rssvE 1oz ~S//1eSS C CD JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2045 ~' c~ 0 N 0 0 -~ C X 0 0 /1---~__ FRONT CUVER - Our 'regular' venue -the Ace Cafe ~~~~~~ e COMMITTEE: CHAIRMAN I EDITOR. Ken Garner, 39 Roebuck Rd, Chessington, Surrey, KT9 1 JY. 020 8287 4932. -
[email protected] MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY l TREASURER. Guy Hardy, Cawdron House, Hi all, 111 Charles Street, Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire SA73 2HW. 0164 669 2254 - cawdronhardy1 Happy New Year to you III, i ____ - :'.; EVENTS OFFICER. Rob Apsey, 10 Kingsdown Way , Townhill Park, Southampton, hope it is ~ good one. -- -_- Hampshire, S018 2GH 0238 049 2844 -
[email protected] I'rn afraid it is a bit of thin magazine this months Not The Register is recognised by Holden Ltd much information or neenrs has come through to m~, bufi a member of the Association of British [3~rivers (ABD) The Club is I'm sure it will pick up by the time of the next edition. For those of who aren't up- Spares Co-ordinator : Ken Garner. Phone: As above. with you r Adviser (pre 1968): Patrick Hemphill. As you can see o~ page 4 to-date Technical v~ill be the 01787 282307 -
[email protected]~uk Rob has arranged another subscription, this Technical Adviser (post 1968): Garry Lennox -
[email protected] outing to the Ace Cafe in last edition o~ the magazine London on Sunday 23rd you ~nrill receive. We are Club Website: - e-mail:
[email protected] January to celebrate reviewing the membership to see list at the end of January and CLUB ITEMS FOR SALE: Australia Day.