Meeting held 30 th September , 2010, at Bents Green Methodist Church , Road

PRESENT: Councillors Mike Reynolds (Chair), Mike Davis, Roger Davison, Sylvia Dunkley, John Hesketh, Keith Hill, Brian Holmes, Andrew Sangar and Janice Sidebottom.

1. WELCOME AND HOUSEKEEPING ARRANGEMENTS The Chair, Councillor Mike Reynolds welcomed members of the public to the meeting and outlined basic housekeeping and fire safety arrangements.

2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE FROM MEMBERS OF THE ASSEMBLY Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Sylvia Anginotti and John Knight.

3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest.

4. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING The minutes of the meeting held on 24 th June, 2010, were approved as a correct record, subject to (a) the substitution of the word “” for the word “Willow” (page 2, line 8) and (b) the substitution of the name “Kewley” for the name “Smith” (page 3, line 18). Arising therefrom (i) the Community Assembly Manager confirmed that the financial information for each of the Assembly’s four Wards and in respect of ‘You Choose’ funding had been circulated to Members (item 6(a)), (ii) Councillor Mike Reynolds informed the meeting that £3,000 had now been set aside for tree planting in the Fulwood Ward (Item 7, page 4, line 16), and (iii) Councillor Mike Reynolds confirmed that the appointment of a further Member of the Assembly to the Homes South West Board was still to be considered.

5. PUBLIC QUESTIONS AND PETITIONS (a) Petitions The Assembly received, for investigation by the appropriate Council officers (i) petitions:- (A) containing 26 signatures requesting traffic lights at the crossroads with Road, Coldwell Lane and Carsick Hill Road; (B) containing 245 signatures objecting to the development of Mickley Allotment site and requesting that (1) allotments not being worked across the City be identified and steps be taken to put them into use before money is spent on new sites, (2) alternative sites be identified and for a feasibility/cost benefit analysis to be conducted compared to the proposed Mickley Lane site, (3) a comprehensive appraisal and risk assessment be undertaken on the Mickley Lane site and (4) no further money be spent on the Mickley Lane

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allotment site until after a full consultation had been undertaken. The Assembly heard from Terry Rich highlighting the need to improve the usage of existing allotments/identify alternative sites and raising concerns of potential anti-social behaviour if land off Mickley Lane was used as an allotment site; and (C) containing 540 signatures opposing a large commercial agricultural development in the woods behind St. Anthony Road, Tinker Lane, Bentley Road and Bole Hill Road. The Assembly heard from Dominic Gregory opposing the development of the land by Crosspool Harvest, as it was perceived it would destroy a tranquil area, harm wildlife habitat and that the effects of the development wou ld be detrimental to local people and the land. An objection was also raised to City Council funding being used for the project; and (ii) an on-line request, containing 50 names, calling for the traffic priorities at the junction of Prospect Road, Bradway Road, Rod Moor Road (Tinkers Corner) to be clarified. The Assembly heard from Fiona Barry, Vice- Chair of Bradway Action Group, highlighting the dangers of the junction.

(b) Public Questions The Assembly received a number of questions and comments from members of the public at the meeting which included:- (i) Climate Change Fund (Item 8) (A) Dominic Gregory referred to the assessment criteria for the Climate Change Fund and asked how the Assessment Panel was satisfied that there was a local need for the Crosspool Harvest Project, as there had been no interaction with local people and also why other similar local groups to Crosspool Harvest had not been considered when the Assessment Panel considered local need when allocating the funding. (B) Karen Green sought reassurance from the Chair that the Assembly would be impartial when considering the proposed grant funding and asked (1) how Council officers could recommend the grant for Crosspool Harvest to be approved without the residents of being asked their views, (2) why Crookes residents had not received Council support in the same way that had been offered to Crosspool Harvest, (3) why had there been a total lack of consultation undertaken by the City Council, (4) for clarification on the exact legal status of Crosspool Harvest, in particular, whether it was a ‘for profit’ or a ‘not for profit’ organisation, and (5) why it was proposed that public money be granted to a perceived private enterprise. (C) a local resident, in referring to the Climate Change Fund criteria, asked how local need had been identified. (D) James Higgins advised that people didn’t find out about Crosspool Harvest’s plans until they were well in advance and had only 3 weeks to put their case together to object to the project. He further stated that people on St. Anthony Road and in the Crookes area were opposed to the scheme. (E) Simon Poutney, in referring to 2010 being the International Year of Biodiversity, stated that the City was required to provide a local biodiversity plan. He asked how land clearing could be part of biodiversity, with the clearing of allotments, woodland and hedgerows and wildlife being put at risk. He further stated that a suitable alternative site should be found for Crosspool Harvest without affecting the proposed site.

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(F) A local resident advised the Assembly that leaflets about the project had only been received by residents and stated that the grant award should be conditional on planning application for the site being approved. (G) Janet Limb raised concerns that the clearing of land would have to be carried out by mechanical means and the use of lorries would be required, necessitating the construction of an access road. It was stated that this was unnecessary for the type of project being envisaged. (H) John Joel raised highway and pedestrian safety issues for people using the car park off Bole Hill Road. He stated that this was a narrow road with no pavement and that with increased use of the car park, there was no warning signs for car users approaching the car park entrance from the brow of a hill on the road. He also raised concerns over parking on Back Lane for events that Crosspool Harvest would be organising, which he suggested, would prevent local residents gaining access to the garages and caravans stored at that location. (I) A local resident asked if public rights of way would be maintained if the development went ahead and asked that, as an alternative use, the land be used for community allotments. She also raised public health concerns in the event that the project went ahead without running water/toilet provision. In response to questions and comments made, Nick Rousseau, Crosspool Harvest, stated that he was disappointed in respect of the strong feelings now raised by residents and that he had undertaken a number of conversations with local residents concerning the project and received messages of support from people in the area. He stated that he was committed to work with local residents and building positive relationships. It was explained that the group was made up of 20 residents from the S10 area, with the membership including two local primary schools and that they were looking to build-up their membership base locally. It was also confirmed that the organisation was a not for profit enterprise and wanted to grow local food in a more sustainable way. As such, chemicals/fossil fuels would not be used, with work being undertaken in harmony with the eco-systems, with lessons learned from the project shared with the community and schools. It was confirmed by Crosspool Harvest that whilst the grant funding was under consideration, work on the project would halt for the time being. Councillor Mike Reynolds, in response to the issues raised, outlined the Climate Change funding process and the role of the ‘Sifting Panel’ and confirmed that the Crosspool Harvest application had been considered in accordance with the Climate Change Fund criteria. He acknowledged that, in light of the issues now raised, consultation needed to be undertaken and that a site visit would be arranged to the location of the proposed project. He informed the meeting that the local concerns over the funding application had been brought to his attention by a local councillor a few days before this meeting and gave an assurance that the Assembly would give impartial consideration to the request for funding by Crosspool Harvest.

(ii) Further questions were raised later by Members of the public concerning the Climate Change Fund following the decision to defer the application for the Crosspool Harvest Project:- In response to a question raised by a local resident, the Community Assembly Manager and Councillor Mike Reynolds advised that the guidance

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on the Climate Change Fund criteria for selecting projects, needed to be revised to include public consultation and that this would be raised accordingly. Wes Hedge asked that it be made clear at the special meeting of the Community Assembly, which was to consider the Crosspool Harvest funding application, if the involvement of Council officers in the project had been solely in respect of the Statutory planning application process.

(iii) Peak District National Park In response to a question raised by Neil Fitzmaurice concerning consultation being undertaken by the South West Community Assembly in respect of the proposed disposal of land within the Peak District National Park concerning Burbidge, Houndskirk and Hathersage Moor, the Chair asked him to provide further details on this matter.

(iv) Mickley Lane Allotments Eddie Grant asked why only 400 people had been advised of the proposed allotment site on Mickley Lane and requested that consultation be undertaken with the majority of residents in Dore and . He stated that until a full consultation process had been undertaken with residents, a decision should not be taken on the proposed location of the allotment site. Eddie Grant also pointed out that 240 people had objected to the allotments being located at Mickley Lane and that there were only 83 people in support of an allotment site in the area. Jim Lomas raised concern over the location of the allotment site at Mickley Lane and stated that, whilst three sites had been investigated by the Council, the action group had located 15 other sustainable sites which met Council objectives and the needs of the community. He referred to the significant highway safety concerns in respect of the proposed allotment site at Mickley Lane, urging Members to visit the proposed site and to look objectively at the proposed alternative sites that the action group had put forward. In response to a request for a visit to the site, it was explained that the three Ward Councillors had already visited the location, but that the Chair would visit the site. Jim Lomas also asked a question regarding access to information concerning the results of the further work being requested of officers in respect of alternative allotment sites. In response, he was informed that a report to Cabinet on the outcome of officer investigations would be available for members of the public prior to its meeting. Irene Jervis raised concerns over anti-social behaviour if the allotments were agreed for Mickley Lane and referred to the issues at her previous allotment at Hagg Hill. Terry Rich stated that insufficient time had been given to consider the officer’s report and that further work needed to be considered by officers. He asked the Assembly to consider the alternative allotment sites that the action group had put forward and reject the proposed site for Mickley Lane. He also asked that a further report on this matter be submitted to the special meeting of the Assembly which was to consider the Climate Change Fund allocation for Crosspool Harvest.

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Gwen Webster, representing the Cheshire Home off Mickley Lane, raised concern over access for emergency vehicles being blocked by vehicles parking on the Lane, whilst gardeners worked on their allotments, and stated that consideration had not been given to the impact on disabled people living at the Home if an allotment site was provided off Mickley Lane.

(v) South West Community Assembly Transport and Highways Programme 2010/11 In response to a question from Wes Hedge, it was stated that it was hoped that locally sourced timber would be used for bollards to protect verges.

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Decision 1

6. SOUTH WEST COMMUNITY ASSEMBLY CLIMATE CHANGE FUND The Community Assembly Manager submitted a report on the allocation of the 2010/11 Climate Change budget of £40,000, which was available to be used to provide grants to local groups for energy or non- energy capital projects that meet the aim of improving energy efficiency and reducing the potential impacts of climate change.


RESOLVED: That:- (a) regard having been had to the Sheffield City Strategy and to the relevant guidance of the Secretary of State, the South West Community Assembly confirms its belief that the granting of funding, as detailed in the report now submitted, would be likely to achieve the promotion and improvement of the economic, social and/or environmental well-being of residents of the South West Community Assembly Area; (b) funding from the £40,000 Climate Change pot be allocated for the following projects: (i) Methodist Church £1,960 (ii) Banner Cross Methodist Church £3,150 (iii) Hanging Water Allotment Association £1,150 (iv) Notre Dame £4,300 (v) Sheffield Wildlife Trust £10,000 (vi) Grow Sheffield City Council £4,970

(c) the Director of Neighbourhood Renewal and Partnerships, where appropriate to achieve the purpose of the grant, be authorised to vary the amount of the aforementioned grants by not more than ten per cent in each case, subject to funding being available; (d) the Director of Neighbourhood Renewal and Partnerships be authorised, in consultation with the Director of Legal Services, to agree the terms on which this funding is made available and the completion of funding agreements for the projects now approved and any other related documents that is considered appropriate; and (e) the proposed grant award for Crosspool Harvest of £14,470 be deferred for a period of at least two weeks to allow consultation to be undertaken with local Ward Councillors and local residents and that a special meeting of the Community Assembly be arranged to consider the outcome and allocation of the aforementioned Climate Change Fund application.

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The Climate Change Fund would contribute to the priorities in the South West Community Assembly Plan, namely:

• Promoting sustainable lifestyles and reducing environmental impact

This was the second year of Climate Change funding and the South West Community Assembly Team had built on the experience gained last year when developing the systems and processes used this year.

The projects recommended for funding meet the aim of improving energy efficiency and reducing the potential impacts of climate change.

All applications were scored by a panel against the criteria, as detailed under Appendix A of the report now submitted, which demonstrated the relative strength of bids. The projects recommended for funding were recommended on the basis that they scored highest against these criteria.

The allocation of funding to the Crosspool Harvest project was deferred in view of local public opposition concerning the perceived lack of consultation, the change of use of the land and the concerns raised over the need for the project at the proposed location.


Consideration was given to funding all projects that the Assessment Panel scored 6 and above. This would cost £52,404 and would mean that the Community Assembly would need to allocate an additional £12,404 from its discretionary budget. This option was not progressed because the discretionary budget had been allocated to support other priorities within the plan.




Not applicable


Simon Green, Executive Director, Place Portfolio.

(NOTE: In respect of the decision to defer consideration of the grant award to the Crosspool Harvest project, Councillor John Hesketh requested that the Chair used his best endeavours to ensure that all Council officers, from all Council services, undertake no duties that would, or could be seen to,

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advance the Crosspool Harvest project near St. Anthony Road until after the special South West Community Assembly meeting had met to discuss the Climate Change Fund grant application and asked for his request to be recorded accordingly.)

Decision 2

7. SOUTH WEST COMMUNITY ASSEMBLY 2010/11 REMAINING BUDGET ALLOCATIONS The Community Assembly Manager submitted a report on the allocation of the remaining Discretionary Budget of £74,450 for the 2010/1 1 financial year. In addition, it was proposed how a contribution of £10,000 from Parks and Countryside Services should be allocated.

7.1 DECISION TAKEN RESOLVED: That: (a) regard having been had to the Sheffield City Strategy and to the relevant guidance of the Secretary of State, the South West Community Assembly confirms its belief that the granting of funding, as detailed in the report now submitted, would be likely to achieve the promotion and improvement of the economic, social and environmental well-being of residents of the wards of , , Crookes and Fulwood; (b) having considered information contained in the report now submitted, (i) the Discretionary Budget for 2010/11 of £74,450 be allocated to the following projects:- • Crookes Ward Improvements £10,000 • Skate Park Development £5,000 • Totley Bents Pavilion £15,000 • Bus Service Promotion £2,000 • Bents Green Targeted Action £7,000 • Spider Park Improvements £1,000 • Fulwood Youth Provision £2,500 • Totley Youth Forum £3,000 • Community Assembly Events £6,500 • Contingency Pot £11,450 • Additional Grit Bins £8,000 • Tree Planting (Fulwood) £3,000

Total £74,450 ;and (ii) the Parks contribution of £10,000 be allocated towards the Bents Green Playing Fields Scheme; (c) authority be given to the Community Assembly Manager to:

i) decide the location of the additional Grit Bins in consultation

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with the Chair of the Community Assembly and the local Ward Councillors; ii) manage and allocate the Contingency Fund budget in consultation with the Chair of the Community Assembly; iii) manage and allocate the Community Assembly Events budget in consultation with the Chair of the Community Assembly; iv) determine the allocation of £10,000 to projects/activities designed to achieve improvements within the Crookes Ward, in consultation with the Chair of the Community Assembly and Crookes Ward Councillors; and v) determine the allocation of £7,000 to projects identified within the Action Plan agreed by the Bents Green Multi Agency Group, in consultation with the Chair of the Community Assembly; and

(d) authority be given for the Director of Neighbourhood Renewal and Partnerships, in consultation with the Director of Legal Services, to agree the terms on which all funding now approved is made available and to complete funding agreements for the approved projects and any other related documents that are considered appropriate.


The activity highlighted in this report would contribute to a number of priorities in the refresh of the South West Community Plan, namely; • Promote sustainable lifestyles and reduce environmental impact; • Promote and protect green and open spaces; • Improve the way people move about the area; • Improve the appearance of neighbourhood centres and the local street scene; • Develop provision for children and young people; and • Ensure children and young people have the opportunity to participate in local decision making.

Ensuring the South West remains a safe place to live by reducing anti-social behaviour and crime.


As a result of the ongoing community consultation and Councillors, local intelligence and surgeries, a number of priorities were identified for possible inclusion in the budget. In order to ensure that the budget is sufficiently targeted and focused, the proposed projects are recommended on the basis that they deliver against the priorities identified in the refresh of the Community Assembly Plan.

Consideration was given to providing funding to the Police for the provision of Bluetooth kits to be used in the area. This has not been recommended for funding on the basis that it is considered to be something that the Police

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should fund from their own budgets and that this is not something that the Community Assembly should contribute towards.

The Community Assembly had also been approached to provide funding for anti graffiti coatings to be applied to Virgin media cabinets in the area. The coating would mean that certain types of graffiti would be removed by rainwater. This has not been recommended for funding on the basis that it is considered that this cost should be picked up by Virgin Media as installers of the cabinets. There were also concerns about the effectiveness of the coatings given that they only work with certain types of paints.




Not applicable.


Richard Webb, Executive Director, Communities Portfolio.

(NOTE: Councillors John Hesketh and Brian Holmes, in supporting the above resolution, abstained from voting on the funding allocated to the proposed skate park development of £5,000 and asked for their request to be recorded accordingly.

Decision 3

8. TRANSPORT AND HIGHWAYS PROGRAMME 2010/11 The Head of Transport of Highways submitted a report on the progress of the programme of small and large highway schemes funded by the £300,000 allocated to the Assembly from the Local Transport Plan. The report detailed revised cost estimates for the schemes included in the programme and sought authority for the progression of the highest priority schemes for construction in 2010/11 and for detailed design work to proceed for the next level of schemes for the 2011/12 programme. The Assembly noted corrections to the budget figures reported orally under Financial Implications (Paragraph 8.0) of the report now submitted.

8.1 DECISION TAKEN RESOLVED: That (a) the progress on the large highway schemes programme, as set out in Appendix A of the report now submitted be noted; (b) the revised large highway schemes programme, as set out in Appendix B of the report now submitted, be approved; (c) the progress on the small highway schemes programme set out in

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Appendix C of the report now submitted, be noted; (d) the revised cost for installation of green oak bollards for verge protection, as set out in paragraph 5.4 of the report now submitted, be approved; and (e) the revised process for investigating the feasibility of suggested schemes for the highways programme and determining priorities, as set out in paragraph 6.2 of the report now submitted, be approved.


(a) To ensure that the highways programme budget is spent and that the schemes are constructed this financial year. (b) To ensure that future highways programmes are robust and that Members had all the information they require to set priorities.


Members had considered alternative options and priorities in preparing the Assembly Highways Programme as reported at the April and June Community Assembly meetings.




Not applicable.


Simon Green, Executive Director, Place Portfolio.

(NOTE: Councillors John Hesketh and Brian Holmes, in supporting the above resolution, abstained from voting on the revised large highway schemes programme and asked for their request to be recorded accordingly)

Decision 4

9. REPORT ON A PETITION REQUESTING ROAD SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS ON WHIRLOW LANE AND CROFT LANE, WHIRLOW, INCLUDING THE CLOSURE OF WHIRLOW LANE AT ITS JUNCTION WITH BROAD ELMS LANE The Head of Transport and Highways submitted a report on his investigation and response to a petition containing 18 signatures requesting road safety improvements on Whirlow Lane and Croft Lane, including the closure of Whirlow Lane at its junction with Broad Elms Lane. The petition was reported to the Cabinet Highways Committee at its meeting held on 14 th January, 2010 and referred to this Assembly for consideration.

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9.1 DECISION TAKEN RESOLVED: That: (a) it would not be appropriate, as detailed in the report now submitted, to carry out the requested measures at this time; and (b) the Head of Transport and Highways be requested to inform the lead petitioner of the aforementioned decision of the Community Assembly and to pass on its thanks for bringing the concerns about Whirlow Lane and Croft Lane to the attention of the City Council.


(a) the City Council focuses its resources on addressing road safety problems at locations with a poor personal injury accident record. The relatively low accident record on Whirlow Lane and Croft Lane means that substantial road safety measures cannot be justified from the City wide safety budgets; (b) speed surveys had shown that the average speeds of traffic on these roads were not excessive for a 30 mph speed limit. The 85 th percentile speed indicates that 30mph was an appropriate speed limit; (c) examination of the survey data and also from a site observation, traffic volumes were considered to be light, although it was recognised that there was increased traffic volumes at peak times, particularly when events occur at Whirlow Hall Farm; (d) a road closure on Whirlow Lane at its junction with Broads Elms Lane was suggested in the petition and was supported by some residents; however other residents were not in favour of a closure indicated by their individual comments included within the petition document. This thereby makes it a difficult proposal to introduce. It should be noted that although a road closure would prevent through traffic, it would also have disadvantages such as less convenient access for some residents, visitors and deliveries. There could be delays for emergency services accessing the area. A road closure would also require the construction of a turning area which might not be feasible due to property boundaries and would also be potentially expensive to construct; (e) It was suggested by residents that a road closure could be operated in such a way to allow residents to maintain access. This would be achieved by either rising or lockable bollards, or by a gate. Such systems can be very expensive to introduce and maintain (especially with regard to rising bollards) and the operation and administration problematic with the potential for keys being lost, the gate being left open, and damage being caused to the gate. The restricted access could also potentially cause delays for emergency services; (f) A one way system was suggested by a number of residents, on the full length of Croft Lane from its junction with Ecclesall Road South to its junction with Whirlow Lane in a northerly direction, and on Whirlow Lane between its junction with Croft Lane and Ecclesall Road South in a north easterly and then south easterly direction. Whilst it was true that this system would stop through traffic from travelling from

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Ecclesall Road to Broad Elms Lane via Croft Lane and Whirlow Lane, there would also be several major disadvantages. One way streets may result in increased vehicle speeds since vehicles would not have to anticipate oncoming vehicles. Also, there would be less convenient access for residents, visitors and deliveries, and there could potentially be delays for the emergency services.; and (g) in light of considering the relatively low traffic speeds and volumes, and the accident records, it was considered that it would not be appropriate to pursue any of the above ideas


Resident, as part of the petition, have suggested the following options:

• A road closure on Whirlow Lane at its junction with Broad Elms Lane;

• A road closure could be operated in such a way to allow residents to maintain access. This would be achieved by either rising or lockable bollards or by a gate;

• A one way system on the full length of Croft Lane from its junction with Ecclesall Road South to its junction with Whirlow Lane in a northerly direction, and on Whirlow Lane between its junction with Croft Lane and Ecclesall Road South in a north easterly and then south easterly direction.




Not applicable.


Simon Green, Executive Director, Place Portfolio.

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10 MICKLEY LANE ALLOTMENTS The Director of Parks and Countryside submitted a report on the proposed allotment site at Mickley Lane. She stated that the provision of an allotment site in the Dore and Totley Ward was a priority under the Assembly’s Action Plan, due to the high demand for allotments in the South West area. She also stated that other sites had been considered, but Mickley Lane was the preferred option. Following consultation with local residents, it was felt that the concerns raised could be addressed in the design of the site. In view of the objections to the proposal though, it was felt appropriate that the views of the Assembly should be sought before any further progress was made on the project. It was further explained that the final decision in respect of the location of the allotment site would be taken by Cabinet, as it involved a change of use of land and also the use of Charitable Trust funding for the site. RESOLVED: That (a) the consultation undertaken regarding the proposal to provide an allotments site at Mickley Lane, be noted; (b) having considered the responses to the consultation undertaken in respect of the proposal to provide allotments at Mickley Lane, this Assembly supports the provision of allotments at this site, but requests that when a report is submitted to Cabinet in respect of this matter, it takes into consideration:- (i) the detailed designs/highway issues and the special requirements of the people who reside at the adjacent Cheshire Home concerning the proposed Mickley Lane site; and (ii) the petition now reported to this meeting objecting to the proposed allotment site and the outcome of an investigation of alternative allotment sites in the area, as detailed in the petition.

11. SOUTH WEST COMMUNITY ASSEMBLY COMMUNITY PLAN 2010/11 The Community Assembly Manager submitted a report updating the Assembly Plan in respect of revised priorities and incorporating new Citizens’ Targets. It also set out the required actions for a range of Council services, agencies and partners to address the priorities in the South West Assembly area and the additional work the Assembly would be undertaking to meet the identified needs. It was stated that the Plan, based on consultation with local people, reflected the priorities of the local community in making the South West area a better place to live. The priorities were identified as:- • The Environment • Community Safety • Community Engagement • Children and Young People • Health and Wellbeing. It was hoped to increase the number of Sheffield residents who felt that they could influence local decision making and feel satisfied with their local areas.

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RESOLVED: That (a) regard having been had to the Sheffield City Strategy and to the relevant guidance of the Secretary of State, the South West Community Assembly confirms its belief that the adoption of the South West Community Assembly Plan was likely to achieve the promotion and improvement of the economic, social and environmental well-being of the City and in particular of residents of the Crookes, Dore and Totley, Ecclesall and Fulwood Wards; and (b) the South West Community Assembly Plan, as detailed in Appendix A to the report now submitted, be adopted.

12. DATE OF NEXT MEETING It was noted that the next meeting of the Assembly would be held on Thursday, 16th December, 2010, at 7.00 p.m. at the Wesley Hall Methodist Church, Crookes.

(NOTE: These minutes are subject to approval by the Assembly at its next formal meeting.)