Operational Coordination Team – Province

Monthly Humanitarian Coordination Meeting Minutes

Date of the meeting: Wednesday 22 January, 2014 @ 10:00 hours Venue: UNAMA Kunduz Conference Room

S No. Agenda item Key points discussed Decision/action point (s) 1 Welcome &  OCHA warmly welcomed participants and participants  introductions introduced themselves.

2 Humanitarian situation  OCHA Kunduz briefed participants about last year and said updates (Protection, there was no major natural disaster and manmade disaster but NFI/Shelter, Health NER was unstable and many displacement cases reported and Nutrition, Food specially from Dashte Archi district and Warduj district. Security and  OCHA Shortly provided information that on 21 January 2014  IOM & NRC conducts joint Agriculture, WASH & ANDMA Kunduz reported an organization was constructing assessment. OCHA will Education) protection wall for a canal in Maqdulkhel area of Aliabad district share assessment report and organization were told to local community don’t continue with humanitarian water until their permission but they continued water in the organizations. result reportedly approximately 13 houses destroyed/ damaged in mentioned area. OCHA tried to organize a joint assessment consist of governmental organizations, NGOs and UN but ANDMA director told to OCHA Kunduz Provincial Governor has advised no governmental organization can go to mentioned area but NGO and UN can go. On 22nd January OCHA organized joint assessment of IOM and NRC. They are in the field and collect correct information and data, when received so OCHA will share with organizations.  UNHCR: They have completed winterization program, UNHCR  UNHCR will assess those distributed NFI family kits and WFP distributed food items families who needs for jointly to 1040 families in Kunduz, 470 families in , 208 winterization. families in Takhar, and 52 families in Badakhshan. IDPs, Refugee returnees’ were their main target groups. ERM have distributed 250 kits in Badakhshan on UNHCR request. UNHCR further said still some families are requesting winterization assistance but they don’t have any data. UNHCR will conduct an assessment soon. UNHCR further said that conflict has been reported from Kuran wa Munjan district of but no information regarding humanitarian needs and displacement in the hand. There is no telecommunication service in mentioned district that is why they are not able to collect information from there. They are trying to get information from there.  MACCA: They have cleared 6.3 square meter contaminated area from land mines, unexploded ordinaries (UXO) and Explosive Remnant of War (ERW). They have cleared 145 hazards. They have found 8490 Anti personal mine (APM), 10 Anti Tanks mines (ATM) and 23107 UXO/ ERW and safely destroyed. Non technical survey village by village or mine/ (ERW impacts free community survey) completed in2275 villages of 38 districts in north-eastern region. During mentioned survey 1947 UXO destroyed safely and 110 new hazard areas identified. 41680 peoples (male youth/adults 26747) and (female Youth/adults-14933) trained on mine risk education in north-eastern region.  NRC planed to construct 290 shelters in during 2013. The request of people was high so they built 66 extra shelter and they have built totally 356 shelters in Kunduz province. Beside they have dug 10 well in the areas where they built shelters. They have plan to built 200 shelters for refugee returnees and IDPs in 2014. 100 shelters will be two rooms and 100 shelters will be one room. NRC constructs 200 latrine in Kunduz province during 2014  UNHCR: They have planned to build some shelters and dug some wells in Kunduz province during 2014 but the numbers are not confirmed.  GIZ-EMERG: They successfully completed IDP project in

Kunduz province. Their project had livelihood and infrastructure components. They provided skill trainings to IDPs and dug 14 wells. They completed Rapid Assessment for their upcoming 2014 project and had coordination meeting with UNHCR and DoRR.  DACCAR: They dug 10 wells in Aliabad, 15 wells in Chahardara and 15 wells in Dashte Archi district. They constructed 210 simple latrines in mentioned areas and trained them on health hygiene education. Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) program is going on they provide basic education and training on risk reduction and they are establishing DRR committees.  MERLIN: They have 64 basic health centres in 7 districts of Kunduz province where they provide health services and nutrition services to local community. Their health project funded by EC and WB. They have established health and nutrition services operational plan for 3 years and submitted to public health department and ministry for further process. They have nutrition project in Kunduz and funded by WFP. They transferred winterization items, medical supply, non medical supply, wood to all 64 clinics.  OCHA refers Sandoq Sai  MERLIN further said that they have clinic in Sundoq Sai water case to NR FSAC village, Khanabad district of Kunduz province. He said that the cluster for follow up. people don’t have access to potable healthy water and they are drinking unhealthy water. He requested organization to dig well for them. Mercy Corp said that their technical team has surveyed mentioned area but they didn’t find any streak of water on the surface. OCT members agreed to refer the case to north FSAC.  WFP/ASR: WFP has distributed food items to 1040 families as winterization package jointly with UNHCR. WFP has distributed 361 MT mixed food in Qalay –I- Zal district of Kunduz province as food for work for cleaning of seven canals. WFP allocated

477 MT mixed food for natural disaster emergencies and 261 for conflict emergencies to Kunduz province. They have signed contract with MERLIN for implementation of nutrition project in Kunduz province.  FAO: Agricultural Seed production project is a successful project and will hand over to Department of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock at the end of January. They will continue their irrigation activities with Department of water and energy in 2014.  SCA: They have planned to dig 50 wells in Aliabad district the survey completed and will start work soon. SCA has established 356 local/ village schools in six districts of Kunduz province.  JACK: They have professionally trained 4777 teachers and principals of schools.  UNHCR and SCA will  UNHCR: 40 families are living in Qazal Sai village of Aliabad have meeting on Qazal district of Kunduz province but they don’t have access to Sai village educational education. UNHCR will meet with SCA to establish a local problem. school in Qazal Sai.

3 Revision and  NER regional risk register reviewed and endorsed by OCT  OCHA share Risk register endorsement of members. copy with regional Regional Risk Register humanitarian actors and and Minimum OCHA Kabul. Preparedness actions MPA  All participants agreed they will review MPA in their offices and  OCHA share MPA with will send their comments to OCHA and other members participants and they send electronically. their comments to OCHA and OCT participants 4 Any other business  No AOB discussed AOB 5 Date of the next  Tentatively scheduled for 19 February, 2014 at 10:00 AM at  meeting UNAMA Conference room, Kunduz.


No Name Agency Email address 1. Abdul Wahab Ahmadzai GIZ-EMERG [email protected] 2. Dr. Tajzad MERLIN pc.kunduz@merlin-.org 3. Abdul Sami DACAAR [email protected] 4. Dawood Salimi UNHCR [email protected] 5. Naqibullah Paiman Mercy Corp [email protected] 6. Mehrabuddin Zyarmal ICRC [email protected] 7. Ghulam Masood FAO [email protected] 8. Obaidullah SCA [email protected] 9. Mohammad Tahir JACK [email protected] 10. Abdul Baqi Omari UNAMA [email protected] 11. Ghulam Jailani Gulzar ADA [email protected] 12. Mohammad Omar Ahmadzai MACCA [email protected] 13. Ahmad Reshad Ahmadzai OCHA [email protected] 14. Ahmad Jawid MEDIOTHEK [email protected] 15. Shamila Sahibzada UNDP [email protected] 16. Fardin Hafizi NRC [email protected] 17. Tahir Zarag ASR/WFP [email protected] 18. Mohammad Sadiq Zaheer OCHA [email protected]