SYMBOLIC HISTORY Through Sight and Sound
SYMBOLIC HISTORY Through Sight and Sound 16. Giants in the Earth (16th Century) CHARLES G. BELL ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO or 1260 CANYON ROAD SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO 87501 September 1995 Last Revised January ‘96 1 Charles Greenleaf Bell, 1260 Canyon Rd., Santa Fe, NM 87501 SYMBOLIC HISTORY Through Sight and Sound 16. Giants in the Earth (16th Century) 1) Giulio Romano, 1530-32, Fall of the Giants, frescoed room, corner and two walls, Palazzo del Te, Mantua (CGB '86) 1a) Same, detail, stream and Giant under rocks, (CGB '86); video brings in another detail from the last slide of the show, 80+1. Music: Ant .de Cabezon, c. 1540, Tiento de Primer Tono, Videro on HMV DA 5207 In The Winter's Tale, the living Hermione is presented as a statue "by that rare Italian master Julio Romano, who, had he himself eternity, and could put breath into his work, would beguile Nature of her custom, so perfectly is he her ape." In this 1530 Mantuan vault, his heaven-storming giants fall under the rocks of Pelion and Ossa. (music) In the tientos of Cabezon, we feel what turned the loves and thought of that century toward Prometheus, Icarus, Phaeton and Faust. 2) Titian, 1543-44, David and Goliath, Santa Maria della Salute, Venice; + V detail) (music continued) There were giants in the earth in those days...when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men. And when the spiritual force stored in medieval creed-condensers struck through the physical, it stirred Gargantuan prodigies: the arts of space and mass, Hermetic and Lucretian science, Reformation, Utopias, world conquest, Platonic love, the Age of Gold.
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