<» f Ibenrp an& XTbompson journals* VOLUME III. NEIV LIGHT ON THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE GREATER NORTHWEST THE MANUSCRIPT JOURNALS OF ALEXANDER HENRY Fur Trader of the Northwest Company DAVID THOMPSON Official Geographer and Explorer of the same Company J799-J814 Exploration and Adventure among the Indians on tlie Red^ Saskatchewan^ Missouri, and G>lumbia Rivers EDITED WITH COPIOUS CRITICAL COMMENTARY BY ELLIOTT COUES Editor of " Lewis and Clark," of " Pike," etc., etc. IN THREE VOLUMES . Vol. Ill NEW YORK FRANCIS P. HARPER 1897 Copyright, 1897, BY FRANCIS P. HARPER. All rights reserved. LIST OF MAPS AND PLATES. VOLUME I. Portrait of Elliott Coues, Frontispiece VOLUME III. Three Sections, and Legend Sheet, Traced from David Thompson's MS. Map OF THE Northwest Territory, . In pocket ; INDEX. N. B.—This index covers all the matter of the two preceding volumes, both of main text and notes thereto. It is mainly an index of names, proper and common, without analysis of what comes under them. All proper names are intended to be indexed in every place where they occur, excepting the author's name. " N. W. Co." is indexed wherever it happens to appear, though the whole work relates to the North West Company. Of common names the list is quite full, though it is exclu- sive, as a rule, of mere mention or allusion. Proper are distinguished from common names by capitals, the same as they would be if occur- ring in ordinary sentences. The arrangement of the entries is intended to be strictly alphabetical, without regard to the logical order in which Albert, phrases or phrase-names would follow one another ; thus, Jo- seph, comes after Alberta, and before Alberton, Ont. Contractions and thus, pt. for abbreviations are alphabetized as if they were spelled out ; "point" precedes p. for "portage." Place-names which are phrases thus, Superior under are entered as usually spoken or written ; Lake r. Lake, but Moose 1. under Moose; Fort Dauphin, but Dauphin though many such are also entered both ways, with cross-references. appear as Alternative and variant names of the same thing of course ; Lac a la Pluie, Lac la Pluie, Rainy 1., for the one body of water. Besides subserving the usual purpose, this index has been utilized for the purpose of introducing a comparatively large amount of new mat- ter, representing many memoranda which I had made for use in my notes, but which the author's text did not happen to bring up in any connection. Most of these additional entries are biographical items of with a date, voyageurs and others of the N. W. Co. ; they commonly end this will occasion looking at first sight like a reference to a page ; but no uncertainty, as the pagination of the text does not reach four figures. The sansfagojt style of writing French personal names, which may or may not begin with a preposition or with the definite article, makes it must be en- impossible to observe any rule in such cases ; these names tered as they are found—for example, such as De La Fayette, La Fayette, or Fayette, are all liable to appear. Usual abbreviations or contractions for names of States and Terri- tories of the United States, of Provinces or Districts of the Dominion of Canada, of civic, military, and ecclesiastical titles, etc. Also, the following : br., branch (of a stream or railroad); chf., (Indian) chief; co., county; cr., creek; dept., department; ho., house; H. B. Co., Hudson's Bay isl., Kam.,Kam- interpreter ; island; Company ; Ind., Indian; interp., mountain ; N. W. Co.. inistiquia ; Idg., landing ; Mt., mt.. Mount, pra., prairie pt., point (of land); North Company portage ; ; West ; p., reservation in the U. S., r., river; rap., rapid or rapids ; res. (Indian) reserve in the Dominion of Canada; R. R., Ry., railroad, railway; (lake Sask., Saskatchewan; St., Ste., Saint, Sainte ; trib. , tributary c.-m., voyageur contre- or river); vill., village ; voy., voyageur ; voy. maitre. Any abbrev. or contr. rnay take j.- for the plural. 9i8 INDEX. Albany, N. Y., 897 Albany r. , 29 Abbitibbe ho. , at or near the head albatross, a bird, 853 of Lake Abbitibbe, source of Albatross, a ship, 764, 795, 828, river of same name, br. of 844. 855 Moose r., trib. to James bay Alberta, 462, 499, 524, 548, 563, of Hudson's bay ; also Abbi- 573, 574, 618, 740 tiby, Abitibbi, Abittibi, etc. Albert, Joseph, voy. N. W. Co., Prairies, Abercrombie, Lt. Col. J. J., 148 Fort des 1804 Abigail, Man., 415 Alberton, Ont. , 20 Abraham Plains, battle of, 289 albino buffalo, 159, 242 Acequemanche, 53, 54, 79, 95, 97. Albion, 896 103, 170, 261, 262, 263 Alces machlis, 2 Acer saccharinum, 130, 172 Alceste, Man., 415 A'cha, Jose, 864 alders, 815, 840 res. 566 Acipenser medirostris, 753 Alexander , Acipenser rubicundus, 20, 70, 192, Alexandria, Br. Col., 213, 777 444. 448 Alexandria, Man., 213 Acipenser transmontanus, 752, 753 Alexis res., 633, 741 Acquimance, 54 Algonquian family, 382, 510, 523, Act of Congress, 22, 25 524. 533. 733 Act of Parliament, 663 Algonquins, 533 Acton, N. Dak., 95 Alkali cr., 618 Adam, Eustache, voy. N. W. Co., Allaire, Frangois, voy. N. W. Co., Fond du Lac, 1804 Lake Winnipeg, 1804 Ada, Minn., 143, 150 Allaire, Michel, 776, voy. N. W. Adhemar, Jacques, 290 Co., was with D. Thompson Adhemar's fort, 290 June 1 8th, 181 1, at Ilthkoyape adipocerite, 768 falls in Aug., 1811, and went A-go-kwa, 54 to Okanagan with one Bellaire Aguskogaut, 180 Allan, Sir H., 255 Ahantchuyuk, 812 Allard, Ambrose, 274 Ahketoons, 97 AUard, Pierre, 274 Ahnahaways, 323 Allary, Michel, N. W. Co., Fort Ahrattanamokshe, 368 Dauphin dept., 1799, see Al- laire and Alleire Ahtahcahcoop res. , 490 Ahtena, 524 Allen, Simon, an Iroquis, N. W. Ahwahharways, 323 Co., Athabasca, 1804 Aiken, Job, 766 AUerie, Michel, 176, N. W. Co., Aiken, Mr., 766 en route from Grand Portage Aiktow cr. or coulee, 300 Aug. 1 2th, 1797, fitted out by Aile du Corbeau r., 274 C. Grant for Fort Dauphin Ainse or Hance, Joseph, Sioux Sept. 15th, 1777. see Allary trader on Minnesota r., 1786 and Allarie Aird, George, brother of James All Saints' Day, 660 Aird, Sioux trader on Minne- Alnus rhombifolia, 815 sota r., ca. 1803 Alnus rubra, 815, 840 Aisainse, 97, 263, 427 aluminum, 768 Aishquebugicoge, 54 Amahami, 323 r. Ambercombie, see Fort Aber- Aissugsebee , 47 Aitken, Job, 766 crombie Akoklako, 550, 708 ambergris, 768 Alain, Pierre, N. W. Co., Mouse Ambert? N. W. Co., Rocky mt. r., 1794 ho., fall of 1806 Alarie, Frangois, voy. N. W. Co., Amelanchier alnifolia, 405 Le Pic, 1804, see Allaire Amelanchier canadensis, 405 Alaska, 524 Amelia bay, 673 Albany factory, 22, 46, 187, 424 America, 614 8 INDEX. 919 r., American antelope, see antelope Arguette, J., on Willamette American elk, 2 1833-42 American flag, 848 Arikara village, 843 American Fur Co., 21, 882 Arkoitte, Augustin, voy. N. W. Americans, 24, 663, 720, 757, 848, Co., Lake Winnipeg, 1804, S49. 903. 907 compare Arcoitte American woodland reindeer, 285 Armell, Mr., 735 Amic l.,472 Arnes, Man., 451 Amiot, Francois, N. W. Co., Lake Arrow 1., Rainy R. route, 8, 10 Winnipeg, 1S04 Arrow r., Rainy R. route, 8, 9 Amiurus nebulosus, 431, 444 arrows, poisoned, 80S AMK. Co., 282 Arrowwood r., 61 Pierre, N. Ancien fort, 43 Arsinau or Arsineau, Anderson, Capt. S., 25 W. Co., Red Deer 1., 1798-99 Anderson, John, boatswain, per- Arwacahwas, 323 ished on the Tonquin ash, a tree, 49 Anepemenan sipi, 82 Ashe 1., 492 Anglojibway, 512 Ash ho., 301, 302, 305 Anglo-Saxon, 465 Ash isl., 492 Annals of Iowa, 330 ash-leaved maple, 4, 172 Anse de Sable, Lake of the Woods, Ashley cr., 674 13. 14 Ashton, Joseph, 749, 766, 781, 836, Anse de Sable, Winnipeg r., 33 868, 887, see Joe Anser albifrons gambeli, 752 Ashualuc, 914 antelope, 191, 305, 310, 634 Asnaboyne, 45, see Assiniboine Antilocapra americana, 191, 305, aspai in S. Fraser's Journal, spye 3" in Harmon's Journal, is the Antler hill. Alb., 638 Rocky mt. goat AntoUe, Louis, voy. N. W. Co., aspen, 49, 131 Le Pic, 1804, perhaps for Louis Aspern, Germany, 558 Anatole Aspin fort on Peace r., 581 of Upper Canada, 189 Antyme, , guide N. W. Co., Assembly Assinepoetuc, 505, see Assiniboine apishemeaus. " We remamed :n Assiniboia, 45, 299, 300, 308, 462, camp, trading buffalo robes, 761 apishemeaus, etc., of the Assiniboine brigade, 47 Indians," Townsend, Narr., Assiniboine dept., 60, 214 Co., 207, 1839, p. 31 Assiniboine ho., N. W. Apistiscouse, 656 298, 301, 302. 303, 415, 416 apistochikoshish, 311 Assiniboine Inds., 37, 42, 43. 93. aqua Lucise, 732 119, 132, 152, 159, 190, 195, 196, Arabuthcow, see Athabasca 19S, 203, 210, 212, 22S, 239, 241, Arapahoes, 384 244, 250, 253, 257, 263, 273, 275, Arbutus menziesii, 816 286, 293, 302, 307, 309, 312, 314, Arcan? of N. W. Co., wintered 325. 328, 355. 383.385.386,388, 1804-05 on Missinipi r. with 402, 405, 407, 40S, 413, 419, 429, La Freniere, Bouche, and an- 484, 487, 493. 500, 508, 513. 516, other 517, 51S, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 552. Archduke Charles, 5 58 525. 533. 542, 547. 549. SSL Arcoitte, Frangois, voy. N. W. 553. 570. 576, 577.579.583.587. Co., Nepigon, 1804, compare 588, 589. 590, 591. 592, 593. 595. Arkoitte 597. 599. 600, 614,616,620,623, Arctic ocean, 80, 193, 472i 473> 474. 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 720, 737, 510, 568, 862 742 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, 581 Assiniboine 1., 208 Ardea herodias, 103 Assiniboine r., 2, 3, 4, 35, 38, 43.
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