© by PSP Volume 26 – No. 10/2017 pages 6149-6158 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin


Esin Esen*

SRK Consulting Turan Gunes Bulvari No: 86/3, 06550 Yildiz, Ankara Turkey


Large volumes of are produced by the activities and mine is one of the most important environmental issues which di- rectly affect the feasibility of the mine related to per- mitting. The slurries or waste materials left over after mineral is extracted from ore via physico-chemical processing are called which must be safely disposed to prevent the release of contaminates into the environment. Tailings are generally stored on- land surface impoundments; can be used in backfill- ing the voids in exhausted underground mines and/or transferred through pipes and disposed to a water- course under the water level subaqueously. In deep sea tailings placement (DSTP) method, the tailings FIGURE 1 are disposed to deep sea zones far from the shore. General Flow Scheme for Mining [8] The environmental legislations are improving, forc- ing the mining industry to take strict measures re- Tailings may contain suspended solid particles garding tailings management. The Turkish Regula- consisting of economically worthless minerals and a tion on Mining Wastes have been published in 2015 small amount of valuable minerals, dissolved solids, and is going to be in force by July 15, 2017 where metal ions, chemical reactives and reaction products DSTP is adressed as a possibility for non-hazardous [9]. The heavy metals, which are important in terms wastes disposed to anoxic layer of Black Sea. This of environmental pollution, contained in tailings are manuscript aims to provide guidance on the environ- listed as: Boron (B), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium mental permitting of DSTP practices as an option in (Cr), Berilium (Be), Antimony (Sb), Silver (Ag), Ar- Turkey’s Legislation. senic (As), Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg), Manganese (Mn), Nickel (Ni), Selenium (Se), Titanium (T), Ura- nium (U), Vanadium (V), Zinc (Zn) and Aluminum KEYWORDS: Tailings, Deep Sea Tailings Placement (DSTP), Mine (AI) and other environmental problems encountered Waste Management, . are the Metal Leach (ML) and Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) [9, 10, 11]. The disposal methods of tailings vary on the ba- INTRODUCTION sis of cost, environmental factors and structural risks i.e. failure [1, 3]:

• On-Land disposal: Storage of tailings in The extraction of metals and minerals through dams and ponds (Tailings Storage Facility - TSF). mining of geological resources aims to improve the • Backfilling in underground mines: Filling quality of civilization however, the management of the spaces left after ore extraction in underground the residues generated at mining operations, mainly mines with paste fill (dehydrated cement added dry the tailings and waste-rock remains as the most im- sludge) ensures both reinforcement and waste dis- portant environmental issues on permitting [1, 2, 3, posal simultaneously. 4]. Potential environmental issues associated to min- • Discharge to Surface waters: Tailings dis- ing activities other than wastes are air quality includ- posal to the river courses is abandoned due to its en- ing dustfall [5], water use and quality, hazardous ma- vironmental impacts on surface water resources [3, terials, land use and , noise and vibra- 12]. In USA and Canada, the disposals to lakes are tions energy use and visual impacts [6, 7]. Figure 1 being ceased due to low assimilation capacity in shows the typical operations in mining. closed systems. In deep sea tailings placement (DSTP) method, the tailings are disposed to deep sea

6149 © by PSP Volume 26 – No. 10/2017 pages 6149-6158 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin zones far from the shore. It is applied in regions, postprocessing tailings slurry of the Lihr Mine on where the sea is deep and close to the facility, the Niolam Island in Papua New Guinea is deposited an- precipitation is high and evaporation is low, and nually at depth from a sub-surface pipeline (DSTP) where the land disposal methods of tailings are risky [14]. The DSTPs are in operation in with due to the stability and seismicity problems. discharges from 300 000 to 4 million tons/year, As of 2012, there have been approximately where mining tailings have been deposited at 17 3,500 TSFs in the world and until that date, signifi- fjord- or near-coastal sites in Norway [2]. cant failures have been encountered in 138 storage According to Eurostat statistics, the mining and facilities [12]. The examples are: In 2010, due to the quarrying industry produced 671,810,000 tonnes of failure of the embankment in Hungary, 600,000- waste in 2010, in EU (27 Member States-MS) which 700,000 m3 tailings have spread to the region and is equivalent to around 30% of the total waste gener- caused the death of 10 people. In 1998, the failure in ated in the same countries [15]. The EU (28 MS) pro- the TSF of Los Frailes Mine, Aznalcollar region of duced over 730 million tonnes of mining waste in , caused 5-7 Mm3 tailings have flown to Rio 2012, where 13.7 million tonnes of it is hazardous Agrio River and raised the river bed with 3 m and waste contribution [15]. covered 3,500 ha of agricultural area. In 1985, TSF Since tailings generally contain compounds failure in Stava, Italy, caused the death of 268 people with sulfide, they must be covered with water or an [1, 12]. appropriate impermeable material in order to prevent Over the last century the volumes of tailings be- their contact with air and occurrence of ARD and ing generated has grown dramatically as the demand ML at the stage of mine closure [1, 3]. Among the for minerals and metals has increased and lower important impacts related with the TSF, loss of land grades of ore are being mined through advances in and habitat due to their large footprint areas, impacts extraction and processing technology [13]. Being on surface and underground waters and visual im- different from other industrial wastes, the tailings are pacts can be mentioned. The engineering studies per- produced in very big amounts. There are individual formed in order to ensure the short and long period mines producing in excess of 200,000 tonnes of tail- stability of civil structures are among the most im- ings per day [13]. Approximately 100,000 ML of portant issues in TSF planning.

TABLE 1 Applications of DSTP in the World as of 2012 [18] Water environment of discharge Mine area Mine production Firm Basamuk (Astrolabe) Gulf, Bismarck Ramu Nickel and nickel-cobalt; Metallurgical Construction Corp., High- Sea Yandera mines, copper- gold lands Pacific (Ramu); Marengo Mining Papua New Guinea (Yandera) Norway fiords Kirkenes, Kvannevann, Iron, industrial Northern Iron Ltd., LNS AS, Sibelco Nor- Stjernøya, Hustadmar- minerals, titanium, dic, Omya Group, Nordic Mining, Nussir mor Skaland, copper Engebøfjellet, Reppar- fjorden Senunu gulf Batu Hijau mine, Copper – gold Newmont Mining, Sumitomo Mining Indonesia Luise port Lihir mine, Gold Newcrest Mining Papua New Guinea Pigiput gulf Simberi mine, Gold Allied Gold Papua New Guinea Black Sea Çayeli Bakır, Türkiye Copper – zinc Cayeli Bakir Isletmeleri A.S.

FIGURE 2 Typical DSTP Structure

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The DSTP targets the trapping of tailings at the [19]: bottom of deep sea. The tailings are transported from  2009/360/EC completing the technical re- the facility to the deep-sea environment through quirements for waste characterization; pipes, and discharged in the deep layer, below pic-  2009/359/EC on the Definition of inert nocline [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17]. Typical DSTP waste in implementation of Article 22 (1)(f),009; structure is given in Figure 2.  2009/337/EC on the Criteria for the classi- The most important environmental impacts of fication of waste facilities in accordance with Annex DSTP are (i) the loss of benthic habitat on the foot- III; print, where the tailings are stored at the sea bottom,  2009/335/EC on the Technical guidelines (ii) the impacts on abundance and diversity of spe- for the establishment of the financial guarantee; cies, and (iii) the risk of bio-accumulation of heavy  2009/358/EC on the Harmonization, the metals in the food chain. regular transmission of the information and the ques- As of 2012, there are 11 mines using the DSTP tionnaire referred to in Articles 22(1) (a) and 18. method in the world (Table 1) and all of them have Other relevant EU directives are listed as: obtained the legal permissions from the competent  2012/18/EU On the control of major-acci- authorities in host countries. [12, 18]: dent hazards involving dangerous substances (Se- • 5 mines in Norway, veso III), • 1 mine in England,  2010/75/EU On industrial emissions (inte- • 1 mine in Turkey, grated and control-IPPC), • 1 Mine in Indonesia,  2008/98/ EC on waste and repealing certain • 3 mines in Papua New Ginea. Directives on waste (Waste Framework Directive). The historical development of DSTP method, Directive 2004/35/EC on environmental liabil- which has been commenced approximately 40 years ity with regard to the prevention and remedying of ago in Philippines and Canada shows that the appli- environmental damage (ELD) came into force in cations performed without mineralogical, geo-chem- 2007 introducing the “polluter pays” principle [4]. A ical and oceanographic characterization, can cause holder of an IPPC or waste licence for mining and damage to the environment [11, 12]. Environmental related waste activities in the EU is subject to the impact from sea tailings disposal appears the lack of ELD because many mining related activities are baseline information on the habitat, environmental listed in Annex III of it [4]. conditions, and associated microbial and faunal com- The EU's waste management approach is based ponents that are affected by the discharges. There is on the "" which sets the following also a lack of scientific knowledge of the biodiver- priority order for policy development: prevention sity patterns and functioning of the marine ecosys- [20, 21], (preparing for) , , recovery tems, particularly in the deep-sea, as well as of ef- and, as the least preferred option, disposal (which in- fects of metals and chemicals on deep-sea biota [3]. cludes landfilling and without energy Especially due to its advantages such as preven- recovery) [19]. tion of ARD risk by the wastes containing sulfite; in TSFs are divided into two categories as “Cate- cases of construction of land based TSFs that are not gory A” and “Non-Category A” in accordance with geo-technically suitable; and prevention of land the risk they have on public health and environment losses, DSTP is accepted as an alternative for the in EU Waste Legislation. For a tailings facility to be techniques of land disposal systems [1, 3]. considered as Category A, (i) the effects of the acci-

dents that may occur in the facility must be at signif-

icant levels as the result of the risk assessment; or (ii) MATERIALS AND METHOD it contains waste classified as hazardous under Di- rective 91/689/EEC; or (iii) it contains substances or Assessment of International Legislation on preparations classified as dangerous under Direc- DSTP. The evaluation of international legislation is tives 67/548/EEC or 1999/45/EC. based on the performance criteria published by Additional to the Directive 2006/21/EC, EU en- World Bank’s International Finance Corporation vironmental legislation includes a Best Available (IFC) [6, 7] and the (EU) directives Techniques (BAT) reference document for the man- [19] within the framework of harmonization works agement of tailings and waste-rock in mining ctivi- in the membership process of Turkey. Besides, there ties known as BREF (2009). DSTP operations are in- are international agreements and protocols signed for cluded within the BREF (2009) [1] suggesting it as the protection of seas surrounding Turkey. an acceptable method for mining areas where tailings are likely to generate ARD. As a BAT example, Hus- Mining Wastes. EU mining waste manage- tadmarmor Calcium Carbonate Mine in Norway is ment includes one directive (Directive 2006/21/EC presented where the driving force is the lack of space on the management of waste from extractive indus- for tailings deposition on land. tries - the Mining Waste Directive- “MWD”) and 5 World Bank’s IFC grants loans for private sec- decisions in relation to the implementation of MWD tor projects and requires Environmental and Social

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Impact Assessment (ESIA) and the application of standards and measures to ensure safe drinking water “IFC Performance Standards” in the management of supply, ensuring the standards of the Drinking Water environmental risks and impacts in investments. For Directive are met [22]. making use of IFC financing, the project is expected Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) to be compliant with international good sector appli- (2008/56/EC) [19] has entered force in 2008. It tar- cations, which are recognized worldwide, such as gets to create the necessary information and applica- Environment, Health and Safety Guides of the World tion tools in line with the “Ecosystem Approach” for Bank Group (EHS guides). In case host country reg- the transition-coastal and coastal-sea waters to en- ulations are different from those indicated in EHS sure “Good Environmental Status” in EU marine wa- Guides, the project owner has to comply with the ters until 2020 promoting international cooperation stricter one. However, where necessary, the project through Regional Sea Conventions (RSC): owner may propose alternative mitigations and  The Convention for the Protection of the measures together with the relevant scientific evi- Marine Environment in the North-East Atlantic of dences within the ESIA process [6]. 1992 (further to earlier versions of 1972 and 1974) – IFC also issued sectoral EHS Guidelines (2007) the OSPAR Convention (OSPAR), where DSTP may be considered as an alternative  The Convention on the Protection of the only in the absence of an environmentally and so- Marine Environment in the Baltic Sea Area of 1992 cially sound land-based alternative and based on an (further to the earlier version of 1974) – the Helsinki independent scientific impact assessment for mining Convention (HELCOM), [7]. If and when DSTP is considered, such consider-  The Convention for the Protection of Ma- ation should be based on detailed feasibility and rine Environment and the Coastal Region of the ESIA of all tailings management alternatives, and Mediterranean of 1995 (further to the earlier version only if the impact assessment demonstrates that the of 1976) – the Barcelona Convention (UNEP-MAP), discharge is not likely to have significant adverse ef-  The Convention for the Protection of the fects on marine and coastal resources, or on local Black Sea of 1992 – the Bucharest Convention. communities. In accordance with IFC guidelines, for The most important international agreements DSTP to be applied the possible impacts on the sea on waste disposal to the seas are: “Convention on the environments and the precautions to be taken against Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of them must be compliant with international agree- Wastes and Other Matter (London Convention, ments such as the United Nations Convention on the 1972)”, its amendment in 1978 and London Protocol Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), 1982. (1996). The London Protocol has been signed by 45 nations including Australia, New Zealand and Phil- . The basis of the EU legislation ippines [23]. Turkey is in the process of becoming a on water quality consists of Water Framework Di- party to those agreements [24]. rective (WFD) numbered 2000/60/EC [19], which The purpose of London Convention is to con- also has priority in harmonization of Turkish Legis- trol all marine pollution sources and to prevent ma- lation for this sector. WFD prescribes the protection rine pollution by regulating the dumping of wastes to and recovery of all water masses in EU in terms of the sea. The “gray list” and “black list” definitions quality and amount and targets to bring all under- are made for the wastes to categorize them in accord- ground and surface waters to the good status as of ance with the hazard they cause in terms of environ- 2015 and eliminating hazardous materials with pri- ment. While the disposal of the materials in the black ority from the European watercourses. Directive on list is completely prohibited, the disposal of the ma- Environmental Quality Standards (2008/105/EC), terials in the gray list is subject to special permission which is also known as the Priority Substances Di- from the competent authority of the host country and rective has been enforced to reach this target. The in compliance with certain conditions. For the dis- Directive on Pollution Caused by Certain Dangerous posal of other materials, a general permission is suf- Substances Discharged into the Aquatic Environ- ficient. ment of the Community (76/464/EEC) has been cod- The London Protocol is more restrictive than ified and adopted as 2006/11/EC. London Convention. The disposal of any kind of ma- WFD’s combined approach icludes limiting terials except the materials included in the annex of pollution at the source by the setting of emission con- the Protocol, or their combustion on the sea, has been trols with relevant legislation (i.e. Urban Waste Wa- prohibited. Although the sea disposal of “inert, inor- ter Treatment Directive, the Nitrates Directive and ganic geological material” is permitted in the proto- the IPPC Directive) and by establishing water quality col, tailings are not assessed within this scope. Tech- objectives for watercourses in compliance with good nically, the protocol regulates the rules of dumping status objective [22]. The river basin management at the seas, platforms etc on the sea rather than the plans and programmes are at the core of all water- discharges to be made from the land. related legislation. Watercourses used for drinking water purposes will be subject to particular protec- tion, linked to a requirement of complementary

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Evaluation of Republic of Turkey’s Legisla- plume and its impact on ecology and water quality. tion on DSTP. An Environmental Impact Assess-  The receiving environment will be moni- ment (EIA) permit is the first environmental permit tored seasonally-four times in a year for the follow- required for new mining operations, as well as for ing parameters: temperature, salinity, light transmit- major mine operation modifications. The EIA permit tance, density, electrical conductivity, chlorophyll-a, acts as a temporary permit for the construction of the pH, dissolved oxygen, hydrogen-sulfur, alkalinity, mine. Within one year after start of the operation a copper, zinc, mercury, lead, iron, manganese, cad- Temporary Environmental Operation License appli- mium, arsenic, total suspended solids, total organic cation has to be made to Ministry of Environment carbon, crude oil and its derivatives. Additional pa- and (MEU). Following the applica- rameters are required if MEU deems necessary. tion, compliance testing via an accredited laboratory For the new developing mining projects, Waste is conducted for mine emissions and discharges and Management Plan has to be prepared in the EIA pro- then “Final Environmental Operation License” is is- cess in compliance to the RMW. sued. The environmental licenses are managed by the MEU and cover all aspects of the environment Water Quality. Turkey has announced that full including but not limited to waste water discharge, harmonization of WFD under the “Environment” air emissions, noise, solid waste, hazardous section and its adherence to the cited Conventions waste. will take place following full membership of the EU and that full harmonization with the Directives under Mining Waste. In line with the MWD, the the Treaties can be done two years before the date of MEU, published the “Regulation on Mining Wastes EU membership is finalized [24]. (RMW) (Official Gazette Date: 15.07.2015; Num- Regulation of Control (RWPC) ber: 29417). Also, Regulation on Waste Manage- being the most important legislation applied in the ment (RWM) (Official Gazette Date: 02.04.2015; protection water resources is first issued in 1988, and Number: 29314) has been completely harmonized the current one has been in force since 2004 (Official with EU. Gazette Date: 31.12.2004; Number: 25687). Accord- RMW classifies mining wastes in three classes ing to RWPC, the discharge standards were deter- as “hazardous”, “non-hazardous” and “inert” wastes mined on a technological basis, each water mass was and addresses RWM for determination of hazardous- assumed to be the same and the same discharge ness in which, Annex-4 provides list of wastes in- standards were applied. cluding mining, Annex-3/A provides the hazardous- The principles related with the deep-sea dis- ness properties and Annex-3/B provides the limit charge of the wastewaters are defined in RWPC and values as references for their characterization. For the criteria are established in accordance with the do- the determination of the geochemical properties of mestic wastewater properties. Direct discharges to the waste and for the determination of ARD and ML the receiving environment of any kind of solid risk, the static and kinetic tests are requested. wastes, and sludge are prohibited. The dredging and management is one of the most seri- disposal of the dredged materials are subject to per- ous issues in operation [25] where the leach- mit of the MEU. There is a circular of MEU (2014/7) ate characterization is conducted according to the which defines the principles of deep sea discharge Regulation on Landfill (RL) (Official Gazette Date: project preparation. 26.03.2010; Number: 27533). The land deposition of The regulatory harmonization works within the tailings in impervious impondments was subject to scope of marine/coastal waters performed by the RL till to the enforcement of RMW. Ministry of Forests and Water Affairs (MFWA) and The sea disposal of mining waste is included in MEU are summarized in the following pharagraphs Article 22 of the RMW and the conditions to comply [26]. with are defined as follows:  Regulation on Management of Surface Wa-  As a result of waste characterization, min- ter Quality (RMSWQ) (Official Gazette Date: eral wastes which are defined as hazardous can not 30.11.2012; Number: 28483) has been issued target- be disposed in the seas surrounding Turkey. Only in- ting to identify and classify the biophysicochemical ert and non-hazardous mineral wastes can be dis- and hydromorphological qualities of surface, coastal posed in the anoxic layer of the Black Sea. and transitional waters; and to establish the princi-  There should be no geographical, topo- ples and procedures for the mitigation measures to graphical and geologically appropriate area in the be taken to achieve good water status. By the publi- terrestrial zone within an approximate radius of 30 cation of the the water quality classification articles km of the mine having inert and non-hazardous min- of RWPC have been repealed. eral wastes to dispose those tailings to Black Sea.  The chemical substances listed in Annex-1  A scientific report must be submitted to and Annex-2 of Regulation on the Control of Pollu- MEU representing the oceanographic and hydrody- tion of Water and its Surroundings Due to Hazardous namic conditions at the discharge location, assimila- Substances (Official Gazette Date: 26.11.2005; tion capacity of the sea, behaviour of discharge Number: 26005) has been updated and harmonized

6153 © by PSP Volume 26 – No. 10/2017 pages 6149-6158 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin in 2010 (Amendment Date: 30/3/2010-No:27537). other [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]. For instance, in the  In order to obtain good water status, the ex- upwelling systems, the contaminants in the tailings isting quality of the water masses has to be deter- plume will be transported from bottom to surface mined as well as their quantities. It is important to therefore negative impact on fishing, and deteriora- establish the National Monitoring Network and to tion of coastal water quality is unavoidable. The po- perform monitoring in an integrated way to perform tential environmental impacts of DSTP are listed as, monitoring within the scope of WFD. To comply (i) the loss of habitat at sea bottom ecosystem due to with the requirements of WFD, the Regulation on the the stored footprint area of tailings, (ii) impact on the Monitoring of Surface and Underground Waters deep-sea organisms due to the metal toxicity and (RMSUW), which includes the procedures and prin- chemical processes which leads bio-accumulation in ciples related with the monitoring of water quality the food chain. Therefore, the tailings characteriza- has been issued (Official Gazette Date: 11.02.2014; tion and determination of the background oceano- Number: 289105). graphic properties of the marine environment are the  The harmonization works for the Directive basic factors for the impact assessment of DSTP on the Management of Bathing Water Quality practice [11]. (2006/7/EC) are being performed jointly by the Water column measurements of CTD (Conduc- MEU and MFWA under the coordination of Ministry tivity/ Tempretature/ Density) and sea-current have of Health (MH). to be conducted in order to establish the hydrody- In addition to all the above legislation, the pro- namics of the sea environment and to predict the be- visions of the Law on Coast (LC) numbered 3621, havior of the discharge plume [27, 28]. In addition to the Regulation on the Implementation of the Law on the oceanographic measurements, the hydrodynamic Coasts (RILC) (Official Gazette: 3.08.1990; Num- loads have to be calculated and the structural behav- ber: 20594) and the Notification on the Planning and ior against those loads has to be assessed for the de- Application Process for Coastal Structures and Fa- sign of submarine pipelines [29]. The wave and cur- cilities (NPAPCSF) (Official Gazette: 06.07.2011; rent climate has to be conducted in accordance with Number: 27986) have to be complied with. The the measurements and meteorological data, the de- NPAPCSF requires, “Hydrographic and Oceano- sign wave and current properties have to be deter- graphic Report” approved by Naval Forces Com- mined and hydrodynamic forces that will act on the mand (NFC) Navigation, Hydrography and Ocean- structure have to be calculated [29]. Transportation ography Department. and sinking analysis, tension and deformation analy- Any mine that discharges process water into a sis of the pipeline and the geological and geophysical watercourse requires discharge licence accordance to studies have to be performed [29]. the Regulation on Environmental Permits and Li- The deep sea outfall design of tailings and the censes (Official Gazette: 10.09.2014 Number: domestic wastewater outfall design have different 29115). In Turkish Legislation, it is stated clearly principles. In the domestic wastewater case, the out- that discharges from waste management activities at let of the discharge, which has jet flow, through mine sites has to be controlled in a manner that small diameter diffusers is preferred to ensure a high causes no deterioration to local water quality both primary dilution (near-field dilution) with momen- surface waters and groundwater. The provincial di- tum principles. The waste plume, which has the ten- rectorate of Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Hus- dency of rising due to its density that is lower than bandary is included in the environmental permitting sea water, is subject to secondary dilution with the process under the Law on Water Products numbered effect of the currents and tertiary dilution in terms of 1380. bacterial decay. The tailings include mineral solids, therefore the risk of clogging of small holes is high, and therefore the use of diffusers is not possible. A TECHNICAL STUDIES ON DSTP DESIGN modeling study has to be performed to make predic- tions related with the post-discharge waste behavior. Since the tailings plume is heavier than the sea The first phase of the post-discharge behavior water, its buoyancy flux has a negative value and the of tailings consists of the near-field intense current plume will have the tendency of precipitating at the model. The purpose of this first phase model is to sea bottom. The potential impacts of DSTP depend simulate the behavior of the discharge plume, which on the receiving environment conditions as a result creates a current due to density, after leaving the of the interaction of biogeochemical, ecological, pipe, within small grids depending on the pipe diam- bathimetric and oceanographic properties with each eter [28, 29]. The second phase of the discharge plume fol-

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FIGURE 3 Physiography of Black Sea (http://www.eea.europa.eu/legal/copyright) [30]

lows that heavier solid particles remain in dense flow GENERAL PROPERTIES OF BLACK SEA and settle after being carried to far distances by grav- ity and bottom slope. This behavior is simulated The RMW addresses DSTP applications to within bigger grids with the far–field dense current Black Sea on special circumstances. Black Sea is a model. Lighter particles leave the dense current semi enclosed sea and is connected to the Mediterra- plume and constitute separate plumes at depths, nean Sea through Istanbul and Çanakkale straits and where the medium density is the same as the density to the Azov Sea through Kerch strait (Figure 3). of that fluid. Consequently, the dense current con- Black Sea basin is receiving an abundant taining heavy particles act as the continuity of the amount of rain. The amount of rain increases from discharge pipe carrying the materials to deeper zones the west towards the east and reaches an annual value [28, 29]. of 2500 mm [31]. The main components of water Measurement of physical and biogeochemical balance consist of the rivers, rain and the water com- parameters in the water column and in the sediment ing from the straits and evaporation and the water ex- is important for DSTP design and for monitoring the iting through the straits. The waters are anoxic after post discharge conditions. The monitoring pro- a depth of 150 – 200 meters [31, 32]. gramme to control the environmental impact inside The most important property of Black Sea, and around the deposit area usually covers the fol- which makes it different from other seas, is that the lowing parameters [1, 3]: deep basin waters are always anoxic and contain hy-  water column analyses on solids content drogen sulfur (H2S) in high concentrations, which in- (), salinity, oxygen content and temperature, crease towards the bottom [31, 32]. The basic reason trace metals and chemicles accociated with the tail- of this formation is the separation of the Mediterra- ings composition, nean Sea waters filling the entire bottom basin (>22  sediment analyses i.e. trace metals and ppt) from the lower saline waters at the surface (18 chemicles accociated with the tailings composition, ppt) [32]. The vertical mixtures in the Black Sea are  biological activity, effective up to the upper limit of halocline. There-  bioaccumulation to analyse potential tox- fore, the transportation of dissolved oxygen from the icity to aquatic and benthic life; oxygenated surface layer to the sulfur containing  annual video recording of the underwater deep waters is very limited [32, 33]. pipeline and discharge point in order to observe any Since the oxygen input does not meet the oxy- structural failure risks. In deep waters, where diving gen need of the aerobic bacteria, the disintegration of is risky and dangerous, ROV (remotely controlled the precipitating organic material occurs as the result 2- underwater vehicle) can be used. of sulfate (SO4 ) reduction by the anerobic bacteria

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and an environment with H2S occurs. In Black Sea  In Mediterranean Sea nutrient input is lim- ecosystem, the starting border of waters with H2S is ited. The transportation with rivers in coastal areas is 90 – 100 m in open waters, where cyclonic eddies more effective in Western Mediterranean Sea. In dominate and 160-180 m at the coasts [32]. The basic Eastern Mediterranean Sea, especially on open wa- circulation on the Black Sea basin is defined with cy- ters, the only resource is the bottom waters, which clonic eddies in the center; anti-cyclonic eddies are relatively rich in nutrients. Very strong vertical along the periphery and anti-cyclonic Batum Eddie mixtures are observed in the deep basins due to the at the eastern end, surrounded by the Rim Current dynamic structure of Eastern Mediterranean Sea and [34]. because of the climatic conditions, and oxygen exists The limiting values of “Trophic Levels of Sur- down to the bottom of the water column even in the face Water Masses” provided for Black Sea and deepest regions due to the effectiveness of vertical Marmara in Annex-7 of the Regulation on Surface mixture [33]. Water Quality Management, are given in Table 2.  Aegean Sea basin, which is in the northeast of Mediterranean Sea, remains generally within oli- TABLE 2 gotrophic limits; however, it can have more eu- Criteria for Black Sea and Mar- trophic properties in comparison with Mediterranean mara Sea Coastal and Transition Waters Sea with the effect of Black Sea waters in the north (RSWM, Annex-7) [33]. Water Quality DIN TP Chl a Secchi  Marmara Sea and the straits have a two – Class (µg/l) (µg/l) (µg/l) Disk(m) layer ecosystem. The low saline waters coming from Oligotrophic <20 <15 <0.7 >6 the Black Sea are in the upper water column of 15- Mesotrophic 20-140 15-30 0.7-3 3-6 20 m, while the Mediterranean Sea waters entering 141- Eutrophic 31-40 3.1-5 1.5-2.9 250 from Çanakkale are in the bottom basin [33]. Hypertrophic >250 >40 >5 <1.5  Black Sea basin is receiving an enormous DIN: (nitrate + nitrite + ammonium)- represent the total amount of rain. The amount of rain increases from Dissolved Nitrogen. the west towards the east and reaches an annual value of 2500 mm [32, 33]. The most important property of Black Sea, which makes it different from other CONCLUSIONS seas, is that the deep basin waters under the oxygen- ated surface layer are always anoxic and contain H2S The waste management strategy has to be based in high concentrations, which increase towards the on methods, which will not pose any risks on the bottom [32, 33]. The basic reason of this formation public health and safety, where the social and envi- is the separation of the Mediterranean Sea waters ronmental impacts remain within acceptable limits. filling the entire bottom basin (>22 ppt) from the As recommended in the EU legislation and IFC lower saline waters at the surface (18 ppt) [32, 33]. Standards, DSTP method can be used by researching The vertical mixtures in the Black Sea are effective all disposal methods scientifically with a full analy- up to the upper limit of halocline. Therefore, the sis and risk assessment. In regions where the sea is transportation of dissolved oxygen from the oxygen close and deep, precipitation is high, vaporization is containing surface layer to the sulfur containing deep low and land waste disposal methods are risky, waters is very limited. DSTP method provides more advantages in compar- When the biogeochemical properties of the seas ison with other methods. Another advantage of of our country are taken into consideration in terms DSTP method is the prevention of ARD and ML for- of DSTP application Black Sea has an important ad- mation for tailings containing sulfur. The factors cre- vantage due to lack of biological life in anoxic deep ating risks for the ecosystem can be eliminated with bottom waters containing high concentrations of the discharge of tailings in aphotic and anoxic deep H2S. The formation of sediments due to the reaction layer, where there is no upwelling. of dissolved metals in the H2S containing anoxic Since the tailings discharge is heavier than the layer provides an advantage in terms of their limited sea water, its buoyancy flux has a negative value and mobility in the water column. The impact on habitat the discharge plume has the tendency of sinking on will unlikely to occur due to tailinds disposal within the sea bottom. The potential impacts of DSTP ap- the anoxic layer since there is no biological life. plications depend on the environmentalconditions to However structural risks regarding the submerged a great extent as the result of the interaction of the pipeline remain inherent and must be assessed cau- biogeochemical, ecologic, bathymetric and oceano- tiously and in detail. graphic properties with each other. Hence, the re- In Mediterranean and Aegean seas any DSTP ceiving environment quality standards have to be as- practice may have drastic impacts due to the com- sessed differently in each sea region. The seas sur- plex oceanographic and hydrodynamic properties of rounding Turkey have unique biogeochemical prop- those marine systems. erties that are different from each other: The method of tailings disposal is decided in

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