Water Quality in SA with Special Ref to KZN.Pdf
Agnew, J.D., Hellwig, D.H.R., Pretorius, W.A. and Drews, R.J.L.C., | 1961. | Pre-permit ad-hoc survey - Durban Corporation, Chatsworth - Umlaas Townships, File No. W. 13/1/104, National Institute for Water Research, CSIR, Pretoria, 6 p. + app. | [QUAL] Akhurst, E.G.J., | 1988. | The regulation of phytoplankton productivity in a shallow, turbid, oligotrophic lake, VOL 1, Text, 129 p., and VOL 2, Figures and tables, 75 p., Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Botany, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg. | [QUAL] Akhurst, E.G.J. and Breen, C.M., | 1988. | Ionic content as a factor influencing turbidity in two floodplain lakes after a flood, Hydrobiologia, VOL 160(1), p. 19-31. | [QUAL] Alberts, H.W., Schutte, J.M. and Bosman, H.H., | 1969. | Fisiese en chemiese eienskappe van damme in die Republiek van Suid Afrika, Technical Report No. TR 47, Department of Water Affairs, Pretoria, 10 p. + app. | [QUAL] Alcock, P.G. and Verster, E., | 1987. | An assessment of water quality in the Inadi Ward, Vulindlela district, KwaZulu, Water SA, VOL 13(4), p. 215-224. | [QUAL] Alexander, W.J.R., | 1976. | An introduction to river mechanics and channel stabilization with particular reference to flood damage and river stabilization works in the Gamtoos Valley, Technical Note No. 70, Department of Water Affairs, Pretoria, 31 p. + app. | [QUAL] Alexander, W.J.R., | 1985. | Hydrology of low latitude Southern Hemisphere landmasses, Hydrobiologia, VOL 125, p. 75-83. [The volume contains the proceedings of the Symposium on Perspectives in Southern Hemisphere Limnology held from 3-13 July 1984 at The Wilderness, South Africa].
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