Arxiv:2012.04149V1 [Cond-Mat.Quant-Gas] 8 Dec 2020 Example, the Formation of Quantum Vortices When the System Is Enclosed in a Rotating Container

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Arxiv:2012.04149V1 [Cond-Mat.Quant-Gas] 8 Dec 2020 Example, the Formation of Quantum Vortices When the System Is Enclosed in a Rotating Container Fermionic Superfluidity: From Cold Atoms to Neutron Stars Annette Lopez,1, 2 Patrick Kelly,1 Kaelyn Dauer,1 and Ettore Vitali1, 3 1Department of Physics, California State University Fresno, Fresno, California 93740 2Department of Physics, Brown University, Rhode Island 02912 3Department of Physics, The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia 23187 From flow without dissipation of energy to the formation of vortices when placed within a rotating container, the superfluid state of matter has proven to be a very interesting physical phenomenon. Here we present the key mechanisms behind superfluidity in fermionic systems and apply our un- derstanding to an exotic system found deep within the universe|the superfluid found deep within a neutron star. A defining trait of a superfluid is the pairing gap, which the cooling curves of neu- tron stars depend on. The extreme conditions surrounding a neutron star prevent us from directly probing the superfluid’s properties, however, we can experimentally realize conditions resembling the interior through the use of cold atoms prepared in a laboratory and simulated on a computer. Experimentalists are becoming increasingly adept at realizing cold atomic systems in the lab that mimic the behavior of neutron stars and superconductors. In their turn, computational physicists are leveraging the power of supercomputers to simulate interacting atomic systems with unprece- dented accuracy. This paper is intended to provide a pedagogical introduction to the underlying concepts and the possibility of using cold atoms as a tool that can help us make significant strides towards understanding exotic physical systems. I. INTRODUCTION superfluidity, and in particular fermionic superfluidity, is described only in very advanced books and papers, which Moving from the \comfort zone" of classical mechanics makes it very hard for a student to have access to this to the more mysterious realm of quantum physics opens very beautiful chapter in physics. We argue on the other the possibility to explore the behavior of nature at a hand that although the phenomenon appears, or is ex- deeper and very fascinating level. In general, the transi- pected to appear, in some of the most complicated sys- tion from classical to quantum mechanics corresponds to tems in nature, like quantum liquids, the interior of neu- the investigation of microscopic systems: we know that tron stars and superconductors, the underlying physics the motion of matter at the length scale of nuclei and elec- can be captured by some simple and fundamental \in- trons is governed by the celebrated Schr¨odingerequation. gredients". Nevertheless, in some important cases, quantum effects The purpose of this work is to present the key physi- do not remain hidden in the realm of microscopic sys- cal mechanisms underlying superfluidity in a simple but tems but manifest in macroscopic systems, giving rise to precise way, so that students or teachers will be able to plenty of exciting and puzzling physical behaviors that comfortably fill the gap between basic quantum mechani- challenge our intuition and understanding. In fact, the cal problems, like free particles, harmonic oscillators and subtle interplay between quantum mechanics, quantum simple atoms, and more mysterious and fascinating sys- statistics, and interatomic forces give rise to a huge num- tems, like superfluid neutrons deep inside a neutron star. ber of fascinating phenomena. We will also shed light into the connection between two A crucial example of such a phenomenon is certainly apparently disconnected fields of physics, and namely superfluidity, together with the closely related supercon- atomic physics and nuclear astrophysics. The term \uni- ductivity. Superfluidity is a unique state of matter char- versality" frequently emerges in physics, and in this con- acterized by the ability of a system to flow without fric- text it may be the key to \reproduce" in a laboratory −9 tion. This results in some spectacular behaviors strongly on earth, at temperatures of the order of 10 K, the challenging our common sense, like the observation of conditions that exist deep within a neutron star, where thin films of liquid helium climbing the walls of a con- the temperature is of the order of hundreds of millions of tainer seemingly defying gravity. Moreover, the super- Kelvins. In a few words, if we put together a collection of 6 fluid state of matter displays other unique properties, for fermions, for example Li atoms in a laboratory or neu- trons in a star, and we have an attractive force acting arXiv:2012.04149v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas] 8 Dec 2020 example, the formation of quantum vortices when the system is enclosed in a rotating container. Although his- among them, then we are in the conditions to observe a torically superfluidity was first observed in bosonic sys- Fermi superfluid and the behavior of this superfluid will tems, and namely in 4He samples at temperatures below be universal, largely independent from the properties of the celebrated \lambda-temperature", T = 2:2 K, we the microscopic constituents. We will discuss the foun- now know that the phenomenon can also be observed in dations and we will discuss the evidence that strongly fermionic systems. Even more interestingly, it appears suggests that such a system indeed exists inside a neu- to play a crucial role in some of the most fascinating tron star and it plays a major role in the behavior of the and elusive systems in the universe, like unconventional star itself. superconductors and neutron stars. To our knowledge, This paper is organized as follows: we start with an in- 2 troduction to Fermi gases, beginning with a description of non-interacting systems and moving to the \univer- sality" of an ultracold interacting Fermi gas, then apply our discussion to the proposed superfluid deep inside a neutron star. We aim to elaborate on the phenomena of glitches in a neutron star as well as to introduce the su- perfluid pairing gap, which the cooling curves of neutron stars are dependent upon. II. FERMI GASES Three \ingredients" play a crucial role in fermionic su- 1 perfluidity: quantum mechanics, Fermi statistics and an x attractive force among the fermions. We will now exam- ine these in some detail and we will discuss the emergence of superfluidity from the interplay among the three. x2 From fundamental quantum mechanics, we know how to begin building the mathematical description of the FIG. 1. Illustration of fermion wave function antisymmetry. motion of N spin-1=2 fermions (for example electrons or neutrons) of mass m. We ultimately want to find dimension. The wave function of the system, Ψ(x1; x2), the wave function of the system, Ψ(r1σ1;:::; rN σN ; t), where we omit the spin variables to keep the notation 3 where ri 2 R is the position variable, σi ="; # is the simple, yields the probability density for the positions of spin variable and t is time. The wave function satisfies the two particles: Schr¨odinger'sequation: 2 jΨ(x1; x2)j dx1dx2 (4) @ i Ψ = H^ Ψ (1) ~@t In other words, it is the probability to observe one neu- tron between x1 and x1 + dx1 and one neutron between where H^ is the hamiltonian operator of the system: x2 and x2 + dx2. A fundamental principle in quantum statistics is that identical particles are indistinguishable: H^ = T^ + V^ it is impossible to design an experiment which allows us N to label the particles. This implies that the probability 2 X T^ = − ~ r2 density must remain invariant if we swap the variables: 2m i i=1 (2) 2 2 jΨ(x1; x2)j = jΨ(x2; x1)j (5) N ^ X V = v(^ri − ^rj) When the particle are fermions, in particular, the above i<j=1 condition is realized by antisymmetric wave functions: and where v(^ri − ^rj) is the interaction potential energy Ψ(x1; x2) = −Ψ(x2; x1) (6) of particles i and j. It is possible to add an external field in which our fermions move, like the electric field cre- An example of an antisymmetric wave function is illus- ated by the nuclei in a solid, but we will not need these trated in figure 1. An immediate consequence is that the extensions for the purpose of this paper. For a more de- wave function identically vanishes whenever x1 = x2, the tailed discussion of this topic, please see for example [1]. dotted line in the figure: two fermions with the same Since we are dealing with fermions, the wave function Ψ spin orientation cannot be in the same position. More is antisymmetric with respect to an exchange of particle generally, two fermions cannot be in the same quantum labels, that is: state: this is the mathematical expression of the cele- brated Pauli principle. Ψ(::: riσi ::: rjσj; : : : t) = −Ψ(::: rjσj ::: riσi; : : : t) (3) This is a fundamental postulate of quantum mechanics. A. The Fermi sea In fact, from (3), it follows that we can never have two fermions with the same spin orientation occupying the Whenever there is no interaction and thus the hamil- same position. tonian has only the kinetic term H^ = T^, it is relatively To understand this point better, imagine we have a simple to solve Schr¨odinger'sequation. In particular, we source preparing two quantum particles, say two neu- can explicitly find the lowest energy stationary state of trons, with the same spin orientation σ, for example the system, called the ground state of the system. Math- σ =". For simplicity, we assume the particles move in one ematically, the ground state is the eigenvector of the 3 hamiltonian corresponding to the minimum eigenvalue. Fermi gases respectively, are known as dispersion curves. Physically, the ground state wave function is the equilib- Geometrically, the set of occupied momenta is a sphere rium state of the system when the temperature is T = 0 in three dimensions , visualized in figure 4: this sphere K and it is frequently called the Fermi sea.
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