<» f

Ibenrp an& XTbompson journals*





Official Geographer and Explorer of the same Company


Exploration and Adventure among the Indians on tlie Red^ Saskatchewan^ Missouri, and G>lumbia Rivers


Editor of " Lewis and Clark," of " Pike," etc., etc.


Vol. Ill



1897 Copyright, 1897, BY


All rights reserved. LIST OF MAPS AND PLATES.

VOLUME I. Portrait of Elliott Coues, Frontispiece


Three Sections, and Legend Sheet, Traced from David

Thompson's MS. Map OF THE Northwest Territory, . In pocket



N. B.—This index covers all the matter of the two preceding volumes, both of main text and notes thereto. It is mainly an index of names, proper and common, without analysis of what comes under them. All proper names are intended to be indexed in every place where they occur, excepting the author's name. " N. W. Co." is indexed wherever it happens to appear, though the whole work relates to the . Of common names the list is quite full, though it is exclu- sive, as a rule, of mere mention or allusion. Proper are distinguished from common names by capitals, the same as they would be if occur- ring in ordinary sentences. The arrangement of the entries is intended to be strictly alphabetical, without regard to the logical order in which Albert, phrases or phrase-names would follow one another ; thus, Jo- seph, comes after Alberta, and before Alberton, Ont. Contractions and thus, pt. for abbreviations are alphabetized as if they were spelled out ; "point" precedes p. for "portage." Place-names which are phrases thus, Superior under are entered as usually spoken or written ; Lake r. Lake, but Moose 1. under Moose; Fort Dauphin, but Dauphin though many such are also entered both ways, with cross-references. appear as Alternative and variant names of the same thing of course ; Lac a la Pluie, Lac la Pluie, Rainy 1., for the one body of water. Besides subserving the usual purpose, this index has been utilized for the purpose of introducing a comparatively large amount of new mat- ter, representing many memoranda which I had made for use in my notes, but which the author's text did not happen to bring up in any connection. Most of these additional entries are biographical items of with a date, and others of the N. W. Co. ; they commonly end this will occasion looking at first sight like a reference to a page ; but no uncertainty, as the pagination of the text does not reach four figures. The sansfagojt style of writing French personal names, which may or may not begin with a preposition or with the definite article, makes it must be en- impossible to observe any rule in such cases ; these names tered as they are found—for example, such as De La Fayette, La Fayette, or Fayette, are all liable to appear. Usual abbreviations or contractions for names of States and Terri- tories of the , of Provinces or Districts of the Dominion of , of civic, military, and ecclesiastical titles, etc. Also, the

following : br., branch (of a stream or railroad); chf., (Indian) chief; co., county; cr., creek; dept., department; ho., house; H. B. Co., Hudson's Bay isl., Kam.,Kam- interpreter ; island; Company ; Ind., Indian; interp.,

mountain ; N. W. Co.. inistiquia ; Idg., landing ; Mt., mt.. Mount, pra., prairie pt., point (of land); North Company portage ; ; West ; p., reservation in the U. S., r., river; rap., rapid or rapids ; res. (Indian) reserve in the Dominion of Canada; R. R., Ry., railroad, railway; (lake Sask., Saskatchewan; St., Ste., Saint, Sainte ; trib. , tributary c.-m., voyageur contre- or river); vill., village ; voy., voyageur ; voy. maitre. Any abbrev. or contr. rnay take j.- for the plural. 9i8 INDEX.

Albany, N. Y., 897

Albany r. , 29

Abbitibbe ho. , at or near the head albatross, a bird, 853 of Lake Abbitibbe, source of Albatross, a ship, 764, 795, 828, river of same name, br. of 844. 855 Moose r., trib. to James bay Alberta, 462, 499, 524, 548, 563,

of Hudson's bay ; also Abbi- 573, 574, 618, 740 tiby, Abitibbi, Abittibi, etc. Albert, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., Prairies, Abercrombie, Lt. Col. J. J., 148 Fort des 1804 Abigail, Man., 415 Alberton, Ont. , 20 Abraham Plains, battle of, 289 albino buffalo, 159, 242 Acequemanche, 53, 54, 79, 95, 97. Albion, 896 103, 170, 261, 262, 263 Alces machlis, 2 Acer saccharinum, 130, 172 Alceste, Man., 415 A'cha, Jose, 864 alders, 815, 840 res. 566 Acipenser medirostris, 753 Alexander , Acipenser rubicundus, 20, 70, 192, Alexandria, Br. Col., 213, 777 444. 448 Alexandria, Man., 213 Acipenser transmontanus, 752, 753 Alexis res., 633, 741 Acquimance, 54 Algonquian family, 382, 510, 523, Act of Congress, 22, 25 524. 533. 733 Act of Parliament, 663 Algonquins, 533 Acton, N. Dak., 95 Alkali cr., 618 Adam, Eustache, voy. N. W. Co., Allaire, Frangois, voy. N. W. Co., Fond du Lac, 1804 Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Ada, Minn., 143, 150 Allaire, Michel, 776, voy. N. W. Adhemar, Jacques, 290 Co., was with D. Thompson Adhemar's fort, 290 June 1 8th, 181 1, at Ilthkoyape adipocerite, 768 falls in Aug., 1811, and went A-go-kwa, 54 to Okanagan with one Bellaire Aguskogaut, 180 Allan, Sir H., 255 Ahantchuyuk, 812 Allard, Ambrose, 274 Ahketoons, 97 AUard, Pierre, 274 Ahnahaways, 323 Allary, Michel, N. W. Co., Fort Ahrattanamokshe, 368 Dauphin dept., 1799, see Al- laire and Alleire Ahtahcahcoop res. , 490 Ahtena, 524 Allen, Simon, an Iroquis, N. W. Ahwahharways, 323 Co., Athabasca, 1804 Aiken, Job, 766 AUerie, Michel, 176, N. W. Co., Aiken, Mr., 766 en route from Grand Portage Aiktow cr. or coulee, 300 Aug. 1 2th, 1797, fitted out by Aile du Corbeau r., 274 C. Grant for Fort Dauphin Ainse or Hance, Joseph, Sioux Sept. 15th, 1777. see Allary trader on r., 1786 and Allarie Aird, George, brother of James All Saints' Day, 660 Aird, Sioux trader on Minne- Alnus rhombifolia, 815 sota r., ca. 1803 Alnus rubra, 815, 840 Aisainse, 97, 263, 427 aluminum, 768 Aishquebugicoge, 54 Amahami, 323 r. Ambercombie, see Fort Aber- Aissugsebee , 47 Aitken, Job, 766 crombie Akoklako, 550, 708 ambergris, 768 Alain, Pierre, N. W. Co., Mouse Ambert? N. W. Co., Rocky mt. r., 1794 ho., fall of 1806 Alarie, Frangois, voy. N. W. Co., Amelanchier alnifolia, 405 Le Pic, 1804, see Allaire Amelanchier canadensis, 405 , 524 Amelia bay, 673 Albany factory, 22, 46, 187, 424 America, 614 8

INDEX. 919

r., American antelope, see antelope Arguette, J., on Willamette American elk, 2 1833-42 American flag, 848 Arikara village, 843 American Fur Co., 21, 882 Arkoitte, Augustin, voy. N. W. Americans, 24, 663, 720, 757, 848, Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804, S49. 903. 907 compare Arcoitte American woodland reindeer, 285 Armell, Mr., 735 Amic l.,472 Arnes, Man., 451 Amiot, Francois, N. W. Co., Lake Arrow 1., Rainy R. route, 8, 10 Winnipeg, 1S04 Arrow r., Rainy R. route, 8, 9 Amiurus nebulosus, 431, 444 arrows, poisoned, 80S AMK. Co., 282 Arrowwood r., 61 Pierre, N. Ancien fort, 43 Arsinau or Arsineau, Anderson, Capt. S., 25 W. Co., Red Deer 1., 1798-99 Anderson, John, boatswain, per- Arwacahwas, 323 ished on the Tonquin ash, a tree, 49 Anepemenan sipi, 82 Ashe 1., 492 Anglojibway, 512 Ash ho., 301, 302, 305 Anglo-Saxon, 465 Ash isl., 492 Annals of Iowa, 330 ash-leaved maple, 4, 172 Anse de Sable, Lake of the Woods, Ashley cr., 674 13. 14 Ashton, Joseph, 749, 766, 781, 836, Anse de Sable, Winnipeg r., 33 868, 887, see Joe Anser albifrons gambeli, 752 Ashualuc, 914 antelope, 191, 305, 310, 634 Asnaboyne, 45, see Assiniboine Antilocapra americana, 191, 305, aspai in S. Fraser's Journal, spye 3" in Harmon's Journal, is the Antler hill. Alb., 638 Rocky mt. goat AntoUe, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., aspen, 49, 131 Le Pic, 1804, perhaps for Louis Aspern, Germany, 558 Anatole Aspin fort on Peace r., 581 of Upper Canada, 189 Antyme, , guide N. W. Co., Assembly Assinepoetuc, 505, see Assiniboine apishemeaus. " We remamed :n Assiniboia, 45, 299, 300, 308, 462, camp, trading buffalo robes, 761 apishemeaus, etc., of the Assiniboine brigade, 47 Indians," Townsend, Narr., Assiniboine dept., 60, 214 Co., 207, 1839, p. 31 Assiniboine ho., N. W. Apistiscouse, 656 298, 301, 302. 303, 415, 416 apistochikoshish, 311 Assiniboine Inds., 37, 42, 43. 93. aqua Lucise, 732 119, 132, 152, 159, 190, 195, 196, Arabuthcow, see Athabasca 19S, 203, 210, 212, 22S, 239, 241, Arapahoes, 384 244, 250, 253, 257, 263, 273, 275, Arbutus menziesii, 816 286, 293, 302, 307, 309, 312, 314, Arcan? of N. W. Co., wintered 325. 328, 355. 383.385.386,388, 1804-05 on Missinipi r. with 402, 405, 407, 40S, 413, 419, 429, La Freniere, Bouche, and an- 484, 487, 493. 500, 508, 513. 516, other 517, 51S, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 552. Archduke Charles, 5 58 525. 533. 542, 547. 549. SSL Arcoitte, Frangois, voy. N. W. 553. 570. 576, 577.579.583.587. Co., Nepigon, 1804, compare 588, 589. 590, 591. 592, 593. 595. Arkoitte 597. 599. 600, 614,616,620,623, Arctic ocean, 80, 193, 472i 473> 474. 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 720, 737, 510, 568, 862 742 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, 581 Assiniboine 1., 208 Ardea herodias, 103 Assiniboine r., 2, 3, 4, 35, 38, 43. 60, Arepersay, 71, see Aupersay 44, 45, 46, 48, 50, 55. 56. 57. argillaceous earth, 768 61, 63, 70, 80, 154, 156, 163, 175, 920 INDEX.

183, 185, 188, 189, 193, 202, 203, 5". 553. 554. 555.558.565,566, 204, 207, 211, 213, 234, 259, 260, 567. 573. 580, 581,583,608,611, 265, 268, 269, 277, 286, 287, 288, 615, 640, 641, 642, 643, 652, 667, 290, 291, 292, 293, 295, 296, 297, 668, 738, 742, 761, 874 Athabasca 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 305, Athabaska, see family, 309,314. 319. 343. 356.406,415. Athapascan 523, 524, 532, 416, 426, 428, 442, 448, 516, 554, 737 for Athabasca in 576, 592, 776, 837, and see Athapescow Upper Red r. Hugh Murray, 1829 Assiniboine River Inds., 119 Athapishow 1., 489 Assiniboine trail, 306, 307 Athapupuskow r., 557 Assinneboins, 263, see Assiniboine Athapuscow 1., 557 Inds. Aticamake 1., 471 866 Assinniboin r., 45, see Assini- Atlantic, a ship, 847, boine r. Atsinas, 505, 530, 531, 733 Co., Lake Astoria, 259, 279, 293, 561, 612, Attina, Gabriel, N. W. 629, 647, 747. 749. 750, 752. 756, Winnipeg, 1799 Man., 757. 758. 759. 760, 761, 762, 763, Aubigny, 63 Xavier, b. Mas- 766, 767. 769. 770,771.773. 774. Aubry, Francois parish, Three Rivers 776, 777. 781, 782,783.784.787. kinonge Dec. 4th, 788, 791, 792, 795. 814. 817. 842, district, Canada, Left home in 1843, and 844, 845, 848, 856, 865, 881, 882, 1824. Louis, Mo. To 883, 884, 885, 886, 887, 895, 896, went to St. and returned to 899 New , 28th, 1846. To Astorians, 44, 52. 216, 293, 556, St. Louis Aug. and re- 603, 667, 756, 763. 766, 773. 787. upper Miss, r., 1846, a caravan 788, 814, 825, 842, 843, 856,857, turn. Organized

, etc. ; soon 862, 867, 869, 871, 872, 873, 882, for Santa Fe, N. M. a famous plainsman 899, 912, 916, and see overland became biog. in Astorian Stuarts, 791, 882, see and trader. Best Stuart, A., Stuart, D., Stuart, Tasse, II., with portrait. Fort and Stuart, R. Aubry, on Ark. r. in Colorado, J., Aubry's Astor, John Jacob, 303, 749. 758, named for or by him. trail in New Mexico, Ariz., 759. 760, 763, 764, 766,842, 843, Cala. is his, ca. 1850-53 : 845, 853, 860, 886 and Journal and Ci- Astotin 1., 611 see Western of St. Louis. Aubry Atchanis 1., 611 vilian see Whipple's Athabasca, 14, 164, 172, 187, 188, City, Ariz.: in P. R. R. Rep., and 199, 202, 203, 212, 214, 216, 222, Route Diarjf. Killed 223, 248, 275, 267, 280, 282, 311, Mollhausen's quarrel by Major Rich- 442, 457, 461, 474, 481, 553. 554. in a Wrightman, U. S. A., 556, 557. 583. 612,759,767.782, ard H. Fe, N. M., Aug. 20th, 783. 792, 895 Santa Athabasca brigade, 759, 767 1854 Athabasca Crossing, 566 Aubry, Jacques, in command of killed in Athabasca ho., 581 fort at Blue Mound ; war. June loth, Athabasca 1., 282, 510, 511 Black Hawk Athabascan headwaters, 443, 572, 1832 is found for Ojibways 598, 641, 642, 648 Augebois Co., Athabascan Rocky mts., 629 Auge, , engage N. W. at mouth of Athabascan waters, 253, 462, 465, Assiniboine ho. winter of 1793-94 472, 473. 573. 574. 580 Mouse r., Co., Upper Athabasca packs, 14, 16 Auger, Joseph, N. W. Athabasca pass or p., 253, 573, 640, Rear., 1799 voy. c.-m. N. W. 642, 652, 668, 669, 748, 874, Auger, Prisque, 900 Co., Nepigon, 1804 Auguimace, Athabasca r., 215, 237, 248, 253, Auguemance, 54 periodical, 278, 279, 280, 282,292,448, 510, Auk, The, a 854 INDEX. 921

Auld, Mr., H. B. Co., 561, 895. Baker's bay, 754. 757. 758, 759. 762, was at York factory in 1793 763, 769, 779, 848, 857,858, 859, Aumier, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., 860, 862, 866, 892, 893, 916 Upper Red r., 1804 bald eagles, 172 Aupersay, Aupersoi, Aupusoi, 54, Baldwin's ho. on Missinipi r. in 71, 79, 83, 104, 194 1793 Aurialle, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., Baljennie, Sask., 498 Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Ball Clubl., 21 Australian trade, 189 Balsam Bay, Man., 40 Austrians, 559, 900 Banff, 618 668 Awakane Pawetik, 31 Baptiste, , Awene, Man., 207 Baptiste, Jean, 429, see Desmar- Ayabaska is found for Athabasca ais, J. B. Ayashawash res., 23 Baptiste's brook, cr. or r., br. of Ayotte, Joseph, N. W. Co., killed N. Sask. r.. 507, 553, 607, 651, by Eskimos with Livingstone 653, 662, 738 and others, 1802 Baranhoff, Count, Russian trader Azure, engage, N. W. Co., Assini- at New Archangel Co., boine r., 1793-94 Barbeau, Simon, voy. N. W. Azure, Antoine, voy. N. W. Co., Upper Red r., 1804 Rainy r. and Upper Red r., Barbe, Jacques, 49, 74 1804 Barbu, Etienne, voy. N, W. Co., Azure, Joseph, 301, 305 English r. , 1804 Baribeau, Joseph, voy. N". W. Co., B Fort des Prairies, 1804 Bark hills, 523 babiche, babishe, bobbish, from Bark isl., 455. I find that there is native name assapapish, thong an island of this name on the

of leather route in Lake Winnipeg ; so Baccanal, Alexis, voy. N. W. Co., the text is no doubt correct, if Lake Winnipeg, 1804 we read " foot of the traverse Bachelor's isl., 821 of Bark island"; identification Back, Capt., 27 with Black Bear isl. question- Back Lake cr., 741 able

Back's or Great Fish r. , Luetchor Barnes co., N. Dak., 144 r. of the natives, with refer- Barnes, Jane, 896 ence to cetaceans, descended Barren hill, 478 by Capt. Back in 1834 Barrieau, Francois, one of those Bad Ax, 54 who started with (Sir) A. Mc- badger, 156 Kenzie, June 3d, 1789 Badger cr., 524 Barrier 1., 471 Bad r., br. of Eraser's r., Barrier p., 31 777 _ Bad r., 473, see Sturgeon Weir r. Barrier r., 471, see Fishing Weir f. Marie, Bad Water r., 55 Barthe, Laurent, SaultSte. Bahwetego-weninnewug, 733 1788 Bahwetig girl, 733 Barwick, Ont., 21 Bale St. Paul, 289, 290 Bas de la Riviere, 38, 188, 213, 215, Bale Verte. 164, 234, 240 246, 249, 264, 276, 277, 285, 293, Baillarge, Bejarge, Pierre, with 428, 429, 438, 443. 447.448. 539, M. and M. Cadotte in 1799 759. 791. S73 Baillargeon, Antoine, voy. N. W. Bas Fond de la Loge de Medicine, Co., English r., 1804 677, 699 Bailly, Alexis, Canadian, b. in Basfond du Lacs des CEufs, 586 Mich., became a pioneer in Bashkega isls., 458 Minn., died very old at Wa- Basinet, Antoine, voy. N. W. Co., basha, Minn. See Tasse, L Upper Red r., 1804 p. 324 Basinet, Jean Baptiste, interp. N. W. Co., Torch 1., 1804 Baker, , a freeman, 818, 837 922 INDEX.

br. of Swan r., Basquia r., 462, 470 Bear's Head cr., Basse mt., 298, see Bosse 299 basswood, 49 Bear's Head r. , 203 Hill, and E. Ry., Basswood 1., in ]\Iinn., 149 Bear's on C. 635, Basswood 1., on Rainy River route, 636 band, 14. 15 Bear's Paw 522

Beaubien, , Basswood ps. , 14 244 Baptiste, sen. bastard maple, 4, 172, 492 Beaubien, Jean Batailleur, 605, 627, 632, 633, 657, (family name Cuillerier), b. 660, 665 Batiscan Jan. 6th, 1709, mar- 26th, Batailleur 's wife, 628 ried at Detroit Jan. Batchewoinan bay, 199, 283 1742, Marie A. Barrois, by Bathgate, N. Dak., 230 whom he had, besides four probably different daughters, three sons Jo- Batoche, , — persons of this name, 614, 626, seph, Lambert, and Jean Bap- 627, 629, 630, 631, 634,635, 636, tiste 2d, latter b. about 1785 : 638, 664, 668, 670, 675. Ahalf- biogr. in Tasse, II. pp. 83-98

breed of this name was killed Beauchamp, , 703 in the Semple affair on Red r. Beauchamp.Beauchamps, Jacques, June 19th, 1816 705 Baptiste, Batoche, Sask., 470, 484, 490, 614, Beauchamps, Jean 705 615 Beauchamp's wife, 628 Battailleur, an Indian ( ?) engaged Beauchemin, Andre, 51, 77, 442 as hunter by Thompson at Beauchemin, Jacques, 705 Rocky Mt. ho. in Oct., 1806. Beauchemin, J. B., 51 See Batailleur Beaudoin, Am., voy. N. W. Co., Battelier, a hunter, 605 Fort des Prairies, 1804 Battimeau, Battineau, 226, see Beaudry, Baptiste, interp. N. "W. Bottineau Co., Fond du Lac, 1804 Battleford Agency, 522 Beauharnois, Marquis C. de, 23, Battleford, Sask., 499, 500, 505, 45, 661 N. W. 619 Beaulac, Hippolyte, voy. Co., Fond du Lac, 1894 Battle 1., 499, 636 Louis, voy. N. W. Co., Battle r., 462, 495- 498, 499, 500, Beaulac, Lac, 1804 503, 508, 516, 523, 548, 551, 552, Fond du 553. 597. 620, 622, 633, 635, 636 Beaulieu, , 673, 674 266 Battoche, see Batoche Beaulieu, , 266 Baudette r., 21 Beaulieu, Basile, Baudry, Alichel, voy. N. W. Co., Beaulieu, Francois, 266 Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Beaulieu, Joseph, 266 Co., Baye Verte, 1S7, 190, see Bale Beaupied, Joseph, voy. N, W. Verte Nepigon, 1804 bay lynx, 206 Beaurdeaux, see Bordeaux Beauregard, , 591. 613, 614, Bazinet, see Basinet, J. B. B, C. beads, 355, probably mean- 617, 622 ing blue Canton beads Beausejour, Man., 40 voy. N. W. Beacon Rock, 798 Beausoiiel, Etienne, 1804 Bear, a chief, 250 Co., Lake Winnipeg, bearberry, 581 Beauvais, Rene, 557 630 Bearberry cr., 618, 703 Beauvois, , 552, 555. 559. , founded Bear Butte, 309 Beaver Club of 1785, flourished till 1824 Beardy res. , 490 Canada, established Bear hills, 523 Beaver Co. of Bear isl., 233 about 1630 br. of Assiniboine r., Bear Lake r., 896 Beaver cr., 301 Bear r. , 884 br. of N. Sask. r., 565. bears, 121, 157, 449 Beaver cr., Bear's Head band, 522 611 INDEX. 923

Beaver Creek fort, 301 Belcourt, Man., 290 beaver dam, 213 Belknap sta., Mont., 674 beaver, epidemic among, 256 Bell, , an American met by beaver, fabulous, 449 D. Thompson at Sand r. , on Beaver Hill cr., 565, 611 S. Shore of , Beaver Hill Crees, 594, 623 May 14th, 1798 Beaver Hill 1., 611 Bellacoola r., 777, 898

Beaver hills, Alb., 532, 566, 567, Bellaiei, , 776, 875, see Belair, 595, 611, 613, 634, 635, 737 Belair, Bellaire

Beaver Inds., 510, 524, 532 Bellair, Bellaire, , 837, 860, 875

Beaver 1., on Sturgeon Weir r., Bellaire, , 440 472 Bellaire, Registre, 674, 776

Beaver 1., trib. to Battle r., 499 Bellanger, , 874, see Belanger

Beaver r. , 278, 293, 490, 516, 540, Bell, C. N., 27, 38, 43, 44, 45, 182, 554. 561, 573. 574. 580, 593. 600, 208, 288, 296, 298, 301, 426, 482

601, 603, 604, 612, 613, 614, 619, Belleau, , 293 620, 621, 875, 895 Belleau, Antoine, 293, 868, 904 Beaver River p., 574 Belleau, Jean B., 293, 872, 875 Beaver River route, 604 Belleau, Mr., 293, 561 Beaver, ship, 279, 756, 759, 763, Belleau, Pierre, 293 764, 767, 814, 844, 852, 893, 912 Belleau's houses, 293, 300 Becker co., Minn., 143, 146, 147, Bellecque, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. 148 W. Co., Redr., 1804

B^dard, , N. W. Co., Mouse r., Bellefleur, , engage N. W. Co., 1794 Peace r., 1803 Bedford ho., 897, founded by D. Bellefleur, Registre, voy. N. W. Thompson, autumn of 1796, on Co., 1804 Deer 1. (Missinipi waters), lat Bellefleur, see Roussin, Andre 23' 102'' 58' 35" 57° N., long. Bellegarde, , 591 W.; he wintered there, kept Bellegarde, Charles, 51, 52, 77 its journal Oct. 9th, 1796-May Bellehumeur, Simon, voy. N. W. 20th, 1797, and left it May 23d, Co., Upper Red r., 1804 1797, to join the N. W. Co. Bellevue pt., 878 See old Fort Caribou Bell, George, 766, 806 Bedlington, , 707 Bell isl., 217 beeswax, supposed, 768 Belly, Fat, an Assiniboine, 597

Beger, , 655,657, 658, 660, 664, Belly r., 462, 485, 524 compare Begin and Berger Belonger, Augustin, 874 A., 176 Beloni, Louis, fils, voy. N. W. Co. beggar 's-lice, 63 Fond du lac, 1804 Begin, 655, compare Beger and Beltrami co., Minn., 21, 143, 146 Berger Beltrami, J. C, 27, 45 Be-gwa-is, 257 Ben, a Kanaka, 873, 875 Begwionushko, Begwionusk r., 70 Bennet, John, N. W. Co., Sault Beignet, Jacques, voy. N. W. Co., Ste. Marie, 1799 Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Bennett, Capt., 221

Belair, Belair, , 776, 780 Bennington, Vt., 897 Belaire, Baptiste, 776 Benoit, Jean Baptiste, 51, 77 Belaire, Louis, 776 Benson co., N. Dak., 144

Belanger, Belanger, , 874 Bercier, , 443, 607, 611, 651, Belanger, Andre, 874 692 Belanger, Basile, 874 Bercier, Alexis Belanger, Fran9ois, 874 Bercier, Antoine, 611 Belanger, Joseph, 874 Bercier, Joseph, 611 Belanger, Louis, 874 Berdash, 53, 163, 164, 165 Belanger, Pierre, 874 Bereau, Jacques, voy. N. W. Co.,

Belcourt, , voy. N. W. Co., Fond du lac. 1804

Red r., 1804 Berger, , 594, 629, 652, 671 924 INDEX.

Berger, Joseph, 594 Big Marsh, 39 r. Bergeron, Mr., 293 Big Miami , 96 Bering sea, 857 Big Mouth, a chf., 54 Bernard, Raphael, voy. N. W. Co., Big Nigger bay, 477 Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Big Pine p., 12 Bernicla canadensis, 9, 172, 740 Big pt. , Lake Winnipeg, 460 Berry cr., 618 Big r., br. of Missouri r. , 843 Berthold res., 318 Big Rock p., 8 Berthold sta., N. Dak., 315 Big Salt r., 95, 137, 138 Bertrand, a Cree, 581, 587 Big Stone, 630 Bigstone cr., br. of Pipestone or., Bertrand, J. B., 302, 303 Bethune, Angus, 259, 627, 629, 632, 635 633, 647, 648, 651, 662, 756, 759. Big Stone 1., 145, 300 760, 761, 774, 784, 791, 844, 860, Big Stone, Bigstone r., 475, 476 862, 866, 868, 892, 900,901, 902, Big Sturgeon r., 472, 477 Piegan, 903, 904, 905, 910. 911 Big Throat, a 643 Bethune's wife, 603 Big White, a Mandan chf., 329, 330 Betourne, Pierre, voy. N. W. Co., Big Wood r. is a name of Boise r. Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Big Woody Point p., 31 Bettanet, A., 874, 875 bilingual vocabulary, 538 Billique, P., was on Willamette r. Bibeau, , engage of Gregory, McLeod and Co., 1786 in 1838 Bibeau, Paul. voy. N. W. Co., Birch, an Assiniboine, 587 Upper Red r., 1804 Birch brook, 503 Birch cr. biche, 2,764, a.nd passim through- , 548 out the iDook Birch isl.. Lake Winnipeg, 457 Biddle, N., 424, 913 Birch isl., Sask. r., 479 route, Big Belly fork of S. Sask. r., 4S5 Birch 1., on Rainy River 14 Big Belly Inds. of the Missouri, Birch 1., Sask., 548, 552, 585 (Shoal) 1., 314. 334- 335. 336, 337. 338, 343, Birch 897 Birch r., 344, 345, 348, 350, 351. 354. 355. 472 Birdl., 356, 357. 358. 359. 361. 363. 368, 33 Mr., 5^7. 569. 369. 370, 372, 373. 374. 376, 379. Bird, 475, 558, 559. 380, 383, 385, 389, 390. 392. 396. 598, 600, 663 Bird Mountain fort or ho., 253, 397. 399. 400. 402. 530, 531. 733 Big Belly Inds. of the S. Sask. r., 277, 300 530, see Atsinas, Gros Ventres Bird r., 33 Big Belly vills. on the Missouri, Bishop res., 22 Dak., 321, 322, 323, 398, 403 Bismarck, N. 144 americanus, Big Birch isl., 479 Bison 4 r. Bisson, Baptiste, was one of six Big Bowlder, Winnipeg , 30 started with (Sir) Big Eddy, Sask. r., 471 voys. who McKenzie May 9th, 1793 Big Fish 1., 585 A. Co., 1789-90 Big fork of Kam. r., 220 Bissonette, Mr., N. W. Big Fork r., 20, 21 bitches, 166 Big Forks P. O., Ont., 21 Bittern 1., 611, 635 bittersweet, 172 Big Grassy r. , 23 black-bass, Big Hay 1., 611 445 Bighorn mts., 843 Black bay, 18, 20 see bears Bighorn r., 302, 844 black bear, 121, bighorns, 680 Black Bear, a Piegan chf., 643, 654. 655, 656, Big isl., 22, 26 645, 647, 648, 653, Big isl.. Lake Winnipeg, 451. 453 659, 660, 670, 675 isl., see Bark isl. Big isl.. Tongue r., 230, 267 Black Bear 455. 816 Big Jackhead r., 455 blackberries, Bigl., 566 Black, Capt., 279, 757. 758. 762, 772.774. 775. Big Lodge, 54 763, 769. 770, 771. Big Man, a chf., 332 761, 781, 866, 902 , ,

INDEX. 925

Black Cat, a chf., 323, 324, 329, Blueberry cr. , br. of Columbia r. 331, 401, 402 508, 606, 607, 674, 675, 692, Blackfolds, Alb., 637 694 Blackfeet, see Blackfoot Inds. Blue Earth Inds., 712 Blackfoot coulee, 499 Blue Fish r., 896 Blackfoot hills, 499 Blue hills of Brandon, 303 Blackfoot Inds., 398, 484, 500, 505, Blue mts.. Ore., 884 506, 507, 508, 523. 524- 526, 527, Blue Quill res., 563 528, 533> 539. 541. 544. 545. 546, Blue range, Rocky mts., 706 547. 551. 556. 557. 558.566,571, Blue rap., 650 572, 574. 576, 577, 579. 587. 588, Blythfield, 55 590. 595, 598. 613, 623, 660, 722, Boat Encampment, 669 726, 731, 733. 735. 736. 867, see Boat harbor, 454 Siksika Bobbishaw, 659, 662, 664, compare Blackfoot rum, 542 the word babiche res. Black hills, 383, 843 Bobtail , 499, 636 Black isls., 452, 453 Bodianus achigan, 445 Black, Mr., 222 Bodoine, Jean Baptiste, was guide interp. to elder Black Mud cr. , 634 and the Black r., br. of Rainy r., 20, 21, 22 Henry in Jan., 1760

Black r., br. of Red Lake r. , 127 Boeuf, an Indian, 54 Black Robe, 53 Boeuf Blanc, an Assiniboine, 597 Black, Samuel, of N. W. Co., was Boggy Hall, 292, 443, 507, 555, 557, at Grand raps, of the Sask. r. 572, 592,608, 610, 611, 614,629, en route for the interior, July 633, 643, 648, 650, 652, 659, 738, 25th, 1817 740 Black Shoe Inds., 323, see Souliers Boileau, Francois, engage N. W. Blackwater r., 777 Co., Grand Portage, 1804 Blaeberry cr., 692, see Blueberry Boileau, Louis, interp. N. W. Co., cr. Le Pic, 1804 Blaine 1., 492 Boiling r., 42 Blanc, Cadien, 556 Boilvin, see Boivin Blette, Louis, clerk N. W. Co., bois blanc, 49 Red Lake dept., 1804 Bois Blanc 1. and p., 14 Blindman, Blind Man's r., 637, 639 Bois de I'Orignal, 592 Blondeau, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., Bois (or Boise) de (or des) Sioux, Fond du Lac, 1804 145, 146

Blondeau, Louis, guide N. W. Bois des Sioux r. , 145, 147 Co., Fort des Prairies, 1804, Bois de Vache 1., 585 witness in Semple case at Bois d'Orignal, 219 Toronto in Oct., 1818 bois fort, bois forts, 83

Blondin, , 278. One Blondin, bois inconnu, 139, 155 very likely the same, guide N. Bois Perce on Red r., 86, 87, 88, W. Co., was at capture of 93, 108, 113, 132, 133, 134, 136, Aug. 13th, 1816 153. 155. 159. 168, 178, 255, 437

Blondin's house, 278, 583, 584 Bois Planter cr. , 664 Blondish, Blondishe, 278 Boisseau, Joseph, 301, 303 Blondishe's fort, 290 bois tors, 172

Blood Indian cr., 618 Boisverd, , 606, 607, 871 Blood Inds., 508, 523, 524, 530, 533, Boisverd, A., 871 543, 544, 545, 568, 569, 578.639, Boisverd, T., 629, 871 643, 647, 649, 650, 653, 655, 663, Boisvert, , 870 722, 731, 735. 736 Boisvert, Amg., 873 Boisvert, Antoine, 871 Bloody cr. , 492 r. Boisvert, Augustin, 871, 873 Bloody , 45 Blouin, Joseph, and Blouin, Boisvert, Baptiste, 871 Nicolas, voys. N. W. Co., Lake Boisvert, Jean Baptiste, 871 Winnipeg, 1804 Boisvert, Louis, 871 ,

926 INDEX.

Boivin, usually Boilvin, Nicolas, of Bouche, J. B., 219 Prairie du Chien Bouche, J. M., 219 Bouche, Bolieu, , 266, see Beaulieu Joseph, 219

Bonaparte, Buonaparte, , 674 Boucher, , 219 Bonaparte, Joseph, 900 Boucher, , voy. N. W. Co., Bonaparte, Napoleon, 558 Fort des Prairies, 1804 Bonasa umbellus, 103 Boucher, , said to have killed Bonaventure, Joseph, voy. N. W. Gov. R. Semple June 19, 1S16 Co., Athabasca, 1804 Boucher, Alexis, voy. N. W. Co., Bonenfant, Antoine, voy. N. W. Chippewa r., 1804 Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Boucher, Charles, voy. N.W. Co., Fort des Prairies, 1804 Bonhomme, , 673 Boucher, Frangois, voy. N. W. Bonneau, , engage N. W. Co., Athabasca, also Assiniboine r. , winter of 1793- Co., 1804; English r., 94 listed as the same, also as interp. N. W. Bonneau, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. 1804 ; W. Co., Upper Redr., 1804 Co., Fond du Lac, 1804 Bonner's ferry, 707 Boucher, Francois Firmin, was in affair of 19th, Bonnet 1. and portages, 32, 33, 34 the Semple June Bonnin, Frangois, voy. c.-m. N. 1816 ; captured with Paul W. Co., Rainy 1., 1804 Brown by Lord Selkirk Aug. to' Canada Bonsan, an Indian, S63 1 2th, 1816 ; sent Bonsecours, Jean Marie, voy. N. for trial as accessory to Sem- 's at Toronto W. Co., Nepigon, 1804 ple death ; was Bonza, Pierre, 50, 52, 77, 171, 180, in Oct., 1S18 194, 207, 231, 276, reappears Boucher, Pierre, engage N. W. at capture of Fort William, Co., among those captured Aug. 13th, 1816 with B. Frobisher in 1819 Bordeaux, Bourdaux, Beaur- Bouchette, Joseph, 61 deaux, Michel, 647, 674 Boucier, Alexis, 611, compare Borgne, personal name, see Le Bourcier Borgne Boudrie, , 584, compare Borraginaceae, 63 Vaudrie Boruf, 275 Bougainville, , 27, 43 Boss cr., 298, 306 Bougeault, Joseph, voy. N. W. Boss hill, 298, 302, 306 Co., Fort Dauphin, 1804 Boss Hill cr., 306 Boulanger, Michel, voy. N. W. Bostonese, Bostonian, 628, 867 Co., Rainy 1., 1804 Boston, Mass., 279, 628, 763, 850, Boulanger, Pierre, voy. N. W. Co. Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Bostonnais, a person, 628 Boulard, Michel, 647, 703, 704,

Bostick, , 867 705 Bostick, Joseph, 904 Boundary, see U. S. Northern Bostwick, Henry, 867 Boundary cr., 413, 414 Bostwick, Joseph, 904 Bourassa, Michel, voy. N. W. Co., Red r., 1804 Bottineau, , 274 Bottineau, Charles, 226, 473, also Bourassa, Rene ist, b. near Mon- married appears as Bottureau treal Dec. 2ist, 1688 ; Bottineau co., N. Dak., 310, 413 (i) Agnes Gagne Oct. 23d, Bottineau, Mme., 226 1710 ; married (2) Catharine Bottineau's son, 268 Lerigee Sept. 25th, 1721 ; had 2d Bottle p., 16 by Agnes a son, Rene ; Bottureau, see Bottineau, C. was also father of Charlotte Boubonniere, Amable, of N. W. Ambrosine Bourassa, who Co., Kam., name probably married C. M. de Langlade. Bonbonniere, Aimable Rene Bourassa ist estab- Bouchard, Antoine, voy. N. W. lished Michilimackinac ca. Co., English r., 1804 1742 ; S

INDEX. 927

Bourassa, Vital, voy. N. W. Co., Bow fort, 705 Nepigon, 1804 Bow Fort cr., 705

Bourbon, , engage N. W. Co., Bow hills, 675 Lac au Flambeau, 1804 Bow range, 706 Bourbon 1., 38 Bow r., 222, 439, 462,484, 485, 532, Bourbonniere, Frangois, voy. N. 608, 618, 640, 655, 670, 671, 703, W. Co., Fond du Lac, 1804 704, 705, 706, 723, 734, 761, 778 Bourbon r., 465 bows, 713

Bourcier, , 611 Bowstring 1., 21 Bourcier, Antoine, voy. N. W. Bowwetig girl, 733 Co., La Pointe, 1804 Bowwood r., 485 Bourdaux, see Bordeaux box-elder, 172 Bourdeau, Jacques, voy. N. W. Boyer, Mr., 293 Co., Red Lake dept., 1804 Boyer r., 506, 511

Bourdignon, , 869, 904 Braconnier, Jean Baptiste, Bran- Bourdon, , voy. N. W. Co., conier in Tasse, II. p. 341, Fort des Prairies, 1804 voy. N. W. Co., Lake Winni- Bourdon, Jean, "des 1656, .... peg, 1804, was at Fort Gibral- avait penetre au fond de la tar on Red r. when it was bale d'Hudson et pris posses- taken for the H. B. Co. by

sion de ses rivages au nom Colin Robertson in Apr. , 1816 ; de Louis XIV.," Tasse, I. p. was captured, sent to Hud- viii. son's bay, then to England ; Bourdon, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. appears at Toronto in the W. Co., Torch 1., 1S04 Semple case in Oct., 181 Bourdon, Louis, voj-. c.-ra. N. W. Bradbury, John, English scientist, Co., Red r., 1804 went with W. P. Hunt up

Bourguignon, , 869, 871, 904 Missouri r. to the Nadowa Bourguignon, Isaac, 871 Apr. 17th, 181 1, and afterward Bourguignon, Pascal, 871 as far as the Arikara vill. and Bourguignon, Pierre, 87 1, 8 74 returned to St. Louis. His Bourie, , 443 book of travels is important in Bourier, Antoine, 302, 442 connection with Astorian mat- Bourke, John P., H. B. Co., in ters, etc. command of artillery in the Bradlen, , 913, 914 fight near Fort Douglas June Brandon hills, 303 19th, 1816, when Gov. Sample Brandon ho., 297, 298, 303, 329, and others were killed, was 426 wounded, captured, and, July Brandon, Man., 305 28th, was at Fort William Brant isl., 798, 801

Bourlon 1. , 566 Bras Courts, 54, 187 Bourre, , 443 Bras Croche, 278, 762, see McDon-

Bourre, , 668, compare Brure ald, John, of Garth Bourree, Joseph, 442 Bras Forts, 53 Bourret, Joseph 442 Bras Gros, 53 Bousquai, , of X. Y. Co. at Brazeau, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., Sandy 1. on Mississippi r., Lake Winnipeg, 1804 1802, as per Wm. Morrison Brazeau, Mr., the one who signed letter of 1856, is same as next the recommendation of Geo. Bousquet, Charles, vo3\ N. W. Catlin's book, was at Fort Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Edmonton in 1859 was in Fond du Lac dept. Brazeau r., 607, 650, 651, 675, 738

1799 ; reappears as Charles Brazilians, 762 Brusky, etc. bream, 445 Bouthiller, Miss Elmire, 214 Breasseaue, , 8 74 Bouvier, Jean Baptiste, V03'. N. Breckenridge, Minn., 145, 146 W. Co., English r., 1804 Bresaytor, Sask., 502 Bowethich, Joseph, 867, 868, 904 Brevece, Benjamin, 580 1

928 INDEX.

Briand, Gabriel, voy. N. W. Co., who came to Astoria OcL Torch 1., 1804 5th, 1811, as said in the text Bridge Spur, Man., 290 Bruguine, Pierre, 871, 874, see

Briere, , of N. W. Co., was on Bourguignon, P. N. Sask. r. near Baptiste's Brule, Brule, Brusle, Louis, Ton- brook Oct. 8th, 1808 quinian Astorian from New Briere, Antoine, is listed voy. N. York Sept. 6th, 1810, to the W. Co., Upper Red r,, 1804 Columbia Mar. 22d, 181 brim, 445 Brule Narrows, 19 voy. N. W. Brisbois, , 259, see Brisebois Bruneau, Antoine, Brisco range, 706 Co., English r., 1804

Brisebois, , a guide N. W. Co., Bruneau, Baptiste, 655, 661, prob- was at capture of Fort Wil- ably same as the next liam Aug. 13th, 1S16 Bruneau, Jean Baptiste, N. W. Brisebois, Angus, 226, 443 Co., Canadian or half-breed, Brisebois, Auguste, 226, 227 with Thompson from Boggy Brisebois, Joseph, 227 Hall into the mts. in 1810

Brisebois, Michel, 227 Brunelle, , 630, 666 Britannic Majesty, 24, 770, 771 Brunelle, Baptiste, 630 British, 561, 757, 913 Brunelle, Louis, 630 British America, 24, 308, 413, 462, Brunet, Jean Baptiste. In 1785 512, 522, 524, 565 his son was one of seven fam- , 277, 550, 675, ilies who composed the popu- 706, 784, 898 lation of Baie Verte British Commission, 25, So Bruno, Baptiste, of N. W. Co., British Crown, 748 Upper Fort des Prairies and British flag, 848 Rocky Mt. dept., 1799 British possessions, 309 Bruno, Rami (Rene?), voy. N. W. British ships, S45 Co., Torch 1., 1804 Brochet, a Cree, 619 Brunswick ho., H. B. Co., built pt. 1730 on N. br. of Moose r., Broken Canoe , 459 Brokenhead r., 40, 280 trib. to James' bay of Hud- Broken Knife, a Sarcee, 606 son's bay Broken Leg 1., 705 Brunwin, Stephen, clerk and Brook of Reeds, 69 interp. N. W. Co., English r., Brook of Swamps, 69 1804

Brosseau, , 871, see Brous- Brure, , 659, compare Bourre seau Bryce, Jacques, voy. N. W. Co., Broughton, Lieut., 774, 796 Fort des Prairies, 1804 Douglas, Brousseau, , 861, 874 Brymner, 302

Brousseau, Joseph, 861 Buche, , 561 Co., see Brousseault, , 871 Buche, , 219, N. W. Brown, Paul, listed voy. N. W. Bouche ho., Co. , Red Lake dept. , 1 804, took Buckingham 474, 475, 484, part in the Semple affair of 498, 504, 546, 560 June 19th, 1816, was captured Buck 1., 741 next Aug. 12th, and sent to Buenos Aires, 913 Canada Vor trial with F. F. buffalo, 159, 167, 168, 169, 171", 174. Boucher and others 177, 178, 241, 242, 254, 446, Bru, Augustin, voy. N. W. Co., 682, 725, and passim nearly Torch 1., 1804 throughout Parts I. and II. Buffalo, an Indian, 58, 196 Bruce, , 293 54, Bruce, Mr., 293 Buffalo Chip 1., 585,652 Bruce, Pierre, 293 Buffalo coulee, 499, 620 Brugiere, Bruguier, Bruguiere, Buffalo Dung 1., 585, 652, 661 ,788, 899, is Regis Brugiere Buffaloe's Tent, 68, loi of Irving's Astoria, Canadian Buffalo Head, 1 98, 419 freeman, trapper, and trader, Buffalo Headmt., 68 ,

INDEX. 929

BuflPalo Hump 1., 81 Cadien, see Ducette, Charles Buffalo Inds., 377, 384. 387 Cadien, 862, see Landry, Joseph Buffalo 1., Minn., 147 Cadien, Charles, N. W. Co., Fort Buffalo 1., Missinipian waters, 581 Chipewyan Buffalo 1., trib. to Red Deer r., 618 Cadieux, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. Buffalo pt., 23, 26, 69 W. Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804 buffalo pounds, 518, 519, 520, 576, 577 Cadillac, M. de Lamothe, founded Buffalo rap., 683 Detroit, Mich., 1701 Co., with Buffalo r., 147 Cadorette, , N. W. Bulll., 741 D. Thompson on the Sask. r. Bull Pounder., 618 1804 next Bull r. . 706 Cadot, see

Bull's Forehead, 619 Cadotte, , 423 Bull's Head, Lake Winnipeg, 454, Cadotte, Augustin, 188, 195, 198, 455 204, 210, 211, 221, 229,235,244, Bull's Head, Man., 419 250, ^251, 267, 276 Co., Bull's Head mt. , 68 Cadotte, fitienne, voy. N. W. bulrushes, 70 Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Bungees, 533 Cadotte, Jean Baptiste, 127, 128, 610, see following Buonaparte, , 674 152, 481, Bureau of Ethnology, 125 Cadotte, Jean Baptiste ist, came Burgoine, General, 897 to Michilimackinac in Oct., Burleigh, 1756, with his wife Anasta- , 561 Burlington, Wardco., N. Dak., 313 sia, a Nipissing, and their in- Burns, Jane, 896, 899, 900, 901, fant Marie-Renee, b. Aug., 904, 905, 908, 909, 910 1756, baptised Oct. 15th, legiti- Burns, John, of N. W. Co., at mized by marriage Oct. 28th, Sault Ste. Marie in 1799 1756; wife died ca. i^dT, he Burnt Fort de I'lsle, 503 soon married Marie Mouet Burnt 1., 641 (probably mother of C. Lang- Burnt r. lade), and same year had by , 510 Cadotte, b. Burnt Wood isl. , 26 her Joseph Marie Burr brook, 63 Oct., 1767, baptism regis- Buskay and Buscay are D. Thomp- tered as of July 23d, 1768 (first son's spellings of name of entry after departure of the Charles Bousquai, Bousque, parents from Michilimackinac Bousquet or Brusky in 1765). J. B. C. founded a Busse, perhaps for Bouche, is post on American side of Sault named by D. Thompson as a Ste. Marie, ca. 1760, and was Canadian on Qu'Appelle r. found there May 19th, 1762, Nov. 9th, 1797 by A. Henry, Sen., with Bustard p., 9 whom he went in partnership; butchering buffalo, 446 went with him in 1775 to the Butte de Sable, 306 Sask, r., and separated from Butte des Saulteurs, 504 him at Cumberland ho. to Butte St. Paul, 309 go to a Fort des Prairies in Oct. He is said to have pre- vented the Lake Superior Chippewas from joining Pon- Cabana, see Chanou tiac. He remained in trade cabbri, cabbrie, 191, 305, 310, 643, and agriculture to 1 796, on May see antelope and Antilocapra. 24th of which year he gave I have lately noticed the un- his property to his two legiti- usual form caberey mate sons, J. B. Cadotte 2d Cabinet range, 672 and Michel Cadotte, at Sault Cache bay, 12 Ste. Marie. Date of death Caddo, see Cadotte conjectural between 1803 and Caddoan, 400 1 81 2, at a very advanced age ,

930 INDEX.

Cadotte, Jean Baptiste 2d, brother whose service he entered and of Michel, see above. His soon left Saulteur wife survived him. Caisse, Gabriel, voy. N. W. Co.,

He had by her children Loui- English r. , 1804

son, Sophie, Archangel, and Calahoo res. , 566 Polly. This is generally the Calapooyas, 812, 814 " J. B." Cadotte of the Henry Caldron Linn, 787, see Cauldron and Thompson period; d. Linn 1818. Name appears as Cad- Caldwell, Jas., 202, 259, 345, 346, do, Cadot, Cathdot, Chaddo, 403 etc. Caledonia, N. Dak., 141, 142, 143 Cadotte, Laurent, appears as voy. Calf mt., 68, 419 c-m. N. W. Co., English r., Calgary, Alb., 484, 485, 633, 704 1804 Calgary and Edmonton br. of C. Cadotte, " Le Petit," appears in P. Ry., 499, 567, 618, 634 1804, compare Michel Ca- Calihue, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., dotte 2d Fort des Prairies, 1804 Cadotte, Louis, about 1840 a car- Calipuyowes, 814, 860, 879, see penter of Sault Ste. Marie, of Calapooyas French descent, mother and Calispel, 709, see Kalispel

grandmother Ind. ; compare Callamox, Callemex, 858 Louison Cadotte, son of J. B. Calling r., 4, 300, see Qu'Appelle r. Cadotte 2d. Geo. Catlin took Calloph, 782, see Coalpo him to London as " chief" of Callorhinus ursinus, 851, 857 a band of Inds. he exhibited Calpo, Calpok, Calpot, 782, see there. L. Cadotte married an Coalpo English girl and brought her Calpok's, Calpot's pt., 782 to S. S. Marie, where she died. Caloptenus spretus, 39, 430 He was living there in Sept., Caltahcota, 367 1853: see Wm. Kingston's Calvin, John, 347 Western Wanderings Camanche, 818 Cadotte, " M. and M.," 199, 873, Camarade a Soulier, 607, 614 see following Camass eaters, 818 Cadotte, Michel, 161, 280, is one or Camassia esculenta, 777 both of the following Camenistiquoia, 220, see Kaminis- Cadotte, Michel ist, son of J. B. tiquia C. ist and brother of J. B. Cameron, , and Latour, 176, C. 2d, was on S. side of Lake 873 Superior in partnership with Cameron, ^neas, 189, 255 his son Michel 2d; his house Cameron, Donald, 189 was in the bay, between Sand Cameron, Dugald, 189

r. and Bad r. , in May , 1798; his Cameron, Duncan, 189, 255, 667

wife was an Ind. ; one of his Cameron, John, 172, 173, 186, 189, daughters married Leon St. 190, 194, 197, 204, 208, 212, 221, Germain 225, 229, 233, 235, 236 Cadotte, Michel 2d, is listed as Cameron, John, another?, 189 voy. N. W. Co., Chippewa r. Cameron, John Dougal or Dugald, 1804; took part in capture of 189 Michilimackinac, 1812 Cameron, Jonathan, 189 Cadotte, Mr., unidentified, 166 Cameron, Mme. John, 227, 228 Cadotte's ho. on Clearwater r., Cameron, Mr., unident., 189, 216, 129 247 Cahokia, 303 Cameron, Mr., unident., another, Caille, Toussaint, voy. N. W. Co., 765 English r., 1804 Cameron, Murdoch, 189 Cain, Edward, in 1819 servant of Cameron, Roderick, 189 Ronald, 189 J. G. McTavish and captured Cameron, with him by the H. B. Co., Cameron, Ronald, another, 189 5

INDEX. 931

Caministiquia, 220, see Kam- Canoe and Paddling Assiniboines, 522 Camloops r. , 783

Campbell, , 621, 631, see Le Canoe Assiniboines, 522 Campbell Canoe camp, 555, 610, 629, 669

Campbell, , appears as clerk Canoe r., br. of Columbia r., 253, N. W. Co., Columbia dept, 292, 440, 508, 555, 610, 629, 642, "a few years " before 181 648, 669, 672, 694, 869, 873, 874 Campbell, Archibald, 25 Canoe route, old N. W. Co., 455 Campbell, Colin or Collin, 222 canoes, see Chinook canoes and Campbell, Duncan, 222 Clatsop canoes Campbell, John Duncan, 222, 255, canoes, skin, 181 • 792 Canook, a chf., 798, 799, 800, 802, " Campbell, Mr. J.," 222 804, 806, 809

Campbell, "Mr.," unident., 222, Cantara, , engage N. W. Co., 277. 475 Athabasca, 1788-89 Campeau, Frangois, came to Sault Cantara, Cantard, Frangois, voy. Ste. Marie ca. 1796 N. W. Co., Upper Red r., 1804 Campeau, Pierre, voy. N. W. Co., Cantara, Louis, voy. N. W. Co.,

English r. , 1804 Rainy 1., 1804

Campement de Plumb, 129 Cantaras, , engage N. W. Campion, 6tienne, old French Co., at Fort Chipewyan in trader, in association with A. Nov., 1799, probably same as Henry, Sen., 1761 Cantara, Campion, Joseph, trader among Canton, China, 764, 848, 863, 896, Sioux about Falls of St. An- 899. 913

thony, 17S6 Cantonnias, , a half-breed Camp Monroe, 79 captured at the taking of Camp Spokane, 899 Pembina post on Red r., Mar. Canada, 6, 19, 23, 26, 45, 175, 189, 20th, 1816 210, 219, 223, 278, 2S0, 300, 378, capapee, 551 424, 457, 465, 481, 526, 550, 748, Cape Disappointment, 750, 751, 759, 764, 777, 784- 788, 790, 848, 752, 755. 756. 757.758,759.763. 872, 873, 896, 903, 915 764, 769, 841, 855, 858, 888, 891,

Canada, , a person, 668 898 Canada goose, 9 Cape Elizabeth, 864 Canada lynx, 206 Cape Falcon, 755 Canadian annals, archives, 219, Cape Flattery, 889, 890 302 Cape Foulweather, 755 Canadian houses, 465, 778 Cape Horn, the bold promontory Canadian Institute, 705 of high, black rocks below the Canadian map, 16, 22 Dalles of the Columbia was Canadian Northwest, 45 so named by David Stuart's Canadian Pacific Ry., 26, 33, 35, party in July, 1812 40, 43, 55, 81, 207, 218, 228, 289, Cape Kitchinashi, 460 290, 291, 296, 305, 308, 414, 417, Capel, Capelle r., 300, see Qu'Ap- 500, 618, 619, 744 pelle r. Canadian pine, 688 Cape Mendocino, 857 Canadians, 18, 36, 321, 533, 575, Cape Verde isls., 762 641, 722, 752, 773, 775, 780, 788, Cap 1., 33 S25, 840, 869, 900 Caplette, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., Canal Flat, Brit. Col., 440, 675, 706 Upper Red r., 1804 Canaswarel, Thomas, 875 Capois, Antoine, interp. N. W. Canawatiron, Ignace, voy. N. W. Co., Upper Red r., 1804 Co., Rainy 1., 1804 Capot d'Orignal, 617 Candle cr., 472 Capot Rouge, 54, 154, 231, 243 candlefish, 787 Capreolus capraea, 614 Canning or Cannon, Wm., 857, Caraire, Pierre, voy. N. W. Co., 861, 868, 888, 915 Fond du Lac, 1804 INDEX. 932

cr. Carder, N. Dak., 410, 412 Cart , 90, 93 Carthagena, 814 Cardinal, Cardinalle, . father and son, and various unident., Cartier, , 630 Cartier, Claude, 630 548, 551. 553. 554.561. 579.582, Cartier, Ignace, 630 584, 589, 590, 591. 600, 601,603, Cartier, Jacques, 629 (of 1534) 604, 611, 613, 614, 619, 620, 622, Cartier, Joseph, 50, 303. 629, 871 623, 627, 628, 666, and see next Joseph, 629, 630 Cardinal, 629, see next Cartier, J., 786, 840. Cardinal, Jaco, Jacco, Jacko, 554. Cartier, Joseph, 776, 785, 868, 890, 891, 892, 900, 905, 910 629 Cardinal, Jacques, 650, 676 Cartier, M., 630 Cartier, Man., 58 Cardinal, Joseph, 554. 629 see preced- Cartier, Mr., 629 Cardinalle, , 554. Mons., 629 ing and following Cartier, Jonathan, 27 Cardinal, Louis, 501, 554 Carver, inlet, Cardinal, R., 554 Cascade 777 Cascade Locks, Ore., 801, 802, 803 Cardinal, S., 554 Cariacuscolumbianus, 764, 778, 815 Cascade range, 757 Columbia r., 783, 798. Cariacus macrotis, 614 Cascades of 801, 822, 874, 886 Cariacus virginianus, 3, 127, 274, 799, Cascade, Wash., 801 311, 614 800, 801, 802, Caribbean, 613 Casino, 797, 798, 799. 806, 807, 808, 809, 810, caribou, 285 803, 805, 821, 824, 825, 826,831, 854. 879. isl. Caribou , 459 880, 890 Caribou 1., 600 person, 885, 887 Caribou Cass, , a p., 9 Dak., i47 ho., H. B. Co., on N. Cass CO., N. 144, Carlton as Casselais, , prior to 1803, Sask. r., founded 1797 Morrison letter of Carlton ho., on Upper Assini- per Wm. McKen- 1856 boine r. , appears on Pierre, alias Vienne, voy.N. zie's map, 1801 Casse, Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Carlton, Sask., 489, 490 W. 226 Caroline, ship, 763 cassetetes, cassettes, 226 Caron, , 629 Casino Caron, Eustace, 629 Cassino, 797, see Caron, Francois, 629 Cass, Lewis, 227 Caron, Jean Nicolas, 629 Castor, a dog, 173 Caron, M., 629 Catabuysepu, 300 Caron, Thomas, 629 Catenoire, Michel, 868. 904 cr. Cate pt., 478 Carp brook or , 564, 744 catfish, 431, 444 Carp 1., 14 280 Catfish r. , 40, Carp p., 14 Cathartes aura, 4, 147 Carp r., br. of Sask. r., 222, 486 Cathdot, see Cadotte Carp r., br. Sask. r., another, 563. 624, 632 Cat Head, 457 channel, Carreboeuf, Cathlamet 833 9 812 '^ee Carriere, M. Cathlamet Inds., Carrier, , 555. 629 Cathlamet, Wash., 833. 834 Carriere, , 554. 593- Cathlamux, 812, 813 Carriere, Andre, 55i> Cathlapotle Inds., 812, 821 Carriere, Joseph, 555 Cathlathlaly vill., 798, 801 Carriere, Michel, 555 798, 809 Carrier squaw, 219 Cathlayacheyachs, 794, Cathlayackty vill., 798. 799. 803, Carroll, Man., 305 Cavon 804, 805 Carron, , 629, see Cat 1. Carrot r., 470, 471, 477. 47*5 33 Catlin, George, 53- 3^5 Carsino, 797, see Casino Catlipok, 798. 821, see Carson, Alex., 857. 861, 871 874- Catlipoh, Cathlapotle Inds. 884, 886, 887 INDEX. 933

-; Catostomus lesueuri, 445 Charbonneau, — , 442 Cattleputles, 812, 821, see Cathla- Charbonneau, Etienne, 49, 50, 77, potle Inds. 108 Cauldron Linn, 844, 882, 883, 884, Charbonneau, Louis, 50 see Caldron Linn Charbonneau, Toussaint, 50

Causey, N. Dak., 322 Charette, , 423. I find that Cautoquoince, 55, 160, 273 this word is or has been in use Cavalier co., N. Dak., 81, 83, 89 as a common noun on the Caveninavish, 384 Missouri r., meaning a steve- Cave, the, Winnipeg r., 27, 28 dore or roustabout Cawandawa, P., voy. N. W. Co., Charette, Pierre, engage N. W.

Fort des Prairies, 1804 Co. , Upper Fort des Prairies Cayalle, A., 873, 875 and Rocky Mt. dept., 1799 Cayuses, 819, 827 Charette p., 28 Cedar 1., 38, 277, 465, 466, 467, 472 Charette, Simeon or Simon, 423 Cedar p., 12 Charles, an Iroquois, 647 Celastrus scandens, 172 Charles, Archduke of Austria, 558 Celilo falls, 801 Charles, Mr., "governor of census of 1S05, 282 Churchill," in Thompson's Century Dictionary, 790 MSS., Oct. 2d, 1804. There Cervus canadensis, 2, 62 were two of the name, George Cervus elaphus, 2 Charles and John Charles. Chaboiller, Chaboillier, Chaboil- The former wintered on Peli- les, 60, 61, see next can 1. about 1793-94; Thomp- Chaboillez, Charles ist (Charles son speaks of him as under " Jean Baptiste), 60, 61, 79, 80, Mr. Staynor's orders," Jan., 81, 97, 120, 155, 202, 207, 208, 1796 214, 255, 298, 299, 778 Charlo, an Iroquois, 274, 647 Chaboillez, Charles 2d, 202, 291, Charlo, an Ojibway, 54, 55, 58, 71, 299, 304, 331, 332, 346, 394,401, 79, 94, 104, no, 117, 136, 137, 417 139, 140, 148, 153, 156, 159, 161, Chaboillez, Charles 3d, 61 162, 163, 167, 168

Chaboillez, Jean, 61 Charlton isl. , in Hudson's bay, N. Chaboillez, Marguerite, 61 W. Co. post estab. there 1803

Chaboillez, Mr. (Charles ist or 2d), Charou, , see Roy, Joseph 172, 173, 176, 189, 214, 245, 274 Charoux, Charles, clerk N. W.

Chaboillez's houses on Red r. , 80, Co., Rainy 1., 1804 182 Charrette, Sirneon, see Charette

Chaddo, Mons. de, 128, see Ca- Charron, , 704, 705 voy. N. dotte, J. B. 2d Chartier, Charles, W. Chain of Lakes, 509 Co., Torch 1., 1804 Chalifoux, Michel, 612 Chatham ho., 778

Challifoux, , 612, 613 Chatham, ship, 774 Chamanau, 169, 178, 180, 189, 196 Chatique, 470

Chamard, Michel, 252 Chatellain, , 214 Chambly, Bernard, interp. N. W. Chat Noir, 324 Co., Red Lake dept., 1804 Chattellain, Louis, 484 chamois, 757 Chatteux, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., Champenois, Mr., 764 Red 1., 1704 Chanauegan r., 786, see Okana- Chaudiere falls, 20 gan r. Chaudiere p., 19, 20 Chanou, Frangois, alias Cabana, Chaumard, Michel, see Chamard N. W. Co., Kam., 1804 Chaurette, Charles, voy. N. W. Chappelle, Andre, 667, see La Co., Fond du Lac, 1804 Chapelle Chaurette, Frangois, voy. N. W. Chappel, Lieut., 45 Co., Nepigon, 1804 Chapert, Charles, 868, 904 Chaurette, Ignace, voy. N. W. Chapert, Chaput, Stanislaus, 869 Co., Nepigon, 1804 934 INDEX.

Chaurette, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. Chilts, Chiltz, 855 W. Co., Upper Redr., 1804 China, 768, 913 Chaurette, Pros., voy. N. W. Co., Chinese, 864 Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Chiniquy band, 522

Chausse, Frangois, voy. N. W. Chiniquy's cr. , 705 Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Chinookan tribes, 799, 811, 812, Chayenne, 332, see Cheyenne 821, 896, 913 Cheboillez, 61, see Chaboillez Chinook canoes, 779, 837, 842, 848, Chebois, 16, see Ojibways 855, 860, 888, 894 Cheepoostequahn band, 522 Chinook hill, 754, 755 Chef des Enfants, 241 Chinook Inds., 749, 750, 755, 757, Chehalis, 855, 867 789. 793, 794, 812, 826, 836, 837,

Chehalis co. , Wash. , 864 840, 853, 856, 859, 867, 881, 888, chenal ecarte, 138 892,901,905,909, 910,911,912, Chenette, Francois, voy. N. W. 916 Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Chinook pt., 754, 762, 769, 773, 780, Chenette, Joseph, voy. N. W. 837, 848, 854, 856, 858, 867, 891, Co., Fort des Prairies, 1804 892, 893, 894, 908, 909, 910 Chenette, Louis, clerk N. W. Co., Chinook vills., 789, 793, 855, 893 Rainy 1., 1S04 Chipewyans, 524, 532 Cheneyechoe, Paul, an Iroquois, Chipl., 585 voy. N. W. Co., Athabasca, Chippewa Inds., 82, 510, 532

1804 Chippewa r. , 240, 292 Chen hyperboreus, 599, 752, 756 Chippewa vill., 13 Chenier, Ignace, N. W. Co., Fond Chippewayans, 532 du Lac, 1799 Chippeways, 23, 79 Chenier, Chenier, Chenier, Leon, Chisholm, Donald, clerk N. W. N. W. Co., Michipicoten, 1799 Co., Upper Red r., 1S04 cherries, 816 chizchickquoi, 203 Cherry on a Bush, a chf., 367 Choecoos r., 707 Cherry p., 9 Chohoptin r., 7S6 Cherub, ship, 762, 763, 847 Choke-cherry, a chf., 367, 368, 388, Chester, a Kanaka, 868 390 Chesterfield ho., 279, 500, 619, 761 Chonick, 913, see Cooniah Cheval de Bois p., 12 Chopunnish Inds., 398, 709, 827 Chevalier, Jean Baptiste, N. W. Chouinard, Charles, alias Quebec, Co., Nepigon, 1799 N. W. Co., Kam., 1804 Chevalier, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., Christinas, 667 Nepigon, 1804 Church CO., N. Dak., 316 chevreuils, 127, 614, 764, 815 Churchill people, 561, see Fort Cheyenne Inds., 346, 382, 843 Churchill Cheyenne r., 121, 144, 145, 146, Churchill r., 472, 574 147 Church of England Mission, 488 Cheyenne Treaty, 367 to end of Chute a I'Esclave, 31 the chapter Chute a Jacques, 30, 31 Chicago, 21 Chute de la Chaudiere, 20 Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Cinclus mexicanus, 6S5 R. R., 147, 148 Cine, George, S73, 875 Chief mt,, N. Dak., 146, 147, 148, Circe, 531, see Sarcee 265 Cire, George, 875 Chief of the Wolves, a chf.. 368, Cire, Joseph, 873, 875, see Cyr 370, 379, 389 Ciseau, Cizeau, 203 Chiehills, Chiehilths, Chiekelis, Clackamas, 812 812, 855, 867, 881, 898, 905, 908, Clackamas CO., Ore., 811, 813 910, 911, 912 Clackamus r. , 811 Chies, a Fall Ind., 657 Clahclellahs, 798 child torn asunder, 161 Clairmont, Francois, voy. N. W. Chilluckquittequaws, S12 Co., Nepigon, 1804 INDEX. 935

Clairmont, Joseph, voy. N. W. 279, 547, 639, 640, 649, 651, 653, Co., Fort Dauphin, 1804 670, 702. 703

Clam r., 47 Clearwater r., br. of Red r. , 127, Clapp, B., 764, 790, 864, 912 128, 233, 429, 610

Clappine, Antoine, overland As- Clement, , one, or several, 553, torian, drowned at Cauldron 554, 589. 632, 651, 653, 670, 675 Linn, on Snake r., Oct. 28th, Clement, Antoine, 553 iSii Clement, Mr., 633

Clapp, Mrs., 912 Clermont, , an Ind.(?), N. W. Clarkamus Inds., 811 Co., left Rocky Mt. ho. Oct. Clark, Capt., of the Raccoon, 26th, 1806 774 Clifton, Ore., 833

Clark, Capt. Wm., 297, 298, 301, Cline or Clive, , engage N. W. 302, 311, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, Co., Forks of Peace r., 1803 324. 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, Clouston, Mrs., 189 341, 345, 346, 349, 365, 367, 368, Clouthier, Zacharie, N. W. Co., 381, 382, 3S4, 398, 406, 423, 424, Grand Portage, 1799

425, 524, 591, 706, 709, 712, 735, Cloutier, Mr. , of Detroit, compare 748, 749, 751, 753, 757, 771. 772, Croutier 77S, 786, 7S7, 790,794. 796,797. Clover bay, 567 799, 801, 803, 811, 812, 814, 821. Clowewallas, 811, 819

827, 832, 833, 836, 842, 843, 855, Clukemus r. , 811, 820, see Clacka- 856, 857, 882, 8S3, 886, 898, 913, mas r. 914 Coah, James, 868 Clark, Charles, 158 coal, 679, 702 Clarke, John. 759, 761. 764, 766, Coalpo, 782, 793, 794, 799, S25, S64, 767, 770, 774, 779, 783, 784,787. 866, 907, 912 788, 854. 855. 857, S63, 865, 872, Coalpo's pt., 892 874, 887, 899 Coalpo's vill., 851 Clark's Fork of Columbia r., 606, Coalpo's wife, 793, 794, 797, 799, 672, 673, 674, 707, 709, 710, 786, 800, 801, 805, S08, 809, 821, 824 895 Coaster, Mr., 674 Clark's map, 297, 406 Coast range, 757 Clark's Point of Observation or Cobourg, Ont., 189 View, 751 cocco, cocoe, 756 Clark's r., 709, see Clark's fork Cockings, Mr., 472 Clatscanias, 812 Cocos isl., 763 Clatsop canoes, 794, 835, 879, 892 coehorn, 428 Clatsop Inds., 756, 765, 767, 768, Coeur d'Alene Inds., 672, 709, 711 772, 776, 780, 781, 783, 793, 812, Coeur d'Alene 1., 672, 709, 711 821, 835, 837, 838, 839, 840, 845, Coeur d'Alene r., 767, 899 879, 8S7, 890, 891,901,905,907, Coffin Rock, 796 912, 913,915 cohorn, 428 Clatsop pt., 841 Coite, Mr., 863, compare Croite Clatsop vill., 751, 752, 753, 891 Cold band, of Blackfeet, 524, 530, Clause, Mr., is said to have been 539, 541, 543, 572, 578, 560 the first to go much beyond Cold 1., 557, 573, 574, 579, 591, 604,

Lake Nepigon ; reached Nid 627, 628

du Corbeau in 1767 ; was killed Coldr., 557 by Inds. at Fond du Lac Coleman isl., 217 Clay CO., Minn., 147 Cole, Mr., 4.98 Clear 1., 581 Colenso, Minn., 143 Clearwater ho., 640, see Rocky Coleret, M., see Langlois, M. Mt. ho. (Sask.) Coles, John, 766

Clearwater 1., 23, 27 Colin, , see Collin Clearwater r., br. of Athabasca Colin, Antoine. N. W. Co., Grand r., 581 Portage. 1799

Clearwater r., br. of N. Sask. r., Collae or Collaire, , at Bel- 936 INDEX.

leau's ho., near Elbow of As- May 28th, 1S96, where it ap- siniboine r., Oct. i6th, 1797 pears that Colter's activities Collappohyeaas, 814 with Crows against Blackfeet,

CoUeret, M. , see Langlois, M. rather than Capt. Lewis' orig-

Collin, , interp. N. W. Co., at inal killing of two of the latter Alexandria, on Assiniboine r., near Maria's r. in 1806, were under Hugh McGillis, 1804, the main cause of the long- see next protracted Blackfoot hostili- Collin, Joseph, interp. N. W. Co., ties Fort Dauphin, 1804, is prob- Columbia brigades or canoes, 547, ably full name of the last 569, 604, 622, 626, 642, 645, 646,

Collin or Colin, , engage N. 647, 648, 653, 654, 677 W. Co., Fort of the Forks, Columbia dept., 752, 895, 896, 899 Peace r., 1803 Columbia falls, 844 Collins, John, 914 Columbia Fur Co., 146 Colocasia antiquorum, esculenta, Columbia ho., 616, 626 756 Columbia lakes, 300, 440, 606, Colorado r., 844 672, 706, and see Winder- Coloret, Michel, 50, see Langlois, mere 1. M. Columbian black -tailed deer, 764 Colpo, 782, see Coalpo Columbian headwaters, 606 Colter, John, 914. After his dis- Columbian Inds., lower, 812 charge from the Lewis and Columbian waters, 578, 692, 757, Clark expedition he stayed in 895 the country winter of 1806, Columbian salmon, 750 and in the spring of 1807 Columbian sturgeon, 733 started down the Missouri for Columbia r., 51, 52, 97, 215, 216,

St. Louis ; at the Platte met 219, 278, 279, 293,439,440,442, Manuel de Lisa, and returned 460, 474, 507, 508, 550, 556, 578, with him up the Missouri and 603, 605, 607, 60S, 609, 610, 611, Yellowstone to Bighorn r. 612, 613, 624, 626,628,629,643, Here Lisa made a post, and 647, 648, 652, 654, 661, 669, 672, sent Colter en derouine 674, 675, 677, 690, 692, 693, 694, among the Crows. Colter's 695, 704, 705, 706, 707, 709, 710, "route of 1807" in Yellow- 711, 712, 713, 742, 747, 748, 749, stone Park, etc., was on this 750, 752, 754. 757. 759, 760, 761, tour, during which Colter and 763, 764, 766, 767.768,773. 774. Crow Inds. had a fight with 777, 7S2, 783. 784.785.786,787. Blackfeet. It was next year, 788, 791, 794, 804, 812, 814, 816, 1808, on the Jefferson r., that 819, 827, 829, 830, 831, 836, 842, Colter had his historic race 843, 844, 847. 851,855,856,857, for life, after his companion. 860, 866, 869, 871, 873, 874, 879, Potts, had been killed. In 882, 883, 884, 886, 887, 889, 900, 1808, also, Lisa returned to 910, 912, 914, 916 St. Louis to form the Mo. R. Columbia tour, 781 Fur Co. In June, 1809, An- Colville res., 786 drew Henry went out and Comcomle, Comcomly, 750, 752, built the fort at Three Forks 753, 758. 771. 772, 779. 789. 793, of the Missouri. Early in 1810 821, 838, 850, 851,852,854,855. several of Lisa's men returned 859, 865, 866, 888, 889, 890, 901, to St. Louis, Colter, no doubt, 902, 906, 911, 914 among them, as we next hear Comcomly's sons, 768, 770, 781, of him there, when the over- 835, 896 land Astorians were outfitting. Comcommoly, Comecomly, 750, See Brackenridge's Louisiana, 757, see foregoing p. 90, seq., Chittenden's Yel- commass, 777, see camass lowstone Park, 1895, and lat- Commissioner isl., 457 ter's letter in N. Y. Nation Commissioner of Parishes, 214 INDEX. 937

Committee's Punch Bowl, 642 a cause celebre : see La common deer, 311, 614 Revue Legale, vol. i. Comowol, Comowool, 913 Constant, Joseph, voy. N. W.

Comptois, , voy. N. W. Co., Co., Fond du Lac, 1804 Upper Red r., 1804 Constant, Joseph, bis. voy. N. W. Comtois, Frangois, one of six Co., Fort des Prairies, 1S04 voys. who started for the Pa- Constant, " Mr.," guide of a trad- cific with (Sir) A. McKenzie, ing party sent out by Cote in May gth, 1793, see Courtois 1783

Concomly, 750 Constantineau, , engage of Conconully cr., 750 Gregory, McLeod and Co. ,1786 Congress of the U. S., 22, 25, see Continental Divide, 38, 462, 508, Act of 510, 598, 607, 618, 650, 652, 706, Coniah, 913, 914, 915 745, 748, 777. S74. 884 Conjuring cr., 744 Cook, Capt., 828, 829 Connecticut, S67 Cook CO., Minn., 13 Connelly, Connolly, Conolly, Wil- Cooking 1., 611 liam, left Ireland when a boy, Cook's cr., 42 and the family settled in Coone, 913, see Coniah

Canada ; entered N. W. Co. Cooniac Inds., 812, 913 about 1800-02, and went to Cootanie, Cootenai, Cootonais,

Athabasca ; was clerk N. W. 550, see Kootenay " Co., Rat r. , 1804 ; a young Copper River Inds., 524 man who has seen little else Corbeau, 54

than bad and extravagant ex- Corbin, , clerk under M. Ca- ample," says D. Thompson dotte. Lake Superior, 1804 Oct. 9th, 1804, when Connelly Corbin, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. W. was at Indian 1. with five men; Co., Chippewa r., 1804 Thompson sent him June Coregonus tuUibee, 624 28th, 1805, with Mr. Frobisher Cormorant pt., 26 from Cranberry 1. to Sturgeon cormorants, 4

rivulet ; he was at Cranberry corneilles, 239 Lake ho. Sept. 14th, 1805, and Corne, St. Luc de la, 482, 483 was sent by Thompson to Cornfield isl., 26 winter at Indian 1. 1805-06. Cornus sericea, 496 He was a senior clerk N. W. Cornus stolonifera, 496 Co. 1817, expecting promotion Cornwall, 897

next year ; was bourgeois at Corriveau, Joseph, voy. N. W. Cumberland ho. in Sept., 1819, Co., Chippewa r., 1804 at the time of death of B. Corvus americanus, 169, 239 Frobisher, whose journal he Corvus caurinus, 756

took charge of ; was in the Corylus rostrata californica, 815 H. B. Co., Columbia dept., to Coteau de Missouri, 144 1827 or later. Mr. Connelly Coteau du Lac, 897 early married a Cree girl, by Coteau du Missouri, 314, 315, 406 whom he had several chil- Coteau of the Missouri, 81

dren. On his retirement he Cote, Cote, , one or several, settled at St. Eustache, Lower 578, 579. 629, 659, 675, see Canada, 1831, and sent his Cotte Ind. wife to the Convent of Cote des Serpents, 897 St. Boniface, where she died. Cote, Joseph, 578, 629, 647, 668, He married Miss Woolwich of 679, 870 L'Assomption. The legal Cote, Jules Maurice, 301 questions raised after his Cote, Miss, 301

death , regarding the two mar- Cote, Mr., fitted out an expedi- riages, disposition of property, tion in 1783, under a guide

etc., at instance of a son by named Constant ; lost four the former marriage, became men, eaten by famished Inds. 938 INDEX.

Cote sans Dessein, 187 Cranberry isl., 457 Coton, Jean, N. W. Co., Fond du Cranberry 1., 50, 303, 629, 871 Lac, 1799 cranberry-tree, 82

Cotte, , see 647, Cote, Joseph Crane, a chf. , 3J5, 402 Cotte, Joseph, 870, 871, see Cote, Crane 1., 17

Joseph Crawford, , 222 Cotte, Pierre, 870 Crebassa, John, 188, 221, 257, 259, Cotton, Mr., 232, 233, 234, 235, 267, 275, 276, 281 238, 244 Cree Assiniboines, 597 Cottonwood, Inds. 49 Cree , 35, 41 , 42, 43, 46, 47, 78, Cottonwood, an Ind., 54 119, 132, 152, 154, 159, 160, 165, Cottonwood r., 129 166, 185, 190, 195, 203, 204, 208, Coudre, Le, 494, see Elbow of N. 210, 228, 244, 250, 263, 273, 274, Sask. r. 290, 293, 295, 300, 309, 314, 382, Coulombe., Francois, voy. N. W. 383, 408, 413, 419, 429, 441, 444, Co., Fort Dauphin, 1804 445, 4S4, 488, 489,491, 495,498, Coulombe, Pierre, voy. N. W. Co., 499, 500, 501, 506, 509, 510, 511, Fort des Prairies, 1804 513,514, 515, 516, 517,520, 523,

Cournoyer, , 190 532, 533, 540, 542, 544, 545, 547, Cournoyer, J. B., 190 548, 549, 551, 552, 553,557,558, Courtchene, Frangois, voy. N. W. 565.567, 568, 569, 570, 574, 575, Co., Rat r., 1S04 576,580, 581, 582, 584, 585,587,

Courter, Mr , 674 588, 590, 591, 592, 593, 595, 596, Courtes Oreilles, 82, 429, 448, 614, 597,605, 607, 608, 614, 615,619, 673, 695 620, 621, 622, 628, 632, 635, 637, Courtois, Frangois, voy. N. W. 644,648, 658, 664, 666, 695, 719,

Co. , one of six who started for 720, 723, 733, 737, 742 the Pacific with (Sir) A. Mc- Crepau, Crepaud, Crepaud, Cre-

Kenzie May 9th, 1793, see peau, Crepeaud, , 606, Comtois 610, 674

Coutanie, 550, see Kootenay Crevier, , 554, 572, 582, 591 Coventrv copy, 748, 751, 754, 759, Crevier, Charles, 554 762, 828, 854 Crevier, Jean Baptiste, 554, 868 Coventry, George, 747, 915 Cristivomer namaycush, 574 r. Crochu, Clement, voy. N. W. Co., Covert , 32 Coweliskee r. Lake Winnipeg, 1804 , 796

Cowie, Robert, clerk N. W. Co., Croite, , 549, 552, 555, 557, at capture of Fort William by 584, 590, 603, 608,609, 611, 614, Lord Selkirk Aug. 13th, 1816 615, 617

Cowlitch Inds., 879, 880 Croite, , or Mr., 863, 893 r. 1., 16 Cowlitz , 796, 809, 839 Crooked 15, Coxe, John, 868 Crooked Legs, 54, 79, 97, 102, 103, Cox, Ross, 27, 550, 613, 629, 641 104, 105, 106, no, 156, 159 642, 748, 749, 752, 753,756,757 Crooked portages, 15 759. 760, 761, 762, 763, 764, 766 Crooked rap., 58 767, 768, 771, 776, 777, 782, 784 Crooked r., 512 7S7, 788, 790, 791, 792, 797, 841 Crooks, Ramsay, 760, 788, 814, 845, 847, 855, 865, 867, 868, 869 843, 844, 852, 856, 873, 881, 882, S71, 872, 873, 874, 885, 886, 887 883, 8S4, 886 894, 896, 899, 916 Crookston, Minn., 127 Crafton, Ont., 189 Cross bay, 12 Craig, Capt. Thomas E., 883 Crosse, see Isle a la Crosse Craite, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., Crossing Place on S. Sask. r., 490 Fort des Prairies, 1804, prob- Cross 1., Rainy River route, 16, 17 ably for Croite Cross Lake rap., 464 cranberries, cranberry-bush, 82, Cross 1. on Sask. r., 464, 465, 467 753, 859 Cross pt., 456 Cranberry coulee, 618 Cross portages, 16 8

INDEX. 939

Croutier, Mr., 7 Dagenais, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., Crow, an Ind., 54, 71, 79, 83, 84, Rainy 1., 1804 85, 86, 89, 93, 94, 95, 102, 103, Daichouion, Daichouiou, 914 104, 105, 106, 113, 117, 136, 160, Daigneau, Richard, voy. N. W. 161, 171, 173, 175, 195, 664 Co., Fort des Prairies, 1804 Crow Inds., 361, 398, 399, 400, 597, Daisville, Joachim, 50, 51, 77, 182 600, 720, 721, 726, 732, 733, Dakotan, 552 843, 886 Dakota r., 144 dept., Toronto, Dalaire, given as name of Crown Lands 301, , a 748 man who went to the Pacific crows, birds, 169, 239, 756 with Crow Wing r., 45, 146, 148, 149, Dalcourt, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., 274, 428 Lake Winnipeg, 1804, see Del- Crusot, Peter, 914 court cr. Dalles of Columbia r., Cub Bank , 311 801, 856 Cuchoise, Jean, Canadian, at Dalles of Winnipeg r., 27 Michilimackinac massacre of Dama platyceros, 3 June 4th, 1763 Damelaphus hemionus, 614 Cuillerier, see Beaubien Damphousse, Michel, 443 Cumberland District, H. B. Co., Dancing pt., 459 476 d'Anglade, see Langlade

Cumberland ho. , several different Daniel, Joseph, 705 ones so called, 222, 253, 259, Daniel, Pierre or Peter, 793, 705 278, 280, 462, 471, 472,473, 474, Danish r., 472 475, 476, 477, 483, 489, 508, 539, Danube r., 558 558, 569, 572, 5S2, 608,612,629, Daoust, Alexis, voy. N. W. Co., 630, 871, 873, 875, 895, 897 Fort des Prairies, 1804 Cumberland 1., 472, 475, 476 Daoust, Baptiste, voy. N. W. Co., Cumberland Lake r., 478 Fort des Prairies, 1804

Cumberland sta. , Sask. , 469 Daoust, Pascal, voy. N. W. Co., Cummings, Mr., clerk N. W. Co., Upper Red r., 1S04 Fort Dauphin, 1804; Fort Wil- Darlington sta., Man., 419 liam, Aug. i6th, 1817; had D'Ase, Hippolyte and Hypolite, then been 13 years in the so in Thompson's MSB., for a service man of the N. W. Co., Red Curot, Michel, clerk X. Y. Co., Deerl., 1798-99, see Daze Lake Superior, Dauphine, 1803 , 561 Currant r., 8 Dauphine, Frangois, voy. N. W. Curry, Thomas, 465, 481 Co., Nepigon, 1804 Curtain p., 15, 16 Dauphin, Jacques, voy. N. W.

Cusson, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. W. Co., Rat r. , 1804 Co., English r., 1S04 Dauphin hill, 300 Cust's ho., 512 Dauphin ho., 176, see Fort Dau- Cut Bank cr., br. Mouse r., 310, phin 311, 412 Dauphin 1., 207. The remains of Cut Bank cr., br. N. Sask. r., 564 the old N. W. Co. fort on W. cypress, 638 side of the lake, S. of mouth Cypress hills, 40, 42, 43, 60, 70 of Valley r., are still visible Cypress r., 417, 41 in S. W. ^ of Sect. 34, Tp. Cyr, George, 875 26, R. xviii., W. of princ. Cyr, Cire, Seer, Sire, Joseph, 195, merid. 197, 231, 873, 875 Dauphin 1., 458, see Lake St. Martin

Dauphin mts. , 207, 305 Dauphin r., 164, 175, 45S, 873 Daer, Baron, Si Dauphin River system, 38 Dagenais, Frangois, voy. N. W Dauphin, Vincent, voy. N. W. Co., LTpper Red r., 1S04 Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804 940 INDEX.

Davenport, Colonel, of A. F. Co. De Charlaix, see Desjarlaix for 30 years, Rock Island, la., Decoigne, Frangois, 279, 280, 484,

assassinated July 4th, 1846 ; 491, 508, 544, 562, 584, 597, city and county of Davenport, 616, 626, 641 la., named for him Deep bay. Lake Winnipeg, 454

Davenport, Mr., 20 Deep cr. , br. Sask. r. , 611

David, , 630, 666, 675 Deep r., Missinipian waters, 581 David, Basile, 630 deer, 311, 614, 778, see biche, Davies, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. W. chevreuil, elk, red deer, Cari-

Co., Red r. , 1804 acus, Cervus, Dama, Damela- Dawson route, 17, 26, 33, 40, 217, phus 218 Deer hill, 574 Dawson, S. J., 218 Deer isl., Columbia r. , 832, 834 Day, J., 861, S72 Deer isls.. Lake Winnipeg, 453 Day, John, 844, 856, 857, 872, 873, Deerl., 778, 897 881, 8S2, 885, 886 Deer Lake ho., built by D. Day, Joshua, 856, 872, 875 Thompson 1796, see Bedford Daze, ho. , 582 Daze, Hippolyte, 582 Deer p., 9 Dead Lodge cailon, 618 Deer r., 778, 897 Dead Man cr., 618 Deer River ho., noted by D. Deadman 1., 566 Thompson May 31st, 1796, Dead r., br. of Red r., 41, 250, lat. 55° 34' 05" N. 259, 265, 280, 430, 440, 448, 449, Deer River, Minn., 267 481 Defond, Joseph, N. W. Co., Kam.,

Dean, , 629, see Deau 1804 Dean, Mr., 764 De Gray, Philip, voy. N. W. Co., Deapolis, N. Dak., 329, 368 Lake Winnipeg, 1804

Dease, Francis M., trader among Dejadon, , 269, 291

the Sioux of Minnesota r., ca. De Jardin, , 269

1803 Dejarlais, Dejarlet, , 237, see Dease, John Warren, clerk N. W. Desjarlaix Co., in charge of Rainy 1. ho., Delainey, Joseph, 873, 875, see with 7 men, late in 1816 or Delaunay, Jos. early in 181 7, when it was Dalashelwilt, 913 captured by Capt. D'Orson- Delaunay, Benjamin, 887 nens, under Lord Selkirk Delaunay, Joseph, S73, 875

Death r. , br. of Red r., 41, see Delaunay, Pierre, 873, 886, 887

Dead r. Delcoeur, , 610

Death r. , br. of Sask. r. Delcour, , , 562 674, 675

D'Eau, , 629 Delcour, , jun., 606

D'Eau, B., 668, is probably next Delcour, , sen., 606 Deau, Baptiste, 629 Delcour, B., 668 D'Eau, Guillaume, guide N. W. Delcour, Jean Baptiste, 610 Co., Lake Huron, 1817 Delcour, Joseph, 610 Deau, Jean Baptiste, 629 Deleon, Baptiste, 659

Deaw, , 629, see Deau Delfort, Joseph, on Willamette Debreuil, Jean Baptiste, 882 r. in 1838 Man., D'Echafaud, , 510 Deloraine, 414

Decharge a Bas Rond, 32 Delord, , 806 Decharge de la Cave, 28 Delord, Pierre, 871, 874 various, Decharge de I'lllet, L'Islette, 34 Delorme, , one or 193, Decharge des Epingles, 11 214, 246, 259, 440, 447 Decharge du defunt Minet, 34 Delorme, Aimable, voy. N. W. Decharge du Petit Rocher de Co., Nepigon, 1804 Charette, 28 Delorme, Fran5ois, 193, see Enos of r. Delorme, Pierre, see Lemay, Decharge Winipic , 34 193, Decharge, see also Discharge Pierre ;

INDEX. 941

Deloze, Joseph, was on Willa- MSS., engage N. W. Co., mette r. in 1838 Reed 1., winter of 1804-05 Demarais, see Desraarais Desilet, Louis, interp. N. W. Co., Dema}' 1., 611 Nepigon, 1804 Demers, Nicolas, N. W. Co., Desjardins, , 268 killed with Livingston and Desjarlais, , 237, see next

others by Eskimo, 1802 Desjarlaix, , 612, 675, 691, 699 De Meuron, 43 Desjarlaix, , another, 237 De Montigny, see Montigny, O. de Desjarlaix, Antoine, 237, 238, 244, 276, 281, 614, 616 Denard, , 573. 574. see Du- 259, 267, nord and Dinault Desjarlaix, Antoine, another, 237 Desjarlaix, Baptiste, 659, 665, 666 Denarth, , see Denard Denault, Antoine, 611 Desjarlaix, Francois, 237 Deneau, Frangois, 611 Desjarlaix, Joseph, 237, 609, 614, d'Englade, see Langlade 620, 624 Desrosiers Desjarlaix, Mme. Antoine, 237 Denomer, , 592, see Denomme, Joseph, 592 Des Lacs r., 315 Denomme, P., 592 Des Lacs sta., N. Dak., 315 Dentalium indianorum, 753 Deslard, , 871 Dentalium pretiosum, 753 Deslard, Pierre, S06, 874 of 80 Dept. Interior, 22 Desmarais, , 1789,

Desmarais, , one, 416 De Qoiue, De Quoine, , 280, at Astoria, see Decoigne Desmarais, , one, Derome, Basil, voy. N. W. Co., 870 Fond du Lac Desmarais, Francois, 51 Derome, Joseph Desmarais, Ignace, 51 Derosiers, 592, see Desrosiers Desmarais, Jean Baptiste, 3, 51, derouine, 166 52, 61, 63, 64, 65, 68, 76, 77, 78, Desbarats, Antoine, voy. N. W. 79, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87. 88, 89, Co., Upper Red r., 1804 90, 91, 92, 93, 97, 98, 99, 100, 108, 112, Descarreau, Descarrie, , 244, loi, 102, 103, 105, 107, 274 117, 123, 124, 132, 155, 156, 158, 176. 180, 182, Deschamps, , 609, 614, 617, 622 157. 175. Deschamps, Francois, 562, 603 188, 191, 192, 196, 429, 443 Deschamps, Francois, jun., 546, Desmarais, Joseph, 870, 872 Louis, 872 555. 557.592 Desmarais, 443, see Desmarais Deschamps, Frangois, sen., 546, Desmois, , 870, Louis, 549. 555. 557 Desmois, 872 591,603, 609, Deschamps, Jean Baptiste, 557 Desnoyers, , 576, Deschamps, Joseph, 557 614, 622 Deschatlin, Basile, vo}'. N. W. Desorcie, Simon, voy. N. W. Co., Co., Athabasca, 1804 Upper Red r., 1804 Portes, B., on Willamette Des Coteaux, , clerk under one Des J. Campbell, a free trader on r., 1831 and later St. Pierre (Minnesota) r. Desrivieres, Mdlle., 896 murdered by his squaw, soon Desroches, Jean Baptiste, voy. after 1804-05 N. W. Co., Fort Dauphin, Descoteaux, Joseph, voy. N. W. 1804 668 Co., Fort Dauphin, 1804 Desrosiers, , 592, Descotteaux, M., interp. N. W. Desrosiers, Francois, 592 Co., English r., 1804 D'Est, Auguste, voy. N. W. Co., Desro- Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Deserciers, , 592, see siers Desy, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. W. Co., Nepigon, 1804 Desersiers, , 668 Detaye, Pierre, overland Astorian; Desfond, J., 187, 197, compare Desford and Duford detached Sept. 28th, 1811, at confluence of Hoback's with Desford, J., X. Y. Co., 187, 231 Pierre De- De Shaw, sic, in D. Thompson's Mad r. , to trap with —

942 INDEX.

Crows, Dog's House, N. Dak., 316, 411 launay ; killed by the spring of 1812 Dog Tent hill, 301, 302 Detour of Lake Winnipeg, 460 Dolly, boat, 747, 749, 765, 766, 769, Detour pt., 461 770, 771. 772, 775. 781, 836, 848, Detroit le Due, 455 850, 853, 854, 859, 860,877. 878, Detroit, Mich., 248, said to have 891, 893, 899, 900, 901 been founded by M. de La- Dominion City, Man., 69 mothe Cadillac, 1701; but post Donald 1., 17 there ca. 1685, and place first Dondaine, , 624 visited by the French, 1610 Donville, Joachim, 50, 51, 82, com- Deux Grosses Buttes, 506, 584 pare Daisville Deux Rivieres aux Marais, brs. of dore, a fish, 444 at la Pluie, Red Lake r., in Minn., 151 Doree, , sick Lac so D. Thomp- Deux Rivieres p., Kam. route, 217 Aug. i2th, 1804; Devil's cr., 41, 42 son's MS. Devil's Drum isl., 468 Dore 1., 217 Devil's Lake Agency, 522 Dorion, Jean Baptiste, is listed as Co., Nepigon, 1804 Devil's 1., Man., 41 voy. N. W. Baptiste, another, Devil's 1., N. Dak., 145, 286, 406 Dorion, Jean Devil's Lake res., 144 was the son of Pierre Dorion. a Devil's mt., 297 "I am accompanied by Devil's Pine cr., 618 young half-breed named Bab- Devil's Scuttle Hole, 844, 883, 886 tiste Dorion, . . This is the Devine's map, 175, 176 son of old Pierre Dorion, who diable, 604 makes such a conspicuous fig- diamond willow, 330 ure in Irving's 'Astoria.'" Dick, a Kanaka, 756 Towns. Narr. 1839, p. 244, Dienelle, Louis, 868, 869, 904 date of July 25th, 1836 Dimo. Mr. (for major domo), 756 Dorion, Louis, 203, 221, 225, 236, Diomedea exulans, 853 238, 244, 259, 267, 274, 281, 290 Dionne, Timothee, 873, 875 Dorion, Mme. Louis, 290 dippers (birds), 685 Dorion, Pierre, 203, 883, 886, 887 (Pierre's) wife, Dirt 1., 585. 652 Dorion's 844 Disappointment r. is a name of D'Orleans, Thomas, voy. N. W. McKenzie's r. Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804 District of Ossiniboia, 45 Dornin, Mr., trader from St. Louis, was found by the re- District of Sask. , 462 Dixon, Admiral, 762 turning Astorian overlanders Dobbs, Arthur, 27 at Otoe vill. on Platte r., Doctor's cr., 567, 611 April, 1813 is Dog cr., br. N. Sask. r., 546, 562, Dorrien, in Ross Cox, p. 136, see Dog Rump cr. Pierre Dorion Dog cr., br. Sturgeon r., 566 dory, a fish, 444 Dog Den butte, 316 Doucet, Charles, see Ducette Dogden, N. Dak., 316 Douglas cr., br. Missouri r., 320 Lord Dog hill, 302 Douglas, Thomas, otherwise Dogl., Kam. route, 218 Selkirk, left Canada 1818, died Apr., 1820 Dog 1., Man., 259, 267, 281 at Pau,

, Co., Fort Dog p., 218, 247 D'Oust, N. W. Dog Rib Inds., 524, translating Chipewyan, 1800 r. Plats Cotes de Chien Dove , 7 turtles Dog r., 218, 220, 247 doves, 889, see Dog Rump cr., 546, 558, 562, 583 Doyen, , 665 Dog's Den, N. Dak., 316 Drapeau, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. Dog's Den hill, 406 W. Co., LaPointe, 1804 Dog's Head, Lake Winnipeg, 451, Drayton, N. Dak., 90 Louis, see Die- 454. 455 Dreuelle, 869, 904, Dog's House hill, 406 nelle INDEX. 943

Drewyer, George, 913, otherwise Dubois, Joseph 50, 77, 118, 182 George Urouillard, paid John Dubois, Marguerite, 50 Collins and another $500 for Dubord, Francois, voy. N. W. Co., their land claims on Sept. Red r., 1804 29th, 1806, and sold them for Dubord, Joseph, 182, 226, compare $1,300 Apr. 30th, 1807; en- Duford, Jos. tered Manuel Lisa's service in Dubord, Mme., 226 1807 or 1808; killed Antoine Dubreuil, Jean B., 873, 875, 886, 887 Bisonette near mouth of Duburiel, Jean B., is the foregoing

Osage r. ; was tried, and ac- Ducept, Ducette, , N. W. Co., quitted in a few minutes; was was at Winnipeg ho. July killed by Blackfeet near Lisa's 31st, 1798, and at Rocky

fort at Three Forks of Mis- Mountain ho. , with D. Thomp- souri r. while Andrew Henry son, in April, iSoo was there, in 1809; record of Ducette, Charles, dit Cadien, death in register of a Catholic started with (Sir) A. McKenzie church in St. Louis, Mo. for the Arctic ocean, June

Drewyer's r. , 767 3d, 1789 ; started with the

1. Dried Meat , 499 same for the Pacific ocean.

r. , Drifting 207 May 3d, 1793 ; name found Drinking Bull, a chf., 567 also as Charles Doucet

Drolet, , N. W. Co., arrived Ducette, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., at Fort Chipewyan July 19th, Fort des Prairies, 1804

1800 Ducharme, , 234 Drouillard, George, see Drewyer Ducharme, Antoine, 234 Drouin, Louis, listed as voy. N. Ducharme, Dominique 1st, 234 W. Co., English r., 1804, ap- Ducharme, Dominique 2d, 234 pears in D. Thompson's MSS. Ducharme, Jean Marie, 234 as Louis Drouine and Droine, Ducharme, Joseph, 225, 234, 250, Red Deer 1., 1798-99 252, 285, 290, 292, 304, 317, 332, drum, a fish, 445 417,421 Drum isl., 468 Ducharme, Laurent, 234 Drummond isl., 222 Ducharme, Nicolas, 234 r. Drunken , 451 Ducharme, Paul, 234 Dry Berries 1., 14 Ducharme, Pierre, 234 Dry Weed isl., 20 Ducharme, Pierre Etienne, 234 Duaime, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., Ducharme, X. Y. Co. in 1804, 234 Fort des Prairies, 1804 Duchene, Pierre, 837

Dubard, , 182, see Dubois, Duchesne, , 890

Jos. Duchesne, , an Ind., 914

Dubaye, , 620, compare Dube Duchesne, Benjamin, 837, 868,

Dube, , 303 878, 888, 903, 905

Dube, , 505, (Umfreville's Duchesne, Joseph, 837 man) Duchouquette, Francois, 868, 904 Dube, 618, 620 Duck isl.. Lake Manitoba, 237 Dubeau, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., Duck 1., 563 Fort des Prairies, 1804 Duck Portage ho., 778, was built Dubeau, Pierre, voy. N. W. Co., by D. Thompson in Sept.- Fond du Lac, 1804 Oct., 1795, "on the point of Dube, Joseph, 302, 303 pine on S. side of Duck p.,

Dubois, , 226 Missinipi r., position made Dubois, 40' 36" , 553, 554, 578, 579. lat. ss'^ N., long. 580 102" 09' or 07' 37" W.; he win-

Dubois, , 873 (Astoria) tered there with Andrew

Dubois, , 618, see Dube Davey, Magnus Berston, Dubois, Antoine, 50 George Stainger, and James Dubois, Frangois, 50, 630 Bellenden, Sept. 6th, 1795, to Dubois, Jean Baptiste, 50 May 23d, 1796 944 INDEX.

Ducoigne, Francois, 279, 280, see son in the Rocky mts., 1808- Decoigne 09 Dudevant, Xavier, on Willamette Dupre, Frangois, voy. N. W. Co., r., 1834-42 English r., 1804 Dufferin, Man., 78 Dupre, Frangois, bis, voy. N. W.

Duflfusne, , 874, see Dufresne Co., Fort des Prairies, 1804

Duford, Joseph, 63, 187, 197, 205, Dupuis, , 603 214, 221, 231, 259, 270, 271, 272 Dupuis, B., 603

Dufresne, , P. F. Co., 861, 874 Dupuis, Frangois, 603

Dujardin, , 269, see Desjar- Dupuis, Louis, 603

dins Durand, , 549, 552, 554, 555, Dulude, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., 567, 615, 653 1., Rainy 1804 Durand, , 572, 573, see Dunord Duluth, D. G., 219, 220 Durand, Joseph, 555, 592, 629 Duluth, Port Arthur, and Western Durand, Louis, 555, 570, 627 Ry., II Durand, Paul, 555

Du Mai, , sic, D. Thompson's Durion, Louis, 276, see Dorion MSS., engage N. W. Co., on Durion, "old," of Lewis and Musquawegun 1., winter of Clark, 203, 886 1804-05, perhaps same as the Durion, Pierre, 203, see Dorion

next Durocher, , engage N. W. Co., Dumais, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., Lac au Flambeau, 1804 Rat r., 1804 Durocher, Aimable, clerk and in- Dumas, Pierre, clerk and interp. terp. N. W. Co., Fonddu Lac, N. W. Co., Nepigon, 1804 1804

Dumesnil, , 303, see Mini, Durocher, Joseph, voy. N. W. J. B. Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Dumetz, Pierre, voy. N. W. Co., Durocher, Urbain, voy. N. W. Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Co., Torch 1., 1804

Dumond, , one or various, Dusablon, , N. W. Co., an old 554. 555. 704. 705 man at Fort Chipewyan, 1799 Dumond, Frangois, 555 Dutremble, Jean Baptiste, vov. Dumond, Jean Baptiste, 705 N. W. Co., Fond du Lac, 1804

Dumont, , one or various, 554, Duval, Frangois, voy. N. W. Co., 555, 582, 603, 607, 631, 634, 653, Rainy 1., 1804 654, 664, 670, 671, 675, 704 Dynevor Man., 42, 252 Dumont, Gabriel, 555, 634, 636, 639. 659 Dumont, Jean Baptiste, 555 cr. Dumont's (Gabriel's) son, 634 Eagle Hill brook or , 497 Dumont's wife, 659 Eagle Hill fort, 498 r. Dumouchel, L., voy. N. W. Co., Eagle Hill , 497, 49S Rat r., 1804 Eagle hills, 497, 498, 499, 504, 523, Dunallen, Man., 415 593, 597

Dunord, , one or various, 572, Eagle Hills Assiniboines, 523 573. 574. 630, 668 Eagle 1., 592 Dunord, Antoine, 572 Eagle r., 33 Dunvegan, 510, 512, see Fort Eagle's Nest, Man., 78, 178 Dunvegan Earbob Inds., 709, 711 Duplein, Louis, 767 Earl of Southesk, 505

Duplessier, , 222 East Grand Forks, Minn., 127 Duplessis, A., voy. N. W. Co., East India Co., 896 Fort des Prairies, 1804 East Indies, 756

Dupond, , 615, see Durand, East Main ho. , see Fort East Main

East Mossy pt. , 466

Dupont, Jacques, N. W. Co. , Lake East Reed r., 69 Winnipeg, 1804 East Selkirk, Man., 42

Dupr^, , was with D. Thomp- eau de Luce, 731 ,

INDEX. 94'5

Eaux qui Remuent p., 34 Encampment isl., Lake Winnipeg, r. Ebb and Flow , 460 455, 458 Echeloot Inds., 812 Encampment isl., Lake Winnipe- Echinospermum deflexum, 63 goosis, 215, 277 Echinospermum floribundum, 63 Encampment isl.. Peace r., was Echinospermum lappula, 63 between Forts Vermilion and Echinospermum virginicum, 63 Dunvegan Echo, N. Dak., 313, 408 England, 189, 220, 223, 279, 747, Eckmuhl,558 762, 784, 792, 860, 892, 895, Ecorces Jaunes, 489 902, 903 Ecorchures Jaunes, 489 England, James, 249 Ecorres Jaunes, 4S9, 494, 558 English, 29, 465, 561, 900 Ectopistes migratorius, 4, 8, 195 English brook, br. of N. Sask r., eddas, edders, eddoes, 756 503 Eddy CO., N. Dak., 144 English canoes, 561

Eddysta. , Mont., 674 English cr., br. of Turtle r., br. edible snail, 753 of Red r., 138 Edinburgh, 603 English 1:, 472, see Pine Island 1.

Edmonton, Alb., 566, 567, 568, Englishman r. , br. of N. Sask r. 585, 603, 619, 633, 635, 744, 483, 502, 503

745 English r. , a channel of the main

Edna, Minn., 141 Sask. r. , 471, 472, see Tear-

Egg isls. , 460 ing r. Egg lakes, on or near N. Sask. r., English r., another, 28, 29

562, 563, 564, 570, 575, 585, English r. , main, 51, 52, 164, 199, 586, 595, 596, 602, 614 212, 222, 223, 249, 268, 277, 279, Ehnainger, Ehninger, George, 764 280, 282, 293, 303,439-457. 554. Elalah, Elallah isl., 832 572, 581, 582, 584, 592,600, 611, Elbow 1., 46 612, 629, 630, 759, 774, 776, 777.

Elbow of Assiniboine r. , 80, 300 870, 871, 872,874, 883, 895,897,

Elbow of Mouse r. , 302 so named by or for Joseph r., Elbow of N. Sask. 494, 495, 497, Frobisher, 1786 ; Riviere aux

498, 539. 587. 592 Anglais of the French ; see Elbow of S. Sask. r., 300, 494 Churchill r. and Missinipi r.

Elbow of Tongue r. , 230 English River system, 38

r. , br. of r. Elbow Bow , 704 Enhydris marina, 753 elder, 840 Enos, Frangois, 193, see Delorme Eleanor, ship, 847 Eon, Tim D., 873, 875 elk, 2, see biche, red deer epidemic among beaver, 256 Elk isl., 37. 38 epinette, 208, 296, 688 Elk p., 9 ^pinette blanche, epinette rouge, Elk rap., 42 Epiphanie, Epiphany, 165

Elk r. , 511, see Athabasca r. Equator, 25

r. , r. Elk br. of Kootenay , 706 Equisetum, 667 Elkwood, 81 Equisetum telmateia, 752, 859 Ellice, Alexander, 255, 301 erable a gigoire, 172 Ellis, Hon. Edward, 301 Erethizon epixanthus, 682

. Ellisport sta. Idaho, 673 Ermantinger, , retired trader, elm, 49 Sault Ste. Marie, 1817 Elphinstone, Man., 305 Ermine Skin res., 635, 636 Elysian Fields, chf. 521, 529 Ermine Tails, a , 546, 547 emerise, 816 Escalier p., 11, 12 Emerson br. C. P. Ry., 69 escargot, 753 Emerson, Man., 79, was called Eskimos, 524, 705 Gate City in 1874 esquebois, esquibois, 183 Emill, Emmel, Emmette, Emmill, Esox lucius, 444 735 Essex, frigate, 279, 847, 866, 879 Emporium of the North, 511 Essex Union, ship, 847 ,

946 INDEX.

Essling, 558 gjaveini87i. His father was esturgeon milieu, 192 Pierre Falcon or Faucon, sen., Etherington, Major, 234, 867 listed as of N. W. Co., Upper Ethier, Frangois, voy. N. W. Co., Red r., 1799; mother a Mis- Chippewa r., 1804 souri Ind. woman. The son Ethier, G., voy. N. W. Co., Rat was taken to Canada when a r., 1804 child, and in 1808 returned Ethier, Louis, voy, N. W. Co., with his father to Red River Upper Red r., 1804 country; entered H. B. Co. in Eth'tom-E, 521 1821, and in 1825 settled at eulachon, 787 White Horse Plains, where he Eumetopias stelleri, 820, 857 was living in 1878; married , 614, 702, 753 Marie Grant in 1812, and be- European sheep, 688 sides four daughters had three execution of horsethief, 552 sons, Jean Baptiste, Fran§ois,

Eyebrow 1. , 300 and Pierre 3d: see biogr. in Eyuck Whoola, 777 Tasse, H. pp. 339-351 Falcon, Tanner's pseudonym, 98 Falle a Perdrix, 164 Fallewine, 53, 209, see Vieux Folle

Facteau, , 293 Avoine Faignan, Raphael, 302, name also Fall Inds., of the Columbia, 785 found as Faignant, and Faini- Fall Inds., of the Missouri, 302

ant, appar. same word as Fall Inds. , of the Sask., 213, 503, faineant 505. 508, 530, 545.655.656,657,

Faille, , 554, 556, 603, 622 660, 666, 670, 671, 718, 719, 720, Fainiant, Jean Baptiste, N. W. 726, 733, 734, 735, 736, see At- Co., Kam., 1804 sinas Fairford ho., on Missinipi r., 1 m. fallow deer, 3, 127, 274, 311, 614

below junction of Deer r. Falls of the , see names of noted by D. Thompson aslat. falls besides the following 55° 33' 28" N.; he left it June Falls of the Cleft Rock, Chute de loth, 1796, via Deer 1., Hatchet la Roche Percee, Kam. r., see (Wollaston) 1., Black r., etc., Kakabeka to Lake Athabasca July 2d, Falls of the Columbia, 783 and returned to the ho. July Falls of the Willamette, 811 2ist, 1796 Falls of the Winnipeck, 31 Fairis, Mr., N. W. Co., in charge Fanny's bottom, 794, 795 at Cumberland ho. July nth, Fargo, N. Dak., 144, 147 1817, see Faries Farguson, Alexander, 277 Fairview, Minn., 84 Faribault, J. B., 222 Falardeau, Joseph, voy. N. W. Faries, 898, see Fairis, and see Co., Upper Red r., 1804 next

Falcon, , clerk N. W. Co. at Faries, Hugh, clerk N. W. Co., fort at mouth of Mouse r., Rainy 1., 1804. On May 22d, winter of 1807-08 1810, with J. Stuart and others, Falcon, Pierre, jun., Canadian he passed Fort Dunvegan on

half-breed, b. at Fort du his way down Peace r. , with Coude (Elbow), Swan r., As- returns from posts in New siniboia, June 4th, 1793, pres- Caledonia, en route for Rainy 1. ent at battle of Sept Chenes Farli, Farly, Farley, Jacques, in- (Seven Oaks) and witnessed terp., etc., at Michilimackinac Gov. Sample's death wound; ca. 1742, witnessed massacre could not read or write, but of June 4th, 1763, married became a popular balladist, Marie Josette Dumouchel whose song of the fight was Farnham, Russell, 767, 787, 788, pub. by Dr. La Rue in 1863, 790, 828, 830, 848, 851, 864, 886, and by the historian Har- 899 ,

INDEX. 947

Farquhar, Capt. F. U., 25, 309 lay and of James 2d; nearly Fat Earth, an Ind., 54, 160 all I possess appear simply fathom-fish, 787 as pertaining to "Mr." Fin- lay or Fautienne, , 573, 574 Findlay Faux, Francis Le, 614 Finlay, John, 255

Fecteau, , 293 Finlay's fort, 443 Felco, Mr., perhaps Mr. Halcro, Finlay 's r., 510 arr. Grand Portage June 29th, First Pines, on Sask. r., 489 First Rut cr. 1798 , 567 Felix, Pierre, voy. N. W. Co., fisher, an animal, 103 Nepigon, 1804 Fisher bay, 238, 455, 456

Fentoine, , 572 Fisher cr., 673

Fercier, or Forcier, , 292 Fisher, Minn., 127, 151

Fergus Falls, Minn., 146, 148 Fisher r. , 238, 456 Ferguson, Alexander, 277 Fisher's Head, 457

Feries or Ferris, Mr. , being prob- Fishing lakes, on Qu'Appelle r. ably Hugh Faries, was at 300 Cumberland ho. with Mr. J. Fishing lakes, trib. to Beaver r. Thompson, June 12th, 1812 573 ferns, 816 Fishing Water cr. , Fishing Weir cr. r. ferriage of Blackfeet, 542, 545 or , 471, 472 Fertile, Minn., 141 Fish lakes, several, about upper Fia for Tia, 913 N. Sask. and Beaver r., 562,

Fiddle cr. , 641 573. 585, 595. 596, 602, 613, 614, Fidler, Peter, 474, 561. Among 615, 622 his activities was his taking Fish 1., trib. to Sturgeon r., 565 part in the disturbances on Flacon p., 16 r. Redr., 1814, under orders of Flag , 767 Gov. Miles McDonnell; was in Flamand, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., charge of H. B. Co. Cumber- English r., 1804 land ho., winter of 1806-07; Flamborough Factory, H. B. Co., was at Isle a la Crosse in before 1750, on a trib. of Hud- Sept., 1799 son's bay falling in near the Fields, J., and Fields, R., 914 mouth of York or Nelson r. Filande, J. B., N. W. Co., Fort Flanagan, , 818, 837 Flat Inds. des Prairies. 1799 Bow , 550, 708, 709, 710

Fily, Laurent, traded on Milwau- Flat Bow 1. , 672 r. Flat Bow kee about 1805 p. , 706 Findlay, see Finlay Flat Bow r., 606, 672, 705, 706 Fine Meadow r., 707 Flat Ham, an Ind., 647 Finlay, Jacco, Jaccot, Jacko, or Flat Head country, 718

Jaco, Ind. half-brother of Mr. Flat Head ho. , 674, see Saleesh ho. James Finlay, had charge of Flat Head Inds., 398, 399, 526, 598, a certain Fort des Prairies in 643, 644, 645, 655, 666, 672, 707, 1796; was with D. Thompson 708, 709, 710, 711, 712,713,726, on Sask. r., in 1800, at Rocky 787, 819, 874, 899 Mt. ho. in 1806, at various Flat Head Kootenays, 550, 708 places with him in Rocky Flat Head 1., 672, 674, 707, 709 mts. to 1810, and at Ilthkoyape Flat Head 1., 671, 672, see Pend falls in Aug., 1811 d'Oreille 1. Finlay, James, jun., apprenticed Flat Head language, 714, 715, 716, clerk of Gregory, McLeod, 717. 718 and Co., 1785, and brother-in- Flat Head r., 672, 674, 709, 710 law of Mr. Gregory Flat Head r., 672, 673, see Clark's Finlay, James, sen., 465, 481, 508. fork He first appears about 1769, Flat Heads, Great Road of the, but later records are much con- 672, 673

fused with those of John Fin- Flat Heart r. , 253, 669 948 INDEX;

Plat Mouth, a chf., 54 181, 183, 185, 189, 196, 201, 202, Flat Rocks, Winnipeg r., 28 211, 214, 224, 236, 238, 240, 244, Flatt, J., 763 249, 250, 258, 260, 264, 265, 275, Flat, Willy, and his boy, 644, 658, 276, 288, 293, 421, 430, 447, and 665, see Flett, W. see Winnipeg City of r., Fleming, , 555, 557 Forks Red see Grand Forks Fleming, John, 455, 456. 458, 468, and Grandes Fourches r. 470, 475. 476, 479. 485 Forks of Sask. , 484, 485 Flesh Eater, a Fall Ind., 657 Forest and Stream, newspaper, 84 Flete, Flett, J., 763 Forester, Forister, ship, 864 Flett, Sandy, /. e. Alexander, 584 Forsyth and Co., 561 Flett, Wm., 614, 644, 658, see Forsyth, James, 255 Flat, W. Forsyth, John, 255, 256 Fleurine, Antoine, 870, 872 Forsyth, Thomas, 255

, Fleury, , 442 Fort-Abbitibbe built by De Troyes, Fleury, Frangois, 442 on lake of same name, 1686 Fleury, Louis, 442 Fort Abercrombie, 147 Flint or Flinty 1., 11 Fort a la Corne, 481, 482 B. Floating Stone 1., 573 Fort a la Corne, H. Co , 483 Florimeaux, Mr., a Canadian who Fort a la Reine, 290 passed some years in the N. Fort Albany, on James bay, mouth W., and whose half-breed son of Albany r., near lat. 52°, was a Cree or Assiniboine about long. 82°, same place or chf. in 1804, when the latter's vicinity as old Fort St. Anne son was a guide to Harmon and Fort Chechouan. Capt. in Assiniboia Geo. Barlow, governor, when Flott, Wm., 614, see Flat and attacked by the French in Flett, W. 1704. Old factory on the Foie de Rat, 229 mainland, S. side of mouth

Folle Avoine r., br. of Red r., 150, of the river ; Fort Albany on 164, 231, 423, 427 S. side of Factory isl., in the

Folle Avoine, unident. place, 283 mouth of the river ; the two Fond du Lac, 130, 185, 199, 212, about 2>^ m. apart 232, 240, 244, 280, 282, 283, 554, Fort Alexander, 35, 40, 213, 214, 629, 630, 776, 869, 870, 874. 791, see Bas de la Riviere The house there was in charge Fort Alexandria, on Assin. r., 213, of a Mons. LeMoine when D. 215, 253, 277, 299, 301 Thompson passed. May nth Fort Alexandria, on Eraser's r.. and 1 2th, 1798 213 Fond du Lac dept., 80, 164, 187 Fort a M. Frobisher, 42

Fontaine, , 573, 574 Fort Armstrong, 883 Fontaine, Antoine, 573 Fort Assiniboine, 207, 301, 345, Fontaine, Charles, 573 522 Foot Assiniboines, 523 Fort Assiniboine, on Athabasca Forbes, John, clerk and interp. r.. 566 N. W. Co., English r., 1804 , see Astoria, Asto-

Forcier, , 292, 581, 606, 607, rians. One of the chimneys 668, 674 of the original post was still Forcier, Etienne, 292 visible in 1834. See Town- Forcier, Jean Luc, 292 send's Narr., 1839, p. 182 Forcier, Michel, 285, 292 Fort Athabasca is a whilom name Forcier, Pierre, 292 of 's first ho. on Forcin, 292, see foregoing R. a la Biche or Athabasca

r. r. , commonly called Old Pond Forks of Athabasca , 567

Forks of Peace r. , 187, 554, 642, fort 759 Port au Bas de la Riviere, 188, Forks of Red r., 43, 44, 45, 48, 53, see Bas de la Riviere and 55. 56. 59. 62, 75, 76; 124, 167, Fort Alexander INDEX. 949

Fort Augustus, new, 439, 479, 481, the fort as it is now on plates 507, 508, 509- 523. 543. 546, opp. p. 82 and p. 88 of Caspar 547. 549. 554. 555. 559. 560, 561, Whitney's book on the Barren 563. 566, 567, 570, 572, 574. 578, Grounds, 1896 579. 580, 583. 584. 586, 588, 589. Fort Churchill, on Hudson's bay, 591, 592, 594, 596. 598, 602,603, mouth of Churchill r., built 611, 618, 632, 633, 638, 705, 719, 1 71 5, in 1776 northernmost 745,761, 782 post of H. B. Co. Fort Augustus, old, 216, 278, 279, Fort Clatsop, 750, 771, 772, 913 563, 566, 567, 605, 607, 623, 627, Fort Confidence, at head of Dease 633. 744 bay of Great Bear 1., lat. about Fort aux Trembles, on Assin. r., 66° 54' N. 292 Fort Connelly, on a headwater of

Fort aux Trembles, on Sask. r.,482 Skeenar. , Brit. Col., lat. a lit- , Brit. Col., on 1. and tle beyond 56° N., long, about in mts. of same name, about 1270W. lat. 55° N., long. 126'' 30' W. Fort Coulonge, on Ottawa r., Fort Bas de la Riviere Winipic, above Grand Calumet p. 35, and see Fort au Bas, etc. Fort Cumberland, see Cumberland Fort Belknap, Mont., 522 ho. Fort Berthold res., N. Dak., 530 Fort Daer, 81

Fort Bird mt. , 204 Fort d'Arc, see Bow fort Fort Bird's Tail, on Assiniboine Fort Dauphin dept., 203, 215, 277,

r. , at mouth of Bird's Tail or. 443 " The modern word " Birtle Fort Dauphin mt., i, 207, 208,305, is a corruption of this name 449 , Idaho, 761, 767, 886 Fort Dauphin, N. W. Co., 52, 176, Fort Bourbon, oldest, on Hudson's 195, 212, 213, 215, 226, 233, 234, bay, 465 237, 244, 268, 274, 277, 279, 280, Fort Bourbon, old, on Cedar 1., 291, 292, 294, 299, 303,417,442, Sask. r., 38, 465, 467 458, 594, 778, 870, 871. Letter Fort Brisebois, 485 of John F. Hosegood to Hon. Fort Brule, Bruler, 502, 503, 531 C. C. James, dated Lake Dau- Fort Caribou, new, at or near S. phin, Man., Mar. 7th, 1896, end of Caribou or Reindeer speaks of the H. B. Co. fort, i 1., about lat. 56° 30' N. m. up W. side of Mossy r., Fort Caribou, old, on W. shore of which was abandoned in 1821, Caribou 1., near lat. 58° N., when the N. W. and H. B. vicinity of Bedford ho companies were fused in one, Fort Carlton, 490 and says that the H. B. then Fort Castor, on W. side of Mc- moved to the N. W. Co. fort

Kenzie's r. , above (S. of) Fort on Valley r., which he thinks Norman, and between mouths was called Fort Dauphin of Great Bear r. and Dahadi- Fort Dauphin, of Verendrye, 175, nee r. 176 Fort Charles, Hudson's bay, Ru- Fort Dauphin Prairie, 214

pert r. , founded by Zachariah Fort de Bourbon, 465, see Fort Gillam,Sept., 1668 Bourbon Fort Charles, Missouri r., 778 Fort de la Come, 482, see Fort a Fort Charlotte, 6, 7, 8, 13 la Corne Fort (Charlton?), N. W. Co., on Fort de la Frenier, 305 Charlton isl., James' bay, 1809 Fort de la Montee, 215, 490 Fort Chechouan, see Fort Albany Fort de la Reine, 289, see Fort a la Fort Chepewyan, Chipewean, Reine Chipewyan, Chippewyan, new Fort de la Riviere Rouge ou de and old, 51, 52, 80, 212, 216, Grand Marais, 612 219, 223, 277, 289, 489, 510, Fort de la Riviere aux Boeufs, old 511, 532, 556, 862. Views of French , ,

950 INDEX.

Fort de Levi, on the St. Law- Fort Eagle Hill, N. Sask. r., rence, surrendered Aug. 21st, burned by the Crees 1780, see 1760, and became Fort Wil- Eagle Hills post liam Henry Fort East Main, H. B. Co., 1730, Fort de I'lsle, Finlay's, 508 on E. side of James' bay, Hud- Fort de risle, N. Sask. r., lower, son's bay, lat. ca. 52° 15', long. 503 ca. 83° 20', at mouth of river of Fort de risle, N. Sask. r., upper same name, also called Slude, (Decoigne's), 508, 562, 587 Canuse, and Hudson's r. Old

Fort de I'lsle, Winnipeg r. , 28, East Main ho. on Fishing cr. see Portage de I'lsle ho. N. side of mouth of the river; Fort de Milieu, 489, 490 new East Main ho. on a point Fort de Nippeouing, 481 on S. side of mouth of the Fort des Bois, see Fort Pointe des river about 4^ m. S. W. of Bois the old one Fort des Epinettes, 296 Fort Edmonton, see Edmonton. Fort des Pins, 296, see Pine fort The H. B. post about 1859 was Fort des Prairies, several different a large, oblong, palisaded Sask. posts so called, 50, 164, structure, with bastions, im- 187, 195, 199, 212, 215, 216, 222, mediately upon the crest of a

. 240, 248, 268, 269, 280, 282, 289, steep descent to the river. 292, 303, 343, 440, 443, 457, 474, See also Fort Augustus, new 481, 487, 508, 509, 553, 554, 555, Fort Ellice, Ellis, 300, 301 556, 557, 560, 566, 569, 571, 572, Fort Encampment Island, 511 573, 583, 591, 592, 598, 602, 603, Fort Enterprise, so called, of 610, 611, 620, 629, 640, 648, 667, Franklin's expedition, June, 705, 782, 837, 870, 871, 873, 874, 1 82 1, Point 1., near .sources of 900, 903 Coppermine r., lat. about 64" Fort des Trembles, Assiniboine 40', long, about 113° r., 120, 292 Fort Esperance, 47, 50, 202, 300, Fort des Trembles, Peace r., 512 301, 442, 778 Fort de Traite, at Portage de Fort Estekatadene, 784 Traite or Trade portage over Fort Fond du Lac, 244 to waters of Missinipi or Fort Frances, wrongly Francis

Churchill r. , where Joseph and St. Francis, 20 Frobisher first wintered 1774- Fort Franklin, vS. W. angle of 75, then northernmost post of Great Bear 1. at its discharge either N. W. Co. or H. B. Co. into Great Bear r., approx. Fort de Tremble, Assiniboine r., lat. 65", long. 123"'; Geo. Keith 292 there winter of 1811-12, before Fort de Tremble, Peace r., 511 it had this name; W. F. Went- Fort Douglas, 44, 81, 189, 557 zel there, winter of 1814-15; Fort du Lac au Fldmbeaii, built Sir John Franklin, on his sec- winter of 1804-05, by F. V. ond exped., winter of 1825-26 Malhiot Fort Eraser, on Eraser's 1., about Fort Duncan, 223 a mile from its dischai^ge, Fort Dunvegan, 222, 277, 439, 512, built by S. Eraser in 1S06; J. 604, 759, 767, 784, 791, S98 M. Quesnel sent by Harmon Fort du Monte, 490 Nov. 12th, 1810, from Stuart's Fort du Pas, Sask. r., old French 1. to reestablish it ; John of the Verendrye period en. Stuart went to winter there

1748 1810-11 ; Harmon came there

Fort Duquesne, 214, old French, Dec. 29th, iSio ; burnt down 1754, on site of Pittsburgh, Oct. 3d, 1S17 Pa., became Fort Pitt, 1758 Fort Frobisher, see Fort a M. Fro- Fort du Tremble, Assiniboine r. bisher 292 Fort Garry, 43, 44, 202, 761, see Tremble, Peace r. Winnipeg City Fort du , 512 INDEX. 951

Fort Garry, lower, 44 Fort Kamanistigoya, Kamanisti- Fort George (Astoria), 279, 561, quia, see Kaministiquia 629, 752, 757, 759, 761, 767.769. Fort Lac au Serpent, on Lac des 770, 771. 772, 774. 776, 782, 783. Serpents, Roderic McKenzie 784, 787, 78S, 791, 792. 794, 809, there 1786-87, opposed by 814, 820, 822, S24, 826, S27, 828, Wm. McGillivraj'- 831, 834, 843, 844, 848, 853, S57, Fort Lac Orignal, or Lac d'Orig- 860, 861, 864, 865, 867, 869, 870, nal, 164. One post of this 872, 873, S74, 876, 877, 894, 895, name was built by Angus 896, 897, 900, 910, 915, 916 Shaw, 1789 Fort George, on Fraser's r., 561, Fort La Come, 481, 482, see Fort 898 a la Come Fort George, on Sask. r., 216, 219, Fort La Maune, sic, is said to have 278, 280, 293, 481, 498, 504, 506, been built by Duluth before 508, 544, 546, 548, 549, 554. 555. 1684 on Albany r., at or near 557. 560, 561, 562, 563, 581, 582, mouth of Lake St. Joseph, and 590, 594. 595. 602, 673 thus not far from Osnaburgh Fort Gerry, see Fort Garry ho. of H. B. Co. Fort Gibraltar, 44, 187, 189, 279 Fort La Reine, 175, see Fort a la Fort Good Hope, new, on McKen- Reine

zie's r. , at mouth of Hareskin Fort la Traite, see Fort de Traite r. Fort Liard, Athabasca r., 897 Fort Good Hope, old, on McKen- Fort Liard, Peace r., 581, 898 zie's r., beyond lat. 67° Fort Louisa, 22 , founded by Capt. N. J. Fort Machault, old French r., Fort McLeod, r. Wyeth on Snake Idaho, Peace , 512 1834 Fort McLeod, Peace r., another, Fort Hannah, on James' bay of 512 Hudson's bay, E. of Moose Fort McMurray, at confluence of Factory, S. W. of Clearwater r. with the Atha- Fort Henry, 752 basca, is still kept up Fort Hibernia, high up on the Fort McPherson, on Peel r., with- Assiniboine, above Fort Pelly in the Arctic circle, main- Fort Hope, old and new, same as tained since 1848 Forts Good Hope Fort Mandan, 323 Fortia, or Fortier, Louis, was on Fort Maskake, 740

Williamette r. , 1842 Fort Maurepas, 35 Fortier, or Fortin, Baptiste, voy. Fort Monsoni was near site of N. W. Co., Ratr., 1804 present Moose Factory Fortin, Louis, appears as clerk Fort Montagne a la Bosse, 298, 299 N.W. Co., Ratr., 1S04. —Louis Fort Montagne d'Aigle, 498 Fortin, N. W. Co., was en- Fort Mumford, on Stikine r., Brit. gaged by D. Thompson Dec. Col., near lat. 58° 8th, 1804, at Musquawegun Fort Muskako, Muskeg, 740 Lake ho. —Louis Fortin was Fort Naskopie, on a large lake in interp. for Mr. Wells, Egg 1., the interior of Labrador winter of 1805-06. —One For- Fort Nelson, H. B. Co., on Missi- tin arrived at Cranberry nipi r., after 1740 Lake ho. June 27th, 1805, and Fort Nelson, original one, on Hud- at that place D. Thompson son's bay at Rupert's, York, or " says old Fortin tipples," Nelson r. , 1670; locality ap- Aug. 17th, 1805 prox. of French Fort Bourbon, Fortin, Pierre, voy. N. W. Co., 1676 and 1682, Fort York, and Lake Winnipeg, 1804 later York Factory Fort isl.. Cedar 1., 465 Fort Nemiscau, old French, built Fort Isle a la Crosse, 222, and see 1673 at or near Lake Nemis- Isle a la Crosse cau (Frenchman's, Rupert's, Fort Jonquiere, 484 or Nemiscau r.) 952 INDEX:.

Fort Nepigon, old French, at or near mouth of Churchill mouth of Nepigon r., on the r., built 1688, rebuilt 1721

left, about 1680; on some Fort Providence ) memo-

maps as " Fort Ancien du Fort Providence, another >• randa " Sr. du L'Hut (D. G. Duluth) Fort Providence, a third ) mislaid Fort Neuve Savanne, French, on Fort Rae, on E. side of N. W. Hudson's bay, mouth of Sev- arm of Great Slave 1. ern r., rebuilt before 1702 Fort Reliance, on McLeod's bay, from old Fort Severn of the near N. E. end of Great H. B. Co., before 1686 Slave 1. Fort Nippeouing, 481 Fort Resolution, 80, on Great Fort Nippeween, 482 Slave 1., at one of the mouths

Fort Norman, McKenzie's r., at or of Great Slave r. , later name near mouth of Great Bear of the post originally founded

Lake r. , approx. lat. 64? 40', by L. Leroux and C. Grant, long. 125'', flourishing f«. 1810 1786 Fort Oakinacken, 782, see Fort Fort Richmond, H. B. Co., before Okanagan and Okanagan ho. 1765, on Richmond bay, E. Fort of the Forks, Athabasca r., side of Hudson's bay, near lat. 581, so D. Thompson, see 56° Fort McMurray Fort Riviere au Pas, J. Finlay's Fort of the Forks, Peace r., 512, " old " ho., 1789 583, 874 Fort Rouge, 43, 44, 46 Fort Okanagan, 783, 786, 787, 856, Fort Rupert, H. B. Co., 1667-68, 882, see Okanagan at or near mouth of Rupert's Fort on Athabasca r., 642 r., same place or vicinity as Fort Osage, 843 Fort St. Jacques and Fort St. Fort Osnaburgh, H. B. Co., Lake Charles of the French St. Joseph, Nepigon district, Fort St. Anne, old French, mouth 1786 of Albany r., same place or Fort Paubna, 80, 120, see Fort vicinity as Fort Albany Pembina Fort St. Charles, Buffalo pt.. Lake Fort Peck, Mont., 522 of the Woods, 23 Fort Pelly, 299, 300 Fort St. Charles, old French, Fort Pembina, 79, 80, 82, see Pem- mouth of Rupert's r., same bina place or vicinity as Fort St. Fort Pierre au Calumet, Atha- Jacques and old Fort Rupert basca r., beyond lat. 55° Fort St. Francis, 20, see Fort Fort Pitt, H. B. Co., 500, 505, es- Frances

tablished 1831 ; squared, pal- Fort St. Germain, Duluth, 1684.

isaded, bastioned, 100 yards on Albany r. , vicinity of Lake from the river St. Anne Fort Pitt, 1758, see FortDuquesne Fort St. Ignace, Michilimackinac, Fort Pointe des Bois or Fort des La Salle, 1679 Bois, supposed to have been Fort St. Jacques, old French, at

established by Verendrye ca. mouth of Rupert's r. , same 1736 or 1737, on Red r. about place or vicinity as Fort St. mouth of Goose r. Charles of the French, and old Fort Pond, also called Fort Atha- Fort Rupert of the English basca, and Pond fort Fort St. James, in Brit. Col., at or Fort Ponchartrain, at mouth of near discharge of Stuart 1., 30', 124" Eskimo r. , Gulf of St. Law- about lat. 54° long. rence, in Quebec, near boun- 30' dary of Labrador Fort St. John or St. John's, 512, Fort Poscoiac, Poskoyac, 469 767 Fort Presq'ile, old French Fort St. Joseph, old French, N. Fort Prince of Wales (Fort E. of Lake Michigan Churchill), Hudson's bay, at Fort St. Louis, Hudson's bay, 484 INDEX. 953

Fort St. Louis. Sask. r., N. W. 869, 874, 875, 894, 896,897,898, Co., 481, 482, 483, 484 899,903,904,916. For its cap-

Fort St. Louis, Sask. r. , old ture by Lord Selkirk and De French, 478, 482, 483 Meuron regiment, Aug. 13th, Fort St. Paul, 563 1816, and subsequent events, Fort St. Pierre, 1737, at N. W. see journal of J. Vandersluys, end of the Grand portage, site Aug. i2-28th, 1816, in Nar- of later Fort Charlotte rative of Occurrences, etc.,

Fort St. Pierre, Rainy r. , 20 pp. 70-102 (daily record of an Fort Saskatchewan, 566 eye witness). For condition Fort Sauvage appears on some of in Aug., 1817, see Ross Cox, maps for the old French es- pp. 287-289. The big Thomp- tablishment at Sault Ste. son map, which Cox says was Marie then hanging there on the Fort Severn, on Hudson's bay, at wall, is the one of which three mouth of Severn r., before sections are reproduced by 1686, see also Fort Neuve tracing for the present work Savanne Fort William Henry, see Fort de Fort Simpson, 642, McKenzie's Levi r., at confluence of R. aux Fort William, on Columbia, r.

Liards, Liard r. , or Moun- founded on Wappatoo isl., tain r. "about 15 m. from the lower Fort Smith, " at the portage of the mouth of the Wallammet," rapids between the Athabasca by Capt. Nathaniel J. Wyeth, and the McKenzie on the 1834

Great Slave r," about lat. 60"; Fort William, on Ottawa r. , about still kept up; James McKinley 20 m. above Renfrew, in Pon- in charge, 1894-95 tiac Co., Que. Fort Souris, 207, 298 Fort York, see York Factory , 899 Fourche aux Gros Ventres, 761 Fort Stevenson, 313, 320, 406 Fourche des Assiliboiles, 45 Fort Swan River, see Swan r. Fourche des Gros Ventres, 485

Fort Totten, 406 Fournier. , 289 Fort Union, 557 Fournier, Ignace, 289 Fort Vermilion, on Peace r., 511, Fournier, Jacques, 289 512,581, 759, 767 Fournier, Joseph, 289 Fort Vermilion, Vermillion, on Fournier, Louis, 289 Sask. r., 440, 479, 481, 506, Fournier Prairie, 289 507. 509, 516. 524. 539. 547. 548, Four Posts r., 624, 632 565. 567. 568, 573, 576, 579, Fowl lakes and p., 9 584, 592, 596, 601, 602, 604, Fox cr., 4S8 614, 745, 826, 875 Fox, Ebenezer D.,of Boston, first Fort Victoria, on E. side of James' mate of the Tonquin, from bay, Hudson's bay, lat. about New York Sept. 6th, 1810, to 54° and long, near 78° 20', at the Columbia Mar. 22d, 1811,

mouth of Big r. , on S. side, drowned on entering the river opp. a certain Fort George foxes, animals, 108, 820 Fort Wasp Mount, sic, 281 Foxes, Inds., 187 Fort Walsh, in Cypress hills, near Fox Head, an Ind., 660 heads of E. fork of Milk r. Fox's channel, named for Luke Fort Whoop-up, on Belly r., Fox, explorer, who left Dept- mouth of Pot-hole r. ford May 5th and reached Fort William, 7, 17, 189, 202, 214, Lumley's inlet June 20th, 216, 217, 218,220, 222, 279, 424, 163 1, voy. pub. London, 4to, 428, 430. 438, 439, 440, 506, 509, 1635 539. 578, 600, 612, 621, 747, 752, Fox- route, 760, 843, 882 759. 761, 767. 774. 778, 781, 782, Fracherd, G., 871, 874, see Fran- 783, 784, 791, 792, 856, 868, chere 954 INDEX.

France, 40, 220 French 1., 217 Francheraontagne, Frangois, 782, Frenchman's butte, 505 870, 871 French p., 247

Franchere, Gabriel, 219, 221, 279, French r. , 217 280, 299, 472, 506, 573, 603, 640, Frobisher, Benjamin, 42, 222, 259, 641, 642, 747, 748, 749, 750, 752, 667, 792, 873, appears as clerk 757> 758, 760, 762, 765, 766, 767, N. W. Co., Rat r. and Eng- 769, 770, 771, 773, 776, 777, 781, lish r., 1804; left house on 783. 785. 787. 788. 790, 791. 793. Cranberry 1. with D. Thomp- 794. 795. 796, 797. 801, 807, 809, son July 25th, 1805, to Trade 810, 814, 821, 822, 823, 824, 828, p. Aug. 1st, and to the "old " 830, S31, 833, 834, 841, 844, 845, houses on Deer 1. Aug. 4th, 846, 848, 852, 856, 860, 863, 864, where he was left with goods, 865, 868, 870, 871, S72, 873, 874, under orders to build. In 875, 878, 881, 882, 883, 886, 887, 1819 Mr. Frobisher was cap- 899, 912 tured at Jack r. by the H. B,

Francoeur, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co. , receiving in the collision Co., Athabasca, 1804 certain injuries which led to Frangois, called a " Creole," was his dreadful death. He was on Ross Cox's overland jour- taken to York factory, where ne}^ of 1817 he escaped from prison Sept. Frangois Seni, sic, 49 30th, 1 8 19, together with Franklin, John, lieutenant R. N., Aimable Turcotte and Joseph later Sir, 188, on his first ex- Lepine. The three wandered pediton was at Fort Cliipe- on to Pointe de Lievre or Rab-

wyan Mar. 26th to July loth, bit pt. , Lake Bourbon, Nov. at " Fort Enterprise " in June, 20th, when Frobisher was un- and reached the Arctic ocean able to proceed further. His to July 2ist, 1821 ; for his second men left him and pressed on exped. left Liverpool Feb. the N. W. Co. post on Moose 15th, 1825, to New York Mar. 1., in hopes of bringing him 15th relief, and reached it Nov. Franks, Jacob, trader, Bale Verte, 24th. Mr. George Nelson, in ca. 1805 charge, instantly sent men to

Frankure, , 299, see Fran- rescue him, but he was found chere dead where he had been left, Franquelin, 37 half burned by falling in the

Frappiez? , on Kam. route, fire, from which he had been July, 1804 too exhausted to escape, Nov. Fraser, Alexander, clerk N. W. 27th. His remains were de- Co., 897, 901, 902, 904 cently interred there next Fraser, Alexander, proprietor N. year, 1820 The journal he W. Co., 255, 897 had kept as long as he was and Fraser, Richard D. , 898 able to write was found Fraser, Simon, 35, 255, 759, 782, given in charge of Wm. Con- 784, 790, 897 nolly at Cumberland ho. See Fraser's 1., 219, 759, 784, 898 Masson, I. 1889, p. 146, seg. Eraser's r., 510, 561, 642, 777, 783, Frobisher, Joseph, 42, 465,470,474 784 Frobisher's bay, 42 Fraxinus americana, 49 Frobisher's fort, 42 Frazer, Alex., 894, see Fraser, A. Frobisher's ho., 474 Frazier, Robert, 914 Frobisher, Sir Martin, 42 Frechette, Etienne, N. W. Co., Frobisher, Thomas, 42, 465, 470 Kam., 1804 Frog, a chf., 190, 241 Frecier, Frog cr., 55^. S^o. 566, , 792, see Forcier 548, 579, Frederique, Mr., 28 596, 611 Fremont, J. C, 843, 884 Frogl., 548. 549 French, 465, 559, 663, 900 Frog pond, 43 INDEX. 955

Frudelle ? , see Prudelle and Gauthier, Augusta, 873 Trudelle Gauthier, Charles, 873 fur seals, S51, S57 Gauthier, Fran9ois, 873, 875 Gauthier, Mr., 873 Gay, Charles, on Willamette r. ,1842 geese, 9, 172, 599, 740, 752, 756 Gabriel, one or more persons so Geillioux, Joseph, 555, 872, 875 called, whether surname or Gelineau, Nicolas, voy. N. W.

not, 611, 613, 615, 617, 627; one Co., Chippewa r. , 1804 of them is Gabriel Dumont Gendron, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., Gadfly, an Ind., 54 Lake Winnipeg, 1804

Gadourie, , voy. N. W. Co., General Choke-cherry, 388, 390 Upper Red r., 1S04 General Land Office maps, 10, 16, Gahsemoan, 448 21,145, 146, 311. 675, 707, 786 Pierre, voy. N. W. Co., Gagnion, , 544, 556, 582 Genereux, Gagnon, Joseph, 556 Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Gagnon, Pierre, 556 Genou, Antoine, voy. N. W. Co., Gaillard, Louis, interp. N. W. Co., Fort des Prairies, 1804 Rainy 1., 1S04 Genou, Pierre, 556 de Corbeau, Gailloux, , 555 Gens 597 Gailloux, Joseph, 827, see Jaloux Gens de la Grande Riviere, 587

Galarneau, , N. W. Co., Fort Gens de Pied, 494, 553, 579, 597 Chipewyan, 1800 Gens des Feuilles,435 Galet de la Pointe aux Loutres, 34 Gens des Souliers, 323 Galet du Bonnet, 33, 34 Gens des Vaches, de Vache, 144, Gallion, Pierre, voy. N. W. Co., 388 Nepigon, 1804 Gens du Bois, 549 Gallipeau, Joseph, 581 Gens du Bois Fort, 575, 587, 597

Gallipot, , 581 Gentilly, Minn., 127 Gallisoniere, Gallissoniere, 27, 175 George, a Kanaka, 872 Gallois on Winnipeg r., 215 Geo., third mate of the Isaac Galveston, Tex., 312 Todd, 907 Gamanestigouya, 220, see Kam. Georgetown College, D. C, 505

Ganac, , N. W. Co., Kam., 1804 Georgetown, Minn., 147 Gap, the, 704 Georgians, 756, 895, see Astorians Stuart, Gardeipied, B , 872, 875 Georgian Stuarts, 791, see Garden isl., 26 A., D., J., and R. Gardpie, B., 872 Gerard, Michel, voy. N. W. Co., Gardpie, Fran5ois, 872 Lake Winnipeg, 1804

Gareau, , voy. N. W. Co., Fort Gere, Aimable de, 240

des Prairies, 1804 Germain, , see St. Germain Garfield, N. Dak., 318 Germain, Jacques, voy. N. W. Gariepy, B., 875 Co., Rainy 1., 1804

Gariepy, Louis, 872 German cr. , 43

Garrison cr., 320 Gerome, , see Jerome

Garth, Glengary co., Ont., 279 Gerome, , interp. N. W. Co., Gass, Patrick, 591, 751, 754, 858, Fort des Prairies, 1804 914 Gerome, Mr., 544

Gate City, see Emerson Gervais, , 630, 443 Gervais, Alexis, Gaudier, J.. N. W. Co., left Rocky 443 Mountain ho. Oct. 26th, 1806 Gervais, Jean Baptiste, 443, two if Gaulthier, Gaultier de Varennes, not three persons of the name; Pierre, 661, 873, see Varennes one of them witnessed the and Verendrye disturbances on Red r. in

Gaunenoway r., 147 Oct., 1816 ; two of the identi- Gausacegiushe, 54 cal name are listed separately,

Gauthier , 69, 873, see Gaul- each as voy. N. W. Co., Upper thier Redr., 1804 7

956 INDEX.

Gervais, Joseph, 868, 869, 889, 904 Hall on Snake r. , a few years or . before Godin's God- Ghost Pine cr. , 618 1834; din's cr. named for him; his Ghost r. , 704 see Jaloux half-breed son was with Bon- Giaoux, , 555. 584. Giaoux, Joseph, 872, 875 neville and withWyeth : Tasse, Giasson, Frangois, voy. N. W. IL 1878, p. 313; Townsend's Co., Upper Red r., 1804 Narr. 1839, p. 114 Gibeau, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., Godin, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. W. r., English r. , 1804 Co., Chippewa 1804 Gibeau, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., Godin, Thierny, voy. N. W. Co., Fort des Prairies, 1804 Upper Red r., 1804 Giboche, Louis, N. W. Co., Red Godon, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., r., 1799 Rat r. , 1 804 Gibotte, Louis, interp. N. W. Co., Godreau, P., voy. N. W. Co., Rat

English r., 1804 r. , 1S04 Gibraltar, a high steep rocky Goedike, Frederick, 512, was at island on the Columbia, below Alexandria on Assiniboine r. the Dalles, so called by D. 1801-05; to Athabasca dept. Stuart's party July 6th, 1812 1805; on Peace r. 1808-09 Gibson, George, 914 Goers and Comers, 248 Giguere, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. Goldner, Minn., 143 W. Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Gonneville, Antoine, voy. N. W. Gilbert, Charles, 303 Co., Upper Red r., 1804; at Gilbert, Etienne, 303 capture of Fort William Gilbert, Pierre, 301, 303 Aug. 13th, 1816 Gill, Prof. Theodore, 444 Gonneville, Augustin, voy. N. W. Gimli, Man., 451 Co., Upper Red r., 1804 Ginan, Pierre, 556 Good Fish 1., 573,613 Gingras, Antoine, 869, 904 Good Harbor, 460 Girard, Augustin, voy. N. W. Co., Goodwin, Robert, 46, 168, was Le Pic, 1804 factor H. B. Co., Fort Albany, Girardin, Louis, clerk N. W. Co., before 1800 Fort Dauphin, 1804 Gooseberry 1., 500 pt. Girard, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. W. Gooseberry , 740

Co., English r., 1804 Gooseberry r. , 8

Girard, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., Goose Creek p. , 475 Fond du Lac, 1804 Goose Encampment, 740 Gisson, Rene, 302, see Jussome goosegrass, 667, 859 Givins, Mr., 7 Goose isl., 453 Glacier lakes, 640, 689 Goose 1. , Rainy River waters, 9 Gladstone, Man., i Goose 1., trib. to Sask. r., 472, 548, Glenboro sta., Man., 296 582

Glengary co. , Ont., 189, 279 Goose p., 9

Gloucester ho., H. B. Co., Albany Goose r., br. of Red r. , 82, 140, r.. Lake St. Anne, before 141, 142, 143, 147, 150, 208 1798, at or near siteof Duluth's Goose rock, 9

Fort St. Germain of 1684 Gopher cr. , 306 Gneiss 1., 12 Gosdrick, Silas, 913, 914 goat, see mt. goat Gosselin, Antoine, voy.^. W. Co., Gobin, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. W. Fort Dauphin, 1804 Co., Upper Red r., 1804 Gosselin, Michel, voy. N. W. Co., Goddin, see Godin Fort Dauphin, 1804 go-devil, 604 Goudrie, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., Prairies, Godin, , nick-named Alder- Fort^des 1804 man, in charge of Fort Cou- Gouin, Etienne, voy. N. W. Co., longe on Ottawa r., 181 Rat r., 1804 r., Godin, Antoine, Canadian, killed Goulet, , N. W. Co., Peace by Blackfeet at or near Fort 1803 ,

INDEX. 957

(ioulet, Alphonse, voy. N. W. Grand Noir, an Ind., 275, 276

Co., Upper Red r. , 1804 Grand Passage, AssinilDoiner., 57, Goulet, Jacques, voy. N. W. Co., 185, 203, 211, 287 Athabasca, 1804 Grand Passage, Mouse r., 414 Goulet, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. W. Grand Passage, Pembina r., igo, Co., Fort Dauphin, 1804 194, 228 Goulet, Louison, half-breed r. a Grand Passage, Red , 75 whose wife was widow of La Grand Point, Red r., 437 Riviere and daughter of W. Grand Portage, 6, 7, 10, 14, 68, 80, F. Wentzel 156, 164, 172, 173, 184, 188, 199, Gouthier, Frangois, 875, see Gau- 200, 215, 216, 218, 220, 223, 224, thier, F, 22S, 24S, 269, 277, 278, 293, 300, Gouzzeon, Andre, 370 439, 505. 508, 561, 581, 611, 759, Government Printing Office, 778, 895, S97 Washington, D. C, 22 Grand Portage des Cerises, 9 Grafton, N. Dak., 90 Grand Portage isl., 7

Graham cr. , 30S Grand Portage Neuf, 10 Graham, Duncan, traded among Grand rap., Columbia r., 784, 790, the Sioux of Minnesota r. 875

1803 Grand rap., Sask. r. , 300, 462, 463, Graham's Point, Minn., 148 608, 667, 776 qu. Graham? N. Grame, , W. Grand rap., Sask. r., higher up, Co., a lad at Fort Lac Orig- 478 nal, 1792 Grand rap.. Winnipeg r., 31 Grand Batard, 622 Grand Remous, 471

Grand Discharge, Winnipeg r. , 27 Grand River Assiniboines, 624

r. , Grande Decharge, Sask. , 464 Grand r. br. of Missouri r. , 843

Grande Fourche, br. of Rainy r. , 20 Grand River forks is the conflu- Grande Gueule, 54, 238, 239, 243, ence of Liard r. with the Mc- 254, 261 kenzie Grande Pointe, 454 Grand r. is a name of McKenzie's r. Grande Pointe des Bois p., 30, 31 Granite bay, 12 Grande Ronde Agency, 812 Grant, Charles, 896

Grandes Fourches, Red r. , 127, 136, Grant, Cuthbert, 44, 47, 80, 164, 137, 139. 151. 177. 186, 191, 192, 176, 299, 511 194, 195, 196, 197, 242, 267, 275, Grant, David, 80 281, 427, 429, 440 Grant, James, 80 Grandes Oreilles, 267 Grant, Mr., unidentified, 20, 161 Grande Traverse, Turtle mt. ,414 Grant, one, on Mississippi r. in Grande Tremblaie, Trembliere, 1805-06, 80 292, 294, 295 Grant, Peter, 47, 51, 79, 80, 81, Grand Forks co., N. Dak., 82, 95, 120, 181, 255, 778 138, 141, 204 Grant, Robert, 47, 300 Grand F'orks, N. Dak., 127, 138, Grant's Fort Esperance, 202 139, 186 Grant's From Ocean to Ocean, 32 Grand Galet, 26, 30 Grant's ho., on Red r., 80, 181 Grand Galles, 16 grasshoppers, 39, 430 Grand Gaily, 26 Grassy Narrows, 453 Grand isl.^ 453 gratia, 63 Grand Lac, 38 Gratias, Gratiats r., 63, 190 Grand Marais, Lake Winnipeg, Grattan cr., 499, 620

39. 245 Gratton, , 620, 622, 626 pt. Grand Marais , 39 Gratton, P., 620

Grand Marais, Red r. , 67, 78, 188, Gravelly pt., 460

285, 447 Gravesend, Eng. , 762 Grand Nepisangue, 818, 820, 827, Gray Nunnery, 301 887, 909, otherwise Joseph Gray's bay, 754, 773, 833, 834, 836, Mokooman 837, 838 958 INDEX.

Gray's cr., 279 Gretna, Man,, 81 Gray's harbor, 756, 864, 880, 888 Grey's bay, harbor, see Gray's do. gray squirrels, 817 Greysolon, Daniel, Sieur du Luth,

Great Basswood p. , 14 Lake Superior, etc., ca. 1683 Great Bear 1., 782, 896 Grey, Tom, 583

Great Bend, Missouri r. , 843 Griggs CO., N. Dak., 144 Great Bend, Sask. r., 471 Grignon, Pierre, voy. Lake Su- Great Black isL, 453 perior region, then free-trader Great Britain, 24, 25, 748, 902 at Baye Verte, before 1763, Great Carrying-place, 505, see married (i) a Menomonee Grand p. woman, by whom he had Great Cherry p., g Pierriche Grignon and other Great Divide, 676, and to end of children; (2) in 1776 C. M. the chapter, see Continental Langlade's dau. Louise Domi- Divide, Height of Land, and tilde, by whom he had 9 chil- Howse Pass dren, of whom the sons were: Great Fish 1., 562 Pierre Antoine, Oct. 21st, 1777; Great Fish r. is also known as Charles, June 14th, 1779; Au- Back's r. gustin, June 27th, 1780; Louis, Great Ind. Camping Place, 468 Sept. 2ist, 1783; Jean Bap- Great Lakes, 8 tiste, July 23d, 1785; the 4 Great Moose isl., 456 daughters 1787-95. He died Great Nainouboushow, 521 Nov., 1799, aged 55-60 years; Great Northern Ry., 80, 81, 143, his widow married Jean Bap- 313, 315, 410, 709 tiste Langevin Great Pines p., 15 Grindstone pt., 453, 454 Great rap., Columbia r., 801 grizzly bear, 121 Great Red Elk r. is Athabasca r. Grizzly Bear coulee, 499 Great Road of the Flat Heads. Grohman, Brit. Col., 440, 675 672, 673 Grondin, Louis, voy. c.-m. N. W. Great Shoot, Columbia r., 801, 803 Co., English r., 1804 oot chf 660 Great Slave 1., 80, 487, 510, 583 Gros Blanc, Blackf . , 543, Great Slave r., 80 Gros Blanc, Mandan chf., 329, 330, Great Spirit, 180, 528 333. 375 Great Stone p., 8 Gros Bras, 194, 195, 209

Great Whitewood Carrying-place, Groseilliers, , 37 14 Groseilliers r. , 8 Greenbush, Minn., 84 Gros Portage des Bois Blancs, 14 Greene, Lieut. F. V., 25 Grosse Butte, N. Dak., 409 Green Encampment, 794, 833 Grosse Gorge, 670 Green, Francis, voy. N. W. Co., Grosse Isle de la Pviviere a la Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Folle Avoine, 143, 427 Green 1., 490, 561, 574, 589, 600, 899 Grosse Isle, Riviere aux Marais, Green r., 574, 580 Minn., 126 green sturgeon, 753 Grosse Loge, 54, 118 Greenwich, 25 Grosse Roche, 8 Greenwood Inds., 712 Grosses Buttes, 635, 636, see Peace Gregoire, Frangois, 647, 674 hills Gregory, John, 255, 256 Grosses Buttes, 58S, see Deux Grosses Buttes Gregory, Lieut. J. F., 25 Gregory, McLeod and Co., 7, 233, Gros Tete, 557, see Deschamps, 269, 580 Joseph Gregory, McTavish and Co., 223 Gros Ventres of the Falls, Plains, Grenier, Joseph, N. W. Co., Kam., Prairie, 530, 733, 735, see At- 1804 sinas. Big Bellies Grenon, Joseph, N. W. Co.. Fort Gros Ventres of the Missouri, 322, Dauphin, 1799, compare Grig- 394, see Big Bellies, Minne- non tarees, Hidatsas 1

INDEX. 959

Groteau, Pierre, voy. N. W. Co., Hair pt., 466, see Hare pt.

English r. , 1804 Hairy Horn, a chf., 332 Groult, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., Halcro, Mr., 2S0, 569 Fort des Prairies, 1804 Haldane, John, 255 Groulx, Charles, guide N. W. Co., Hale, Horatio, 555 Rainy 1., 1S04 Halfway r., 510 Guano isl., 453 Haliaetos leucocephalus, 172 Guatimozin, ship, 763 Hallet, Hallett, Hallette, Mr., 506, ( Guayaquil, 763 561, 587, 598, 599,620,627,628, Guenet, Antoine, 869, 904 875 Guerin, Louis, who died 1865, Hall, Hugh, 914 aged about 83, was father of Hallock, Charles, 84 Vital Guerin, who was b. St. Hallock, Minn.. 84 Remi July 17th, 1812, and in Hallowell, Wm., 255, 256 service of G. Franchere in 1832 Halsey, J. C, 752, 758, 759, 761. Gueule Platte, 54, 74. 75 762, 764, 765, 766, 776, 790,817, Guilbault, Pierre, voy. N, W. Co., 848, 852, 854, 864 Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Halstad, Minn., 143 Guillemont, Louis, clerk and in- Halthwypum, 827

terp. N. W. Co., Rainy 1., Hamel, , 555, 557, 576, 605, 1804 615, 617, 620, 629

Guilliou, , 554, 555, 583, 603, Hamel, Frangois, 52 604, 623 Hamelin, , with D. Thomp- Guillotte, Noel, interp. N. W. Co., son on the Columbia, 181 Red Lake dept., 1804 Hamelin, Louis, established at Guimond, Pierre, voy. N. W. Co., Michilimackinac after 1763 Athaijasca, 1804 Hamel, Joseph, 51, 52, 77, 120, 152, Gulf of Mexico, 145, 384, 462, 473 155, 166, 182, 277

Gulf of St. Lawrence, 473 Hamelle, , 557, see Hamel " Gvll Egg r. , 460 Hamel, Mr.," 603 Gull isl., 460 Hamilton, Mr., 247, probably the Gull 1., 637 next Gull p., 475 Hamilton, W. H., clerk N. W. Gulo luscus, 694 Co., Fort des Prairies, 1804 Gun Flint Iron Mine, 11 Hance, see Ainse Gun Flint 1., 11, 12 Hand hills, 618 Guy, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. W. Haney, H., 424, see Heney Co., English r., 1804 Hanged, an Ind., 53 Guyon, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., Hanie, Mr., 425, see Heney Rainy 1., 1804 Hannaford, Minn., 21 Guzzeon, see Gouzzeon Haplocerus montanus, 641, 682, G. V. P. Cy., 197 757 Haplodinotus grunniens, 445 H Haplodon rufus, 749 haquilaugh, 783 Haeltzuk tribes, 778 Haranguer, a Piegan, 657 Haggart, Duncan, voy. N. W. Hare Inds., 524

Co., Red 1., 1804 Hare pt. , 466 Hague, N. Dak., 143 Hare r., 146 haiqua, 753 hares, 559, see Lepus Hair hills, 66, 68, 78, 81, 82, 83, 89, Harmon, Daniel Williams, 11, 27, 93. 94. 99. 104. 118, 121, 136, 33. 35. 204, 208, 213, 219, 220, 137, 138, 142, 150, 153,157,158, 277, 290, 291, 296, 298, 299, 300, 160, 165, 186, 189, 190, 191, 192, 301, 345, 439. 462, 465. 474. 484. 193, 194, 207, 210, 225, 228, 229, 512, 575, 580, 7S4, 791, 899,916 239, 240, 243, 251, 253, 254, 259, Harmon's fort, 899 286, 294, 417, 418, 4?o, 422, 425, Harnois, Toussaint, voy. N. W. 431. 434. 440. 516 Co., Nepigon, 1804 :

960 INDEX.

Harper, John, H. B. Co., traveled a party of Eskimo, July i6th, with D. Thompson from See- in sight of the sea, 8 m. dis- paywisk ho. to York Factory tance, morning of the 17th, it May 28th-July 31st, 1793 and reached that day ; no

Harrington, , two brothers so sunset ; took possession of named, engaged as hunters the coast on behalf of the H.

at St. Louis for the overland B. Co. , and started back July

Astorian expedition, one in 18th ; reached P. of W. fort autumn of 1810, other in Mar., June 30th, 1772, after 18 ex- months' and days' absence. 1811 ; both abandoned the 23 pedition May 2d, 1811, a little Hearne was thus the first above Platte r. white man who ever traversed Harrison, Edward, 203, 214, 221, the Barren Grounds, lately 224, 236, 237, 238, 244, 246, 248, exploited by Warburton Pike, 255, 258, 259 Caspar Whitney, and others. Harris, William, clerk and interp. Regarding the question which N. W. Co., LePic, 1804 some have raised of his found- Harry, a Kanaka, 868 ing Cumberland Ho., his Hastings 1., 611 own statements are (I cite 2d Hat pt., 7 ed., 8vo, Dublin, 1796): "In the Hauteur de Terre, 11, see Height spring of the year 1775, when of Land I was building Cumberland Haviland, Man., 415 House," p. 34. "An inland Hawaii, 846 settlement that I established Hawes, Jasper, 641 for the Hudson's Bay Com- Hawkesbury, 40 pany in the year 1774," p. 266. Hawley, Minn., 147 " When I was at Cumberland Hawse, Haws, Jasper, 613, 641 House, in the Fall of 1774," " Fall of Hayes r. , see York r. p. 378. In the 1774, Hay 1., 611 when I first settled at Cum- hazel trees, 815 berland House," p. 435. He " Hazleton, Minn., 84 says, p. 436, that his crew

Headingly, Man., 288 . . . consisted only of eight Hearne, Samuel, 472, 474. His Englishmen and two of the first journey, from Prince of home Indians from York Wales fort and return, Nov. Fort," and that " Cumberland 6th-Dec. nth, 1769, was a House was the first inland failure from desertion of his settlement the [H. B.] com- Indians under Chawchinahaw. pany made." His only two white men were Heart brook, 583 Wm. Isbester and Thomas Heaslip, Man., 415 Merriman. Second journey Hebert, Baptiste, N. W. Co., Red Left P. of W. fort Feb. 23d, Deer 1., 1798-99 1770, with three Northern and Hebert, Joseph. N. W. Co., Red two Southern Inds., and no Deer 1., 1798-99 proceeded to Aug. Hecla, Man., whites ; 453 12th, about 63° 10', broke quad- He Dog, a Cree, 703 rant, and decided to return. Heiburg, Minn., 143 Reached the fort Nov. 25th, Height of Land, Athabasca Pass, 1770, after a fruitless journey 668, 669 of 8 months and 22 days. Height of Land between Hudson waters, Third journey : Left the fort .and Mexican 143 Dec. 7th, 1770, v/ith the guide Height of Land between Sask. and Athabascan waters, Matonabbe ; reached Copper 565, Mine r. July 13th, 1771, at a 566, 573 place where it was 180 yards Height of Land, Howse Pass, 508, wide, shoal, with three falls in 607, 674, 675, 688, 690, 692, 693, massacred 718 sight ; his Inds. INDEX. 961

Height of Land, Kam. route, 218, Heron, Mr., at Fort Alexander, 247 Bas de la Reviere, with Cre- Height of Land 1., in Minn., 146 bassa, July, 1817 Height of Land, Nicollet's, 143 Heron rap. and sta., Mont., 673 Height of Land, N. border of On- Herring rap., 673 tario, 29, 217 Herse, Joseph, clerk N. W. Co., Height of Land, Peace r., 898 Torch 1., 1804 Height of Land, Pigeon River Hesperocichla naevia, 816, 835 route, 277 Hesse, Charles, 228, 231, 238, 244, Height of Land p.. Pigeon River 250, 251, 259, was with Bos- route, 8, 11, 203 tonnais Pangman, Alexander Height of Land, South Pass, 882 Fraser and others at Pembina Heinbrucks, see Steinbruck River post on its capture by Helix fidelis, 840 H. B. Co., Mar. 20th, 1816 Helix pomatia, 753 He that Speaks Cree, an Assini- Hendrum, Minn., 143 boine, 742 Heney, Hugh, 424, 425,426 Hetu, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., Henley ho., H. B. Co., Albany r., Athabasca, 1804 above the forks, ca. 1744 Hidatsa, Hidatsan, Hidatsas, 322, Hennepin, Louis, 505, 872 323, 352, 530, 733 Henny, H., 424, see Heney High Bluff parish and sta., Man.,

Henry, , unidentified, 620 290

Henry, Alexander, one, is said to High Craneberry r. , 82 have been killed at Fort Nel- Highlanders, 472 son, winter of 1813-14 (before Highwood r., 704 Jan. 15th, 1814) higua, 753

Henry, Alexander, sen., 7, 13, 20, Hilaire, , 624 Hill, 23, 27, 32, 35, 37, 122, 465, 470, , seaman, 764, 765, 774, 775 472, 474, 481, 487, 867 Hillier, Capt., 762 Henry, Alexander, the author of Hill, James J., 80 this book, is not indexed Hill of the Murdered Scout, 313 Henry, Andrew, 752, 787, 843, Hill, Quartermaster, 770 867, 885 Hill, Robert, of Albany, N. Y., " Henry," Hugh, 424, see Heney ordinary seaman on the Ton- " Henry, J.," occurs in Franchere, quin from N. Y. Sept. 6th, in connection with the Atha- 1810, to the Columbia Mar. basca Pass 22d, 1811 Henry, Robert, 584, 767, settled in Hillsboro, N. Dak., 142 Cobourg in 1817 and d. there Hillyard, Hillyer, Capt., 762 1859, aged 81 years; wife d. Hind, H. Y., 306, 453, 455, 468, 1865, aged 79 years 475, 483 Henry's (Andrew's) Fork of Snake Hnausa, Man., 451 r., 752, 787, 843, 844, 867, 882, Hoback, John, 885, 887 884, 885 Hoback's r., 844, 857, 872, 874 Henry's (Andrew's) post, 844 Hobbema sta.. Alb., 635 Henry's (William's) camp, 642 Hobhough, John, 887 Henry's (William's) ho., 642 Hodgkin's pt., 673 Henry, William, 253, 258, 270,273, Hoffman, Dr. W. J., 125 275, 276, 285, 288, 292, 422, Hohe, 522 424, 429, 440, 608, 627, 641, Holbrook, HoUbroke, on C. and 642, 646, 650, 653, 654, 669, E. Ry., 636 752, 757, 777. 797, Sio, 814, Holdane, Mr. (probably Mr. John 815, 831, 854, 860, 868, 892, Haldane), left Fort Duncan, 893, 908, 910, 913 Nepigon, with D. W. Har- Henry, William, another, 253, 641 mon, Dr. J. McLaughlin, and Hepburn, Mr., on Franklin's first others, Aug. 13th, 1S07, en expedition, 1821 route to Red 1., vv'here he win- heron, a bird, 103 tered ;

962 INDEX.

compare Hoole, Holden, , probably meaning Houle, , 442, Mr. John Haldane, was found Jacques by D. Thompson at Winnipeg Houle, Frangois Capois, jun., 442 ho., Bas de la Riviere, with Houle, Louis, 302, 303, 442, com- one Ducette, and one Chau- pare Hool, Louis Joseph rette, Chauvette, or Charrette House, Mr., H. B. Co., 479, 547. Hollow Hill cr., 564 599, 605, 627, 656 of Holmes, , tailor N. W. Co., House Commons, 301 left Fort George on the Col- Howard, Thos. P., 914 umbia Apr. 16th, 1817, over- Howes, Josp., 641, see Hawes, land for Fort William; at Jasper mouth of Canoe r. was sent Howse pass, 508, 569, 607, 640, back to Spokane ho. with six 674, 681, 689, 692, 703, 900 other invalided voyageurs Hubbough, John, 887 was wrecked, sustained life Hubert, Simon, some time by cannibalism, Hudson House by Mr. Turner, died, and was eaten in turn 487 by La Pierre and Dubois Hudson House by Mr. Tomison, Holmes' isl., 487 489 Holmes, Mr., 487 Hudsonian waters, 21, 143, 217 Holmes, Samuel, 487 Hudson's bay, 8, 29, 38, 41, 44. 580 Holt, , H. B. Co., killed with 145, 256, 462, 465, 472, 473. Gov. Semple and others near Hudson's Bay Co., 20, 21, 22, 26, Fort Douglas June 19th, 1816 35, 36, 38, 44. 46, 50, 79. 81, Honore, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., 146, 167, 187, 189, 190, 194, Fond du Lac, 1804 196, 198, 202, 213, 216, 220, Hoole, Jacques, b. in France, 223, 237, 255, 265, 266, 275, soldier in Scotland in 1745, 276, 277, 280, 281, 291, 293, wounded and captured at 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, Culloden, exchanged and sent 329. 345. 352. 355. 356, 416. to Canada, engaged in old 424, 425. 426, 427. 438, 440. American war, present at bat- 463, 466, 468, 472, 474, 475, tle of Abraham Plains, ar- 477. 479. 484. 487. 489. 490. rested in carrying Montcalm 500, 503. 505. 507. 531. 533. into Quebec; turned farmer 541, 545, 546, 551. 552, 558. and married; sergeant of the 559. 560, 563, 566, 568, 569, militia in the Revolutionary 574. 578, 579. 580, 589, 591. war; wounded at siege of 592, 593. 594. 598. 599. 600, Quebec, and lame for life; 601, 604, 605, 606, 607, 609, left the army for the life of 611, 612, 614, 616, 617, 619, 655, a free trapper ; went west, 627, 633, 649, 653, 654, and was killed by Blackfeet in 656, 659, 662, 664, 666, 668, 1814, aged 92; was long known 669, 670, 671, 672, 675, 734, as Pere Hoole 742, 745. 746. 761. 766, 767, Hool, Louis Joseph, 301, 303, 442 778, 782, 784, 792, 895 Hope sta., Idaho, 673 Hudson's Hope, new, 489, 512, 642 Horse cr., 503, 627 Hudson's Hope, old, 489, 512, 642 Horse Hill cr., 567 Hxidson's ho. on Sask. r., 489, 642 American, Horse hills, 567, 581, 594, 620 Hughes, , an 275 Horse isl., 461 Hughes, James, 255, 278, 279, 474, Horse 1., 566 508, 543, 566, 568, 570,583.584. 600, 617, 626, 628, , r. 596, Horse Pond cr. br. Medicine , 739 585, 594, Horse Pound cr. or r., 638, 639, 655. 663. 745. 7S2, 791 640 hummingbirds, S89 Horseshoe fort or ho., 506, 554, Huneau, , 265 581, 784 Hungry Hall, 477, 480 Co., horsetails, 667, 752 Hunot, J. J., voy. N. W. Up- horse-thief executed, 552 per Red r., 1804 INDEX. 963

Hunter's isl., 217 Iroquois Inds., 550, 610, 641, 643, Hunter's Lodge, on Athabascan 647, 704, 734, 839, 908 headwaters, 1814, sonamedby Iroquois, Pierre, of N. W. Co., Franchere, p. 23S Kara., 1804. Such Inds. in Hunting hill, 618 the service often took their Hunting 1., 673 tribal name as surname or Huntington, J. V., 748, 762 soubriquet in addition to a Hunt, Wilson Price, 760, 764, 790, baptismal name. See Ignace, 795, 841, S42, 843, 844,845,847, Thomas, etc. 848, 849, 850, S51, 852, 853, 854, Irving, Washington, 215, 221, 556, 857, 859, 860, 861, 864, 866, 867, 748, 749, 750, 758, 760, 769, 771, 871, 873, 874, 882, 883, 884,885, 783, 78S, 7S9, S42, 843, 845, 846, 886 847, 856, 873, 874,881,882, 883, Huot, Minn., 127, 128 854, 886 Huron, N. Dak., 79 Isaac's ho., 482 Hurricane hills, 308 Isaac Todd, the, a ship, 279, 762, Hurteau, J., S72, 874, 875 763. 773. 774. 778, 779. 792,826, Hurteau, Pierre, 872 841, 847, 866, 868, 893, 894, 895, hurtleberries, 753 896, 899, 900, 902, 903, 904, 905, Husavik, Man., 451 906, 907, 909, 912, 915, 916 Hutchins, Mr., succeeded Hum- Isham, Charles, 561 phrey Martin at Fort Albany, Isherwood P. O., Ont., 21 1774 Island falls, 218 Hutchison, Lieut., 779 Island fort or ho., on N. Sask. r., hyaquau, 753 above Fort George, 562, 585, Hyodon tergisus, 444 615 Island ho., on N. Sask. r., lower, 503 Island ho., on Winnipeg r., 28 Icelander's r., 451 Island of Festivals, 468 Icelandic r., 451 Island p., Kam. route, 217

Icelandic River, Man., 451 Island p., Winnipeg r. , 28, 553 Idaho, 667, 672, 673, 675, 707, 709, Isle a la Biche, 37, 264 710 Isle a la Crosse, 223, 279, 557, 561, Ignace, an Iroquois, 647, 860, 908 580, 581, 582, 584, 589,600,604, Ignace's boy and woman, 891 611, 628, 777 lie aux Fraises, 801 Isle a la Crosse ho., N. W. Co., Illinois, 550 580, 581. The H. B. Co. ho. Illinois r., 303, 384, 735 there was captured by the N. ilots de maisons, 66 W. Co., winter of 1816-17. Ilthkoyape falls, 51, 442, 647, 705, The N. W. Co. ho. was in 776 charge of McMurray and Og-

Immell, , 735 den when R. Cox passed, impounding buffalo, 518, 576, 577 June 26th, 1817. The two India, 365 houses }( m. apart Indiamen, 762 Isle a la Crosse 1., 619 Indian Head, 522 Isle aux Festion, Festins, 468 Indian Pear Island 1., 471 Isle de Fer, 453 Indian Portage bay, 39 Isle de la Traverse, Cedar 1., 466 Inds., see names of linguistic fam- Isle d'Encampement, 456, 458

ilies, tribes, and individuals Isle du Passage, Redr. , 117 Inglis, John, 255 Isle Jesus, 188, 249 Invincible, ship, 202, 214, 216, 221 Islel., 565 lowas, 187 Islenois r., 384 Iron cr., 499, 620, 622 islettes ^de bois, 66 Iron isl., 453 Isles d'Ecorce, traverse of, in Iron 1., 16 Lake Winnipeg (Ross Cox, Iron Stone, a place, 622 p. 277), is evidently Henry's 964 INDEX.

"traverse of Bark island": voy. was pub. London, 4to, see Bark isl. 1633 Isthmus of Darien, 814 James' cr., 618 Itasca CO., Minn., 20, 21, is badly James, Dr. Edwin, 3, 18, 20, 41, named, for Lake Itasca is not 47, 70, 82, 97, 98, 263, 291, 425, in it, and an erroneous impres- 733 sion is thus conveyed regard- James' falls, 30 ing the source of the Missis- James, Mr., wintered at Lac sippi. The trouble was the Esturgeon, 1778 ignorance of Minnesota leg- James' p., 31 islators in 1849, when even James r., br. of Red Deer r., 702 the Rev. E. D. Neill, then James r., in N. Dak., 144 fresh from his Illinois min- James' Tanner's Narr., see James, istry, had not acquired the Dr. E., and Tanner, J. information he subsequently Jane, the, a boat, 749, 901, 902, possessed, or at any rate 903, 906, 907, see Dolly did not use his influence Jarves, Jarvis, 443, see Gervais

to prevent a misnomer. Jarvis, , 584 The credit of fixing appropri- Jarvis, Mr., 583 ate names of six or eight Min- Jasmin, Michel, 226, 227 nesota counties is mainly due Jasper ho., 613, 640, 641, 642, 759 to the late Mr. A. J. Hill of Jasper 1., 641 St. Paul, who once wrote me Jeboint. Paul, interp. N. W. Co., that he should always regret Upper Red r., 1804

that he was not so successful Jellifaux, , 612 in this case Jemmerck, 605, 620 Itasca 1., 143, 146 Jennings, Mont., 673 Ixodes, 180 Jeremie, P. D., 773 Jerome, 544, 545, 555. 557. 584. 5S7. 599, 603, 604, 620, 623, 627 Jerome, Jerome, Mr., 280, 544 Jerome, Pierre, 544 brook or cr., see Gervais Jacco's 650, 679 Jervis, , 443, . Jack cr., 501 Jesmin, Michel, 227 Jackfish isl., 20 Jewett map, 21, 146 Jackfish r., Ijr. of N. Sask. r., 501 Jewish dogma, 529 Jackfish r., trib. to Lake Winni- Jnumell, 735 peg, 456 Jobin, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. W. Jackhead isl., 455 Co., Upper Red r., 1804 Jacko's brook, 679 Jobin, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., Jack r., 456 Fort des Prairies, 1804 Jack's falls, 31 Jocquot's son, 757 Jackson cr., 308 Jodoin, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., Jacob's band, 522 Fond du Lac, 1804 Jacob's falls, 31 Joe, 849, 877, 878, 891, 893, 909, Jaco's, Jacqucos, or Jacques', see Ashton, Joseph brook or cr., 507, 607, 650, John Day r., 856

679, 698, 699 John Gray's r. , 884 Jacques, 667, 670 Johnston, John, of Irish extraction, Jacques r., 144 came to Canada aged about Jaloux, Joseph, 555, 872, 875 20, began as freeman at La Jamaica, 814 Pointe, winter 1791-92; mar- Jambes Croches, 54, 97 ried dau. of Wabogish or James, a servant of Mr. A. Mc- White Fisher; settled at S. S.

Kenzie, drowned at Fort Wil- Marie, d. there 1828 ; his liam Aug. 2d, 1812 dau. became Mrs. H. R.

James' bay, 426, 484, named for Schoolcraft : see Kingsford, Capt. Thomas James, whose Dominion Monthly, July, 1881, INDEX. 965

and Masson, II. 1890, pp. 135-174

Joli, ^— , of N. W. Co.. Fort Kababeka falls, 218 Chipewyan, winter 1799-1800 Kabetogama 1. , 18 Jolie Butte, 606 Kagohami, 329 Jolies Prairies, 666 Kahpetogamak 1., 18 Joliet, Minn., 84 Kakabeka falls, 218 JoUet, , voy. N. W. Co., Upper Kakepenais res., 34 Red r. , 1804 Kalama r. , 796 Jollifou, , engage N. W. Co., Kalapooian family, 812, 814 Assin. r., winter 1793-94 Kalispel Inds., 709 •Joncquard, Chrysostome, 302, 303 Kalispelm, 709 Jones. , 735 Kalispel, Mont., 709 Jones. Benjamin, 857, 871, 881. 884 Kalisteno, 505, see Knisteneaux Jordan, Martin, was at Fort Gib- Kalo, 756 raltar on Red r. , when it was Kamanatekwoya, Kamanaitequo- seized by C. Robertson for ya, Kamanistiquoia, Kaminis- the H. B. Co., Apr., 1816; was tikia, Kaministi Kweya, Kam- witness in the Semple case at inistiqa, Kaministiqua, 220, Toronto, Oct. 1818 see next Joseph, a Nipissing Ind., with D. Kaministiquia, 7. 17, 187, 216. 217, Thompson on the Columbia, 219, 220, 224, 246, 248, 258, 260, 1811 276, 277, 279, 280, 282, 283, 284, Joseph, an Iroquois, 610, 626 423, 424, 474, 508, 509, 556, 569, Joseph 1., 611 580, 581, 583, 603,608,630, 747, Joshua, a Kanaka, 875 782, 784, 791, 870, 871, 872, 873, Jourdain, Joseph, guide N. W. 874 Co., Rainy 1., 1804; witness Kaministiquia r., 217, 218, 219, in the Semple case, Toronto, 774 Oct., 1818. Name also found Kaministiquia route, 51, 188, 211, as Jourdains. He was b. 212, 215, 216, 217, 218, 222, 223, Nore, Lower Can., and was 247, 442, 569, 759, 778, 792 engage N. W. Co., on Red Kaministiquia trade in 1806, 284 r. 1815-16, at Pembina River , 787 post Mar. 20, 1816, when it Kamtschatka, 788, 815 was captured by the H. B. Co. Kanakas, 756, 764, 777, 783 Joutel's Nam, 346 Kananaskis, Alb., 705 Joyalle, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., Kananaskis r., 705 Upper Red r. , 1804 Kaninaviesch, 384 Juan de Fuca straits, 84S Kanisku r., 673 Juan Fernandez, 763 Kansas, 289 Judge, a person, 867 Kan toko r., 145 Juggernaut, 365 Kaomenakashe r., 63 jumping deer, 305, 634 Kapel r. , 300, see Qu'Appelle r. Jumping Deer hills, 624 Kapepoonoway, 584 Jumping Pound r., 704 Kariume, Wm., 871, 873 Juneau, Laurent Solomon, b. near Kash-ke-bu-jes-pu-'qua- ne -shing, Montreal Aug. 9th, 1793, son 468 of Francois Juneau dit La Kaskaskia, 111., 311 Tulipe and Therese Galar- Katapawi-sipi, 300 neau; incorrectly reputed first Kay, Alex., 303 white man at Milwaukee, but Kay, Alexander, trader from Mon- was not there till 1818, and treal 1784, died of wounds re- had been preceded there since ceived in an affray with Inds. d. 1777; Nov. 13th, 1856 at Two Mountains 1. Aug, Juniper isl. , 456 28th, 1785 Jussaume, Jussome, Jussomme, Kaygecaon, 53 Rene, 301, 302, 333, 401 Keasseno, 797, see Casino —

966 INDEX.

Keating's Exped. 22, Kingston, Ont.. 216 Long's , 3, 23, 27, 41, 44, 55, 61, 63, 82, 145, Kinistineaux, 382, 510, 533, 534, 146 535. 536, 537. see Kn-. Keating, Wm. H., 3, 22, 23, 27, 28, Kino Inds., 524 31, 32, 33, 34, 61, Kinosota, Man., 208 63, 68, 69, 81, 82, 144, 145, 146, Kinwow bay, 457 147, 220, 221, 263 Kishathenis. an Ind., guided D. Keewatin, 28, 38, 460, name given Thompson from Seepaywisk " as meaning " north wind ho. to York factory. May 28th Ke-ez-a-no, appar. same name as -July 2 1 St, 1793 Casino, found in Townsend's Kisiscachiwin, Kisiskatchewan r., Narr., 1839, P- 237, where a 642, see Sask-. son of this chf. is said to have Kitche Amicks, 449 died 1836 Kitchimanitou, 129 Keina, see Blood Inds. kits, 723, 817. It maybe a ques- Keith, George, 782 tion whether the "kits" of Keith, James, 757, 776, 781, 782, this work were not coyotes. 786, 788, 791, 822, 823, 828, 832, Cams latraiis, and not kit 835- 851, 853, 856, 857, 858, 875 foxes, Vulpes velox, as there Keith, Joseph, 782 is otherwise no mention of Keith, Mr., of X. Y. Co., is found the former as probably a mistake for Kitson, George, was at Sault Ste. Leith, Mr. Marie, Sept. 13th, 1797 Kejeechewon r., 462, see Sask. r. Kittson CO., Minn., 69, 84 Kellsey, Henry, 38 Kituanaha, Kitunalia, Kitunahan, Kenewkauneshewayboant, 291 550, 706, 708 Kennedy, Minn., 84 Klanoh Klatklam, 550 Kent, Minn., 148 Klaskanine r., 750 Kentuckian, Kentucky hunter, Klein, Michael, voy. N. W. Co., 885 Athabasca, 1804 Kerry's 1., 512 Klikitats, 827

Kettle falls, Columbia r. , 51, 442, Knee Hills cr., 618 647. 705, 761, 767. 7S3. 784. 791. Knife 1. and p., 13 see Ilthkoyape falls Knife r., 322, 323, 329, 337, 345,

Kettle falls, Rainj? r. , 17, 18, 20 347. 358, 396, 397 Kettle isl.,468 Koaster, Johann, 749 Keveny, Owen, 98 Kocheche-se-bee r., 18 Keyassno, Kiasno, Kier.sinno, 797, Koo-Koo-Sint, 748 see Casino Kootanae, 550, see Kootenay Kicking Horse r., 606 Kootanae ho., 508, 672 Kilamox, 858 Kootanae 1., 672 Kildonan church, parish, 43 Kootanae lakes,/. <^^'., Columbian, r. Kilhowanakel , 750 672 Killamuck, Killimux, Killymucks, Kootanae plains, 507,686 812. 867, 858 Kootanae pound, 690 r. King George, 758 Kootanae , 440, 508, 672,694, see King isl., 777 Columbia r. King, James, of N. W. Co., upper Kootanai, Kootanaie, Kootanie, Fort des Prairies and Rocky 550, see Kootenay

Mt. dept., 1799 Kootenae r. , 669, see Columbia r.- King, Mr., unidentified, 216, 561, Kootenae road, 675 whether one person or two. Kootenai, 550, see Kootenay One Mr. King, of X. Y. Co., Kootenay camps, old, 687 then N. W. Co., clerk to J. Kootenay chf., 674 McDonald of Garth, was Kootenay falls, 673, 707 killed by Mr. La Mothe, clerk Kootenay ho., 278, 554, 556, 606, to P. de Rocheblave, in 1801 648, 656, 674, 675, 677, 691, 694, Kingsley, Man., 418 708, 782, 871 INDEX. 967

Kootenay ho., modern, 707 W. Co., Fort des Prairies, Kootenay Inds., 51, 443, 550, 556, 1804 611, 672, 690, 703, 704, 705, 707, La Bonte, , one of two per- 708, 757, 7SS, 871, 899 sons, 872, 875, see next two Kootenay 1., 672, 707, 710 La Bonte, Benjamin, 867 Kootenay Pare or Park, 6go, 691, La Bonte, Louis, 867, 868, 878 695 La Boucane, ,613, 614 Kootenay plains, 611, 627, 644, 646, Labouchere channel, 777 64S, 650, 651, 686, 688, 690, 691, Labrador, 84 696, 697, 701 La Branche, Francois, voy. N. W. Kootenay r., 300, 440, 606, 627, 656, Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804 672, 673, 675, 694, 704, 705, 706, La Breche, an Ind., 674 707, 708, 710, 868 Labrie, Felix, brother of Joseph

Kootenay r. , 677, see Columbia r. and Pierrot, N. W. Co., Fort Kootenuha, 550, see Kootenay Chipewyan, 1 799-1 800 Kootones plains, 686 Labrie, Joseph, brother of Felix Kootonois, 550, see Kootenay and Pierrot, N. W. Co., Fort Kowilitzk, Kowlitch r., 796, 839 Chipewyan, 1 799-1 Soo Krees, 533, see Crees Labrie, Pierrot, brother of Felix Kullyspel, KuUyspellho., 606. 672, and Joseph, N. W. Co., Fort 673. 674 Chipewyan; died of frozen Kullyspel, Kullyspell Inds., 709, feet Dec. i6th, 1799 711 Lac, for most lakes of following Kullyspel, Kullyspell 1., 672, 674, list, see under Lake, and also 675, 709,711 see English equivalents of the Kutani, 550, see Kootenay French phrases Kutchin, 524 Lac a Flambeau, 883 Kutenay, 550, see Kootenay Lac a Fumee, 564, 615 Kuttlespelm, 709 lacaishe, 444 Kyeassino, 797, see Casino Lac a la Biche, 237, 580, see Lac la Biche Lac a la Biche, another, 636 Lac a la Crosse, 574, 580, 5S1, see L', La, for words beginning thus, Isle a la Crosse not in following list, see same Lac a la Loche, 600 names without L', La Lac a la Pluie, 18, see Lac la Pluie

La Barbue, , 674 Lac a la^ Queue de Loutre, 149 La Barthe, Louis, 869, 904, 915 Lac a I'Eturgeon, 472, see Pine La Batte, Jacques, voy. N. W. Island 1. Co., English r., 1804 Lac a rOrignal, 466 La Batte, Michel, voy. N. W. Co., Lac au Flambeau, 873 Athabasca, 1804 Lac aux Cariboux, 600 La Berdash, Sucre's son, 53, see Lac aux Outardes, 9 Berdash Lac aux Voleurs, 130, 192

Laberge, , 630 Lac Bourbon, 38, 270, 465, 470 La Berge, Louis, 630 Lac de Bois, 22 La Biche, an Ind., 429 Lac de Bois Blanc, 148 La Biech, Francis, 914 Lac de Bonne, 32

La Bissoniere, , N. W. Co., Lac de Bourbon, 38 on Musquawegun 1., Rat Lac de Flambeau, 266 River country, 1804-05; prob- Lac de la Graine Rouge, 592 ably same as next Lac de la Marte, 487 Labissoniere, Louis, voy. N. W. Lac de la Pluie, 18, see Lac la Pluie

Co., Rat r. , 1804 Lac de I'lsle a la Crosse, 619 La Blanche, Chinook woman, 750 Lac de Sable, 150 Labombarde, Joseph, N. W. Co., Lac des Asiliboils, Assenepolis, Kam., 1804 Assinebouels, Assinipoils, As- Labombarde, Joseph, bis, voy. N. sinipoualacs, 37 968 INDEX.

Lac des Boeufs, 489 La Chenille, a Cree, 591 Lac des Bois, 14, 22, 70, 85, 217, Lachevrotiere, Joseph, voy. N. W. 248 Co., Red Lake dept., 1804 Lac des Buttes, or Lake of the Lachine, 80, 234, 278, 279, 603 Hills, is Lake Athabasca Lac la Biche, 199, 573, 609, 612, Lac des Chiens, 267, 280, 282 614, 616 Lac des Christineaux, Cristinaux, Lac la Croche, 15 37 Lac la Croix, 16, 17, 215, 217, 218, Lac des Couteaux, 13 223 Lac des Deux Montagnes, 234 Lac la Nonne, 566 Lac des Isles, 22 Lac la Pluie, 14, 15, 18, 20, 173, Lac des Isles, 2S3 175, 188, 199, 200, 217, 219, 224, Lac des Isles, 574 232, 246, 248, 280, 282,345,439, Lac des Killistinaux, Killisti- 539. 626 noes, Killistinons, Kinistinoes, Lac la Pluie Inds., 192, 193, 447 Knistineaux, Kristineaux, 37 Lac la Roche, in D. Thompson's Lac des Mille Lacs, 199, 217, 218 MS. Sept. 13th, 1804, is Atha- Lac des Pierres a Fusil, 11 pupuskow 1. Lac des Placottes, 420 Lac la Rouge, Minn., 51, 81 Lac des Prairies, 207 Lac la Rouge, Missinipi waters, Lac des Serpents, 223, 439 187, 216, 897 Lac des Sioux, 22 Lac le Mecan, 17 Lac des Voleurs, 126 Lac Mille Lacs, 280, 282 Lac de Travers, 148, 149 Lac Namaycan, 17 Lac de Travers of Franchere is Lacombe, Alb., 637 Cross 1. on Sask. r. Lacombe, Aug., voy. N. W. Co., Lac de Vivere, 616 Fort des Prairies, 1804 Lac d'Orignal, 278 Lacombe, Pere, 208 Lac du Bois, 22 Lac Orignal, 466 Lac du Bonnet, 32, 217 La Come, see Corne, and Fort la Lac du Brochet, 588 Corne

Lac du Diable, 523, 553, 606 La Corneille, , 670 Lac du Diable, N, Dak., 121, 145, La Coste, Francois Xavier, was on 286 Willamette r. 1832-42 Lac du Hauteur des Terres, 11 La Course, ,668,671. One of Lac du Male, 664 this surname, perhaps the

Lac du Pichou, 667 ; for the name, same, appears as Canadian compare what is said under engage P. F. Co., Astoria, Tete aux Pichaux 1812

Lac du Placotte, 82 Lacouture, , 212 Lac du Serpent, see Lac des Ser- Lacouture, Frangois, 212 pents Lac Passeau, 14

La Certe, , 580 Lac Plat, Lake of the Woods, Lacerte, Bon., 580 23

Lachance, , 50, see Lafrance, Lac Plat, Man., 289, 290 J. B. Lac qui Frame, qui Fume, 615

Lachance, , coureur des bois, Lacroix, , voy. N. W. Co., killed at Fort aux Trembles, Rat r., 1804

fall of 1780 Lacroix, , X. Y. Co., near Fort Lachance, Charles, voy. N. W. Chipewyan, 1800

Co., English r. , 1804 La Croix Ind. vill., 17

La Chapelle, , with S. Fraser Lacrosse 1., 580 to the Pacific Lacs des Q]^ufs, 586 La Chapelle, Andre, 862, 886, 887 Lacs du Placotte, 82 La Charette, Mo., 423 Lac Seul, 505 La Charite, Fran9ois, voy. c.-m. Lac Traverse, 464 N. W. Co., Red Lake dept., Lac Vaseux, 468 1804 Ladder p., 11 INDEX. 969

La Deroute, Philibert, engage N. Lafreniere, Jean Baptiste, voy, W. Co., at capture of Fort N. W. Co., Torch 1., 1804 William, Aug. 13th, 1816 Lafreniere, Pierre, N. W. Co.,

Ladouceur, , 553, 582 named by D. Thompson with Ladouceur, Joseph, 554 Antoine, Red Deer 1., 1798-99 Ladouceur, Louis, 554 Lagace, Andre, 50, see Lagasse, A. Ladouceur, Simeon, 554 Lagace, Charles, 51, see Lagasse, Lafantaisie, Jacques, 873, 875 C. Lafantuese, Jas., 875, same as the Lagard, Joseph, interp. N. W. last Co., Fond duLac, 1804 Lafarge, engage N. W. Co., Rainy Lagasse, Andre, 50, 73, 77, 78, 1., July 22d, 1798 117, 118, 120, 229, 233, 234, 235 La Faux, a Cree, 548, 587, 591 Lagasse, Charles, 51, 634, 674, 703,

La Fleur, , N. W. Co., uniden- 704, 874 tified, was in charge of a post, Lagassers, see Lagasse, A. 1800 La Gimondiere, , 632 La Fleur, Baptiste, interp. N. W. Lagimoniere, Mme., 427 Co., at Fort Dunvegan on Lagopus Leucurus, 687 Peace r., 1808- under Harmon, La Grave, , 303

09 ; he had a brother supposed La Grave, Frangois, 302, 303 to have been drowned or Lahina, 846 killed by Inds. between Rocky Laird res., 29 Mt. and St. p. John's on Peace Lajeunesse, , 221

r., spring of 1809 ; compare Lajeunesse, , 554, 555, 593, 616, last and two ne.xt 629 La Fleur, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. Lajimoniere, Baptiste, 427 W. Co., Fort Dauphin, 1804 Lajimoniere, Mme., 426 La Fleur, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., Lajoie, Joseph, voy. c.-m., N. W. Le Pic, 1804 Co., Nepigon, 1804 Lafond, Charles, 870 Lake, see names of lakes, besides Lafond, Joseph, S70 following list, also Lac

Lafontaine, , Lake, chf. 573, 582, 870 a , 367 Lafontaine, Joseph, 573 Lake Athabasca, 223, 293, 532 Lafonte, , 870, compare Le- Lake Bourbon, 38 fond Lake Champlain, 773 Lafortune, , Canadian hun- Lake co., Minn., 13, 16 ter, soldier under C. M. Lang- Lake Craw-shaw-bau-way-gaw- lade, married an Ottawa, and maw, 130, 141 lived near Michilimackinac Lake Dauphin, 176

La Fortune, , 668 Lake de Bourbon, 465 Lafournaise, Joseph, voy. N. W. Lake des Isles, 23 Co., Fort des Prairies, 1804 Lake du Bois, 14 Laframboise, Alexandre, 869 Lake Farquhar, 309 Laframboise, Michel, 757, 868, 869, Lake Indian road, 673, 675 905, 909 Lake Itasca, 143, 146

La France, , 50, 293 Lakeland, Man., i La France, Antoine, 50, 77 Lake Lome, 81 La France, Jean Baptiste, 50 Lake Louisa, 81 La France. Lafrance, Jean Bap- Lake McLeod, 212 tiste, 301, 302, 329, 332, 345 Lake Maninthonobanc, Mani- La France, Joseph, 18, 22 thoubane, 224, 291, see next

La Freniere, , 219 Lake Manitoba, i, 38, 41, 175, 176, Lafreniere, A., is listed as voy. 203, 207, 208, 236, 237, 244, 289, N. W. Co., Rat r., 1804, prob- 290, 291, 451, 873 ably same as next Lake Manitou, 244 La Freniere, Antoine, N. W. Co., Lake Manitouabanc, Manitou- is named by D. Thompson, bane, 41, 208, 236, see Lake Red Deer 1., 1798-99 Manitoba 970 INDEX.

Lake Micane, 17 La Loche p., see Methy p. Lake Nepigon, 223, 283 La Londe, Lalonde, Lallonde,

Lake of the Crees, 37 . 233 Lake of the Hills, 510, 511 Lalonde, Jean Baptiste, 233 Lake of the Island of Sand La Mar, see Lamarre, S.

Mounds, 23 La Marche, , 664 Lake of the Kris, 37 Lamarche, Charles, 664 Lake of the Meadows, 208 Lamarre, Antoine, voy. N. W, Lake of the Sand Hills, 23 Co., Fort des Prairies, 1804 Lake of the Two Mountains, 788 Lamarre, Seraphim, clerk and in- Lake of the Woods, 6, 18, 21, 22, terp. N. W. Co., Fond duLac, 23, 24, 25, 26, 46, 69, 70, 80, 1804; at capture of Fort Gib- 217 raltar, Mar. 17th, 1816

Lake Saganaga, 217 Lambert, , 212 Lake St. Ann, 565 Lambert, Antoine, 212 Lake St. Martin, 175, 176,207, 458 Lambert, fitienne, 212 Lake Superior, i, 6, 8, 38, 51, 172, Lambert, Jean Baptiste, 212, 214, 185, 188, 190, 217, 218, 220, 221, 232, 233, 244, 249, 275, 276, 283, 465, 561, 574, 581, 630, 783, 441. 583 872 Lambert, Joseph, 212, 242 Lake Traverse, 145, 146, 147, 263, Lambert, " Mr.," 212 300 Lambert, Pierre, 212 Lake Whiteford, 564 La Mothe, La Motte, Lamotte,

Lake Windigoostigwan, 218 , clerk X. Y. Co., who Lake Winipec, Winipic, 37, 40, killed Mr. King in 1801, 214 149, 193, 199, 215, 216, 224, 239, La Mothe, Germain, voy. N. W. 244, 249, 250, 264, 277, 280, 282, Co., Nepigon, 1804

430, 431, 442, 450, 451, see next Lamoureux, , 629 Lake Winnipeg, 6, 27, 32, 34, 36, Lamoureux, L'Amoureux, Jean 37. 38, 39. 40, 43. 45. 5o. 52, 148, Baptiste, 629 149, 189, 190, 207, 212, 214, 216, lampers, 154 217, 222, 238, 259, 274, 279, 280, Lamsoi, 893, 895, 909

289, 442. 443.451.457.459. 462, Landreaux, j\Ir. , clerk N. W. Co., 467. 507, 555, 5S0, 603, 608, 6ii, at capture of Fort William by 629, 630, 664, 745. 778. 872, 873 Lord Selkirk, Aug. 13th, 1816

Lake Winnipegoosis, 164, 175, 207, Landreville, , 7S2

215, 253, 277, 299, 466,470. 506 Landriau, , given as at cap- Lake Winnipic, 217 ture of Fort William, see Lan-

La Lancette, , X. Y. Co., dreaux

Lake Superior, 1804 Landrie, , 862, at Astoria Lalancette, Antoine, clerk N. W. Landrie, Frangois, 868, 869, 886, Co., Torch 1., 1804 904 La Lancette, Frangois, interp. Landrie, Joseph, 870, 872, at As- and voy. c-m. N. W. Co., Ne- toria pigon, 1804 Landrie, Louis, 862 Frangois, 667, 862, 887, La Lande, , 233 Landry, La Liberte, and see Landrie, F. , 561 La Liberte, Louis, an old voy., Landr3^ Joseph, 872, at Astoria well known in the Ind. coun- Landry, Joseph, dit Cadien, 862 try, witness of the smallpox Landry, Nicolas, 862 epidemic ca. 1781-83, see Ross Land's Height p., 11 Cox, p. 151 and p. 306 Lane, N. Dak., 410 La Liberte, Louis, listed as in- Lange, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., terp. N. W. Co., Fort des Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Prairies, 1804, may or may not Langevin, Denis, voy. N. W. Co., be same as the last Nepigon, 1804 La Liberte, Pierre, voy. N. W. Langie, Frangois, voy. N. W. Co.,

Co., Fort des Prairies, 1804 Upper Red r. , 1804 INDEX. 971

Langlade. Augustin Mouet de himself and father to reside Moras, Sieur de, b. Trois unmolested at Green Bay, Rivieres, Canada, Sept., 1703; from Geo. Etherington, dated formed trading Compagnie Michilimackinac Apr. 13th, des Sioux 1727, and about 1763. Warned Etherington of that time went to Michili- the threatened massacre; wit- mackinac; married Domitilde, nessed it June 4th, 1763; is widow of Daniel Villeneuve reproached by A. Henry, sen., " inhumanity " and sister of head chf . of the for his sordid ; Ottawas; went with his son is said to have saved Ether- Charles Michel de Langlade ington and Leslie from burn- (b. May, 1729), about 1745 to ing at the stake. Took an Green Bay; is of record at active part in leading Inds. in Michilimackinac to 1763; after our Revolutionary War, es- the war continued in trade at pecially in 1777-78. Estab- Bale Verte; d. about 1777 lished at Baye Verte in 1785, Langlade, Charles, son of C. M. when his was one of the 7 Langlade and an Ottawa; families of about 50-60 inhab- settled at Bale Verte, later at itants of the place. Married Michilimackinac, and took at Michilimackinac Aug. 12th, part in the capture of the lat- 1754, Charlotte Ambrosine ter under Roberts in 1812; Bourassa, dau. of Rene Bour- married an Ottawa; had sons assa. Had 2 dau., one of Charles 3d and Louis, and whom, Louise Domitilde, in two daughters 1776 married Pierre Grignon, Langlade, Charles Michel de, b. at age of 17 years. Before at Michilimackinac May, 1729 this Langlade had by an Ot- (baptised May 9th); son of tawa a son Charles. He died Augustin de Langlade and Jan., 1800, and acquired title of a sister of Ottawa chf. La of " Father of Wisconsin." Fourche. Went with his father Langlois (Coloret), Michel, 50, 52, about 1745 to Green Bay. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78, 81, 116, 117. Whipped the English under 132, 134, 152, 153, 154. 155. Braddock, with French and 165, Indians, on Monongahelanear Fort Duquesne July 9th, 1755; was in service at Fort Du- quesne 1756, and Aug. 9th, 1756, ordered by Chevalier Dumas to strike Fort Cumber- land; was in council at Mon- treal 1757, and rendered im- portant services that year; on Sept. 8th, 1757, was orderedby General P. R. de Yaudreuil to be second in command under L. L. V. de Beaujeu at Michilimackinac; was there 1758; left June, 1759, with savages to reinforce Canada and reached Montreal June 23d, 1759; fought on the Plains of Abraham Sept. 3d, 1759; was at Michilimackinac Jan. 7th, 1760; returned to Canada 1760, and was commisionedby King Louis as lieutenant Feb. ist, 1760. Official permit to 972 INDEX.

La Pierre, Antoine, 556 Larocque, Charles, 52, 441 La Pierre, Joseph, or " Joe de," Larocque, Fran§ois Antoine, 50, 556. 873, 875 52, 82, 298, 299, 301, 345, 415, La Pierre, Louis, 556 778

La Plante, , 268, see also Larocque, Jacques, 52 Plante Larocque, J. B., 443

La Plante, , bis, 584, 591 Larocque, Jean Baptiste, jun., 51, La Plante, Joseph, 268 52, 77 La Plante, Louis, 868, 901, 905, Larocque, Jean Baptiste, sen., 51, 906, 907, 915 52, 77, 156, 182 La Plante's r., 505, 549, 593 Larocque, Joseph, 52, 301, 752, La Pointe, Antoine, 226, 442 761, 784, 791, 886, 916 La Pointe, Joseph, 226 Larocque, M. le Chevalier, 301 La Pointe, Michel, 226 Larocque, Pierre, 52 La Pointe, on Lake Superior, 280, La Rondo, -, freeman on 283, 553. 554 French r., Canada, 1817 La Pointe, Supplice, dii Desautel, Laronde, Toussaint, interp. N. engage H. B. Co. under John W. Co., Fond du Lac, 1804

Clarke, Athabasca, 181 5 ; en- Laroque, see Larocque

gage N. W, Co., at capture of La Rose, , 240, see Gere, Fort William Aug. 13th, 18 16 Aimable de La Poitrie, Barthelemy, vo5\ N. Larose, Baptiste, 240 W. Co., Nepigon, 1804 Larose, Frangois, 240 La Prade, Alex., 868, 904 Larose, Jean Baptiste, 240 La Prairie, Canada, 311 La Salle, Man., 55

La Prise, , N. W. Co., Fort Latour, , more than one, uni-

Chipewyan, 1 799-1 800 dentified, 176, 872, 873 Laramee, Frangois, voy. N. W. Latour, Charles, 873

Co. , 1804. Compare Laramie, Latourelle, Jean Baptiste, voy. the common geographical N. W. Co., English r., 1804 name in western U. S. Latour, Frangois, 872, 875 Latour, Louis, La Remme, , 561 873 Large Corn r., 302, see Big- Latour, La Tour, " Mr.," 872, 873

horn r. Lattenville, , N. W. Co., Fort

La Riviere, , a Canadian Chipewyan, 1799 whose wife was dau. of W. Laughton, Gilbert, H. B. Co., F. Wentzel with Magnus Tate on Jack Lariviere, Francois, interp. N. W. Tent r., June 29th, 1790 Co., English r., 1804 Launoir, Hippolyte, N. W. Co., Lariviere, Fran9ois, di's, voy. N. Kam., 1804

W. Co., Upper Red r., 1804 Laurent, , at Astoria, 869, 904 Lariviere, Jean Baptiste, voy. Laurent, Francois, voy. N. W. c.-m. N. W. Co., Red Lake Co., Fond du Lac, 1804 dept., 1804 Laurentian waters, 217 Lariviere, Joachim, voy. N. W. Laurent, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. Co., Nepigon, 1804 W. Co., Fort des Prairies, 1804 La Riviere sta., Man., 418 Laurent, Joseph, appears N. W. Larix americana, 208 Co., Lake Winnipeg. 1799, and Lark, ship, 844, 845, 846, 847, 850, one of same full name was 885, 887 N. W. Co., in Fort Gibraltar its Mar. 17th, 1816 Laroche, , 52, see Larocque at capture. Laroche, Auguste, 52 La Valle, Baptiste, 870

Laroche, Mr., 301, see Larocque, Lavallee, , 870 F. A. Lavallee, Antoine, 870 Ignace, Larocque, , 557 Lavallee, 870 Larocque, Alfred, 301 Lavallee, Jean Baptiste, jun., 1870 Larocque, Antoine, 53, 443 La Vallee, Jean Baptiste, sen., Larocque, Armand, 301 870 INDEX. 973

La Vallee, Louis, S71 or not same as the last, 604, La Vallee, La Vallie, Pierre, 870 608, 611, 617, 620, 626 Lavallee r., 21 Le Borgne, soubriquet of James

Laventure, , 212 Grant, of John McDonald L'Aventure, Louis, 212 (not of Garth), and of one Laventure, Paul, 212 Mr. McKenzie

Laverdure, , 212, several per- Le Cambell, Camble, Campbell, sons, see Robillard, J. B., and 628 : with this wholly uncer- Riquerin, Jos. tain name compare Lacombe, Laverdure, Joseph, 212 Aug.

Lavigne, , 302, see Bourier, Le Camse, Pierre, S71, 874 Ant. Le Cardinal, a Cree, 627, see Car- La Vigne, Augustin, voy. c.-m. N. dinal W. Co., Red Lakedept., 1804, Le Cedre, an Ind., 242 at capture of Fort William, Le Certe, see La Certe Aug. 13th, 1681 Le Chat, Monsieur, soubriqv_ Lavine, Josepk, voy. N. W. Co., Angus Shaw Nepigon, 1804 Le Clair, Antoine, 883

Laviolette, , 244, 291 Le Claire, Batard, 665 Laviolette, Gabriel ALina, 244 Le Clerc, Antoine, 883 Laviolette, Jacques, 244 Le Clerc, Charles, 883 Lazy p., 218 Le Clerc, Fran§ois, 881, 883, 884 Le, for French names beginning Le Clerc, Giles or Gilles, 883, 887 thus, see also without the Le Clerc, Jean Baptiste, 883 definite article in some cases Le Clerc, Pierre, 884

Leaf 1. and r. , 149 Le Comble, Comble, 607, 628, and Lean, Mr. Alex., H. B. Co., ad- see Le Cambell

dressed in a letter from D. Le Compte, , N. W. Co., Fort Thompson dated Duck p., Chipewyan, 1 799-1 800 May 27th, 1796 Le Compte, Augustin, voy. N. W.

Leavings, Alb. , 636 Co., Fond du Lac, 1S04

Le Barbe, , 674 La Compte, Fran9ois H., voj-. N.

Le Barge, , 630 W. Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Le Barte, Louis, 862, 915, see La Le Diec for Le Due, 182 Barthe Ledoux, Jean Baptiste, voy. N.

Le Beau, , engage N. W. Co., W. Co., Fort Dauphin, 1804

Lac avi Flambeau, 1804 Le Due, , 182, 190, see La-

Le Berge, , 630 rocque

Le Blanc, , more than one of Le Due, FranQois, 190 the name, 554, 556, 630, 665, Le Due, Jean Baptiste, 190 671, 704 Leduc sta.. Alb., 635 Le Blanc, Baptiste, half-breed Leech 1., 53, 54, 131, 136, 150, 186, hunter, Flat Head r., 1816 190, 195, 215, 216, 244, 273, Le Blanc, Pierre, 556 274, 275, 427, 42S, 429, 430, 431

Le Boeuf. a chf. , 182. 205, 219, 243, Lee r. , 27, see Sea r.

587 Lefebre, , 872 Le Boeuf Blanc, a chf., 576 Lefebre, Jean Baptiste, 872 Le Boeuf qui Boit, a chf., 544, 568 Lefebre, Pierre, 872

Le Borgne, a Big Belly, Minne- Lefeive, , 872, 875

taree or Hidatsa chf. , 259, 322, Lefcvre, , 872, 875 346, 347, 352, 357. 359. 367. 369. Lefevre, Charles, 872 373. 375. 377. 379. 380, 381, 383, Lefevre, Jacques, 872 385. 386, 387. 3S8, 389, 391, 392, Lefevre, Joseph, 872 393. 394, 395. 396, 403, 404 Lefond, Charles, 870 Le Borgne, an Ojibway, 54 Lefonte, M., 870, 873 Le Borgne, aPiegan chf., 643,654, Le Fou, a Cree, 548, 591

657, 671 Lefoute, , 870, see Lefonte

Le Borgne, on Sask. r., whether Le Gamble, , 628, see Le 974 INDEX.

Cambell, Le Comble, and com- cal Description of the State of pare Lacombe, Aug. Ohio, Indiana Territory, and Legislative and Executive Coun- Louisiana, etc., a rare book, cils, Lower Canada, 214 i2mo, Boston, 1812

Legislative Assembly, Montreal, Le Rock, , 52, see Larocque 214 Le P.ock, Mr., 301, see Larocque, Legislative Assembly, Toronto, F. A. 218 Leroux, Antoine, figures much in Le Gosse, Charles, 874, see La- New Mexico, Arizona, etc., gasse, C. 1840 to the Pacific R. R. sur- Le Grand, a chf., 332, 401 veys, as in Emory's, Abert's, Co., Sitgreaves', Whipple's, and Le Gros, , N. W. Rocky Mt. ho., Nov., 1806 other reports; Leroux spring Leith, James, 214, 255, 569, 784 in Arizona, Leroux isl. in the ? Colorado Chiquito r., named Le Jaune ? Le Jeune , N. W. Co., on Sask. r., 1800 for him; was living probably Le Mai, Louis, dit Poudrier, N. to Mar., 1870; one of his sons W. Co., starved to death un- was Jean Leroux, Las Vegas, der W. F. Wentzel at fort on N. M. Biogr. in Tasse, II. p.

McKenzie r. , winter 1810-11 229 seq. Le Marquis, 255, see McTavish, S. Leroux, Laurent, 80, 4S7, clerk N. Lemay, Jean Baptiste, voy. c.-m. W. Co., sent by Peter Pond N. W. Co., English r., 1804 with Cuthbert Grant to Lemay, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., found at or near mouth of Red Lake dept., 1804 Slaver., 1786, the post later Lemay, Pierre, 193, see Delorme called Fort Resolution; win- Lemire, Francois, voy. N. W. Co., tered there 1786-87; and 1787- Athabasca, 1804 88; afterward founded Fort Lemire, Louis, voy. N. W. Co.. Providence, " au nord du Lac Fort des Prairies, 1804 des Esclaves " (Great Slave

Lemoine, , N. W. Co., in 1.); returned thence Mar. 22d, charge of Fond du Lac ho. 1789, and started from Fort May, 1798 Chipewyan with (Sir) A. Mc- Kenzie 3d, 1789; engaged Le Muet, , 674 June Leonaix, 579, see Lyonnais for five years at ;^ioo in 1791; Le Page, John Bte., 914 married Miss Esther Loiselle, Le Pendu, an Ind., 52, 135, 136 1796; had a dau. who marriecM Le Pic, a place, 52, 187, 280, 283, Moise Raymond in 1815; set- 303. 557. 872 tled at Assomption; d. 1855, Lepine, Frangois, voy. N. W. Co., aged 97

Rat r., 1804 Le Roy, Leroy, , 186, see Roy Lepine, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. W. Les Cedres Seigneury, 190

Co., Red Lake dept., 1804 Le vSieur, , 214 Lepine, Joseph, 667 Le Sieur, Calixte, 214 Le Premier, 255, see McTavish, S. Le Sieur, Toussaint, one or an- Le Premier, an Ind., 267 other, 35, 214, 265 Leslie, Lieut., 867 Le Prine, , 903 Lepomis pallidus, 445 Les Petits, 223. see X. Y. Co. Le Pourie, Le Pourrie, 626, 627 L'Esperance, Antoine, voy. c-m. Lepus campestris, 559 N. W. Co., Red Lake dept.,

Le Ramme, , 583, see La 1804 Remme Lessard, Antoine, voy. N. W. Co., Le Raye, Charles, I find noted Nepigon, 1804

as among the Sioux of Minne- Lesser Cherry p. , 9 1., 280, sota r. , 1803; this must be the Lesser Slave 278, 439, 448, Charles Le Raye whose Jour- 583, 601, 610, 612, 614, 620, 752, nal, etc., forms pp. 158-219 of 784, 791 Lesser Slave Lake ho., 791 Lieut. J. Cutler's Topographi- INDEX. 975

Lesser Whitewood p., 15 856, 857. 858, 8S2, 883, 886. Le Sucre, Le Sucrie, 53, 97, 190 898, 913

Le Sueur, , 265, see Le Sieur, Lewis, Philo, clerk and interp. N. T. W. Co., Le Pic, 1804

, Le Sueur, Mr. 267 Lewis' r. , 709, 712, 748, 760 Le Sueur, Toussaint, 276, see Le L'Heureux, Francois, voy. c.-m. Sieur, T. N. W. Co., Fort Dauphin, 1804

Le Tang, Letang, Letang, , L'Hire, , 257, 258, 275, see 610, 611 Hilaire Le Taonsone, 203 L'Hirondelle, Jacques, voy. N.

Letellier, , 69 W. Co., Athabasca, 1804

Le Temps, Le Terns, , 610 I'Homme au Calumet, 503 Le Terns, Mons., 128 L'Homme, Benjamin, voy. N. W.

Letendre, , 610 Co., Nepigon, 1804 Letendre, Jean Baptiste, 610 Liard, an Ind., 54, 79, 95, 163 Leteur, Frangois, 875, see Latour, Hard, a tree, 49, 244 F. Liard r., br. McKenzie's r., trans-

Lavalle, , 598, see Lavallee lating Riviere des Liards or

^ and Valle aux Liards, also called Grand L'Eveque, Joseph, voy. N. W. River fork. Mountain r., Pop-

^ Co., Nepigon, 1804 lar r., and Thetladesse r. L'Eveque, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., Liard r., br. of Red Lake r., 129 Nepigon, 1804 Library of Parliament, 747, 915 Levy, Mr., trader at Michilimac- limagon, 753 inac, 1763 Lima, Peru, 907 Lewis and Clark, 27, 50, 61, 97, Limestone Cave pt., 455 145, 203, 206, 207, 289, 297, Limestone 1., 564 298, 299, 301, 302, 311, 319, linden, 49 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 329, Linklater, Mr., unidentified, 291, 330, 331. 332, 333. 341. 345. 561 346, 349, 365, 367, 368, 381, Linklater, Thomas, H. B. Co., was 382, 384, 398, 423, 424, 425, at Duck Portage ho. Mar. 524, 581, 591, 706, 709, 712, 29th, 1796 735. 748. 749. 750, 751, 753. Linklater, William, 439 754. 757. 767. 768, 771, 772, Lionnais, see Lyonnais 778, 786, 7S7, 790, 794, 796, Lisa, Manuel de, 311 797. 798. 799. 801, 803, 811, Lisey, Antoine, voy. N, W. Co.,

812, 814, 821, 827, 832, 833, Upper Red r. , 1804 836, 842, 843, 855, 856, 857, Lisgar, Man., 63, 82 858, 8S2, 883, 886, 898, 913 lisses are certain strakes of wood-

Lewis and Clark's r. , 750 work about a birch-bark ca- Lewis' fork of Columbia r., 748, noe, as distinguished from the 786 varafigues or flooring Lewis, James, 777 Little Assiniboine, a Cree, 658, Lewis, Meriwether, 27, 50, 61, 97, 659. 665 145, 203, 206, 207, 289, 297, Little Athabasca r., 581 298, 299, 301, 302, 311, 319, Little Athens of the Plj^jerborean 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 329, regions, 511. One who would 330, 331. 332, 333. 334. 341. like to see how classic the place 345. 346. 349. 365. 367. 368, looks now may see pi. opp. p. 381, 382, 384, 398, 423, 424, 88 of C. Whitney's On Snow 425, 524, 581, 591, 706, 709, Shoes, etc., N. Y., Harper and 712, 735, 748, 749, 750, 751, Brothers, 1896 753. 754. 756. 757. 767. 768, Little Basswood p., 15 771. 772. 778. 786, 787, 790, Little Beaver r., 573 794. 796. 797. 798. 799. 801, Little Black isl., 453 803, 811, 812, 814. 821, 827, Little Bow r., 462 832. 833, 836, 842, 843, 855, Little Broken Knife, a chf., 547 976 INDEX.

Little Buffalo, a Cree, 593 Little Sask. r., br. of Assiniboine Little Burnt r., 510 r., 305 Little Burnt Rock p., 31 Little Sask. r., trib. to Lake Win- Little Caribou, an Ind., 97 nipeg, 458 Little Cherry p., 9 Little Shell, a chf., 53, 97, 194, Little Chief, 53 196, 231, 243, 251, 436, 437 Little Christmas, 165 Little Slave 1., 583, see Lesser Little chf. Clam, a , 97, 427 Slave 1. Little Co., 223, see X. Y. Co. Little Slave Lake ho., 584 Little Crane, an Ind., 53, 71, 79, Little Slave Laker., 874 95, 209 Little Slave r., 583, 584 Little Devil, an Ind., 198 Little Society, 561, see X. Y. Co. Little Dog p., 218 Little Stone p., 15 r. Little English , 471, 472 Little Strait, 10 Little Fish ]., 562 Little White Mud ho., 741

Little fork of Kam. r. , 220 Little Woody p., 31 Little Fork r., 21 Livernois, Dominic or Dominique, Little Fork r., br. of Sask. r., 689 227, 228 Little Girl Assiniboines, 522, 616 Livingston, Livingstone, Mr. Dun- Little Grindstone bay, 454 can, 612, 705, N. W. Co., Little Hunter res., 563 founded a post in 1796 on Little Iron; a Piegan, 657 McKenzie r., "nearly 200 m. Little Jackfish Head r., 456 N. of Great Slave 1.," or " 80 Little r. Jackfish , 456 m." from source of the river; Little r. Jackhead , 455, 456 killed with four others by Little Jack r., 456 Eskimo while on a march Little Knife, a Cree, 622 down the river, about eight Little Knife p., 13 days below the forks, in 1799 Little Knife Stone Carrying (so W. F. Wentzel) or 1802 Place, 13 (as others say) Little Lake la Pluie, 260 Lizotte, Baptiste, voy. N. W. Co., Little 1., near Edmonton, 634 Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Little Lake p., 248 Lizotte, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., Little Long bay, 455 Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Little Medicine Lodge, 409 Loach p., 581 Little Missouri r., 318, 334, 843 Lobstick 1. and r., 562, 585 Little Moose isl., 456 Lochart, Michel, voy. N. W. Co., Little mt., 566, 567 Upper Red r., 1804 Little locusts, Muddy p. , 9 39, 430 Little Mud 1., 473 Logan, 5layor, 44 Little New p., 10 Logan, N. Dak., 313 Little Ones, 223, see X. Y. Co. Loge de Medecine, 645, 651, 653, Little Pine 1., 146 670, 677, 683, 699 Little Pine res., 499 Loge des Bceufs, 68, loi Little Raven, an Ind., 329 Loge de Serpent, 319, 320, 321, Little Red Deer r., br. of Red 406 Deer r., br. of Bowr., 618 Loiseau, Aimable, voy. N. W, Co., Little Red Deer r., br. of Red Fond du Lac, 1804 Deer r., z. e., of Athabasca r., London, 6, 24, 25, 279, 505, 559, 874 603, 749, 892, 894, 916

Little Red r. , br. of Peace r., 511 Lone Tree sta., N. Dak., 315 Little Red r., br. of Sask. r., 487 Long Cherry p., 9 Little Reindeer, an Ind., 54 Long, J., trader and interp., Prai- Little r. of Thompson, 472, see rie du Chien, 1780 Little English r. Long Lake ho., N. W. Co., at or

Little Rock p. , Rainy River route, near mouth of Long 1., Keno- II gami r. (Albany River sys- Little Rock p., Winnipeg r., 28 tem) INDEX. 977

Long 1., Man., 290 Lower Fort Garry, 42

1. , N. Dak. Long , 302 Lower Kootenays, 550, 708 Long Lake r., trib. to McLeod 1., Lower Red r., 45, 50, 52, 188, 193, 512 195. 196. 198, 199, 212,214, 216, Long 1., trib. to Beaver r., 573 226, 228, 232, 247, 252, 266, 274, Long 1., trib. to Pipestone cr., 635 281, 303, 442, 583, 592, 661, 775, Longmoor, Longmore, Mr., 506, 871. 873, see Red r. of the N. 551. 587. 599 and compare Upper Red r., Long Narrows of the Columbia, name of Assiniboine r. 844 Lower Red River brigade, 246, Long plain on the Sask., 679 260, 421 Long pt. , Lake Manitoba, 237 Lower Terre Blanche, Lower Long pt., Lake Winnipeg, 460 White Earth ho., 278,663,666, Long Prairie, 203 667, 675, 742,744. 745. 747 Longpre, Andre, on Willamette Loyola, Frangois, 439 r., 1835 Luce, a person, 732 Long Reach on r. Red , 447 Lucie, Basile, 871, see Lussier, B. Long Sault, Ottawa r., 788 Lucius lucius, 444 Long Sault, Rainy r., 21, 22 Luscier, Lussier, , 556, 605, Long's expedition, 3, see Long, 606, 609, 611, 618, 622 S. H. Lussier, Basile, 556, 868, 871 Long Sioux rap., 21 Lussier, C, 871, 874 Long, Stephen H., 3, 22, 27, 41, Lussier, ;£tienne, 556, 868, 892, 44, 51, 55, 61, 63, 68, 69, 79, 82, 904, 915 145, 146, 221, 2'^3 Lussier, Frangois, 554, 556, 603, 628 Longtin, Leon, voy. N. W. Co., Lussier, Joseph, 554, 556, 603 Lake Winnipeg, 1804, com- Lutra canadensis, 85 pare Langtin Lynx bay, 457, 458 Longueville, Mr., of which Co.? Lynx canadensis, 206 passed Cumberland ho. with lynxes, 206 Athabasca canoes June 20th, Lynx pt., 458 1805 Lynx rufus, 206 Loon, an Indian, 605 Lynx rufus fasciatus, 817 Loon 1., 16 Lyonnais, , 579, 621, 628 Loon's straits, 455 Lyonnais, Auguste, interp. N. W. Lorain, Loraine, Joseph, voy. N. Co., Fort des Prairies, 1804 W. Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804, witness in the Semple case, M Toronto, Oct., 1818 Lorain, Lorrain, Jean Baptiste, M', Mac, Mc, the prefix, uniformly voy. N. W. Co., Lower Red reduced to Mc followed by a r.,'1804 capital letter, and alphabe- Louis, an Iroquois on R. Cox's tized as if spelled Mac journey. Fort George to Fort Macaron, , voy. N. W. Co., William, 1817 Fort des Prairies, 1804 Louis XV., Louis XVI., 35 McAuley. , clerk N. W. Co., Lou isl., 217 Lac Rouge and Lac Seul, 1804 Louzon, Jean, voy. N. W. Co., McBean, John, clerk and interp. Fort Dauphin, 1804 ; surname N. W. Co., Fond du Lac, possibly for Louison, familiar 1804 ; partner N. W. Co., Fort diminutive form of Louis, but William, Sault Ste. Marie, compare the geographical etc., 1816 name Luzon, Lugon McBeth's pt., 458 Lower Chinookans, 812 McCauleyville, Minn., 148 Lower Columbia 1., 508, 606, 672, McClellan, Robert, 882, .see Mc- 677 Lellan Lower Crossing on N. Sask. r., McCloud, Archibald, 277, see Mc- 489 Leod 7 7

9/8 INDEX.

McCrachen, McCracken, Mc- McDonald's r., 707 Craghen, Hugh, 301, 303, 304, McDonald, William, agent of 332 Lord Selkirk in Scotland, 1813

McCrea, , in charge of a bri- McDonel, McDonell, see McDon- gade in 1785 nell, to which single form the McCrea, W., clerk N. W. Co., variants are here reduced Rainy 1., 1804. The right McDonnell, ^neas, 202, 592, is form of this name is probably same as McDonald, .

McDoUand, , 98, is Miles Mc- McDonnell, Allan or Allen, 202, Donnell 299. 332, 346. 898, compare

McDonald, , unidentified, 589, McDonald, Allan or Allen 600, 761,784, 821, 886 McDonnell, " Big," 279 McDonald, ^neas, 202 McDonnell, F. R., 612 McDonald, Alex., 279 McDonnell, John, 35, 40, 42, 47, 48, McDonald, Allan or Allen, 279, 174, 202, 207, 215, 255, 276, 278, 299. 304, 332 289, 290, 291, 293, 298,302,303, McDonald, Angus, 50, 79, 279, 441 388, 778 McDonald, Archibald, H. B. Co., McDonnell, John, jun., 203, 208, at capture of Fort William by 221 Lord Selkirk Aug. 13th, 18 16 McDonnell, Michael, H. B. Co., McDonald district, Man., i, 290 on Red r. in Mar., 1814, pil- McDonald, Finan or Finnan, 279, laged J. B. Desmarais, N. W. 554, 606, 610, 611, 612,629,648, Co. 666, 673, 675, 692, 705, 707, 787, McDonnell, Miles, 40, 44, 98, 189, 869, S99 202, was in custody at Fort McDonald, Gov., 98, is Miles Mc- William in Aug., 1817, to be Donnell taken to Canada for trial on McDonald, Hector, H. B. Co., at charges preferred by the N. Fort William Aug. 23d, 1816 W. Co. McDonald, John, dtt Bras McDonnell, Mr., unidentified, Croche, see McDonald, John, 248, 430 of Garth McDonnell's ho., 298 McDonald, John, dit Le Borgne, McDonnell, W. J., 40, 202 proprietor N. W. Co., was at McDougal, , 759, see Mc- Fort William Aug. i6th, 181 Dougall McDonald, John, dit Le Pretre, McDougall, Alexander, 255, 759 from his strict Romanism, McDougall, Duncan, 750, 753, 757, was a retired partner N. W. 758, 759. 760, 762, 765, 766, Co., settled at Long Sault 774. 775. 779. 784. 789. 792. on Ottawa r., 181 852, 853, 854, 861, 862, 863, McDonald, John, made prisoner 865, 868, 889, 891, 892, 893, at capture of Fort William 894, 899, 901, 903, 904, 906, Aug. 13th, 1816 911, 916 McDonald, John, of Garth, 44, McDougall, George, 759 202, 219, 255, 278, 280, 457, 500, McDougall, James, 759, 898 508, 640, 747, 750, 758, 761, 762, McDougall, Lt. Col., widow of, 763, 766, 771, 774, 775.780, 784, 216 791, 825,826,827, 838,839, 843, McDougall, Mrs. Duncan, 891 845, 850,853,854, 859, 863, 865, McEacan, Hugh, 304, see Mc- 866, 871, 879, 894. 895, 916 Crachen McDonald, John, unidentified, Maceon, Joseph, 51, see MaQon, 255, 278, 279, 280, 508, 544, 561, Masson 611, 849, is more than one McFarlane, Allen, clerk N. W. person Co.,Nepigon, 1799-1804 McDonald, J. or Jo., unidentified, McGilles, D., 215, 788, see McGil- 278, 279 lis, Donald McDonald, Peter, 279 McGillis, A., 215, 216, 274, 280 INDEX. 979

McGillis, Donald, 215, 783, 787, McGillivray, William, 220, 255, 788, 820, 860, 862, 865, 875, 882, 256, 439> 584

886 McGilveray, , 97, see McGil- McGillis, Hugh, 97, 213, 215, 216, livray McGillis 255, 274, captured at Fort McGlees, , 97, see William by Lord Selkirk McHenry co., N. Dak., 311, 409, Aug. 13th, 1816 410 McGillis, Mr., unidentified, 215, machinaway, 388 216, 584 Mcintosh, Donald, N. W. Co., Lake Winnipeg, seene.xt McGillivray, , 97 1799, McGillivray, Archibald, 439, 898, Mcintosh, Mr., unidentified, 52, arrived at Fort "William from 584. The following items the interior and was taken may refer to more than one

prisoner by Lord Selkirk person : Mr. Mcintosh had a Aug. 20th, 1816 N. W. Co. ho. on Lake of the McGillivray, Duncan, 255, 439, Woods, 1797. Mr. Mcintosh 584. 704 arrived at Grand p. June 29th, McGillivray, John, 222, 255, 439, 1798. Mr. Mcintosh wintered 512, 584, 604, arrived at Fort at N. W. Co. ho. on Lesser William from the interior i p. Slave 1. 1803-04. Mr. Mcin- m. Aug. 2oth, 1816, and was tosh was on Winnipeg r. Aug. taken prisoner by Lord Selkirk 1 8th, 1804. Mr. Mcintosh, McGillivray, Joseph, 439, 761, partner N. W. Co., Michipi- 784, 886, was a son of Hon. coten, was taken prisoner by Wm. McGillivray; lieutenant De Meuron soldiery under of Canadian Chasseurs, war Lord Selkirk late in 1816 of 1812; at taking of Michili- Mcintosh, William, N. W. Co., at

mackinac July 17th, 1812; Fort Vermilion in Dec, 1818 ; partner N. W. Co., 1813, from partner N. W. Co., 1819; cap- Fort William July, 1813, met tured that year with B. Fro- high on the Columbia Sept. bisher and others; escaped 2d, and supposed to have June, 1819. Compare Mcin- kept on and reached Astoria tosh, Mr. in Sept. or Oct.; left it Oct. Mcjhale (sic), John, clerk N. W. 29th, and wintered 1 813-14 at Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Fort Okanagan; left Fort McKay, Alexander, 255, 580, 760, George Apr. i6th, 181 7, over- 773. 776, 777. 778 land to Fort William; was at McKay, Alexis, 301, 345, 778 Rainy Lake ho. Aug. 7th, McKay, D., 778, 863 1817, en route to Athabasca; McKay, Donald, H. B. Co., 778 was in H. B. Co., Columbia McKay, Donald, was agent of dept., after 1821, to 1827 or Lord Selkirk in Scotland, 1813 later McKay, George, 778 McGillivray, Mr., unidentified, McKay, J., 778 more than one person, 440, McKay, J. A., 778,870, 873 629, 694 McKay, " Mad," 778 McGillivray, Simon, 439. One of McKay, Mr., H. B. Co., 22 this name, N. W. Co., appears McKay, Mr., of Fort Charles, 77S, on Winnipeg r., with Roderic is no doubt McKay, J. McLeod, en route to Atha- McKaJ^ Mr., various persons, un- basca July, 1817, and one, H. identified, 97, 428, 778, 859, B. Co., at Rainy Lake ho., 860, 865, 915 Aug., 1823 McKay, Neil or Neill, 47, 778 McGillivray's p., 440, 606, 674, 675, McKay's ho., 778 see Canal Flat and Grohman McKay, Simon, 778 r. McKay's 1., McGillivray's , 440, 606, 656, 672, 778 675, 705, 706, 710, see Koote- McKay's mt., 220 nay r. McKay's pt., 778 98o; INDEX.

McKay's route of 1807, 778 measures taken consequent McKay, Thomas, 776, 803, 835, upon the capture of Fort Wil- 840, 844. 845, 848, 851, 855, liam Aug. 13th. In 1815 he 859,860,861, 870, 872. "We married Miss Bethune, dau. of were this evening visited by Rev. Mr. Bethune; d. 1832, Mr. Thomas McKay, an In- leaving several children, dian trader of some note in among them Simon McTavish the mountains. He is a step- McKenzie of Montreal, and son of Dr. McLaughlin, the Mrs. Stowe of Toronto, liv- chief factor at Fort Van- ing 1889

couver . . . This is the son McKenzie, J., 265, 276, 277, of the of Mr. Alexander McKay, who H. B. Co. was massacred by the Indians McKenzie, James, 216, 255, 277, of the N. W. Coast on-board 612, 759 " the ship ' Tonquin.' —Town- McKenzie, James Alexander, 897 send's Narr., 1839, p. 82, McKenzie, John, 792 speaking of camp on Bear r., McKenzie, Keith, 216 trib. to Great Salt Lake, Utah, McKenzie, Kenneth, agent or July 8th. 1834 director N. W. Co.; with Wm. McKay, William, 28, 246, 255, 269, McGillivray in charge of Fort 291, 778 William when it was captured Lord Selkirk Aug. 13th, McKee, , 97. 778, see McKay by McKenzie, Alexander, bourgeois 1816; taken prisoner, and very X. Y. Co. and N. W. Co.. not shortly afterward drowned Sir, 255, 256, 277, 896 with 8 or 16 other prisoners in McKenzie, Alexander, clerk N. an overloaded canoe on trav- W. Co., 894, 896 erse of Batchiwoinan bay, McKenzie, Alexander, others of Lake Superior same name, not Sir, 896 McKenzie, Mr., of Forsyth and McKenzie, Alexander, see McKen- Co., 561, was one of the elder zie, Sir Alexander Alexanders. Ross Cox says, McKenzie, Andrew, 511 p. 306, that four of the Mc- McKenzie, Charles, 202, 216, 259, Kenzies had respectively the 298, 301, 302, 345, 346, 394, 403 soubriquets of Le Rouge, Le McKenzie, D., 216, is probably Blanc, Le Borgne, and Le the next Picote, but does not saj^ which McKenzie, Daniel, 216, 255, 279, was which 561, was taken prisoner at McKenzie, Roderic, 7, 14, 61, 216, Fort William on its capture by 218, 223. 255, 256,439,442,489,

Lord Selkirk Aug. 13th, 1816 : 511, 759, 896 see especially Narrative of McKenzie, Roderic, another, 216, Occurrences, etc., 8vo, Lon- 221, 223; he was still a clerk don, 1817, pp. 115-119, and N. W. Co. in 1817, when App. pp. 70-83. He was at nearly 50 years old; at Fort St. Anne, Ottawa r., in 1817 William Aug. 16, 1817 McKenzie, Donald, 44, 216, 279, McKenzie, Sir Alexander, 6,9, 16, 448, 500, 752, 760, 761, 766, 17, 18, 24, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 80, 767, 783, 787. 788, 791. 814, 193, 208, 213, 216, 220, 223, 248, 843, 844, 853, 865, 866, 871, 255, 266, 282, 346,455,458,465, 883, 886 474, 481, 487, 498, 510, 511. 557. McKenzie, Hector, 346 580, 629, 705, 776, 777. 778. 829, McKenzie, H., N. W. Co., west 862, 896, 898 bound on Rainy River route, McKenzie, Sir Alexander, and Aug., 181 7, is probably the Co., 223, 282, see X. Y. Co. next McKenzie's r., 199, 253, 283, 474, McKenzie, Henry, brother of 476, 510, 612, 641, 642, 782, 898

Roderic McKenzie, was acting McKey, , 778

for the N. W. Co. in 1816, in McKie, , 97, 778, see McKay INDEX. 981

Mackinac, Mackinaw, Mich., 274, Gillivray, jun., en route to 439, 760, 843, 857, 882 Athabasca, July, 1817 McLain, Alexander, H. B. Co., McLeod's fort, 214, 512, 784, and killed with Gov. Sample and see McLeod's Lake fort others near Fort Douglas McLeod's 1., 512, 759, 898 June 19th, 1816 McLeod's Lake fort, 784 McLain, John, 215, 490 McLeod's r. , 566 McLaren's ho., 217 McMillan, A., 279, 606, 607, 609, McLauchlin, Mr., N. W. Co., on 611, 656, 671, 674, 757, 791, 792, Kam. route, July, 1804, is 895, 899

probably Dr. John McLaugh- McMurray, , N. W. Co., in lin charge of Isle a la Crosse ho. McLaughlin, Dr. John, N. W. Co., with Mr. Ogden, 1817, com- Fort Duncan, Lake Nepigon, pare next Aug., 1807; Sturgeon 1., win- McMurray, Thomas, clerk N. W. ter of 1807-08, visiting Red 1., Co., Rainy 1., 1804 Dec, 1807-Feb., 1808; at Fort McNabb, , H. B. Co., 1793 William on its capture Aug. McNabb, Thomas, a half-breed, 13th, 1816; there Aug. i6th, who died at present Lake 1817; at H. B. Co. Rainy Lake Dauphin (place on Vermilion ho., Aug., 1823 r., W. of Dauphin 1.) in 1895, McLean co., N. Dak., 320, 321 was born in the old N. W. McLellan, Archibald, clerk N. "W. Co. fort on W. side of Dau- Co., Rainy 1., 1799-1804 phin 1., S. of Valley r. McLellan, Donald, 899, see Mc- McNeil, Hugh, 914 Lennan. D. McNeill, Hector, from a North of McLellan, Mr., see last and next. Ireland family; entered army Mr. McLellan was at Bas de early as ensign ; quit the army la Riviere in June, 1795. Mr. in trouble; enlisted as private; McLellan, clerk N. W. Co., promoted to sergeant-major, Dog 1., near Lake Superior. and after the battle of the 1797. Mr. McLellan, N. W. Pyrenees his regiment sent to Co., was at Chaboillez ho. on Canada; left the army ; en- r. Red in Mar., 1798, and arr. tered N. W. Co. ; courted Grand Portage July 5th, 1798 fame as a bully; fought three McLellan, Murdoch, left Fort duels; was discharged from William for Michipicoten Aug. the N. W. Co., and left Rainy loth, 1812 Lake ho. Aug. 7th, 1817, for McLellan, Robert, 760, 844, 856, Fort William and Canada

881, 882, 883. 884, 886, 899 Magon, , 869, see Masson McLennan, Archibald, see McLel- Magon, Frangois, voy. N. W. Co., lan, Archibald Nepigon and Kam., 1804

McLennan, Donald, 767, 783, 788, McPherson, Mr., on Rainy r. , en 790, 865, 899 ^'^ e to Athabasca, July, 1817 McLennan, Robert, 882, see Mc- Mc^ .arson's, on Lake of the Lellan, R. Woods, 26 McLennon, Robert, 882, see Mc- McReacan, Hugh, 332, see Mc- Lellan, R. Crachen McLeunnen. Donald, 899, see Mc- McRobb, Robert, clerk N. W. Lennan, D. Co., at capture of Fort Wil- McLeod, Alexander, more than liam Aug. 13th, 1 8 16 one person, 277 McTavish, Alexander, 792, 894, McLeod, Archibald Norman, 255, 895, 896, 902, 904 277, 898 McTavish, Donald, 255, 279, 512, McLeod, Mr., unidentified per- 749, 790, 792, 826, 894, 895, sons, 213, 277, 293, 481, 759 896, 898, 899, 900, 901, 903, McLeod, Roderic, N. W. Co., on 904, 905, 907, 908, 909, 910, Winnipeg r., with Simon Mc- 911, 912, 913, 914, 915, 916 982 INDEX.

McTavish, Frobisher and Co., 223, his half-breed son Francis 255, 439, 895 Xavier Ignace Malhiot, aged McTavish, Geo. J., 279, by error five years, 1807; settled and for John George McTavish d. at Contrecoeur, 1840; his McTavish, J., 895 widow married one Desroches, McTavish, James Chisholm, 894, then one Pelletier, latter the 895, 906, 914 father of O. Pelletier, who McTavish, John George, 222, 259, was for some years deputy to 512, 752, 758, 760, 761, 766, the legislative assembly of 774, 782, 784, 791, 792, 794. Quebec. See F. V. Malhiot's 809, 825, 826, 838, 865, 893, Journal from Fort Kamanaiti- 895 quoya to Montreal r., 1804-05, McTavish, Joseph, 895 in Masson, I. pp. 225-263 McTavish, Mr., one or more, uni- Malign chute, dam, and p., 217 dentified, 561, 584, 895 Malign r., 17, 217 McTavish, Simon, 61, 223, 255, Malign r., 472, 473, see Sturgeon 895 vVeir r. Madgetonce, 53 Mallet, Jean Baptiste, founded Mad r., 844, 857, 872, 874 Peoria, 111., at first known as madroiio tree, 816 Ville a Mallet. Tasse, II. p. Mageau, P., 873, 875 42, says b. Michilimackinac Magnetic 1., 11 about 1773, but p. 43 says he Mahaha, Maharhar, Mahawha founded Peoria alaout 1778. vill., 323 He was killed in a quarrel Mahnon of Mandens, 302 with one Senecal in 1800 or

Mailloiix, , 284 1801, when his son Hippolyte, Mailloux, Charles, voy. N. W. the " PauUette Meillet" of Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804 some writers, was 22 or 23 Maiminch, Maimiutch, Maimunch, years old 55 Mallette, Francois, N. W. Co., Main Divide, 844, see Continental Upper Red r., 1799 and Great Divide Mallory, Minn., 127 Maineau, Antoine, 868 Manaundea, 55 Mainville, Prisque, N. W. Co., Manchester ho., 489, 503 Kam., 1804. One Mainville Mandane, Mandan vilL, 298, 299, is the " half-breed Maveen " of 302, 323, 329, 330, 354, 359, 360, Tanner, p. 216 397. 516 Maison du Chien, 316 Mandanes, Mandans, 50, 52, 61, Majeau, Mageau, Louis, 873, 875 I45> 175. 178, 202, 207, 215,

Makaoos res. , 504 216, 259. 289, 290, 293. 298, malasheganeh, maleachegan, or 301, 302, 304, 314. 317. 319. " male achegan," 41, 445 323. 324. 330, 333. 334. 335,

Malataire, , interp. N. W. Co., 336. 337. 338, 343. 344. 345. Fort Vermilion, 1818 347. 348. 349. 350, 356, 358, Malhiot, Francois Victoire, or 361. 362, 363. 365. 366, 370, Francis Victor, also Erambert, 372. 374. 380, 382, 383. 385, 220, 611, 873, brother of Lt. 394. 398, 399. 402, 403. 424, Col. Pierre Ignace Malhiot 442, 530, 531. 778 and of Hon. Francis Xavier Mandan tour of the author, 285 Malhiot, entered N. W. Co. as and following to 421

apprentice clerk in 1791, aged Mandeville, , N. W. Co., Fort about 15 years; clerk, and Chipewyan, 1799; one of the sent to Red River post, 1796; name on Lake Superior Aug. sent by Wm. McGillivray into 21, 1812

Dept. of Montreal r. , 1804; Mandeville, Alexis, voy. N. W. built Fort du Lac au Flam- Co., Red r., 1804 beau there and wintered 1804- Mandeville, Antoine, voy. N. W. 05; returned to Canada with Co., Fort Dauphin, 1804 7

INDEX. 983

Manethowaubane, 208 Marion co., Ore., 813 Mangeurs de Lard, 248 Marion, P., 670

Maniant, , engage N. W. Co., Marlboro ho. appears on upper Fort at Forks of Peace r., 1803 Assiniboine r. on McKenzie's Manicque, M., 870, 873 map of 1 801 Manitaubos,Manithoaubang,Man- Marquesas isls., 844, 847, 912 ito, 208 Marquette, , 346 Manitoba, i, 4, 23, 26, 29, 33, 38, Marquette, Man., 289, 290 43. 45. 69, 79, 82, 126, 207, 208, Marseilles, Francois, voy. N. W. 300, 308. 413, 426, 460 Co., Red Deer 1., 1798-99,

Manitoba Hist, and Sci. Soc, 27, English r. , 1804 482 Marshall co., Minn., 90, 126, 127 Manitoba 1., 291, see Lake Mani- Marsh r., br. of Red r. in Minn., toba 143

Manitoban, 208 Marsh r. , br. of Red r. in Minn., Manitoba R. R., 63 another, 150 Manito hills, 297 Marsh River, Minn., 143

Manito 1., 566 Marshy pt. , 237 Manito rap., 21 Marson, Alexis, 869, see Masson, Manitouabanc, Manitoubanee 1., A. 203, 236, 237 Martel, Baptiste, 556 Manitou, god, 121, 199, 200, 340 Martelle, , 554, 584, 589, 590 Manitou, Man., 419 Marten p., 10 Manitou rap., Rainy r., 21 martens, 122

Manitou rap. , Winnipeg r. , 34 Martin, , one or another, uni- Manitowapaw, 208 dentified, 442, 555, 557, 580. Manominee r., 143, 147 Two of the name, father and Manvel, N. Dak., 138 son, freemen, were at Grand Man Who Took the Coat's band, rap. of the Sask. r., 181 522 Martineau, Ambrose, voy. N. W, Man with One Ear, 241 Co., Torch 1., 1804 Many Point 1., 146 Martin, F., 609 Maple Bay, Minn., 130 Martin, Frangois, 868, 904 Maple isi. , 237 Martin, Frangois, 442 Maple r., 144 Martin, Frederic, 442 maples, 4, 130, 172, 492 Martin, Hon. G. B., 675 Maraboeuf 1. and p. , Marabou p., Martin, Jeremie, 442 12 Martin, Michel, 442 Marais, 511 Martin, Pierre, 441, 442 Marandas, Joseph, voy. N. W. Martin p., 10, 11, see Marten p. Co., Fond du Lac, 1804 Martin's falls, 36,46 Marchand, , a young man, Mary, see St. Jaccou, Hippolyte agent of Michilimackinac Mascan, Mascou, Alexis, 869, 907, traders at Bale Verte, 1785 909, 910, see Masson, Alexis Marchard, Michel, N. W. Co., Mascouche, 269 Rainy 1., 1799 Mashquegie, Mashquegon, Maske- Marchisseau, 303 gan, Maskegon Inds., 231,466, Marcil, , N. W. Co., Fort 468, 470, 471, 477, 509, 571, 742 Chipewyan, 1 799-1 800 r. Maskwa , 34 Marcotte, Francois, voy. N. W. Mason, , 905, see Masson, Co., Fort des Prairies, 1804 Alexis Margaret, Man., 415 Masquegies, 287, see Mashquegie Margry's Decouvertes, 346 Inds. Maria's r., 398, 524 Massachusetts, 787 Mariolet, Jean Baptiste, voy. c.- Massacre isl., 26 m. N. W. Co., Upper Redr., massacres in Montana, 735, 736

1804 Masse, , N. W. Co., Fort at

Marion, , 613 forks of Peace r., 1803 ,

984 INDEX.

Masse, , Antoine, voy. N. W. Meadow p., 290, see Portage la Co., Fond du Lac, 1804 Prairie Massicotte, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. Meadow r., br. of Clearwater r., W. Co., Fort des Prairies, 1804 670

Masson, Alexis, 868, 869, 892, 903, Meadow r. , on Kam. route, 218 905. 907. 909, 914. 915 Medewiwin, 125 Masson, Joseph, 51, 77 Medicine Knoll, Knowl, 507 Masson, L. R., 35, 40, 47, 50, 52, Medicine Lodge, 700 82, 166, 174, 189, 195, 196, 212, Medicine Lodge hills, 638 216, 220, 221, 223, 256, 276, Medicine Lodge r., Medicine r. 278, 289, 300, 301, 302, 345, 638, 939 388, 398, 424, 457, 611, 763, Medicine Tent, 666, 667 766, 782, 784, 790, 916 Meiout, a Mons., clerk N. W. Co., Masson, Mrs. Senator L. R.,897 named as from Qu'Appelle r. Massue, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. W. by D. Thompson Oct. nth, Co., Fort Dauphin, 1804 1797, compare Mayotte

Masta, Pierre, N. W. Co., Kam., Melan9on, , 196 1804 Melbourne sta., Man., 296 r. Menacliez ? Mr., on Kam. route, Masula , 707 Mathews, William W., 788, 810, July, 1804, compare Mene- 811, 813, 815, 827, 828, 830, clier " 834, 838, 840, 844, 849, 851, Menard, , old," 311 867, 868, 877, 878, 888, 892, Menard, Col. Pierre, 311 893. 903 Menard, Frangois, 311 Mathurin, Joseph, N. W. Co., Red Menard, Frangois, 311 Deer 1., 1798-99 Menard, Hippolyte, 311 Matootonha, 329 Menard, Joseph, 311 Matte, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., Menard, Michel B., 311 Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Menard, Pierre, and Pierre jun., Matthews, W. W., 760, 783, 788, 3" r. see Mathews Menaukonoskeeg , 47 Mattson, Minn., 90 Meneclier, Louis, clerk N. W. Co., Maui, 846 Lake Winnipeg, 1804 r. Maurand, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., Meneshosha , 346 Nepigon, 1804 Menie, Jean Baptiste, 303 Maurepas, Comte de, 35 Menteith Junction, Man., 305 Mauvaise Hache, 54 Mephistopheles of Astoria, 750, Mawkoose, a Cree, 656, 660, 664 758 Maximilian, Prinz zu Wied, 365, 557 Mercer CO., N. Dak., 322 Maymagwaysee pt., 456 Mercier, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. Maymiutch, 54, 56, 71, 79, 95, 96, W. Co., Upper Red r., 1804 98, loi, 104, 124, 125, 131, 133, Meriwether's bay, 750 134, 136, 162, 167, 175, 196, 232 Merleton r., 685 Mayotte, a Mr. ,% married an Ind. Mero Lake ho., N. W. Co., " old" at Bas de la Riviere Aug. in 1797

8th 1800, compare Meiout Mesen, , 869, 903, see Masson, Mayville, N. Dak., 142 A. Mayville, N. Y., 761 Messier, Charles, N. W. Co., lower

Meadow, a camp on Pigeon r., 8 English r. , 1799 Meadow Inds., 133, 494, 517, 652, Metaharta, 323 673. 719. 725- 727- 734. 737. 819 Me-tai, 229 Meadow 1., 208, see Lake Mani- Metasse pt., 36

toba Methode, Methote, , 606, 610 Meadow 1., another, 561 Methot, Frangois, 610

Meadow p. , between Lake Mani- Methuen sta., Man., 305 toba and Lake Winnipegoosis, Methy 1., 600 175. 207 Methy p., 472, 510, 581 Meadow p., on Kam. route, 218,247 Methy Portage r., 581 INDEX. 985

Metra, Joseph, N. W. Co., Kam., total English, of whom 17 1804 soldiers and i trader, and Mexican waters, 143 later 5 more soldiers, were Mexico, 400, 900 killed. The wide discrepancy mica, 135, 154 between " 70 " and " 17 " may Michel, an Iroquois on Lieut, possibly be due to similarity (later Sir) John Franklin's first of the words " seventeen "and expedition, 1S21, murdered " seventy," or mistranslation Lieut. Robert Hood, and was of the French "dix-sept." The

killed by Dr. (later Sir) John officers were : Major Ether-

Richardson ington, in command ; Lieut.

Michel, Pierre, 874 Lesslie ; Lieut. Jean Jemette

Michepicotton, 199, see Michip- or John Jamet ; the latter Michilimackinac, 190, 234, 240, killed, the others spared. The

423, 890; among recorded civilian traders present were : forms of the word are Mich- A. Henrys sen., who vividly ilimakenac, Michilimakina, narrates the tragedy in his Michilimakinac, Michilimak- Travels, etc., 1809, p. 76 seq., inaouak, Michilimaquina, and assigns the high figures Michillimakinac, Michillimak- to the casualties ; Ezekiel

inaoua, Miscilemakina, Mis- Solomon ; Mr. Bostwick ; Mr. elimackinack, Misilemakinak, Tracy (killed) ; and there Missilimakina, Missilimaki- seems to have been a fifth, an nac, Missilimakinak, Missili- Englishman from Detroit. maquina, Missilimaquinak; Among the many Canadians there are rriany others, some present, all of whom the Inds. as far fetched as Mahimilli- spared, were C, M. Langlade mae. The word is Algonquin and a Jesuit missionary, the for "Great Turtle"; it was latter supposed to be the Pere applied to the genius loci of Pierre Luc de Jaunay who the isl., to the hill which the bore Etherington's letter of turtle-god was supposed to in- June 1 2th to Major Gladwin at habit, to the island on which Detroit, being gone on this this aboriginal Olympus stood, journey June 2oth-3oth and the post on the S. side Michipicoten, Michipicotton, 188, of the strait, built by orders of 199, 241, 283, 2S4; island also

the Governor-General of Can- known as Isle de Maurepas ; ada. This was almost en- French trading-post on main- tirely destroyed by fire Dec. land " old " in 1767 22d, 1762, but had been largely Micropterus dolmieu, 445 restored when the massacre of Middle Bear, a chf., 625, 655, 657, June 4th, 1763, occurred (see 659, 660 next). The place was taken Middle cr., br. of Assiniboine r.,

July 17th, 181 2 ; news of the 294

capture to Fort William per Middle cr. , br. of Sask. r. , 560, 602 ship Invincible Aug. 2d, 1812 Middle fork of Park r., 90, 93, 94, Michilimackinac massacre, 234, 95 867. The widely discrepant Middle p., 218 statements, both of the Middle r., 294 strength of the garrison and Midway cr. , 488 of the total casualties, have Miette r., 642 never been satisfactorily ex- Migneron, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., plained. The accounts range Rainy 1., 1804 between about 90 soldiers, 4 Milieux, 284 traders, 300 Canadians, pres- Milk r., 462, 524 ent, of whom about 70 soldiers Miller, Joseph, 885, 887 and I trader were killed, to Miller, Mr., H. B. Co., 275, see about 35 soldiers, 39 or 40 Miller, Thomas 986 INDEX.

Miller, Private Theodore, 274 Mississippi r., 24, 54, 80, 122, 128, Miller's r., S84 131, 138, 143, 146, 150, 441, Miller, Thomas, 187, 265, 266, 281 462, 760, 843, 882, 883, 890 Millet's rock, Mississourie, Mississouri r. 641 , 345, Millet sta., 635 704

Milligan, , 81S, S37 Missistaygouine, 53, 209 Mills, D., 176 Missisticoine, 580 Millstone rock, 16 Missouria Inds. , 346 Miln, John, N. W. Co., in charge Missouri basin, 314 of Pine fort on the Assini- Missourie, Missouri Inds., 304, 345, boine in Oct., 1793; left with 360, 384 one Houle to build post at Missourie, Missouri r., 144, 145, Montagne a la Bosse, 1794; 146, 159, 187, 202, 286, 298, died Sunday, Mar. 8th, 1795 299, 302, 303, 309, 312, 313, 314,

Milwaukee r. , 234, 86g 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, Mini, Minie, Minier, Menie, 323, 324, 325, 328, 329, 331, 334, Menier, Meunier, Jean Bap- 339. 344. 345. 346, 349, 353, 355, tiste, 276, 301, 302, 303 359, 362, 368, 370, 375, 383. 384, Mininittee 1., 23 398, 400, 401, 404, 406, 407, 408, Minishoshay r., 346 415, 423, 462, 487, 516, 522, 523, Ministic 1., 611 525. 530, 531. 532. 539. 541. 557. Minitakie 1., 505 723, 732, 733, 736, 752, 778, 816, Minitic 1., 25 842, 843, 856, 867, 882, 883, 885, Minnedosa, Man., 305 914 Minnesota, 6, 10, 21, 22, 23, 26, 44, Missourie plains, 314 45, 52, 79, 146, 147, 189, 205, Missouri Fur Co., 735 218, 611 Missouri River hunter, 857, 871, Minnesota Hist. Soc. Coll., 512 884 Minnesota r., 45, 96, 145, 222, 300, Missourite Inds., 346 516 Missouri tobacco, 327 Minnetarees, 321, 322, 323, 530, Missouri waters, 843 r. and see Big Belly Inds. Missurie , 403 Minnititi 1., 23 Mistanbois, 584 minoique root, 732 mistletoe, 816

Minot, N. Dak., 313, 410 Mistowasis res. , 490 Miquelon 1., 611 Mitchell range, 706

Mirey cr. , 320, see Miry cr. Mitchell, Thomas, 196 Mirleton, Mirliton r., 685, 697 Mithanasconce, 224 Miry cr., 313, 319, 320, 321, 405, Moberly, Brit. Col., 607, 692 r. 406 Moberly's , 510

Miscousipi, 45 Mocard, , trader, served under Miseaebitte, 54 C. M. Langlade, was related Mishewashence, 257 to the Grignon family, died mishinaways, 388 very old at Detroit, ca. 1807 Misistaupey, 615 Mohammedan dogma, 529

Miskwawgumme-wesebe r., 82 Moineau, , 629, 671 Misquonogous, 615, 621 Mokooman, Joseph, an Indian, Missinipian system, waters, etc., otherwise Grand Nepisangue 439, 462, 472, 474, 580, 581, 897, or Nipissing and see next Moltnomas, 812 Missinipi r., 187, 219, 223, 277, 472, Monatagge 1., 505 473. 557. 600, 778, 807, 897 Moneta sta., 637 Missionary post. Lake of the Monier, Joseph, guide N. W. Co., Woods, 456 Nepigon, 1804 Mission du Chien, 316 Monk, George Henry, clerk N. W.

Missisourie r. , 301 Co., ca. 1807

Mississaugue, 8S7, 889, 903 Monongahela r. , 214 Mississippian waters, 21, 45, 444 Monontagua, 283 ,,

INDEX. 987

Montagnais, 524, 532 Montreuil, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co.,

Montagnards, 524, 532 Chippewa r. , 1804 Montagne a la Basse. 298, see Montreuil, P., freeman, Fort des Montagne a la Bosse Prairies, 1804 Montagne a la Biche, 504 Moody's r., 884

Montagne a la Bosse, 4, 61, 268, Mooney, , 316 301, 306, 307 moon-eyed toothed herring, 444 Montagne de Chef, 146, 147, 148 Moorhead, Minn., 80, 147 Montagne de Foudre, 523 Moorhead, N. C, 84 Montagne du Diable, 297 moose, 2

Montagne du Milieu, 549 Moose cr. , br. of Athabasca r., 641 Montagne du Pas, 470, 473, 477 Moose or., br. of Sask. r., 560, 562, Montagnes Bleues is the orig. 570, 575. 587. 589. 623 French name of Blue mts. in Moose Dung, an Assiniboine, 597, Oregon, near Columbia r. 623 given 1 81 2 or earlier Moose Dung, Minn., 127 Montana, 522, 524, 672, 673, 675, Moose factory, 484, on S. side of 707- 709- 735 the isl. at mouth of Moose r., bay, Hudson's bay Montana Hist. Soc., 735 James' ; Montana massacres, 735, 736 N. W. Co. ho. founded 1803 Mont des Cercueils, 796 Moose Head, Man., 415 Mont des Tombeaux, 796 Moose Head hill or hills, 302, 303, Montee, Monte, place on Sask. r. 304 Hill cr. 490, 502, 539, 585, 626 Moose , 560 Monterey, 792, 900 Moose hills, Assin., 522 given as of N. Moose hills, N. of N. Sask. r., Montignier, ,

W. Co. , on Okanagan r. , Kam- 504, 546, 549, 557, 558 loops r., etc., 1813-14, is prob- Moose isls., 455, 456 ably the next Moose 1., Beaver r., 875

Montignj', Ovide de, 783 Moose 1., Missinipi r. , 259 Moose 1., Rainy River route, Montour, , 757 9 Moose Lake r., Montour, , 584, 604, 605, 611 466 1., Sask Montour, Bonhomme, 443 Moose , 466, 477 Montour, Mr., 603 Moose mt., 308, 310, 402, 522 Montour, Mr., 611 Moose Mountain cr. and 1., 308 Montour, Nicolas, clerk N. W. Moose Muzzle, a person, 218 Co., 1804, and later, 443, 656, Moose Nose isl., 461 671,674, 757, 782, 788, 899 Moose p., 9

Montour, Nicolas, partner N. W. Moose r. , br. of Beaver r., 574, 875 Co., 1787, 443 Moose r., br. of Sask. r., 561, 595, Montour, Nicolas, voy. N. W. 596

Co., 1799, 443 Moose r. , trib.to Hudson's bay, 484 Montreal, i. 3, 5, 7, 14, 19, 40, 60, Moose woods, 592 Moosomin res. 80, 164, 188, 200, 202, 219, 222, , 499, 501 r. 223, 234, 240, 248, 255, 256, Mooyic, Hooyie , 707 266, 269, 277, 279, 283, 301, Moreau, Hyacinthe, voy. N. W. 439, 465, 505, 602, 608, 626, Co., English r., 1804

747, 760, 777, 843, 853, 854, Morelle, , 289

861, 864, 867, S75, 897, 903. Morgan, , 316

915 Morigeon, , left Saint-Martin, Montreal agreement, 189, 214, 216, Canada, 26 years before he 222, 223, 278, 301, 439, 508, was found, Sept., 1845, by 612, 759. 777. 778. 894, 895, Father de Smet, somewhere on 896, 897 Columbian waters in Montana Montreal r., 280, 283 Morijeau, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co.,

Montreuil, , Canadian free- Upper Red r., 1804

man at Grand rap. of Sask. r. Morin, , 569, 870, see Morren, 1817 Morrin 988 INDEX.

Morin, Augustin, 569 Mousseau, , several of the Morin, fitienne, 569 name, 607, 629, 648, 668, 674 Morin, Fian§ois, 569 Mousseau, Louis, 648, 868, 869, Morin, Jean Baptiste, 569 903

Morley, Morleyville, Alb., 522, Mowat, , 202, 592 705 Mowee, 846 r. Morningside sta., 637 Moyic , 707

Morren, , 569, 630, 870, see Muddy cr., 512 Morin, Morrin Muddy 1., Lake Manitoba, 208 Morren, Francois, 569 Muddy 1., on Sask. r., 468 Morrin, 569, 870, 873, see Morin, Muddy portages, 9, 12

Morren r. , br. of r. Muddy Peace , 510 Morrin, Frangois, 569 Muddy r., br. of Red r., 55 Morris, Man., 63, 69 Mud 1., on Sask. r., 465, 468 Morrison, Roderick, clerk N. W. Mud 1., on Rainy River route, 10 Co., Nepigon, 1804 Mud r., br. of Peace r., 510 Morrison, Wm., in Minnesota, 164, Muffle d'Orignal, 218

61 1 ; with him, as per his letter mule-deer, 614

of 1856, were the brothers Muleton r. , 685 Antoine and Michel Cheniers, Multnoma, Multnomah Inds., 811, John McBean, one Bouvin, 812

and one Grignon Mumford, , 882, is John M. of Morrison, William, voy. N. W. Co., Mass., second mate of the Upper Red r., 1804, 301, Tonquin, from N. Y. Sept. 6th, 345 1 8 10, to the Columbia Mar. Morse's slough, 138 22d, 1811, and at Astoria for Mosquito pt., 478 some time after the Tonquin Mossy portages, 207, 466 left Mossy r., 207 Munro, Dr., N. W. Co., Grand Most, a person, 603 Portage, 1797-99

Mouge, , 191 Munro, Henry, clerk and interp. mountain buffalo, 682 N. W. Co., Le Pic, 1804 mountain goat, 641, 682, 757 Munro, John, clerk N. W. Co., Mountain 1., 9, 10 Nepigon, 1804 Mountain p., 218 Munro, William, N. W. Co., Upper Mountain r., 510 Red r., 1799 mountain sheep, 641, 680, 687, 688, Mure, John, 255

697 Murray, , 301, 302 Mt. Balfour, 689 Murray, Donald, 426, 427 Mt. Coffin, 796, 820, 828, 832, Muscagoes, 474, 484, see Mashque- 834 gons Mt. Forbes, 689 Muskako country, 189 Mt. Hood, 830 Muskeego-ne-gum-me-wee-see-bee Mt. Josephine, 7 r., 70 Mt. Mirliton, 686 Muskeek p., 70 Mt. Murchison, 689 muskeg, 287 Mt. Neahkahna, 755 Muskeg hill, 640 Mt. Nelson, 675 Muskego chf., 180 Mt. Ranier, 796 Muskeiko country, 778 Mt. St. Helena, 795 Muskrat r. , 61, 439, see Rat r. Mt. St. Helena Inds., 879 Musquawegun 1., 630 Mt. Tacoma, 796 mussels, 901 Mouse r., 4, 167, 189, 202, 207, 208, Musselshell r., 302 212, 296, 297, 298, 301, 303, 305, Mustela americana, 122 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, Mustela pennanti, 103 315, 316, 319, 406, 409, 410, 411, Mustelidas, 829 see ^liry cr. 412, 413, 414, 415, 661 Myry cr. , 320. Mouse River, N. Dak., 408 Mytilus edulis, 901 INDEX. 989

N Nebenninahnesebee r., 82 Ne-bo-wese-be r. , 41 nacaysh, 444 Nechacho r., 784, 898 Nacogdoches, Tex., 312 Necklace, an Ind. , 53, 285 Nadawa camp, S83, see Nadowa r. Neepawa, Man., i

Nadeau, , 603, 604, 611 Neepoin ho., 481 Nadeau, Denis, 603 Neerchookioons, 798 Nadeau, Joseph, 603 Negisticook cr., 794 Nadoneceronons is one way of Neguaquon 1. and p., 16, 17 spelling Sioux in Radisson's Negundo aceroides, 4, 172, 492 Journals Nehethawa, 505 Nadouasis, 516, see Sioux Neill, Rev. E. D., 302 Nadowa r., 843, 856, 882, 886 Nelson CO., N. Dak., 82, 95, 138, Nadowasis, Nadowessies, 16, 23, 141, 144 see Sioux Nelson, George, 259 Nagailer, 524 Nentaine, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., Nahanies, 524 Red r., 1804 Nahathaways, 683 Neotoma occidentalis, 749 Nah-toos, god, 528 Nepawee ho., 481 Nainauboushaw, 512 Nepignon, see next Nainouboushow, 521 Nepigon dept., district, or region Namakan 1. and r., 17, 18 in general, 189, 190, 193, 199, Namas, Alb., 566 202, 223, 226, 233, 268, 280, 282, Namaukan, Namekan, Nameu- 290, 505, 556. 569, 573, 592, 603, kan 1., 17 871, 874, 898 Namew 1., r. 472, 473 Nepigon , 345 Namure, Joseph, N. W. Co., Nepisangue Inds., 602, 608, 609, Kam., 1804 611, 652, 695, 814, 908, see Nanaudaya, Nanaundeyea, Nan- Nipissings auduge, 54, 55, 78, 118, 119, Nepisangue, one, old, 767, 797, 195, 196 821, see Saganakie, J. B. Nan-bun-ai-jam, 152 Nepiwa, Nepoin, Nepoway ho., Nantais, Leon Marie, voy. N. W. 478, 480, 481, 482 Co., Fond du Lac, 1804 Nepowewin ho., 481 Nantel, Joseph, see Nentaine Nepowewin mission, 482 Naowawgunwudju, 305 Nepowewin rap., 482 Napiquan is given as Blackfoot Nequally cr. , 794 name of British Nequaquon, Nequowquon 1., 16 Napoleon, 558, see Bonaparte, N. Nero, a dog, 863 of Narrows Cedar 1., 466 Netley cr. and 1., 41, 42 Narrows of Lake Manitoba, 207, Netnokwa, 3, 96, 229 208 Net Setting r., 488 Narrows of Lake Winnipeg, 337, Nettley cr. , 41 445. 451. 454 Netul r., 750, 771 Narrows of Tete du Chien, 454 New Archangel, 764 Nashakepenais res., 69 New Brunswick ho. of the N. W. Nash, Bell, 874 Co., on a headwater of that National Park, 618, 703 Moose r. which falls into Naubeenvishcung, 54, 152, 423 James' bay of Hudson's bay Naubonostouog, 241 , 277, 512, 759, 7S4 Naubunaejonbe, 244 New Caledonia ho., 784, 898 Naubunaijam, 55 Newcetu bay, 777 Naudowesis, 533, see Sioux New Chesterfield ho., 279 Naufaulk sound, 859 New Cumberland ho., 222 Nault, Baptiste, voy. c.-m. N. W. New fort, 220, see Fort William Co., Nepigon, 1804 Newfoundland, 629 Nawicquaicoubeau, 266, 270 New Grand p. , 10 Nawiti, 777 Newitty, Newity, 777 990 INDEX.

New Jersey and Trenton Banking Nolin, , clerk H. B. Co., Red Co., 736 r., 1 8 16, compare Nolin, Louis

New London or Lunnon, Alb., Nolin, , N. W. Co., arrived at 566 Grand Portage June 8th, 1798

New N. W. Co., 223 Nolin, , retired trader, Sault New Orleans, La., 289 Ste. Marie, 1817, sold out about New portages, Rainy River route, 1819 to C. O. Ematinger, and 10 went to Pembina New Westminster, Brit. Col.. 898 Nolin, Frangois, engage N. W. New Whitty, 777 Co., Fort Dauphin, 1799 New York, 84, 189, 293, 303, 505, Nolin, Fran§ois, clerk N. W. Co., 556, 603, 748, 749, 752, 759, 760, Fort Dauphin, 1804, probably 763, 766, 767, 773, 776, 777, 781, same as the last 783, 787, 788, 814, 836, 845,852, Nolin, Jean Baptiste, came to

869, 874, 882, 883, 885, 891, 899, case at Toronto, 1818 ; com- 912, 913 pare Loueson Nowlan of Tan-

Nez Perces, 398, 709, 712, 799, 819, ner's Narr. , p. 220 827, 853, 879, 887 Nolin, Jean Baptiste, was a captain Nichols, C. A., 764 Sault Ste. Marie, 1788 Nicolet, Jean, interp. of a Canadian Nolin, Louis, witness in Semple Fur Co., Green Bay, Wis., in the War of 1812 1634 Nootka, 753, 777 Nicollet, J. N., 147 Nootka Jack, 864 Nicollet's Height of Land, 143 Nootka sound, 777 Nid du Corbeau, 667 Norfolk sound, 859

Nimitaw, Man., 415 Norman co. , Minn., 141, 143, 150 Niobrara r., 843, 885 Normandin, Pierre, voy. N. W. Nipawee, Nipawi ho., 465, 481 Co., Le Pic, 1804 Nipigon, see Nepigon Normand, Michel, voy. N. W. Co., Nipissing hunter, 797, see Sagana- English r., 1804 kie, J. B. Norquay, Man., 418

Nipissing Ind., 602, 782, 791 Norrin, , 703, 705 * Nipissings, 652, 661 North America, 707

Nipowewin mission, 483 North Antler cr. , 308, 310, 314, Nippewean, Nipuwin ho., 481 412 Nipuwin r., Nipuwinsipi, 41 North br. of N. Sask. r., 650, 651, Nithkeekpahk Niskootake Sipi, 652, 671, 675, 738 567 North brook, 679, see last Niverville, M. de, founded Fort Northcote, Minn., 84 La Jonquiere " at the foot of North Dakota, 45, 69, 79, 81, 82, the Rocky mts., 1752." Mas- 310, 311 son, L p. 5, says the place North Edmonton, 568, 633 was where Capt. Brisebois of Northern Athapascans, 524 the mounted police established Northern Boundary Commission, a fort, shortly known by his Report, Survey, 22, 26, 80, name, more than 100 years 309

later, /. e. , site of present Cal- Northern Pacific and Manitoba R. gary. Others locate Fort La R., 55, 288, 290, 291, 305, 418 Jonquiere higher up, at or near Northern Pacific R. R., 84, 90, the source of the S. Sask. 143, 147, 673, 674

Noah's ark, 521 North fork of Cheyenne r. , 144

Nobert, Hy., voy. N. W. Co., North fork of Park r. , 90

Lake Winnipeg, 1804 North fork of Reed r. , 69 Noel, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., Eng- North Fowll., 9

lish r. , 1804 North 1., II Nolle, Louis, N. W. Co., Red Northmen, 7

Deer 1., 1798-99, probably North Platte r. , 884 same as Noel, Louis Northrop, Capt., 841, 845, 850, 853 INDEX. 991

North Saskatchewan r., 499, 500, voy. N. W. Co., Athabasca, 607, 618, 639, 640, 703, 782, 1804 and see Sask. r. Most of Noyau, 791, Noyer, , 576 Part II. of the work relates Nun 1., 566 to this Nut isl., 457 Northwest Angle of the Lake of Nuttall, Thomas, the subsequently the Woods, 24, 25, 26 distinguished botanist and or- North West Co., 7, 20, 34, 35, 36, nithologist, went with W. P. 40, 44, 45, 48, 50, 51, 52, 63, 79, Hunt from St. Louis early in 80, 81, 137, 164, 172, 187, 188, Jan., 181 1, to the Nadowa 189, 193, 195, 196, 202, 203, camp Apr. 17th, 181 1, and was 207, 212, 214, 215, 216, 219, left at the Arikara vill. July 220, 222, 223, 226, 227, 233, 1 8th, when the overland As- 234, 237, 240, 244, 248, 249, torians went on. In 1834 he 252, 253, 255, 259, 266, 268, accompanied J. K. Townsend 269, 274. 277, 278, 279, 280, on the Wyeth overland expe- 289, 290, 292, 293, 297, 298, dition to the Columbia r. 299, 301, 302, 303, 311, 345, 346, 370, 425, 439, 440, 442, 443. 445. 457. 465, 466, 474, 475. 476. 477. 483. 487. 500, Oakinacken,7go,865, see Okanagan 503. 505, 508, 531, 544, 553, Oak 1., 305 554. 555. 556, 557. 560, 572, Oakland, N. Dak., 412 573. 580, 581, 583, 591, 592, Oak pt., Columbia r., 794, 820, 828, 594, 598, 602, 603, 610, 611, 834. 835. 836. 837, 838, 840, 848, 612, 613, 614, 620, 626, 629, 851, 853, 857, S63, 878, 914 630, 640, 641, 64S, 659, 661, Oak pt.. Lake of the Woods, 26 664, 667, 675, 705, 734, 748, Oak Point, Ore., 7S8 749. 752. 757. 758, 759. 760, Oak Point vill., 793. 832 761, 764, 766, 767, 772, 774. Oak p., Kam. route, 219 775. 776. 777. 778, 779. 780, Oak p., Winnipeg r., 34 782, 783. 784. 787. 788, 789. oaks, 49, 815 790, 791, 792, 837, 848, 861, Oaks, The, 795, 825 862, 865, 867, 868, 869, 870, Oathlamuck, 833 871, 872, 873, 874, 877, 882, Observatoire de Clarke, 751 883, 884, 889. 890, 894. 895, Ocanashkit, 53, 203 896, 897, 898, 899, 916 Ocean ho., 645 North West Co. flag, 810, 848 Ocean Man's band, 522

North West Co. map, 176 Ocher r. , 207 North West Co. outfit of 1805, 280 O'Connor, Patrick, 806, 874 North West Co. schooner, 792 O'Fallon's bluff, Nebr., named for North West Co. winter express, a hunter killed there by Chey- 275 ennes Northwest Point of the Northwest Ogden, Nicholas G., 845, 846 Angle of the Lake of the Ogden, Peter, N. W. Co., was in Woods, 24, 25, 26 charge of Isle a la Crosse ho. North Wind, an Ind., 588 with McMurra}-- in 18 17 Norway ho., H. B. Co., so called Ogebois, Ogeebois, 54, 510, 533, as built by Norwegians, was 534. 535. 536. 537. see Ojib- on the N. part of Lake Winni- way Inds. peg, about entrance of Play- Ogemawudju mt., 147 green 1. Ogilvie, John, 255, 256 Norwesters, two women, 427 Ogilvie, Mr., 203, 561 Nose cr. see or. , 499, Ribstone Ogoniarto, Thomas, an Iroquois, Nose hill, 500 N. W. Co., among those cap- Nouhity, 777 tured with B. Frobisher, 18 19 Noutka, 777 Oheenaw, Ohhaw, Ohheenaw, 332 Nowaniouter, Igpiace, an Iroquois, Ohio r., 96 1

992 INDEX.

Ojibbeway, Ojibway Inds., 3, 16, Oregon robin, 816 53. 54. 55. 82, 122, 125, 263, 267, , 843 268, 427,448, 510, 512, 532, 533, Oreille Perce nation, 398 733 Orestes, sloop, 762 Okanagan ho., 439, 752, 757, 761, Oriental dogma, 529 767, 776, 782, 791, 792, 844, 886, orignal, 9 896 Orignal 1. and p., 9 Okanagan r., 783, 786, 882 Orion, Gabriel, voy. N. W. Co., Okanogan co.. Wash., 7S6 Nepigon, 1804 res., Orkney isls. Okemasis 490 , 426, 427, 462 Okinakane r., 786, see Okanagan Orkney lad or girl, 426, 427 Old, for several following see also Orkney men, 187, " 479 without " Old Oroutagouga, Paul, voy. c.-m. N. Old Bear, a Piegan, 703 W. Co., Nepigon, 1804 Old Buffalo, an Ind., 58 Osna Boia, 45 Old Crane, a chf., 402 Osnaburg, 45

Old Fallewine, 53, 209, see Vieux Osnaburgh ho. , H. B. Co., on N. Folle Avoine side of Lake St. Joseph, about

Old Fort on Athabasca r. , 642 long. 90° W., after 1799 Old Frog, a chf., 190, 241 Ossian, 45 Old Island fort, 562 Ossineboine r., 311 Old Man's cr., 611 Ossiniboia, 45 Necklace, chf., Ossiniboyne r. Old a 53, 285 , 45 Old Wild Rice, a chf., 53, 209 Otaskwan sta., 634 Olor americanus, 4 Otepe, Mr., trader in Minn., etc., Olor buccinator, 4, 752 in or before 1803, as per Wm. Olor columbianus, 92, 752 Morrison letter of 1856 olthen, 786 oto, 756 Omaha Inds. or vill., 778, 843, 857, Ottawa, an Ind., 553, 554 871, 884^ Ottawa dialect, 82 Onayoise, Etienne, 875 Ottawa Inds., 96, 584, 591

Oncorhynchus chavicha, 750 Ottawa, Ont. , 747, 915 Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, 750 Ottawa r., 788 Oncorhynchus keta, 750 Ottawwaw Inds., 96, 263, 448 Oncorhynchus kisutch, 750 Otter Point Rock, 34 Oncorhynchus nerka, 750 Otter Tail co., Minn., 145, 146, Oncorhynchus qiainnat, 750 147. 148 Ondainoiache, Ondoinoiache, On- Otter Tail 1., 145, 146, 148, 149, doiworache, 54, 55, 194, 231 151, 274, 383

Onion cr., br. of Missouri r., 319 Otter Tail r. , 146, 147 Onion 1., near N. Sask. r., 506 Otter Track 1., 13 Onion Lake sta., 504, 505 otters, 85 Ontario, 6, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 29, Otter, ship, 221 301 Ottowwaws, 271, see Ottawa and Ontario Sessional Papers, 175 Ottawwaw Inds. Ontonagan r. is Tonnagan r. in Oucanashkit, 54

McKenzie Ouelette, , express with Four-

1. Ooneepowhayoos res. , 548 nier. Slave to Fort Chipe- Oochenawga is the way D. wyan Apr. 17th, 1800 Thompson spells Okanagan 8emess8rite, 346 Aug. 29th, 181 Ouimet, Mrs. Alderic, 301 Opposition Co., 48, 136 Ouinipeg, Ouinipigon, Ouini- Opuntia, 321 pique, 27, 37, see Winnipeg Ordeway, John, 914 Oui, Patrick, 868 Oregon, 268, 289, 303, 443, 556, 757, Ouiseconsaint for Wisconsin, Mal- 801, 812 hiot's Journ., 1804, in Masson, Oregon City, Ore., 811 I. P- 235 Oregon r., 749 Oumissourite, 346 INDEX. 993

Ouragon for Oregon r., in La- Palliser, Alb., 633 rocque's Journ.. 1804-05, in Palliser range, 689 r. Masson, I. p. 310 Palliser , 906 Outardel. and p., 9 Palooses, 827 outardes, 9, 172, 740 r., 767 Overland Astorians, 787, 843, 857, Pambian, Pambinar. , 82, 94, see 862, 867, 869, 871, 872, 873, 874, Pembina r. 881, 882, 883, 884, 885, 886, 887, Pambrun, Pierre Chrysologue, b. 898 near Quebec Dec. 17th, 1792, Ovis montana, 641, 680 son of Andre Dominique Pam- Owl r.. 574 brun; took part in war of 1 812; Owlshead, 78 entered H. B. Co.; in 1816 was Owyhee, 847 captured during the disturb- Oxbow sta., Assin., 308 ances on Red r. by some of Ozaw-wen-dib, 54 the N. W. Co. under C. Grant, O-zhusk-koo-koon, 229 R. McKenzie, and others, but soon released; on the coalition of 1 82 1 went to Cumberland ho., and while there married Pacific Fur Co., 748, 749, 751, 752, a dau. of Thos. Umfreville; 757. 758, 759. 760, 761, 764, took charge of Fort des Ba- 766, 767, 776, 777, 783. 787. bines in New Caledonia about 788, 789, 790, 792, 814, 818, 1825; left about 1827 to win- 834, 838, 842, 851, 852, 854, ter at Lac d'Orignal, and 861, 862, 863, 865, 872, 874, went next year to Fort Van- 882, S85, 886, 897, 889, 891, couver; about 1832 took charge 894, 899, 903, 912 of Fort Wallawalla, and re- Pacific ocean, 223, 266, 298, 299, mained there till his death by 333. 473, 524, 578, 583. 647. fall from a horse about 1840 692, 694, 705, 706, 712, 745, Panbian mt., 152, 154, 251, see 776. 777, 782, 784, 857, 862, Pembina mts. and Hair hills 866, 898, 914 Panbian r., br. of Athabasca r., Packanakra, a Kanaka, 874 523, 566, 608, 661, 739 Pack cr., 672 Panbian r. ,br. of Red r., 75, 79, 81, Packer, Packie, ship, 864 82, 83, 115, 117, 118, 119, 120, Pack r., 512 153, 178, 180, 181, 182, 185, Pacquin, Pacquim, 599, 605 190, 191, 192, 193, 195, 196, Paddle r., 566 203, 208, 211, 212, 213, 225, Paddling Assiniboines, 522 230, 232, 238, 249, 250, 251, Paddling 1., 492 255, 259, 260, 264, 265, 266. Paegan, Pagan, 524, see Piegan 281, 285, 286, 291, 292, 304, Paget, Antoine, 204, see Payet 416, 418, 420, 421, 422, 424, Paget, Joseph, 204 430, 432, 433, 437, 440, 447, 889 Pahai, Peter, 868 Panbina r., 82, see Pembina r. Pahkee, 524, see Piegan Pangman, Bostonnais, 269, 628, Pain Binatat, 82, see Pembina 668. 669 Paint cr., 565, 611, 632, 744 Pangman, Hon. John, 269 Painted Feather, 507, 527, 529, Pangman, Peter, 269, 507, 640, 541, 545, 547, 576, 577, 598 662 Painted Feather's band, 524, 530, Pangman 's tree, 269, 507, 640, 662, 539, 542, 572, 588. 736 679 Painted r., 506, see Vermilion r. Panis, 145, see Pawnees

Paint 1., 778 Papa or Pape, , was on Kam.

Paire, , 630 route July 27, 1804, compare Paiutes, 818, 819 Papin, Pepin Pakan, Alb., 564 Papaschase res., 568, 634 Pakeeknaak, Thomas, 868 Papin, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., palimpsest, 97 English r. , 1804 994 INDEX.

Paquet, Bastien, voy. c.-m. N. W. Pasquayah vill., 470

Co., English r. , 1804 Pasquia hills, 470 Paquet, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., Pasquia r., 462, 469, 470, 471 Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Pasquiaw mt., 473 r. Paquia, Joseph, 868 Pasquiaw , 470 Paquia, Louis, 868 Pasquitinow hills, 470, 478 Paradis, Cuthbert, 443 Passage isl., 119 Paradis, Cyrile, 443 Passeau Minac Sagaigan, 14 Paradise sta., Mont., 674 passenger-pigeon, 8 621, 628 Paradis, Fran§ois, 443 Patenaude, , 591, Paraurriee, a Kanaka, 868 Patenaude, Michel, 591 in McKenzie, is Pareil, , 659 pathagomenan, Pareil, Pierre, 578, 647, 669 the cloudberry, Rubus chamcE- niorns Parent, , 775 Patrick, Mrs., 216 Parenteau, , 548, 552, 553, 570, 571. 572, 582, 587, 603, 604, Patterson, Charles, trader among 605, 608, 609, 615, 620, 624, the Sioux on or near Yellow 628, 631, 632 Medicine r., br. of the Minne-

Parenteau, , Athabasca, 553 sota; Patterson rap. probably Parenteau, Jean, 553 named for him Parenteau, Joseph, 553 Patterson, Mr., trader with J. and Paris, France, 603, 897 T. Frobisher, 1775, met with Henry, sen., on Parisien, , one or more, 555, them by A. 556, 557. 593. 594. 615. 675 Lake Winnipeg Sept. 7th, Parisien, Baptiste, 556 1775; accompanied the latter Parisien, Bonaventure, 556 from a Fort des Prairies to an Parisien, Hj'acinthe, 556 Assiniboine vill., winter of Parisien, Ignace, 556 1775-76 Pillet Parisien, Jean B., 556 Pattet, , 788, see Parisien, Joseph, 557 Patty, John, 913, 914, z. e., John Parisseux rap., 218 Potts, of Lewis and Clark

Parizzian, , 556, see Parisien Paubna, 82, see Pembina Park, Joseph, 599 Paul, Bat., 5S3 Park r., br. of N. Sask. r., 690 Paul, Jean Baptiste, 279, 457 Park r., br. of Red r., 82, 86, 89, Paul, Joseph, 279, 457 90, 91, 93, 99, 102, 107, 126, 133, Paul, Nicolas, 457 137. 138. 141, 148, 158, 174, Paul, Paulet, 457 175, 178, 229, 235, 437, 438 Paul, Pierre, 457 Park River post, 123 Pautchauconce, 304 Parks, John, H. B. Co., 545, 605 pautumaugan, 790 Parks, Mr., at Fort George, 851 Pavilion, Pavion r., 767 Parliament, 663, see Act of Pawkee, 524, see Piegan

Parrenteau, , 553, see Paren- Pawnees, 145, 317, 330, 333, 334, teau: one of the name so 335. 336, 383. 384. 400 spelled appears as of Fort Payet, Antoine, 204, 226, 232, 239, Chipewyan, 1799, probably 249. 250 the Parenteau of Athabasca, Payet, Madame, 226 above Payette, Frangois, 868, 914 r. Parrin, , X. Y. Co., Fort Payette , 761 Chipewyan, 1800 Payoenan cr., 483 see Parisien Peace hills, Parrisien, , 556, 635 Parsnip r., 510, 512, 777 Peace Hills Agency, 522 Partridge falls, 164 Peace pt., 510 Partridge p., 8 Peace r., 51, 187, 193, 214, 222, 266, Pas, a place on Sask. r., 469 268, 277, 278, 293, 439, 489, 506, Paskonkin res., 22 510, 511, 512, 554, 581, 583, 604, Pas Mission, 469 612, 642, 705, 759, 767, 777, 784. Pasquayah r., 462, 481 861, 862, 874, 898 ,

INDEX. 995

Peace River delta, 511 Pembina r. , br, of Little Athabasca houses, 511, 512, 513 r., 581 Peagan, see Piegan 524, Pembina r. , br. of Red r., 63, 75, Pearson, James, voy. N. W. Co., 79, 80, 81, 82, 143, 207, 247, English r., 1804 289, 418, 419, 424, 874 Pedlar, brig, 759, 788, 790, 814, Pembina Ry., 414 841, 842, 843, 844, 845, 847, Pembook, 652 848, 850, 854, 855, 856, 857, Pembrillant, Antoine, 868, 869 858, 859, 860, 862, 863, 864, 894 Pembrook, 607, 652 Peegan, 524, see Piegan Pemican p., 476 Pegouisse, 53, 257 pemmican, 173, 232, 276, see tau- Peigan, Peikan, 524, see Piegan reaux Peittet, 860, see Pillet, F. B. Pemmican p., 476 Pekahkemew, Pekakemew r., 485 Penawa r. , 32 Pekan, 524, see Piegan Pend d'Oreille Inds., 398, 709, 711 Pekasun r. , 68 Fend d'Oreille 1., 606, 671, 672, Pekaukaune Sahkiegun, 81 673. 674. 707, 709, 711 r. Pekitanoui , 346 Pendennis, Man., 305

Pekwionusk r. , 69, 70 Pendroy, N. Dak., 408 Pelan, Minn., 84 Peninsula, the. Lake of the Pelecanus californicus, 771 Woods, 23 Pelecanus erythrorhynchus, 39, Pennawa r., 31, 32 195 Peoria, 111., 883 Pelican, chf. a , 470 Pepin, A., 875 Pelican 1., 81, 415 Perain, , 553, compare next Pelican 1., in ilinn., 148 Perain, Thomas, voj\ N. W. Co., Pelican r., br. of Athabasca r. , 581 Fort des Prairies, 1804

Pelican r. , br. of Red r., 148, 275 Peraiu, , 553, compare last pelicans, 39, 771 Per&s, Mons., N. W. Co., was

Pelletier, , 268, see Peltier sent by Harmon to winter Pelletier, Jean Baptiste, 268 1806-07 at Moose 1. (Lac Pelletier, Louis, 268 Orignal, W. of Lake Winni- Pellette, B., 872, 875, see Pillet, peg) F. B. Perche p., 11 Pellyquawkys res., 492 Percy, Minn., 84

Peltier, , N. W. Co., 1793, 268 Perdrix Blanche, 53, 238 Peltier, Antoine, 268 Pereau, Louis, engage N. W. Co. Pelton, Archibald, 867 at capture of Fort William, Pelton, Joseph, 867, 868 Aug. 13th, 1816 mts., Pembian 419, see Pembina Perigne, , 299 mts. Perigne, Louis, 300

Pembian r. , 82, see r. Perigny, Pembina , 553 Pembina br. of C. P. Ry., 418 Perigny, Louis, 300 Pembina CO., Dak., N. 81, 82, 89, Perizzien, , 556, see Parisien 230 Permuatch, 614 Pembinah, 70, 81, 263, 425, 448 Perogue pt., in D. Thompson's Pembina mts., 54, 63, 66, 81, 82, MS., 1808, is a place on the 89, 95, 207, 208, 415, 417, 419 Sask. r., one day below Fort Pembina, N. Dak., 25, 43, 51, Augustus 52, 55, 5$, 60, 69, 79, 81, 82, Peron, Godfroi, voy. N. W. Co., 115, 126, 181, 182, 187, 188, Lake Winnipeg, 1804 201, 202, 212, 195, 214, 215, Perrault, , 303

224, 232, 238, 239, 250, 268, Perrault, , 553

274, 279, 280, 398, 426, 430, Perrault, , 868 431. 873 Perrault, Gabriel, 630 Pembina r., br. of Athabasca r. Perrault, Guillame, 868 279. 554. 565. 566, 567, 580, 583, Perrault, William, 905 585, 602, 652, 659, 661, 761 Perreault, Francois, 301, 303 996 INDEX.

Perreault, Gabriel, 303 Petit Rocher du Lac du Bonnet Perreault, Guilleaume, 303 P-. 33 Perreault, Jean Baptiste, 303 Petit Rocher p., Winnipeg r., 28 Perreault, Jean Baptiste, bts, 303 Petit Vaseux p., 19 Perreault, William, 868, 914 Petopek r., 69 Pettit, F. B., Perrin, , 553, 572, 582, 591 832, 854, 872, see

Perrinnu, , 298, see Perigne Pillet, F. B. Pettitot, Perrizian, , 556, 561, see Pa- , 220 risien Petton, Joseph, 867, see Pelton,

Perrone, , X. Y. Co., came Joseph with Bellegarde to Little isl., Peznor, Jacob, 885, 887 near Fort Chipewyan, May Phalacrocorax dilophus, 4 23d, 1800 pheasant, 103 Perrot, Nicolas, was on the Mis- Pheasant Rump's band, 522 sissippi with P. Lesieur be- Phelippeaux, Jean Frederic, 35 fore 1700 Philadelphia, Pa., 913 Perry, Minn., 143 Phoca vitulina, 857 Peruze, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., Phoebe, ship, 762, 847 Nepigon, 1804 Phoradendron flavescens vil- Teshauba, 263, 274 losum, 816 Petabec r., 472 Photograph cr., 560 Peter Pond's old ho., 581 Phragmites communis, 70 Petit Caribou, 54, 97 Pic, see Le Pic Petit Coquille, 97 Pic and L. r., 199 Petit Coquin, 561 Picaneaux, 509, 524, 530, see Pie- Petit Detroit, 10, 19 gan Inds. Petite Coquille, 53, 194 Picard, Andre, 872 Petite Grue, 53, 209 Picard, M., 875 Petite Montague, 567, see Horse piccanan, picconou, 444 hill Pichaux, see Tete aux Pichaux

Petite Montague de Roche, 224 Piche, , a lad, 609

Petite Peche, 10 Piche, , N. W. Co., Assini- Petite Pointe des Bois falls and boine r., 1794

p., 30, 31 Piche, , X. Y. Co., Fort Chi- Petites Dalles, 31, 32 pewyan, 1800 Petit, Francis B., 825, 872, see Pichet, Joseph, 554 Pillet Pichet, Louis, 554 Petit Lac Vaseux, 473 Pichette, , 553

Petit Lac Winnipec, 150 Pichette, , 603, 659, 661, 666 Petit Nepisangue, 675 Pickenow, 524, see Piegan Petit Portage de la Croix, 17 Pickerel 1. and r., 217 Petit Portage de la Riviere Pickoutiss, 54, 55, 196 Blanche, 31 Piegan Inds., 495, 509, 523. 524, 526, Petit Portage des Bois Blancs, 530, 533. 540, 544- 545. 547, 15 595. 635, 637, 641, 643, 644,

Petit Portage Neuf , 10 646, 647, 648, 650, 652, 654, Petit Portage Neuf, another, 18 655. 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, Petit Portage Neuf, another, 18 662, 666, 670, 671, 675, 676, Petit Rocher, Rainy River route, 707, 710, 713, 718, 719, 720, 13. 15 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726,

Petit Rocher, Winnipeg r. , 27 727, 728, 729, 730, 731, 732, Petit Rocher Brule, 31 734. 735 Petit Rocher de la Riviere Piegan plains, 638 Blanche, 32 Piegan road, 639

Petit Rocher de Saginaga, 12 Pierre, , 661, see La Pierre Petit Rocher des Couteaux p., 13 and St. Pierre Petit Rocher du Bonnet p., 33 Pierre, an Iroquois, 610, 626, 648 Petit Rocher du Lac Croche, 15 Pierre, " Joe de la," 873 ,

INDEX. 997

Pierre's r. , 884 Pine r., br. of Peace r., another, Pigan, 524, see Piegan 510, 512 Pigeon 1., 499, 635 Pine r., br. of Rainy r., 22 Pigeon Lake, Man., 289 Pine r., feeder of Roseau 1., 69 Pigeon r., 8, 11, 18 6, 7, Pinnawas r. , 32 Pigeon River route, 218 pinnipeds, 857 pigeons, 4, 8, 194 Pipestone cr., 305 Pijihi r., 147 Pipestone cr. or r., 635 pike, a fish, 70, 444 Piquaquoite, , voy. N. W. Co., Pike brook, 501 Fort Dauphin, 1804 Pike Head, Lake Winnipeg, 456 Piquet, J., trader at Lake Patcha- Pike 1., 501, 588 techamban, 1784-85, see next Pikenow, 524, see Piegan Piquet, Joseph, came to Sault Pikenow camp, 704 Ste. Marie, 178S Pikenow guide, 703 Piroquelon, 837 Pikenow plain, 638 Pisaunegawpe, 218 pike-perch, 444 Pishawbey, 274, 275, see Peshauba Pike r., 501, 502 Pisscows r., 783 Pike. Z. M., 2, 3, 9, 36, 51, 52, 55, Pittsburgh, N. Dak., 90 80, 84, 137, 189, 216, 244, 274, Pittsburg, Pa., 289, 591 301, 302, 423, 614, 628, Pivain, Pivian. 597, 898 , 553, 582 Pillet, Pillette, Pillot, Francis B., Placotte lakes, Si, 415 443. 757. 767. 783. 7S7- 788, placottes, 81 814, 825, 832, 854, 860, 865, Plain Inds., 687 872, 875, 882, 899 Plain p., 290, see Portage la Pilon, Francois, N. W. Co., Prairie

starved to death at fort at Plante, , 268, see also La- forks of McKenzie r., under plante Wentzel, winter of 1810-11 Plante, , 579 Pilot Knobs, 844, 884 Plante, Alexis, 268 Pimbina, see Pembina Plante, Antoine, 268 Pinancewaywining r., 119, 154, Plante, Charles, 268 204, 205, 211, 419, 420 Plante, Joseph, 268, 277, 443 Pinault, Pierre, voy. N. W. Co., Plante, Joseph, another, 268 Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Plante, Louis, 268 Pinawa, Pinawac r., 27, 31, 32, 33 Plante, Louis Auguste, 268 Pincourt for Pain Court, /. ^., St. Plante, Pierre, 268 Louis, Mo., occurs in Masson, Plante's r., 589 L, p. 273 Plats Cotes des Chiens, is French Pine cr., br. of Assiniboine r., name of the Dog Rib Inds. 296 Platte r., 384, 843, 882, 884, 886

Pine cr. , br. of r. r., Bow , 704 Plumb br. of Mouse r., 302, 305, Pine cr., br. of Sask. r., 484 415

cr. , Pine br. of White Mud r. , i Plumb r., br. of Pembina r., 420 Pine fort, r. on Assiniboine , 50, Plumb, Plum r., br. of Red r., 268, 296, 592, 776, 837 67, 68, 117, 231, 285. 447 Pine Island fort, on N. Sask. r. Plum cr. or r., br. of Mouse r., 503 305. 306 Pine isl., large area on Sask. r. plus, standard of value, 2 475. 476 Poak, Paul, 868 Pine isl., small, on Sask. r., 469 pocomagan, 790

Pine isls. , Rainy River route, 14 Pocquin, Louis, 868 Pine 1., near La Plante's r., 549 pogamoggan, poggamoggon, 790 Pine 1., on Red r., in Minn., 146 Pogonowisebe r. , 21 Pine p., 12 Point, see names of Points not in Pine Portage 1., 217 following list Pine r., br. of Assiniboine r., 296 Point Adams, 751, 755, 756, 764, Pine r., br. of r. Peace , 510 780, 889, 909 998 INDEX.

Point de Sable, 36, 37 Polygonum aviculare, 667 Pointe a la Framboise, 12 Polynesian, 756 Pointe au Canot Casse, 459 Pominville, Jean Baptiste, N. W. Pointe au Sable, 16 Co., Nepigon, 1799

Pointe au Sable, Winnipeg r. , 264 Pomme de raquette, 321 Pointe aux Chenes, 795 Pompadour, 35 Pointe aux Gravois, 460 Pond fort, old, 511 Pointe aux Ragominoire, Rayon- Pond, Peter, 80, 176, 269, 511 nements?, 457 Pond's old ho., 511, 581 Pointe de Lievre, 466 Ponis, 78, see Pawnees

Pointe de Meuron, 220 Ponoka sta. , Alb. , 636 Pointe de Sable, 17 Pontbriand, Antoine, voy. N. W. Pointe des Bois portages, 30, 31 Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804

Pointed Heart Inds. , 672, 709, 711 Pontbriand, Joseph, voy. N. W. Pointe du Grand Marais, 458 Co., Le Pic, 1S04 Pointe du Lac, Que., 443 Pooh Bah 1., 217 Pointe du Mai, 218 Pope's Idg., 673 Pointe Fortune, 40 poplar, 49 Pointe Maligne, 456 Poplar fort, 292 Pointe Maligne, another, 459 Poplar Point sta., Man., 290 Point Fortune, Vaudreuil co.. population in 1805, 282 Que., 202 Populus balsamifera, 49, 244 Point George, 749, 755, 756, 770, Populus monilifera, 49 779, 842 Populus tremuloides, 49, 131, 292 Point Greenville, 864 porcupine-grass, 115 Point Maymagwaysee, 456 Porcupine hill or mt., 299, 300 Point Metasse, 36 porcupines, 6S2 Point Missineo, 460 Porcupine Tail, an Ind., 429 Point of Sand, 36 Pork Eaters, 248 Point of the Detour, 461 Porlier, Jacques, b. Montreal 1765; Point of Woods lieutenant of militia p., 15 1791 ; Point Open-slope, 754 went to Baie Verte, Wis., Point Samuel, 833 that year or 1797; two years Point Turn Again, 458 there in service of Pierre Grig- Point Vancouver, 798, 830 non; became free trader on poires, poiriers, 405; found as Miss, and Wis. r. Married paires and misasquitominuck in 1793 Marguerite Gresie, in Harmon French - Menomonee half- Poirier, Augustin, voy. N. W. Co., breed of the St. Croix; win- English r., 1804 tered with Robert Dickson on poisoned arrows, 808 Miss. r. at the Thousand isls., Poisson, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., below Sauk Rapids; met by Nepigon, 1804 Pike in 1805-06 about Falls of Poitra, Poitras, of St. Anthony; took part in , 301. Two this name, father and son, N. war of 1812; justice of the W. Co., Assiniboine r., were peace and captain of militia pillaged by Selkirk agents, at Baie Verte 181 5; judge of spring of 18 14 Brown co.. Wis.; died Baie Poitras, Andre, 301 Verte July 12th, 1S39, and his Poitvin, Andre, N. W. Co., Upper wife five years afterward; left

Red r. , 1799, may be same as several children, some living the last in 1878 Polk CO., Minn., 127, 128, 129, 141, Porlier, Jean Jacques, eldest son 151 of Jacques Porlier, about 18 Pollock, Duncan, senior clerk of years old in 1814; lived at Baie Gregory, McLeod and Co., Verte; had a large family; Grand Portage, 1785; sent to died Grand Kaukaulin 1838 Redr. Porlier, Louis B., brother of the INDEX. 999

above; lived at Butte des Canada, as early as the years Morts; married a dau. of Au- 1774 and 1775, where he met gustin Grignon with the Indians in the spring, porpoises, 821 on their way to Churchill, ac- Portage, see also names of port- cording to annual custom, ages not in following list with their canoes full of val- Portage a la Loche, 581 uable furs. They traded with Portage a I'Eau Froide, 218 him for as many of them as Portage aux Outardes, 9 his canoes could carry, and in

Portage cr. , at Portage la Prairie, consequence of this transac- 291 tion the portage received and Portage de Chien, see Dog p.; has since retained its present said by Sir Geo. Simpson to appellation. He also denom- have been named from the inated these waters the Eng- Indian tradition to the effect lish River. The Missinipi is that two monstrous dogs lay the name it received from the down to sleep on top of the Knisteneaux, when they first hill and left the mark of their came to this country, and figures on the turf either destroyed or drove back Portage de la Croix, 17 the natives, whom they held Portage de I'Agace, 32 in great contempt, on many Portage de la Pointe des Bois, 15 accounts, but particularly for Portage de la Riviere Blanche, their ignorance in hunting the 31, 32 beaver, as well as in pre- Portage de la Terre Blanche, 27, paring, stretching, and drying 34 the skins of those animals. Portage de la Terre Jaune, 27 And as a sign of their de- Portage de I'lsle ho., 28 rision, they stretched the skin

Portage de I'lsle, Winnipeg r. , 28, of a frog, and hung it up at 30,31, 224, 505 the portage."—McKenzie, p. Portage de Rideau, 16 Ixxv Portage des Bois Blancs, 14, 15 Portage du Bonnet, 33 Portage des Carpes, 14 Portage du Cantara, 32 Portage des Chenes. Kam. route, Portage du Hauteur des Terres, 11 219 Portage du Lac des Bois, 25, 26 Portage des Chenes (Umfreville) Portage du Perdrix, 8 505 Portage du Rat, 26 Portage des Chenes, Winnipeg r., Portage Ecarte, 218 34 Portage Frangais, 217 Portage des Chiens, 247, see Por- Portage la Croche, 15, 16 tage de Chien Portage L, 146 Portage des Eaux mouvantes, 34 Portage la Loche, see Portage a Portage des Frangais, 247 la Loche Portage des Grandes Eaux qui Portage la Prairie, i, 2, 4, 45, 46, remuent, 34 55, 56, 76, 132, 155. 156. 158.' Portages des Grands Pins, 15 161, 169, 172, 174, 175, 176,180. Portage des Gros Pins, 12 183, 184, 188, 189, 191, 193, 197, Portage des Noyes, 80 200, 203, 207, 208, 209, 211, 212, Portage des Perches, 11 215, 224, 225, 232, 235, 236, 238, Portage des Trembles, 505 239, 244, 245, 246, 247, 249, 250, Portage de Traite, 472, " or, as it 252, 258, 259, 265, 267, 269, 274, is called by the Indians, Ath- 276, 278, 281, 285, 286, 290, 291, iquisipichigan Ouinigam, or 292, 295, 313, 417, 421, 422, 423, the Portage of the Stretched 424, 510, 778

Frog-Skin, . . . received its Portage la Roche, 13 name from Mr. Joseph Frob- Portage of the Big Pines, 12 isher, who penetrated into Portage Paresseux, 218 of this part the country from Portage r. , br. of Columbia r., 693 lOOO INDEX.

Portages de la Croix, i6 Preveau, Prevost, Jean Baptiste, Portages des Bois Blancs, 14 868, 869 Portages des Cerises, 9 Pricket, Richard, interp. N. W. Portages du Rocher du Bonnet Co., Rainy 1., 1804 d'en haut, 33 prickly ash, 139 Portages Neufs, several, 10, 18 prickly-pear, 321

Portage track, old, 566 Priest r. , 673 Port Arthur, 218 Priest's rap., 783

Porter, Capt., 848 Primault, , interp. N. W. Co., Porter, Commodore, 913 at Alexandria under Harmon, Oct., 1802 probably same as Porter, James, 481 ; Portland, N. Dak., 142 next Portland, Ore., 810 Primeau, Joseph, interp. N. W. Portsmouth, Eng., 762, 896 Co., Fort des Prairies, 1804 r. bis, voy. N. W. Poscoiac , 462 Primeau, Joseph, Poscopsahe, 323, 324 Co., Fort des Prairies, 1804

Poskoiac, Poskoyac r., 462, 465 Prince, , 618, 620 Pothier, Toussaint, N. W. Co.; Prince Albert, Sask., 487, 488 major in the war of 1812 Prince Arthur's Idg., 220 ; member of Legislative Coun- Pritchard, John, clerk N. W. Co.,

cil, 1823-38 ; seigneur du Nepigon, 1804 ; had charge of River post when it fief Lagauchetiere ; d. Mon- the Mouse treal, very old was attacked and pillaged by Potties, 223, see X. Y. Co. John Spencer, acting as sheriff

Poudrier, , starved to death under orders of Miles Mc-

under W. F. Wentzel, fort at Donnell, June, 1814 ; soon Forks of McKenzie r., winter afterward entered Lord Sel- of 1810-11 kirk's service. Mr. Pritchard Poule d'Eau, 53, 209 took the place of one Falcon, Pouliot, Pouliotte, Poulivette, who d. at the Mouse River Poultiatte, Nicolas, 51, 52, 77, fort, winter of 1807-08 182, 226, 227 Procyon hernandezi, 817 Poundmaker res., 499 Prohibition Act, 663 pounds for buffalo, 51S, 519, 520, Prospect cr. , 674 576, 577 Provengal, Louis, Minnesota pio- Pourtlance, see Roy, Joseph neer in the 1800 and

Powawassan res. , 23 later, Sioux Traverse ; d. at of his Powell, Maj. J. W,, 550, 709 Mendota, 1855 ; a son powmagan, 790 was killed by Sioux at Coteau Prairie, a camp on Pigeon r., 8 de Prairie

Prairie a Fauneer, Fournier, 289 Provencher district, Man , 40, 63, Prairie cr., 640, 670 69 Prairie de la Tete de Boeuf, 166, Provost, Paul, 869 419 pruce, 688 Prairie du Chien, 50, 257 Prudelle, see Trudelle Prairie du Lac de Vire, 564 Pruden, Prudent, Mr., 490, 561 Prairie en Longue, 203, 259, 267, Pruden's bay, 40 281 Pruneau, Prunoe, Baptiste, 633, prairie fires, 158 655, 661 Prairie 1., 208 Prunus emarginata, 816 Prairie la Paille, 300 Prunus pumila, 40 Prairie p., 290, 291, see Portage prush, prusse, 688 la Prairie Prussia, 900 Prairie p., Kam. route, 218, 219 Pryon, N., 914, /.

Pseudogryphus califomianus, 808, Quesnel, Frederic Auguste, 611 817 Quesnel, Joseph, 611 Psoralea esculenta, 183 Quesnel, Jules Maurice, 219, 266, Psihu r. , 147 611, 705, 784, 898 ptarmigan, 687 Quicksand r., 797, 798 Pteris aquilina, 816 Quinaielt, Quinaiult, 864 Pubbekwawwaunggaw Saugie- Quiniss, 54, 160, 212, 213 gun, "the Lake of the Sand Quinney cr., 562 Hills," occurs for Lake of the quinquelingual vocabulary, 534, Woods in Tanner's Narr., 535. 536, 537 p. 48 Quintal, Antoine, voy. N. W. Co., Public Library of Toronto, 748 English r., 1804 Pucketona-sipi, 488 Quintal, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co.. Pudding cr. or r. , 812, 813, 819 Fort des Prairies, 1804 Pudding River Kalapooians, 812 Quiscatina Sepy, or River with Puget'sisl., 833, 834 the High Banks, so in Mc- Puget's sound, 839 Kenzie for a br. of Peace r. Pukketowoggan brook, 488, 489 from the E. pukkwi, 448 Punch Bowl 1., 642 Punk isl., 453, 454 Purie, , 205, see Pierre and Rabaska, see Athabasca St. Pierre Rabbit Assiniboines, 522 Puskeeahkeehewin res., 548, 560 Rabbit cr., 488 Rabbit hill, 634 Rabbit pt., 466

Rabbit r. , 146 Quagmire Hall, 740 rabbits, 559 quaittes, 341 raccoons, 157, 817 quaking ash or asp, 49, 292 Raccoon, ship, 279, 757, 758, 761, Qu'Appelle fort, 49 762, 763, 765, 766, 767, 769, Qu'Appelle, Long Lake, and Sask. 770, 772, 773, 774, 775. 779. br. of C. P. Ry., 487 780, 847, 848, 865, 889, 893, Qu'Appelle r., 4, 47, 174, 202, 279, 895, 901, 902, 909 298, 299, 301, 428, 470, 522, Racette, , Canadian freeman, 616, 778 Grand rap. of Sask. r., 1817 quart de loge, 572 Racicot, , N. W. Co., Lac au Quartier, , N. W. Co., on the Flambeau, 1804, probably Sask. r. in June, 1800 same as next Quartier, Francois, and Quartier, Racicot, Jacques, voy. N. W. Co., Joseph, both named by L). Torch 1., 1804 Thompson on his Red Deer Racine, Michel, voy. N. W. Co., Lake journey in Sept., 1798 Nepigon, 1804 Quathlapotle isl., 821 Radisson, , 8, 37 Quebec, 98, 216, 278, 289, 303, 311, Rafinesque, C. S., 445, 614 505, 897, see Chouinard Raft 1., 290 Queenhithe, 864, 865, 866 Rainville, Joachim, 50, 182, com- Queniult, 864 pare Daisville and Donville Quercus garryana, 616 Rainville, Joseph, 51, 188, 249 Quercus macrocarpa, 49 Rainy 1., 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 51, Queret, Pierre, in the fur trade ; 161, 166, 188, 203, 207, 248, served in arms with C. M. 303, 556, 611, 626, 750, 767, Langlade and R. Dickson, 867, 872, 873, 884, 898

1812 ; at Prairie du Chien, Rainy Lake City, 20 Green bay, etc., about this Rainy Lake ho., 20, 80, 222, 277, time ; returned to Canada and 508, 608, 752. 895, 897 died soon Rainy Lake r., 18, 20, 21 Quesnel, Aimable, 868, 904 Rainy Lake route, 457 ,


Rainy r., 8, ii, 12, 18, 20. 21, 22, Raven cr., 618 r. 23, 26, 217, 439, 778 Raven , 703 Rainy River ho., 439, 440 Raymond, Baptiste, voy. N. W. Rainy River route, 6 Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Rainy River system, 38 •Raymond, Frangois, voy. N. W.

r. , see Kootenay r. Co., English r., Ram , 705 1804 Ram r., br. of N. Sask. r., 678 Raymond, Simon, 164, see Reaume

Ramsay, , old, 768 Read, John, of Astoria, 886, see Ramsay, Jack, 768 Reed, John

Ramsey co., N. Dak., 144 Reale, , 274, 557

Randall, Magnus, H. B. Co., in Reaudet r. , 22

charge of Musquawegun ho., Reaume, , 164 winter of 1804-05 Reaume, Charles, 164 Rand-McNally map, 21 Reaume, J., 164 Rangifer caribou, 9, 285 Reaume, Joseph, 164, 199 Rangifer tarandus, 285 Reaume, Mr. or Mons., unidenti- Ransom co., N. Dak., 144 fied, 164, 291 Raphael, Jacques, clerk N. W. Co., Reaume, Simon, 164 Upper Fort des Prairies and Red Berry hills, 492, 548 Rocky Mt. dept., 1 799-1 804 Red Berry 1., 492, 592

Rapid City, Man., 305 Redberry pt. , 690 Rapid cr., 552 Redburn sta., Man., 290 Rapide Croche, 586 Red Cedar 1., 150 Rapid Inds., 277, 484, 530, 733, see Red Clay cr., 563 Fall Inds. of the Sask. and Red Deer brook, 573 Atsinas. They are called Red Deer forks, 500, 619 Pawistick lenewuck by Har- Red Deer Hill brook orr., 504, 505 mon, p. 79 Red Deer hills, 504, 620, 627

r. , br. of Assiniboine r. Red Deer isl., Rapid , 305 37, 38, 39

r. , r. Red Deer Rapid br. of Bow , 705 1., 561, 573, 574, 602

Rapid r. , br. of Columbia r. , 606 Red Deer Lake ho., 164, 574 Rapid r., br. of Rainy r., 21 Red Deer 1., trib. to Red Deer r.,

Rapid r.. Lake of the Woods, 22 br. of Bow r. , 636 Rapid r., Missinipi system, 187, red deer of Europe, 2 Red 222, 782 Deer rap. , 42

Rapid River, Ont., 22 Red Deer r. , br. of Athabasca r. raspberry bushes, 840 280, 574 Red r., Raspberry cr. , 498 Deer br. of Bow r., 462,

Raspberry pt. , 12 500, 528, 590, 618, 637, 670, 675,

Rat cr. , br. of White Mud r. , i 702, 703, 704 Ratisbon, 558 Red Deer r., br. of Sask. r., 216, Rat p., 22, 23, 26, 27 279, 504 Rat Portage, Ont., 26 Red Deer r., trib. to L. Winnipe- Rat r., 199, 268, 280, 282, 303, 439, goosis, 213, 215, 299, 458, 466, 442, 472, 473, 630, 661, 870, 871, 470 873 Red Deer River watershed, 639 Rat r., br. of Peace r., 510 Red Deer sta.. Alb., 618 Rat r., br. of Red r., 58,60, 61, 80, Red Eagle, a chf., 574, 593 183, 212, 236, 238, 252, 421, 447 Red Earth cr., 563

Rat r. , br. of Winnipeg r. , through red fox, 108 Bonnet 1., 33 Red Hood, achf., 54 Rat River country, 50, 473, 569, Red 1., 54, loi, 126, 127, 128, 129, 630 130, 135, 137, 152, 161, 164, 166, Rat Rootl., 18 173, 175, 180, 186, 195, 199, 204, Rat's Liver, a chf., 229 205, 212, 214, 228, 233, 238, 240, Rattlesnake, achf. , 368, 387, 399 244, 275, 427, 438 Raume, Simon, 164, see Reaume Red Lake country or dept., 52, Raven, an Ind., 54 240, 256, 268, 279, 557, 598, 862 ,

INDEX. 1003

Red Lakelnds., 125, 135, 155, 159, 96, 116, 134, 153, 156, 166, 169, 160, 170, 192, 275 173. 175. 178, 182, 196

Red [Lake ? ] Inds. , 20 Reed r., feeder of Lake of the Red Lake Ojibways, 196 Woods, 23 Red Lake p., 152 reeds, 70 Red Lake res., 69, 127 Reed's r., in Idaho, 761 Red Lake r., 126, 127, 128, 129, 181, Reef of Rocks, 456 283, 610 Regina, Assin., 487 Red Patch hill, 755 Regner, Jacob, 885 Red Pheasant res., 498 Regnie, Regnier, Baptiste, 704, Red Pine isl., 20 705 Red r., I, 3, 7, 35, 39, 40, 41. 42, 43. Regnier, Jacob, 885 60, Rehelle, Reihl, Reilhe, 44. 45. 47.48, 49, 52, 55, 56, , 555, 61, 63, 68, 6g, 70, 71, 76, 79, 80, 557, compare Rheil 81, 82, 83, 84,89, 90, 91, 92, 93, reindeer, g, 285,99. 103, 115, 116, Reindeer isl., 459 117, 118, 120, 121, 126, 127, 128, Reindeer 1., 782 129, 130, 134, 137, 138, 139, 140, Reinhard, Charles de, 98 141, 142, Reinville, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, , 51 148, Relle, 149, 150, 153, 154, 157, 168, , 557 181,185, 187, 188, 189, 191, 195, Remy, Hy., voy. N. W. Co., Lake 231, 238, 239, 240, 245, 252, 256, Winnipeg, 1804

264, 265, 267, 275, 280, 282, 286, Renau, , voy. N. W. Co., 300, 303, 343, 346, 355, 383, 420, Fond du Lac, 1804

425,426,427, 431, 433.434. 437. Rene, , 118

438, 441. 442. 444. 448, 450, 452, Renville, , 51, 627 557, 612, and see Red Ri^^er Renville CO., N. Dak., 311, 313 of the North Report of Canad. Arch., 35 Red River Assiniboines, 522 Resner, Jacob, 885 Red River basin, 82 Returns of Lower Red River dept. Red River brigade, 6 184, 199, 221, 245, 259, 28r, Red River colony, 40 282 Red River country, dept., region, Returns of McKenzie River dept., 82, 279, 426, 427, 448, 874, 283 898 Rey. In., N. W. Co., Kam., 1804 Red River Inds., 295 Rezner, Jacob, 885

Red River of the North, 25, 37, Rheaume, , 164, see Reaume 38, 40, 45, 146, 473, 516, 761, Rheaume, Joseph, 164 778, 897, and see Red r. Rheil, Hippolyte, voy. N. W. Co., Red River settlement, 749 Fond du Lac, 1804 Red Rock rap., 464 Rhodes, Mr., 764 Red Stone p., 26 Riband 1., 81 Red Sucker Inds., 54, 57, 61, 71, Rib-bone, Rib Bone lakes, 81, 119, 74. 75. 76 120, 415 Red Tail, achf., 335 Ribbon 1., 81 Red Water cr., 565, 611, 632, 744 Ribstone cr., 499, 500 red-willow, 496 Ricard, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., Reedgrass r., 69, 70 Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Reed, John, at Astoria, 667, 760, Richard, Frangois, jun., voy. N. 761, 784, 844, 873, 883, 885, 886, W. Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804 887 Richard, Frangois, sen., voy. N. Reed, John, bis, at Sault Ste. W. Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Marie Sept. 13th, 1797 Richard, Frangois, voy. N. W. Reed 1., 10 Upper Red r., 1804 Reedl., another, 268, 269 Richards, , 561 Reed 1., another, 70, 439 Richardson, John, 255, 256

Reed Lake ho., 873 Richette, , N. W. Co., Rocky

Reed r. , br. of Red r. Mt. ho., left , 49, 69, 70, Nov., 1806, on a I004 INDEX.

tour in the mts. with Finan Riviere a la Carpe, 564 McDonald, Feb. gth, 1807 Riviere a la Folle Avoine, 143

Richland co. , N. Dak., 144, 147 Riviere a I'Aile du Corbeau, 149, Richotte, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., 150, 274 Fort des Prairies, 1804 Riviere a la Terre Blanche, 563, Rideau p., 15, 16 586 Ridge r., 472 Riviere a la Tete du Brochet, 456 Riding mts., i, 207, 305 Riviere a I'Eau Claire, 128, 130, Riedo p., 16, see Rideau p. 429, 431, see Clearwater r., Rial, Jean Baptiste, b. Earthier br. of Red r. en haut, married a. metisse Riviere a I'Eau Claire, 640, 641,

Franco-Montagnaise ; these 702, see Clearw^ater r., br. of were parents of Louis Riel, N. Sask. r. sen., b. at Isle a la Crosse Riviere au Brochet, 501 June 7th, 1817, d. at St. Boni- Riviere au Calumet, 635, 638, 644 face June 2ist, 1864, father Riviere au Lac de Vire, de Vivres, of Louis Riel, jun., who led 564, 570 the insurrection of 1869-70 Riviere au Pas, 469, 470 Rigaud, 40 Riviere au Saule, 301 Rigaud cemetery, 202 Riviere au Tourt, 8 Rio Janeiro, 27Q, 762 Riviere aux Anglais, see English r. Riquerin, Joseph,

Rivet, , interp. N. W. Co., on 239, 240 the Cohimbia in 1815 Riviere aux Marais, Minn., anoth- Rivet, Antoine, voy. N. W. Co., er, 150 Nepigon, 1804 Riviere aux Morts, 41, 42, 225, Rivet, Pierre, voy. N. W. Co., 236, 240, 242, 424 Fond du Lac, 1804 Riviere aux Oiseaux Puants, 147 Riviere, see names of rivers, be- Riviere auxOutardes, 141 sides the following Riviere aux Pares, br. of N. Sask. Riviere a Bois d'Arc, 485 r., 690 Riviere a Coquille, 47 Riviere aux Pares, br. of Red r., Riviere a Fumee, 564 89. 193 Riviere a la Biche, 618, see Atha- Riviere aux Pas, 462 basca r. Riviere aux Rapides, br. of Assini- Riviere a la Biche, 618, see Red boine r., 305

Deer r. , br. of Bow r. Riviere aux Rapides, br. of Mis- Riviere a la Biche, 458, see Red sinipi r., 187 Deer r., trib. to Lake Winni- Riviere aux Rats is among unusual pegoosis names of Athabasca r. Riviere a la Boucane, 613 Riviere aux Roseaux, 69 INDEX. 1005

Riviere aux Saules, 310, 311, 411 Riviere Maligne, 17, 217

Riviere aux Schaitake, 148, 149 ; Riviere Maligne, another, 278, 473, the Indian name means peli- see Sturgeon Weir r. can, and is found in many R.iviere Maurepas, 27

forms, one of which is Cha- Riviere,, M. de la, 35 tique Riviere Noir, 20 Riviere aux Tourtres, 8 Riviere Oiseau, 33 Riviere aux Vauteurs, 153 Riviere Pie, 310, 311 Riviere aux Voleurs, 129, 155 Riviere Qu'Appelle, 4, 48, 299, Riviere Blanche, 27, 32 300, 616 Riviere Bourbeuse, 320, 405, 406 Riviere qui Deboule, 42, 252 Riviere Bourbon, 465 Riviere Roseau, sic, 33, see Bird r. Riviere d'Arc, 485 Riviere Rouge, 45 Riviere de I'Aile du Corbeau, 427 Riviere St. Charles, 45 Riviere de la Jolie Prairie, 702, 703 Riviere St. Louis, 484 Riviere de la Loge de Medecine, Riviere St. Peter, of Verendrve, 638 305 Riviere de la Montagne d'Aigle, Riviere Ste. Therese, see York r. 497. 499 Riviere Sale, 66, 63, 265, 287, 421, Riviere des Gate, sic, 562, 586 430 Riviere des Chiens, 247 Riviere Sanglante, 45 Riviere des Lacs, 313, 315 Riviere Terre Blanche, i, 449 Riviere des Quatre Poteaux, 624, Riviere Terre Blanche, trib. to 632 Lake Winnipeg, 250 (see 452), Riviere des Schians, 147 451 Riviere des Selles, 586 Riviere Tremblante, 47 Riviere des Tourtres. 8 Riviere Voleuse, 129, 135, 136 Riviere du Lac la Pluie, 19 Rizner, Jacob, 883, 885, 887 Riviere du Lac Rouge, 127, 128, R0...I of the Flat Heads, 672, 673 136, 139, 151, 232 Robbins, Minn., 90 Riviere du Meurleton, 685, 697 Robe Noire, 53 Riviere du Milieu, br. of Assini- Roberge, , 606, 610, 630 r. boine , 4, 294, 421,422 Robert, Fran9ois, voy. N. W. Co., Riviere du Milieu, br. of N. Sask. Fort des Prairies, 1804

r. , 560, 602 Robertiere, — . 561 Riviere du Pare in Franchere, p. Roberts, — Sioux trader on St. 248, is a name of the Sask. r. Croix r. Riviere du Pas, 461, 462, 470 Robertson, Colin, 44, 187, 767, Riviere du Port, 702 clerk N. W. Co., English r., Riviere Grande Quete, 707 1804 ; misbehaved, and was Riviere la Biche, br. of Bow r., discharged by John McDon- 618, 638 ald of Garth ; in service of Riviere la Coquille, 80 Lord Selkirk in 181 5 ; headed Riviere la Croix, 17 the party which captured Riviere la Sale, 48, 55, 71, 183, Fort Gibraltar Mar. 17th, 185, 238 1816 ; was later taken prisoner Riviere la Seine, 43 to Fort Chipewyan by Samuel Riviere la Souris, 4, 167, 193, 208, Black and Simon McGillivray 253, 258, 270, 286, 291, 292, Robidou, Joseph, b. St. Louis, 296, 297, 298, 305, 308, 310, Mo., Aug. 2d, 17S3, founder 311, 313. 315. 319. 329. 334. of St. Joseph, Mo., d. there 346, 405, 406, 408, 411, 414, May 27th, 1868. His first voy- 415, 417, 522, and see Mouse r. age up the Missouri was in Riviere I'Eau Clair, br. of Red 1799; founded Robidou's trad- Lake r. , 141 ing ho. at foot of Black Snake Riviere I'Eau Clair ho. , 640 hills, ca. 1S03, and was still Riviere L'Oisseur, sic, 33, see there in 1833. Robidou or Bird r. Robidoux fork of Gasconade ,

ioo6 INDEX.

r. was named for him. He Rocky Mountain ho. , McKenzie's had two brothers, Jules and Antoine. (Jules d. St. Joseph Feb. 26th, 1875; Antoine, b. St. Louis Aug. 29th, 1794, d. St. Joseph Apr. 29th, 1869, is the Robidou so much heard of in the West, on the Yellow- stone, in New Mexico, Cali- fornia, etc.; he was with Gen- eral S. W. Kearny in 1846.) He was twice married: (i) To Eugenie Delisle, 1808, by whom he had a son Joseph 2d, living in 1878. (2) To Angelique Vaudry, in 1812, by whom he had 7 children, among them a son Edouard. Biogr. in Tasse, II. 1878, pp. 1 19-129, portrait Robidoux, Frangois, voy. N. W.

Co., English r. , 1804 Robillard, J. B., 212, 583, see Lambert Robillard, J. B., bis, 583 Robillard, Louis, 583

Robilliard, , 583 Robilliard, Peter, 583 robins, 816, 835 Robinson, Edward, 885, 887 Robinson, Mr., was at Fort Ver- milion on the SaSk. r. in July, 1808 Rocheblave, Mrs. Pierre de, 214 Rocheblave, Philippe de, 214 Rocheblave, Pierre de, 214, 255, 784 Rocher Brule, 31 Rocher de Miette, 641 Rocher de Saginaga, 12,13 Rocher des Couteaux p., 13 Rocher du Bonnet p., 33 Rocher du Lac Croche, 15 Rocher du Lac du Bonnet p., 33 Roche Rouge rap., 464 Rocher Rouge p., 22, 26 Rochon, Auguste, voy. N. W. Co.

Rat r. , 1804 Rock in Arrows, 15 Rockisl., 883 Rock 1., 81 Rocky Assiniboines, 523 Rocky Mountain canoes, 759 Rocky Mountain dept., 216, 222, 280, 508 Rocky Mountain goat, 757 Rocky Mountain ho., Athabasca

r. , one or another, 279, 280, 640, 641, 642, 761, 784 1


Mo., found by the returning 749. 750. 757. 758, 760, 761, overland Astorians at Otoe 763. 769. 771. 777. 783. 787. vill. on Platte r., Apr., 1813 788, 790, 791. 794. 796, 798, Rolette, Jean Joseph ist, Canada, 809, 812, 814, 821, 833, 837, about 1750, had then two sons 845, 847, 860, 872, 875, 885,

and a daughter ; for eldest son 886, 887 see next Rosseau r., 69, see Roseau r. Rolette, Jean Joseph 2d, went Rossignol, Frangois, voy. N. W. West while young, and at 30 Co., Rainy 1., 1804 years of age married Ange- Rossignol, Joseph, voy. N. W.

lique Lortie ; they had Jean Co., Rainy 1., 1804 Joseph 3d, Charles Frederic, Ross, John, of 1785, 269 Hippolyte, Laurent, and three Ross, Mr., at Nepoin in 1794, 481

daughters ; he settled at Ni- Ross, Mr., at Hungry Hall, 477 collet, Wis., about 1 799-1 800, Ross, Mr. Malcolm, H. B. Co.; and d. Mar. 19th, 1828 compare last Rolette, Jean Joseph 3d, com- Rostoul, Michel, voy. N. W. Co.,

monly called only Joseph, b. Red Lake dept. , 1804

Quebec Sept. 23d, 1781 ; was Roulette, Jean Joseph, 50, see in trade at Montreal with Rolette 3d Dominique Lacroix from Oct., Roundish 1., 611

1803 to Apr., 1805 ; was at Round 1., 146 Prairie du Chien in Apr., Round 1., tnb. to Sturgeon r., 565 1806, when met by Z. M. Round plain, 679

Pike ; married. May, 1807, Round Turn on Sask. r., 471 Marguerite, dau. of Antoine Roussel, Auguste or Augustin,

Dubois, aged 14 ; took part in R-^S, 840, 868, 888, 903, 906, 910 capture of Michilimackinac, Roussel, Rousselle, Benjamin, 825, 1812; d. Prarie du Chien Dec. 873. 875 ist, 1842 Roussil, Auguste, 825, see Roussel Rolling r., 299 Roussin, Andre, dtt Bellefleur, Roman Catholic Church or Mis- voy. N. W. Co., Athabasca, sion, 492, 565, 574 1804 Romance race, 465 Roussin, Eustache, clerk and in- Rondeau, Charles, on Willamette terp. N. W. Co., Fond du Lac, r., 1836 I 799-1 804 Rondeau, Louis, voj'. N. W. Co., Roussin, Nicolas, voy. N. W. Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Upper Red r., 1804 Rooptahee, 323, 329 Routhier, Etienne, voy. N. W. Root r., 470 Co., Red Lake dept., 1804 Roque, A., 52, see Larocque Rove 1., 10 Roque, Mr., 616, see Rocque, Rowan, see Rowand Rosa 1., 10 Rowand, Dr., of Montreal, 602 Roseau 1., in Minn., 69 Rowand, Dr., of Quebec, 603 Roseau 1., on Rainy River route, Rowand, John, 602, 603, 609, 611, 10 615, 617, 619, 620, 627, 631, Roseau r., 69, 70, 182 632, 633, 662, 666, 667, 670, Rosebud Eater, an Ind., 623 675, 741, 742 Rosebud r., 618 Rowland, Mr., Fort Pitt, 1859, Rose, Edward, a notorious vaga- had been 40 years in the H. bond who had lived among B. Co.

the Crows when picked up at Roy, , various unidentified Arikara village on the Mis- persons, 127, 137, 187 souri by the overland Astori- Royal, Man., 58

ans and engaged . as interp. Roy, Aimable, 187, 190 in July, 181 Roy, Augustin, 187

Rose 1. and p. , 10 Roy, Baptiste, one or two persons, Ross, Alexander, 555, 557, 748, 187 ioo8 INDEX.

Roy, Etienne, 51, 77, 187 Saddle mt., 755 Roy, Frangois, 187, 199 Saddle r., 586 Roy, Jean, 187 Saganaga 1., falls, and rock, 11, Roy, Jean, 505 (Umfreville's man) 12, 13 Roy, Jean Baptiste, 187 Saganakee, Jean Baptiste, 783, 797, Roy, Jean Baptiste Louis, 187 see Sakanakee Roy, Joseph, of Baie Verte, 1785, Saginac, Saginagal., 12, 13 187 Sagittaria variabilis, 777 Roy, Joseph, of N. W. Co., ahas Sagmakoces, a Nepissing, voy. Portelance, 1804, 187 c.-m. N. W. Co., Nepigon, Roy, Joseph, of N. W. Co., Atha- 1804 basca, 187 Sagunac 1., 13 Roy, Joseph, of N. W. Co., with Sahaptin r., 786 Henry, 186 St. Albert's, Alb., 566 Roy's ho. on Red r., 127, 137 St. Alphonse, Man., 418 Roy, Vincent, 187 St. Amant, Joseph, 862, 868, 904

Rubiette, Nicolas, 52 St. Andre, , N. W. Co., Fort Rubus spectabilis, 840 Chipewyan, 1799 Rubus ursinus, 816 St. Andrew's, Cornwall, 897, 898

Rupert ho. , see Fort Rupert St. Andrew's parish and rap., 42, Rupert's Land, 749, or Prince Ru- 249 pert's Land, the name for St. Anne, Bout de I'lsle, 80, 223 many years of all the interior St. Ann 1. and settlement, 565 of British America owned or St. Boniface, Man., 43

claimed by the H. B. Co. un- St. Burah, , 561 der charter of May 2d, 1670 St. Canute, 896 ; no definite boundary ever at- St. Charles parish, Man., 287

tached to the name ; area St. Charles r., 661 extended into present Min- St. Clement's parish, Man., 42

nesota and North Dakota St. Cyr, , 195, see Cyr

Rupert's or Prince Rupert's r., St. Denis, , N. W. Co., Assin- Capt. Zachariah Gillam, 1668, iboine r., 1794 later York r. and Nelson r. St. Denis, Eustache, voy. N. W. rushes, 70 Co., Lake "Winnipeg, 1804 Rush 1., in Minnesota, 146 St. Denis, Francois, voy. c.-m. N. Rush 1., or Lake Manitoba, 208, W. Co., Upper Red r., 1804 237 Ste. Agathe, Man., 63 Rush r., 144 St. Frangois Xavier parish, Man., Russian posts or settlements, 764, 289 859 St. George, F., voy. N. W. Co., Russians, 850, 858 Torch 1., 1804

Rut creeks, 567 St. Germain, , various persons, unidentified, 188

St. Germain, , with Umfre- ville, 505 Sabine cr. and spring, 406 St. Germain, Baptiste, 188 Sable, see Anse de St. Germain, Hy., 188 Sabourin, Charles, voy. N. W. St. Germain, Jean Baptiste, 188 Co., Red Lake dept., 1804 St. Germain, Joseph, 192, 195,203, Sabourin, D., N. W. Co., Kam,, 208, 221, 244, 248, 249, 267, 1804 276, 281 Sabourin, Eustache, voy. N. W. St. Germain, Joseph, another, 188 Co., Red Lake dept., 1804 St. Germain, Joseph, sen., 188 sac-a-commis, 581 St. Germain, Lemaire, 188 Sac-a-tout-Mettre, a Cree, 581 St. Germain, V., Venant, or Vin- Sac Inds., 187, 346 cent, 51, 188, 190, 194, 207, Saddle cr., 563 246, 247, 249 Saddle 1., 563 St. Hilaire, Minn., 129 ' ,,

INDEX. 1009

St. Hyacinthe, Que., 301 St. Pierre, M. de, 465 St. Jaccou, Hippolyte, dit Mary, St. Vincent, Minn., 79, 80, 187 voy. N. W. Co., Athabasca, St. Vital, Man., 48 1804 St. Vrain, Felix, Ind. agent at Isl., 111., killed in the St. James, , N. W. Co., Mouse Rock r., 1794 Black Hawk war May 22d, St. Jean Baptiste, Man., 69 1832 St. John, Ore., 810 Sakahigan Pekwaonga, 23 r. Sakanakee, Sakanakie, B., St. John's, Peace , 512 J. St. Joseph's isl., 439. There was Nipissing hunter, 673, 782, a British fort in 1794 and 790, 791, 868, seeSaganakee later; garrison i capt., i lieut., Saleeish Inds., 708, 710, 711, see I ensign, 39 soldiers, in May, Saleesh, Salish, Salishan 1800; N. W. Co. post there Saleeish r., 710 then Saleesh camp on Clark's fork, 674 St. Laurent, Sask., 490 Saleesh ho., 556, 606, 648, 672, St. Lawrence r., 190 674, 675, 895 ^ ,. , , , St. Louis CO., Minn., 16, 20 Saleesh Inds., 708, see Salish Inds. d'Oreille 1. St. Louis, Mo., 735, 760, 843, 856, Saleesh 1. , 672, see Pend 881, 882, 883, 884, 885, 886 Saleesh r., 672, 673,675, 709, see St. Luc, see La Corne Clark's fork St. Malo, France, 629 Saleesh road, 673 St. Martin, Antoine, 872 Salem, ship, 848 St. Martin, Joseph, 872, 874 Sale r., 55, 56. 61, 71. 183, 185, 265. St. Martin 1., 207, see St. Mar- 266, 2S7

tin's 1. Saliahone, Ignace, 874, also ap- St. Martin's bay, 458 pears as Saliohony, Ignace,. St. Martin's isls., 458 voy. N. W. Co., Fort des St. Martin's 1., 458 Prairies, 1804 St. Mary's r.. br. of Bow r., 462, Salishan family, 71, 524, 550, 708, 524 709, 711, 855, 858 see Flat Head St. Mary's r. , br. of Kootenay r. Salish Inds., 709, 706 Inds. St. Mary's r., near Drummond Salish 1., 674, 709 isl., 222 Salish r., 674 St. Mary Two Falls is a name of Salish vocabulary, 714, 715, 716, Sault Ste. Marie 717 St. Michael, St. Michel, Louis, Salix cordata, 320 857, 872, 874, S75, 886. 887 Salix rostrata, 49 St. Norbert, Man., 55, 238 Salmo (Cristivomer) namaycush, St. Onge, Alexis, voy. N. W. Co., 574 Nepigon, 1804 salmon, 750, 866

St. Onge, Antoine, voy. N. W. Salmon falls. Snake r. , 844, 884 Co., Nepigon, 1804 Salmon r., in Brit. Col., 777 St. Paul, Minn., 21 Salt 1., 282 St. Paul's isl., 764 Salt r., br. of Red r., N. Dak., 55,

St. Peter's r. , br. of Assiniboine r. 82, 95, 103, 137, 138, 152, 153, 305 158, 160, 176, 188, 251, 253, 259

St. Peter's r. , br. of Mississippi r. Saltr., 884 96, 144, 145, 146, 189, 516 Salt rivulet, 127 St. Pie, Man., 69 Sambucus glauca, 840 res., St. Pierre, , 659, 661 Samson 499, 636 Bias, Cal., St. Pierre, , of 1794, 661 San 814 St. Pierre, 484, see Verendrye sand-cherries, 40 St. Pierre, Baptiste, 661 Sand Hill cr., 618 r., St. Pierre, J. B., 205 Sand Hill 141, 422 St. Pierre, Jean Baptiste, 661 Sand hills, on Assiniboine r., 297 St. Pierre, Louis, 6C1 Sand hills, on Red Deer r., 618 lOIO INDEX.

San Diego, Cal., 763 Sar, J. T., 667 r. Sand isl., 460 Sascatchiwine , 481, 482 Sand pt., 17 Saskatchewan Assiniboines, 492, Sand Point isl., 20 523. 597, 616, 624, 625, 706 Sand Point 1., 17 Saskatchewan brigade, 447 Saskatchewan district or province, Sand r. , 460 Sandwich Islanders, 757, 773, 780, 299, 460, 462, 499, 563 807, 828, 836, 837, 840, 846, Saskatchewan Idg., 501 849, 852, 861, 868, 870, 871, Saskatchewan pass, 748, see 872, 873, 875, 890, 893. 901, Howse pass 905, 910, 915, see Kanakas Saskatchewan pt., 458 Sandwich Islands, 780, 836, 844, Saskatchewan posts, see Fort des 845, 846, 847, 848, 850. 851, Prairies

864, 870, 871 Saskatchewan r. , 19, 38, 51, 52, Sandy Bar, Man., 451 187, 205, 215, 216, 219, 222, Sandy bay, 478 234, 240, 266, 268, 269, 277,

Sandy Hill r. , 253, 422, 423 278, 279, 282, 288, 292, 293, Sandy hills, 496, 497 300, 314, 317. 343. 439. 443. Sandy 1,, 150 447, 459, 460, 462, 465, 466, Sandy Lake ho. is made by 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, Thompson, May 6th, 1798, S. 475, 476, 477. 478, 479. 481. 14° E. i>^ m. from exit of 483, 484, 485, 486, 491, 499. Sandy Lake r. Compare the 500, 501, 502, 504, 505, 506, identical position given in my 507, 508, 509, 516, 524, 530, ed. of Pike, 1895 532, 539. 546, 547. 548. 553, Sandy pt.. Lake Winnipeg, 36, 37 554. 556, 557. 560, 561, 562, r. 56S, Sandy r. , br. of Columbia , 797 563. 564. 565. 566, 567, San Francisco, Cal., 792, 895, 569, 570, 572. 574, 581, 582, 900, 916 586, 596, 597, 598, 602, 607, Sanguinet, Mdlle., 164 608, 611, 618, 619, 624, 630, Sans Fagon, Fran§ois, 674 633, 634, 638, 640, 642, 650, Sans Fagon, Pierre, voy. N. W. 651, 653, 659, 662, 664, 673, Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804 674, 675, 676, 679, 689, 691, Sansom, Michel, 868 692, 693, 700, 702, 703, 705, Sans Puells, 709, see Simpoils 718, 720, 723. 733. 734. 737.

Sans Quartier, , voy. N. W. 738. 739- 741. 742. 744. 745. Co., Athabasca, 1804 746, 747, 761, 776, 778, 871, 900, and see North Sansregret, , 592 874, 875, Sansregret, Jean Baptiste, 592 and South Sask. r. Sans Souci, Jean Baptiste, voy. Saskatchewan route, 448, 458 N. W. Co., Chippewa r., 1804 Saskatchewan waters, 573, 574, Sans Souci, Pierre, voy. N. W. 640, 692, 897 Co., Rainy 1., 1804 Saskatchewan watershed, 565 Santa Cruz, 762 Saskatchewoine r., 461 Sapetens, 709, 912 Saskatchiwane r., 498 sapin, 688 Saskawjawun r., 462 Sarcee Agency, 522 Saskawjewun r. of Tanner, 305, Sarcee Inds., 508, 531, 532, 541, 462 544. 547. 551- 569. 575. 576. Saskowjawun r., 462 578, 579, 606, 615, 617, 620, Saskutchawin r., 462 622, 623, 625, 627, 036, 637, sato imo, 756 638, 639, 649, 653, 655, 656, Satsika, see Siksika 657, 658, 659, 660, 664, 665, Saucie, Pierre, interp. N. W. Co., 737 Upper Red r., 1804 Sarcee res., 704 Saucier, Antoine, voy. N. W. Co., Sarci, Sarcie, 531, see Sarcee Inds. Fond du Lac, 1804 Sardepie is found for Gardpie, Sault a la Biche, 42, 249, 265 Gardepied or Gariepy Saulteur establishment, 452 INDEX. lOII

Saulteur fort, see Pembina 239, Sayer, Sayers, John, 255; was at Saulteur Inds., 4, 47, 54, 57, 71, 75, Grand Portage July 22d, 1797; 121, 122, 125, 130, 131, 132, his ho. of 1797-98 was on Up- 133, 144, I5g, 163, 164, 165, per Red Cedar (Cass) 1., I^f m. 179, 185, 186, 191, 195, 196, N. W. from exit of Mississippi 203, 204, 205, 209, 210, 231, r., /. e., on N. E. bank of the 240, 241, 242, 250, 252, 257, lake, about 1% m. S. E. from 261, 263, 269, 270, 286, 295, entrance of Turtle r. ; D. 304. 383, 395. 419. 421, 427. Thompson there Apr. 29th- 428, 429, 431, 433, 438, 448, May 2d, 1798; I saw the site 449, 450, 452, 466, 477, 482, in 1894. Sayer had before 484, 488, 489, 511, 512, 513, wintered with one of the Ca- 516, 521. 523, 533, 542, 582, dottes at Oak Point on the 584, 591, 602, 603, 607, 608, Mississippi; their ho. burned 609, 612, 614, 652, 727, 742 before 1798. He arrived at Saulteur language, 648 Grand Portage June i6th, and Saulteur liquor, 3 left for Fond du Lac July 7th, Saulteurs, for Souliers, see Sou- 1798 liers Scandinavian dogma, 529 Saulteur vill., 323, 344, see Sou- Scandinavian elk, 2 liers Scaphirhynchops platyrhynchus, Sault Inds., 250, 252, see Saulteur 192 Inds. Scart, John, 427 Sault Ste. Marie, 50, 172, 277, 303, Schenectady, N. Y., 189 481, 505, 573. Mission founded Schian camp, 367, 374, 375, 376, there by Raymbaut and 381,398 Jogues, 1640, named Sainte Schian r., 121, 144, 164, 250, 383 Marie du Saut; prise de pos- Schians, 144, 347, 354, 355, 359, session by Daumont de St. 360, 367, 375, 377, 379, 380, Lusson June 14th, 1671 (see 383. 384. 385. 386, 387, 388, 389, text in Tasse, I. 106); post p. 390, 391. 392, 393- 394. 396. rebuilt 1750, acquired as he- 398, see Cheyenne Inds. reditary seigneury by Les Schoolcraft, H. R., 27, 303 Sieurs de Bonne et de Repen- Sciatogas, Scietogas, 818, 819, 853 tigny; Chippewa vill. of 50 Scirpus lacustris, 70 men in 1762; Lieut. Jemette Sciurus fossor, 817 arr. summer of 1762; fort Scotch Highlander, 278 burned Dec. 22d, 1762; Sir Scotland, 189, 223, 440, 782, 882 Robert Dovers arr. Apr. 25th, Scots, 427 1763; last French command- Scratching r., 55, 63, 82, 286 ant J. B. Cadou, Cadot, or sea hogs, 821 Cadotte; in McKenzie's time, Seal falls, 784 say 1800, "reduced to about sea lions, 820, 857 30 Algonquin families, who Seal r., 798 are one half of the year starv- Seal Rock or rocks, 798, 810 ing, and the other half intoxi- seals, 857 cated, and 10 or 12 Cana- sea otters, 753, 829 dians " Sear., 27, 32 Sauve, Baptiste, Jean interp. N. Sear, Joseph, 195, see Cyr W. Co., Nepigon, 1804 sea-shells, 753, 829 Savannah p. , between Lakes ^lan- Seaton, see Seton itoba and Winnipegoosis, 207 Seauteaux, 704, see Saulteur Inds.

Savanna , p. and r. Kara, route, Sebascong bay, 23 218, 247 Second Cherry p., 9 Savanne 218 p., Second Rut cr., 567 Savoyard, Toussaint, voy. N. W. Seekaskootch res., 504 Co., Fond du Lac. 1804 Seepanock, Seepanok r. or chan- Sawback range, 6S9 nel, 470, 478 IOI2 INDEX.

Seepaywisk ho. made by D. H. B. Co. boats for reprisal Thompson, 1792-93, lat. 55° May 19th, 1816; fight between 03' 15" N., long. 97^^41' 30" W. H. B. Co. under Semple, from Seer, Seers, Joseph, 195, 873, see Fort Douglas, near the Forks, Cyr and N. W. Co. half-breeds Seiganagah, Seiganah 1., 12 and Inds. under Cuthbert Seigneury of Terrebonne, 255 Grant, June 19th, 1816; Sem- Seine r., 43, 60, 421, 447 ple and about 20 others killed; Selasphorus rufus, 889 Brule loss i killed, i wounded; Selkirk colony, 189 and the colony, then number-

Selkirk dist. , Man. (modern), 40, ing about 180, soon dispersed: 63, 299 See A Narrative of Occur- Selkirk, Lord, 40, 43, 45, 81, 202, rences, etc., 8vo, London, 211, 759, 767, 894, 898 1817, pp. i-xiv., 1-152, and Selkirk settlers, 425, 426, were App. pp. 1-87 first about 25 families, arr, Semple case, 268, 442, 611, 874 at Fort York late in 181 1, arr. Semple, Governor Robert, 44, 98, on Red r. late in 1812, under 187, .188, 189, 193, 215, 226,234, Miles McDonnell, first gov- 557, 611, 867

ernor of the colony ; acces- Senate of the U. S., 25 sions in 1812-13-14; procla- service-berry, 405 mation for boundaries and Sesai, 53, 203 government of Ossiniboia, Seton, Alfred, 752, 761, 764, 788, Fort Daer, Jan. 8th, 1814, by 790, 814, 827, 848, 854, 861, the governor, John spencer, 864, 882

sec'y ; immediate collision Setting r., 488, 489, see Net Set-

with the traders ; N. W. Co. ting r. post on Mouse r. forcibly en- sewellel, 749 tered and grand larceny com- Shabboyea, Shabboyer, 61, 97,

mitted ; Duncan Cameron, see Chaboillez N. W. Co., in charge of Red Shabona, T., 914, see Charbon-

River dept. , who had war- neau rants for arrest of governor Shagwawkoosink, 448 and secretary, served with Shahaka, 329, 330 notice to quit in six months Shahala, 798 r., by McDonnell Oct. 21st, 1814 ; Shahaptan 786 McDonnell and Spencer sur- Shahaptans, Shahaptian family, rendered and taken to Fort 709, 712, 827

William petty warfare and Shahaptian r. , 7S6 ;

starvation, winter of 1814-15 ; Shahaptins, 819, 827 H. B. Co. arrangements for Shahiada r., 144 strengthening the colony shamoys, 757 May 19th, 1815; Governor Shannon, George, 914 Robert Semple and Colin Sharp Head res., 499, 636 Robertson, H. B. Co., arr. Shatasla, 827 Sept., 1815; N. W. Co. Fort Shaved Head, an Ind., 655 Gibraltar, at the Forks, cap- Shawanees, 181 tured Mar. 17th, 1816, and Shaw, Angus, 222, 255, 27S, 560, Cameron sent prisoner to 561, 792; his soubriquet was Hudson's bay; N. W. Co. Monsieur Le Chat, apparently Fort Pembina captured Mar. a pun on "Shaw"; funny 20th, 1 8 16; papers and prop- story about it in Ross Cox, p. erty of both seized and con- 306, in which Mrs. Shaw fiscated; force sent to take figures as Mme. La Chatte, Alexander McDonnell's N. and the children are les petits W. Co. post on Mouse r. suc- Chatons (kittens) cessfully resisted; N. W. Co. Shaw, Mr., father of the foregoing, seized 50 packs of furs from independent trader ca. 1785 INDEX. IOI3

Shawnees, 96 Silver Plains, Man., 63 Shawpatin, Shawpetm r., 748, 786 Simard, Auguste,voy. N. W. Co.,

Shawshawwabenase, 98 Rat r. , 1804 Shaw's pt., 583 Simeon, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., Shawyens, 346 Red Lake dept., 1804 Shaymanitou, 179 Simpoils, 647, 709, 711, 712 Shea, J. G., 505 Simpson, Geo., N. W. Co., 275 Shebandowan 1., 218 Simpson, Sir George, 20, 42, 603 sheep, see mountain sheep Simpson pass, 706 Sheep or., 704 Simpson r., 706 Sheep eaters, 819 Sims, Mr., 900, 903, 9p6 Sheepshead, 445 Sinclair r., 299

r. , Sheetshoa , 709 Sinew r. br. of Peace r., the Shell 1., 488 name translates an Indian

Shell r. , br. of Assiniboine r., 47 word

r. , r. Shell br. of Missouri , 302 Sinner's Head, 457, see especially Shell r., br. of Net Setting r., 488 Tete aux Pichaux Shields, John, 914 Siouan family or stock, 522, 530, Shienne r. , 144 533. 733 Sheriff, Lieut., 762, 763, 764, 765, Sioux, 13, 16, 23, 41, 52, 53, 55, 56, 766 64, 66, 71, 74, 75, 78, 83,88,89. Shoal (Birch) 1., 897 92, 95, 96, 97, 100, 101, 102, Shoal 1., in Manitoba, 289 104, 107, 108, 109, 117, 121, Shoal 1., Lake of the Woods, 23 122, 130, 131, 132, 140, 144, Shoal r., 299, see Swan r. 145, 146, 147, 148, 151, 157, Shonowane, Ignace, an Iroquois 159, 164, 165, 175, 188, 210, hunter, perhaps the first one 231, 249, 250, 253, 264, 265, of his tribe who ever crossed 267, 270, 272, 274, 275, 314,

the Rocky mts. ; arr. Astoria 316, 330, 333, 334. 335. 336, Oct. 5th, 181 1, with wife and 346, 358, 359, 361, 362, 370, two children, in company 375. 377. 379, 383, 385, 387, with ^egis Bruguiere 389, 399, 400, 403, 404, 408, Short Arm, Short Arms, an Ind., 423, 427, 428, 431, 432, 433. 54. 187 434. 436. 437. 438, 441. 516. Shortiss isl. , 16 521, 733 Shoshonean family, 818, 819 Sioux massacre, 260, 261, 262 Shoshones, 794, 844, 867 Sioux of the Plains, 383 sho-sho-nez, 794 Sioux r., Sioux Wood r., 145 Shoto vill., 799, see Sotos Sire, Joseph, 195, see Cyr shovel-nosed sturgeon, 192 Sisiscatchwin r. , 462 showt'l, 749 Sitka, 759, 764, 788, 814, 859 Shults, Shultz, Shutz, Frederick, Sitting Badger, a Cree, 581, 627

on Pembina r., 1794 ; clerk N. Siveright, John, clerk N. W. Co., W. Co., Nepigon, 1799 on Red r. during disturbances Shushwaps, Shuswhaps, 783 of 1816 Siatogas, 818 Skalzis, 550 Siberge, M., voy. N. W. Co., Rat Skamania co., Wash., 801

r. , 1804 Skeetshoe, Skeetshoo r., 606, 672, Sicard, Antoine, voy. N. W. Co., 675, 709 Red Lake dept., 1804 Skeetshoo ho., made by D. Sieur's fort, 35 Thompson lat. 47° 47' 04" N., Siffleur r., 689 long. 117° 27' 11" W. Sihasapa Inds., 524 Skeetshoo road, 673 Siksika, Alb., 744 Skeetshue Inds., 709, 711 Siksika Inds., 523, 524, 525, 526, Skeetshue 1., 711 527, 528, 529, 530, 532, 533, skin canoes, 181 534. 535. 536. 537 Skitsuish Inds., 709, 711 Silver falls, 34 Skookumchuck cr. , 706 I0I4 INDEX. skunk, 156 snails, 753, 840 Skunk hills, Skunk Wood hills, Snake cr.,br. of Missouri r., 313, 523 319, 320, 405

Slave falls, Snake cr. , br. of Mouse r. 31, 250 , 305 Slave Inds., Athapascan family, Snake cr., br. of Swan r., 299, 300 523. 524 Snake Den hill. Snake hill, 321,

Slave Inds. , Slaves, of the author, see Snake's Den 495. 500, 506, 510, 525, 526, Snake hill, on Mouse r., 306 529. 530, 531. 532, 533, 534. Snake hills, 563

535. 536. 537. 538. 540, 541. Snake Inds. , of Red r. , so called 544, 546, 547, 548, 552, 557, by the author, not identified, 573. 578. 580, 585, 587, 590, unless he means Sioux, 46, 78, 595. 633, 652, 660, 671, 712, 154 718, 726, 727, 728, 730, 731, Snake Inds., Shoshonean, prop- 734, 736, 737 erly so called, 398, 526, 558, Slave 1., 193, 199, 278, 289, 569 726, 794 Slave 1., 583, is Little Slave 1. Snake isl., Lake Winnipeg, 455 Slave Lake canoes, 627, 628 Snake Lodge, N. Dak., 404

Slave r. , 266, 510 Snake r., br. of Columbia r., 667, sling-shot, 790 706, 712, 748, 752, 760, 761, 767, 1. Slocan and r. , 707 783, 786, 787, 788, 842, 843, 844, Sloping Bank brook, 562 857, 862, 867, 869, 872, 873, 874, slug, 753 882, 883, 884, 886, 887, 889 Small, Charlotte, 581 Snake r., br. of Red r., 90, 126, 229 Small, Mr., 555, 557, 575, 579, 580, Snake's Den, Snake's Lodge, N. 590, 591, 599, 603, 604, 605, Dak., 318, 319, 349, 406 608, 613, 617, 625 Snare Inds., 484, 596, 704,^705, 706 small-mouthed black-bass, 445 snicarty, 138, see Chenal Ecarte Small, Pat., 557 Snipe hills, 563 Small's r., 557 Snowshoe 1., 33 smelts, 786, 787 Snpoiliqiq, Snpuelish, 709 Smith, Capt., of the Albatross, Soldat, Soldier, a hunter, 605, 6ig, 764. 795 632 Smith, Capt., of the Isaac Todd, Soldier's p., 18 897, 900, 902, 904, 907, 915 Solomon, Ezekiel, 867, at Mich- Smith, Edward, partner N. W. ilimackinac massacre, June Co., Great Slave 1., 1820 4th, 1763, with A. Henry, Smith, Mr., brother-in-law of Mr. sen., a Mr. Tracy, and Mr. McCrae, drowned with 10 Bostwick; made prisoner, res- men on Lake Nipissing, off cued by Ottawas, and ran- Pointe des Noyes, so named somed at Montreal from this circumstance; later Sonnants, 165, 166, 190, 204, 295, Pointe aux Croix, from the 11 429 crosses erected there Sorel, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., Smith's br. of Bear r., 884 Chippewa r., 1804 Smith's pt., 749, 751 Sotos, Soto vill., 799, 809 Smith, William, 484, was interp. Souci, Benjamin, voy. N. W. Co., N. W. Co., died at Geo. Upper Red r., 1804 Keith's post on McKenzie's r., Soulier Noir, Souliers, Soulier winter of 1809-10 vill., 323, 332, 337. 338, 343. Smoke, Old, an Ind., 597 344, 347, 349, 358, 362, 363, Smoke r., 510 396, 399

Smoky cr. , 564 Sounding 1., 500 Smoky Hill r., 614 Source r., 18 Smoky 1., 564, 615 Sourisford, Man., 308

Smoky r., br. of Athabasca r. , 613 Souris, Man., 305 Smoky r., br. of Peace r., 510, 512, Souris r., 4, 50, see Riviere la 583 Souris and Mouse r. INDEX. IOI5

Sousonce res., 237 Spokane, Wash., 899 South Antler cr., 308, 412 Sportsman's Gazetteer, 84 South Branch fort or ho., 481, 484, spruce, 688 490, 491 Spruce pt., 456 South Branch, Flat Head r., 672 Squaw rap., 478

South Branch, Saleesh r. , 674 Squirrel cr., 1 South Branch, Saskatchewan r., squirrels, 817 479. 500, 572, 576, 582, 584, Stacey, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., 591, 592, 597- 598, 599. 616, Fort des Prairies, 1804 and see r. 626, 703, South Sas- Stag , 706 katchewan r. Stag, sloop, 762 South Dakota, 145 Stanford range, 706 South Edmonton, 56S, 633 Stanton, N. Dak., 323 Southern Inds., 533, so called by Star, an Assiniboine, 615, 626 the H. B. Co. in distinction Starbuck, Man., 55 from Athapascan tribes they Star, Old, Kootenay chf., 549, 587 called Northern Inds. State Dept., 22 Southesk, Earl of, 505 Statenland, 763

South fork of Eraser's r. , 642 Steawrs {sic, qu : Stearns ?), Rob- r. South fork of Park , 90, 93, 95 ert, clerk N. W. Co., English

South fork of Reed r. , 69 r., 1S04

1. South Fowl , 9 Steele co., N. Dak., 141 South 1., II Steep cr., 564 South -Men, 289 Steinbruck, John, a German who, South Pass, Rocky mts., 843, 884, with four Canadians and two 885 women, started with (Sir) A. South r., br. of N. Sask. r., 678 McKenzie for the Arctic ocean South River ho. was high tip on June 3d, 1789 ; engage N. Koksoak r., that South r. W. Co., Athabasca, 1799; which falls into Ungava bay name also appears as John South Saskatchewan r., 462, 484, Heinbrucks 485, 488, 489, 490, 491, 523, Steller's sea lion, 857 618, 524, 528, 530, 531, 639, Stevens co. , N. Dak., 315, 318, 320 and see South Branch, Sas- Stevens, Mr., 901, 902 katchewan r. Stewart, for all of this name see South Sea, 847 Stuart South Trader, 289 Still, John, 233, see Stit Sowle, Sowles, Capt. C, Stinking r. 759, 763, , 55 764, 852 Stipa spartea, 115 Spain, 220, 900 Stit, Stitt, J., 233, 234, 440 Spaniards, 378, 384 Stizostedion canadense, 70, ^/\ ^ Spanish-Americans, 321 Stizostedion vitreum, 444 Spanish r., 844, 861, 884 Stockum, 852, 855 Spanish River mts., 884 Stockwood, Minn., 147 Spencer, Andrew, 609, 668 Stolephorus mordax, 786 spermaceti, 768 Stone Assiniboines, 523 spiritus ammonise succinatus, Stone Indian r. 732 , 45 Spitchie r. , 704 Stone Indian River ho., 207, 298 Spoil-Ehiehs, 711 Stone Inds., igo, 191, 204, 505, Spokane co.. Wash., 899 516, 533 Spokane falls, 899 Stone rap., 12 Spokane ho., 578, 675, 709, 757, Stone Roasters, see Stone Inds. 761, 767, 781, 782, 783, 784, Stone Sioux, 37, 522 786, 787, 788, 791, 869, 871, Stony cr., 562 872, 873, 896, 899, 905 Stony Ind. res., 705 Spokane Inds., 709, 711, 712 Stony 1., 562 Spokane r., 673, 70Q, 711, 761, 767, Stony mts., 24. The Rocky mts. 772, 899 were so called long before ioi6 INDEX.

e. from the S., 741, see Stur- they had been discovered ; g., Samuel Hearne uses the geon cr. name Sturgeon r., br. of N. Sask. r., Stony pt., 456, 457 main, 565, 566, 567, 633, 647 Straight Horn, a chf., 332 Sturgeon r., Kam. route, 17, 217 Straits of Manitoba 1., 291 Sturgeon r., trib. to Lake Winni- peg, 207 Strawberry cr. , 744 Island Strawberry isL, 801, 802, 806, 808 Sturgeon r. , trib. to Pine Strong Arms, an Ind., 53 1., 472, 477, see Big Stur- Strong Wood Assiniboines, 508, geon r. of Thompson, 523, 525, 615 Sturgeon rivulet, Strong Wood Crees, 571, 585, 623, 488, see Net Setting r. of Thompson, 706, 738, 746 Sturgeon rivulet, Stuart, Alexander, 508, 747, 766, 566, see Sturgeon r., br. of N. 770, 776, 781, 782, 784, 788, Sask. r., main 790, 791, 803, 820, 821, 822, Sturgeon Weir r., 472, 473, 871 825, 826, 827, 834, 840, 872 sucker, 445 Stuart, Capt., 904, 908 Sucker cr. or r., br. of N. Sask. r., Stuart, David, 760, 761, 766, 767. lower, 486 Sask. r., 781, 782, 783, 785. 786, 787. Sucker cr. or r., br. of N. 788, 791, 807, 844, 845, 848, upper, 594, 621, 624, 632, 744 chf., 854, 855. 856, 863, 865, 875, Sucre, Sucrie, a 163, 190 cr. 881, 882, 886, 899 Sugar Bush , 497 Stuart, John, 279, 761. 766, 781, Suliere, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. W. 782, 783, 784. 786, 791. 792, Co., Athabasca, 1804 of Little 825, 828, 829, 830, 832, 833, Summer Berry r., br. 838, 852, 854, 855, 856, 862, Athabasca, 1804 of r., 82 863, 874, 886, 898 Summerberry r., br. Red

Berry r. , see Pembina r. Stuart 1., 219, 759, 784. 899 Summer Stuart, Mr., unidentified, 216, 277, Summer Bird, a chf., 419 561, 756, 760, 815 Sun. an Ind., 543 Stuart, Peter, of Quebec sunjegwun, 263 Mutual Insurance Co., 814 Stuart r. , 898 Sun Stuart, Robert, 760, 767, 781, 782, Superior City, S72 528 783, 788, 791, 856, 881, 882, Supreme Being. 352, 884, 885, 886 Surprennant, , 442 Sursie, Susie, Sussee, Stuart's L, 759 Sursee, see Sarcee Stuart's r., 784, 898 Sussie, 531, N. W. Co., sturgeon, 20, 70, 444, 752, 753 Sutherland, James, Sturgeon bay. Lake Winnipeg, killed wnth Livingstone and others, ca. 1802 175. 458 voy. N. Sturgeon cr., br. of N. Sask. r. Sutherland, Joseph, W. from the S., 741 Co., Nepigon, 1804 B. Co., Sturgeon fort, 487 Sutherland, Mr., H. 300 Sutherlandshire, Scotland, Sturgeon 1., 472, 473, 474. see Pine 43 ho., Island 1. Sutherland's 293 Swain, Thomas, 299 Sturgeon 1. , discharging by Stur- geon or Net Setting r. into N. Swallow Rock, 677, 678, 699 Sask. r., 488 Swamp 1., 13

Sturgeon 1., Karn. route, 217 Swamp p. , 466 r., br. of Red r., 69, 127 Sturgeon 1., unidentified, 505 Swamp route, sturgeon millers, 192 Swamp r., on Reed River Sturgeon Narrows, 217 Country, 778 Sturgeon r. , a channel of main Swampy Ground Assiniboines, Sask. r., 477 Swampy Sturgeon r., br. of N. Sask. r., 488, 523. 585. 706, 738, 742 see Net Setting r. Swampy ho., 607, 740 Inds., 468 Sturgeon r., br. of N. Sask. r.. Swampy 466, INDEX. 1017

Swampy p., 218 Joliet and Marquette, who Swampy r., br. of Red r., 69 discovered the Mississippi in Swampy r., trib. to Pine Island 1673 l.,472 Tamaahmaah, 847, 848

Swan cr. , br. of Swan r. , 299 tamarac, 208 Swan, Dr., 894, 897, 900, 901, 902, Tamarac cr., 299 903, 904, 905, 906, 909, 910 Tamarac isl., 455, 456 Swan Lake Ind. res., 418 Tammeatameah, 847 Swan 1., name of Lake Manitoba, Tanner, John, 3, 18, 20, 41, 47, 53, 208 54, 61, 70, 81, 82, 96, 97, 98, Swan 1., trib. to Lake Winnipe- 125, 147, 160, 163, 180, 181, goosis, 299 229, 256, 257, 263, 265, 274, Swan 1., trib. to Pembina r., 81. 291, 305, 425, 427, 448, 462, 418 733. 778 1., Swan 1., trib. to Sask. r. , 472 Tanner's 217

Swan r. , br. of Athabasca r., 581 tanya, 756 Swan River dept., 277 Taon, Taonsone, 54, 152, 153

Swan River ho. , 300 taro, taroo, 756 Swanr., trib. to Lake Winnipe- Tasse, Joseph, 51, 164, 187, 234, goosis, 47, 199, 213, 215, 253, 303, 311, 705, 871, 872 277, 299, 300, 458, 466, 506. 576 T Association, 5 swans, 4, 92, 752 Tatelicum, 880 Swanston, Mrs., 782 Tate, Magnus, H. B. Co., was Swanston, Thomas, 782 with Gilbert Laughton on Sweet, a chf., 97, 163, 190 head of Jack Tent r. June Sweet Grass res., 499 29th, 1790 Sweetwater r., 884 Taupier, Frangois, of Ste. Theresa, Sylvain, L. P., 915 Montreal, in service of N. W. syphilis, 836 Co. under Duncan Cameron at capture of Fort Gibraltar Mar. 17th, 1816, and witness in the Semple case at Toronto Tabashaw, a chf., 53, 56, 59, 60, Oct., 1818 67, 68, 75, 97, 134, 169, 178, taureaux, 173, 276 179, 181, 196, 209, 251, 252, Taylor, Robert, an old freeman 266, 427, 431 from the Missouri, on the As-

Tabault, , 554 siniboine winter of 1793-94, Tabeau, an Ind., 579, 597, 623 employed by Mr. C. Grant as Tabushshah, 97, 180 a writer Ta-bush-shish, 2571 427 Tearing r., 472, 475, 476 Tache, Mgr., 266 teeth of sea otter, 829 Tacouche Tesse, 898 Teewhattahownie, George, Cana- Taculli, Tacully, 219, 524 dian Ind., N. W. Co., on

Tahoorowa, Tahouraha, Tahou- the Columbia ; see Cox, p. 315 rakaisl., 846 Teien, Minn., 90 Tailor., 618 Tekamamicuen, Tekamamiho- Taillon, Louis, voy. c.-m. N. W. enne, Tekamammaouen, 18, Co., Fort Dauphin, 1804 20 Tait, Mr., N. W. Co., superintend- Tekegonaibick, Tekogonaibick, ent of buildings at Fort Wil- 96, 198 liam on its capture by Lord Telegraph coulee, 497 Selkirk Aug. 13th, 1816 Tenny, Minn., 147 Takamanigan, 20 Teow, Isaac, 868 Talon, Jean Baptiste, b. Picardy Terre Blanche bay. Lake Winni- 1625, d. Versailles 1691, sec- peg, 451

ond Intendent of Terre Blanche cr. , br. of N. Sask. 1663-68, again 1670-72 under r. from the S., 634, 743 Gov. de Courcelles, started Terre Blanche ho., on N. Sask. r., ,

ioi8 INDEX.

lower, 584, 585, 590, 591, 592, Thaleichthys pacificus, 787 594. 595. 598. 599. 600, 601, Thathaine. Jacques, 871, 874 602, 615, 649, 664, 665, 666, Thellier, Antoine, 226

and see White Earth, White Thibault, , 554, 593 Mtid, etc. Thick Arms, an Ind., 53, 194, 209 Terre Blanche ho., on N. Sask. r., Thick Earth, an Ind., 54 upper, 651, 654, 655, 670, 671, Thief r., 69, 127, 130 and see Upper Terre Blanche Thief River falls, 127, 128 Terre Blanche, Minn., 205 Thieves 1., 126

Terre Blanche p., 28 Thieving r. , 130 Terre Blanche p., Winnipeg r., 27 Thifault, Basile, 554

Terre Blanche r. , br. of N . Sask. r. Thilan-ottine, 532 and 563, 566, 570, 595. 599.600, Third Cherry p. , 9 see White Earth r.. White Thlamooyackoak, Thlaooyacko- Mud r. ack, 798, 799 Terre Blanche r., trib. to Lake Thobourn, Thobourne, Wm., 300 Manitoba, i, 2, 4, 208 Thobum, F., 782, 874 Terre Blanche r., trib. to Lake Thoburn, T., 871 Winnipeg, 250 (see 452), 451, Thoburn,Wm., 300 452 Thoebine, F., 782

Terrebonne, 61, 869 Thogan r. , trib. to Lake Superior, Terre Grasse or Grosse, an Ind., was surveyed by some Amer- 54, 160, 196 icans in the fall of 1797. The Terre Jaune p., 28 word is used appar. as Tessier, Mrs. Cyrille, 897 name of a weight or measure, Tete a la Biche, Assin., 310, 412, for D. Thompson speaks of 413. 522 "a thogan of pimmecahn,"

Tete a la Biche creeks, 308 /. e. , a certain quantity of pem- Tete a la Biche r., 308, 314 mican, July 7th, 1796 Tete aux Pecheurs, Pecheurs, Pi- Thomas, an Iroquois, 652, 655, 66S

chaux, 457, 458. My conjec- Thomas' br. of Bear r. , 884 ture proves unfounded, and Thompson cr., 673, 674 the word in the text is to be Thompson, David, 6, 12, 13, 14, retained. Compare Tete de 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, Picheu, in Ross Cox, p. 277. 28,30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 45, 51, Mr. Otto J. Klotz of the Inter- 55, 60, 63, 69, 79, 80, 82, 127, national Boundary Commis- 128, 137, 164, 176, 187, 188, sion, Ottawa, informs me in 193. 195. 202, 203, 207, 215, lit. Apr. 9th, 1896, that Pichoit 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 222, or Picheau is the name of an 223, 234, 237, 240, 253, 255, 266, Ind. tribe living about Lake 268, 269, 277, 278, 279, 280, 290, Athabasca, noted alike for 291, 292, 293, 294, 297, 298, 299, their cleanliness and ugli- 300, 301, 303, 304, 316, 346, 439, ness, and that the word is 440, 442. 443, 459, 460, 465, 466, used in Canadian French as 468, 470, 471, 472, 474, 475, 476, equivalent to "ugly," e. g., 477. 478. 479. 481, 482, 484. 485, " elle est laide comme un 486, 488, 489, 490, 492, 497, 498, " Pichou ; but the reason for 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, assigning the name to the 507, 508, 509, 511, 512,548, 550, headland in Lake Winnipeg 553,554. 555.557. 558, 560, 562, does not appear 564, 565, 566, 567, 569, 572, 573, Tete de Boeuf, 68, 419 576, 578, 580, 581, 583, 584, 592, Tete du Chien, 445, 451, 454 598, 602, 605, 606, 607, 608, 610, tetes-de-femme, 131 611,612, 614, 626,627, 629, 630, Teton Pass, 884 633, 634, 635, 637, 639, 640, 641, Tetons, Teton Sioux, 145, 524 642, 643, 644, 645,646, 647,648, Teulattakain, George, 870, 871 650, 651, 652, 653, 654. 655, 656, Texas, 312 659, 660, 661, 662, 663, 667, 668, INDEX. IOI9

669,670, 671,672, 673, 674, 675, Tia, 913 677, 678, 679, 683, 685, 686, 689, Tiarks, J. L., 25 690, 692, 693, 694, 703, 704, 705, ticks, 180 706, 707, 708, 709, 740, 747, 748, tie-boy, 604 760, 767. 777, 778, 782, 783, 784, tigers, 817 863, 869, 870, 871, 872, 873. 874. Tilia americana, 14, 49 895, 897, 898 Tillamook Head, 755, 858 Thompson, H., 763 Tillamook Inds., 858, 867 Thompson, J., 792, compare Tisato, Jacques Quiter, Mohawk Thomson, Ind. voy. N. W. Co., Atha- John . Thompson, J. B., 914 basca, 1804 Thompson, John, 612, 760, com- Tissaragointe, Th., voy. c.-m. N. pare Thomson, John W. Co., Rainy 1., 1804 Thompson, M., 612 Titons, 317, 358, 361, see Tetons Thompson, Mr., at Astoria or Toad islands, 458 Fort George, unidentified, Toadl., 146

760, 761, 762, 764, 851 Toad r. , 146 Thompson's r., 783 Toan, 54 Thompson sta., Mont., 674 Tobacco cr., 63 Thomson, J., 255, compare next tobacco, native, of the Missouri, Thomson, John, 511, 642, 760 etc., 327, 402, IS Nicotiana Thomson, Mr., 222, compare last quadrivalvis Tobacco plains, Thorbeun, , 767, 782 707 Thorburn, Mr., of Hungry Hall, Tobacco Plains Kootenays, 550 477 Tobacco r., 707 Thorburn, Wm., 300 Tobin's rap., 478 ho., on upper Assini- Toby cr. 508 Thornburne , boine r., appears on McKen- Todd, Archibald, clerk N. W. Co.. zie's map of 1801 Lower Fort des Prairies, 1797, Thornburn, Mr., was at Finlay's arr. Grand Portage July 22d, old Fort Riviere au Pas, 1789 1797; arr. again there from Thornburn, Wm., 300 his post June 30th, 1798, and Thorn, Capt. Jonathan, 777, of the left July 9th on the sloop that Tonquin from New York sailed with packs on Lake Sept. 6th, 1810, to the Colum- Superior bia Mar. 22d, 1811, and from Todd's Crossing of Battle r., 499, Astoria June 5th, 1 811; killed 636 on her Todd, ship, see Isaac Todd Thornhill, 419 Tom, a boy, 601, 604, 611,620, 632, Thorn, James, brother of Capt. 675 Thorn, on the Tonquin with Tomas, an Ind., at Rocky Mt. ho. him Oct., 1806, is probably Thomas Those Who Have Water For the Iroquois Themselves Only, 523 Tomison, Mr., H. B. Co., 489 Three Bears, a chf., 542, 543 Tommy la Potac res., 568 Three Bulls, a chf., 529 Tongue Flag cr., 704 Three Hills cr., 618 Tongue pt., 760, 771, 794, 828, 838, Three Rivers, Kam. r., 220 839, 840, 844, 849, 850, 854, Three Rivers, Quebec, 426 860, 866, 867, 877, 878, 887, Thunder bay, 217, 220 890, 892, 903, 905, 909, was Thunder cape, 220 so named by the Astorians Thunder Child res., 499, 501 May 2d, 1811 Thunder hill, 300, 523 Tongue r., 81, 82, 83, 84, 118, 178, Thunder Hill cr., 299 195, 230, 239, 251, 267, 420, 434 Thunder, Old, aCree, 587, 593 Tongue River massacre, 260, 261 thunder-pumper, 448 Tonquinian Astorians, 783, 788, Thuja occidentalis, 466 869, 873, 874, 882, 883

Thyfouttana, , 573, 582 Tonquin massacre, 777 ,


Tonquin pt., in A. Ross, p. 69, Trois Rivieres, Que., 443, 897 appar. for Tongue pt. trout, 574 Tonquin, ship, 293, 303, 556, 603, Trout 1., 574 Troye, Aimable, voy. N. W. Co., 749, 752, 756, 759. 760, 764. dept., 1804 766, 773. 776. 777. 781, 787. Red Lake Co., 825, 852, 887, 893, 899 Troye, Joseph, voy. N. W. toothed herring, 444 Fort des Prairies, 1804 Co., Kam., tooth-shell, 753 Trudeau, , N. W. Torch 1., 266, 873, 883, see Lac au 1804 or Prudelle, N. W. Flambeau Trudelle, , Toronto, Ont., 40, 187, 193, 202, Co., forks of Peace r., Jan., 215, 226, 234, 268, 301, 442, 1803 Dak. 611, 705, 748, 874 Trysil, N. 147 Tsa-ottine, 532 Torrent r. , 706 totem, 106 Tukuarika, 819 Totogon, Man., i Tulibee, 624 Touche de la Cote Bucanieus, 614 tunas, 321 Tourangeau, Antoine, engage N. Turangeaux, engage N. W. r., Sept., 1803 W. Co., English r., 1799; win- Co\, on Sask. tered 1789-90 at Lac Vert Turceau, Aimable, voy. N. W. Tourbillion, an Ind., 576, 597 Co., English r., 1804 Tourelle, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., Turcot, Jean Baptiste, 667, 887 Fort des Prairies, 1804 Turcot, Mr., 667 Towner, N. Dak., 410 Turcotte, , 667, 669 Tracy, Mr., English trader, killed Turcotte, Aimable, 667 at the Michilimackinac mas- Turcotte, Jean Baptiste, 667 sacre, June 4th, 1763 Turcotte, Jean Baptiste, bis, 667 Baptiste, ter, 862, Trade p., 472, see Portage de Turcotte, Jean Traite 886 Traill co., N. Dak., 141, 142 Turenne, Jean Baptiste, 301, 345 Tranquille, Joseph, 302, 303 Turkey-buzzard r. , 153 Tranquille, Paul, 303 turkey-buzzards, 4, 147 Trans. Hist, and Sci. Soc. Mani- Turner, Mr., H. B. Co., 489 toba, 426 Turner's lopt tree, 489 travail, travaille, traverse, 142 Turrenne, see Turenne Traverse bay, 27, 34, 35. 36, 37. 39 Turtle cr., 501, 502 Traverse co., Minn., 145, 146 turtle-dove, 8 Turtle fort, 501 Traverse 1. , 149 travois, 142 Turtle 1., 501, 502 Treaty of Ghent, 24, 25 Turtle Lake r., 501 Tremblaie fort, 292 Turtle mt., 81, 306, 309,311,409. Tremblante r., 47 410, 412, 413. 414. 415. 417 Tremblay, Alexis, interp. and voy. Turtle r., 216 r., 128 c.-m. N. W. Co., Nepigon, Turtle r., br. of Mississippi 1804 Turtle r., br. of N. Sask. r., 501, Co. 506, 554. 561 Tremble, , engage N. W. Lac au Flambeau, 1804 Turtle r., br. of Red r., 56, 82, Tremblier fort, 292 138, 139, 141. 151. 152, 204, 428 trembliers, 49, 131 209, 251, 425, Trempe, Frangois, voy. N. W. Turtle River ho., 501 Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Turtle River, N. Dak., 138 r., trib. to Dauphin 1., 207 Trempy 1. is foimd for Lake Win- Turtle nipeg Turtle r., trib. to Lake Su- perior, 8 Trenton, N. J., 842 Trepannier, Francois, 870, 872 Twelfth Day, 165 Tresbank sta., Man., 207 Twining, Maj. W. J., 25, 80, 309, Troglodytes hiemalis pacificus, 406 twisted wood, 172 755 ,

INDEX. 1021

Two Big Hills, 506 Upper Terre Blanche ho. , or cr. Two Crows, a chf., 369, 371, 376, on the Sask., 611, 614, 615, 377. 379, 388 617, 619, 620, 626, 627, 630, Two Islands, 480 631, 632, 633, 643, 647, 659, Two Medicine cr., 524 666, 669, 670, 741, 742, and Two Rivers, br. of Red r., 83, 85, see next 90, 120, 121, 126, 154, 436, 438 Upper White Earth or Mud ho., Two Rivers, Man., 207 633, 741, 743, and see last Two Rivers, Minn., 114, 159 Urocyon cinereo-argentatus, 820 Two Rivers p., 217 Ursus americanus, 121 Two Rivers, trib to Lake Winni- Ursus horribilis, 121 peg, 460 uthlecan, 786 Tyighs, 827

Tyrrell, J. B., 705, 709, 740 V

U Vaccinium macrocarpon, 82, 753, 859 ulichan, 787 Vaccinium ovatum, 753 Ulmus americana, 49 Vaccinium oxycoccus, 82 Umatilla r., 556, 844, 884 Valade, Prince, N. W. Co., Fort Umatillas, 827 des Prairies, 1804 Umfreville, E., 187, 188, 303, 311, Vallada, Vallade, Rene, 578, 668, 465, 504, 505, 530, 733, 870 669 Umfreville's ho., 504, 505 Vallar, Andri, 883, see Vallee, Umprefurilee, Canalte, 870, 871 Andre

Unicorn, sloop, 762 Valle, , 870 Union Jack, 758, 770, 773, 780, 848, Valle, jun., 598

894 Valle, , one, 598, 604, 605, 606, Union Point, Man., 63 608, 609

United Empire Loyalist, 189 Valle, , one, 647

United States, 6, 23, 24, 25, 26, 45, Valle, , sen., 598 63, 220, 308, 350, 373, 413. 462, Valle, Andre, 883 522, 706, 786, 842, 881, 914 Valle, Augustin, 598

United States chart of Lake Su- Vallee, , 870 perior, 220 Vallee, Vallie, Andre, 881, 883, United States Naval Service, 912 884 United States Northern Boundary Valle, Louis, 598 Commission, report, and sur- Valle's wife, 603 vey, 26, 80, 309 Valley, a person, 735 Unjigah, Unshagah r., 510 Valley r., trib. to Dauphin 1., 207 Upper Chinookan tribes, 811, 812, Vallie, 870, see Valle, Vallee 913 Vancouver, Admiral Geo., 774 Upper Columbia 1., 300, 440, 606, Vandal, Antoine, 442 672, 706 Vandalle, Joseph, 442 Upper English r., 164, 199 Vandersluys, Jasper, bookkeeper Upper Establishment, 481, see N. W. Co., at Fort William Rocky Mt. ho., on N. Sask. r. Aug. 13th, 1816, when it was

Upper falls of the Winnepeek, 31 captured by Lord Selkirk ; Upper Kootenays, 550 his journal, Aug. i2th-28th,

Upper Red Cedar 1., 150 details the occurrences ; left Upper Red r., 45, 50, 51, 52, 199, Aug. 28th, arr. Montreal Sept. 202, 203, 204, 212, 215, 227, 14th 234, 245, 265, 276, 280, 282, Vandle, Pierre, 442

289, 303, 345. 424. 443. 554. Vandette or Vaudette, , 606, 573, 591. 592. 610, 611, 612, 610, 668 629, 630, 661, 778, 862, 872, Vandreil, Jacques, N. W. Co., and see Assiniboine r. Grand Portage, 1799 Upper Strong Wooa Crees, 623 Vandreil, Vandrieul, or Vandreuil, ,

1022 INDEX.

Mr., survej'or N. W. Co., Vermilion r., br. of Sask. r., lower Athabasca, 1789 or main, 506, 509, 524, 539, varangues are certain pieces of 544, 548, 552, 565, 576. 582. hard wood used in building 595, and see Fort Vermilion canoes, contrasted with lisses Vermilion r., br. of Sask. r., up- Varennes, P. G. de, 465. 873 per, small, 565, 570, 609, 632 to Dauphin 1., varying hares, 559 Vermilion r., trib. Vase, Vase 1., 468 207 Vermillion, see foregoing Vaseux p., last, 9 who Versailles, a person, 897 Vasseur, , a Canadian arrested Gov. R. Semple just Versailles, Louis, engage of Greg- before latter was killed, June ory, McLeod and Co., 1786, in 19th, 1816 left by Rod. McKenzie Vaudrie, Vaudril, Vaudry, Vean- charge of house on Lac du on dier,Veandrie,Veandrie,Veau- Serpent in June, 1787 ;

r. , same drie, Veaudry,Veiandre, Tous- Lower English 1 799 ; of interp. N. saint, 215, 225, 236, 259, 267, name appears as 276, 292, 295, 301, 303. 317. W. Co., EngUsh r., 1804 Vertefeuille, 332, 417. 422, 424. 438 , 584 Vendette, Frangois, 610 Vertefeuille, Jean Baptiste, voy. venereal disease, 836 N. W. Co., Athabasca, 1804 see Vaudry Verandrie, 175, see Verendrye Viandrie, T., 304, Verte, on Vercheres parish, 237 Viau, Jacques, of Bale years, Verdier, Mr., 770 Milwaukee r. for some ; father-in- Verendrye, Sieur de la, 18, 20, 23, 1818 and earlier of S. L.Juneau 27, 35. 37. 43. 45. 46, 127, 175. law 82 176, 220, 290, 302, 341, 465, 481, Viburnum edule, 661, 873. Forts established Viburnum opulus, 82 oxycoccus, 58, 82 by himself or sons were : i. Viburnum Fort St. Pierre, Rainy r. Victoria, Alb., 563, 564 Col., 2. Fort St. Charles, Lake of Victoria, Br. 675 the Woods. 3. Fort Maure- Vienna, 558 pas, Winnipeg r. 4. Fort Vienne, see Casse, Pierre N. Co., Dauphin, Lake Manitoba. 5. Vien, Pierre, voy. W. Fort La Reine, Assiniboine r. Fort des Prairies, 1804 Co., Koo- 6. Fort Rouge, Red r. 7. Vient, Pierre, of N. W. 1808, started Fort Bourbon, Cedar 1., tenay ho.. Mar., McMillan Mar. loth, Sask. r. 8. Fort Poskoyac, with A.

Fort Augustus ; Sask. r. 9. Fort La Corne to return to mts. with (Nipawi), Sask. r. was in the Rocky 1808- Verennes, P. G. de, 302, see Va- D. Thompson, winter of Vien and Vienne rennes, Verendrye 09 ; compare Vierville, Gaultier, nephew of C. Vermette, , N. W. Co., Fort

Langlade ; left Michili- Chipewyan, 1 799-1800 M. Vermette, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., mackinac about 1798 for he Le Pic, 1804 Prairie du Chien, where his son-in-law, Vermilion brook, 565 lived with d. aged Vermilion cr., br. of N. Sask. r. Michel Brisbois ; 1803, from the N., 744 ca. 65 Collier, 56, 180, 285 Vermilion 1., on Rainy River Vieux 53, route, 17 Vieux Folle Avoine, 53, 209 Antoine, N. W. Co., Vermilion 1., trib. to Sask. r., 564 Vigneron, Vermilion range in Rocky mts., Kam., 1S04 Francis, 706 Vigo, Col. 311 Mallet, Vermilion r., br. of Clark's fork, Ville a 883 Louis, voy. N. W. 673 Villeneuve, r. Co., Nepigon, 1804 Vermilion r. , br. of Kootenay 706 Villiard, .668 INDEX. 1023

Vincennes, Ind., 311 wampum, 753 Virer, 564 Wandering p., 218 Virginia fox, 820 Wandering r., 220 Virginian, 856 Wanotan, 263 Vitoria, Spain, 900 wapiti, 2, see elk, biche, red deer Vivere, 564 Wappatoo Inds., 812 Vivier, Alexis, 301 wappatoo, waptoe, 777 Vivres, 564 Waquegante, 96

Vnipigon, 27, see Winnipeg Waquetoe, 96 . vocabularies, 534, 535, 536, 537, war-club, 790 538, 714, 7i5> 716, 717, 718 Ward CO., N. Dak., 313, 315 Voison, Pierre, 187 Ward, Jack, 608, 617, 620, 744 Vulpes fulvus, 108 Ward, John, 632

Vulpes velox, 723, 817 War Path r , 459 Vulture r., 147, 153 Warren, Admiral, 845 vultures, 4, 808, 817, see Cathartes Warrener, Wm., 913, 914 and Pseudogryphus Warren, Hon. W. W., 512 Warren, Minn., 126 W Warren, Mr., 897 Warriors' r., 459 Wabano, 199 War Road r., 23 Wabano 1., 633 War-tent, 683 Wabasha, 273 Wasco, 812 Wabbano, 125 Washegamoishcam, 275 Wabeno, 125 Washington co., N. Y., 773 Wacalamus, 812 Washington, D. C, 331, 333, 675, Wadin, Mr., a Swiss, in 1779-80 786 at Lac la Rouge, Missinipian Washington State, 673, 757, 801, waters, was murdered there 864 by Peter Pond, or a clerk of Washougal r., 798, 810 Pond's, or both of these, about Washow bay, 445, 453, 454 end of 1780 or beginning of Wasough-ally r., 798

1781 Wasushkwatape r. , 61 Wagetoat, 96 Waswanipi ho., N. W. Co., on Wa-ge-tone, 427 lake of that name, headwaters

Wagetotahgun, 96 of Notaway r. , trib. to James* Waghom, Alb., 637 bay of Hudson's bay Wahclellahs, 798 Watab 1. and p., 10 Wahgekaut, 97 Water Hen, an Ind., 53, 209 Wahkiacum co.. Wash., 833 Water Hen lakes, 207, 470, 574 Wahkiacum Inds., 812 Water Hen rivers, 207 Wah-ne-taw, 263 Watombaghenaton, Gens du Waiilatpu, Waiilatpuan family, Grand Diable; there was a 819, 827 chf. called Grand Diable and Waiquetoe, 55 Big Devil Wakashan family, 778 wattap, 36, 804 Wakeman, Joseph, 868 Wattap r., 296, 297 Wakicums, 812 Wattasoons, 323 Wallace, Wm,, 752, 759, 761, 794, Waubeno, 125 817, 820, 860, 862, 865, 874 Wauswaugoning bay, 7 Wallamitter.,8o9,seeWillamette r. Wawanesa, Man., 305

Wallawalla, 760, 884 Wa-wap r. , 296, see Wattap r.

Wallawalla r. , 882, 886 Wawbeno, 125 Wallawallas, 827 Wawonoisa, Man., 305 Walsh CO., N. Dak., 82, 89, 90. 95, Wawzhekwawmaishkoon, 97 138 Wayiletpu, 827 Walshville, N. Dak., 138 Wayne, Gen. A., 883 Wa-me-gon-a-biew, 257 Wayquatchewine, 205 I024 INDEX.

Wayquetoe, 54, 170, 190, 205 253, 581, 641, a Norwegian, Webster, Milo, N. W. Co., Kam. entered N. W. Co. as appren- 1804 tice clerk Mar. 6th, 1799, and Weed or., 744 served long and faithfully Weeks, John, 749, perished on the with little reward or recogni- Tonquin with the next tion, among the Northern Weeks or Weekes, Stephen or Ste- Inds. Some dates and places

ven, armorer of the Tonquin are : forks of McKenzie's r. from N. Y. Sept. 6th, 18 10, to Mar. 27th, 1807; survived win- the Columbia Mar. 22d, 1811, ter of 1810-11 on that river, perished on her with the last; with nothing but skins to some suppose it was he, and eat from Dec. 13th to Jan. not clerk James Lewis, who 12th, and little else to Mar. blew her up nth; Louis Lemai dit Pou- Wee-suc-ha-jouck, 512 drier, Frangois Pilon, and Welcome islands, 220 Wm. Henry starved to death Welles, Jean Baptiste, voy. N. W. at same place, winter of 1813- Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804, see 14; Fort Franklin, Bear 1., Wells, Baptiste winter of 1814-15; Fort Chip- Welles, Wells, Mr., 425, 448, ac- ewyan May 28th, 1816; Rainy countant N. W. Co., Grand Lake ho., Aug., 1818; Great Portage July 22d, 1797, and Slave 1., wintering, 1818-19-20; June 8th, 1798; arrived Cum- Fort Enterprise, Winter 1., berland ho. with 4 canoes from near Coppermine r. Mar. Kam. Sept. loth, 1805, and 26th, 1821; Fort Chipewj^an left with D. Thbmpson for June 3d, 1822; McKenzie's r., Rat River country; win- 1823-24. Mr. Wentzel accom- tered at Egg 1. with Louis panied Lieut. Franklin's first

Fortin as interp. ; was at Cum- Arctic expedition; it is sup- berland ho. again June 14th, posed that less disaster, if 1806. Mr. Wells, N. W. Co., any, would have overtaken it

no doubt same person , was on had his advice been regarded, Red r., at mouth of Assini- and also that he knew of some boine r. at same time that horrible things which were Mr. " Hanie " (Hugh Heney) never divulged. At Great was; much about him in Tan- Bear 1. he married a Montag- ner'sNarr., pp. 181-186; death nais, by whom he had a son noted, date uncertain, per- Alexander, and a daughter haps ca. 1815 who became Mrs. Lariviere Wells, Baptiste, N. W. Co., en- and Mrs, Goulet. He wrote gaged with H. B. Co. in Aug., to Hon. Roderic McKenzie 1 8 16; probably same person a. series of important letters, as Welles, Jean Baptiste, 1807-24, pub. in Masson, I. which see pp. 69-153 (?• ''^) Wells CO., N. Dak., 144 Weskobug, 53, 97 Wells, Samuel, voy. N. W. Co., Wesleyan Missions, 499, 573, 635 Lake Winnipeg, 1804 West Lynn, Man., 79 Welsh Inds., 341 West Indies, 788 Wenagomo r., 55 West Road, 777 Wentzel, Alexander, son of W. West Selkirk, Man., 42 F. Wentzel by a Montagnais, West Washington, D. C, 505

b. at Isle a la Crosse; carpen- Wetarhoo r. , 843 ter; married a half-breed Wetaskiwin sta.. Alb., 635 woman, name Laferte; built Wettersoon, 323 the church at St. Norbert, Wheaton, Minn., 146 1855; left 4 sons, living at St. Whichhouse, Joseph, 913, 914 Agatha in 1889 Whill Whetz vill., 794 Wentzel, Willard Ferdinand, 216, Whinship, Capt., 795 INDEX. 1025

ho., White Buffalo Robe, an Ind. , 659, 607, see White Earth 719. 721 lower, and Terre Blanche, white cedar,, 466 lower old or upper, White Clay r. , 563 White Mud ho., 507, White, Dr., H. B. Co., killed with 563, 607, see Upper Terre Gov. R. Semple and others Blanche near Fort Douglas June 19th, White Mud 1., 667 1816 White Mud r., br. of N. Sask. r., white earth, 190 lower, 563, see Terre Blanche White Earth brook, br. of N. Sask. White Mud r., trib, to Lake Mani- r., lower, 563 toba, I, 208

White Earth cr., br. of N. Sask. White Mud r. , trib. to Lake Win- r. from the S., 634, 743 nipeg, 259 (compare 452), 451 of White Earth ho. , lower, 602 to end White Mud wintering houses of the chapter, and see Terre 1801-02, N. W. Co., 41S Blanche White Partridge, an Ind., 53. 154 White Earth ho., upper or old, white partridges, 687 643 White Plains. Man., 288 White Earth 1., 563 White r., a name of Winnipeg r,, White Earth p., 28,34 27, 32 White Earth res., 141, 143, 146, White r., trib. to Lake Manitoba, 147, 205 207. 208, see White Mud r. White Earth r., br. of N. Sask. r., White Rock hill, 409 563, 584, 624, and see Terre White Salmon cr., 750 Blanche White's ho. was on Missinipian White Earth r., br. of Wild Rice waters in 1793 r., 205 Whitewater 1., 414, 415 White Earth r., trib. to Lake Win- Whitewater sta.. Man., 414 nipeg, 451 whitewood, 14, 49 whitefish, 624 Whitewood portages, 14, 15 Whitefish bay, 23 Whitey's Narrows, 472

Whitefish 1. , Lake of the Woods, Whitson's p., 17 23 Who Calls r., 300, see Qu'Appelle Whitefish 1., upper Sask. region, r. 471- 573. 613 Whiilwhaipum, 827 Whiteford 1., 564 Wicked pt., two of them, on Lake white geese, 599, 752, 756 Winnipeg, 456, 459, 460 white goats, 682 Wickett pt., 460 Whitehall, Washington co.,N. Y., wickiup, now a common name, 773 throughout the West, of any White Head, a Piegan, 671 rude temporary shelter like a White Horse plains, 211, 288 hut or hovel, is said to be White 1., 633 from an Algonquian word White Lake cr., 633, 741 rendered mikiouaps, meaning White Loon, an Ind., 274 a conical leather lodge, wig- 1., r., sta. or Whitemouth and , 33 wam, tepee White Mud brook, br. of N. Sask. Wide r., 220 r. from the S., 634 Widseor, Richard, 913, 914 White Mud Brook ho., 563, see Wilcox, Samuel, engage N. W. Lower Terre Blanche ho. and Co. White Earth ho,, lower wildcats, 206, 817 White Mud cr., br. of N. Sask. r. wild cherry, 816 from the S., 634, 743 wild geese, 172

White Mud cr. , br. of N. Sask. r. Wild Goose r., 17, 217 upper, 741 wild horses, 708 White Mud fort, old, 633, see Up- wild pigeons, 4 per Terre Blanche ho. Wild Rice, a chf., 53, 209 White Mud ho., new or lower, 278, Wild Rice, N. Uak., 147 ,


189, 193. 201, 214, Wild Rice r., br. of Red r., 143. 51, 55, 185, 288, 346 147, 150, 205, 427 224, 249, 279, 608, Wilkes, Commodore, 767 Winnipeg ho., 35, 216, 277, la Riviere and Wilkie, Alexander, 259, 267, 274, 611, see Bas de Alexander 276, 281 Fort Man., Wilkin CO., Minn., 145, 146 Winnipeg Junction, 147 killed Winnipeg 1., 37, see Lake Winni- Wilkinson. , H. B. Co., with Gov. Semple and others peg near Fort Douglas, June 19th, Winnipegon, 27, see Winnipeg 1816 Winnipeg r., 6, 22, 26, 27, 31, 33. 451. Willamette falls, 812, 863 34. 35. 36, 188, 217, 224, Willamette Inds., 765, 797. 881 505, 553, 608, 630, 870 Willamette packs, 861 Winnipic, 27, see Winnipeg ,828 Willamette post, 753. 776 Winship, Capt. hills, 618 Willamette r., 253, 268, 289, 303, Wintering Road r., 21, 22 443. 752, 757. 759. 76o, 765. Winter 163, 190 780, 786, 787. 788, 794, 796. Wiscoup, 53, 67, Wiser, Peter, 797, 810, 812, 813, 814, 815, 914 818, 820, 821, 825, 826, 827. Wishram vill., 844 829, 830, 834, 836, 837, 554, wolf, 156 br. of Battle r., 636 856, 857, 860, 862, 863, 869, Wolf brook, br. of N. Sask. r., 740 872, 879, 882, 886. 890, 892 Wolf brook, Willamette slough, 810 Wolf cr., br. of Battle r., 636, 637 Willamette tour, 781 Wolf cr., br. of Missouri r., 321 of N. Sask. r., Willard, A., 914 Wolf cr., br. 739, Willetpoos, 827 740 Wolf hills, 638 William cr. , 703 Chief, 368 Williams, Gov., 457 Wolf Man Wolf r., br. of Red Deer r., 636, Williamstown, Ont. , 189 William, Th.. voy. N. W. Co., 637, 638, 639, 665 Fort Dauphin, 1804 Wolf's Tent, 396 636, 637 Willis, John, 255 Wolf Track meadows, also called Hatchet Willock, 605 WoUaston 1., divide between Arctic Willoughby. j\Irs. Capt.,214 1., on and Hudson's Bay waters, willow, 49, 320 way into the Miss- Willow cr., br. of Mouse r., 310, runs one inipi system and another into 411, 412 r. the Athabascan Willow cr. , br. of Red Deer 618 Wolsley 1., 17 Willow Inds., 335, 344. 374 wolverene, 694 817 Willow islands, 451 wolves, 156, 166, Willow pt., 451, 457 Wood cr., 313

Islets r. , 66 Willow r., 301 Wooded End, 311, 412, 415 Wilson r., 207 Wood Ears, an Assiniboine, 597 Windermere 1., 508, 606, 672, 677 Wooden Horse p., 12 Wind r., 844 Wood Lake of the Woods Wind River mts., S84 Wood 1., 22, see woodland reindeer, 285 Windsor, Mr. , arr. Grand Portage July 5th, 1798 Wood p. , 26 Winepegon, Winepic, 27, see Win- wood rat, 749 nipeg wood ticks, 180 Wines, N. Dak., 412 Woodvile cr., 884 Lake of the Wi-nipa, Winipeg, Winipegon, Woody 1., 22, see Winipic, Winipick, Win-nepe, Woods Winnepeck, Winnepeek, 27, Woody pt., 753 see Winnipeg Woody Point p., 31 wrens, 835 Winnibigoshish 1., 21, 150 755. . , ., , Nathaniel exped. Winnipeg City, Man., 27, 43. 44. Wyeth, Capt. J., INDEX. 1027

overland to the Columbia in Yauk r., 707 1834, see J. K. Townsend's Yehuhs, 798 Narr., 8vo, Philadelphia, 1839 Yellow Banks, 489, 490 Wylie, Man., 127 Yellow Bird, an Ind., 655 Yellow Earth p., 28 Yellowhead pass, 640, 642 Yellow Knives, 524 Xanthoxylum americanum, 139 Yellow r., 812, 815, 860 X. Y. Co., 7, 48, 52, 63, 187, 188. Yellowstone, Yellow Stone r., 302, 190, 193, 195, 204, 205, 207, 462, 720, 735, 843 211, 214, 218, 219, 225, 231, Yohkh r., 707 232, 239, 240, 242, 245, 251, York, a negro, 914 252, 253, 255. 256, 257, 268, York Factory, 41, 189, 463, 465, 269, 278, 280, 282, 297, 298, 466, 474, 475, 479,484, 489- 545, 301, 474, 487, 561, 569, 583, 558, 600, 667 6io, 784, 876 York r., 38, 465, 473, formerly R. Ste. Therese and Hayes r. Young, John, 847 Young's bay, 750, 755, 756, 769 Yaack, Yahk r., 707 Young's r., 766, 781, Yaketahnoklatakmakanay, 750, 751, 771, 550 826, 838, 877, 878 Yam, a person, 860 Young, Thomas, voy. N. W. Co., Yamhelas, Yamils, 812, 819. 820, Fort des Prairies, 1804 860 yutao, 756 Yampa eaters, Yamparika, 819 Yankton, Yanktong Inds., 263,

^ 358, 361 Yarn, Yarns, George, voy. N. W. Co., Lac au Flambeau, 1804 ; Zalophus californianus, 857 otherwise heard of, 1794-1823 Zenaidura carolinensis, 889



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Traced from the original UNDER THE DIRECTION or Dr ElliottCoues Au ^e^lM^,yj^o^W2isor^

Copyright. Francis P Harper iSft g^frono^ner'SrSte.rT'^i/ci^-eyo


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