DRAFT NARROGIN ADAPTIVE REUSE STRATEGY – NARROGIN RAILWAY & GOODS SHED “THE HEART OF THE TOWN” REQUEST FOR PUBLIC COMMENT The Shire of Narrogin has approved for the purpose of seeking public comment, a Draft Adaptive Reuse Strategy for the Narrogin Railway Station & Goods Shed “The Heart of the Town” with any submissions received referred to Council for final consideration. The Shire of Narrogin recognises the revitalisation and preservation and future re-use of the railway station and goods shed, both historically underutilised, has the potential to contribute to the creation of a more diverse and vibrant local economy. The Adaptive Reuse Strategy presents to the Shire a range of probable, appropriate, respectful re-uses for the railway station and goods shed. Comments on the document may be submitted in writing to the undersigned on or before 5:00 pm Monday 1 February 2021. A copy of the Draft Adaptive Reuse Strategy for the Narrogin Railway Station & Goods Shed “The Heart of the Town” is available for viewing at the following locations: Shire of Narrogin administration offices, 89 Earl Street Narrogin The R W (Bob) Farr Memorial Library, Fortune Street Narrogin You can also download a copy from the Shire of Narrogin website https://www.narrogin.wa.gov.au/documents/current-community-consultations Please see the Shire minutes from the Ordinary Council Meeting on 24 November for the full Agenda item on page 9 https://www.narrogin.wa.gov.au/documents/1089/minutes-24-11-2020-(unconfirmed) Dale Stewart Chief Executive Officer Shire of Narrogin PO Box 1145 Narrogin WA 6312
[email protected] www.narrogin.wa.gov.au W:\3 Develop & Reg Serv\Community Development Officer\4.