Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10626-0 — Minerals 2Nd Edition Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10626-0 — Minerals 2nd Edition Index More Information Index Bold entries are mineral names. Page numbers in bold refer to minerals with detailed descriptions. Page numbers in italics refer to pictures. Abbe refractometer, 170, 191 American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database, 143 aberrations in lenses, 172 amethyst, 50, 308, Plate 2c absorption, 217 amosite, 529 absorption of light, 186 optical micrograph, 532 absorption spectra, supernovae, 537 TEM image, 532 abundance of elements, 16 amphibole, 445 acetic acid, structure, 474 extinction angle, 212 acetone, structure, 474 minerals and composition, 439 acid mine drainage, 533 optical orientation, 211 actinolite, 449, 529 optical properties, 209 acute bisectrix, 199 quadrilateral, 444 adularia, 309 structure, 438 from Alps, Plate 21a amphibolite facies, 415 African Copper Belt, 374 analcime, 469 agate, 308 from Italy, SEM image, 465 aggregate, 518 analyzer, 173, 176 aggregation, 127 anatase, 392 of crystals, 127 from Swiss Alps, Plate 28d Agricola, 5, 481 structure and symmetry, 104 Airy’s spiral, 202 andalusite, 408 Al2SiO5, phase diagram, 276 optical orientation, 214 alabandite, 539 optical properties, 215 albite, 301, 310 porphyroblast, Plate 5c from New Mexico, Plate 21d andesine, 301 Albite twin law, 112, 311 anglesite, 355 Algoma-type iron deposits, 491 anhedral shape, 49 alite, 519 anhydrite, 355 alkali feldspars, 301, 309 animal nutrition, zeolites, 471 optical indicatrix, 205 aniom, 19 phase diagram, 306, 314 anisotropy, 149 alkali–silica
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