEM image, 421 consumption of ores, 498 cinnabar, 366, Plate 1b contact metamorphism, 410 twinning, 112 continental carbonate sediments, 346 citrine, 50, 308 continental salt lakes, 333 Clapeyron slope, 286 convection, 554 classification of minerals, 43 convergent light, 196 classification of silicate structures, 399 interference figure, 197 clathrate cages, 385 convergent margins, 485 clathrates, structures, 386 cooperite, 322 Clausius–Clapeyron equation, 276 coordination number, 18 clay minerals coordination polyhedra, 24 cation exchange capacity, 471 in crystal structures, 26 composition, d-spacing, 429 minerals, 28 structure, 425 copper, 321 clays, 431 atomic coordinates, 79 cleavage, 52 dendritic growth, Plate 4a in minerals, 53 deposits, 496 climb of dislocations, 256 minerals, phase diagram, 278 clinker, 519 cordierite, 410 clinochlore, 430 blue color, 220 from Swiss Alps, Plate 31b core of the Earth, 322 © in this web service Cambridge University
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