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Noo lHl 'tz6t s.alaql leql adoq a/n pue 6uguanastql uollgladuoc 086r llp :steuulM dnC q6nolg^tO qnlf, s.adorng ut aq o1 1ear6 s.11 lsotuaro; {Jpq '99-996t 'suol1lladuoJ tt-9161 f,llsatI|oPsP lla/n sP sluarueurnol ueadorng :sJsuulM dnC sn6ea7 qslrto'S aarql aql u! prof,ar lsed s,qn1caql lunof,Jp pallelap Io 'Iooq 9t-9t6t e sappord '6u1uanaslql punor6 aql punoJe alss uo :sreuulM dn3 en6ea7 qsutoo9 ute.ltnoS 'adornE reaf mau s.qnlJ aql uaql u! proJal lsed suoq aql m6r't86r'z8f,L'oL6l' Lt6- :steuulM dnc qsluocs le {ool pue sa6ed aq} {rpq utn} ol a{ll Plnom no/{;1 puy 'ullrag t8-886t 08-5a61'99-!e6r oureufq uro{ sro}!s!Arno lp {ool pallplap e snld :d!qsuordueqC en6ee7 podar ueadorng p spq augze6eu uoq s.1q6guo1 leleads e86t 'a6ua11eqraql auroJrano uPf, suoq :steuulM dnJ tedns '6uguana aql leql luapguo) are am sgql yoddns rnod qllm t86t pue adornE u! lsaq aql lpaq pup qf,leru uec 6aq1leql :suoldueq7 dnC,srouulM-dnO ueedotnf 'au11 SUNONOH lsed aqt u! umoqs a^pq uaapJaqv rng s.lq6luuot 'M ro e u1fueurrag lspg ug 6aypuoras aql ul pue 1q61uolsuo(l oltvc'8 uo]Joa 8n'13 aql ro; uolluultusxa 6ug1sa1e apgnord ol ulsyal are 6aq1 l-t o3s ^oo3l u3Nlvh_ 3r]^M ol^vo ots^Hd 'dn3 suoldueqC aql ul srauEgedurer 'qrns ruv99vl'f'l ^uv1lu3ls paoualradxa sE suospas anlssaJf,ns UfNUVO'M U]9VNVU1I INV].SISSV Pue 'V suogdueqr ' ' ' f,llsauoP NOSN9U3I U]9VNVIA xrs JoJ duerurag lspg lo llsqlool 'u't rlaql ul aar8lpad 6u1pue1s1noue aAPq ullrag oueunq o]vNoo uot3luro 'unr61ag uro{ 6q palulodde slegcggo 380 NOSUIONV3 NVTA|UIVHS'lf,lA VJgn O]VNOOW'U NVhIUIVH3 qJleu aarql aql pup qnlf, 6utpeal s.fueurrag lseS ruorJ slelrglo pue srafeld aql alrpould ol auof,lam ol pa1q611ap SZEZE9:auoqdalel are suoldrueqC qs$lof,S aql l{61uo1 }uaul}uoC aq} HOt Z8V NllOUSSV Pue wntovls lluoolild tuo{ sapls }saq aql uo 6u11e1;oa6ua;1eqf, aq} 6q pallant l€061 papuno] ) 'saqcleru ueadorng lnoqe araqdsotule anb;un P s.alar{I I n'lc llv8lool N330u3sv .u6gedurer ueadorng lsalpl rlaql olul qJunel suoq aql sE raqloue;o s6u14uur aql IIP seq 1q6guo1pue suospas /naf tspl aql ul l1eqtoo; ueadorng ;o s1q6;u legoads maI E pa6els spq agpollld o - o I reckon that ltke ourselves, Dynamo Berlln were probably disappointed when the first round draw of the European Cup palred the two clubs together. Although all ties can be difficult, a match against a side with Dynamo's experience so early on in the competition is not the kind of game we would have picked for ourselves and I dare say that our visitors from East Germany are not relishing the prospect too much either. Both Willie Garner and myself have taken the opportunity to watch Dynamo in recent weeks and their record alone speaks for itself . six times East German Champions in a row, a lot of ex- perience and plenty of good in- dividual players who've played at international level. One of the points that struck me about them is their patience. Like a lot of Eastern European sides they take their time and are very organised and methodical in the way they build up. They are going to be a tough nut to crack but having said that we have built up a useful reputation ourselves in Europe over the last few seasons and I would say that we have certainly learned a lot since we last played in the Euro- pean Cup four years ago when Liverpool turned us over. Looking at our opponents tonight individually, they have a very tall goalkeeper who has a lot of international experience, a sweeper who uses the ball well and a stopper at the back who also looks good going forward. Up front, their main striker is Ernst, who is another inter- national with a useful scoring record. FOR COMPETITIVE CAR & VAN HIRE ABERDEENOFFICE 113 Constitution Street Tel:0?24-639743 Branches also in: GLASGOW.KIRKCALDY, INVERURIEAND THROUGHOUTTHE UK 'dn3 snoure; teqt 6ugpuel ro qrreas ur So las suoq aqt lq61uo1 'o6e sreaÄ /I puellors ol lrpq fqdorl aqr tqEnorq r;11a3 'dn3 upadorn3 ' ' ' aql lnoqe lle s! atue6 s.;q61uoylpqm s.l! pue alsmtanlls Jo af,ard sno3611sa.rdlsoru s.lleqlooJ ueadorn3 6lqegord s.fl 'ranor s.1q61uoluo r{qdoJl aql 8ulureu.ro; sazprdou ats aJaql UEAOJ S.IH9INOI 'lq61uo1 r{f,lptu aurJp loJ u! alp am 6ur1aa1p a^.1pup suo111ladruor ueadorn3 aql Jo lueuodrug 1sou.r aq| ul IrEq 6uraqsno11arupu s.ll .6a; puocas aql ur arull s.;q61u1:o1E u! pue lq6;uo1 got aqr op upf, am luaplJuor ue ; sraÄe1daql urorJ luaulrturuof, pup apnlrlle lq6gr aqt pup salnulur 06 aql :ano 6u11req rno6 qflm .6uluanasrql aupollld ol srolrsl^ lno ol autof,lam tlllem e raJJo am 'qnlf, aql qll/lr palJau -uoc auodra^a uO 'dn3 Jo ;lpqaq .srauu16-dn3 aq1 ur suospas 1o aldnoe tspl aql :ano dn ylrnq an.amaf,uagadxa aql IJe uo IIef, ol paau lltm am uaqrnlq61uo1 loJ llJ aq plnom f,rrg teqr alaln aAl 1n;adoq'Iaam srql go lted /ipea aql ur sruoldu/is nU tuo{ 6ulragns sraÄe1d1o aldnor e peq pue frnfur 8urrlsueq p q]!^r arup6 sra8ueg aql roJ {f,plg Jll3 }sol am sarrnlugr{l!m lslom aql rano alaln am leqt lq6noql am uaqm lsnf .alqpl aql 1o dol aql le sn 1da1leqt lulod e qtlm aure6 aql yo 1no 6uruof, lnoqe palu;oddesrp ool aq louuel am puP llnsal tlPJ P 61qeqo:dspm mprp p pua aql ul 'sualqord arou ma; e sra6upu asnpJ o1 6g1ua;r -lJJnsatup6 lno asrpr ol alqeun alalt1arr teql paluroddesrp6;1q6r1s sem I lnq l! u! lol P ra^au sEllir araql pue aue8 1q6r1e se/ll lt '11am Ä1:e1ncr1:eddeJd 1ou prp am uaqm Äeprnleg uo s:a6ueg lsureFe lugod 1s:r; :no paddo:p am q6noqlle uospas aql ol tlels snolla^rPu P apPtu a^Pq am 'alplnq punor lsrr1q6no1 e sl lpqm rano 1ab upJ am uaql slaam luaf,al u1 6urop uaag anpq am sP IIa/YrsP pue ueJ am sP llam se 6e1d am Jl leql rrlsnurldo ure J lnq aturl s.1q61u1ro;p ur ulpag tse3 ur pue yq6ruol a6ua11eqt6rq e af,PJam lPq] lqnop ou s.alaql r BEBL[M Dynamo Berlin may not be one of Europe's most It was this campaign which brought their best famous clubs. But in domestic terms they are one of season in Europe to date. Dynamo beat Cardiff on the most successful. penalties in the first round after two 1-1 draws, then When they claimed the East German Champion- Beerschot of Belgium 3-1, 3-l and Atvidaberg of ship earlier this year they were recording their sixth Sweden 2-0,2-2 to reach the semi-finals. successive League title. That is a feat surpassed in But just as one Dynamo (Dresden) had brought Europe since the War only by Celtic and CDNA, the about their downfall in the 1971 East German Cup, so Bulgarian Champions of the 1950s, with nine in a row, it was the turn of another Dynamo (Moscow) to end and Ujpest of Hungary, with seven. their European dreams. The East Germans drew l-l Olympiakos of Greece in the 1950s and Omonia of at home, forced a l-l draw in Lvov after extra-time Cyprus in the 1970s also hold pride of place with . then lost 4-1 on penalties. Dynamo on six. But in this respect at least they leave At the last moment. their nerves failed them. But some of the greatest club names such as Juventus, the foundations had been laid and a major step for- Real Madrid, Ajax, Liverpool and Anderlecht, in their ward was taken in the promotion to first-team coach wake. in 1978 of a man who achieved great things in two And, judging by the quality of players being con- years with the Youth section: Jürgen Bogs. tinually advanced by the Dynamo Youth conveyor He was then 31, the youngest coach in the First belt, they may well not stop at six titles in succession. Division. But he immediately became the most suc- Yet although Dynamo are setting modern football cessful as Dynamo scorched to the lirst of their six history, the club are little more than 30-years-old, Championships. They establisheda record of nine vic- having been set up in 1953 thanks to the delegation to tories in a row from the start of the season and led by East Berlin of a police sports unit from the Dynamo six points at halfway.
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