Liturgical Schedule St. Dominic Catholic Church Tuesday 7/27 5:30pm Tom Bontje By Roger & Deb Kleinschmit 800 E Walnut Canton, SD 57013 Thursday 7/29 Herb Ulrikson 8:30am By Rick & Gail Viereck July 25th, 2021 Saturday 7/31 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Stan Wolf Lector, EM, 4:30pm By Racine Kimball Servers Please Volunteer 9th Sunday After Pentecost Sunday 8/1 Wayne Mitchell Lector , EM , 8:30am By Tom Konechner Servers Please Volunteer Traditional Latin Mass 2pm Parishioners of St. Dominic & St. Magdalen X Sunday after Pentecost Collections 7/18/2021 Envelopes & $1820.00 Online Loose $167.00 TLM $795.00 Total $2782.00 CFSA Goal $20,600 Collected $21,232 The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishesca. 1545–50 Jacopo Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti) Italian Please Keep in Your Prayers…. Phone: (605)764-5640 Nursing Home and Assisted Living residents: Betty Parr, Jeanne Oliver, Margaret Baldwin Email:
[email protected] Pastor: Fr. Martin Lawrence
[email protected] Those who are ill, undergoing treatment, in need of healing and all especially in need of our prayers: Website: Jeannette Koch, Fr. Rader, Fr. Dana Christensen, Benjamin Coad, Kim McNulty, Andy Veldhuizen Parish Staff For the homebound, our country and its leaders, for respecting life in all stages, for the Pope, all priests and religious, and the Pastor: Fr. Lawrence Sacraments health and safety of our American Troops. Parish Office Hours Secretary: Amy Buitenbos Reconciliation: 1/2 hour prior to Week- DRE: Amy Buitenbos 7/24 Victoria Rakus, 7/25 Ron Desmet, Michael Gubbels, 7/29 Jean Brown, Tues/Thurs 8a-12:30pm & end Mass, & by appointment Those Celebrating Birthdays Custodian: Troy Young Evenings as needed Baptism: Contact Fr.