Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1940-06-18
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i, 1040 - Lcftgltc Race Pardy Cloudy Reds WIn, Reraln Lead AI II IOWA - Partb eJoedJ, • .few Dodrer. LON .. , I aeaUerecl &bllAderailowers , h II ,7 See Swrll!. on Pa,e 4 alterDooD er ",111 &lid tomorrow. -, , l -- Iowa City'. Mornin, New.paper rs FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, lOW A TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1940 VOLUME XL NUMBER 221 ly4 I, =====~ --bUilding The Olc\ ) med lhe ,yilh this ,ther ob- d by the on's lin- 1, a pro- n to lhe )ld Cap_ s of this ew days,-- *** *** *** *** *** * * *** e Soviet Union Takes Military-Occupation of 3 Nations * * * * * * Tlte Soviet Union Acts Rushes Troops Tanks to New rGroup of Leaders Meets to Discuss -Armistice Plea Unan. wered., • '. , "Cartel Systern" to Handle Exports HEAVY LI,..E MARKS NI!W NA'ZI-SOVIItT BaltIC Bases After UltImatum WASHINGTON, June 17 (AP).port;-of Central and South Am- German Onslaught Continue FRONTIEICS -A vast "cartel sys m" to handle erica, ond perhaps Canada, and exports of Latin-American pro- resell them to Europe, The 21 Move Gives Russians Unchallenged Cornrpand ducts and block nazi economic Amer'ican r publics thus would 'Honorable Peace' IB Condition 01 urrender Of Eastern End of Baltic Sea; Pnts j:!omination in this heniliphere was delll with the corporation rather As Exhausted Troops Baul Again f under consideration, officials aid than becom subject to th nazi Armies on Nazi Frontiers today, as a group of government barter sy:'iem with its accompany He~vy Odds on All Fronts leader& held an hour-and-a-halt itlg political penetration, BY THOMAS F. HAWKINS conference on hemisphere trude Congressional action would be LONDON, June 1 (Tuesday) (AP)-The Bordeaux STOCKHOLM, June 17 (AP)-Soviet Russia, which won pl'qblems, required to set up such a corpora- correspondent of the Daily Mail reported today the French important military concessions from Finland by war, rushed The pl.an appeared to con~ m- lion and preliminary comment by G troops and tanks· tonight to new baltic bases seized from plate a hemisphere cartel to con- several senators was favorable, Mediterranean fleet, acting under orders of Admiral Jean Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania by ultimatum. trol the prices of such products The corporation would have to Darlan. has had a major engagement with the Italian fleet. The full military occupation of the three little nations as wheat, cotton, beel, coffee, and spend up to $1 ,000,000,000 a yeal', coppel'-a Pan-American effort to it was estimated, and might incur 1'he correspondent said it was understood that the Ital made them armed camps for soviet troops, gave the Rus ians suffered heavy losses, but added that it was not clear sians unchallenged command of the eastern end of the Baltic protect the hemisphere in the eco- 10.Jes or half that amount, which ;1.00 nomic field as the Monroe doctrine would be undel'written by the when the engagement occurred. sea, and put red armies close to German frontiers. safeguards it Crom European po- government. There were reports, too, in the Swedish press that Rus litical penetration. A study has been underway lor sian soldiers were being concentrated in soviet eastern Poland, It probably would take the form some time as to "the m st effect BY THE ASSOCIATED PRE' Results of the broadening of Russia's armed influence of a huge corporation, or other ive manner of disposing profitably BORDEAUX, June 17 - The armies of France fought could not be foretold immediately. • agency, to be subsidized by this of export surpluses in the Western on tonight along the whole confused front after their govern Reasons for the moves were given by the Moscow govern country which would lJuy up ex- hemisphere," ment asked Adolf Hitler for t.erms of peace Ilnd received no s ment in three notes · to Lith-- immediate reply. uania, .entered' by troops Sat- With what strength of men and munition WIlS left after caners G B· - 'f IJ G 12 days of ceasele s retreat against heavy odds, the x ;'" ~~~t!{,'oc~~~le~~;taw~n10d~~~ Ilea t rl laID e 8 erlllan s hausted French still defiantly demanded "an honorable Gllber~ The notes demanded that . e h p ace" as the condition of urrender. the countries allow free entry A French night communique said the fighting still wa of soviet troops and reorganize She'll FIg t Alone UntI-1 FIe DIe sh violent, that French re i tance continu d, and that there theh: governments, had been no letup in the fierce nazi on \aught south and Tal!!', official soviet news east :from the River Loir . arency, said the rovernment's Military 8pokesm~n admit strengthen herself while Germany The above map indicates how reasOns were ~b.t Lithuania, Axis Powers ted, howeve~ that the front Lithuania, together with Russian is still deeply engaged In west Latvia and Estonia made a mili Adolf Hitler, Mussolini to Meet was disol'ganiz d and that held Poland, becomes part of the ern Eu;ope, The Soviet has also tary a,reement "directed .,alnst the Germans hud split the expanding Soviet Union, Many tbe' U. 8. S. R.," violated pacts May Demand French lorce Into four ribbons, European observers believe the rUshed troops and tanks ' to the ne~ .Baltic bases seized fr()l~ Lat wJtb Russia, beld secret confer 'ro D~cide Fate of Fallen France Hardest lI&hlillf was reported Soviet move was an indication ences,' and sourh~ to bring Fin that Russin has cSecided to via and Estonia, ~~----------------------------~~~ t In the vicinity of 01'1 all ', uiong liLnd Into a ' baltic alliance. French Navy ' the Loire river, 75 miles south ot There was no opposition to the FrenchE cap Gel teralissi11l0 DuceSpeeds Paris, (Th G rmnns said th y s~dy tream of soviet soldiers Bombing, Invasion, had laken Orlean." and crossed H. 1(. Hyde Selected Chairman arid ' mechanized equipment that Will Become From Rome th Loll' ,) Th French communi I poured, in from the east and north Blockade of Isles que told of desperate reslstan e east, Battle of Jura all alonl th middle Loire, but Of Republican Advanc.e Guard Governments of the three na Is Expected Soon Interm-ediary To Destination said G rmon p arheads still stab tions were being reorganized, Rus- bed dee~er Into France in Ole re 300,000 Troops Saved MADRID, June 17 (AP)-Gen- sian military authorities were par- LONDON, June 17 (AP) gion of Dljon and Autun, eosl ot Croup at PMladelpbia; S~nate l'etoes ticipating in reorganizations, Great Britain flung into nazi Get'- From Maginot Trap erallssimo F ran cis C 0 Franco, Expect Decision Will the Loire, 150 to 175 miies 80Uth Tass reported that "ex-presi many's teeth tonight the defiant Spain's leader who once studied ell t of Paris, Discusses War, G.O.P. dent" Antantas Smetona and other By Alpine Cha eurs Fren~h Tobacco Taxes decision to fight on alone - "un military science under Marsha) Affect Destiny The French admitled German Stand in Emergeucy Lithuanian officials tied across mechanized units had pUlihed in conquerable" - from the little LES VERRIERS, Switzerland (at Henri Philippe P.etain, France's For Many Generations In Defense Bill the horder into Germany and were to the d pal'tmcnl of 0 ubs and interned, island seat of world-wide empire. new premier, was reported to PHILADELPHIA, June 17 (AP) Prime Minister Winston Chur the French border), June HI BERLIN, June 17 (AP)-Adol! Jura west ot the Swiss lrontler, The populaces of the countries (Tuesday) (AP) - The dramatic night to hav been invited to act Hitler and his axis partner, Pre "At all points of contact," the -In an atmosphere heavily c1oud- WASHINGTON, June 17 (AP) were described as calm. chill, in a two-minute radio ad as intermediary In negotiations dress, said the fight would go battle of the Jura mountains end mier Mussolini, will meet, prob communique said, "our troops slill ed by the crisis in the allied cause -The sen!\te, working swiftly 'rhe soviet fleet entered the for an armistice reque ted tOI' ed this morning lind the Germans' ably tom 0 l' row somewhere in are fighting with th ~ame braY ry abroad, the advance guard of the toward a final vote on the $1,007; Bay of Rlra, between Latvia and on "until the curse of Hitler Is France by the aged marshal. lifted from the brows of man- powerful motor-ized army finally western Europe, to decid the fate lor the honor ot the fluS, " republican convention met today 000,000 defense tax bill, approved Eslonla, and troops occupied (Spain's participation in peace of prostrate France and dictate The French radio said IIll to military I'arrlsorq along the kind," closed the door on its Alsace-LoI' negotiations revived speculation to wl'ite its 1940 platform, a $77,000,000 increase in amULe- raine trap after fighting ba tUe terms to the re~ublic which lay Illght thal the ,Fren h na vy Willi He told his people that they among foreign observers as to coast and In the principal cities. worn Frenchmen who refused to crushed tOnight under the Ger "Intact" and that the French air Unanimously, it elected a Dew- ment taxes today in place of The Stockholm newspaper AJle now have become "the sole cham whether Hitler and Mussolini believe their country has offered man military machine. force WIUI "Intacl and powerful." ey man-Herbert K, Hyde, of Ok- $76,000,000 in tobacco taxes which handa reported Berlin reaction to pions in arms to defend the might not be attempting to re world cause," to surrender, Mussouni wal speeding north "We are r ady to lay down arms lahoma-as its temporary chair- had been included in the bill as the moves was "rather reserved" By the dogged battle, a few vive Spanish Inlerest in an attempt ward from Rome to an unannounc It we can