Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey Yearlong 2014-15 Grade Level: Grades 9-12 Class Dates: Tuesday and Thursday, September 9—May 21 Class Time: 11:30 a.m. (EST), 60-75 min Instructor: Adam Lockridge E-mail:
[email protected] REGISTRATION: To register for Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey or other Scholé Academy courses visit www.ClassicalAcademicPress.com/ScholeAcademy. COURSE DESCRIPTION: The story of the Iliad takes place near the end of the devastating Trojan War—a conflict between the Achaeans and the inhabitants of Troy. Achilles, the most revered Greek warrior, falls into a fit of rage that, in the words of Homer, “cost the Greeks incalculable pain, pitched countless souls of heroes into Hades’ dark, and left their bodies to rot as feasts for dogs and birds…” This story of intense conflict and gruesome fighting illustrates, in a timeless way, both the glories and dangers of the warrior spirit. Homer’s Odyssey is something of a sequel to the Iliad and will be read during the second half of the course. The main character of the story is Odysseus, a famous Greek warrior, who falls into trials which prevent him from returning to his homeland after the Trojan War. The story recounts his difficult journey home and the perils he faces along the way. Students will enjoy a great adventure story, but will also reflect on enduring themes of wisdom and virtue. High school students (9th-12th grade) who successfully complete the course will mature in their reading skills and gain the confidence to tackle other great works in the Western literary tradition.