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ot'l {u31s3cr9'll^ldvf, !' s9NlwwlH ^8 CllNrUd 'sr{}uoru mal }xau tt60e9 (tazoll8t99zeg (lz0l :auoqoatal aql ul aurof, o1 slq6gu ueadornE legeadsasoql ro alolrr srStroHd sl80ds ' ' ' ^s 03Hs|rand € o3cnooud mal s pup lcadsord u1 raquraruar ol rlf,lptu raqloup lNtzvSvW ^vcHf,lvr/! Noo lHl 'tz6t s.alaql leql adoq a/n pue 6uguanastql uollgladuoc 086r llp :steuulM dnC q6nolg^tO qnlf, s.adorng ut aq o1 1ear6 s.11 lsotuaro; {Jpq '99-996t 'suol1lladuoJ tt-9161 f,llsatI|oPsP lla/n sP sluarueurnol ueadorng :sJsuulM dnC sn6ea7 qslrto'S aarql aql u! prof,ar lsed s,qn1caql lunof,Jp pallelap Io 'Iooq 9t-9t6t e sappord '6u1uanaslql punor6 aql punoJe alss uo :sreuulM dn3 en6ea7 qsutoo9 ute.ltnoS 'adornE reaf mau s.qnlJ aql uaql u! proJal lsed suoq aql m6r't86r'z8f,L'oL6l' Lt6- :steuulM dnc qsluocs le {ool pue sa6ed aq} {rpq utn} ol a{ll Plnom no/{;1 puy 'ullrag t8-886t 08-5a61'99-!e6r oureufq uro{ sro}!s!Arno lp {ool pallplap e snld :d!qsuordueqC en6ee7 podar ueadorng p spq augze6eu uoq s.1q6guo1 leleads e86t 'a6ua11eqraql auroJrano uPf, suoq :steuulM dnJ tedns '6uguana aql leql luapguo) are am sgql yoddns rnod qllm t86t pue adornE u! lsaq aql lpaq pup qf,leru uec 6aq1leql :suoldueq7 dnC,srouulM-dnO ueedotnf 'au11 SUNONOH lsed aqt u! umoqs a^pq uaapJaqv rng s.lq6luuot 'M ro e u1fueurrag lspg ug 6aypuoras aql ul pue 1q61uolsuo(l oltvc'8 uo]Joa 8n'13 aql ro; uolluultusxa 6ug1sa1e apgnord ol ulsyal are 6aq1 l-t o3s ^oo3l u3Nlvh_ 3r]^M ol^vo ots^Hd 'dn3 suoldueqC aql ul srauEgedurer 'qrns ruv99vl'f'l ^uv1lu3ls paoualradxa sE suospas anlssaJf,ns UfNUVO'M U]9VNVU1I INV].SISSV Pue 'V suogdueqr ' ' ' f,llsauoP NOSN9U3I U]9VNVIA xrs JoJ duerurag lspg lo llsqlool 'u't rlaql ul aar8lpad 6u1pue1s1noue aAPq ullrag oueunq o]vNoo uot3luro 'unr61ag uro{ 6q palulodde slegcggo 380 NOSUIONV3 NVTA|UIVHS'lf,lA VJgn O]VNOOW'U NVhIUIVH3 qJleu aarql aql pup qnlf, 6utpeal s.fueurrag lseS ruorJ slelrglo pue srafeld aql alrpould ol auof,lam ol pa1q611ap SZEZE9:auoqdalel are suoldrueqC qs$lof,S aql l{61uo1 }uaul}uoC aq} HOt Z8V NllOUSSV Pue wntovls lluoolild tuo{ sapls }saq aql uo 6u11e1;oa6ua;1eqf, aq} 6q pallant l€061 papuno] ) 'saqcleru ueadorng lnoqe araqdsotule anb;un P s.alar{I I n'lc llv8lool N330u3sv .u6gedurer ueadorng lsalpl rlaql olul qJunel suoq aql sE raqloue;o s6u14uur aql IIP seq 1q6guo1pue suospas /naf tspl aql ul l1eqtoo; ueadorng ;o s1q6;u legoads maI E pa6els spq agpollld o - o I reckon that ltke ourselves, Dynamo Berlln were probably disappointed when the first round draw of the European Cup palred the two clubs together. Although all ties can be difficult, a match against a side with Dynamo's experience so early on in the competition is not the kind of game we would have picked for ourselves and I dare say that our visitors from East Germany are not relishing the prospect too much either. Both Willie Garner and myself have taken the opportunity to watch Dynamo in recent weeks and their record alone speaks for itself . . . six times East German Champions in a row, a lot of ex- perience and plenty of good in- dividual players who've played at international level. One of the points that struck me about them is their patience. Like a lot of Eastern European sides they take their time and are very organised and methodical in the way they build up. They are going to be a tough nut to crack but having said that we have built up a useful reputation ourselves in Europe over the last few seasons and I would say that we have certainly learned a lot since we last played in the Euro- pean Cup four years ago when turned us over. Looking at our opponents tonight individually, they have a very tall goalkeeper who has a lot of international experience, a sweeper who uses the ball well and a stopper at the back who also looks good going forward. Up front, their main striker is Ernst, who is another inter- national with a useful scoring record.

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'lq61uo1 r{f,lptu aurJp loJ u! alp am 6ur1aa1p a^.1pup suo111ladruor ueadorn3 aql Jo lueuodrug 1sou.r aq| ul IrEq 6uraqsno11arupu s.ll .6a; puocas aql ur arull s.;q61u1:o1E u! pue lq6;uo1 got aqr op upf, am luaplJuor ue ; sraÄe1daql urorJ luaulrturuof, pup apnlrlle lq6gr aqt pup salnulur 06 aql :ano 6u11req rno6 qflm .6uluanasrql aupollld ol srolrsl^ lno ol autof,lam tlllem e raJJo am 'qnlf, aql qll/lr palJau -uoc auodra^a uO 'dn3 Jo ;lpqaq .srauu16-dn3 aq1 ur suospas 1o aldnoe tspl aql :ano dn ylrnq an.amaf,uagadxa aql IJe uo IIef, ol paau lltm am uaqrnlq61uo1 loJ llJ aq plnom f,rrg teqr alaln aAl 1n;adoq'Iaam srql go lted /ipea aql ur sruoldu/is nU tuo{ 6ulragns sraÄe1d1o aldnor e peq pue frnfur 8urrlsueq p q]!^r arup6 sra8ueg aql roJ {f,plg Jll3 }sol am sarrnlugr{l!m lslom aql rano alaln am leqt lq6noql am uaqm lsnf .alqpl aql 1o dol aql le sn 1da1leqt lulod e qtlm aure6 aql yo 1no 6uruof, lnoqe palu;oddesrp ool aq louuel am puP llnsal tlPJ P 61qeqo:dspm mprp p pua aql ul 'sualqord arou ma; e sra6upu asnpJ o1 6g1ua;r -lJJnsatup6 lno asrpr ol alqeun alalt1arr teql paluroddesrp6;1q6r1s sem I lnq l! u! lol P ra^au sEllir araql pue aue8 1q6r1e se/ll lt '11am Ä1:e1ncr1:eddeJd 1ou prp am uaqm Äeprnleg uo s:a6ueg lsureFe lugod 1s:r; :no paddo:p am q6noqlle uospas aql ol tlels snolla^rPu P apPtu a^Pq am 'alplnq punor lsrr1q6no1 e sl lpqm rano 1ab upJ am uaql slaam luaf,al u1 6urop uaag anpq am sP IIa/YrsP pue ueJ am sP llam se 6e1d am Jl leql rrlsnurldo ure J lnq aturl s.1q61u1ro;p ur ulpag tse3 ur pue yq6ruol a6ua11eqt6rq e af,PJam lPq] lqnop ou s.alaql r BEBL[M Dynamo Berlin may not be one of Europe's most It was this campaign which brought their best famous clubs. But in domestic terms they are one of season in Europe to date. Dynamo beat Cardiff on the most successful. penalties in the first round after two 1-1 draws, then When they claimed the East German Champion- Beerschot of Belgium 3-1, 3-l and Atvidaberg of ship earlier this year they were recording their sixth Sweden 2-0,2-2 to reach the semi-finals. successive League title. That is a feat surpassed in But just as one Dynamo (Dresden) had brought Europe since the War only by Celtic and CDNA, the about their downfall in the 1971 East German Cup, so Bulgarian Champions of the 1950s, with , it was the turn of another Dynamo (Moscow) to end and Ujpest of Hungary, with seven. their European dreams. The East Germans drew l-l Olympiakos of Greece in the 1950s and Omonia of at home, forced a l-l draw in Lvov after extra-time Cyprus in the 1970s also hold pride of place with . . . then lost 4-1 on penalties. Dynamo on six. But in this respect at least they leave At the last moment. their nerves failed them. But some of the greatest club names such as Juventus, the foundations had been laid and a major step for- Real Madrid, Ajax, Liverpool and Anderlecht, in their ward was taken in the promotion to first-team coach wake. in 1978 of a man who achieved great things in two And, judging by the quality of players being con- years with the Youth section: Jürgen Bogs. tinually advanced by the Dynamo Youth conveyor He was then 31, the youngest coach in the First belt, they may well not stop at six titles in succession. Division. But he immediately became the most suc- Yet although Dynamo are setting modern football cessful as Dynamo scorched to the lirst of their six history, the club are little more than 30-years-old, Championships. They establisheda record of nine vic- having been set up in 1953 thanks to the delegation to tories in a row from the start of the season and led by East Berlin of a police sports unit from the Dynamo six points at halfway. They lost only one game - to Dresden club - who are now their greatest rivals and Magdeburg, who also beat them in the Cup Final. who beat them in last season'sCup Final. Along the way Dynamo also ran up a record 10-0 Initially this new club was labelled Sport-Club win over Sachsenring Zwickau - and they haven't Dynamo though later, as the state-amateur football looked back. Indeed, in 1982-83 they finished their federation earned self-respect and autonomy, they l6-match League programme undefeated and no were allowed to alter the title to the present Berliner fewer than 12 points clear of runners-up Vorwärts. Football Club Dynamo. ln last season's Champions' Cup it took eventual Under whichever name, they have maintained a finalists Roma to beat them 0-3, 2-l in the quarter- presence in the East German First Division - called finals. - the Oberliga since 1954, with a one-season absence THE COACH relegation in L967. only after Jürgen Bogs is 37 but, on his appointment at 3l was Cup-winners in 1959, beating Wismut Chemnitz 3-2 then the youngest coach in the East German replayed Final, they were League after extra-time in a Oberliga. Most of his playing career was spent in the year in the Final in runners-up the next and back Cup Second Division with Aufbau Schwedt and he L962, only to be beaten 3-l by Chemie Halle. simultaneously studied physical training instruction at into the That defeat was the first stage of a long slide the Deutsche Hochschule für Körpercultur in Leipzig. pace the accelerated Second Division; the of decline Bogs qualified in football coaching theory in 1974 and long-serving inside-right and na- by the retirement of was signed up to join the Youth staff by Dynamo a tional team captain Günter Schröder. year later. Promising work led to Bogs being ap- (since overtaken) He had created League records pointed overall Youth coach in L976 and then to the goals games to with his 142 in 321 after switching first team two years later. Despite six years of success the Dynamo, and without him attack fell apart. Coach in the League, Bogs has yet to take Dynamo to victory given the he Karl Schäffner was cold shoulder when in the Cup. They have been beaten finalists in L979, - asked the authorities Dynamo remain the Interior 1982 and again last season - when they went down (police) - new Ministry club for help in obtaining star 2-1 to Dresden. to the l4-team Youth names, so he had to turn section The No. 2 to Bogs is 44-year-old Joachim Hall. . . . and wait. ! Eventually they did turn the corner. Relegated one THE PLAYERS year, they bounced right back the next and signalled BODO RUDWALEIT. Goalkeeper and club captain. their revival by reaching the Cup Final in 1971. Ap- Aged 27.29 caps. Also 13 appearanc€sfor the Olym- propriately, Dynamo's opponents were original parent pic team including one in the Final of the 1980 Games club Dresden. Dynamo eventually lost 2-l in extra- in Moscow when holders East Germany lost 1-0 to time, but because Dresden had already won the Czechoslovakia. At 6ft 6in Rudwaleit is Europe's League, Dynamo entered European competition in the tallest top-class goalkeeper. An Under-21 interna- Cup-Winners' Cup. tional who has played 174 League games. 'raururns aql 6ulrnp parrafsuptl psupH 6u1aq arolaq lrolsog roJ saueb 491 u; qeo6 6ü parotrs oq/n leuolleuralur crdru6;g pup l7-rapun 'dec 'prumroJ 'UOISVd s90g NE9Unf up ostv 1'97 pa6y XNVUJ 'ZZ pa6y 'prpmroJ 'Zltfnogny ' pa6v' ONU3S 6r o,.ii:*' 3,?,Tur,".gny#,Y#,i -ord lsotu s.dueurag lseg ro auo palpl .; pur .roinr. 1se1sarueb an6ea1 41 u; s1eo6lnol paroJs oqm Jpuoll -Buratu! qlnoÄ'8I pa6y'premroJ'hlOHI SV3UCNV -urqrnoÄ'8I pa6v'ptauprw'Hf,ruaNvJl'#fiä'; 'zz 'Plauprw'uSNrtny 'orupudq Pa6v 3xt3 . ro; saue6 an6ea1p11 u; qrib6 gg yo rarors 'VZ paBV 'Itrp$e/plagpthl 'ZTnHf,S 'orlxahl CNU3S qllm /nptp I-[ luaf,araq] u! lpo6 rlaql paroJs pup la^al 6rana 1e fuururag lsp3 roJ pafeld se11'sducL'ZZ paEV'plagplhl'SXf,VS 'plauPl(uNVIISIUHf, ur llztaFal o1 luaredde-rlaq aqI 'lpuollputatu! c;dru6;g pue IZ-rapun'qrno^'tZ paEV'plagptry'gOHOUXNVUI 'PJPm -rof rpls s.ruPal aql se - alqnorl aaulro asnDJaqluau -arllar arnleuard olug parrol - raDrparg ua6rq.r1-sue;1 .au;1 ssallf,nl aql urorJ JaAo ualel sprl lsuJg areds 'lnqap slq u! rolralloo durels V upal-lsrlJ slq appur aq ragp read aql - Ig6I u; oueudq qllm duprutag lseg fo uogdrueq3 qlno^ pup 6L6l pue 9461 ur uo;d -urprlJ rolunf '916I ug dn-srauunr an6eal foq;ooqcg 'oureuÄC 'sp/lr 'tI qllm aH ;o a6e aqt le gt6l u! - oueuÄq Eulugofarolaq lllartsnaN gSI - qnlr lprol 'JaqJeal s u! raqlpl stq 6q paqceof, se/n lsurg luapnls 'rnouoq V slql uom rana seq rade;d oureuÄq e au;1 'raroJs lsrg aql do1 an6ea1 se qslurJ ol uospas lssl 'leuollpuralu! s;eo6 97 parors I7-rapun pup qlnoÄ 'sdec 'ZZ 'Irerre/pla$pthl 'ISNU3 91 paEV UENIVU 'ZL6I ul slsllpug-lruas dn3 .srauu;11 -dn3 '1s;1e;:ads '096I pue lrll-aa{ V u! moJsohl u! apls dn-stauunr r;dtu6;6 aql Io raqtuau orueuÄg 'gg laqloue se/n llzlalral fo letot s;eo6 raarer s1q peal sratie;d aarql 61uopue saue6 an6ea1 9tt Io lefol s;q paddol aneq fueurag lse3 u; 6u11eradodlluarrnc 'rade;d srafpld oml Ä;u6 pacualradxa lsoru s.oueufq re; 6q s; oqm leuolteuralur udu6;6 pue t7-rapun 'sdee 'üt 'platfpl4 'IXZIA'1U3I g pa6v XNVUJ 'PruoU 1su;ebe ;eug-rapunb dn3 ueadorn3 aql u! lpo6 umo ue qllm pallparr 6;aleunyro; 'uoseas -un lspl pua daap aql lp u! u/norql 6ugaqrarye 'leuollpuralu! saure8 91 u; s;eo6 aarql paroJs qlno^ '8t 'ptagplrulrapuaJaq 'U3HIEUC pa6v SVh1OHI 'sarnlxlt an6eal 6u; -uado aql roJ r.upalaql ul par{els aq lsql sarue6 uospas -ard aql ug passardrugos pue ullrag uolun uro-g raru u; s1eo6 üt usrll ramal ou paroJs sptl oqm -utns 'raÄe;d leuolleural aqt 6u1rnp pau6;g t7-rapun pup qlno^ -ur pue qlnoÄ 'tueal aql u! arpld '02 '1ceq-rq6;g 'XÄZNglSy l7-rapun V leuolleu paOV UvhtgO-tvlyl re;n6ar e parnf,as61a1e1 aneq o1 srarfeld oureutiq aarql 'leuolleuratu! 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eo 66-o.o 'uaaplaqv " 'puE - snl dgqsuogdureqr ueadorn3 rlaql qllm pue leug s.uoseas lsel u; 1-7 1e6ngo4 - -uannJ''1oodranl1 :a8eluenpe paptJap sutpuortg aql ueql padd;nba rapaq lo opod CJ ualsaq 6u;neq dnS.srau e aneq 6ro;6 ueadorn3;o arua;radxa sreaddp auo-ou pue dn3 -u;1n dn3 aqylo sJaploq luarnr ate Äaq1 .suo;dueq3 'urpal qilm sqnlr asoqt teql qf,ntu os aql u! unt s qnltr qtualJ qnlJ snoroutel6 lsoru s.ppoÄ luaf,ar lnlssaJrns PPq 'd;e11 ro, qunof, aeua;radxa dn3 e leql aulg af,ugs6uo; s.11,*n".pjj.rg"U aql sdsqrad ars a^nf ;o suo;d 'tear{ .suogdureq3 aqt u! lng lxau q67 fery uo -ruPqtr sarull Iz Prorau rcnlua nf - '6u!rds slassnlg u! lPUg aqt ut u!/n PlnoJ sqnlf, Äeme o1 sautoJ l! uaqm dn d;1s sd;qs lxau ulm -uo;dureqc lq6ga lseal ls Io auo 6uy :dn runs oI ueadornS aql lp ap!s leuoll qug s rol sallmo^gJ ArolIPu ruaql a{eru 'araaou ,ltorurEqs -pu aqt alll - sureal nelso6n^ uago ool lsnu qo;qm a1ÄlsJlurouoJa pus acuagad 'punor 'os pus platrul'l 6u!uado lnq ela{rhl reUl{ ra8u!,n:{al u! lualel -xa aql alpq uau s.ue6e3 aof uan3 'dn 'u! aq1u1 dn ace; oqm sqnlf, qsttl qlnos pus aDpuaal lusqllrq e a^pq JslS pag Dulluas sl luaurarsldar p allqln lseal '(uao) -s.rauunr - 'rt1 r.ltioN aql Pue (q|V) troutqel dnJ VJgn aJuo pus srelnbar lp alqeraup alull e aq Äeu 6aqr 6q6ult't'(rop) ua6uaralE^'(xn-I) ueado.rn3 :aprr61ag tcls PaU -e1;;o elropdues ol pa^our seq ssaunos rtua '(pllel{) EDalluA '(u!J) 8a^ '^tuttsnb u,noulun aqI aruaerg p;agplru pue tadd;1s V 'luog ;eraua6 {I'(arl) sau.Dfv'(rdÄ3) uguourg pug dn qcund ppe o1 pau6;s uaaq serl t9ql ,nou lng suolsPJf,o 9I protar I uo a,n JappoJ uouueJ aql Euorue umog uasael] or;p s.un;6;ag puP plaupltu an6ea1 qsgg6u3arll uo/n aneq ;oodranl1 .rdaug 'sJauu! 'aruou saluetnqap la!^os se aql sunr uossu6rn6;g rgabsy s.pue1ao1 r saull rnol snql Pue u! llaÄ '{req se 6arpn1 ;o rodcuozqul a^lsualap aql lE urlg ploq ralsrgJ Purag lsug s.uoseas 1se; u; sa;l1euad uo eurou -ertln aql pue uaraaag s.utngElag pus zulaqlrEx sleuollsuralul'aul!f palsapp 6upeq 'sraplog :;oodralyl apnlru! call;1urnb u,nouttuO lsrg aqt ro; dn3 .suoldrueqo aql u! :(iPaPnlf,xa uaap 'eple^olsoqf,az3 -raqv) ;o an6rr4 ugudg pue qceqpel6uaqf,uaohl elssnrog pue slaplsno ol safFno^P, urorJ lsll '(loodran;1 - puP pa uoH s.6re6ung 6rnqrue;-1 ruorJ aruaraglp 1eo6 uo 6uetu aql q6norqt 8uluunr araq uolleulrus 'ege61ng 'dnor6 umerp) puplodfo qf,z1 -rag lsafil suolduteqS :yu6gnlg -xa JasolJ reaq oqm a^lssatd lsu;e6e Io '(etuou se qJns 'ueadorn3 -rug uy'aper6;ag rels pag s.p! elsoEnÄ ;o luyrdg-Ä1c^.rl 'sglsnv 1se3 Ä1u;eurars 6aqJ'lods pug-rayenb ol) uossltrg uEro9-ua^S qcsor se pue u;edg fo oeqllg XJ - 'araar9 e ueql rauaq Eulqytup ,o uolsslul 1an se ({et1 fo eluelplv o1) 6raqurorl5 ro so{leulqleusd alP sluausu -pp u/no rlaql uo - adoq s lnoqtp sqnlJ uualg pue (msaprog ot) suplsqC -nol aarql aql ro auo u! aruapadxa Jeug '3ra{Eu-algnorl 'sre1s 'dqdo4 arP araq paPnlrul opueural payedap rlaql arpldar q1;6 lauPl aql Jo sraploq fuar 'dn3 'sranoqsnd ou ars '!u!lsld r{1;sea uec saJrnosal lse^ rlarll ua^a -rnr are 6aq1 dnJ aql pue laqrthl 'sarueu .srauu;1n rEls snlua^nf rol (illllqssaJf,nsun) .raqpq,n s! lt lng 1sa6 dnf, aql uom qloq aneq oqm Ä;e1; FDqnoP 't86I VJgn plq parsp Älluarar oq,n -Egqs.adorn3;o auo ars erguag ul Jo snluannf sp lla,n se (dn3 yg31'1) 6rnq 'afaarg pus -uaqlog proouaÄa1 '(dn3 Jo Borllsulqlruld Äqllea,n slsllPug dnC VJgn pue Z96I 196I XJI pup .srau pus - E u! auanra5 ta^o u; adorn3 suo;drueq3 :EJUua,g -ulm dnf,) asrnoJ uaapraqv - sa4rd ;;o-6e1d ;o .,{uIqe lo Ärolr;n augl erlxa e o1 61uo slueql ueadorn3 raqlo aql o/n1 to auo uo/h 0-I 'pf,guagJo an6ea'I rlaql uom oq,n - stq upql arolu uana uo;1er;dsu; a pq sqnlJ rnoJ qn;c asanEnl Puslrazl!,ns 'uossrnlad;euosrad craddoqcorrg's6u;1;e; dn3 sgrlnrC squr 6eu 6ar.ll lng -rod aql pue puslloH Io proouafaJ ;o 'loodran5; sno;nard a;;dsapgo uaulrÄ aq UPJ',nor rnpd ralFls Puelafl Pus slPtuBqEI sraploq luarnf, - Äqdoq e uq srear{ xgsd;qsuo;dueqo uÄo llaql uour;g .ra6up qloq pau6ts 6peat;e snotupf aql ssassod ol alll s.l! leqm 'lleq uoÄ aAPq oqm (1q6;uo1 slellr s.uaaP aneq proouafal usut auo slql atsldat nou:1 sqn;o 6u;pduror aqlJo aarql 'qdrungl -raqv) ullrag ourrufc sE qf,ns rüPal o1 alqnop dri3 pue an6ea1 -too, qnlr ueadomg u; a4rd sno;6psard ou altqÄ (dnf, Vggn aql) anll uead s.uossas lsel ra{e a4lar o1gfnr3 ueqol' lsout aqf Euplaas lsll tset e r{q Euppnf -orn3 e u!/n ol ra^a tueal qslPa/ns lslg Io uolslraP aql rauE [oulml u! uoseas lpnsn usql srq6;u 61q atoru uaAa saslul 'ara,n 'dnf, aql'Zg6I ul 8rnquaqlog v-tl slql ol aulof, proouadag rng VJgn -ord uoseas sgql dn3.suo;dureqC aql 'ue1114 'ltl6;uo; 'gsu1;r{proqll rarlt4s ue;re6ung aql uo,n 6aqt rate; sreaÄ rnog a41 oq6gu puE erlsPqord lraqraH raplall u;;eug dn3 .suoldureqJ aql u! aurll e4 6;q uo lcog (6psoru) süet aql qf,tq/h -p!ur uelrlsnv u; d;qsraulred 6u;pe1;e -xa ut rqa3 paleafap 6aq1 uaqm Äqdorl o1 sa;repads ueadorng aql EulJnp sno.ra6uep e euual6 splcnv uEadorng p uyn ot qnlr qruo raAa lsrg -ord o1u; sao6 qcgqm puno.r6{req iseoq fo lro/n'uollte allq^l ';oodran;1 ot uossas tsPl aql aureraq 6aql0Z6I u1 :prooualiag aqt ued sl slqt u! uotl XJ 'finP Jo slsuu-luas arll u! 6luo lsol plupurng uo aq oqe lllm -;soddo aq1;o ruggauos 1no 6ugros u! rol 'sa^lasruaql - -f,artp 'moutl Jo laanqtng orurulc lllaPlEl ortsw Pus earlls ouplae9 uolsnalal e;o dlaq aq1 ua^a aql u;m o1 padd;nba ÄlPaPt 'tupqeJ oluoluv'tssou oloPd - uaut saqfeor pue sraEeueur raqlo leqm luarueulnol 'uo;1re bu;readde sueal do1 aql 6uguu;m dn3 p;.ro1q s.6;e11;oauos aas ol s[eJ auoqd u; sluauoddo lnoql!,n ;o 7961 'slsug '66ale4s auo 6ue ro; l;nrglp aJ[ aleut plnof, oq^r snld rlatuog ma;u61q7 s.puslod rlaql qrlpm o1 sdpl 6dg alueq sqnp aqt are asaql :$aPlslno aql d;qsuogdureqc ueadorn3 luaf,ar aql r;aq1 6u;uue;d uaaq a^eq lreutuaq u! 'susleqJ rels asanDnuod rulsradns au;u aql pue rea^ aql 6q6ut1 pue u! uoqs!-l se ueds ;o leo6 ';upe;6 ;e6nuo4 pallnrJar Ä1rnaupue eue6;1 ueaj pue lo railpqtooJ upadorng laqf,lltlIo rsJ se uto{ sqnlJ "nou $laa,n JoI puv 'aulqs '1aarn assarlg ulelv ruellllrq arll ql!/n lua;e1 6u;pege aql to asnef,irq alqeplur elql aernrapun qa6 qrlqm u6;ed ,laql leql plagpltu u! s.ll lnq :aqurote'I -rol uteruar lnq u! slslPuu -ruec dn3 puolduruqg mau aql rot lstl t86rl PUP'dn3tr6t tltellP u! uosllleg ualeaq alaln annl .suo;dureq3 64ua aql q qstpug qnle uuadorng Preurag Pus 'saorarl rlrlrred plag 6aql acua;ap ul aql 6u;uup Jo patuParp 6uol a eq raurol ual urql latnitf oü aIU alaqf O A ClydesdaleBank Autocash Accountgives you accessto Your money24 hoursa day. 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Tel. No: BY POST! WORLDWIDE I enclosecheque/PO f The bestway to keepin touch SERVICE for subscription as ticked with your favouritefootball club - ensurea regular copy ol The ALL ! erOGreat Britain Don wilh a subscriotion. HOME GAMES An idealgift for familyand friends GUARANTEED... I ILZl Europe - homeand abroad. Completeand returnthe form leaz Worldwide oppositeand we'll mailyour first POSTEDTO YOU copy straightaway. ON MATCHOAY... Make cheques/Postal Orders payable A full subscriptionincludes every to SportsProiects and sendto: first teamhome match 188Lightwoods Hill, Smethwick, programmepublished for this Warley,West Midlands 867 sEH. season- 1984-85. rlaqt uaapragv srol!s!^ aqI 'arrPoll|d 6;luanbasuo3 0-Z (V) sra6ueu^punou Papua 'qrrPw qtoI uo ol quou atuef, 'sra^ou uorglv ro 0.e {H} aullurafunc ^ Punou lsI 'alls!tll dnJ ]eql rage sÄep uana5 lrluPd uaqm qlla'I'sa!trf,v uolllr.uPH ';eo6 prel6 9961 1sn6nYq61 roJ lsPr aram salo^ oN 'zt a;6u;se ol slupr{l uo arue6 auo uo!s!^!O '9 :lctol I 0-t ap/ilf, :/ IrtItPJ :0I Euerls 'I alltrel{ tZ uosuaqou 'f tuaql lPaq Pue aupollrd lsrlt rlaql pafe;d uouohl :II llamraqtow re6p3'Z al^og 't prelll 't mo-I'H lP arnlxll an6eal e u1 .sPloc Pue lrelg, aql :zI uaaPragv '9 '0I '(IrorurPqS) ^alnvrhl aluual lof,lN)W rrllaJ lf,ala suogdrueqc :snql :9latoi uo rlool .sPlo9 uosplrtPc ue/nals Pallnsar lolJPq aql 'sa!f,uPf,P^ PUPlf,elg, aqt ratPl paller pPl lero; 6unod aql ot '(uolq6trg) llu eI lotr!NJhl slaa/n aatql'a^g u! e pue papaacord 6ultaatu aql uolltH mo'l I 9I 1eo6ppo aql Äq rapun prem'V'(ueqlnJ Pue PalrrPf, se/n sgnlr ^a^reH I dI 6ugo6 aro;aq xorql uor;) a;uua1 at;;r1y1 9I ol üI ruo{ pasParf,u! I uolllueH zz I arydn3 qsrllors aam uaql aq an6ea1 aql uospr^Dc re6p3 ;e lsEuoury I tZ punog puof,as Äem 'llPqtoo, do1 rauqarg ^alnvrw e ug lq61g lPql f,llla] Äq uo;lour y I nZ aq] sra6usg paqsnd srno6lr aql rol aprs .Paqsruu t uosuaqoH c 9z aol H llP ;o lsnl 9 xoll!/$ 8z uaapraqV Ärenrqal aql 6uluaqlEuarlsuo uosPasaql u! uaaPtaqv 9 allf,Phl 6z atuua-I t{l0l uo'906I afa up qt!^,tpau6gs aram mo;aq paceld uaaq peq 'salPp!puPf, / 6eirnl{ U 6Z uosuaqou f Io rlf,.re4 pue drenrqag srafeld mau lPraAaS anllcadsord 'parlnbar;; I uo.rapuaH 0t 6uerls rano 11ads6uglg:xa ue 6e1d aql ls6uotuP pr€In 8 0t auelreJrltl u! PaurlJUoJsPm auaJs o1 paar6e ueturppnU auole'sra^ou uolqlv saruereaddv auo uotsl^lC 'sadoq llPqlooJ qsrllof,s aql u! urol prPmrol 6u;puels /nau sqnlJ aql rnalPurP aFq/n uolsr^r(l r{6lr{ plar{ oslP 'llJlno .s1u;od 9Z6VLEtr8 80tZI qroq qllm lstrl aqt u! alllPq plaumPqs aql pulqaq stdv I'I o m dsod qlnos 6uldPrsa alJPflv oP ot Paulplar uo!s!^!C 61an;lradsarqUnoJ puE 'IrPuP'I 'puoras pus aapunc puoras pue an6eal prlr{t Paqsruu prlql I-0 z-l ileuel Prnll :saPrsaatql uraquoN aqt qEnorql Peq ogm f,rlalqlv i_Z 0_I uaull^l lS /iJuo r{}!m arrpolild qnlf, aql qlla'I pue salrrv srabueu Palslsse I-0 I-I ol aPls peq oqm srafeld uoll!r.uPH '{r!{leJ suaano lP lPaq llnrulrP 61 t-0 z-z ued s aq ol panord 6aql 'af,ualslxa ugsrearf 'ra^a/lloH 'asef, t-I Z-Z mobselguod allslql leaIaP lsllrur lPqt tauv oml 6;uo rage paqrear ;sa6uorls aqt aneq l-z I-0 lrlued 'an6ea; 'uo!s!^!c t-t z.z llaruaqlohl do1 s.pue;locg uaag pPr.lan;1:a[qo ol pauaas aql z-z 0-t uouohl u! uospas lsru au;rd s.qn1caql leqt paddol peq oqm'apdy3 'sapls z-l 0-I ltrouleully rlaql u! 11amdlqeuosear staPloqarPqs aql ol uo!s!^!c Puof,as 'llod I-0 l-z uPluraqlH PrP uaaPragv lle ul llv af,unouue ol alqP araln aql aql dol 'af,erq IO z'z o-z lr!{tPl a6roa9 s.rolf,ar!p lueqdtungrl ol saluno^pJ aram aapunc lof,lNf,14 PUP 9-0 z-l P ol s{uPrll arrpollrd aql IAI9V s.gnlr uollf,ala-ar ro; dn ararn I'0 0'I Juta] lP aql le ralel lq6luuol uouow z-o z-l alrPrtv 0-u lf,ouretullx V Pus llamraqtohl auecrano 6aql 'srautoJnlau uols!^!c VH lsr!J uaqm 1q6;gdol aql u! se sare;d rlaqt 6u11el 'saleP!Puer srlns3u u!/n lsrg traql lol llP/lt IrlIleJ pue uaaPragv 1n;adoq;o 6eue 3NO NOtStAtC Iaam oml e 61uopeq ql!/n uols!^!c tsrlJ angssardugup ruo{ uaaPraqv lnq uolsPf,Jo aql ol Palf,ala-aralaln rq6;g do; aql utof o] '.saPls lsag, lPql uo 0-I uom uouow Pus llamtaqlow suo;1er;1ddelq6!a ueql asoql Io auo aurof,aq ramal ou aranl araql ol spm anrlcafqo '906r mau aql'PuPllof,s 6e14pu77 uo plaq 'uo!s!^!o u! lsaq aqt qtlm ss/n lsrlJ aql a^!l plnor 6aql panord ol uolsslruPe s.qnlr aql pPq uaapraqv'ssaf,f,ns 6q'sadoq s.uaapragv 6u!6er e se papreEar Jo lua|.ululnJaql aas aq lou Äeu 9I Jo tno ol sp/ll qcrqm an6eal ace;d qr71 q6noqllv rlsrpof,s aql ;o 6u11aaur 'uoseas lPnuuP lntalPJaql 'IleglooI ;o aure6 lsul puoJas rlaq] se/n leqm uq s1eo6 uo!s!^!c lsrlJ lelr^ aql Fugroosaluua'I ql!/n ralunoJua lsrtl alfllm pue mo1 frua11 s.qnlJ aql'90-906I qt!/n rFpd apls/noPPaI^l - tuo1s1q sjuaapraqv 1e 1-7 alrsl{I lrr}red u! uossas {reruPusl 6ur1ea;apfq uro; s le srloolÄsvxJlu an6ea1 feme uaueq hllf 'r{61uo1j (urnr6la8)s]vHl3o9 ^n9 JW (Lunrolag)^vNUl0 3uu3ld-Nv:ll rl^l :uatlJssurl t aaqqrhl UOISVd )NVUJ Pszoc lsadln t uaaPra qv lP.)rall'ra^uzsry U3HI]U9 SVIAIOHI uaaPiaqv 7, psz()0lsadffl 6al lsI lPu!l-rauenb HIVH SVsUONV dnl .su.tNNIm-dnl Nv:tdouo3 t8-886 r )clvht otHvt l Ilrg uaaPraqv 0 ueuzodqJal U]NIOUSMHCS IOUVHNISU 6a-I puz punou puz TAIOHISV]UONV rram'aarl.)-)w upuz()dr{Ja-l z uaaPraqv ISNU] U]NIVU 6a-| fsI punou puz ZInHCS ONU:18 uaapraqv 0 euPtrf ()ruPul(l 6a-I puz punou lsI S)CV8 NVIISIUHS lllitrll SOHOU)NVUJ PuerloruPuro I uaa Praq v 6al lsI punou lsl t)zlllu3I )NVUI dnf, ,suSNNtm-dnlNv3douns t8-2861 HCIU]IN UNHIHV lthaH'ueqJerls nPPU'nJsalnqreg uaa piaqv Z rsalrdsabrv VddOUI U]NIVU 6al puz punou puz JIOI]IUI IHSgUON lltmaH'rram'uPrlJPrts rsatrdsabrV fl uaaPraqv )^zNlrs) uvl/\Eo]vM 6a1 1s1 punog pu7 dnl vJ.to z8-r86I JIIVMOnU OOOg

JadleH Nl'lu:lg 'arArer.uPrlfPl|q OhIVN^O 0 ^ortrrurc {arPW I uaaPraqv 6d-tpuz pun()UtsI 'ar^rcr 'z raorPH ^ollad A ^ollad I uaapraqv t ^orlrurc larPrtl 6a1 ;s1 punog ts1 dnl .suSNNtm-dnl NvSdoSna 6L-8L6l

sarlleudd u() ü-g uom pa^uoH . ^Prrnhl S PUzox'zsrs-)()x udapraqv t lsadPpngpr^uoll 6rl puz punou ls I

^pJJ n hl rclzsnd 'radiell'uPqPrg lsadPpng pa^uoH t uaa pta q v 6a-I lsI punoU lsI dnl .suSNNtm-dofNv3douna IL-oL6r

'qq()U rol^PL euo\^elAPIs t uaaPrä q v oal puz punoH ls I 0 uaaptaqv 0 PrJ()qer^el\^ 6a'l tsI punoU tsI dal sutvl 69-896r

NOIIISOddO NVSdOUN3 NUSISV:I ^ cuof,eu NvSdounSs.N33cu3sv rv xoo-I vo XJVUIXCVg YEARBOOK ON SALE o lt's another winner from Pittodrle... the Dons of- ficial 1984-85 Yearbook which went on sale for Satur' day's Rangers game and is available from sellers around the ground this evening, and at the Ticket Office. With a stack of statistics compiled by Dons historian Jim Rickaby, the Dons Yearbook is packed with useful information about the club. Warley, West Midlands 867 Morton was one for the record books. It was Aber- full details about sEH. You will find deen's 600th goal in Premier over 's League record League football. past years plus Scottish ASSAULTCOURSE? the 80 of Eric seems to specialisein facts and oThere's been a change Cup and League Cup landmark goalsfor the club. He list of leading scenery for the Dons ln re' figures. There's a also scored the Dons 600th the club was form- cent weekswith the club us' scorers since goal. That came plus interna- ing the Bridge of Dons Bar' ed details of for some in the 1983 Final against tionalists, Cup Final teams and racks' facilities training sessions. Rangersat Hampden. results of all the Dons European 'There's a good playing sur- matches. face there and the overall BERLIN-BOUND And bringing the book right amenities are first class,' saYs oThere are still a few seats up to date, there's a full run Pittodrie trainer Teddy Scott. available on the club's of- down on the current Dons Aberdeen steered clear ofthe ficial charter flight to East squad and this season's fix- army's assault course although Berlin for the second leg of 'We tures. Teddy warned: might be tonight's tie in a fortnight's Selling at 70p and produced tempted to put the Players time. in a handy pocket-sized format, through the course if they don't Any supporters wanting the new Dons Yearbook is get a good result tonight.' detailsshould contact the Dons something you can't afford to be We think Teddy was secretary,lan Taggart, at Pit- without. Get your copy tonight joking . . . todrie. or send offright away enclosing a cheque or postal order for 70p DONS REACH 600 JOHN'S GOAL plus 30p p + p to: Dons Year- o 's penalty that o Although many papers book, Sports Projects, 188 chalked up the Dons third credited Eric Black with the Lightwoods Hill, Smethwick, goal in their recent win at Dons match winner in the

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ELLONROAD BRIDGEOF DON ABERDEEN Telephone: loz4lw 82ffi89{rz0l pll (uoepreqvlsec!^res uo;lere6;rlegg 6u;uo;1;puo3.r;y alrq dulnd pue loleleueg o LJ'JS9ftrz;Ol 6urlcetluoc pl't (uospreqvl'l 'W 'o pue 6urJoour6ua j äELW lta0l lecr-r1ce;3 Pl't(usepreqvl'rr^'c'W srrdda:pue acueuelutetrl L,&A,l8svol euuel pue pl'l (sseu,le^ull"l's'l l letJlsnpulo olrilNt'l 6ur:eeurOua ,ZZtß lra,ol lmtueqca4 o (Nl30ur8vl pl'I (ueep.reqvlsoc!^res lEc!.rlcolf sJreda:luer.udrnbe slctAUSs dnouc ]s!t ltHI legul3olepue 6urpurnneJnletllv o 'rvctulcr-rl lo+ 6utpeeL{s,ouo^le^o ruee} lecu}colo eL{} 'fuanocar sgq 6uo1e paads 'a11g1esrolelcads 'uosPas ll1m rq6luor 11nsar 1q6;r aq1 pue sra;1o6 roJ lno 6ep poo8 slt{l uoo eql u! suo1l;1ad -ruoc.uogldeJ leql adoq pue aDessaur suoos P aq plnoqs pup asnec poo6 V asoor.lC,alotu J;am ;a6, e uosrapuv rl{ puas P ro; Ile s1gos fi;req3 f,paqslq auos roJ lno ada ue daay alrPollld ls llv'uosrapuv s!rq3 qslrlrg aql roJ aPsur aq lllm ,CtJoddns noÄ op ueet leql^ rw uerurlPr{J-4f,!^ s.qnJJ aql uollf,allor e 6ep aql Eulrnq pue, "' ue6rg 6up1se6pp"I 'ule 'uo;13 'foceuqf,nv sem fgluacar 1e1;dsoq u; ;Jads I I ls JJo-aalol peq oqm e yuads oqm asla "ror-og6,r, anp s.leql auosaarql 61ang;e dn Io 6e;creg allnf tfre141 6u1>1eruuPa'IJr{ urlf pue xoux ol sao6 appottld lp r{f,}ptu p -ulerl 'sagr} uPls uef, uqof aroyaqouoi alqJrv'uosn6rag xalv srssal{ roJ sla{Jll om} Jo azlrd aql -ua ool aq lou lllm l! lPql passors {}lrn sazytd roJ sra6ua;;eqc aql q6norql {ool lqaref, sra6ug rlaqy 8ugdaal sl qnlc ar{l Duoure ag osle srade;d 6ran p raUV 'asuodsar 6lq 'spPI 1;p aql lP auodran3 aql ql1m Pallun aapunc puP aaPunc e u;1q6norq qder6oloqd aql roJ 'uoll3'qnlt aqof e arPqs pus punor6 aql PPuocr!{l suopdec roJ lsanbar mo puv 'grlPut lP u! llPr ol alqP uaaq sPq puP aql le 6PP 1106 IPnuuE aaPunc allqou arou alDll e s! aq moN P4ql sll sPloq liueduroJ luaru aql fol uosPas aql lo uoo 's{aam 'sallasor -dlnbg au;1adg4 11ag uqof lsJU aql uI pareadde aarql roI atuoq tP dn 1aa;s;q lnd aql uaqm depung uo uopJP pup salueJs yo a6uer u u! 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'uosyaqog ftutu11, 1a6 aJdnoc e alqnorl puP 6ug;q6g auoc ra6u1m qlnos aql;o uaan[ ;o 1sn[ lteq alqpral ul 'qnlr o1 Äpear s! aH 'paueaqumop ro1 pa1q611apaq 6aqr Pus lul{s 111m q6rnqugpg aql roJ 'lsooq s1 q6noql alqf,rv 'tunfu1 peq e asneraq 1ou Io ulml rlllual e syea11 an;6 '0-I aql u! /i;rea ylnb ol parrol lsol Pus lau ol pautquoJ aneg adornE aql /iaql uaaq suq oqm 'sra6ueg lleq 1aEl.up1noc lng 1o pue dn3 an6ea1 aql 'llPqroof 6ug1ce11eanllsod rteycg4 rt1;1g rol furos a ;aa1 pue 6u;;1cxa6u1ra1s;;q sraÄe1d allqm rsoos dnf, srwaH ;1gm 1E o aqruelP^e uB qleauaq sfnsNcooo .IOIS Jo - suPaH Palrng aaPunc s^!3Nqvs r.uo{ sPIemP ustu lels alotu 'uo11g;adruor dn p;d uana aqÄeu pue ' ' ' dnr 6ue ug araqmfue uaas .'qo[ strl u1 a;doad alpueq uoseas aql Io rnouoq lsrg aql sao;1snfu;1sa66rq aql Jo auo ol moq o1u; 1q61sugue sga6 puel pallun dlaq pue Äern sPm sueaH 6q tea;ap leug aq sdeqra4 's6up1ooq ou aql o6 o1 sadoq aq /noN -rapenb dn3 an6ea1 11e ;or1g'arP aram araql qtlqm ul qtlsul 'sall s.aaPunc aJuPlsu! roJ e sem llnsar aql arots Äueur se u! prs/ne qJns prlql rl11en1ce6aql uPqt raded uo 'arue6Pue 'uo;1;laduoo aql ^rau{ rlaql aql s.lned ssm 11 asro/lr lol e s6u1ql lng 'ssoq1oo; 8ulaaralar papualu! aq /iem palrPq lols ar{r ur qf,}ehl se uosPas aql uaql roJ lno PIgI aH, aql usw aql se {f,orrnls flry lsrg slq ol susls ro lsaq 'uPls Io lned s.Pallun alo^ sralum aql alqf,rv uanl6 l.uaneq aP;s aql arolaq suEal qloq ol slrods mes aue6 1eg1 aapunq padeqsar aql rol 'Irsd r;eads oy uolssluuad palse 'arllll e4xa ul uom suac le auo laqulnu I-z 'xoux pue {f,oureulty lsuts6e srapgsdul aql qrtqm r$laJ aql asrnoc Io mou qJlerrt rno Io a5reqo Pue Pallun uaaillaq qselr alqJrv ra6eusut luelslsse ul ssm ag, :sdes unrorg dn3 an6ual Euplrxa aql uaaPraqv rarllrol rol lla/n 'Ä11sran;u61 q6rnqulpg rol trlllq aql ol PaIIU sem ool auo6 l.uaaeq s6u1q1 I 1e luaruyedap 66oloqcdsd aJtpeuuel'an6eal ratuard EIHCW JIISIHIIIdO ll Aug H Dundoo 3.2 14,700 - 18 Aug A Sr Miren 2-0 2. Aug A Airdrie(SkolLC2) 25 Aug A Dunde United 2. O 13.0(X| I Seot H Hibornirn 4.1 r3,8@ 8 Sept A Monon 3-0 15 Sept H Rang€.s 0,0 22.ffi '19 Sept H Dynamo Borlin {EC I lL} 22 Seot A Dumbarton 29 Seot H Hean! 3 Oct A DynamoB€rlin (EC 1 2Ll PWOLFAWDLFAPTS6 Oct A Celtic Aberdeen 6 21 0 7 3 3 0 0 7 011 13 Oct A Dunde Rangers 612020210419 20 Oct H St Mirron Celtic 62107103011827 Oct H Dundeo Unitod St Mirren 610112211637 3 Nov A Hibernian DundeeUnited 610256 11425 l0 Nov H Morton

Dumbarton I144102455 17 Nov A Rangers 610223102784 24 Nov H Dumb.rton Hearts 610234102244 I Dec A H€ans Morton 6 1 0 3 211 01264 Hibernian 6012 3 510 22 6 3 8 D€ H Cohic 15 Dec H Dunds 29 Dtr A St Mirren 2 J8n A Dunde United 5 Jan H Hiberni.n l0 Jan A Monon 19 Jan H Rangor! PWDLFAWDLFAfts 26 Jan SC3 Motherwell 6 2 1 0 5 2 2 0 1 5 3 9 2 Feb A Dumbarton BrechinCity 6 1 I 1 5 4 2 1 0 5 2 8 9 Feb H Hoorts Airdrie620143201438 16 Feb SC4 6 2 1 0 8 0 1 0 2 2 3 7 23 F€b A Celtic Clyde 6 2117 4 'l 0 2 01 7 2 Mar H St Mlrron Ayrunited 6 1 2 0 3 1 0 3 0 2 2 7 9 Mar SC5 EastFife 6 0 2 1 4 6 2 1 0 10 7 7 Fortar620192102346 16 Mar A Dund6 Hamilton6102 4 512 0 3 26 23 Ma. A Hibernian Fa|kirk601238201655 30 Mar H Dund6 Unitod PartickThistle 6 1 1 1 4 2 0 1 2 2 7 4 6 April A Rangers Meadowbank6 01114 0 316 7 4 13 April SCSF Kilmarnock 6 1 2 0 3 2 0 0 3 1 11 4 20 Aoril H Dumblrton StJohnstone 6 1 0 2 6 8 0 0 3 1 9 2 27 Aoril H Celtic 4 May A H€ads ll Mav H Morton

l8 May SC Final

PWDLFAWDLFAPTs Dunfermline 6 3 0 0 8 1 3 0 0 8 3'12 Alloa 6 2 1 0 5 1 3 0 0 4 1 11 20327 Cowdenbeath620l84 02536 OueensPark 6 2 0 1 9 3 02486 OueenofSouth 6 1 1 1 5 4 1144 6 Montrose620176 02566 62 016 3 01214 5 Arbroath6102 3 51112 3 5 AlbionRovers 6 1 0 2 4 5 1 1 1 4 7 5 RaithRovers 6 1 1 44102485 Stranraer 6 2 0 420 0 3 0 9 4 StirlingAlbion 6 0 2 34012133 EastStirling 6 0 2 2 3 0 1 2 510 3

'Own Goal LC = LeagueCup EC = EuropeanCup SC = SconishCup 1 109167'10Iuaapraqv'peou plqrpog g

uSlscNvssos rcvlNoc 'todapueepreqv rno uorl raluel peorÄq seb 'rnol Jnor(Älddns pue IuBl a6elols e no^ luar a^ ere slsoc ecueualuleuaql pupÄ|uee1c surnq (auedold) svctsv3

dnC an6ee7 prls auenpul - lqolrM (pet|uneopuno) lcorrnls I trsrs (egpunOlueqdelS uosours i 9 (uouor{) lzll snoeuod lleNcN (crI€C)lfieutct l I tpqclw (sre6ueUl I reillhl lsloCcll I uaonocw (uouequnOlet^oJ 9 qsra'lcyrl (pel!uneepuno) Vel3 9 Aruur)39! {peruneepuno) erp8e8 i 9 ils6noooy{ (uoBueU)prolpeU 9 uorqolo'l (pelrunaepunol ouly{ I lzL ulMaH (elrpC)loruegcy{ - luerg (usrry{ls} eruus^vcll g tguoclel (u.epreqvl lrsts {ll- ueMoc (spunclsppoo lgoooC I (ueepreqvlIcalE t lo8l8 (c!rt83lrel3ct I il89 i {t}- sn6uv sleo9 enDedj

{/lst@rd (8}e6uv sroqel ß(boC |€ß.roocti! udu4s UreH F[!t / $1€'l3W lrsts u@noey{ auurycw l6l$!reH rmc|ql lJ(rus ,qilw $te']ct vsrs u@nocy\l quur)c!! lll]umH arcopl ,qly! qs!€'lcy! !r4s u@no3y{ re!uu!)1c1,\l $qDd ueipc arcqel F€ l86noccti! rJdus ,q[!ri qqqcy|i tl4s uqocw quurrcyrl |l|lusg sfrFl ls€ uwc ffis $@rcd ,qlly{ qs€-lcy{ usrs usoct quurlcy{ rFrcqol le€ il€onoocn rroEdrrs sElDd €illyrl qs'tcy{ vsts uffiocy! auurxey{ 0llrr€^ oc (ZFnoqFd sroqel rlsts r$treH |l6t4s rvBrs qtlnl qs'lct/{ [e8 u€nochl ila{cr!$l ball and the Under-21 international scene but whose Saturday match action is spent with the oFor a youngster not yet 21 and who has Reserves. But there's no complaining from still to establish himself at League level, Bryan. 'l've Don's Reserve keeper has packed plenty in- still got time on my side and I realise that to his short career. as a youngster, I still have plenty to learn. Being And as he takes his place on the Aberdeen number two behind aplayer like is sub's bench for tonight's European Cup en- no real hardship. I'm one of Jim's greatest ad- counter with the East German Champions, mirers and just being a part of the squad for a Bryan will add yet another chapter of ex- match like tonight's is a tremendous bonus.' perience to his growing and impressive One of the highspots of Bryan's short career pedigree. so far was when he played for in the Bryan has been Jim Leighton's understudy in World Youth Championship in Mexico two 'That Europe since he first appeared on the bench for summers ago. was a tremendous ex- a UEFA Cup-tie at lpswich in 1981. Since then perience particularly when we played in the he's been missing only once from the Dons Aztec Stadium - where the 1986 World Cup Euro-squad, when injury ruled him out of the Final will be played - in front of 96,000 spec- Super Cup match in Hamburg. tators. The atmosphere was incredible.' And there's been more European experience There should be a fair buzz around Pittodrie for Bryan with Scotland's Under-2l side, in- this evening as the Dons return to the Euro- cluding a game against West Germany at pean Cup but although Bryan believes Aber- eight days ago. deen are geared again for another successful 'To be honest I didn't have a lot to do in that run in Europe he reckons the club's priority this 'There game,'says Bryan. were a few crossesto season is successin the again. 'We've deal with but we were well on top from the start done well in Europe in the last few and although I was beaten towards the end, seasonswhen we've built up a reputation which their goal came from the penalty spot.' we want to maintain this season. But the Bryan's first Under-2l appearance was League's probably our main aim,' he points against East Germany in Jena last November out. so he has had first hand experience ofthe kind Bryan, along with the other golfers in the of threat Dynamo Berlin pose for the Dons Dons squad, has another important date on 'l tonight. think one or two Berlin players were Sunday when he plays in the John Bell Pipeline in the Under-2l game and if they play tonight Equipment Company's annual golf day at like the German side did in Jena then we will be Ellon. 'l in for a tough match. like a game of golf. In fact I'm keen on turn- 'They were very strong defensively, well ing my hand to most sports, and I'm looking organised at the back with a couple of fast front forward to Sunday. The only problem is that I men who relied on breakaways. That could be see they've dropped my handicap by five shots the way Dynamo will play tonight with an eye from last year and that's a bit harsh.' on the second leg but there's a lot ofconfidence Back to tonight though . . . and it must be a in our side at the moment after the good start boost for the Dons European chances with we've made in the League.' Scotland's number one senior keeper out on It could be frustrating for a youngster who the park - and the country's number one at has tasted the atmosphere oI European foot- Under-21 level sitting on the bench.

Keep up to date with ever!fthing lhaa's happening at Pittodrie this season in our Don Diary feature where we will be listing the names and items in the news on and off the park.

o It was a mixture of good news and bad news from the Dons Reserve fixture against Dundee at last week. The good news was the return to action of who played his first game of the season after injury and came August lTth: New striker Frank through without any problems. McDougall is sel to make his League The bad news was another defeat for the Dons'A' debut for lhe Dons against his old club St Mirren on Saturday. squad, beaten 4-2by a Dundee side who, according McDougall is likely to replace the harder put more injured John Hewitt. to trainer Teddy Scott, worked and August lSth: First half goals from into the game. and Willie Falconer earn 'We Aberdeen a 2-0 win at were possibly the better side in the opening half,' 'but and the Dons top the first table of the says Teddy, in the second-half we left too many season. August 2(hh: is gaps at the back and were punished for this. We named Scotland's new chief coach. period He'll work closely alongside national lacked discipline in this and one of our boss in the build uo to the problems in recent games has been a lack of 1986 World Cup Finals and takes over from Dundee United's Jim application and this has cost us goals.' Mclean who slood down at the end After a goalless ftrst-half, Dundee took the lead in the of last season. August 2lst: The Dons name 57th minute following a mistake in the Dons defence. youngsters Paul Wright and Steve though Gray in their squad for lomorrow's Steve Cowan made it 1-l soon after but Skol League Cup-tie al Airdrie. Dundee then raced into a 4-1 lead before Brian August 22nd: A shock Cup result at Broomffeld Park, the Dons are Mitchell scored a late consolation goal near the end beaten 3-l by Ally McLeod's First for the Dons. Division side. Billy Stark with his third goal in as many games is the The Dons had youngster Steven Beckett in goal, Dons scorer and Brian Granl makes was on duty with the his debut as sub. Willie Garner deputising for who misses the upset, he's watching the Scotland Under-2l squad at Easter Road, and Steve Dons European Cup opponents Dynamo Berlin. came through the game well and could not be August 24th: Frank McDougall and blamed for the defeat. Eric Black could be back in lhe side for the game at Dundee United Neale Cooper had no apparent problems after his tomorrow although neither is l(X) per cent fil. lengthy injury lay off and will now be building up his August 25th: Aberdeen return to fttness and touch. There was good news too last week winning ways after the problems at Airdrie. Eric Black is twice on target for another of the Dons walking wounded, youngster in a 2-0 win at Tannadice as the , who had the plaster removed after Dons maintain their 100 per cent start in the League. breaking a bone in his leg. Augusr 27th: Alex Ferguson will fly to Berlin immediately after The Dons'A'team were in ReserveLeague action at Saturday's League game with Hibs to Ibrox on Saturday against Rangers and details of this look at faciliiies and watch the Dons European Cup opponents in action. game will appear in the next issue of the match Auguet 2Eth: Good news on the magazine. injury front . . .Neale Cooper and John Hewitt are back in training and Aberdeen have been given a bye in this season's first Hewitt will play for the reserues at Hibernian tomorrow. round of the BP along with August 29th: Hewitt comes lhrough Dundee, Dundee United and Hearts. the reserue game without any problems although the Dons go down The first round draw in the East and North Section of 3-0. the competition is: August 3lst: Four out of four for the Dons in the League. Hibs are beaten Brora Rangers v Ross County, St Johnstone v Fort 4-l at Pittodrie wilh Frank McDougall scoring his first goal for Williarn. the club. Alex Ferguson llies out to East Berlin on a European Cup scouting mission. trsftt 0zz0)'t.I (tzz0)'t.I (?zz0)'l.r .prou tr0rzc 'püot sosflt 'ttr9 dÄ9 IgV ur.p.r.qy s.uDno 65 SdZ 6SV u.epnqv s.uaeno8S-IS NAZ 6Sy u..pr.qv t.Eulx tS

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