curriculum vitae PATRICIA ANNE SIMPSON 139 N. 11th St. apt. 501 Lincoln, Nebraska Permanent: 8 E. Beall Street Bozeman, Montana 406.579.4981
[email protected] Education: 1988: Ph.D., Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Yale University 1985: M. Phil., Yale University 1984: M.A., Yale University 1980: A.B., English Literature and German Civilization, Smith College Academic Positions: 2016-: Chair and Professor, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, University of Nebraska in Lincoln Program Faculty, Women’s and Gender Studies 2017-: CourseShare Coordinator, UNL for the Big Ten Academic Alliance and synchronous/non-synchronous sharing of LCTLs 2012-2016: Professor of German Studies: German Studies Section Coordinator, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Montana State University, Bozeman 2006-12: Associate Professor of German Studies, Montana State University 2002-06: Assistant Professor of German, Montana State University 1999-02: Visiting Assistant Professor, Modern Foreign Languages, Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio. 1998-99: Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Languages and Literature, University of Utah, Salt Lake City 1998: Adjunct Assistant Professor, German Department, Hunter College, City University of New York 1989-96: Assistant Professor, Germanic Languages and Literatures, Associate of Program in Comparative Literature, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 1988-89: Lecturer, German Department, Yale University 1984-88: Acting Instructor of German, Yale University Select Academic Grants and Awards: 2015-16: Recipient, MSU’s Cox Family Award for Creative Scholarship and Teaching: for “demonstrable union of superior research with excellence in upper-division/graduate instruction” 2015: MSU College of Letters and Science Meritorious Research Award 2 2014: Goethe Society of North America Essay Prize 2012-13: Scholarship & Creativity grant to conduct research on European immigrants in South America 2011-12: Sabbatical, MSU: Conducted research in Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Mauritius, and India.