Burns Chronicle 1952
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Robert BurnsLimited World Federation Limited www.rbwf.org.uk 1952 The digital conversion of this Burns Chronicle was sponsored by Margaret Anderson, Member of the RBWF Guild of Speakers The digital conversion service was provided by DDSR Document Scanning by permission of the Robert Burns World Federation Limited to whom all Copyright title belongs. www.DDSR.com ROBERT BURNS CHRONICLE THE BURNS FEDERATION KILMARNOCK "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER ,--J y":) ramlinie .,) 'Prince Charles Edwarcis u'J,ueur FIrst prepared In the Isle of Skye In 1745 from the recipe of PrInce Charlle's personal liqueur whIch was presented to Macklnnon of Strathalrd as a reward for hIs servIces to the Pr.lnce. The secret recipe has been carefully guarded and the liqueur Is made by the Macklnnon family to thIs day. DRAMBUIE IS GIVEN THE PLACE OF HONOUR AT THE ANNUAL FUNCTIONS OF BURNS CLUBS, CALEDONIAN AND ST, AN DREW'S SOCIETIES AND OTHER SCOTTISH GATHERINGS AT HOME AND IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD THE DRAMBUIE LIQUEUR co. LTD., 12 YORK PLACE EDINBURGH "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER Robert Burns: Poems Epistles and Songs Edited by JOHN McVIE Illustrated by JOHN MACKAY This new selection of poems, epistles and songs has been chosen by John McVie, whose textual authority is unchallengeable, and interpreted by the pen of a young Scottish artist. "For this spacious volume, set in type of generous proportions, there should be a ready wekome among all Bums lovers." -Ayrshire Post. "There are many attractive features . • • the pictures, without exception are splendidly executed and full of life and character. Mr. McVie has chosen the text well and has incorporated in many cases prefatory and other notes by Burns."-Galloway Advertiser. Extra Demy 8vo. 212 pp. 74 drawings. IOS. 6d. net. The Setts of the Scotti.h Tartans By DONALD C. STEWART This definitive book on tartans, their history and design, giv~ the authoritative information required by weavers, kilt-makers, and the informed public. The setts of 258 tartans are shown in colour. "This is a book of immense value to all who are interested in the . design and development of tartan."-Aberdeen Press (J> Journal. Cr. 4to. Fully illustrated. 70S. net. A Short History of Scotland By P. HUME BROWN Revised Edition by HENRY W. MEIKLE "Here the Short History is again, better dressed than ever, in this new edition. There are some fine fresh pictures, a new chapter or two by Dr. Meikle, bringing the book up to date, and a certain amount of alteration in the text."-The Scotsman. Demy 8vo. 356 pp. Fully illustrated. 12S. 6d. net. Scottish Democracy By LAURANCE J. SAUNDERS "This is a notable book. In a sense it is the Scottish counterpart of the Hammonds, with more than a dash of Clapham and some of the spice of G. M. Young. It succeeds astonishingly in conveyin~ the social and economic atmosphere of early nineteenth century Scotland. There is much in the book that helps us to understand the later trends of Scottish politics and much for the student of the curiosities of Victorian Britain."-The Manchester Guardian. Med. 8vo. 448 pp. 21S, net. A complete Catalogue of these and other Scottish books may be obtained on request. OLIVER AND BOYD TWEEDDALE COURT, EDINBURGH 1 a "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER At your local Electricity Service Centre you will always find a ready welcome and helpful advice on a~y electrical problem. SUB·AREA OFFICES: GLASGOW... ••• ••• ••• 75 WATERLOO STREET. GLASGOW Central 3831 CLYDE... ... ... ... ... 206 ST. VINCENT STREET. GLASGOW Central 3891 LANARKSHIRE ......... 137 ALMADA STREET. HAMILTON Hamilton 1420 AYRSHIRE ... ... ... ... GREENHOLM STREET. KILMARNOCK Kilmarnock 735 DUMFRIES & GALLOWAY MARCH MONT. DUMFRIES Dumfries 991 -- - --- "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER "Facts are chiefs that winna ding, and daurna be disputed'~ and the business man of to-day wants Facts when he opens his morning newspaper. He must be able to rely on the reported news of Political, Commercial, Industrial and Financial matters. That is why he naturally tlKns to the paper which in over a century has established a proud tradition of reliability -- THE GLASGOW H'ERALD • EVENING TIMES always affords an up-to-the-minute survey of the day's events, special sports commentaries and feature articles, while every woman looks forward to " Scotland's Only Daily Picture Paper." where the latest news is graphically presented together with a host of ~:a~u~esinterest TH E BU LLETI N' • 65 BUCHANAN STREET, GLASGOW 56 FLEET STREET, LONDON 4 "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER Bxploasives for all purpose$ The Nobel Division of I.C.1. Ltd. manufactures all types of blasting explosives and accessories for coal mining, quarrying, opencast work. public works. etc. * The following products are also manufactured: • METALLIC STEARATES FORMATES AND ACETATES for waterproofing canvas. cloths. etc. CELLULOSE PRODUCTS for the paint and leathercloth industries. PENTAERYTHRITOL for the manufacture of synthetic resins. POWER CARTRIDGES for starting ~ero and Diesel engines. For further information please write to : IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. 4, BLYTHSWOOD SQVARE, GLASGOW, C.2 TELEPHONE: DOUGLAS 7020 "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER - --------------------------------- "Rintoul, 66% Proof, is as fine a whisky as you can buy. But, for the very special occasion, there is Rintoul's 'OLD EDINBURGH,' 70% Proof a blend of very old, very good whiskies. " JAMES B. RI·NTOUL (EDINBURGH LTD.) HABBS CASTLE. RESTALRIG ROAD SOUTH EDINBURGH 7 Phone 76296f7 138 CAMBRIDGE STREET GLASGOW. C.2 DOUglas 1313 -I "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER THE SAVINGS BANK OF GLASGOW (Certified under the Act of 1863) "Not for to hide it in a hedge Nor Jor a train attendant B ut for the glorious privilege Of being independent." The Bank provides a Complete National Savings Service • ORDINARY DEPARTMENT-All funds deposited with the Government. Deposits received from 1/- to £500 in one year. Total Limit, £2000*. Interest-2 ~ per cent. (compound). * (Statut ory Authority is expect ed in Ma rch, 1952, whereby this limit will b.:raised t o £3,000.) ! SPECIAL INVESTMENT DEPT.- Deposits from £5 to £500 received- present rate of interest 2!l per cent. (compound). • t GOVERNMENT STOCK and BONDS-Subscriptionl re ceived for all "tap" issues. Stock and Bonds purchaled and sold. Dividends are credited to holden' accounts without deduction of Income Tax at source . • [ SA VINGS CERTIFICATES and STAMPS sold. • SAVINGS STAMPS are accepted . as deposits. • GOVERNMENT ANNUITIES from £1 to £300 purch.sed. .Head Office 177 INGRAM STREET, GLASGOW 55 Offices throughout the City and District A TRUSTEE SAVINGS BANK "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF SCOTLAND LTD. ESTABLISHED 1810 OVER THREE HUNDRf!:D BRANOHES AND SUB·OFjI[OES IN SOO'1'LAND AND THREE OFFlOES IN LONDON HEAD OFFICE: 14 GEORGE STREET, EDINBURGH General Manager.' Sm JOHN MAXW.LL ERSKINE, C.B.E., D.L "BURNS ,CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER True to the progressive spirit of Scottish banking, service to the community is the watchword of the Clydesdale & North of Scotland Bank, which for over a century has been intimately associated with the development of Scottish Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fishing. To the problems of to-day the Bank brings a clear and sympathetic understanding, remaining ever alert to the needs of Scotland's agricultural and industrial development. CLYDESDALE & NORTH OF SCOTLAND BANK LIMITED, HEAD OFFICE: 30 St. Vincent Place, Glasgow, C.I reflects In the quality of its serVIce the value of a sturdy Scottish independence. Branches throughout Scotland and in Lond()'fI, Head OjiCf. : General M a1lGfler : 110 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow John A. Morrison, M.C. "BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER Bank of Scotland (Constituted by. Act of Parliament 1695) ALL CLASSES OF BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Admirers cif ROBERT BURNS, BRANCHES THROUGHOUT Scotland's National Poet, will be interested to know that he was tI SCOTLAND client cif the Bank cif Scotland at their Dumfries Branch. SCOTLAND'S OLDEST BAN K for a MODERN BANKING 'SERVICE Branc~es throughout Scotland and in London. Correspondents throughout the world. "BURNS CHRONICLE" ·ADVERTISER ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER 17f37 Gov~rnor: HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF BUCCLEUCH AND QUEENSBERRY, K.T.. P.C., G.C.V.O, Deputy-Governor: THE HON. MICHAEL CLAUDE HAMILTON BOWES-LYON, D.L. General Manager: JOHN McARTHUR THOMSON. HEAD OFFICE: ST. AN DREW SQUARE, EDINBURGH DURING the two hundred years of its history, the Bank has maintained a tradition of the personal touch, and is to-day exceptionally well equipped to provide its customers with a Banking service which is adaptable, individual ASSOCIATED BANKS: C and complete. GLYN, MILLS & CO. WILLlAMS DEACON'S BANK LTD. ................................................ The British Linen Bank Iacorporated by Royal Charter, 1746 The Bank transacts every kind of HOME and OVERSEAS BANKING BUSINESS. Enquiries regarding the facilities available to customers will be welcomed at any office of the Bank. HEAD OFFICE: 38 St. Andrew Square EDINBURGH BRANCHBS THROUGHOUT'SOOTLAND _"BURNS CHRONICLE" ADVERTISER JEAN ARMOUR BURNS HOUSES CASTLE STRf2ET, MAUCHLlNE AYRSHIRE Established in 1915 by the Glasgow and District, Burns Association These Houses were' purchased, repaired, and gifted to the Association by the late Mr. Charles R. Cowie, J.P., of Glasgow. They comprise the Burns House (in which the poet and Jean Armour . began housekeeping in (788), Dr. John M'Kenzie's House, and "Auld Nanse Tinn,ock's " (the "change-house " of Burns's poem "The Holy Fair"); and provide comf~rtable accommodation for nine old ladies, who live rent and rate free and receive a small pension. A portion ' of the Burns House has been arranged as a Museum, which now contains numerous authentic relics of Jean Armour and the poet: these include the Armour Family Bible and several manuscripts of Burns. An Endowment Fund for the maintenance of the Houses and the provision of the pensions is being formed.