Available online at www.scholarsresearchlibrary.com Scholars Research Library Archives of Applied Science Research, 2019, 11(2): 1-19 (http://www.scholarsresearchlibrary.com) ISSN:0975-508X Polyester the Workhorse of Polymers: A Review from Synthesis to Recycling Amit A Barot1*, Tirth M Panchal2, Ankit Patel3, Chirag M Patel4 ,Vijay Kumar Sinha4 1Byblos Roads Marking and Traffic Signs LLC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 2C1 Water Industries LLC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 3Polycoats Products Dallas, USA 4Industrial Chemistry Department, VP and RPTP Science College, VV Nagar, Gujarat, India *Corresponding Author: Amit A Barot, Byblos Roads Marking and Traffic Signs LLC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Tel: + +919662976366; E-mail:
[email protected] ABSTRACT In this age of polymer, polyester still conquered the leading position amongst the other manmade polymers. Polyester has become the focus of interdisciplinary research and received considerable attention due to their unique chemical and physical properties as well as their potential applications. Also, we accomplished from the recent researches that polyester is involved either in one or the other form in many works. Thus we show our deliberation to make a platform for those researchers who show interest in work on polyesters, where they find enough basics related to polyesters and its current scenario. In this framework, this review provides the extractive information’s about the polyesters, which covers from to its development, chemistry, application fields up to the methods of recycling used in present scenario. Keywords: Polyesters, Chemistry, Applications, Recycling, Present scenario. INTRODUCTION Human history is tied to the way of using the existed or created materials for the development of living standards.