Michigan's B ITA T E R I T A G E jaunuz! of tfie !Jrench-Caruufian ~e Societg of 9Jic!zigan Vol. 36 #3 Jul. 2015 Michigan’s Habitant Heritage (MHH), Vol. 36, #3, July 2015 Charlotte Cadotte: The Vivacious Wife of the Fur Trader Séraphin Lacombe John P. DuLong, Ph.D., FCHSM Member (
[email protected]) We had a visit from Mr Lacombe & his wife. The latter remain’d untill about 12 oclock at night dancing. Tracing women throughout most of history is problematic. While the actions of their fathers, husbands, brothers, uncles, and cousins are often well-recorded, their lives are often left in the shadows. Finding them named alongside the men in their lives is the best we can hope for when researching many women. But occasionally, we get startling and insightful glimpses of them in original records.1 In the case of vital and notarial records in French Canada, we are fortunate that a certain amount of information about women is usually mentioned, such as their maiden name, age, place of residence, whether they were practicing midwives, etc. Nevertheless, we still get more detail on men than women even in the province of Québec. In the case of women on the frontier, there is even less information available, particularly if that woman is a Native American or a Métis.2 The Métis are people of mixed European and Native American ancestry.3 In most, but not all, cases a Métis is the descendant of a French father and a Native American mother. They are a people who are the product of the fur trade that brought these two cultures together.