From: Mehta, Jayesh To: Pincombe, Neil; Ortiz, Gilbert Cc: Hubbard, Benjamin Subject: Draft TCD(Concept Plan) Added Lane - Cotter Road to Adelaide Avenue [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Date: Wednesday, 25 September 2019 11:57:00 AM Attachments: TC-599878(Draft) Opt 2-Layout1.pdf TC-599878(Draft) Opt 2-Layout2.pdf Dear Gilbert/Neil/Ben, Good Morning. As per our discussion I prepared a new draft TCD (Concept Plan) for Cotter Road/Adelaide Ave at Deakin. I am sending two PDF copies of Concept Plan (Draft) for Bus Lane and T2 Lane convert to normal lane at Cotter Rd to Adelaide Av in Deakin. This TCD is draft only. Thanks all for your help. Kind Regards, Jayesh Mehta Subject: FW: Cotter Road/Bus Lane Proposal - TWU Feedback Attachments: scan_carl pillig_2019-10-09-17-14-46.pdf From: Steele, Peter Sent: Thursday, 10 October 2019 11:34 AM To: Marshall, Ken <
[email protected]>; Hubbard, Benjamin <
[email protected]>; Pincombe, Neil <
[email protected]> Cc: Smith, Jeremy <
[email protected]>; McGlinn, Ian <
[email protected]>; Pillig, Carl <
[email protected]> Subject: Cotter Road/Bus Lane Proposal ‐ TWU Feedback UNCLASSIFIED All, Yesterday I spoke with TWU driver delegates regarding this proposal and they have raised the following: Understand the benefits for other services and are comfortable with the idea. Concerns about: o Policing of bus/T2 lane in general (This is a broader issue with all bus only areas including Constitution Ave and the City which will be raised in other forums – Ian) o Concern about cars moving (suddenly) across the unbroken line and into the T2 lane prior to the broken lines (particularly at the merge one lane area) o Cars using the T2 lane to avoid the merge area and reducing o Could a traffic safety camera been introduced? Any other controls? E.g.