Founded by Mr. Louis Bamberger and Mrs. Felix Fuld

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Founded by Mr. Louis Bamberger and Mrs. Felix Fuld THE INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY Founded by Mr. Louis Bamberger and Mrs. Felix Fuld BULLETIN NO. 10 THE INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY Princeton, New Jersey October, 1941 TABLE OF CONTENTS Extract from the letter addressed by PAGB the Founders fo their Trustees, dated Newark, New Jersey, June 6, 1930 Trustees ................................... i~ "It is fundamental in our purpose, and our express desire, that in the appointments to the staff and faculty, as well as Officers of the Board of Trustees in the admission of workers and students, no account shall be and Standing Committees ................... vi taken, directly or indirectly, of race, religion, or sex. We feel strongly that the spirit characteristic of America at its noblest, Staff of the Institute.. ........................viii above all, the pursuit of higher learning, cannot admit of any conditions as to personnel other than those designed to pro- Calendar, 1941-1942 ........................ x mote the objects for which this institution is established, and particularly with no regard whatever to accidents of race, Members, 1940-1941 ........................ xi creed, or sex." 'r 1941-1942 ........................ xiv I History and Organization .................... 1 11 School of Mathematics ....................... 5 111 School of Economics and Politics ............... 14 1V School of Humanistic Studies ................. 23 V Gest Oriental Library ........................ 32 LIFE TRUSTEES FRANKAYDELOTTE LOUISBAMBERGER Princeton, New Jersey South Orange, New Jersey LEWISW. DOUGLAS MRS. FELIXFULD New York, New York South Orange, New Jersey OSWALDVEBLEN Princeton, New Jersey TRUSTEES Terms Expire ABRAHAMFLEXNER New York, New York WINFIELDW. RIEFLER ALEXISCARREL Princeton, New Jersey New York, New York LESSINGJ. ROSENWALD JOHN R. HARDIN Jenkintown, Pennsylvania Newark, New Jersey SAMUELD. LEIDESDORP New York, New York JULIUS FRIEDENWALD* Baltimore, Maryland MICHAELSCHMP EDGARS. BAMBERGER New York, New York West Orange, New Jersey LEWISH. WEED ALANSONB. HOUGHTON* Baltimore, Maryland Washington, District of Columbia - HERBERTH. MAASS 'Died June 8, 1941. New York, New York - Died September 16. 1911. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES FINANCE COMMITTEE Chairman: ALANSONB. HOUGHTON* MR. HARDIN,Chairman Vice-Chairman: HERBERTH. MAAS8 MR. LOUISBAMBERGER Vice-Chairman: LEWISH. WEED MR. LEIDESDORF Tremurer: SAMUELD. LEIDESDORF MR. RIEFLER Assistant Treasurer: IRAA. SCHUR MR. ROSENWALD Secretary: EDGARS. BAMBERQER Assistant Secretary: MARIEC. EICHELSER BUDGET COMMITTEE Assistant Secretary: LEAHHARRIS MR. LEIDESDORF,Chairman MR. EDGARS. BAMBERGER STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE MR. WEED BOARD OF TRUSTEES COMMITTEE ON BUILDINGS AND MR. LOUISBAMBERGER, MRS. FELIX FULD, the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen are members of all committees. GROUNDS MR. MAASS,Chairman MR. AYDELOTTE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MR. SCHAAP MR. MAASS,Chairman MR. VEBLEN MR. FLEXNER MR. HARDIN COMMITTEE ON NOMINATIONS MR. LEIDESDORF MR. WEED,Chairman MR. WEED MR. DOUGLAS - MR. FRIEDENWALD* 'Died September 16. 1941. - Died June 8, 1941 vii STAFF OF THE INSTITUTE FRANKAYDELOTTE, Director Professors ABRAHAMFLEXNER, Director Emeritus HETTYGOLDMAN ERNSTHERZFELD E. A. LOWE Professors BENJAMIN D. MERITT ERWINPANOFSKY Field Archaeologzst *WILLIAMALEXANDER CAMPBELL Fzeld Mediaeualist KURTWEITZMANN Associate Research Assistant HANNSSWARZENSKI Assistants VALENTINBARGMANN Assistants ALFREDT. BRAUER FRANCESFOLLIN JONES PAULR. HALMOS ISABELLEK. RAUBITSCHEK MAURICEH. HEINS W. KENDRICKPRITCHETT GERHARDK. KALISCH GEORGE Vu'. VYIIA?Lt;S SCHOOLOF ECONOMICSAND POLITICS Curator Professors EDWARDMEAD EARLE NANCYLEE SWANN *DAVIDMITRANY - Throuph the courtesy of Wellesley College, Professor Campbell is spending WINFIELDW. RIEFLER part of his time on work in connection with the Antioeh excavation on behalf of WALTERW. STEWART the Institute. ROBERTB. WARREN Assistant VALENTINET. BILL - Absent an leave. 194-1942, CALENDAR MEMBERS, 1940-1941 FELIXADLER, Ph.D., University of Zurich, 1938 WARRENAMBROSE, Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1939 September 22 First term begins December zo First term ends PETERG. BERGMANN,Dr. rer. nat., German University of Prague, 1936 February 2 Second term begins May 2 Second term ends RICHARDBERNHEIMER, Ph.D., University of Munich, 1930 Assistant Professor, Bryn Mawr College DAVIDG. BOURGIN,Ph.D., Harvard University, 1926 Assistant Professor, University of Illinois JAMES H. BREASTED,JR., M.A., University of Chicago, 1937 BERNARDBRODIE, Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1940 OSCARBRONEER, Ph.D., University of California, 1931 ADMISSION OF MEMBERS Associate Professor, American School of Classical Studies Applications for admission should be addressed to the at Athens Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey. The EDWARD CAPPS,JR., Ph.D.. Princeton University, 1931 Trustees have set aside a sum which may be used for stipends Assistant Professor, Oberlin College for persons of distinct ability and promise who require a KEI-WONCHUNG, Ph.D., Princeton University, 1938 limited amount of financial aid. PAULA. CLEMENT,Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, 1930 CHARLESL. CRITCHFIELD,Ph.D., George Washington Uni- versity, 1939 NEILSONCAREL DEBEVOISE, Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1930; Instructor, University of Chicago ~TIENNEROLAND DENNERY, AgrtgC, University of Paris, 1926; Professor, hole libre des Sciences Politiques, Paris ; Rockefeller F,ellow CHARLESDE TOLNAY,Ph.D., University of Vienna, 1925 DAVIDDURAND, A.M., Columbia University, 1938 LEONARDEISENBUD, B.S., Union College, 1935 STEFANT. POSSONY,Ph.D., University of Vienna, 1935 GEORGEM. EWING,Ph.D., University of Missouri, 1935 ANTONRAUBITSCHEK, Ph.D., University of Vienna, 1935 Assistant Professor, University of Missouri PAULFRANKL, Ph.D., University of Munich, 1910 ERICHROLL, Ph.D., University of Birmingham, 1930 Professor, Hull University ORRINFRINK, JR., Ph.D., Columbia University, 1926 HERBERTROSINSKI, Ph.D., University of Berlin, 1930 Professor, Pennsylvania State College t GUIDOFUBIN~, Dr. Math., University of Pisa, 1900 CLAUDEE. SHANNON,Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1940 FELIXGILBERT, Ph.D., University of Berlin, 1931 SEYMOURSHERMAN, Ph.D., Cornell University, 1940; Na- KURTGODEL, Ph.D., University of Vienna, 1930 tional Research Council Fellow ALLANS. HOEY,Ph.D., Yale University, 1940 CARLL. SIEGEL,Dr. Phil., University of Gijttingen, 1920 SHIZUOKAKUTANI, Rigakushi, Tohokn Imperial University, 1934; Assistant Professor, Osaka Imperial University RICHARDF. S. STARR,Ph.D., Princeton University, 1938; Guggenheim Fellow ALBERTT. LAUTERBACH,Dr. rer. pol., University of Vienna, 1925 RICHARDP. STEBBINS,Ph.D., Harvard University, 1940; Social Science Research Council Fellow ROBERTD. LEIGH,Ph.D., Columbia University, 1926 President, Bennington College RICHARDSTILLWELL, M.F.A. in Architecture, Princeton Uni- WILLIAMW. LOCKWOOD,M.A., Harvard University, 1939 versity, 1924; Associate F'rofessor, Princeton University Secretary, American Committee for International Studies ABRAHAMH. TAUB,Ph.D., Princeton University, 1935 DOROTHYMAHARAM, B.S. Carnegie Institute of Technology, Assistant Professor, University of Washington '937 PAULTEDESCO, Ph.D., University of Vienna, 1920 JONATHAN MITCHELL,A.B., Amherst College, 1921 ROBERTM. THRALL,Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1937 H. TOWNSENDMUHLY, Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins Uni- Instructor, University of Michigan versity, 1940; National Research Council Fellow WALDEMARTRJITZINSKY, Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1937 TOSHINOSUKEMUTO, Ph.D., Kyushu Imperial University, Instructor, University of Illinois 1934; Professor, Kyushu Imperial University ALFREDVAGTS, Ph.D., University of Hamburg, 1927 GORDONPALL, Ph.D., University of Chicago, igzg ALBERTK. WEINBERG,Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, Assistant Professor, McGill University; Guggenheim 1931 ; Instructor, The Johns Hopkins University Fellow MARIANWELKER, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1938 WOLFGANGPAULI, Ph.D., University of Munich, igzi Professor, Eidgenossische T,echnische Hochschule, ENOSS. WITMER,Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1923 Ziirich Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania ... Xlll PAULFRANKL, Ph.D., University of Munich, 1910 GUIDOFUBINI, Dr. Math., University of Pisa, 1900 MEMBERS, 1941-1942 FELIXGILBERT, Ph.D., University of Berlin, 1931 FELIXADLER, Ph.D,, University of Ziirich, 1938 KURTGODEL, Ph.D., University of Vienna, 1930 I NELSONGLUECK, Ph.D., University of Jena, 1926; Pro- DAVIDBLACKWELL, Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1941 ; Rosenwald Fellow fessor, Hebrew Union College RICHARDD. BRAUER,Ph.D., University of Berlin, 1925; CYRUSH. GORDON,Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1930 Assistant Professor, University of Toronto; Guggen- W. BRADDOCKHICKMAN, Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins Uni- heim Fellow versity, 1937 OSCARBRONEER, Ph.D., University of California, 1931 GERHARDP. HOCHSCHILD;Ph.D., Princeton University, 1941 SUBRAHMANYANCHANDRASEKHAR, Ph.D., University of LEICESTERB. HOLLAND,Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, Cambridge, 1933; Professor, Yerkes Observatory, Uni- 1919; Professor, University of Pennsylvania; Chief, versity of Chicago Division of Fine Arts, Library of Congress KEI-WONCHUNG, Ph.D., Princeton University, 1938 SHIZUOKAKUTANI, Rigakushi, Tohoku Imperial University, PAULA. CLEMENT,Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, 1934; Assistant Professor, Osaka Imperial University 1930 ELLISR. KOLCHIN,Ph.D., Columbia University, 1941 ; Na- KENNETHS. COLE,Ph.D., Cornell University, 1926; Asso- tional Research Council Fellow ciate Professor,
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