30 Years of Progress 1934 - 1964
30 YEARS OF PROGRESS 1934 - 1964 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR REPORT TO THE MAYOR AND THE BOARD OF ESTIMATE ROBERT F. WAGNER, Mayor ABRAHAM D. BEAME, Comptroller PAUL R. SCREVANE, President of the Council EDWARD R. DUDLEY. President. Borough of Manhattan JOSEPH F. PERICONI, President. Borough of The Bronx ABE STARK, President, Borough of Brooklyn MARIO J. CARIELLO, President, Borough of Queens ALBERT V. MANISCALCO, President, Borough of Richmond DEPARTMENT OF PARKS NEWBOLD MORRIS, Commissioner JOHN A. MULCAHY, Executive Officer ALEXANDER WIRIN, Assistant Executive Officer SAMUEL M. WHITE, Director of Maintenance & Operation PAUL DOMBROSKI, Chief Engineer HARRY BENDER, Engineer of Construction ALEXANDER VICTOR, Chief of Design LEWIS N. ANDERSON, JR., Liaison Officer CHARLES H. STARKE, Director of Recreation THOMAS F. BOYLE, Assistant Director of Maintenance & Operation JOHN MAZZARELLA, Borough Director, Manhattan JACK GOODMAN, Borough Director, Brooklyn ELIAS T. BRAGAW, Borough Director, Bronx HAROLD P. McMANUS, Borough Director, Queens HERBERT HARRIS, Borough Director. Richmond COVER: Top, Verrazano-Narrows Bridge Playground Left, New York 1664 Bottom, New York World's Fair 1964-1965 INDEX Page ARTERIALS Parkways and Expressways 57 BEACHES 36 BEAUTIFICATION OF PARKS 50 CONCESSIONS 51 ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL Design and Construction 41 GIFTS 12 GOLF 69 JAMAICA BAY Wildlife Refuge 8 LAND Reclamation and Landfill 7 MAINTENANCE and OPERATION 77 MARGINAL SEWAGE PROBLEM 80 MUSEUMS AND INSTITUTIONS 71 MONUMENTS 13 PARKS 10 RECREATION Neighborhood, Recreation Centers, Golden Age Centers, Tournaments, Children's Programs, Playgrounds, Special Activi- ties 15 SHEA STADIUM FLUSHING MEADOW 67 SWIMMING POOLS 40 WORLDS FAIR 1964-1965 Post-Fair Plans 56 ZOOS 76 SCALE MODEL OF NEW YORK CITY EXHIBITED IN THE CITY'S BUILDING AT WORLD'S FAIR.
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