Muscle versus Nonmuscle Flaps in the Reconstruction of Chronic Osteomyelitis Defects

Christopher J. Salgado, Background: Surgical treatment of chronic osteomyelitis requires aggressive M.D. debridement followed by wound coverage and obliteration of dead space with Samir Mardini, M.D. vascularized tissue. Controversy remains as to the effectiveness of different tissue Amir A. Jamali, M.D. types in achieving these goals and in the eradication of disease. Juan Ortiz, M.D. Methods: Chronic osteomyelitis was induced in 26 goat tibias using Staphylo- Raoul Gonzales, D.V.M., coccus aureus as an infecting inoculum. In a single stage, debridement followed Ph.D. by reconstruction using either a muscle flap (n ϭ 13) or a fasciocutaneous flap Hung-Chi Chen, M.D. (n ϭ 13) was performed. Flap donor sites were closed primarily and antibiotics El Paso, Texas; Kaohsiung, Taiwan; were given for 5 days postoperatively. Daily clinical evaluation for 1 year was and Sacramento, Calif. performed and monthly radiographs were obtained for 9 months and 1 year after the reconstruction. Results: Twenty-five flaps survived completely, and one nonmuscle flap under- went partial flap loss following a period of venous congestion. There were no postoperative complications in the muscle flap group. Two goats (15 percent) in the nonmuscle group developed superficial wounds in the immediate post- operative period that resolved with conservative management. No limbs had recurrent osteomyelitis wounds at 1 year of clinical follow-up examination. Radiographic evidence of osteomyelitis was present in two goats (15 percent) in the muscle group and one goat (8 percent) in the nonmuscle group. There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of recurrent osteomyelitis between the groups by clinical and radiographic assessment. Conclusions: The findings in this study demonstrate that vascularized tissue flaps in the form of muscle or nonmuscle flaps provide viable options for wound coverage of osteomyelitis defects following adequate surgical debridement. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 118: 1401, 2006.)

he treatment of osteomyelitis, particularly flaps.1,2 Before the use of local or free muscle after trauma, continues to pose significant flaps, the options for resurfacing osteomyelitis Treconstructive challenges. Surgical treat- defects following debridement included mainly ment of chronic osteomyelitis requires aggres- primary closure (immediate or delayed) and sive debridement of involved bony structures skin grafting. Over the past three decades, re- and soft tissues followed by definitive reconstruc- construction of these defects using pedicled and tion using viable local, regional, or distant free muscle flaps has been performed exten- sively and has yielded excellent success rates in From the Plastic Surgery Section, Department of Surgery, and many published series.2–7 Nonmuscle flaps have Biological Research Service, Department of Clinical Investi- also been used for the treatment of osteomyelitis gations, William Beaumont Army Medical Center; Depart- defects and have been reported in limited num- ment of Plastic Surgery, E-Da Hospital/I-Shou University; bers and with inconsistent outcomes.8–10 These and Department of Orthopedic Surgery, University of Cali- fornia Davis Medical Center. clinical series demonstrating the effectiveness of Received for publication March 2, 2005; accepted June 2, muscle flaps and nonmuscle flaps in the treat- 2005. ment of osteomyelitis wounds have all lacked in Presented in part at the American Society for Reconstructive providing consistency in the extent and severity Microsurgery Annual Meeting, in Fajardo, Puerto Rico, of the bone infection and its correlation with January 15 through 18, 2005. recurrence of the osteomyelitis, which occurs in Copyright ©2006 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons at least 15 percent of cases. The success of non- DOI: 10.1097/01.prs.0000239579.37760.92 muscle flaps in some published series has not 1401 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • November 2006 been totally convincing to many who believe that tion that it is as effective in treating the disease. muscle is necessary to provide bulk and superior Despite reports of clinical successes with skin blood supply and to aid in the healing of osteo- flaps for the treatment of chronic osteomyelitis myelitis defects. wounds, a controlled model is essential to clarify Longstanding surgical dogma, based on previ- the true relationship between osteomyelitis ous experimental studies and a large volume of wounds and vascularized tissue of various forms clinical evidence, has clearly demonstrated the (muscle versus nonmuscle). The lack of a con- effectiveness of muscle flaps in the treatment of trolled experimental study provided the motiva- osteomyelitis wounds. Although muscle flaps tion for this investigation. have been shown to be superior to nonmuscle flaps in bacterial growth inhibition and elimina- MATERIALS AND METHODS tion, early increased skin oxygen tension has Twenty-eight goats (Capra hircus) were used been found to be present to a larger degree in 11 for this study. The experimental design and pro- fasciocutaneous flaps. Nevertheless, there are tocol were approved by the Department of Clinical no controlled, randomized studies demonstrat- Investigation’s Institutional Animal Care and Use ing the superiority of muscle flaps over non- Committee at William Beaumont Army Medical muscle flaps in the eradication of osteomyelitis Center, and all experiments were conducted in following surgical debridement of infected the animal surgical laboratories of this institution. bone. If a comparative study were to be per- The goats were obtained from farm flocks and formed in a clinical model, a significant flaw were cared for in accordance with the Biological would be the inability to accurately quantify the Research Service’s Farm Animal Care Procedures. degree of osteomyelitis or amount of infected The animals were housed in the large-animal area bone, and therefore a true comparison would of the Biological Research Service and were al- not be possible. The type of organism, its viru- lowed free access to water. They were fed daily with lence, and its susceptibility to antibiotics are a ruminant laboratory diet (Rumilab 5508; Purina other variables that are uncontrollable in a clin- Mills, Brentwood, Mo.), and were supplemented ical model, thus making an accurate comparative with fresh alfalfa under the nutritional guidance study between muscle and nonmuscle flaps not of the attending veterinarian (R.G.) to provide achievable. The Cierney-Mader model has been standard nutritional support. All animals were used to clinically stage osteomyelitis. It identifies screened negative for brucellosis and Q-fever be- four major factors influencing the treatment and fore enrollment in the study. Two goats were la- prognosis of chronic osteomyelitis: (1) the de- beled as refinement goats and were used to ensure gree of necrosis, (2) the condition of the host, the success of the proposed muscle and non- (3) the site and extent of involvement, and (4) 12 muscle flap harvest techniques. The average age of the disabling effects of the disease itself. This the animals was 2 years (range, 1 to 4 years) and model does not take into consideration the type the average weight was 34 kg (range, 25 to 45 kg.). of organism in the wound or its concentration. In a previous study at this institution,13 an animal model for chronic osteomyelitis was developed Anesthesia Protocol in a goat tibia using a known concentration of For the radiographic procedures, xylazine (0.5 infecting inoculum. This model was then used mg/kg intramuscularly) was administered for im- for the purpose of this study; to evaluate the mobilization and yohimbine was used as a reversal effectiveness of muscle versus nonmuscle flaps in agent (0.11 mg/kg intramuscularly). For the sur- the eradication of chronic osteomyelitis after gical procedures, the goats were induced using a surgical debridement. combination of ketamine and diazepam. The Chronic osteomyelitis produces significant goats were then intubated and a cephalic intrave- deficits in the involved limb; therefore, the cur- nous was placed. General endotracheal ative procedure should bear extreme consider- anesthesia was maintained using an inhalation ation to preservation of structures that provide agent (isoflurane) administered using an animal- function. Theoretically, if local and regional specific anesthetic system (Ohmeda Modulus an- flaps are considered for use, nonmuscle flaps esthesia system; Ohmeda, Madison, Wis.). All an- would offer the added advantage of preserving imals had a fentanyl patch, 25 ␮g/hour, placed on muscle function by sparing the muscle and its the dorsum of their shaved necks approximately function at its potential donor site and would 12 hours before surgery and then changed at 72 provide a more ideal donor flap, on the condi- hours postoperatively. If excessive pain was noted

1402 Volume 118, Number 6 • Chronic Osteomyelitis Defects on clinical examination by the veterinarian, an- Before surgery, food and water were withheld other patch was placed in addition to the first. The for 24 hours. Preoperatively, the animals were fentanyl patch was discontinued after 1 week in shaved from the mid trunk distally. Surgical access both groups. to the left proximal tibial metaphysis marrow cav- ity was achieved through a 2.0-cm skin incision Creation of Osteomyelitis Model approximately 2.0 cm distal to the tibial tuberosity. A chronic osteomyelitis model was estab- The periosteum was incised and elevated over an 13 ϫ 9 lished in a goat tibia, with 4 10 Staphylococcus area approximately 2.0 cm2. A unicortical aureus isolated from human osteomyelitic bone hole with a diameter of 3.0 mm was made through (American Type Culture Collection no. 700260) the medial proximal cortex of the tibia until the and maintained in tryptic soy broth. The bac- marrow cavity was reached. Bone wax (Ethicon; teria were streak-diluted on a brain-heart infu- Johnson & Johnson, Somerville, N.J.) was used to sion agar plate and incubated overnight at 37ºC. seal the drill hole. An 18-gauge angiocatheter was An isolated colony was transferred to a side-arm introduced through the bone wax into the marrow culture flask containing 50 ml of tryptic soy cavity. Using a 5-cc syringe, 1 cc of 5% sodium broth. The culture was incubated at 37ºC until mid-log phase growth was reached as deter- morrhuate solution was slowly injected as a scle- mined spectrophotometrically at 600 nm (Spec- rosing agent. Ten minutes later, cefazolin-sensi- ϫ 9 tronic 20; Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, N.Y.). tive S. aureus (4 10 colony-forming units) sus- The mid-log suspension was diluted 1:1 with pended in 1 cc of brain-heart infusion broth in a tryptic soy broth containing 20% glycerol and 1-cc tuberculin syringe was slowly injected using a stored at –70ºC until used. Standard growth separate 18-gauge angiocatheter. The entry hole curves were performed to quantitate S. aureus was again sealed with bone wax and the wound plaque-forming units. Frozen aliquots were rap- closed in one layer with 2-0 Prolene (Ethicon). idly thawed, transferred to flasks containing pre- Animals were given a postoperative dose of cefa- warmed tryptic soy broth, and incubated at zolin intravenously 1 hour after the operation to 37ºC. At 30-minute intervals, optical densities prevent fatal sepsis. were measured with a spectrophotometer at 600 Twenty-six goats treated with inoculation of nm. Aliquots of 100 ␮l were plated in triplicate the tibia as above were followed clinically and ra- on brain-heart infusion. After overnight incu- diographically for the next 12 to 16 weeks. Radio- bation at 37ºC, colony counts were performed graphs were obtained of each of the inoculated and colony-forming units per milliliter was plot- tibias at 2, 6, and 12 to 14 weeks after inoculation. ted against optical densities over time. All ani- All radiographs were analyzed in a blinded fashion mals were infected with S. aureus grown from the by our hospital radiologist for the presence of frozen stock characterized with a standardized lucency, periosteal reaction, sclerosis, and seques- growth curve. At surgery, frozen S. aureus vials trum (radiographic evidence of osteomyelitis). were rapidly thawed at 37ºC, contents trans- Tissue samples for culture and histology were ferred to flasks of prewarmed tryptic soy broth, taken at the time of single-stage reconstruction. and incubated while shaking at 37ºC until mid- Deep cultures of the medullary cavity were ob- log phase was reached. Twenty minutes before tained using a culture swab that was directly plated infection, optical density readings were made. onto culture plates with antibiotic disks, to con- Using these data, numbers of colony-forming firm the recovery of the identical infecting strain units per milliliter were determined from the standardized growth curves. Appropriate vol- that was present in all specimens. These culture umes of culture (containing 4 ϫ 109 colony- plates were evaluated by a microbiologist at 24 and forming units) were centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 72 hours for colony growth and recorded. A hos- 10 minutes at 4ºC. Supernatant fluids were re- pital pathologist examined all specimens for evi- moved by aspiration and cell pellets resus- dence of acute and chronic osteomyelitis, with pended in sufficient volumes of cold phosphate- attention to the presence of inflammatory cells, buffered saline to achieve a concentration of 4 osseous destruction, and fibrosis. All 26 study an- ϫ 109 colony-forming units/ml. The S. aureus imals developed both radiographic and histologic suspensions were immediately transported to evidence of acute and chronic inflammation (os- the animal research facility and 1 ml of suspen- teolysis and clusters of bacteria, with occasional sion was injected into previously prepared goat necrotic fragments of bone within areas of fibro- tibias. sis) (Fig. 1).

1403 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • November 2006

all the necrotic bone and devitalized soft tissues overlying it, using a knife, , and rotating burr. The wounds were then irrigated with 250 ml of an antibiotic solution containing1gofcefazo- lin diluted in normal saline. Aerobic and anaer- obic cultures of the wounds were performed by swabbing the subcutaneous tissues and bone be- fore and after debridement and irrigation. In the same stage, the resultant soft tissue and osseous defects were resurfaced with a pedicled muscle flap [superficial digital flexor muscle (n ϭ 13)] or a pedicled fasciocutaneous flap [saphenous artery flap (n ϭ 13)]. The flaps were randomly chosen to be a skin or a muscle flap at the time of recon- struction. The donor defects were closed primarily in two layers over a rubber Penrose , and 1 g of cefazolin was given to all animals periopera- tively and continued daily until postoperative day 5. Radiographs were obtained monthly for the first 6 months after reconstruction, and then at 9 and 12 months. The radiographs were evaluated by a radiologist, blinded to the reconstructive proce- dure, for the evaluation of periosteal elevation, radiographic lucency, and the presence or ab- sence of sequestrum. Daily observation of all an- imals by the attending veterinarian was performed to detect clinical evidence of persistent or recur- rent osteomyelitis (guarding of the involved limb, tenderness, or the development of an external wound with or without a draining sinus). In ad- dition, the animal’s ability to regain full ambula- tion and weight bearing on the operated limb was recorded.

Muscle Flap (Superficial Digital Flexor Muscle) The superficial digital flexor muscle is one of the flexors of the digits and extensors of the tarsus in addition to the gastrocnemius muscle in the Fig. 1. (Above) Anterior view of goat hind limb before single- goat hind limb. The muscle originates from the stage reconstruction. (Center) Lateral radiograph of the tibia of caudal surface of the femur and proximal tibia. Its the goat before single-stage reconstruction. Note the degree of tendon combines with the tendon of the gastroc- soft-tissue swelling, radiolucency, and periosteal reaction in the nemius muscle and inserts into the tuber calcanei. proximal tibia. (Below) Bone specimen histopathologic examina- The dominant vascular pedicle to the muscle tion after surgical debridement showing remnants of viable la- arises from the posterior tibial artery, and the mellar bone with associated fibrosis and extensive chronic in- main nerve supply to the muscle is from the tibial flammation, findings that are consistent with chronic nerve, which originates mainly from the S1 and S2 osteomyelitis (hematoxylin and eosin; original magnification, divisions of the sacral plexus. The incision for flap ϫ200). harvest is made with the intention of providing a skin bridge between the flap harvest site and the recipient osseous defect. Using a medial ap- Single-Stage Reconstruction (Muscle versus proach, the distal tendon of the superficial digital Nonmuscle Flaps) flexor muscle is separated from that of the con- All study animals (n ϭ 26) underwent exten- joined gastrocnemius muscle’s tendon and is sive debridement, which consisted of excision of raised cranially. The superficial digital flexor mus-

1404 Volume 118, Number 6 • Chronic Osteomyelitis Defects cle lies just deep to the gastrocnemius muscle be- technique was used to access and cannulate the cause the soleus muscle is a vestigial muscle in the femoral artery with an 18-gauge angiocatheter. goat. Flexor function of the digits and extensor Nonionic contrast was used to inject the vessel and function of the tarsus is preserved by means of the the femoral artery, and all of its major branches gastrocnemius muscle. were visualized using fluoroscopy techniques. A The muscle is then pedicled under the skin branch arising at the midlevel of the femur was bridge to fill the defect and is secured to the sur- noted to be of significant size (approximately 3 rounding tissue with absorbable suture. The inci- mm at its origin), with a long course along the sion for harvest of the donor muscle is then closed medial aspect of the thigh, knee, and distally until primarily in two layers over a Penrose drain that is the junction between the proximal and middle left in place for 48 hours to aid in preventing segments of the lower hind limb. Doppler ultra- seroma formation. The superficial digital flexor sonography using a portable Doppler probe was muscle is then covered with local tissue after ad- used to confirm the presence of an arterial signal equate undermining (Fig. 2). along the medial aspect of the goat hind limb. The medial saphenous artery arises from the Nonmuscle Flap Harvest (Saphenous Artery superficial femoral artery. Its concomitant veins Fasciocutaneous Flap) drain directly into the superficial femoral vein at the level of the mid femur. The vessels lie under Two animals were designated as “refinement the caudal aspect of the head of the sartorius and animals” and were used to assess the viability and enter the superficial fascia at the level of the distal reliability of this fasciocutaneous flap. A cut-down femur. At the level of the proximal tibia, the me- dial saphenous artery and accompanying veins branch into cranial and caudal branches and course distally down the medial aspect of the tibia. Numerous cutaneous branches of the medial sa- phenous artery perfuse the skin overlying the me- dial aspect of the femorotibial area and provide the blood supply to the skin island of this flap. The skin paddle is marked over the course of the artery (detected by Doppler imaging) and measured to be 1 cm longer and wider than the defect to be reconstructed. The flap design maintains a skin bridge between the debrided soft-tissue/osseous defects and the donor sites. The anterior incision is made to the subfascial level and the dissection is performed posteriorly under loupe magnifica- tion until the flap vessels are clearly visualized. The saphenous artery and its concomitant veins are ligated at the distal aspect of the flap and the posterior incision is then made to the subfascial level. Anterior dissection is performed until the vessels are visualized, and then the flap is raised from distal to proximal until the arc of rotation of the flap is adequate to reach the defect. The flap is then transferred as an island flap into the defect and secured in place. Confirmation of flap vascu- larity is made by clearly visualizing continuous bleeding at the flap edges after harvest and before transfer. The donor site is closed primarily in two layers over a rubber Penrose drain that is left in place for 48 hours (Fig. 3). Fig. 2. (Above) The superficial digital flexor muscle is elevated and ready to be inset into the debrided proximal tibia bone. (Be- Study Endpoints/Statistical Analysis low) The muscle flap after inset into the osseous defect. The The animals were observed daily for clinical wound was then covered with local skin after undermining. symptoms and signs of persistent or recurrent os-

1405 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • November 2006

complications. Radiographs were obtained monthly for the first 6 months after reconstruction and at 9 months and 1 year after reconstruction to detect persistent or recurrent disease. Films were evaluated by a radiologist blinded to the reconstructive pro- cedure for the resolution of periosteal elevation, lucency, and sequestrum. The animal’s ability to re- gain full ambulation and weight bearing on the op- erated limb was recorded and a comparison was made between the two groups. Fisher’s exact test was used for statistical analysis of wound complications and the chi-square test was used for repeated binary measurements (i.e., generalized estimating equa- tions). Analysis for the presence or absence of re- peated measurements was used to detect a signifi- cant difference between treatment groups. In addition, a Mann-Whitney test for the month when the osteomyelitis disappeared among treatment groups was also performed. RESULTS Thirteen superficial digital flexor muscle flaps and 13 axial-pattern, pedicled fasciocutaneous flaps based on the saphenous artery and vein were performed in 26 goats. Predebridement cultures were positive for the original infecting bacteria strain and postdebridement cultures were nega- tive in all animals in both groups. All flaps survived. There was one partial flap loss in the nonmuscle group because of venous congestion noted at postoperative day 5. Two goats in the nonmuscle group developed seromas at the recipient site that resolved after needle as- piration. A limp was noted in all goats, which dis- appeared after an average of 6 days in the non- muscle group and 6.2 days in the muscle group. One goat in the nonmuscle group sustained an iatrogenic injury to the posterior tibial nerve dur- ing reconstruction that resulted in a significant limp that completely resolved at 70 days. This goat was not included in the average time to ambula- tion portion of our evaluation. During the follow-up period of 1 year, no goats Fig. 3. (Above) Marking and design of the saphenous artery skin developed wounds in the muscle group, and su- flap. A Doppler probe was used to mark the course of the saphe- perficial wounds were noted in two goats in the nous artery, and the skin island was drawn centered over the nonmuscle group, one of which was the animal course of the vessel. (Center) The axial-pattern, saphenous artery fasciocutaneous flap after harvest and before inset into the de- with a partial flap loss. Both wounds resolved with brided tibia osteomyelitis wound. (Below) The saphenous artery local care in both goats, showing no significant fasciocutaneous flap after inset rotation and inset into the tibia difference between groups using Fisher’s exact defect. The donor-site wound was closed primarily. test (Table 1). A radiologist blinded to the reconstructive procedure evaluated all tibia radiographs for the teomyelitis (guarding of the involved limb, tender- resolution of periosteal elevation, lucency, and ness, or an external wound with or without a drain- sequestrum that was present on preoperative ing sinus) and for identification of surgical films. Osteomyelitis was present radiographically

1406 Volume 118, Number 6 • Chronic Osteomyelitis Defects

Table 1. Fisher’s Exact Tests Comparing the Effectiveness of the Nonmuscle Flaps to Muscle Flaps, Showing No Significant Differences in Complications Nonmuscle Group Muscle Group Fisher’s Exact Test p (13 ؍ n) (13 ؍ Complications (n Partial flap loss caused by venous congestion 1 0 1.0000* Seromas at the recipient site 2 0 0.4800* Developed wounds/recurrent wounds 2 0 0.4800* *Not significant at the 0.05 level of significance. in two of 13 (15 percent) goats in the muscle present in the wounds, including the type and group and in one of 13 (8 percent) goats in the concentration of organisms, the extent of the nonmuscle group at 1 year postoperatively. Using wounds, and the antibiotic susceptibility of the chi-square statistical analysis for repeated binary organisms. A controlled, reproducible animal measurements, there was no statistically signifi- model of osteomyelitis was necessary to provide an cant difference between the muscle and non- unambiguous comparison of the two types of flaps. muscle flap groups regarding the presence of os- Although muscle flaps have been demon- teomyelitis based on monthly radiologic strated in many previous studies to be successful in evaluation of the tibia after single-stage recon- the eradication of osteomyelitis after adequate de- struction (chi-square test ϭ 1.31, p ϭ 0.25). A bridement of diseased tissues,2–4,6 their associated Mann-Whitney test showed no statistically signifi- functional donor morbidity has encouraged the cant difference between groups and the month search for alternate reconstructive options. Com- when the osteomyelitis disappeared (p ϭ 0.2498). monly used muscle flaps include the latissimus In addition, at 1 year postoperatively, there were dorsi and rectus abdominis. These flaps are typi- no clinical signs of osteomyelitis in either group cally used for these problematic wounds and can (Figs. 4 through 6). be harvested in a variety of forms and tissue com- binations. With advances in reconstructive tech- DISCUSSION niques, efforts have been directed toward refine- Chronic osteomyelitis is a recalcitrant condi- ments in flap harvest and preservation of function tion in which symptoms have been present for at flap donor sites and achieving equal or superior longer than 3 months or in which an initial ther- reconstructive outcomes. apeutic regimen has failed. This disease has been Osteomyelitis has been classified by Waldvogel 14 treated in a variety of forms, both medically and and colleagues as hematogenous osteomyelitis, surgically, with variable results. The purpose of contiguous focus osteomyelitis, osteomyelitis asso- this investigation was to evaluate and compare the ciated with vascular disease, and chronic osteomy- effectiveness of muscle flaps and nonmuscle flaps elitis. Chronic osteomyelitis was then classified an- in the eradication of chronic osteomyelitis follow- atomically by Cierney and Mader as medullary, 12 ing adequate debridement and resurfacing with superficial, localized, and diffuse. In the animal vascularized tissue. This topic has been one of experiment presented in this article, the type of significant controversy for many years and has osteomyelitis evaluated was of the localized type of stimulated many discussions and clinical studies chronic osteomyelitis. Clinically, this type of os- that have been extremely worthwhile though not teomyelitis presents following a traumatic injury decisively convincing. This is evident by the fact and often has the combined features of medullary that muscle flaps have been advocated over non- and superficial osteomyelitis resulting from an ex- muscle flaps by most surgeons treating osteomy- tension of either of the two entities. Although elitis defects despite a lack of clinical evidence classification and staging systems for osteomyelitis demonstrating a clear superiority of one over the have been proposed and used for clinical and other. In fact, several clinical studies have advo- experimental purposes,15 they have not taken into cated the use of nonmuscle flaps for reconstruc- account specific variables such as the pathogenic tion of osteomyelitis defects, citing the decrease in organism, its antibiotic sensitivity, and the ana- donor-site morbidity attributable to the preserva- tomical location of the disease, all of which are tion of functional muscle tissue. These clinical necessary to study, comparatively, different treat- studies have confidently and appropriately re- ment methods and algorithms. ported outcomes of both types of flaps but have The goat was chosen for the purpose of this been unable to control many of the variables study because of its large size, its tolerance to the

1407 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • November 2006

Fig. 4. (Above) Lateral radiograph of a goat hind limb exhib- Fig. 5. (Above) Lateral radiograph of a goat hind limb exhib- iting extensive osteomyelitis before single-stage reconstruc- iting extensive osteomyelitis before single-stage reconstruc- tionwithasuperficialdigitalflexormuscleflap.(Center)Lateral tion with an axial-pattern saphenous artery fasciocutaneous radiographofagoathindlimb6monthsaftersuccessfulsingle- flap. (Center) Lateral radiograph of a goat hind limb 6 months stage debridement and reconstruction with a superficial dig- after successful single-stage reconstruction of left tibia osteo- ital flexor muscle flap of the infected tibia with chronic osteo- myelitis with an axial-pattern saphenous artery fasciocuta myelitis. (Below) A goat hind limb 6 months after successful neous flap. (Below) Goat hind limb 6 months after successful single-stage reconstruction of the left tibia with a superficial single-stage reconstruction of the left tibia with an axial-pattern digital flexor muscle flap. saphenous artery fasciocutaneous flap.

1408 Volume 118, Number 6 • Chronic Osteomyelitis Defects

cle and nonmuscle flaps for the treatment of chronic osteomyelitis in a single-stage reconstruc- tion. The options for flap coverage, therefore, had to meet a set of criteria. Both flap types had to be supported by a set of vessels that provided a reli- able blood supply with branches feeding the ma- jority of the tissues included in the flap, they had to be able to be transferred in a reliable fashion to fill the defect, and technical variabilities with pos- sible technical setbacks were to be minimized. The flaps were chosen from locations nearby the defect to make the operative procedures simpler. The superficial long digital flexor muscle and the sa- phenous artery fasciocutaneous flap fit these cri- teria and were used for the purpose of this study. Both of these flaps were developed in the goat based on previous designs in other large-animal models.18 The authors studied the anatomy of the goat and other animals in the same genus, such as the sheep, and evaluated the arterial anatomy of the goat hind limb using conventional arterial angiography. The superficial digital flexor muscle has a dominant vascular pedicle that arises from the posterior tibial artery and minor pedicles that arise along the length of the muscle (Mathes and Nahai type II).19 The saphenous artery flap is an axial-pattern fasciocutaneous flap with a clear ar- terial and venous system that has visible skin ves- sels arising from it. The initial experimental de- Fig. 6. (Above) Lateral radiograph of a goat hind limb before sin- sign included a third study group consisting of gle-stage muscle flap reconstruction. (Below) Lateral radiograph random-pattern skin flap coverage (local skin un- of a goat hind limb 6 months after single-stage muscle flap re- dermining and closure); however, after an exten- construction demonstrating persistent osteomyelitis. sive literature review, peer discussions, and Insti- tutional Animal Care and Use Committee review, it was deemed that random-pattern skin flaps for toxic effects of antibiotics, and its availability for this purpose have been clearly demonstrated to be experimental research in the authors’ regional less reliable for the purpose of complex wound location. Other large-animal models exist and coverage. Mathes and colleagues2 demonstrated have been used for the study of osteomyelitis; how- the superiority of muscle flaps over random-pat- ever, the goat provided a more inexpensive large- tern skin flaps in the treatment of osteomyelitis animal model that was shown to be as reliable as wounds. In a previous study by Richards and other large-animal models for the establishment colleagues,20 a comparison was made between the of osteomyelitis.16,17 In this experimental study, results achieved following coverage of bony de- comparing two different treatment options for a fects with random-pattern skin flaps versus muscle specific disease entity, the investigators were able flaps. Their conclusions, based on the strength of to control the defect location, size, subject size, union of bone that was achieved and the presence body habitus, nutritional status, and the amount of infection after devascularization of a segment of and type of bacterial organism causing the infec- canine tibia, showed muscle flap coverage to be tion. In addition, all bacteria present had the same superior to coverage with local skin alone. Based antibiotic sensitivity, creating a simple, reproduc- on these findings, the institutional review com- ible, and accurate method with which to evaluate mittee felt strongly that an attempt to include this one variable only, the type of surgical reconstruc- third study group would be unjustifiable consid- tion performed, muscle versus nonmuscle flaps. ering previous data demonstrating suboptimal The design of the experiment was made with the outcomes of local, random-pattern skin flaps for intention of providing a comparison between mus- the treatment of osteomyelitis defects. Therefore,

1409 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • November 2006 the design of this study was made to compare definitively rule out osteomyelitis in any of these muscle flaps and fasciocutaneous flaps only, in the initial films. After 3 months, most of the osseous treatment of osteomyelitis defects following de- defects had healed and the radiolucencies re- bridement. solved. In three goats, evidence of osteomyelitis A key factor to wound healing in patients with persisted in the proximal tibia until the end of the osteomyelitis is debridement. This procedure, an study period. Two of these goats had undergone endeavor strongly dependent on the operator, reconstruction with a muscle flap and one with a when performed properly, rids the soft tissue and nonmuscle flap, a difference that was statistically bone in the wound of a large bulk of the bacterial insignificant. Interestingly, we have found that inoculum and any nonviable tissue that could har- with this type of experiment, there is no clear bor further bacterial growth. The criteria for de- benefit to obtaining monthly radiographs before bridement were strict and were based on recom- the third month because, radiographically, the mendations and standards set forth by Attinger presence of osteomyelitis was not distinguishable and Bulan in 2001.21 Aerobic and anaerobic cul- from the osseous defect caused by debridement. tures were performed on the wounds before and This experiment demonstrates that muscle immediately after debridement. The cultures were flaps and nonmuscle flaps are viable reconstruc- performed by the same laboratory and under the tive options for the treatment of osteomyelitis same conditions. In all animals, the predebride- wounds following debridement. All wounds had in ment cultures demonstrated the presence of sim- common the absence of foreign material, an ilar concentrations of the original infecting or- added burden that may complicate the issue of ganism in all wounds. Postdebridement cultures which reconstructive option is more suitable. Con- in all animals were either negative or demon- sidering the difficulty of performing as extensive strated insignificant growth at 48 hours. Although a debridement in patients with retained hardware, clinical evaluation of the wounds was the major the bacterial count may remain high in the criterion for adequacy of surgical debridement, wounds following the debridement effort. The the lack of significant growth found in postde- data from this study are not necessarily valid for bridement culture swabs of the wounds allowed wounds with the added factor of retained hard- the authors to feel more confident that the ware. Calderon and colleagues11 documented a wounds, before coverage, were similar in nature, decrease in bacterial concentration in wounds cov- allowing for a more fair comparison of the differ- ered with muscle flaps when compared with fas- ent study groups. ciocutaneous flaps. This, in addition to the fact Plain radiography is the most commonly used that muscle flaps may conform better to a wound method of evaluating bone disease and is both with retained hardware, may argue favorably for inexpensive and universally available. For the de- the essentiality of provision of muscle flap cover- tection of acute osteomyelitis, the sensitivity is less age for treatment of these complex wounds. Are than 5 percent at presentation and approximately nonmuscle flaps able to provide enough vascular- 33 percent at 1 week; however, the sensitivity is 90 ity to treat indolent wound infections with re- percent 3 to 4 weeks after presentation. For the tained hardware or prosthetic grafts? Would non- detection of chronic osteomyelitis, the sensitivity muscle flaps be equally as effective? These of plain radiography is high.22,23 Evaluation of the questions remain subjects for future investigation. radiographs was performed by the same radiolo- Muscle flaps have been proven to be effective in gist, blinded to the reconstructive procedure. All the treatment of infected vascular grafts.24 goats in this study, following the introduction of the bacterial inoculum, had marked radiographic CONCLUSIONS evidence of osteomyelitis. Correlation between ra- Although the common knee-jerk response for diographic evidence of osteomyelitis and the pres- muscle flap coverage of osteomyelitis wounds has ence of disease in the bone histopathologically was been challenged by recent studies,25 a lack of a 100 percent in this study. Radiographic evaluation controlled study has led most centers to persist in was performed on all goats after debridement and the use of muscle flap coverage for these wounds. reconstruction on a monthly basis for the first 6 This experimental study confirms the fact that months and then at 9 and 12 months. As expected, adequate debridement and obliteration of the re- the initial two to three monthly radiographs in all sidual dead space remains the most critical factor goats showed radiolucency because the osseous in achieving success with any method of recon- defect, without the presence of periosteal reaction struction and, although the lack of a significant or sequestrum; however, the radiologist could not difference does not prove equivalence, this study

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