Frank J. Coppa | 344 pages | 04 Apr 2006 | Peter Lang Publishing Inc | 9780820450100 | English | New York, Encyclopedia of Modern Dictators : From Napoleon to the Present PDF Book

Chiang now continued to reunify . As Supreme Leader , held ultimate and uncontested authority over all government matters under the principle of Guardianship. Jean-Jacques Dessalines. Invasion of Belgium. Hold false elections. Abacha Sani Article Contents. More than , people were arrested only during the first three years. Created the extra-constitutional Special Clerical Court system in , accountable only to the Supreme Leader and used principally for suppression of political dissent. Kenneth Sani Abacha. In terms of territory, Metternich gladly relinquished claims to the old Austrian Netherlands and the various Habsburg possessions in Germany for a consolidated monarchy at the centre of . Opposition groups have been outlawed particularly Islamic ones , human rights activists have been thrown in prison and hundreds of protester killed during crackdowns. Translated by de Bellaigue, Sheila; Bridge, Roy. Europe Since An Encyclopedia. Chairman of the Council of State ; President of Chad He succeeded until , when in a violent coup, he expelled the communists from the KMT and quashed the Chinese labor unions they had created. Volume 3. Volume II: E - L. Jailed Chief Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola , the presumed winner of the annulled presidential election; presided over execution of activist Ken Saro-Wiwa. Encyclopedia of Modern Dictators : From Napoleon to the Present Writer

Zhang Jinghui was similarly handed over to China in , dying in prison in , while Demchugdongrub fled to Mongolia before being handed to the Chinese and released 13 years later. Gained power in a coup; declared martial law; oversaw Gwangju Massacre. Declared himself "First Consul for Life" in and then Emperor in Accused of torturing political opponents. Maaouya Ould Sid'Ahmed Taya. The subsequent invasion took control of Iraq by May 1, , and Saddam Hussein was captured in Operation Red Dawn on December 13, , although no weapons of mass destruction were recovered. Image: James Andrews of Maidenhead. Widely described as a dictator see [1] , [2] with estimates of up to 50, extrajudicial killings during his rule see [3] and , Guineans fleeing his rule [4]. Gained power in a military coup that killed President William R. Responsible of the killings of 4 millions congolese. Facebook Facebook. The former who was elected in allegedly by terrorizing the population has been connected with gross human rights violations, war crimes and crimes against the humanity in the civil war in neighboring Sierra Leone as well as at home during the Second Liberian Civil War that lasted from to Government ranked last in the world in press freedom for 8 years by Reporters without Borders see [21] , [22]. He also revealed rather grisly reports of people being boiled to death. President of the Dominican Republic. Image: via wiki. Elected in Kaiser Wilhelm II. He became very wealthy during the country's oil boom. Used his declared conservative evangelical Christian beliefs to portray dissent as an attack against God. Juan Manuel de Rosas. Widely described as a military dictator see [9] , [10]. Heavily repressive; ordered imprisonment of millions of political opponents and members of ethnic minorities in concentration camps, where they were abused and killed. He moved to Spain, where he lived a couple of years later due to the wounds from the assassination attempt. Dictator during a military coup. Over thirty dramatic photos and a comprehensive index are included. Commander of the National Guard and de facto military leader, widely described as a dictator see [29] , [30] , [31]. Kurt Schuschnigg. Zabecki, David T. The list seems endless. Volume II: K - Z. But reports of the religious persecution of the Ahmadi an Islamic religious movement founded in India and accusations of human rights violations such as punishment amputations for criminals and substantial discrimination against women are well documented. Encyclopedia of Modern Dictators : From Napoleon to the Present Reviews

Image: Napoleon Sarony. Namespaces Page talk page. Oversaw democratisation in the , but was never directly elected as leader. Turkmenistan still continues to be oppressive and a single-party state. Regent of the Kingdom of Hungary. President of Gambia. Arranged in an A- Z format, these entries provide the basic facts on the formation and development of the dictatorships as well as references for further reading. He attempted to develop a personality cult; large posters of him were common in the capital Mogadishu during his reign, many of which can still be seen today. Created an single-party-system. Inspired by the popular resistance of the Spanish people to Napoleon, Stadion appealed to his own people in to go to war. Park Chung Hee. The list seems endless. Head of Bolshevik Revolution took power in Never elected; pursued opposition violently; credited with improvements to the country's infrastructure. Vichy France. In , Communist forces led by Mao Zedong , a. Skickas inom vardagar. Dictators are not new phenomena, but within the past two centuries they have dramatically proliferated not only in Europe, which witnessed the rise and fall of fascism and communism, but also in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and , where military as well as ideological dictators have emerged. King of Yugoslavia from United Kingdom. Inherited presidency aged 19 from his father; never elected. Supported by most, if not all, of the Roman Catholic church in Croatia. Than Shwe. As supreme commander of the Nationalist revolutionary army, he directed massive attacks against northern tribal in Soviet Union. Constructed numerous large Hellenic -style temples as monuments to his rule. . Marshal and first President of Turkey. Protests against Gaddafi in Libya began during the Arab Spring and were coordinated by the National Transitional Council , which escalated into civil war following violent repression from the government. President of Czechoslovakia. Prime Minister of the Netherlands. Tokugawa Ieyasu. Otto Skorzeny: The Devil's Disciple. Responsible of the killings of innocent civilians, women and children in Kibeho refugee camp. The Best Dollhouses for Girls. The reality, however, can be very different to this ideal. Invasion of Kuwait. They did not take advantage of it, however; Napoleon regrouped and defeated Archduke Charles in July in the Battle of Wagram , just a few miles from Aspern. King of Yugoslavia. Promoted Krahn chauvinism and "died a multi-millionaire and proud owner of mansions and estates" see [12]. Amin's reign came to an end when he was ousted by an invading force consisting on Tanzanian troops and the Ugandan National Libation Front recruited from among Ugandan exiles. Image: via tvtropes. He found refuge in Libya and then in Saudi Arabia, where he died in . Namespaces Article Talk. Any Condition Any Condition. President of the Central African Republic. Aged 98, he allowed and lost a free election in Archived from the original on 4 August He was found guilty for genocide in absentia in

Encyclopedia of Modern Dictators : From Napoleon to the Present Read Online

Appointed supreme Martial Law Governor of Balochistan by central Pakistani military government following coup. In literature he had been a poet and writer of novels in his youth , he relished the Celtic legends of Ossian and encouraged his official composer Lesueur in the composition of the opera Ossian ou les Bardes. Minister President of Norway between , and founder of the fascist "National Unity" party. Prime Minister of Spain. President of Uruguay. Gaafar Nimeiry. In the early s, he was trialed for violations of human rights, but the court ruled that he was mentally unfit for the trial. Muammar al-Gaddafi, Libya. Elected . Jorge Ubico. Prime Minister of ; In his view, a completely victorious Russia would be just as great a threat to Austria as a completely victorious France. In political opponent Mario Vargas Llosa called Fujimori a "dictator" [50]. Massively expanded his presidential authority upon being elected, giving himself unlimited powers. Military officer who allowed elections in before re-seizing power the next year. Both sons went on to hold important political and military positions in the government in Taiwan. Gained power in a coup; banned the popular Communist party ; purged trade unions of leftist influence; declared himself president in Or maybe not. President of Peru , widely critizised for his political authoritarism. He was executed by hanging on December 30, However, in September , a new democratic constitution was passed allowing direct, multi-party presidential and parliamentary elections. Also reported to have jailed numerous opposition candidates. About this product. Ibrahim Babangida. The lowest-priced brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging where packaging is applicable. Gained power in a coup; suppressed and exiled opposition; over " disappearances " and 28, tortured. Ruled with an iron-fist following his retreat to Taiwan in Jorge Rafael Videla. This usage usually carries a pejorative sense and refers to a ruler who:. The 3rd was responsible for about , deaths, a result of his regime of terror marked by torture, extra-judicial executions, corruption, and ethnic persecution.

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