RESEARCHED, COMPILED, ANALYZED, PREPARED AND OWNED IN ITS ENTIRETY, SOLELY BY MYSELF: DR. J.D.BEDSOLE,ASME,BSBA,BSVE,MSEA,PhD,And ScD. NOT FOR SALE Copies Furnished To You By Me, Are Free Of Charge Please read the following copyright Note. © COPYRIGHT 1996,1997,1998,1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,2004,2005,2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. JD Bedsole. All Rights Reserved. Copying this booklet is free for your own use, but copying it, or any part of it for sale, or incorporation into something else for sale, Or the posting or sharing of this book with my name and copyright notes as written, removed, are absolutely not permitted. Drei Beifall Fur Der Betzolds (3 cheers For The Bedsoles) BEDSOLE January 1, 2013 Version BEDSOLE HISTORY, ANCESTORS AND DOCUMENTATION FROM 1663. Author Dr. J.D. Bedsole, ASME, BSBA, BSVE, MSEA, PhD. And ScD. EMAIL:
[email protected] or
[email protected] Betzold/Bedsole) Deutschland/Germany And U.S. Wappen Fur Der Provinc Von Brandenburgh (Coat Of Arms For The Province Of Brandenburg) BETZOLD /BEDSOLE COAT OF ARMS Meine Vorfahren Kamen Aus Dem Brandenburgischen Provinz Von Deutschland ( My Ancesotors Came From The Brandenburg Province Of Germany) (Notwithstanding the fact that Brandenburg was originally part of Prussia) Note; This Bedsole Coat Of Arms above, was registered in 1650 to Wilhelm Heinrich Betzold in Prussia. I copied it by hand from the original Coat hanging on the wall at the home of Wilhelm. In German, (the W is pronounced as a V ). So his first name was pronounced as “Vilhelm“.