Katharine MacGregor Wed Mar 7, 2018 All day HOLD FOR CERA WEEK Tue Mar 6, 2018 - Wed Mar 7, 2018 Video call: (b) (5), (b) (6) Calendar: Katharine MacGregor 8am - 9am BLOCK Video call: (b) (5), (b) (6) Calendar: Katharine MacGregor Created by: Tracie Lassiter 10am - 10:45am BOEM Budget Formulation Workshop Video call: (b) (5), (b) (6) Where: MIB North Penthouse Calendar: Katharine MacGregor Created by: Joseph Hayes Who: Katharine MacGregor, Kylie Santini Description: Santini, Kylie1:31 PM (1 minute ago)Joe,Hi! Kate agreed to speak at the BOEM Budget Formulation Workshop. Thankyou for reviewing her schedule with me. Based on our discussion, pleaseschedule her to speak with the group on Wednesday, March 7 from10am-10: 45am. Thank you for your help.Best wishes,Kylie---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Katharine MacGregor <
[email protected]>Date: Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 7:09 PM Subject: Re: Invitation to Speak at the BOEM Budget FormulationWorkshop, March 6-7To: "Santini, Kylie" <
[email protected]>Cc: Jill Moran <
[email protected]>, Troy Ezell<troy.
[email protected]>, "Houser, Beth S" <
[email protected]>, JamesSchindler <james.
[email protected]>SureSent from my iPhoneOn Feb 14, 2018, at 12:47 PM, Santini, Kylie <
[email protected]>wrote:Kate,Good afternoon! BOEM recently decided to host a Bu FormulationWorkshop this Spring for our program budget coordinators to discussbudget formulation and learn more about the Administration andSecretarial priorities. The Workshop will be held on March 6-7 (2018)within the MIB North Penthouse. I mentioned the Workshop to James andhe agrees that it would be a wonderful opportunity for the BOEM budgetcoordinators to hear directly from you about Secretarial andAdministration priorities.