NEWSLETTER OF THE BUICK CLUB OF SOUTH AFRICA & ITS CADILLAC, OLDSMOBILE AND PONTIAC CHAPTERS APRIL - JUNE 2019 1 2 Official Newsletter of the Buick Club of South Africa VOL. 15 No. 2 APRIL - JUNE 2019 Chairperson Donald Bennett Voorsitter 011 5732504/ 084 800 2510
[email protected] Vice-Chair Rudolph Nicholson Ondervoorsitter Cadillac co-ordinator 083 3070035 Cadillac Koordineerder
[email protected] Secretary Donald Bennett Sekretaris 011-5732504/ 084 800 2510
[email protected] Treasurer Chris Palk Tesourier 082 808 3360
[email protected] Dating Jan Burger Datering 012-9961018
[email protected] Oldsmobile co-ordinator Vacant Oldsmobile Koördineerder Pontiac co-ordinator Tyrone Tozer Pontiac Koördineerder 083 279 6253
[email protected] Newsletter Alex Duffey Nuusbrief 012-3337891/076 183 01207
[email protected] Opinies in hierdie NUUSBRIEF is nienoodwendig die siening van die komitee of die redakteurnie. Opinions in this NEWSLETTER are not necessarily those of the committee or the editor. 3 EDITORIAL/REDAKSIONEEL We have reached mid-year and produced by and for the different can look back on a very successful divisions of General Motors, starting Annual Buick Club of South Africa with with Buick. I am sure that many of our its Cadillac, Oldsmobile and Pontiac members own some of these Chapters Concours at the porcelain signs and will enjoy this Johannesburg Country Club. The article. It could also inspire other beauty, quality and number of exhibits members to start such a collection. on 5 May this year will be hard to Elsewhere in this Newsletter beat. Sixty-five superb vehicles of there is a special request by Chris Palk great variety were exhibited and to Oldsmobile owners to submit flabbergasted the visitors and special articles on their cars and to inform us guests.