Volume 38, No.9 www.faubourgmarigny.org. October 2010 Les Amis de Marigny Helping to make Marigny a better place to live, work and play TheThe Dearly Dearly Departed Departed Society Society by Donna Wakeman Founded by Gene Cizek and Lloyd Sensat, the Dearly Departed Society will debut on All Saints Day, November 1st. The Society is intended to be a participatory group fostering the perpetuation of All Saints Day traditions in the old historic cemeteries of New Orleans. Events will be held at St. Louis #1 Cemetery from 10am- noon. The Faubourg Marigny Improvement Association will place a floral wreath on Bernard de Marigny's tomb and the organization will have a table with information on Bernard's fabulous neighborhood. William de Marigny Hyland ( Bernard's great, great, great, great grandson) will discuss his illustrious ancestor. Robert Florence's Friends of New Orleans Cemeteries will have the blue note replaced on the Musicians’ Tomb and 'All Saints Day in New Orleans -- Decorating the Tombs in One of provide a jazz band. Anna Ross Twichell will the City Cemeteries, an 1885 engraving' decorate the tomb in authentic 19th century mourning. Additionally, there will be role playing ghosts: Lloyd Sensat as Bernard de Marigny, Anyone interested in participating may email Lloyd Sensat at Barbara Trevigne as Marie Laveaux, Barbara
[email protected]. Even if you do not have a relative Robichaux as a lady from Storyville, and Greg entombed, you can participate by adopting and tending a Osborne as Apollinaire Perrault. nameless, unadorned, forlorn, neglected and forgotten tomb. Some suggested All Saints Day traditions: attend mass, lime At noon, Mass for the Dearly Departed will be wash a tomb, clean the names cut in the marble slabs, weed celebrated by Father Tony Rigoli at the Mortuary a grave site, leave flowers, drape a tomb with black cloth, Chapel.