Communications and Public Relations Department
[email protected] Tel: 210 6505600, Fax: 210 6505934 Athens, 28 September 2015 The collection of cadastral survey declarations is being extended to the Regional Unit of Serres (Kallikratis Municipality of Amfipoli, Visaltia, E. Pappa and N. Zixni) & Evros (Kallikratis Municipalities of Orestiada and Didymoteicho) The NCMA SA Press Office has made the following announcement: By decision of the National Cadastre & Mapping Agency S.A. (Board of Directors No 645/6/15.09.2015 and 645/7/15.9.2015), the collection of cadastral survey declarations will begin on 28 September 2015, with anyone having a right to real property located in the pre-Kapodistrias Municipalities/Communities in the Kallikratis Municipalities of Amfipoli, Visaltia, E. Pappa and N. Zixni in the Regional Unit of Serres in the Region of Central Macedonia and in the pre-Kapodistrias Municipalities/Communities in the Kallikratis Municipalities of Orestiada and Didymoteicho in the Regional Unit of Evros in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace being invited to submit declarations for their real property either at the Cadastral Survey Office in the region where their real property is located or online at the Cadastre website The deadline for the submission of declarations for these regions, which begins on 28 September 2015, is 28 December 2015 for residents of Greece and 28 March 2016 for expatriates and the Greek State. Submission of declarations is mandatory. Failure to comply will incur the penalties laid down by law. A. REGION OF CENTRAL MACEDONIA I. REGIONAL UNIT OF SERRES 1) KALLIKRATIS MUNICIPALITY OF AMFIPOLI PRE-KAPODISTRIAS MUNICIPALITIES/COMMUNITIES: AGGISTI, AMFIPOLI, HELIOKOMI, KORMISTA, KRINIDA, MESOLAKKIA, MIKRO SOULI, NEA BAFRA, NEA KERDILIA, PALAIOKOMI, PROTI, RODOLIVOS, SYMBOLI ADDRESS OF RESPONSIBLE CADASTRAL SURVEY OFFICE: 4 Dimarxou Hatzipapidou, P.C.