CHECK WWW. 2A OPINION 4A OBITUARIES 7A SPORTS 2B PUZZLES 4B BOOKINGS 7B CLASSIFIEDS NEWSANDPRESS.NET FOR ELECTION RESULTS QUOTE ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.’ EDMUND BURKE Vol. 142, No. 23 NTWO SECTIONS e• 16 PAGwES s&PreESTAs BLISHsED 1874 75¢ JUNE 15, 2016 Darlington, S.C. WWW.NEWSANDPRESS.NET County passes $34 million budget Tax Fund of $60,525, a Road the need for this provision, voted absentee. By Samantha Lyles Staff Writer Maintenance Fund of $1.6 mil - explaining that residents who Absentee voting numbers
[email protected] lion, and a Hartsville Fire don't live near the Darlington normally rise during a presi - Darlington County Council Protection District Fund of registration office don't have a dential election year. Campbell convened their regular month - $475,000. nearby option for absentee vot - said that in 2012, over 6,500 ly meeting Monday, June 6 and The total for these budgets is ing. voters chose to cast absentee passed final reading for the $34,460,002. “I think it's unjust that those ballots. He noted that these 2016/17 fiscal year budgets. One amendment was added people do not get the services numbers have swelled dramati - The composite budget in prior to passage: Council mem - that we have in Darlington,” cally since 1992, when just over Ordinance 16-14 contained a ber Bobby Kilgo proposed said Campbell. 700 people voted absentee. General Fund budget of $24.8 adding $9,000 to place a sup - He added that absentee vot - Kilgo added that one reason for million, an Emergency plemental absentee voting box ing numbers vary widely in two this increase is that any citizen Telephone Fund of $831,059, a in Hartsville for the November of the county's biggest over 65 can now vote absentee County Library Fund of $1.3 general election.