21.11.2019 EN Offi cial Jour nal of the European Union C 394/11



Publication of an application for amendment of a specification for a name in the wine sector referred to in Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council

(2019/C 394/06)

This publication confers the right to oppose the application pursuant to Article 98 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (1) within two months from the date of this publication.



PDO-RO-A1079 — AM01

Date of application: 3.8.2017

1. Rules applicable to the amendment

Article 105 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013 — Non-minor modification

2. Description and reasons for amendment

2.1. Changes have been made to the yield of certain wine-making varieties

Certain wine-making varieties covered by the specification have the potential to produce higher yields under this controlled designation of origin, and it is therefore necessary to modify the yields, increasing them for the varieties Crâmpoșie selecționată, Negru de Drăgășani and .

The section ‘Maximum yields’ of the single document and the Chapter IV of the specification relating to wine-growing and wine production are amended.

2.2. The demarcated area of production has been modified to include two municipalities with their component villages

Located in the , the municipalities of and Iordăcheanu, together with their component villages of Iordăcheanu, Mocești and Plavia, have similar climate and terrain characteristics to the rest of the area, and they must therefore be included in the geographical area of the designation of origin. These municipalities have resulted from an administrative redivision at county level, and vineyards in the possession of owners (having reclaimed ownership from the Communist regime) are located in them.

The section ‘Demarcated geographical area’ of the single document and the Chapter III(3) of the specification relating to the demarcated area of production is amended.

2.3. Supplement concerning the link with the geographical area

The Chapter II of the specification and the section ‘Link with the geographical area’ of the single document are amended to describe the human factors relevant to the link in order to complete that information and justify the use of the designation of origin.

(1) OJ L 347, 20.12.2013, p. 671. C 394/12 EN Offi cial Jour nal of the European Union 21.11.2019

The specification and the single document are supplemented with details of the quality and characteristics of the product for each of the categories of white/rosé/red wines, in order to complete that information and justify the use of the designation of origin.

The causal interaction is reworded in the specification and in the single document, so that the details presented describe the causality of the specific natural features of the demarcated area in terms of the characteristics of the white/rosé/red wines.

2.4. The presentation of the organoleptic characteristics of the wines for each of the categories of white/rosé/red wines

In the interests of clarity and objectivity, it is necessary to detail the organoleptic characteristics of the wines for each of the categories of wine: white/rosé/red.

The section ‘Description of the wine(s) of the single document’ and the Chapter XI (b) of the specification are amended.

2.5. The presentation of the analytical characteristics of the wines for each of the categories of white/rosé/red wines in accordance with the legislation

For the sake of clarity, it is necessary to detail the analytical characteristics of the wines for each of the white/rosé/red categories which must comply with the legislation in force.

The section ‘Description of the wine(s)’ of the single document and the Chapter XI (a) of the specification is amended.

2.6. The detail of the marketing conditions

For the purposes of marketing, the wine is transported in accordance with the provisions in force, with due regard for the provisions relating to the drawing up of the specific documents.

Wine delivered in bulk shall be notified to the local inspectorate and the documents under which it is circulating shall be accompanied by the certificate attesting to the right to market the wine.

This amendment does not change the single document.


1. Name of product

Dealu Mare

2. Geographical indication type

PDO — Protected Designation of Origin

3. Categories of grapevine products

1. Wine

4. Description of the wine(s)

Analytical and organoleptic characteristics — white wines

From an olfactory perspective, the wines have aromas of exotic fruit, pears, floral notes of vine flowers, mown hay, jasmine, acacia blossom, usually of shades of yellow in colour, lemon yellow, straw yellow with greenish highlights.

The wines are fresh, fruity, slightly mineral owing to the soil in the eastern part of the Dealu Mare massif of sarmatic limestone, clay and sandstone, which are ideal for Pinot gris and Riesling. They have notes of apricots, citrus, exotic fruits, or delicate spices. 21.11.2019 EN Offi cial Jour nal of the European Union C 394/13

The maximum total sulphur dioxide content is only 350,00 mg/l for wines from the Valea Călugărească.

General analytical characteristics Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume) 15,00 Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume) 11 Minimum total acidity 5,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre) 18 Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre) 250

Analytical and organoleptic characteristics — rosé wines

The rosé wines have aromas of exotic fruit, citrus, and the taste is fresh, crisp, lively, with good acidity, balance, with a fruity aftertaste, pale pink peach, moderate pink orange colours.

General analytical characteristics Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume) 15,00 Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume) 11 Minimum total acidity 5,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre) 18 Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre) 250

Analytical and organoleptic characteristics — red wines

The red wines are characterised by finesse, light tannins, velvetiness and colour intensity.

They are wines with delicate aromas of ripe red fruits, prunes, black forest fruits, sometimes cinnamon, sweet almonds. The taste is rich, full-bodied, harmonious, with well-integrated acidity and tannins and typical aromas, with different shades of ruby red, garnet red or dark red;

General analytical characteristics Maximum total alcoholic strength (in % volume) 15,00 Minimum actual alcoholic strength (in % volume) 11 Minimum total acidity 4,5 in grams per litre expressed as tartaric acid Maximum volatile acidity (in milliequivalents per litre) 20 Maximum total sulphur dioxide (in milligrams per litre) 200

5. Wine making practices

a. Essential oenological practices


Cultivation practice

— planting density: minimum 3 000 plants/ha or minimum 75 % viable plants, compared to the projected density. C 394/14 EN Offi cial Jour nal of the European Union 21.11.2019

— plantations from which wines bearing the controlled designation of origin are obtained must have a varietal purity of at least 85 %; rootstock from other varieties on these plantations may only come from varieties of the Vitis vinifera genus. Grapes belonging to such varieties must be separated when harvested from the grapes of the variety used for the production of wine for which the designation of origin is granted.

b. Maximum yields According to the sugar content at harvest (cules la înnobilarea boabelor ‘CIB’ [harvested when grape berries are ennobled]) 10 000 kilograms of grapes per hectare According to the sugar content at harvest (cules târziu ‘CT’ [harvested late]) 12 000 kilograms of grapes per hectareras According to the sugar content at harvest (cules la maturitate deplină ‘CMD’ [harvested at full maturity]) 14 000 kilograms of grapes per hectare For wines with a minimum 240 g/l of sugars at harvest (cules la înnobilarea boabelor ‘CIB’ [harvested when grape berries are ennobled]). 65 hectolitres per hectare For wines with a minimum 220 g/l of sugars at harvest (cules târziu ‘CT’ [harvested late]). 78 hectolitres per hectare For wines with a minimum 187 g/l of sugars at harvest (cules la maturitate deplină ‘CMD’ [harvested at full maturity]). 91 hectolitres per

6. Demarcated geographical area Prahova County 1. ‘DEALU MARE-BOLDEŞTI’ sub-designation of origin — Boldești-Scăieni — component locality of Seciu; — Commune of — villages of Pleașa and Bucov; — Commune of — villages of Gâlmeia and Plopu; One of the following single vineyard designations may be added to the ‘DEALU MARE-BOLDEŞTI’ sub-designation of origin: SECIU, DEALU FRUMOS, VALEA CORBULUI. 2. ‘DEALU MARE-VALEA CĂLUGĂREASCĂ’ sub-designation of origin — Commune of Valea Călugărească — villages of Valea Călugărească, Valea Largă, Valea Nicovani, Valea Poienii, Valea Mantei, Valea Popii, Valea Ursoi, Vârfurile, Schiau, Răchieri and Valea Săracă; — Commune of Bucov — villages of Chițorani, Valea Orlei, Bucov and Bighilin; — Commune of Albești — Paleologu — village of Albești — Paleologu; — Urlați — component locality of Valea Mieilor. One of the following single vineyard designations may be added to the ‘DEALU MARE-VALEA CĂLUGĂREASCĂ’ sub- designation of origin: CHIŢORANI, VALEA ORLEI, VALEA POPII, VALEA SĂRACĂ, VALEA MANTEI, VALEA POIENII, VALEA NICOVANI, VALEA LARGĂ, VALEA MIEILOR. 3. ‘DEALU MARE-URLAŢI’ sub-designation of origin — Urlaţi — component localities of Urlaţi, Arioneştii Noi, Arioneştii Vechi, Cherba, Măruntiş, Orzoaia de Jos, Orzoaia de Sus, Valea Bobului, Valea Crângului, Valea Nucetului, Valea Pietrei, Valea Seman, Valea Urloi, Jercălăi. — Commune of Apostolache — village of Apostolache; — Commune of Iordăcheanu — villages of Iordăcheanu, Mocești and Plavia. One of the following single vineyard designations may be added to the ‘DEALU MARE-URLAŢI’ sub-designation of origin: VALEA PIETREI, VALEA BOBULUI, VALEA NUCETULUI, VIA DOMNEASCĂ, VALEA URLOI, VALEA SEMAN, VALEA CRÂNGULUI. 4. ‘DEALU MARE-’ sub-designation of origin — Commune of Ceptura — villages of Ceptura de Jos, Ceptura de Sus, Malu Roșu, Rotari and Șoimești; — Commune of Fântânele — village of Fântânele and Bozieni. 21.11.2019 EN Offi cial Jour nal of the European Union C 394/15

One of the following single vineyard designations may be added to the ‘DEALU MARE-CEPTURA’ sub-designation of origin: MALU ROŞU, VALEA GARDULUI, VALEA MĂNĂSTIRII. 5. ‘DEALU MARE-TOHANI’ sub-designation of origin — Commune of — villages of Gura Vadului, Perșunari and Tohani; — Commune of Vadu Săpat — villages of Vadu Săpat, Ghinoaica and Ungureni; — Commune of Călugăreni — villages of Călugăreni and Valea Scheilor; — Commune of — villages of Jugureni and Boboci; One of the following single vineyard designations may be added to the ‘DEALU MARE-TOHANI’ sub-designation of origin: VÂRFUL CU DOR, GURA VADULUI, DUMBRAVA, VADU SĂPAT Buzău County 6. ‘DEALU MARE-’ sub-designation of origin — Commune of Breaza — villages of Breaza, Bădeni, Greceanca, Văleanca-Vilănești and Vispești; — Commune of Năeni — villages of Năeni, Fințești, Fântânele, Prosca and Vârf; — Commune of Săhăteni — villages of Săhăteni and Istrița de Jos. One of the following single vineyard designations may be added to the ‘DEALU MARE-BREAZA’ sub-designation of origin: BREAZA, GRECEANCA, NĂENI, VISPEŞTI, FINŢEŞTI, SĂHĂTENI. 7. ‘DEALU MARE-MEREI’ sub-designation of origin — Commune of Merei — villages of Merei, Dealul Viei, Ciobănoaia, Izvoru Dulce, Gura Sărății, Nenciulești, — Dobrileşti, Sărata Monteoru, Valea Puţului-Merei, Ogrăzile; — Commune of Ulmeni — village of Vâlcele. One of the following single vineyard designations may be added to the ‘DEALU MARE-MEREI’ sub-designation of origin: IZVORU DULCE, GURA SĂRĂŢII, DEALUL VIEI, DOBRILEŞTI, NENCIULEŞTI, VALEA PUŢULUI, CIOBĂNOAIA. 8. ‘DEALU MARE-ZOREŞTI’ sub-designation of origin — Commune of Vernești — villages of Vernești, Zorești, Săsenii pe Vale, Săsenii Noi, Săsenii Vechi, Nișcov, Nenciu, Cârlomănești and Cândești. One of the following single vineyard designations may be added to the ‘DEALU MARE-ZOREŞTI’ sub-designation of origin: VALEA TEANCULUI, DEALUL ZORILOR, NIŞCOV.

7. Main wine grapes variety(ies) B — Gentil blanc, Pinot blanc Chardonnay Busuioacă de Bohotin Rs — Schwarzer Muscat, Muscat fioletovâi, Muscat violet cyperus, Tămâioasă violetă N — Petit Vidure, Bourdeos tinto Cabernet Franc N Burgund Mare N — Grosser burgunder, Grossburgunder, Blaufrankisch, Kekfrankos, Frankovka, Limberger Barbera N Băbească neagră N — Grossmuttertraube, Hexentraube, Crăcana, Rară neagră, Căldăruşă, Serecsia Grasă de Cotnari B — Dicktraube, Grasă, Köver szölö Crâmpoşie selecţionată B Grenache Noir N Fetească albă B — Păsărească albă, Poama fetei, Mädchentraube, Leanyka, Leanka Fetească regală B — Königliche Mädchentraube, Königsast, Kiralyleanka, Dănășană, Galbenă de Ardeal Fetească neagră N — Schwarze Mädchentraube, Poama fetei neagră, Păsărească neagră, Coada rândunicii Pinot Gris G — Affumé, Grau Burgunder, Grauburgunder, Grauer Mönch, Pinot cendré, Pinot Grigio, Ruländer Pinot Blanc B — Pinot Bianco N — Blauer Spätburgunder, Burgund mic, Burgunder roter, Klävner Morillon Noir Pinot noir N — Spätburgunder, Pinot nero C 394/16 EN Offi cial Jour nal of the European Union 21.11.2019

Petit Verdot N Nebbiolo N Negru de Drăgășani N Novac N Negru Aromat N Mourvedre N N — Bigney rouge B — Muscat Ottonel blanc Sangiovese N — Brunello di Montalcino, Morellino Syrah N — Shiraz, Petit Syrah Riesling de Rhin B — Weisser Riesling, White Riesling Riesling italian B — Olasz Riesling, Olaszriesling, Sauvignon B — Sauvignon verde Tămâioasă românească B — Busuioacă de Moldova, Muscat blanc à petit grains Tămâioasă românească B — Rumänische Weihrauchtraube, Tamianka Viognier B — Bergeron, Barbin, Rebolot, Greffou, Picotin Blanc, Vionnier Viognier B — Petit Vionnier, Viogne, Galopine, Vugava bijela Traminer Roz Rs — Rosetraminer, Savagnin roz, Gewürztraminer Aligoté B — Plant de trois, Plant gris, Vert blanc, Troyen blanc

8. Description of the link(s)

a. Description of human factors relevant to the link with the geographical area The first written documents mentioning the existence of wine cultivation in these parts of the country date from the 14th and 15th centuries. Those documents show that Ceptura, Valea Călugărească, Valea Mantei and Valea Popii were localities known and appreciated for the quality of the wines produced there. The documents of that era seem to indicate that the most famous wine growing area was ‘Cepturile’, later known as ‘Cepturi’, and today as ‘Ceptura’. In the past, the vines from this vineyard were well and harmoniously represented by the cultivation of several varieties, blended in a well-established proportion, and resulted in a very sought-after wine. Over time, vine cultivation has become a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation, and is part of the way of life of the vine-growing villages. In the pre-phylloxera period, about 20 basic varieties were grown in Dealu Mare, with three to four grouped together in one place, which resulted in wines with well-defined characteristics. The phylloxera invasion that was first reported in Dealu Mare (in Chițorani in 1884) was a critical time in the development of the vineyard. It quickly wreaked huge damage on viticulture in the area, substantially transforming it. After this, the vineyards were restored, largely with French varieties, but also with Romanian varieties. The following varieties were used to produce wine in the inter-war period: for white wines, Fetească albă, Tămâioasă românească, but also Aligote, Sauvignon and Traminer, and for red wines, Feteasca neagră, Pinot noir and Merlot. Laws regulating vine cultivation and the production of wine were first introduced in 1915.

b. Information on the quality and characteristics of the product The wines are mostly made as varietal wines (monocepage), but also as different blends, based on at least two to three wines. The most commonly used are Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Fetească neagră, with the proportions decided by producers at the point of blending according to the potential of the blending varieties recorded for that harvest year. The white wines have a balanced structure and good acidity provided by the south-eastern exposure of the slopes, but also by cultivation practices (generally semi-high in nature, with support systems that ensure a good distribution of leaf area and of production suitable for optimum maturation of the grapes). The temperate-continental climate is favourable for the production of white wines with an optimum balance between alcohol, acidity and sugars, with aromas of exotic fruit, pears, floral notes of vine flowers, mown hay, jasmine, acacia blossom, from lemon yellow to straw yellow in colour, with greenish highlights. 21.11.2019 EN Offi cial Jour nal of the European Union C 394/17

The taste of the wines is fresh, fruity, slightly mineral owing to the soils in the eastern part of the Dealu Mare massif of sarmatic limestone, clay and sandstone They havenotes of apricot, citrus, exotic fruits, delicately spiced, with preservation of aromas and freshness in the case of those from skeletal soils (with high calcium carbonate content). The rosé wines have aromas of exotic fruit, citrus, and the taste is fresh, crisp, lively, with good acidity, balance, with a fruity after-taste. The red wines are characterised by finesse, light tannins, velvetiness and colour intensity due to the presence of brown- reddish soils, rich in ferric salts, made up of red clay, marlstone and fine reddish sands in the western part of the Dealu Mare massif (which produce body and well-integrated tannins, particularly notable in Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Fetească neagră and Shyraz wines). The aromas identified are of ripe red fruit, prunes, black forest fruit, cinnamon, sweet almond, and the taste is full- bodied, rich, with well-integrated acidity and tannins and typical aromas. The colour of the wines varies from ruby red to garnet red/dark red.

c. Causal interaction The demarcated area of the designation benefits from the shelter provided by the Sub-Carpathian hills, which gradually rise in altitude and act as a shield against the cold currents from the north, north-west and north-east, helping to ensure that heliothermal resources are contained in the area. These conditions result in the optimum maturation of the varieties and the preservation of the primary aromas of the wines, particularly red wines. The temperate-continental climate of the geographical area which results in correct photosynthesis and optimum maturation of the grapes on harvesting creates a good sugar-acidity balance and fresh, fruity characteristics in white/ rosé wines and optimum phenolic structure and good accumulation of tannins in red wines. The western part of the Dealu Mare massif has soil types comprising red clay, marlstone, with a high iron oxide content, which makes it possible to produce red wines with aromas of forest fruits, unctuous and harmonious. Red wines such as Merlot and Fetească neagră obtained from plantations mainly towards the top of the slopes, as sun- loving varieties with balanced production, show optimum maturation from the beginning of September to the end of October in conditions in which the radiant exposure and intensity help to accumulate sufficient sugars to produce primary aromas of black forest fruits, spices, ripe red fruits, of an unctuous character, vegetal-herbal, and round and consistent in taste. In famous centres such as Ceptura, Tohani and Merei, the red wines are more robust, vigorous, with a higher colour intensity; these features are the result of abundant heliothermal resources and the light-textured soils of those areas. The skeletal soils with high calcium carbonate content produce aromatic wines with freshness and a notable floral character.

9. Essential further conditions NONE

Link to the product specification http://onvpv.ro/sites/default/files/caiet_sarcini_doc_dealu_mare_modif_cf_cererii_1225_din_11.08.2014_si_noti­ fic_2019_no_track_changes_0.pdf