PICKLEBALL B1 2A OPINION 4A OBITUARIES 7A SPORTS 2B PUZZLES 3B BOOKINGS 5B CLASSIFIEDS QUOTE ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.’ EDMUND BURKE Vol. 143, No. 31 NTWO SECTIONS e• 14 PAGwES s&PreESTAs BLISHsED 1874 75¢ AUGUST 16, 2017 Darlington, S.C. WWW.NEWSANDPRESS.NET McIver Road textile plant to re-open, bring 135 jobs say that is pretty doggone spe - By Melissa Rollins Editor cial.”
[email protected] Willis has been working on The fiber industry is coming several projects and thinks that back to Darlington County. this announcement can only During a much-anticipated help spur others on. announcement Aug. 8 at the “They weren’t waiting on SiMT Gould Incubator, the this by any means but there is Darlington County Economic certainly that trail mentality,” Partnership announced that Willis said. “I saw you do it and Fiber Industries LLC would be I’m trailing you. I certainly re-opening the plant on East think it is going to happen.” McIver Road in Darlington. Codenamed ‘Project Hiring will begin in the Phoenix’, the re-opening has fourth quarter of 2017 with been in the works for quite production to start in early some time. 2018. Fiber Industries manage - Darlington County ment team Andrew Rosenfeld Economic Partnership and Leandro Carboni shed Executive Director Frank Willis some light on the details that said that it is a relief to finally have been agreed upon by the be able to make this announce - company and the county. ment. “(August 7), the county “It is a huge relief,” Willis approved our incentive pack - said.