Published bi-monthly by the Canadian Railroad Historical Association r.r. __ l-. I! _ .a. _ _ _ _ • _ _ _I _ _ __ _ _ --- ! - - - II. 170 ISSN 0008-4875 CANADIAN RAIL Postal Permit No. 40066621 PUBLISHED BI-MONTHLY BY THE CANADIAN RAILROAD HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION TABLE OF CONTENTS IN MEMORIAM - Frederick Forbes Angus, 1935-2007 By Fred Angus .. .... ......... , ....... .. .... .. ..... 171 Toronto Terminals Railway Company 1906-2007, By Derek Boles ....... .. .... .. ......... .. .. ..... , ... 175 Business Car. .... .. ... ..... ....... .. ........... .. ..... ........ .. .... ..... ... ............. ... ....... 196 FRONTCOVER: Onlune 14, 2003, Canadian Pacific Hudson No. 2816 leads a 14-carexcursion trainfrom Toronto Union Station to Guelphlunction, the first time that a steam locomotive operated over this line since 1980. This view is looking east from the Bathurst Street bridge and shows the flyunder built in the early 1980s to eliminate traffic bottlenecks. Much of the track seen here was owned by the Toronto Terminals Railway until it became the GO Transit-owned Union Station Rail Con-idol' in 2000. Photo, lamesA. Brown. BEL 0 )tV,' It was this line up ofder elict Saint I ohn, New Brunswick streetcars at Chitticks ConstlUction Company yard in Fairfield, HB. that attracted Fred Angus' attention circa 1949. This lead to the family's purchase of car 82 (not in the photo) which is now prese/ved and awaiting restoration at Exporai/. Car 82 is representative of a smaller city streetcar system of which there were many in Canada. Photo cOUitesy Ronald Ritchie. For your membership in the CRHA, which Canadian Rail is continually in need of news, stories, INTERIM CO-EDITORS: includes a subscription to Canadian Rail, historical data, photos, maps and other material. Peter Murphy, Douglas N.W. Smith write to: Please send all contributions to Peter Murphy, ASSOCIATE EDITOR (Motive Power) : CRHA, 110 Rue St-Pierre, St. Constant, X1-870 Lakeshore Road , Dorval, QC H9S 5X7, Hugues W. Bonin Que. J5A 1G7 email: [email protected]. No payment can LAYOUT: Gary McMinn Membership Dues for 2007: be made for contributions, but the contributor will be given credit for material submitted. Material will be PRINTING: Impression Paragraph In Canada: $45.00 (including all taxes) returned to the contributor if requested. Remember United States: $43.00 in U.S. funds. "Knowledge is of little value unless it is shared with DISTRIBUTION: Joncas Postexperts Inc. Other Countries: $80.00 Canadian funds . others". The eRHA may be reached at its web site: www.exporail.org or by telephone at (450) 638-1522 Formulaire de reservation / Reservation Form 75 e anniversaire de I'A.C.H.F. a Exporail C.R.H.A. 7!yh Anniversary at ExporaiJ Le 17 novembre 2007 a 17h / November 17th 2007, 5 p.m. Nom/Name: Adresse/ Address : Ville/City Code postal/Posta/Code Telephone/Tel : Courriel/Emai/: __ Billet(s) a 75 $/ Tickets @ 75 $ TOTAL: --_$ Mode de paiement: Cheque/ Cheque: S.v.P. veuillez faire parvenir votre cheque libelle a I'ordre de: Please send cheque to the order of : Pourla Exporail preservation 110, rue St-Pierre Street, Saint-Constant QC J5A 1G7 .du patrimoine Carte de credit/Credit card: o Visa o MasterCard f~rr?viaire . .' No. : canadi~n Date d'expiration / Expiry Date: _____ ; PreservinQ' Signature : ___________ . C;an'adian . railway S.v.P. Veuillez confirmer votre reservation avant Ie 9 novembre 2007. heritage Please confirm your reservation before Nov. 9, 2007. Renseignementsl For information: Francine St-Jean, (450) 638-1522, postel ext. 221 Telec./Fax: (450) 638-1563 Soiree 75e anniversaire de I'ACHF CRHA's 75 1h Anniversary Plein les yeux et Ie cceur ! Evening Celebration Feast your eyes and indulge to your heart's content! Exporail a Ie plaisir de vous inviter a une soiree memorable soulignant Ie 75" anniversaire de Exporail has the great pleasure of inviting l'Association canadienne d'histoire ferroviaire. you to a memorable evening celebrating the 75 th anniversary of the Canadian Railroad Un cocktail dinatoire marque d'abord Ie coup Historical Association. d'envoi de I'evenement, a 17 h 00, A five o'clock cocktail buffet will kick off Puis, au cours de la soiree, vous aurez the festivities. I'occasion de vous rappeler de bons souvenirs, de decouvrir des tresors patrimoniaux Then, during the evening, you will have et de voir: the opportunity to reminisce about old times, • six productions audiovisuelles retra~ant discover heritage treasures and see: I'histoire de I'ACHF, ses collections et • six audiovisual productions retracing ses archives, et surtout, ses excursions the CRHA's history, its collections and en tramway, trains a vapeur et diesel, archives and especially its ever popular si populaires; streetcar, steam and diesel excursions; • I'interieur de plusieurs vehicules • the interior of several vehicles in the de la collection specialement ouverts collection, made accessible especially pour I'evenement ; for this event; • les reserves des archives et des artefacts, • a beh i nd the scenes look at the reserve qui recelent de veritables tresors; of archives and artefacts, where many • I'exposition Rocket Richard, presentee treasures can be found; ce jour-Ia pour I'avant-derniere journee • the Rocket Richard exhibit, scheduled au Musee. to close two days later. Vous assisterez a la ceremonie de dedicace You will be able to participate in the ceremony du pavilion ANGUS et a la conference inaugurati ng the new ANG US pavi Iion and to de I'historien invite et chercheur de renom, listen to our guest speaker, Mr. Ron Ritchie, M. Ron Ritchie. reknowned historian and researcher. Pourla preservation Vous pourrez egalement discuter entre amis You will also have the opportunity to socialize en prenant Ie the a bord de la voiture Canada with friends while taking tea on board the du patrimoin'e ou en savourant un bon cafe dans Ie fourgon Canada car or around a good cup of coffee f " ' . de queue du CPR, in a CPR caboose. ferroviah~e ca~~~~en . De plus, vous pourrez monter a bord Plus, you will be able to board the MTC 1959 du MTC 1959 pour une promenade nocturne for an evening excursion or you can join the ou rejoindre I'equipe des mecaniciens dans team of mechanics in the cab of CN 3684, la cabine de la RS-18 CN 3684 ! an RS-18 locomotive. preservin~ . -, Canadian Et nous vous reservons aussi des surprises! We have many more surprises in store for you! r~i1way . Une soiree remplie de 75 ans de souvenirs An evening filled with 75 years " , .: .. heritage et de merveilles a decouvrir ! of memories and wonders to discover! Une occasion ane pas rater! Don't miss this incredible occasion! Reservations: (450) 638-1522, poste 221 Reservations: (450) 638-1522, extension 221 www,exporaiLorg info@exporaiLorg www.exporail.org [email protected] i. RSVP avant Ie 9 novembre 2007 RSVP before November 9 2007 E o RAI L 5 Together, let us put our shoulders to the wheel! OCTOBER 2007 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE EXPORAIL Dear friends and members, If MUS£E ~AlRE CANADIEN The summer months have been very active ones for your association. THf CANADIAN RAlUIUlV MUSEUM At Exporail, the new line to the new Delson railroad station was opened for service to the public. We sent CPR diesel locomotive 4563 to McAdam, New Exporail News - Brunswick, as part of the celebrations ofthe opening ofthe refurbished railway CRHA Communications station. A work crew went to Toronto to prepare the TTC Peter Witt tramway Published three times a year by the 2300 for its return to Exporail. We had large crowds for the annual model Canadian Railroad Historical Assn. railway week end, the CPR family day, and a day with Henri Richard as part of 110 Saint Pierre St. the th ree-month-Iong Maurice "Rocket" Richard exhibit. Saint Constant, Quebec Canada J5A 1G7 On July 16, 2007, the Canadian Railroad Historical Association Foundation was incorporated. The establishment of a foundation is part of our strategic plan. Tel: 450-638-1522 The incorporators were myself, Peter 'Murphy, and the late Fred Angus. It Fax: 450-638-1563 should be noted that Fred's great grandfather, R.B. Angus, was one of the three Museum E-mail: members ofthe CPR Syndicate formed in 1881 to build the CPR. [email protected] Web site www.exporail.org The main objects ofthe foundation are summarized as follows; CRHA Secretary: [email protected] 1) to support the conservation of, preservation of, interpretation of, display of, ISSN 1493-6089 and dissemination of information on, as we" as to advance education about, Subscriptioil to CRHA Canada's Railway Heritage. Communications is included with membership and a subscription to . 2) to support the ongoing development of a library, archives, and research into Canadian Rail. Canada's Railway Heritage, Editor: Diana Bouchard 3)to support the preparation and publishing of Canadian Rail and the Layout: Gary McMinn publishing of books about Canada's railways, Translation: Denis Vallieres 4)to support other institutions involved in conserving, preserving, -interpreting, and displaying Canada's Railway Heritage. Contributors: Diana Bouchard C. Stephen Cheasley A request for a charitable receipt number for the foundation is underway. A M. Peter Murphy Board of Directors for the foundation will be announced at a later date. We Douglas N. W Smith believe that this foundation will be a very valuable institution to protect Kevin Robinson Canada's Railway Heritage. Membership processing: the passing of our long-time member and good Gerald Bouchard I also must regretfully report friend, Fred Angus, on August 10, 2007. Tributes to Fred and his Disporrible en francais accomplishments wi" be found in Canadian Rail. In view of Fred and his family's service and generosity to the Association, the Board of Directors has agreed to name the new pavilion "Angus".
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