16th World Moot Update Summary

The Moot Team had the pleasure of meeting Rover Scouts & Scouters from across at Moot HQ just over a week ago. This gave everyone the opportunity to learn a bit more about the Moot journey so far, what’s next and ways to get involved in the planning & executing of the Moot. If you weren’t able to join us, don’t worry - we have plans to meet more of you over the coming months.

The following summary will briefly highlight the work of the different departments of the Moot Team and also provides a link where you can apply to join the team!

What is a World Scout Moot?

A World Scout Moot is a gathering of young people aged 18 - 25 years old from across the world to camp, live and learn together, supported by International Service Team (IST) aged 26 years+.

The first World Scout Moot was held in in 1931and has developed from strength to strength since. In 2021, the 16th World Scout Moot will be held here in Ireland.

Moot Theme

The theme of the 16th World Scout Moot is Le Chéile. This is a phrase as Gaeilge that loosely translates to Together.

To quote our late Chief Scout, who was instrumental in giving Ireland the opportunity to host the World Scout Moot, “We are too great an organisation to deliver small dreams to our young people.” Le Chéile we can make the dreams of young people across the world come true.

Moot Team Streams

Currently the Moot Team consists of the following departments (keep reading for more about what each department does and is responsible for):

Communications and Marketing Information Management Compliance/Risk Infrastructure and Logistics Contingent Support Programme External Stakeholder Management Volunteer Support Finance Core Team

Communications and Marketing

The Communications and Marketing department is responsible for all Moot communications including Social Media, Bulletins, website content, merchandise and promotional materials, to name a few! This department provides clear and engaging branding for the Moot and helps make sure key information is available to stakeholders and interested parties. The Communications and Marketing department also ensures that the brand and message of the Moot is delivered in a clear and transparent way.


The Compliance/Risk team(s) are yet to be established; however, they will focus on ensuring that the Moot runs according to all regulatory and legislative requirements. This team will also be responsible for risk management of the event and streamlining compliance across the different areas of the Moot Team. If this is an area that you might be particularly skilled in, please get in touch with [email protected] as we would welcome your support in helping develop the structure of this department.

Contingent Support

The overarching aim of the Contingent Support department is to assist, guide and coordinate the Moot 2021 Contingents formed by National Scout Organisations (NSOs) from across the World. This is an ongoing task both in the lead up to and during Moot 2021. To achieve this, a network of ‘Moot Ambassadors’ from across the World Scouting Regions will be formed in partnership with a team of volunteers from within to provide in-depth information about the event and Ireland. The Contingent Support team will also support contingents during their time on the Moot event itself.

External Stakeholder Management

The role of the External Stakeholder Management department is to engage with external bodies and companies to gain sponsors and partners for the Moot to ensure it is a successful and unforgettable event for everyone. Sponsors will be a key element of the structure and running of the Moot as it will ensure that the Moot will gain a large audience outside Scouting and also aid in getting more for the Moot. Over the next two years gaining and engaging with sponsors continually will be the main focus of this department with food and transport being top priorities, currently. When sponsors are gained, it is also the role of this department to ensure they remain with us and are provided with answers to any queries they have about the Moot.


This department is responsible for the financial planning, oversight and budget control of the Moot. The team operates as a partnership primarily between Moot volunteers and Scouting Ireland staff. The Finance Department’s primary aim is to ensure that the event runs within budget, according to both the Scouting Ireland finance manual and WOSM's financial policies.

Information Management

The Information Management department is responsible for all IT Infrastructure development, management, maintenance, and security. The team has just launched a number of projects, including our intranet, a specialised recruitment site and database. This team is currently working on the Contingent Early Bird booking system, due to launch in early 2020. The Information Management team is currently seeking a range of interested people who have the skills to help the Moot build and manage our databases, systems, and other IT infrastructure, as well as supporting data protection, data security, and GDPR compliance.

Infrastructure and Logistics

Our Infrastructure and Logistics department is responsible for a number of things including site management & services, traffic & transport management, waste management, site communications, security and everything it takes to ensure a comfortable, safe and enjoyable Moot experience for all involved. This team is working closely with Fingal County Council, Malahide Castle & Demense grounds management and other local authorities to ensure the event will run with as little interruption to the local community as possible.


This team is responsible for creating and delivering a high-quality, fun, challenging and engaging programme for all participants that attend the World Scout Moot in 2021. Our Moot programme will begin at the opening ceremony, take participants through trails across the island, bring them back together at base camp and finally finish with the closing ceremony. There will be a number of opportunities for local Scouting to get involved in the planning and running of programme for the Moot and you can expect more information on this at the beginning of 2020!

Volunteer Support

The Volunteer Support team is responsible for providing support to all volunteers that are involved in the Moot - regardless of the length or scale of their involvement. All Moot volunteers aim to facilitate an incredible experience for participants and all involved. IST that sign up for Moot 2021 will also be guaranteed the opportunity to explore Ireland and experience the wonder of a World Scout Moot for themselves. One of the biggest initiatives that this team has developed is mentoring and supportive roles within the Moot team giving more people the opportunity to learn and develop #LeChéile. You can apply to become a Moot mentor or the head of the Volunteer Support team through the recruitment site linked below.

Core Team

The Core Team were appointed by the Board of Scouting Ireland and they focus on streamlining the Moot planning across the different departments through a strategic and supportive focus that helps mitigate the risk to Scouting Ireland. This team also reports on the planning of the Moot to our key stakeholders such as WOSM (the World Organisation of the Scout Movement), Scouting Ireland, financial sponsors and more.

How can you get involved?

The Moot Team is delighted to announce a number of opportunities for you to get involved in the team.

Click here to apply for any of our planning team positions currently advertised or if you’re just interested in getting involved. And don’t forget to keep an eye on this site as we will be posting new positions as they become available.